Chapter 11
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Later that evening as Leo and Sheldon were having their date night at Leo’s apartment they were suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.
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“ Who in the name of Einstein could that be?”, Sheldon asked as he stood up from the couch.
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“ I don’t know, let me go see.”, Leo said as she stood up and walked over to the door. When she looked through the peephole she said, “What the hell?! It’s my friend Carmen!” before she opened the door and asked, “ Carmen what are you doing here?”
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“ I came here to apologize to you for getting you in trouble the other night. I shouldn’t have talked you into doing that, that was really inappropriate and I’m sorry Leo.”, Carmen said as she rubbed the back of her head.
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“ It’s ok, I accept your apology.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh and I’m also sorry to you too Sheldon. I got a little too crazy for our first meeting so let’s start that over, hi I’m Carmen Owosski.”, Carmen said with a smile.
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“ Thank you and nice to meet you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ You too. So did I interrupt something here?”, Carmen asked.
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“ Yeah we were kind of in the middle of our date night.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh, well then I guess I should go. I’m sorry for intruding on such a short notice, I just wanted to apologize.”, Carmen said.
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“ Well that was greatly appreciated. Thank you Carmen.”, Sheldon said.
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“ No problem. Carry on.”, Carmen said before she left. Leo shut the door behind her. As Sheldon and Leo went back to watching a movie Penny suddenly walked in on them without bothering to knock.
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“ Um, Penny, what are you doing?!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her friend.
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“ Oh sorry Leo I just came to borrow some coffee, I ran out of it.”, Penny said as she walked into the kitchen and helped herself to some coffee.
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“ Well good Lord Penny, do you get pleasure of mooching off of others?! I mean you steal mine and Leonard’s stuff all the time why not steal Leo’s stuff too?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at his blonde-headed neighbor.
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“ Oh shut the hell up Dr. Whack-a-doodle! Quit being such a giant pain in the a**!”, Penny hissed at him.
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“ Are you going to quit being a big ol’ five?”, Sheldon retaliated.
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“ Of course not!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Then we’re done talking.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Would you guys just shut up?! Penny please kindly grab what you need and get out of my apartment! You’re interrupting mine and Sheldon’s date night!”, Leo hissed at her friend and her boyfriend.
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“ Ok I’m going I’m going!”, Penny exclaimed as she grabbed the Ziplock bag of coffee before walking out the door. But, before she walked away she asked, “ What are you guys doing?
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“ We’re watching a movie now get out!”, Leo hissed before she politely slammed the door shut in Penny’s face.
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“ Well good Lord woman! Could you slam that door any harder?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ Oh just shut it Sheldon! Let’s just continue to watch the movie!”, Leo said as she sat back down next to her boyfriend on the couch.
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“ Alright, very well.”, Sheldon said. After the movie was over Sheldon looked down to see that Leo had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Instead of waking her up he carefully lifted her up into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. Sheldon then dressed her for bed before tucking her in. He kissed her on the head and whispered, “ Good night Leo, I love you.” before leaving the apartment.
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The next morning while the others were at Caltech, Leo’s other friends decided to drag her out to hang out with them since it was Leo’s day off. They went to a quarry pond for a day of swimming. Leo began to get nervous as they stood on an abandoned railroad trestle.
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“ I don’t know about this guys. This seems really dangerous.”, Leo said biting her lip as she stared at the water below.
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“ Oh come on, lighten up Leo! This will be fun!”, Megynn said as she climbed up on the railing before jumping off taking a nose dive into the water exclaiming, “ Banzai!”
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“ Come on you guys! The water’s great!”, Megynn exclaimed as she popped her head up from the water.
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“ Your turn Leo!”, Melissa exclaimed as she lifted her friend up onto the railing.
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“ Ok I don’t think this is such a... Ahhhhhhh!”, Leo said before screaming as she plunged into the water after Melissa playfully shoved her off. When she resurfaced she stared up at her other friends and screamed, “ Are you fracking kidding me Melissa Kendra Bustamante?! You almost killed me!”
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“ Oh come on Fordyce! Lighten up!”, Melissa exclaimed before diving into the water. Morgan, Carmen, Shelina, and Kemdan followed suit.
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“ That’s Dr. Fordyce to you! You know I’m a theoretical physicist! I have a Ph.D and oh my god something just bit my foot!”, Leo screamed as she flinched nearly jumping out of the water.
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“Aha ha ha ha ha!”, Kemdan laughed as he popped his head up from behind Leo.
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“ Kemdan Ryan Castle! I’m going to get you for that you asshole! Come here so I can thump you on your La Cabeza!”, Leo hissed as she swam after her Latino friend who was laughing his head off. The other 5 women were laughing too as they watched their two friends screw around with each other. But after a while Leo started getting cramps in her legs and was finding it a little bit harder to move.
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“ Ok guys I think we really need to get out now! I can barely feel my legs!”, Leo exclaimed as she then tried to swim toward a sand bank.
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“ Yeah me too! Come on guys let’s get out!”, Morgan exclaimed as she followed Leo. The others followed suit. Once they got up on dry land and headed to Carmen’s car to dry off Leo then heard her phone ding indicating she had a text message.
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“ Who texted?”, Megynn asked.
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“ My boyfriend Sheldon. He was just asking me where I am.”, Leo said as she looked at the message. It said:
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Hello Leo it’s Sheldon. Where are you?
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Leo texted: I’m with my friends. We just got done swimming the whole morning and I’m on my way back. Are you done working?
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Yes and Leonard is driving me home. I shall see you in a few minutes.
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Leo texted: Ok see you soon.
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Apartment 2A
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Leo had barely just sat down on her couch working on her laptop when Sheldon walked in.
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“ Hello.”, Sheldon said as he took his shoulder bag off his shoulder and placed it on the floor against the couch.
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“ Hi.”, Leo said as she looked at her boyfriend before continuing to type on her laptop that was sitting on her knees.
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“ Good Lord woman, your hair is still wet!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I know I told you that my friends and I have been swimming all morning Dr. Cooper.”, Leo said.
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“ Come with me.”, Sheldon said as he walked his girlfriend to the bathroom.
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“ What are we doing in my bathroom?”, Leo asked.
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“ I’m drying your hair off.”, Sheldon said as he grabbed a towel and started rubbing her hair.
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“ Why?”, Leo asked.
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“ Because I don’t want you taking a nap with wet hair. You’ll just get sick.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Aw come on Sheldon?!”, Leo protested as she was carried to her bedroom.
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“ I don’t want to hear it Leo. I said it’s nap time. You’ve been swimming all morning and you’re clearly exhausted.”, Sheldon said as he placed her in her bed.
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“ This is stupid.”, Leo said.
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“ Don’t argue with me. Go to sleep.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as she kissed Sheldon before she fell asleep.
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Later that evening the gang went to a nightclub despite Sheldon complaining about it. They met up with Leo’s other friends and while they were there Leo spotted a man that she recognized.
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“ Danny?”, Leo asked as she walked up to him.
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“ Leo?”, the man asked as he turned around and saw her.
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“ OH MY GOD!”, they exclaimed as they threw their arms around each other.
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“ I haven’t seen you in like 10 years!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I know me too! What a coincidence that we would both be here at the same time and run into each other!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ I know, right?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You know this guy Leo?!”, Penny exclaimed as she walked up with the others.
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“ Yeah Penny, this is Danny Metcalf! He used to live down the street from me when we were kids! We used to stand at the end of his driveway and chat with each other whenever I walked by his house!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ So are you two friends?!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ We’re more like casual friends Amy! We didn’t hang out much but we did talk a lot, oh and one time we had a dance battle on his front lawn in front of his house!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Yeah it’s true! It was pretty sick!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Speaking of which, you want to have one right now?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh are you kidding me?! Hell yeah I do!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ You guys want to see a dance off between Danny and I?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Yeah!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ Go for it bi**h!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Don’t hurt yourself though!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I won’t Sheldon! Come here!”, Leo exclaimed as she pulled Sheldon toward her and kissed him.
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“ D*mn you woman!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Alright let’s do this Metcalf!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You got it Fordyce!”, Danny exclaimed. They walked up to the dj and Leo said, “ Excuse me, we’d like to request a dance battle.”
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“ Alright and what are your names?”, the dj asked.
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“ Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce.”, Leo said.
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“ Officer Danny Leroy Metcalf.”, Danny said.
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“ Officer?!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her former neighbor/friend.
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“ Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I recently got a job as a police officer.”, Danny said.
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“ A doctor vs a police officer?! Dude, this is gonna be epic!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You’re a doctor?!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Yeah, I’m a theoretical physicist.”, Leo said.
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“ Nice!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Alright yo yo yo, we got a requested dance battle in da house tonight! This battle is between Officer Danny Leroy Metcalf and Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce!”, the dj shouted into the mic as the whole club went wild.
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“ Alejandra?!”, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Stuart, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Yes, that’s her middle name.”, Morgan said. As the music started everyone started screaming and cheering. The song that Leo picked was a hip-hop/pop remix of Natasha Bedingfield’s Pocketful of Sunshine. The multi-colored disco lights came on as Danny kicked it off by doing a foot stomp then criss-crossed his feet before doing the splits and began to break dance. When he paused he threw his finger at Leo who then showed off a few moves as well. As the two of them went back and forth circling each other something very shady was going on behind a wall that was facing Leo and Danny.
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‘ Ugh, look at her! She thinks she’s so special just because she’s in the same field as Dr. Cooper! God I hate that woman so much, I wished she never existed!’, Ramona thought as she stared at Leo.
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‘ Not to mention her name is completely stupid too! Who the hell names their daughter Leo?! I have to figure out a way to get rid of her!’, Ramona thought but then when she looked up to the ceiling she got an idea. She began climbing up the scaffolding behind her trying really hard not to make a sound. She didn’t want anybody to hear her or see her but unfortunately for her she was spotted by Kemdan who then notified a security guard.
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“ Hey! What do you think you’re doing up here young lady?! You’re not supposed to be up here!”, the security guard shouted at Ramona when he came up from the stairwell.
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“ Uh… well… I was trying to fix the lighting.”, Ramona lied as she stared at the guard with a nervous smile.
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“ Yeah I’m not buying it. I think you came up here to start some trouble and I don’t appreciate that. Get out of my club!”, the security guard said as he tried to grab her.
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“ No, get off of me! Leave me alone!”, Ramona screamed as she tried to back away from him.
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“ Stop resisting me!”, the guard shouted as he threw Ramona over his shoulder and carried her down the stairwell.
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“ Hey! Put me down you muscle-bound freak! Get your hands off me!”, Ramona screamed as she kicked her legs like a 4 year old.
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“ Stop kicking me! Now get out!”, the guard shouted as he threw her out the back door of the club. As Ramona tried to get back in the door was slammed in her face and locked.
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“ Let me back in you jerk!”, Ramona shouted as she pounded on the door with her fists but stopped when she realized that it wasn’t working.
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‘ Fine then, no problem. I’ll just find my own way back in.’, Ramona thought.
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Inside the club
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“ Fordyce! Fordyce! Fordyce! Come on you guys, do it with me!”, Morgan chanted. The others joined in while Danny’s friends were chanting, “ Metcalf! Metcalf! Metcalf!” The chanting continued until Ramona dropped out of the skylight landing on top of Leo.
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“ Ahhhhhhh somebody help me! This woman’s attacking me!”, Leo screamed as she tried to shield her face from Ramona’s repetitive blows to her head.
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“ Hey get off of her!”, Danny shouted as he suddenly speared Ramona to the floor.
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“ Ramona?!”, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Stuart, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ D*mn, that’s some crazy sh*t!”, an African American dude with an affro exclaimed from the crowd.
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“ Hey how did you get back in here?! I thought I just kicked you out!”, the same guard shouted at Ramona as he pushed his way through the crowd with several other security guards as his back up.
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“ I came in through the roof you dummy! Get your hands off me!”, Ramona shouted at the guard before shouting at Danny as she tried to struggle against the handcuffs that Danny slapped on her wrists.
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“ I don’t think so! You’re under arrest!”, Danny said.
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“ For what?! I don’t even understand what I did!”, Ramona shouted in his face.
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“ For trespassing and assult and battery!”, Danny said.
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“ Oh shut up!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ Don’t speak to me like that, I’m a police officer! Doing what you did in front of me was clearly not a bright idea! What did you think by doing that was going to accomplish?!”, Danny asked.
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“ Getting the threat out of my way!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ Excuse me but what the hell are you talking about?!”, Morgan shouted.
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“ Her! She’s the threat in my way! Dr. Cooper’s mine!”, Ramona shouted as she kicked a leg out at Leo.
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“ WHAT?!”, Morgan, Carmen, Shelina, Kemdan, Melissa, and Megynn exclaimed as they stared at Ramona.
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“ Alright you know what Dr. Nowitzki you’re gonna…!”, Leo shouted but before she was about to swing at Ramona, Danny held his arm up and shouted, “ Leo I got this! There’s no reason to swing at her!” Then he asked, “ Now what is the problem?!”
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“ I just told you! Leo has the guy I want!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ Ramona there is nothing going on between you and I! We’re just mearly collegues, that’s it!”, Sheldon stated with his arms crossed in front of him.
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“ Bullshit! I know there’s something there, you’re just too blind to see it!”, Ramona shouted at Sheldon.
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“ Bullsh*t my a**! This is just a stupid little fantasy you have built up inside your head!”, Leo shouted.
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“ It’s not a fantasy, it’s a dream and I’m determined to make that a reality by getting rid of you, you stupid bi**h!”, Ramona shouted as she kicked Leo who retaliated by kicking her back shouting, “ Oh you’re so going down now for that Nowitzki!” The two women started swinging at each other after Ramona broke the handcuffs.
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“ No I’m not, you are!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Get out of my face!”, Leo screamed.
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“ Girl fight!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Dude, you’re not helping!”, Danny shouted at Howard.
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“ Yeah Wolowitz! Ow you’re hurting me!”, Leo screamed at Howard before screaming at Ramona.
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“ Oh shut up!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ No you shut up before I deck you! I don’t appreciate you coming here trying to steal my boyfriend!”, Leo screamed. The two of them continued to swing at each other and scream until Danny shoved them apart.
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“ I said that’s enough! Now Miss Nowitzki you’re going to have to go away!”, Danny shouted.
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“ That’s Dr. Nowitzki to you!”, Ramona screamed after being restrained again.
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“ Whatever! Let’s go!”, Danny shouted as he dragged her out of the club. The club goers applauded and cheered.
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“ So long bitch!”, Leo shouted. Then she exclaimed, “ Well that just turned into a completely crazy night!”
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“ Yeah I’ll say! Are you okay Leo?!”, Shelina asked.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Shelina. Let’s just call it a night you guys.”, Leo said. The others agreed and they left the club.
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Apartment 2A
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“ Leo are you sure you’re okay?”, Sheldon asked as he helped his girlfriend sit down on the couch.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Sheldon. Can you just get me some ice please?”, Leo said as she rested her back against the couch. Sheldon nodded his head and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and wrapped it in a towel before handing it to her.
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“ Oh god my eye is throbbing! I think Ramona gave me a black eye!”, Leo exclaimed as she held the ice pack to her eye.
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“ Well let me see it for a second.”, Sheldon said. Leo removed the ice pack from her eye and Sheldon exclaimed, “ Good Lord woman, I’ve never seen an eye so black and swollen in my entire life! Ramona is very lucky she didn’t punch your eye out!”
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“ Yeah well the next time she hits me I’m going to deck her!”, Leo exclaimed as she placed the ice pack back on her eye.
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“ Leo I doubt knocking her to the ground with a punch is going to do anything.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah well it sure as hell might teach her a lesson about trying to be a bi**hy little home wrecker! That woman is nothing but a skanky a** whore!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Okay I think it’s time to go to bed.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah I think you’re right. I just want to forget about this crazy night.”, Leo said. The two physicists got ready for bed before falling asleep in Leo’s bed. But in the middle of the night something bizarre happened that had never happened before.
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“ Leo?”, Sheldon asked as he sat up to find his girlfriend thrashing around the bed with her eyes closed. He could hear her muffled screams into the pillow as well as she thrashed around.
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“ Leo! Leo! Dr. Fordyce!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he reached over to touch her making her eyes spring open. Leo let out a gasp as she laid there.
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“ Calm down, it’s just me.”, Sheldon said.
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“ What just happened?!”, Leo asked as she started to calm down.
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“ I believe what you were experiencing was a night terror. Are you alright?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah I think so.”, Leo said.
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“ Do you wish to talk about it Dr. Fordyce?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No Dr. Cooper. Let’s just go to sleep.”, Leo said as she fell back asleep.
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“ Well alright.”, Sheldon said as he went back to sleep but woke back up and said, “ But if you ever wish to talk about it...”
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“ I said I don’t want to talk about it Sheldon.”, Leo said in her sleep.
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“ Alright then, I shall leave it at that Leo. Good night.”, Sheldon said before falling back asleep.
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“ Thank you. Good night.”, Leo said in her sleep.
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The next day Sheldon told Leonard, Howard, and Raj about what happened with Leo the night before.
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“ Really? That’s very odd. Are you sure she did this Sheldon?”, Leonard asked as he scratched his head.
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“ Yes. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it and she said no.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well don’t pressure her about it Sheldon. When she wants to talk about it she will.”, Howard said.
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“ Yeah, dude, she’s your girlfriend. Just give her some space, you know.”, Raj said.
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“ Yeah, Raj is right. Leo doesn’t have to tell you everything right away Sheldon.”, Leonard said.
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“ I suppose you’re right Leonard. There’s no reason why we both can’t benefit from this.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Exactly.”, Leonard said.
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“ What were you guys just talking about?”, Amy asked as she approached the table.
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“ It’s nothing Amy. Sheldon’s just a little concerned about Leo.”, Leonard said.
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“ Why? What’s going on with Leo?”, Amy asked.
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“ She had a night terror last night and doesn’t want to talk about it.”, Howard said.
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“ That’s odd, this is the first time I’m hearing about this.”, Amy said.
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“ Us too.”, Raj said.
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“ I could maybe observe her and study her behavior. I am a neurobiologist, you know.”, Amy said.
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“ Yes, we’re very well aware of your field of study Amy but I’m just not sure if this is going to work.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Trust me Sheldon, it will work.”, Amy said.
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“ So you’re suggesting that I let my ex-girlfriend study the behaviors of my current girlfriend?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes. Think of this as a discrete experiment.”, Amy said.
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“ Well alright. But how are you going to do this without her noticing?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I’ll figure out a way.”, Amy said.
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Later at Penny’s apartment
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“ So Leo, what did you do today?”, Penny asked.
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“ Oh nothing much, I talked to my sister Kennedy today on the phone for a couple hours. She met a new guy at her workplace and she told me that they hit it off with each other.”, Leo said as she took a sip of her wine.
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“ Really? Did she say what his name was?”, Bernadette asked.
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“ I think she said his name was Marcus but not quite sure. Anyway, she seemed kind of happy when she told me.”, Leo said.
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“ Do you think she’s over that other jerk?”, Amy asked.
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“ Oh yeah totally. She hasn’t once brought him up since I revealed his true colors to her.”, Leo said.
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“ I thought Sheldon told her too.”, Penny said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAP8PLAH9uIJ
“ No Penny that was all me. Sheldon just asked her why she would chose to be with a guy like that.”, Leo said.
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“ And what did she say when Sheldon asked her that?”, Penny asked.
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“ Her response was, “ Because he was nice to me when we first met and that’s what attracted me to him!”, Leo said.
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“ Holy crap on a cracker!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Your sister seems very easy to manipulate.”, Bernadette said.
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“ I know Bernie, she is.”, Leo said.
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“ Did you tell Sheldon about this?”, Amy asked.
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“ Yeah I told him on the plane when we were all coming back from Savannah. He pretty much just stared at me and asked me what the hell was wrong with my sister. I told him that I didn’t know.”, Leo said.
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“ You don’t know what’s wrong with your sister?! She’s nuts, that’s what’s wrong!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I know. Excuse me for a second Penny, I’m going to use your bathroom.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok Leo.”, Penny said.
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“ Thanks.”, Leo said with a smile before getting up from her chair to walk toward Penny’s bathroom. Amy then took out a spiral notebook and began making a few notes as she periodically glanced in Leo’s direction.
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“ Amy what the hell are you doing?!”, Penny exclaimed as she stared at her best friend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWtgp0QJNrO
“ I’m writing some notes about Leo.”, Amy said.
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“ Why are you doing that?!”, Bernadette asked.
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“ Okay don’t tell Leo any of this, but, I’m observing her behavior.”, Amy said.
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“ Why?”, Penny asked.
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“ Because Sheldon’s a little concerned about her. She had a night terror last night.”, Amy said.
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“ Really? She seems ok to us.”, Bernadette said but the second she said that a blood-curdling scream was heard from the bathroom.
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“ What the hell?!”, Penny exclaimed as her and the other two women saw their friend come running out of the bathroom screaming, “ No, get away from me! Leave me alone Dr. Devon Stormbender! Ahhhhhhh!” before running out of the apartment and down the stairs. Her apartment door slammed shut moments later.
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“ Does that classify as ok to you?”, Amy asked as she pointed after Leo.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ I think we’ve got a problem on our hands.”, Bernadette said. Amy nodded her head and continued to write down more notes. Sheldon suddenly came over and asked, “ Did I just hear Leo screaming and running down the stairs?!”
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“ Yeah you did Sheldon. She was fine a minute ago but then she screamed out of nowhere.”, Penny said as she took a sip of her wine.
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“ Interesting, then I guess I shall go see if she’s alright.”, Sheldon said before leaving.
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Apartment 2A: Leo’s bedroom
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Leo laid on her bed curled up in a ball as her body shuttered in fear. Seeing the sudden hallucination of her enemy behind her holding a machete as she was using her friend’s bathroom completely frightened her. She started to cry as her body continued to shutter and shake. Leo had never been so scared in her entire life but as she tried to calm herself down a series of familiar knocks were heard on her bedroom door.
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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“ Come in!”, Leo cried out in a frightened tone.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Leo!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he walked into the room and saw the state his girlfriend was in. As he rushed to her side he asked, “ Are you alright?!”
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“ I’m completely terrified!”, Leo cried out.
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“ By what Dr. Fordyce?!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I don’t want to talk about it right now Dr. Cooper! I just want to be left alone!”, Leo cried out.
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“ In this state?! No, that’s not even an option! Come here!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he embraced her small frame and gently rubbed her back. The warm feeling of her boyfriend’s gentle touch comforted her and she stopped crying. His scent was also comforting too. Leo’s lips curled up into a soft smile as she rested her head against Sheldon’s chest. It was at that moment that she felt kind of reassured that she was safe and that all she wanted was to be embraced in Sheldon’s arms. But over the course of several weeks her night terrors continued and her behavior was becoming more erratic. Amy continued to study her friend without having Leo finding out about it much to the dismay of Penny and Bernadette. They still thought this was ridiculous even though they were really worried about her. Every time Leo screamed for no reason she kept screaming the same name. The gang wasn’t sure who their friend was talking about as this wasn’t a name that they had ever heard before. Feeling desperate for answers, Amy suggested that they go to Leo’s apartment so that she could monitor Leo’s brain wave activity as she slept.
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“ Sheldon, do you and Leonard still have the emergency key to Leo’s apartment?”, Amy asked as her and her friends quietly stood outside the door of apartment 2A.
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“ Of course we do Amy. Why would you ask a silly question like that?”, Sheldon said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key to Leo’s apartment.
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“ Just checking. Hand it over.”, Amy said as she held out her palm. Sheldon gave her the key.
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“ Amy are you sure we should be doing this? Leo said she doesn’t like people coming into her apartment in the middle of the night.”, Penny said.
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“ I know she said that Penny but this is important, it’s for science.”, Amy said as she quietly stuck the key in the door and opened the door.
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“ Would you guys keep it down?! You’re going to wake up Leo!”, Leonard quietly hissed at his friends as they walked in through the door.
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“ Leonard you screaming at us is going to wake her up!”, Howard quietly hissed back at the experimental physicist.
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“ I’m not screaming Wolowitz!”, Leonard quietly hissed back at the Jewish aerospace engineer.
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“ Would you two asshats shut up?!”, Raj quietly hissed at his two friends.
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“ All of you idiots just shut up! What the hell is wrong with you?!”, Bernadette quietly hissed at them.
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“ Bernie!”, Amy quietly hissed at Bernadette before quietly opening Leo’s bedroom door. As they walked in quietly they could see Leo sleeping peacefully in her bed but they also noticed that the tv in bedroom was still on. It looked like to them that Leo had fallen asleep while watching an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit(SVU) before the current episode ended and a new one began to start.
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“ In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories( ba-bong judge’s gavel sound effect).”
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“ Law and Order: Special Victims Unit? Why the hell would Leo be watching this?”, Penny whispered as she stared at the tv screen.
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“ It’s a good show Penny. Millions of people watch it just like millions of people watch NCIS too.”, Leonard whispered.
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“ Oh don’t mention those NCIS ba****ds Leonard! I’m still mad at them for cutting my diner scene!”, Penny hissed in a whisper.
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“ Can we discuss this later bestie?”, Amy whispered as she carefully attached her electrode wires to Leo’s head without waking her up. Amy then set up her laptop connecting the wires to it.
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“ Ok we’re all set. Let’s see what happens.”, Amy whispered as she stared at the screen of her laptop.
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“ Getting any results yet Amy?”, Howard whispered as the other’s gathered around Amy.
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“ Not yet. Brain activity is still normal.”, Amy whispered. 20 minutes in, Leo started twitching which then turned into thrashing indicating that she was having another night terror.
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“ Ok now I’m getting something.”, Amy whispered as she stared at her laptop screen watching her friend’s brain waves go awol.
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“ Well what could this be?”, the others whispered.
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“ Well I have two conclusions, one something is scaring her or two she’s being attacked by someone in her dream. Most likely this Dr. Devon Stormbender guy she keeps screaming about.”, Amy whispered.
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“ Well if that’s where you’re going with this Amy then we need to find out who this guy is.”, Sheldon whispered to his ex.
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“ Sheldon don’t you think that’s a little over the top?”, Leonard whispered.
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“ No of course not Leonard! There’s some low down punk out there trying to hurt my woman and I don’t appreciate that! We need to find out who this son of a bi**h is!”, Sheldon whispered in his Southern accent to Leonard over Leo’s muffled screams into her pillow.
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“ I hate to admit it but Sheldon’s right.”, Howard whispered.
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“ Yeah I agree with that. I think Ramona attacking her several weeks ago at the night club triggered something in her head.”, Amy whispered.
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“ Well you know what, I’m going to have a little ‘chat’ with that bi**h tomorrow morning about this!”, Penny hissed in a whisper. Leo calmed down after a few minutes and shifted position before lying still.
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“ Ok I think I got enough results for now. Let’s get out of here before we wake her up.”, Amy whispered as she took the electrodes off of Leo’s head. The others agreed and they left.
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True to Penny’s word, she went to the Pasadena Police Station the next morning and asked the officers if she could ’speak’ to Ramona for a moment. They agreed.
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“ What do you want Penny?!”, Ramona hissed.
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“ Oh nothing, except to do THIS!”, Penny hissed as she slapped Ramona across the face.
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“ Ow! What the hell was that for?!”, Ramona screamed as she rubbed her assaulted cheek with her hand that was handcuffed to the table.
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“ For attacking my friend Leo at the night club you skanky a** bi**h!”, Penny shouted.
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“ What are you talking about?! She’s the skank, not me! She stole Dr. Cooper from me!”, Ramona shouted as she angrily slammed her hand on the table. In an instant Penny grabbed Ramona by the shirt, yanked her toward her face and shouted, “ Ok listen here you stupid whore, you better take back what you said about Dr. Leo Fordyce right now or I swear to hell I will go all Nebraska on your a**! She did not steal Sheldon from you, he fell in love with her! She is the best d*mn thing that’s ever happened to him and I don’t appreciate you coming back here to try to wreck it! This is their relationship so just stay the hell out of it Ramona and stay the hell away from my friends! If you don’t I’ll tell Leo’s father to beat the sh*t out of you!” before storming out of the room.
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Oh burn! Ramona just got schooled by Penny! What do you think will happen next?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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