Chapter 29
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Once at NASA, Howard gave them all a tour of the place which really seemed to intrigue Cayela as in she couldn’t stop touching things. She became very curious as to how everything worked and couldn’t stop asking questions which was exactly like her father. Sheldon also had a habit of asking too many questions which annoyed his friends to some degree but they still manage to put up with him. Certain things that he did also annoyed Leo sometimes but she still loved him. After all, to her, he was a wonderful marital partner and a loving father to their daughter Cayela. He loved Cayela just as much as she did which was why he first got concerned when Howard started talking about showing Cayela what his job was. He thought that Howard meant he was going to take Cayela into space with him without telling him and Leo about it but then he calmed down when Howard told him what he actually meant. The Crenshamezkis decided to come along too after they picked up Charlotte from her house.
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“ Are you even sure you know what you’re doing Howard?”, Sheldon asked his areospace engineer friend as he pulled on the strap of Cayela’s diaper bag that was sitting on his shoulder. Leo was standing next to him holding his hand.
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“ Yes I do Sheldon! What kind of a stupid question is that?!”, Howard asked as he rolled his eyes at his physicist friend.
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“ It’s just a precaution in the event that Cayela gets hurt which in that case I’ll know who to kill.”, Sheldon said with a somewhat evil-like smirk on his face.
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“ Ok honey I think that’s a little excessive don’t you think?”, Leo asked as she patted the top of his hand.
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“ Leo we’re trusting Howard with our daughter’s life. What do you expect?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his wife.
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“ I know that Sheldon but don’t you think…?”, Leo started to ask.
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“ Sheldon you and Leo don’t have anything to worry about. I’ve done this like a million times and I can assure you that it’s completely safe. Like I said to Bernadette I’m going to be with her and her friends the entire time. I’m not going to let Cayela, Florence and Charlotte get hurt under my watch. Think about it, they wouldn’t be allowing me to do this if people were getting hurt.”, Howard said as he punched in a security code on a keypad.
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“ I suppose that’s true. But I’ll have your head if something happens to my little girl.”, Sheldon said as a door slid open and they all walked through it.
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“ You can make jokes if you want but I’m telling you it’s completely safe.”, Howard said as they walked down a corridor.
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“ That wasn’t a joke, I was serious. If it was a joke you would know it by the use of the word Bazinga.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Fine. Call it what you want Sheldon but I’m not going to let anything happen to your’s and Leo’s daughter.”, Howard said as he rolled his eyes again.
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“ Ok.”, Sheldon said with a defeated sigh.
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“ Whack-a-doodle.”, Leonard said as they entered another room.
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“ Yeah yeah yeah let’s just shut up and get the hell on with it!”, Penny interjected.
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“ Ok Penny that’s strike 2.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Sheldon we’re not even at your apartment anymore! You can’t just randomly give out strikes whenever you want!”, Penny said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
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“ Oh on the contrary I can Penny. I’ve done it at the CDC before and I’ve already given you a warning about it before but yet you still said what I told you not to say.”, Sheldon said as he pulled on the strap of the diaper bag again. It kept trying to slide off his shoulder.
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“ When were you at the CDC, Dad?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she stared at her father.
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“ Oh this was before you were born Cayela when your mother and I were still dating. Your mother got sick with the H1N1 flu virus once and was quarentined there. Your family here was keeping dirty secrets from me about it so I gave them all strikes but then revoked them after your grandmother told me to apologize.”, Sheldon said. Leonard just rolled his eyes and walked away.
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“ Mom was sick? How did that happen?”, Cayela asked.
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“ That was caused by a woman who hated your mother. She beat her up and shoved her into a mudhole which was apparently contaminated with said virus.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok Sheldon could we please not talk about Molly right now? Especially in front of our daughter.”, Leo said.
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“ Yes of course Leo.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said as she kissed him back. He kept fidgetting with the strap of the diaper bag as they continued walking.
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“ Leo can you help me keep this thing up on my shoulder? This diaper bag doesn’t want to stay put.”, Sheldon said as he kept fidgetting with it.
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“ Sure, let me tighten the strap.”, Leo said as she tightened the strap which made it stay put.
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“ Thank you. That was beginning to greatly annoy me.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Hey can we keep moving please? We’re all going to get lost in here if we don’t keep up with each other.”, Amy said before she continued walking.
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“ I completely agree with that. Trevor come on, let’s go! Do not touch that!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said before she scolded her 9 year old son who was putzing along behind his parents and two older sisters.
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“ Oh come on Mom! This is so cool!”, Trevor interjected as he was playing around with another trinket.
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“ Trevor your mother said to knock it off! Let’s keep moving!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he was pushing Julianne’s wheelchair. Her diaper bag was hanging off one of the handles.
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“ Yeah you little dork! Quit holding us up! What do you think this is, huh?! Chuck E Cheese?!”, Florence interjected at her younger brother. Cayela and Charlotte busted out laughing when they heard her say that.
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“ You’re no fun Florence!”, Trevor shot back at his sister.
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“ Shut up Trevor!”, Florence hissed.
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“ Alright Florence, Trevor, that’s enough! If you two can’t find anything nice to say to each other then don’t say anything at all! Your mother and I don’t want to deal with it! We already have our hands full with your sister here as it is and we don’t need more additional stress!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded his 9 year old son and 14 year old daughter. Julianne started making weird sounds indicating that she wanted something.
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“ Julianne what is it sweetheart? What do you want?”, Mrs. Crenshamezki asked her 17 year old autistic handicapped daughter. Julianne started batting underneath her wheelchair which brushed her hand against her juice bottle that was sitting underneath there in the wire basket.
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“ Oh you want your juice?”, Mrs. Crenshamezki asked. Julianne twitched her head and continued batting her hand at it making those same sounds.
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“ Ok here you go.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she reached under her daughter’s wheelchair and pulled out the juice bottle, handing it to her. Julianne took it into her hand and began sucking on it.
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“ Big baby.”, Trevor snidely said. In an instant his father roughly grabbed him by the wrist and scolded, “ Hey! Do not say things like that! Your sister Julianne can not help it! You know she can’t speak so you know that’s the only way she can get our attention! You say that again and I’ll spank you in front of everyone here, got it?!”
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“ Yes dad.”, Trevor shamefully said as his father released him.
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“ Good! Now apologize to your sister and give her a hug!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he pointed at Julianne.
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“ Sorry Julianne.”, Trevor said as he looked down at his feet in shame. Then he reached up and gently hugged her. She slowly wrapped her arms around him.
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“ Thank you. Now keep walking with us, in fact, get up in front of us so we can keep an eye on you!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he pointed ahead of them.
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“ Alright Dad!”, Trevor irritatedly said as he stomped like an apeman to get ahead of his parents and sisters.
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“ Ok Gary I think you’re getting a little too hot under the collar. Let’s calm it down a bit.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she patted her husband’s shoulder.
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“ Alright Patricia.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said as he took a deep breath and let it out.
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“ Well that’s just obnoxious.”, Sheldon said as he continued walking with Cayela’s diaper bag swinging slightly over his shoulder. Leo smacked him in the chest and said, “ Sheldon knock it off. This doesn’t concern us this is between them.”
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“ Your brother is weird Florence.”, Cayela said to Florence as they were walking behind the adults.
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“ Yeah I know Cayela. He’s an annoying little shackhouse that won’t ever shut up sometimes.”, Florence said.
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“ I heard that Flo!”, Trevor interjected back at his sister.
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“ I’m not the Progressive commercial lady Trev! I look nothing like her! Seriously, how many times do I have to keep telling people that?! It’s like everywhere I go people are always calling me Flo from Progressive Home and Auto Insurance and it’s so weird!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Florence that’s where your name came from anyway.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ But it’s weird mom! I don’t want my name being associated with some crazy 30 something year old lady who sells insurance!”, Florence interjected.
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“ I don’t call you that.”, Cayela said as she stared at her best friend.
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“ That’s because you’re my best friend Cayela and you know that it gets to me.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah that’s true, but sometimes you just got to shake it up.”, Cayela said. She then starts dancing like a weirdo but ends up smacking her head into a wall.
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“ Ok ow! That hurt!”, Cayela interjected before she busted out laughing with Florence and Charlotte.
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“ Cayela stop fooling around! Your mother and I don’t want to lose you!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter when he turned around to face her. Cayela instantly got an idea when she heard this.
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“ Called you so many times today!”, Cayela started to sing as she began to act out.
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“ And I guess it’s all true what your girlfriends say! You don’t ever want to see me again! Your brother’s gonna kill me and he’s 6 feet 10! I guess you call it cowardice but I’m not prepared to go on like this! I can’t I can’t I can’t stand losing I can’t I can’t I can’t stand losing I can’t I can’t I can’t, can’t stand losing you!”, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte sang as they danced around like idiots behind the adults.
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“ Good Lord.”, Sheldon said as he turned back around and shook his head as he continued walking. The girls continued to dance like idiots singing Can’t Stand Losing You by The Police as they were all moving through the facility. At some point before they reached the room where the zero gravity airplane was Sheldon said, “ Leo tell Howard I’ll be right back. I’m going to take Cayela to the bathroom to change her diaper for a second.”
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“ Ok Sheldon.”, Leo said as she walked ahead. Cayela ran by moments later and Sheldon picked her up.
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“ What!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ We’re going to the bathroom. It’s time to change you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Aw come on Dad, we’re almost there! Can’t it wait?!”, Cayela protested.
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“ I don’t think so. Let’s go.”, Sheldon said as he started carrying her.
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“ Oh are you heading to the bathroom Dr. Cooper?”, Mrs. Crenshamezki asked.
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“ Yes Patricia.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh ok well I’m going to follow you. Gary hand me Julianne’s wheelchair for a second.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Alright. Here, take her.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said as he handed Julianne over to his wife.
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“ Thank you honey.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she gripped the handles of her daughter’s wheelchair. She pushed the wheelchair and followed after Sheldon who was carrying Cayela in his arms. Julianne started making sounds as her tongue hung out the side of her mouth like a dog.
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“ Where are they going?”, Trevor asked.
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“ They’re heading to the bathroom. They’ll be right back. Just keep walking.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said as he continued walking with the others. Sheldon and Mrs. Crenshamezki soon found a unisex bathroom and walked inside.
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“ Ok let’s get you all cleaned up sweetheart.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki sweetly said as she unbuckled Julianne from her wheelchair and lifted her out of it, placing her on the closed lid of the toilet inside a handicap stall. She took out a pair of latex gloves from Julianne’s diaper bag and applied them to her hands. Sheldon laid Cayela down on the floor in the same stall on the waterproof pad that he pulled out of Cayela’s diaper bag after he took it off his shoulder and set it on the floor. He slipped on latex gloves as well.
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“ Why are we in the same space as each other?”, Cayela asked as her father started unbuttoning her shorts.
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“ Because there’s only one stall and there’s plenty of room in here Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he removed her shorts and soiled brief.
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“ I completely agree.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she removed her daughter’s jeans and soiled brief. Julianne started making sounds again as she twitched her hand in Cayela’s direction.
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“ Yes I know, that’s your sister’s friend.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she started wiping her clean. Then she said, “ I’m so embarassed by my son’s actions. I’m so very sorry that you and your wife Leo had to see that.”
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“ Oh that’s alright, you don’t have to apologize. I get what that’s like having to raise a child with boundless energy.”, Sheldon said as he was doing the same to Cayela.
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“ I’m not that crazy Dad! What are you talking about?!”, Cayela defended as Sheldon was rubbing barrier cream on her.
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“ You see my point?”, Sheldon asked Mrs. Crenshamezki as he sprinkled on some talcum powder.
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“ Oh yes and I’m sure Trevor would say the exact same thing Dr. Cooper.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she was doing the same thing to Julianne. Julianne started to swing her hands around making those same sounds to the point where her mother began to get concerned that she was going to hurt herself.
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“ Julianne stop, you’re going to hurt yourself.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she grabbed her daughter’s hands and pulled them down before grabbing a new clean brief out of her bag.
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“ Well that wouldn’t be good now would it?”, Sheldon said as he grabbed a new brief as well out of Cayela’s diaper bag.
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“ No it most certainly would not.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she wrapped the brief around Julianne’s abdomen. Then she said, “ Oh those are cute. Where did you get those?” when she noticed what Cayela’s brief looked like.
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“ I bought these at a health store when Leonard and I went out to buy more items to restock our medicine cabinet at home. We were getting low so when I saw these I thought they were so cute so I bought them.”, Sheldon said as he opened the brief up, placed it underneath Cayela’s bottom and wrapped it around her abdomen.
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“ Can we please go now?! I want to get to the zero gravity!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Cayela don’t be rude. We’ll be going in just a second.”, Sheldon said as he slipped her shorts back on and rebuttoned them. He then stripped the gloves off and threw them away with the soiled brief.
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“ It sounds like she’s going to need a nap tomorow.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she put Julianne’s jeans back on her and threw away the used items before strapping Julianne back into her wheelchair.
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“ Well, she had one earlier today in my wife’s office at work but I suppose you’re right.”, Sheldon said as he stood Cayela up on her feet and folded up the pad before putting it back in the bag. He slung it back over his shoulder after that.
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“ Whatever!”, Cayela hissed as she swung her leg back and kicked the wall of the stall before storming out past her father.
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“ Hey! Don’t do that!”, Sheldon called out after her. Then he said, “ Kids. They never listen to you when you tell them to do something.” as he shook his head.
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“ I can relate to that. This is exactly what Trevor does to me and my husband all the time. He never listens to a word we say which drives us insane.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as they left the stall with her pushing Julianne’s wheelchair.
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“ Well it sounds like Trevor needs a good butt paddling.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh we have done that at least a million times whenever he misbehaved but he doesn’t even care. He could care less.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as they left the bathroom.
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“ Hm, typical 9 year old boy. Always looking for a pathway for mayhem and destruction.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Exactly.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said. The two of them talked to each other until they met up with the others. Once Cayela, Florence and Charlotte were wearing jumpsuits they followed Howard inside the plane. The others were on standby watching from another room on a giant computer screen. Howard then instructed the girls to lie on the floor either flat on their stomaches or their backs. The girls chose to lie down on their backs side by side while Howard laid on his stomach.
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“ Ok this is so weird!”, Florence smirked as she laid in between Cayela and Charlotte.
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“ Yeah we get it Flo!”, Charlotte smirked.
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“ Stop calling me Flo! That’s very annoying Charlotte!”, Florence interjected with a smirk on her face as she jerked her head toward Charlotte.
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“ Aw come on! I’ve been calling you that for years! Why stop now?!”, Charlotte interjected with a smirk on her face as she looked at Florence.
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“ I know that but it’s really getting annoying now! So could you please stop?!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Fine I’ll stop. But it’s really going to be hard to break that habit.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Of course it will because you used to be a bully. So it makes a lot of sense.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah well I’m not proud of it.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Come on you guys knock it off! Seriously, you guys are going to do this right now?! We’re here to have fun not fight with each other!”, Cayela interjected at her two best friends.
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“ Yeah you’re right Cayela. Sorry Charlotte.”, Florence said.
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“ No offense taken Florence.”, Charlotte said. Florence moved her arm for a second and hit something that was bulging out from Cayela’s jumpsuit.
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“ What’s that in your jumpsuit Cayela?”, Florence asked as she looked at her best friend.
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“ Just a little surprise I smuggled in here that I will reveal once we get started.”, Cayela said with a smirk on her face.
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“ Nice.”, Florence said. The moment after she said that was when the plane started to move and the girls felt themselves slowly rise up from the floor. Howard was floating too.
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“ Ok here we go! Holy crap we’re floating!”, Cayela exclaimed as she slowly did a somersault in the air.
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“ Ok this is seriously the coolest thing ever! I so don’t regret being friends with you anymore!”, Charlotte exclaimed as she did the same thing.
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“ Yeah I’ll say! So what’s this special surprise you got Cayela?!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ My ipod and a little Bluetooth speaker!”, Cayela exclaimed as she pulled said items out of her jumpsuit.
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“ Oh now we’re talking Fordyce-Cooper! Crank that bad boy up and let’s get some air! Get it, air?! Cause we’re floating!”, Charlotte laughed at her own joke.
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“ Oh shut it Tipton!”, Cayela laughed as she turned the speaker on. Once her ipod was Bluetooth connected she scrolled through her playlist and found the song she was looking for. It was a Boom Boom Pow remix by The Black Eyed Peas featuring E-Train and Busta Rhymes.
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“ Dude is this a remix?!”, Florence exclaimed as she did a flip.
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“ Yeah I found it on Youtube and made it into an mp3!”, Cayela exclaimed as she was corkscrewing around.
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“ You can do that with Youtube videos?!”, Charlotte exclaimed as she was swimming through the air.
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“ Yeah Charlotte it’s really easy! You copy the URL link for whatever video you want then you go to Google and type in Youtube to Mp3 in the searchbar! A bunch of websites will come up and you just click on one of them! From there you paste the link in and hit convert!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Wow! That’s so cool! I never knew you could actually do that! How did you know that?!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know! I just discovered it when I was on my laptop one day! And that’s the day I found this song and I liked it so I just decided to download it!”, Cayela exclaimed as she did another somersault.
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“ Did you do this without your mom and dad knowing about it Cayela?!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Yeah pretty much! It was right before my dad walked into my room to change me!”, Cayela exclaimed as she did a flip.
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“ What did you do about that?!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ I just shut my laptop and acted like I didn’t do anything!”, Cayela exclaimed as she busted out laughing.
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“ Oh bestie you’re so devious!”, Florence laughed as she started corkscrewing around.
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“ I know I’m such a rebellious teenager!”, Cayela laughed as she started moonwalking on the ceiling.
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“ I know just like that song She’s a Rebel, She’s a Saint, She’s the salt of the Earth and she’s dangerous!”, Florence laughed in a sing-song voice.
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“ Oh that’s a good one Florence!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Well it’s true Char! We are pretty rebellious when we get together! We’re 14 year olds!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah you and I are a couple of normal 14 year olds and then we have our 14 year old best friend who’s autistic and wears diapers!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Well I’m not proud of that Charlotte! Who said I like wearing them?! It’s not my fault I was given this life! It’s just the way I was born!”, Cayela laughed as she stood on the ceiling above her friend’s head.
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“ Yeah, well I guess I never really thought of that.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Well it’s something that I just have to deal with.”, Cayela said. Then she exclaimed, “ This is so cool Uncle Howard! I love this!” as she did another flip.
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“ I’m glad you’re having fun with it Cayela. This is exactly what I had to do for training or as your father put it ’ send anybody up there.’ “, Howard said as he somersaulted.
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“ My dad actually said that to you?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yes which irritated me very much.”, Howard said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKPviyrUhEj
“ Dr. Cooper can be such a buzzkill sometimes!”, Florence laughed as she flipped.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAUUFJSMK9WE
“ Yeah I agree with that! It’s like every little thing we do freaks him out!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yeah I agree too! My dad worries about the stupidest things!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzSic9i6G57
“ Yeah well your father’s a nut Cayela and he’s always been like that.”, Howard said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA1NXt8VqXTf
“ Yeah but still, I love him regardless.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADxWTMLxWMY
“ We all do. Me, your Uncle Leonard, your Uncle Raj, your Auntie Bernadette, your Auntie Penny, your Auntie Amy and your Uncle Stuart. Why do you think we all stuck around? Your father may be crazy and weird but we all manage to put up with him. Even your mother Leo.”, Howard said.
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“ He said he wasn’t crazy. My Grandma Mary had him tested.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANApDTVmLchqH
“ He’s got you wrapped around his little finger doesn’t he?”, Howard asked. Cayela just busted out laughing and Howard shouted into a microphone, “ Sheldon I swear to God I’m gonna kill you!”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAXNENfp2CSx
“ This is so much fun! We should get my sister to join us!”, Florence exclaimed as they slowly began to sink to the floor.
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“ Are you even sure that your parents would allow that? She can’t walk, remember Florence?”, Cayela asked as they were laying on the floor again.
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“ Yeah that’s true but I’m sure they’ll allow it for like a few minutes. It would give Julianne a chance to be out of her wheelchair.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah I agree. Text your parents and ask them.”, Charlotte said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAyvYoHsUQjQ
“ Ok.”, Florence said as she pulled her phone out and texted her mom asking if Julianne could join them for a few minutes. Her mother then asked her father and they both agreed. The next thing the girls knew was Julianne was in a jumpsuit laying on the floor next to them. Florence was holding her sister’s hand. Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki then asked their son Trevor if he wanted to join his sisters but he declined.
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“ Nah, I want to go check some other stuff out.”, Trevor said as he walked away. But then a few minutes later he came back and said, “ I changed my mind. I want to join in.”
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“ Great Julianne, we get to deal with our annoying little shackhouse brother!”, Florence sarcastically exclaimed as Trevor was laying on the floor next to Julianne. He was wearing a jumpsuit too. Julianne started making sounds as if she was agreeing with Florence.
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“ Shut up Florence! You don’t even know what a shackhouse is!”, Trevor shot back.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAy58z6pMX59
“ Yes I do and it’s you Trev!”, Florence shot back as they began to rise up from the floor again. Trevor released his spit at his sister which floated through the air and slowly made its way toward her. It hit her in the face and Trevor started laughing his butt off.
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“ Ew! Why you little snot I’m gonna…!”, Florence interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAw0ZSY577wC
“ Try to catch me sissy!”, Trevor laughed as he was trying to float away from her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQZzpQ94cZB
“ Oh you asked for it you little shark bait! Come here!”, Florence interjected as she swam through the air after her little brother. The Boom Boom Pow remix was still playing on Cayela’s ipod.
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“ What is this song that’s playing?!”, Trevor interjected as he was crawling on the ceiling away from his sister.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADRKKra3fLU
“ Trevor it’s a Boom Boom Pow remix by The Black Eyed Peas featuring E-Train and Busta Rhymes! I found it on Youtube and downloaded it into an mp3!”, Cayela interjected as she was walking on the ceiling before she fell into a flip.
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“ You can do that with Youtube videos?!”, Trevor exclaimed.
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“ That’s the same question I asked her and she just said that it’s really simple!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Yeah thanks for dumbing it down Charlotte to where a 9 year old boy could understand it!”, Cayela sarcastically exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAekvDXFP0Db
“ You’re such a weirdo sometimes Cayela!”, Charlotte laughed as she playfully kicked her friend in the butt.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkUgZGHNG0q
“ Ow! Don’t kick my diapered butt! You don’t see me going around kicking you in the butt!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAeccuJhThvC
“ Oh shut up!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ What’s your name?”, Trevor asked Cayela.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMAP03jvCrG
“ You already know what my name is Trevor! It’s Cayela! I’m your sister Florence’s best friend!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Florence why is your best friend wearing diapers?”, Trevor asked his sister.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtUnjoC7kFd
“ Because she’s just like Julianne! Her bladder and bowels don’t function normally! She was born like that which doesn’t bother me! Our sister wears them too which also doesn’t bother me!”, Florence interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAsOlap8Z8Fj
“ Yeah and it used to bother me but now it doesn’t!”, Charlotte interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgN2tEZ7uid
“ Who are your parents?”, Trevor asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA8oRIPTyXE9
“ My mom’s name is Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce-Cooper and my dad’s name is Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ The physicist Dr. Cooper?”, Trevor asked.
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“ Trevor what do you think this is, huh?! 20 Questions?! I don’t want to be answering the same stuff over and over again!”, Cayela interjected as she rolled her eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAE0DepjNfW3
“ What?! I was just asking Cayela!”, Trevor interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkyhNurJopB
“ I know that but you were basically asking the same question which I already answered!”, Cayela interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAs1SUpK4g8D
“ Alright alright!”, Trevor interjected.
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Meanwhile in the next room…
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“ Hey Leo, look who it is over there.”, Dakota said as she spun Leo around and pointed at the individual she saw over by a display. It was a familiar woman and she wasn’t alone. She was with a man.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAo9SiIftJvD
“ Figures we would see her in a place like this.”, Leo said with a smile as she recognized the woman too.
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“ Uh ya think?”, Dakota asked. Then she interjected, “ Yo Mrs. Riv! Over here!”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAd8THYG6vQq
“ Would you stop it?!”, Leo hissed as she smacked her friend in the chest.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA4NVvQ0wbvK
“ Leo, Dakota? Is that you two?”, Mrs. Rivers asked when she turned around.
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“ Yeah it’s us! Hi!”, Dakota said with a smile as she waved.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAs4ZAYpQVly
“ Oh hi! I didn’t expect to run into you two here. Ed, come here.”, Mrs. Rivers said with a smile as she called her husband over.
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“ What is it DeAnna? Oh hi, who’s…?”, Mr. Rivers asked when he walked over and noticed Leo and Dakota.
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“ Ed these women are some former students of mine who have saved my life.”, Mrs. Rivers said as she pointed at Leo and Dakota.
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“ Is he your husband?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes this my husband Ed.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAltV2pUlYi7
“ Hi, Ed Rivers and you are?”, Mr. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAV32KGSTtiq
“ Oh Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper and this is my friend Dakota Harris.”, Leo said as she gestured to herself and Dakota.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKAq7NrEvlA
“ Hi nice to meet you. You’re a doctor?”, Mr. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvbARenj4kJ
“ I’m a theoretical physicist working at Caltech University.”, Leo said with a smile as she nodded her head.
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“ That’s wonderful. And what do you do Dakota?”, Mr. Rivers asked.
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“ I’m an MMA fighter. My stage fighter name is Skullbreaker. I was named a world-class champion because I defeated the undefeated Mindy ‘ Headstrong’ Thunderson.”, Dakota said.
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“ That’s impressive Dakota!”, Mr. Rivers exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALUAFML15hD
“ What’s going on over here?”, Sheldon asked when he walked over with Cayela’s diaper bag swinging slightly over his shoulder.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAJolGpcwwfq
“ Who’s this?”, Mr. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAYZt66rmzSH
“ This is my husband Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Leo said as she gestured toward Sheldon.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfJg82Opkth
“ Hi nice to meet you. Ed Rivers, DeAnna’s husband.”, Mr. Rivers said. Sheldon acknowledged that.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAeSDkLZFbYJ
“ Ah nice to meet you Ed.”, Sheldon said.
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“ So what are you?”, Mr. Rivers asked Sheldon.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ei3KsnAXp
“ Oh I’m in the same field as my wife. Theoretical.”, Sheldon said.
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“ We both work at the same university.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAnJx3py0ofF
“ Ah nice.”, Mr. Rivers said.
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“ So what are you doing here?”, Mrs. Rivers asked.
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“ Oh we’re here because our daughter wanted to see what our friend Howard did for his job.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfOehcmYXLZ
“ What?!”, Mrs. Rivers asked in shock as she looked at Leo.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAFBVGRTf42W
“ Yes we have a beautiful teenage daughter now.”, Leo said with a smile.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAp5VG7DGCTs
“ Oh that’s wonderful! What’s her name?!”, Mrs. Rivers exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANArtpysscr4E
“ Cayela Rachelle.”, Sheldon said. They walked over to the big computer screen and the two physicists pointed out their daughter.
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“ Oh she’s beautiful! How old is she?!”, Mrs. Rivers exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA4dJQUv2Nqw
“ She’s 14 years old. She’s also autistic.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAZJhu7D1ZcF
“ Well she’s beautiful regardless.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQo4ClSJ5BC
“ Thank you.”, Leo and Sheldon said.
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“ What’s this?”, Mrs. Rivers asked when she noticed the diaper bag hanging over Sheldon’s shoulder.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQOeKlgfsKB
“ Oh this? This is our daughter’s diaper bag. In addition to her being autistic she’s also not potty trained. We tried so many different methods when she was little but they just didn’t work so we decided to get her checked out and unfortunately they told us that she would never be able to. So she’s essentially been wearing diapers since she was a baby.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh well that’s got to be hard on her.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAIZr0o67JJx
“ She’s a mixed bag. One minute she’s fine and then next minute she’s having a meltdown and then she’s fine again and then she’s having another meltdown and it’s just a never ending cycle of being fine and a complete puddle of tears.”, Leo said as she was gesturing her hands.
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“ Well that’s typical with autistic children Leo. You just have to guide her through the motions.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
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“ And that’s what have been doing but sometimes it’s like we don’t know what to do with her. Cayela’s our first child so we’re both new to this parenting thing.”, Leo said.
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“ Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. Parenting is a lot of work but you’ll get there.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said.
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“ Who are these other two girls that she’s playing with?”, Mrs. Rivers asked as she pointed at Florence and Charlotte.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAefzW0dwWYz
“ The girl with the long, curly ginger colored hair is our daughter’s best friend Florence and then the other girl is their friend Charlotte.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh well that’s nice that she at least has two friends. Do they know that she’s autistic and has to wear diapers?”, Mrs. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABFOdk5EEZh
“ Oh yes and they’re completely fine with it. It doesn’t bother them. Although Charlotte used to be pretty mean toward her but then she turned around when one of her friends suddenly betrayed her and completely embarassed her in front of their whole school.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAdPIdK6qUzk
“ Embarassed her how?”, Mrs. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALz7wZhU2c5
“ Well this girl Alicia who was one of Charlotte’s friends hacked her Facebook account and posted an embarassing picture of Charlotte all over her page and well the rest is history. The whole school made fun of her, calling her names, etc. Not to mention this girl was being very mean to Cayela and Florence too.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWFlZ663PN9
“ Oh well that’s just horrible. What’s happened to Alicia now?”, Mrs. Rivers asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAz1w2slpwzB
“ She’s currently being held at the Pasadena Juvenile Detention Center in the maximum security wing.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Much to our relief because it was better for her to be there than to have her harassing other people. There’s no telling what level she could have taken it to considering the fact that she slapped our daughter across the face before she was arrested.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtKPV1PfhZ0
“ That girl’s hand made physical contact with your daughter’s face?!”, Mrs. Rivers exclaimed with a gasp.
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“ Yes and it was hard enough that it gave her a black eye so we had to take her to urgent care.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAahQCGMVbTf
“ Oh well that’s just uncalled for. She had no right to do that.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAaO2QuMOXd9
“ We couldn’t agree more with that.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALjnSeS0KX9
“ Is she staying at that facility for a while?”, Mrs. Rivers said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAB2V1kA0LDs
“ As far as we know yes. But after that we think what will happen is that she’s probably going to be going to another school district because she’s been expelled from this one. So we most likely will not be seeing her anymore which is bittersweet news to us.”, Leo said.
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“ Well hallelujah.”, Mrs. Rivers said.
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Meanwhile back inside the zero gravity plane…
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“ Hey check this out! Here’s another song I downloaded from Youtube!”, Cayela interjected as she switched the song to Sewers and Streets which was a song from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game Boy Advance video game.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHB2sj6mHoD
“ Oh that’s sweet Fordyce-Cooper!”, Florence interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANArdzVaYsgKr
“ Isn’t that from a video game?”, Charlotte asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgGO42n37hh
“ Yeah it is Charlotte! It’s from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game Boy Advance video game!”, Cayela interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAOPxPnM2SX3
“ Nice. What’s the track name on it?”, Charlotte asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkKlm2vpLmR
“ Sewers and Streets!”, Cayela interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWHMoh3VPXH
“ Oh that’s cool!”, Trevor exclaimed. Julianne made some sounds indicating she was agreeing.
18Please respect copyright.PENANApHAkoHVWpE
“ Is that all you can say Julianne?!”, Trevor hissed as he looked at his older sister.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAoqnv2oRkSN
“ Trevor knock it off, remember what Dad said? She can’t help it! That’s her way of speaking to us. That’s the only way she can communicate either by making sounds or writing words out on a piece of paper.”, Florence said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Ok ok I get it I get it!”, Trevor interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQUICowqY3W
“ Shackhouse!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Hey! Stop it!”, Trevor interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAauGcuhzzGr
“ Hey don’t look at me! Your sister’s the one that started it!”, Cayela laughed as she pointed at Florence.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2OIYd9drBj
“ It was only meant to be a joke Cayela! I didn’t think it would actually catch on!”, Florence laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA5xWBJqCK53
“ Yeah well it did because now you got me saying it!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAXfH4YQ7p3B
“ Ding-a-ling!”, Charlotte as she playfully kicked Cayela in the butt again.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAj3QkQ1uMjF
“ Ow! Charlotte what did I say about kicking my diapered butt?! Don’t do that! You don’t see me doing that to you so why do that to me?!”, Cayela laughed as she shot her eyes at her friend.
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“ Come on! I’m just messing with you Cayela Rachelle! That’s what friends do!”, Charlotte laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAZk7H66hnUS
“ Oh yeah?! Well how about I kick you in the butt?! What do you say to that Charlotte Catarina?!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuOEUdGjhpT
“ I say go right ahead! I don’t care!”, Charlotte laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzTHuuqtxd4
“ Ok you asked for it! Here comes my foot!”, Cayela laughed as she playfully swung her leg and kicked Charlotte in the butt.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAwDOheJWAG0
“ Ow! Great balls of fire that hurt!”, Charlotte laughed as she placed her hands on her butt.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA6GWLmMxTxw
“ Well you asked for it so I gave it to you!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA7NggHAEy9k
“ You are just like your dad!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Am not Charlotte! I have some of my mom’s traits too, not just my dad’s!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuZUUD5vXmv
“ Cayela you do realize your parents are probably watching this right?”, Florence asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAz0RKwp4iXY
“ Yeah I do Florence but come on we’re just screwing around with each other!”, Cayela laughed. Then she asked, “ You don’t mind what we’re doing with each other do you Uncle Howard?”
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“ I don’t mind it as long as you don’t hurt each other.”, Howard said.
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“ Yeah but the three of us are best friends Mr. Wolowitz. We’re not going to hurt each other.”, Charlotte said. A smirk suddenly spread across Cayela’s face as she bumped her butt in Charlotte’s face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABHUSu7i69F
“ Oh you’re so gonna get it now Cayela for bumping your diapered butt in my face!”, Charlotte laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABH2W8a22M6
“ Then come and get me Charlotte!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAUhQX9Nf05T
“ Ok you asked for it! Here comes the Tipton Express!”, Charlotte laughed as she playfully started swinging her arms out at Cayela.
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“ Hey! What about the Crenshamezki Express?!”, Florence laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADFFVypDYDt
“ Sure! Why not Florence?! Get in here!”, Charlotte laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA4jUfrAGWuy
“ Ok bestie you better get out of the way! Two trains are coming down the track in a head on collision!”, Florence laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzZaScogeOR
“ Oh crap! What did I just get myself into?! This is just like that Dumb Ways 2 Die video!”, Cayela laughed as she started swimming through the air to get out of the way of her two best friends coming at her from both sides. She switched the song to Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks.
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“ That was a Public Service Announcement Cayela!”, Florence laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAY4G9dNTwTH
“ I know that Florence! I’m not an idiot!”, Cayela laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0Sysvyk9Zv
“ I never said you were!”, Florence laughed. The fun continued until at around 9 o’clock at night the girls were laying on the floor side by side just barely awake. They were taken home and Cayela was carried into her bedroom by her parents. Leonard had followed them in there as well. As Cayela was sitting on her bed with her feet dangling over the side Leo grabbed the items she needed out of the closet. Cayela was sitting there with her eyes barely open as her mother laid down the pad and set the other stuff beside it.
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“ Cayela, you ok?”, Leonard asked as he stared at his goddaughter.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAbahrM4FIMO
“ She looks like she’s about to go out like a light any second.”, Sheldon said as he gently lifted his daughter’s legs up onto the bed and scooted her back a little bit.
18Please respect copyright.PENANATuEewkTfdM
“ I completely agree. Lay down sweetheart. It’s time to change you and get you ready for bed.”, Leo softly said as Sheldon gently pushed Cayela back so that she was laying down on the waterproof pad. Leo then grabbed the latex gloves and slipped them on her hands after rubbing her hands with hand sanitizer. She then undressed Cayela and removed her soiled brief. Then she wiped her clean, rubbed barrier cream on her and sprinkled on talcum powder before wrapping a clean brief around her abdomen. Leo then took a soft white cotton t-shirt and slipped it on her. Cayela sat back up trying so hard to fight back the sleepiness that was threatening to take over her.
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“ Should we just let her sleep in a t-shirt and diaper? She might be more comfortable that way.”, Leo asked as she folded up the pad and put it back into the closet. She threw away the used items after that.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAli8VlhPQPO
“ I think that’s acceptable.”, Sheldon said. Leonard nodded his head in agreement.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAllRBSmrrPE
“ Come on honey, lay back down. It’s time to go to sleep.”, Sheldon said as he gently pushed her back down onto her bed and tucked her in placing her 1987 Raphael plushie underneath her arm. He then stood up and joined his hands behind his back as he stood next to his wife staring down at her. Cayela let out a yawn before letting sleep finally take over.
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“ She sure is cute when she’s sleeping.”, Leonard said with a smile.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKgD5jioPcu
“ She really is.”, Leo said with a smile.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAaizuSuoeQa
“ I think it’s time for all of us to go to bed.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzkH6vlfw5H
“ I think so too.”, Leo said as she kissed him.
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“ Good night Cayela. We love you.”, Leo, Sheldon and Leonard said as they bent over and kissed her head before they walked out. Sheldon shut the light off and shut the door which engulfed the room in a soft glow from Cayela’s nightlight. The next day while Leo, Sheldon and Leonard were in the living room working Cayela, Florence and Charlotte were hanging out in Cayela’s bedroom. The girls were sitting around watching episodes of Forensic Files on Cayela’s tv and at some point the very first episode of it came on which was The Disappearance Of Helle Crafts. The girls started watching it up until the response of “ If he did what I think he did, it’s time for me to retire.”
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“ Ok I’m turning this off now! This is getting too gruesome!”, Florence interjected as she stood up and shut the tv off.
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“ I agree! Dismembering somebody with a chainsaw and then shredding them with a wood chipper?! That’s just sick!”, Charlotte interjected.
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“ Yeah thanks for revealing that Charlotte! Now I’m probably going to have nightmares for the rest of my life!”, Cayela interjected as she sat on her bed with her legs crossed like a pretzel.
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“ I think you’re overexaggerating Cayela.”, Florence said as she rolled her eyes at her best friend.
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“ I am not Florence!”, Cayela interjected. Then she asked, “ How did you even know that Charlotte?”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAVSfiHr0H1a
“ Because I have seen the whole episode before and it was seriously the grossest thing I ever saw.”, Charlotte said as she made a silence motion with her hands.
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“ How did you get through it without screaming in terror?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAhSgpYaQc8H
“ Oh believe me Cayela I wanted to scream so bad but I was afraid to if that even makes sense.”, Charlotte said.
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“ These stories are science fiction.”, Florence said.
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“ Um no they’re actually not Florence. Forensic Files is a real thing. It’s a show that documents real scenarios that have actually happened to real life people.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Are you saying this actually happened to this woman?!”, Florence exclaimed as she stared at her friend with bugged out eyes.
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“ Yes! This was completely legit! This woman actually does not exist anymore!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ How would you know that Charlotte?”, Cayela asked.
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“ You want to see the proof? I’ll show you. I’m telling you this actually happened.”, Charlotte said as she took out her phone and went into her Google app. She typed in the name Helle Crafts into the searchbar and instantly a Wikipedia story article popped up about her.
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“ See? Here’s the Wikipedia article. Read it.”, Charlotte said as she held up her phone in Cayela’s face.
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“ Ok if you say so Charlotte.”, Cayela said as she took her friend’s phone from her.
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“ Ok it says: Helle Lorck Nielsen or Helle Crafts was born on July 4, 1947. She was a Danish flight attendant who was murdered by her husband, airline pilot Richard Crafts. They got married in 1979, had three children and were living in Newtown, Connecticut. In 1985 she found out about her husband’s several affairs and wanted to divorce him. However on the night of November 19, 1986 she was dropped off at home by a friend. Unfortunately, this was the last time anyone but her husband saw her.”, Cayela said but then she tossed Charlotte’s phone back at her and exclaimed, “ Ok that’s just creepy Charlotte! I seriously can not believe I just read that!”
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“ What?! It doesn’t say that Cayela!”, Florence exclaimed as she shook her head.
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“ I’m telling you it does Florence! Look at it!”, Cayela exclaimed. Charlotte showed the article to Florence who started reading it silently in her head. After a few minutes she said, “ Ok, you can keep that while I excuse myself for a moment and go throw up in the toilet for the next few seconds!” Florence then excused herself from the room and went to the bathroom. Less than two seconds after she shut the door was when Cayela and Charlotte heard her throwing up in the toilet. Cayela got concerned and walked into the bathroom to check on her best friend.
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“ Florence you ok?”, Cayela asked as she watched her best friend puke her guts out in the toilet.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Cayela. Just a gag reaction is all.”, Florence choked out as she threw up once more. She then stood up and flushed the toilet after she had felt like she had puked enough. The two girls went back to Cayela’s room and the second they got there was when Sheldon walked in on them.
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“ What’s going on in here?! I thought I heard somebody throwing up!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ That was me Dr. Cooper.”, Florence said as she brushed her hair out of her face.
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“ Well good Lord! Are you sick?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he backed out of the room a little. His germophobia was evident.
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“ No. I read something gruesome on Charlotte’s phone and it triggered a gag reaction.”, Florence said.
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“ Oh, well do you need a glass of water or something?”, Sheldon asked as he breathed a sigh of relief.
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“ Yes, please?”, Florence asked. Sheldon walked out for a moment and came back with a glass of water in his hand. He handed it to her and she said, “ Thank you.” before she took a sip.
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“ What were you reading?”, Sheldon asked. Charlotte handed over her phone to him and he looked at the screen. He then asked, “ Why were you reading this?!”
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“ Because we were watching a Forensic Files episode about it Dad and we were talking about it because Charlotte started the conversation.”, Cayela said.
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“ Ok, you are not watching that!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Do you mean the whole show Dad or just that episode?”, Cayela asked.
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“ I meant just the episode Cayela!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Well good to know because I don’t want to watch it. We already talked about all the gross details of it and I don’t need to see it in person.”, Cayela said.
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“ Good.”, Sheldon said. Silence fell among them for a moment but when Sheldon started opening the closet Cayela asked, “ Dad?”
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“ What Cayela?”, Sheldon asked when he turned around to face her.
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“ This might be a really stupid question to ask, but, would you ever do anything like that to Mom?”, Cayela asked. Florence and Charlotte just stared at her in surprise before they looked at each other and whispered, “ What?!”
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“ Cayela what kind of a question is that?! Why would you even ask that?!”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his daughter in complete shock.
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“ I don’t know, I was just curious.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgPAwlG8siG
“ Cayela I would never do anything like that to your mother. Never in a million years. I love your mother very much and I would never, ever, do anything to intentionally hurt her. That is just sick and inhumane.”, Sheldon said as he shook his head before turning back to the closet and pulling out the items that were needed. He carried them over to Cayela’s bed, laying the waterproof pad down and Cayela asked, “ You sure about that?”
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“ Ok Cayela I think this is starting to get into your head.”, Sheldon said as he lifted her legs up onto the bed and scooted her back a little.
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“ What, I’m just asking.”, Cayela said.
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“ Cayela I already told you the answer. I would never, ever, ever, hurt your mother in any way. I am nothing like that guy was. Your mother gave me something very special that I would never take for granted. She gave me you.”, Sheldon said in a serious tone as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter.
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“ Are you sure Dad?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Shhh, lay down.”, Sheldon said as he gently pushed her down onto the pad. Then he pulled the curtain shut.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA3wmzKWArg1
“ Are you happy that I came into the world?”
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“ Oh Cayela I was overjoyed! I was so happy when your mother first told me she was pregnant with you! Her and I both wanted a child so much and we were so fortunate to have gotten you!”
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“ Well that’s good to hear.”
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“ Alright I’m done. You can sit up now.”, Sheldon said as he opened the curtain back up. Cayela sat up and said, “ Thanks for that.”
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“ Of course. Come here.”, Sheldon said as he patted his thighs. Cayela climbed up onto his lap and he said, “ Listen here, don’t ever talk about me hurting your mother because I would never do such a thing. And I certainly would never do to your mother what Richard Crafts did to his wife. Like I said, I love your mother very much and I don’t think I would ever have it in me to do something like that.” still remembering what his father-in law said that he would do to him if he ever hurt Leo.
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“ I’m sorry I was watching that Dad! Because now I feel really stupid for asking that!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Shhh, there there. It’s ok. Daddy’s here.”, Sheldon softly said as he gently pressed his daughter’s head into his chest and started rubbing soothing circles on her back. Cayela gently wrapped her arms around him as she continued to cry into the fabric of her father’s dark blue windbreaker jacket.
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“ I’m such an idiot! I shouldn’t have said anything!”, Charlotte interjected. Then she started smacking herself in the head as she interjected, “ Stupid stupid stupid!”
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“ Charlotte stop it! Don’t do that! We’re all to blame for this! We were the ones watching the episode in the first place!”, Florence interjected as she grabbed her friend’s wrist.
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“ Florence could you please let go of my wrist?!”, Charlotte interjected as she shot her eyes at her. She jerked her hand away as Florence released her grip.
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“ Thank you.”, Charlotte said. Leo and Leonard walked in moments later to see what was going on.
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“ What’s going on in here Sheldon? What’s Cayela crying about now?”, Leo asked.
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“ She’s crying because she saw something traumatizing that I don’t think I want to tell you about Leo.”, Sheldon said to his wife as he held Cayela who was still sitting on his lap.
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“ What is it?”, Leonard asked as he stared at his best friend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtquKe4zWOD
“ Her, Florence and Charlotte were watching the first episode of Forensic Files.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh for God sakes!”, Leonard exclaimed as he threw his head back and smacked it into his palm when he realized what the first Forensic Files episode was.
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“ Cayela why were you watching that?!”, Leo scolded as she stared at her daughter.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALvFj3nDeoi
“ I don’t know Mom but I wish I hadn’t because now it’s stuck in my head! Curse this eidetic memory!”, Cayela cried. Sheldon then proceeded to tell his wife and his best friend what Cayela had asked him and they were really shocked. So were the others when they came over later while the girls were doing something else.
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“ Oh balls, are you kidding me?! Why would she ask you that?!”, Penny exclaimed as she stared at Sheldon.
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“ I have no idea why she would ask me that Penny! It was the most random, stupid question I’ve ever been asked in my entire life!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ This just makes me sick! That episode should have never been allowed to be shown on tv!”, Raj interjected after he took a placebo.
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“ Yeah I agree! What the hell were they thinking?!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know but come on you all know that wouldn’t happen anyway. In fact, you know what, let’s think about the outcome if it did.”, Leo said. They all sat there in silence for a moment thinking about what the outcome would be if Sheldon had done something like that to Leo which made Penny pass out on the couch right next to Leo.
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“ Son of a bitch! Penny!”, Howard interjected as he got up from his seat and walked over to her, shaking her shoulder.
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“ Bestie are you ok?!”, Amy shrieked as she did the same thing.
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“ What the hell are you doing?! Give her some air!”, Bernadette shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAebRwKA7PlU
“ I got this! Penny?! Penny!”, Sheldon interjected as he picked up his water glass that was sitting in front of him on the coffee table and chucked the water at her face. She immediately came to the moment the water hit her.
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“ Ahhh! What the…?!”, Penny shrieked as she sat up wiping her face.
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“ Can’t picture it can you?”, Sheldon asked when he set the empty glass back down.
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“ No! What the hell are you talking about Dr. Whack-a-doodle?! You’re one of my best friends! I can’t ever picture you doing something that horrible to Leo!”, Penny hissed at him.
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“ You’re one of my best friends too.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ Ok let’s just all stop talking about this now. We all know that Sheldon would never do that to me and put our daughter through that kind of trauma. Otherwise, you all know what my dad would do.”, Leo said before she looked at her husband.
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“ That’s correct.”, Sheldon said as he looked at his wife and nodded his head.
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“ I love you.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed her back. He embraced her as she put her head against his shoulder. The adults continued talking until the situation turned weird. The girls suddenly came out of Cayela’s room and without saying a word Cayela just squeezed herself on the couch between her parents wrapping her arms around her mother.
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“ Cayela what are you doing?”, Sheldon asked in confusion as he stared at his daughter.
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“ I just want to be with both of you now.”, Cayela said.
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“ Cayela we’re talking right now.”, Leo said.
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“ I don’t care. I just want to be with you.”, Cayela said as she tightened her grip around her mother’s waist.
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“ Why are you being so clingy? You never used to be like this before.”, Sheldon asked in confusion.
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“ I know but now I’m scared. I don’t want to lose you.”, Cayela said. Florence and Charlotte just looked at each other again completely shocked. The other adults were giving each other strange looks as well.
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“ Ok you know what, I think it’s time for you to go take a nap.”, Sheldon said.
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“ No. I don’t want to take a nap. I want to stay here.”, Cayela said in a serious tone.
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“ I don’t think so. I think you’re overtired now. Come on let’s go.”, Sheldon said as he stood up and tried to pick up his daughter but she wouldn’t let go of her mother’s waist.
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“ Cayela let go.”, Leo said.
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“ No I don’t want to go.”, Cayela whined.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHqrDigSjDL
“ Cayela stop this nonsense. Come on let’s go.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at her. He tried to pick her up again but she still wouldn’t let go.
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“ Sheldon could you please pry her off me? Her nails are digging into my back.”, Leo said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Yes of course Leo.”, Sheldon said as he gently began prying his daughter’s arms away. She immediately started to freak out.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAcXPInXAZkZ
“ No! Get off! Leave me be!”, Cayela screamed as she flailed her arms wildly. Sheldon started carrying her to her room and she started freaking out even more.
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“ Cayela calm down! What are you so worked up about?!”, Sheldon scolded as he set her down on her bed. The moment he let go and he started grabbing things out of the closet was when she tried to get back out of her room to go back into the living room.
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“ Cayela come here!”, Sheldon scolded as he ran after her, picked her up and carried her back into her room with her screaming her head off and kicking her legs like a two year old.
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“ No! Let go Dad!”, Cayela screamed as he laid her down on the waterproof pad that he laid down on her bed. After he changed her diaper he tried to tuck her into her bed but she kept freaking out and wouldn’t settle down. The others came to the doorway to see Sheldon wrestling around with Cayela on her bed trying to physically hold her down. When he finally succeeded in doing so Cayela was huffing and puffing trying to catch her breath.
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“ Cayela, calm down. No one is hurting you.”, Sheldon said as he was pinning her arms down on the bed.
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“ I don’t want to take a nap! I want to stay with you and Mom!”, Cayela screamed.
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“ Sweetheart we’re just a few feet away in the living room. What is your deal?!”, Sheldon asked in concern as he stared at his daughter’s distraught face.
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“ The deal is I don’t want to leave your sight!”, Cayela screamed as she started to cry again.
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“ Ok yeah it’s definitely nap time.”, Sheldon said as he then pulled out a syringe with a needle from his back pocket. He removed the cap of the needle with his teeth before typing a rubber tie off on Cayela’s arm. He then swabbed an area with a steral wet wipe and injected the needle into her vein. Within a few seconds the drug kicked in and she became very calm and sleepy. Sheldon then threw the items away and came out of the room.
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“ What did you just give her a shot of?”, Leonard asked as he stared at his best friend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMbiN3oecGA
“ Just a shot of Codeen.”, Sheldon said as they all walked back into the living room. Everything was fine for a while but then when bed time rolled around the weirdness started up again.
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“ I don’t want to sleep alone.”, Cayela protested after she was changed and was laying in bed.
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“ Sweetheart it’s bed time. It’s time to go to sleep.”, Leo said.
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“ I don’t want to sleep in my room. I want to sleep with you and Dad.”, Cayela protested.
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“ Cayela what’s going on with you? You have been acting very weird all day since you, Florence and Charlotte have been watching that Forensic Files episode.”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I don’t know Dad but I’m scared to sleep by myself. I keep thinking something bad’s going to happen.”, Cayela sadly said.
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“ Cayela nothing is going to happen. Now please go to sleep.”, Sheldon said.
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“ No! I don’t want to sleep in here!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Cayela your Uncle Leonard is trying to sleep. Stop acting like this.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes.
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“ I don’t want to sleep alone in my room! I’m too scared! I want to be with you and Dad!”, Cayela cried. Leo rolled her eyes and Sheldon let out a defeated sigh.
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“ Alright, if you’re seriously that scared to sleep by yourself you may sleep with us.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thank you.”, Cayela sadly said as she let the last tear fall from her face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAmWpVtFPXKI
“ But you have to stop crying right now.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she got out of her bed.
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“ You want your nightlight?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said.
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“ Alright.”, Sheldon said as he unplugged his daughter’s nightlight from her bedroom wall before they headed to his and Leo’s shared bedroom. He plugged into the wall as Cayela climbed into the bed positioning herself right in between her parents. She was out like a light moments later. She slept through the entire night but unfortunately this odd behavior kept continuing for several days and nights which was becoming concerning because Cayela has never exbitted behaviors such as this before. It was like she wanted to be around her parents all the time and didn’t want to sleep without them. Cayela also refused to leave the car when her parents were driving her to school and couldn’t come up with a good excuse for why she was acting like that. To top it all off she even started avoiding Charlotte at school like she used to do when Charlotte was bullying her which was immediately noticed by Florence. She decided to ask Cayela about it during passing time.
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“ Cayela why have you been avoiding Charlotte all of a sudden? This is exactly what you used to do when she was bullying you. What’s up with that?”, Florence asked as she stood next to Cayela’s locker.
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“ I don’t know. Why do you ask Florence?”, Cayela said as she was putting books away into her locker.
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“ This has something to do with the Helle Crafts incident doesn’t it?”, Florence asked her best friend as she narrowed her eyes.
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“ Florence I don’t want to talk about this right now. Can we just go back to class?”, Cayela hissed as she slammed her locker shut and locked it before storming away. Florence just rolled her eyes as she followed after her. When they were in their second period class all of their classmates were giving each other strange looks when they saw how weird Cayela was acting during the lesson. The teacher stopped what she was doing in the middle of the lesson when she heard several whispers going on behind her, turned around and said, “ Excuse me but what is all this whispering about?!” What she saw was very shocking. She saw Cayela’s desk was sitting next to Florence but it was the farthest it could ever be away from Charlotte.
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“ Cayela why is your desk so far away from Charlotte’s?”, Ms. Simmons asked as she narrowed her eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAL1cFrDSRsZ
“ Because Charlotte’s a bad egg!”, Cayela frightenly shouted as she continued to sit there cowering away in fear. Instantly the other kids started laughing their heads off.
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“ Alright alright let’s settle down! Girls, after class could I please speak to you for a moment?”, Ms. Simmons interjected before lowering her voice. Instantly the other students shut their mouths upon hearing this. Cayela, Florence and Charlotte nodded their heads as their teacher continued on with the lesson. Then after class before the third period students came in Ms. Simmons first let the next teacher know that she wanted to talk to the girls for a moment and to not mark them tardy. The other teacher agreed.
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“ Alright girls, what’s the problem?”, Ms. Simmons asked as she pulled up a chair and sat down.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgGBRv0tOve
“ Well the problem Ms. Simmons is that Cayela’s been recently exbitting some behaviors that are very out of the ordinary and this all started a few weeks ago when we were hanging out together watching the first episode of Forensic Files in her room.”, Florence said with a sigh.
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“ Wait, hold up. The first episode of Forensic Files? Are you talking about The Disappearance of Helle Crafts?”, Ms. Simmons asked.
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“ Yes!”, Florence and Charlotte said simultaneously.
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“ Girls, that happened a long, long, long time ago.”, Ms. Simmons said as she shook her head.
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“ That’s what we kept trying to tell her Ms. Simmons but she won’t let it go. She keeps thinking that it’s going to happen to her.”, Charlotte said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAbTereLcMhN
“ Yeah because she asked her dad the weirdest and stupidest question ever. We both had to do a double take because we just couldn’t believe she would ask something like that.”, Florence said.
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“ Well what did she ask him?”, Ms. Simmons asked.
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“ She asked him if he would ever do anything like that to her mom.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Oh sweetheart why would you ask your dad that?”, Ms. Simmons asked Cayela.
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“ I don’t know. I was just curious Ms. Simmons but now I just feel really stupid for asking that.”, Cayela said as she turned her head away.
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“ Cayela you shouldn’t doubt your dad like that. I’m sure he loves your mom very much and would never do anything like that to her.”, Ms. Simmons said with a reassuring smile on her face.
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“ That’s what he said but I’m still not sure.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANArBsvbqcy0l
“ Well would it help if you talked to the school counselor?”, Ms. Simmons asked.
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“ No it’s fine. I’ll try to find my own way to deal with it.”, Cayela said with a sigh.
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“ Alright well just know that the school counselor is always there if you ever need to talk about anything.”, Ms. Simmons said as she stood up.
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“ Thanks for the info Ms. Simmons.”, Cayela said as she stood up and picked up her backpack.
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“ Any time. Alright you girls are dismissed. You can get going to your next class now.”, Ms. Simmons said.
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“ Thanks Ms. Simmons.”, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte said. Cayela ran ahead away from Charlotte out the door as Florence and Charlotte followed her shaking their heads. Another week passed and things still weren’t getting any better. In fact, these problems all suddenly came to a head when Cayela and Florence were hanging out in Apartment 4A one day together. Charlotte was busy so she couldn’t come over that day. Florence was helping Cayela clean the bathroom while Leo and Sheldon were in the living room together watching tv. It was their day off from work but Leonard was working completely unaware of what was going on at home. As Cayela was standing on the rim of the bathtub spraying the walls of the shower with cleaning solution and Florence was standing below her cleaning the toilet, the worst two seconds of Florence’s life went down right in front of her eyes. Without warning Cayela suddenly let out a loud blood-curdling scream when she heard a sound that freaked her out to the point of losing her balance. She fell off the rim and into the tub hitting her head on the wall and twisted her foot in such a way that the bones became severely fractured. The bottle of cleaning solution flew out of her hand and landed on the floor outside of the tub.
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“ OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! CAYELA!”, Florence screamed at the top of her lungs as she dropped the toilet wand onto the floor.
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“ What the hell was that?!”, Leo asked her husband in concern when they shot up from the couch.
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“ I’m not sure. Florence?”, Sheldon called out in concern.
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“ Dr. Cooper, Dr. Fordyce-Cooper get in here now! Cayela fell into the bathtub!”, Florence screamed at the top of her lungs from the bathroom.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo and Sheldon screamed as they frantically ran into the bathroom. They gasped in horror at what they saw. There laying in the bathtub and barely concious was their precious daughter with a somewhat of a jacked up foot and a head wound to the back of her head. Blood was dripping down the wall of the shower and all over her face. It looked like what you would see at a murder scene.
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“ Florence what happened in here?!”, Leo screamed in a panic.
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“ I don’t know what happened! We were just cleaning and then all of a sudden she just screamed out of nowhere and fell! I’ll bet you anything it has something to do with the whole Helle Crafts incident!”, Florence screamed.
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“ Alright that’s it! I’m filing a complaint to this show about that episode! This is just absolutely preposterous!”, Sheldon screamed as he ran out of the bathroom.
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“ Stay here with her Florence! I’m going to go call 9.1.1!”, Leo screamed in a panic as she ran out of the bathroom as well.
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“ Ok!”, Florence screamed as she was kneeling on the floor next to the tub holding Cayela’s hand. She frantically took her phone out and called Charlotte. Meanwhile while Leo was on the phone with 9.1.1. Sheldon was on his laptop sending a long hellish contact message to the Forensic Files show about The Disappearance of Helle Crafts episode. He told them that he did not appreciate them airing an episode like that and explained what has happened because of it. 20 minutes later he got a response back saying that what they could do is arrange a private meeting with the creator of the show as well as the narrator at his, Leo’s and Leonard’s apartment to discuss it with them. Sheldon agreed to that and told them where they lived. Emergency personel arrived quickly on the scene and took Cayela to the hospital.
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Beep... Beep... Beep...
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“ Wha... Where am I? Why am I in the hospital?”, Cayela softly said as she began to regain consciousness. She found herself lying in a hospital bed with bandages around her head and a cast on her foot that was elevated in a sling. She also had an oxygen mask on her face.
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“ Oh sweetheart are you ok?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Your mother and I were worried sick about you! Are you alright?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ That depends. What happened to me?”, Cayela softly asked as she slowly blinked her eyes.
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Meanwhile right outside the room in the hallway Florence was sitting on a chair with her head in her hands. As she was trying to catch her breath she was suddenly interrupted by Charlotte who came running up to her freaking the hell out.
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“ Is she ok?! What happened Florence?!”, Charlotte frantically asked as she was trying to catch her breath too.
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“ I don’t know Charlotte! They haven’t said anything yet!”, Florence frantically said as she stood up from the chair.
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“ Well how bad is it?!”, Charlotte frantically asked.
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“ It’s bad Charlotte, like really bad! She hit her head and broke her foot!”, Florence frantically said.
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“ Oh my god! That’s horrible!”, Charlotte frantically said. The two girls entered the room to see their autistic best friend lying in the bed looking like she had just been hit by a truck.
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“ Hi.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ Hi. Cayela are you ok?”, Charlotte asked in concern.
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“ I don’t know Charlotte. I’m in a lot of pain right now.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ Well do you remember anything of what happened?”, Florence asked in concern.
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“ Well...”, Cayela softly started to say but was suddenly interrupted by Leonard’s screaming voice screaming, “ Cayela!” as he suddenly came running into the room with the others following him trying to catch their breaths. Leonard almost fell over as he grabbed the back of a chair and leaned on it to keep himself from collapsing.
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“ Well good Lord Leonard! Could you be any more clumsy?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his best friend.
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“ I’m sorry Sheldon! It’s just you freaked us out when you called us like that! You made it sound like Cayela was dying and that we were in our own episode of Forensic Files!”, Leonard screamed as he gasped for air. He pulled out his inhaler and spritzed some medicine into his lungs.
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“ Leonard, breathe!”, Dakota screamed as she was rubbing his back.
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“ I am breathing Dakota! Stop worrying about me right now! We got bigger problems! Our goddaughter is hurt!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ How the hell did this happen you guys?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Penny if we knew what exactly happened we wouldn’t be here would we?!”, Sheldon screamed at her.
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“ No of course not!”, Penny sarcastically screamed.
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“ Excuse me, but, who are the parents of this girl?”, the doctor asked when he walked in carrying a clipboard.
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“ We are!”, Leo and Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ How is she?! Is she ok?!”, Leo panically asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgURy7C1uaE
“ Well Dr. Fordyce-Cooper she hit her head pretty hard and severely fractured her foot but other than that she’s fine.”, the doctor said. Leo and Sheldon as well as the others let out sighs of relief.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALE1rwW9Ccj
“ Well what happened?”, Sheldon asked in concern.
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“ Well, we ran some tests and it showed that your daughter had apparently suffered from a pretty significant hallucination attack.”, the doctor said.
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“ Hallucination?! Oh my god! Is she developing schizophrenia?!”, Leo asked in a panic as her heart skipped a beat.
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“ Oh no nothing like that. Hallucination attacks are periods where your mind suddenly plays tricks on you sometimes. Either you see or hear something that frightens you that is not even there.”, the doctor said.
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“ Well did you see something Cayela?”, Florence asked her best friend.
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“ No I heard something but I don’t know what happened after that.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ Well what did you hear that scared you?”, Florence asked.
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“ The sound of a chainsaw engine.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Oh for god sakes!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ What is this all related to?”, the doctor asked. Sheldon explained everything that’s been going on while the doctor just stood there patiently listening to every word that he was saying.
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“ Oh ok I see. We have seen a number of similar cases before and unfortunately Dr. Cooper I have to tell you and your wife that unless you treat it at the source it’s going to get worse.”, the doctor said.
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“ Buckwheats! This is all my fault! I shouldn’t have said anything about this! I’m such a terrible friend!”, Charlotte screamed as she took one swing of her leg at the wall in a fit of anger.
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“ Char calm down!”, Florence hissed as she grabbed her friend’s shoulders.
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“ So what do we do about this?”, Leo asked in concern.
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“ Well, there’s a special surgery we could do to remove the offending image from her brain by completely destroying said image.”, the doctor said as he scratched his head.
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“ Surgery?! What kind of surgery?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Well Dr. Cooper it involves a special laser being shot at your head that specifically targets unwanted images that are trapped within your long term memory blasting them to smithereens.”, the doctor said.
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“ Well what’s it called?”, Leo asked.
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“ It’s called Laser Erasectomy. Unfortunately I’m not certified to use it and the doctor that normally operates it is on vacation.”, the doctor said.
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“ Well we have to do something! We don’t want to watch her get worse!”, Howard shrieked.
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“ I’m certified to work with lasers. I’m an experimental physicist at Caltech.”, Leonard spoke up.
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“ You work with lasers?”, the doctor asked Leonard as he stared at him.
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“ Yes.”, Leonard said.
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“ And you are?”, the doctor asked.
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“ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, Leonard said.
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“ Nice to meet you Dr. Hofstadter. Would you be willing to operate the laser for this procedure?”, the doctor asked.
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“ Well if it means fixing my goddaughter then by all means yes.”, Leonard said.
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“ What?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Sheldon calm down!”, Leo interjected as she grabbed his arm.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAiyT2RDPJWA
“ Leo we’re seriously going to let Leonard shoot a laser at our daughter’s head?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ He’s your best friend! He’s not going to hurt her! You’re the one who appointed him as her godfather in the first place!”, Leo interjected.
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“ What if he hits her eye or something?! Or something worse happens?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ He’s not going to do that! Would you rather take a chance with a random stranger performing the procedure than with someone you actually trust?!”, Leo interjected as she stared at her husband.
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“ That’s a good point Leo. Alright Leonard, I will allow you to commence this procedure.”, Sheldon said to his wife before turning to his best friend.
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“ Thank you Sheldon.”, Leonard said.
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“ But listen here, you hit Cayela’s eye or any other important part of her body and I will hurt you! Got it?!”, Sheldon interjected as he narrowed his eyes at him.
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“ Got it buddy.”, Leonard said as he patted Sheldon’s shoulder.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAEKj23j3XqF
“ Alright, well, let’s get this show on the road.”, the doctor said as he walked over to Cayela and removed the bandages from her head. Two nurses then came in, gently lowered her foot and started wheeling her bed out of the room. Everyone started following.
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“ Where are we going?”, Cayela softly asked in confusion as she was being wheeled down the hallway.
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“ We’re going to the O.R. sweetheart.”, Leo said as she was holding her daughter’s hand.
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“ Why?”, Cayela softly asked.
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“ Because that Forensic Files episode plagued your mind so your Uncle Leonard is gonna fix it by shooting a laser at your head.”, Sheldon said as he held her other hand.
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“ Is this gonna hurt?”, Cayela softly asked.
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“ It’s going to feel like you’ve been shot with a rubber band.”, the doctor said.
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“ I don’t want to be in more pain!”, Cayela shrieked.
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“ Don’t worry sweetie we’re going to give you something to dull it so you don’t feel it as much.”, the doctor said as they entered through the swinging doors of the operation room. The sign on the door was a warning sign that said: Caution! Lasers in use!
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As she was carefully moved from the bed to the operating table she frighteningly asked, “Am I gonna be awake for this whole thing?!”
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“ Yes you will but after this it’s going to make you very sleepy. I forgot to mention that these lasers also have an effect on your Thalamus and Hyperthalamus which is what controls your sleep functions within your brain. So don’t be alarmed if you suddenly start to feel sleepy.”, the doctor said as a nurse was injecting some kind of numbing agent into Cayela’s IV. Then a protective eye shield was placed over her eyes. The others including Leonard also placed something over their eyes as well. Leonard then pushed the laser over by Cayela and aimed the head of it down at her forehead. Leo and Sheldon stood on both sides of her holding her hands as Leonard got ready to fire it.
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“ How many times do I need to do this?”, Leonard asked the doctor.
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“ Hit it about 3 times Dr. Hofstadter, it should be enough.”, the doctor said.
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“ Ok. Here goes nothing.”, Leonard said as he hovered his finger over the button.
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“ Look away Charlotte.”, Florence said.
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“ Alright whatever you say Florence.”, Charlotte said as the two girls turned away with their backs facing the others. Leonard hit the button which fired a short red beam of light at Cayela’s head. It sounded like a Star Wars phaser when it went off and the moment it struck her head she started to cry.
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“ Shhh, it’s ok sweetheart. Your father and I are right here.”, Leo cooed as she gently squeezed her daughter’s hand.
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“ It hurts! Worse than I could ever imagine!”, Cayela cried as she laid there on the table.
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“ You’re alright, calm down.”, Sheldon said as he squeezed her other hand. Leonard hit the button again firing the laser for the second time.
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“ Ow! Stop! It hurts!”, Cayela cried.
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“ I’m almost done Cayela. I just need to hit it one more time. You’re ok.”, Leonard said. He fired the laser one more time before shutting it off. Then he said, “ There I’m done.” as he took off his protective eye shield. The others did the same as Florence and Charlotte turned back around. Cayela continued to cry as bandages were wrapped around her head again. Her eye shield was then removed from her face.
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“ I’m sorry that hurt you. That wasn’t my intention. I was just trying to make you better. Your Uncle Leonard here loves you very much.”, Leonard said as he kissed her cheek. Then he asked, “ Could somebody hand me an ice pack please?” A nurse handed him one and he said, “ Thank you.” before gently placing it on Cayela’s forehead. Her crying stopped almost immediately.
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“ There. Does that feel better?”, Leonard asked. Cayela nodded her head before letting out a yawn.
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“ I think someone’s ready for a nap now.”, Leo said as she gently stroked her fingers through her daughter’s hair.
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“ I agree. Let’s move her back to her room and I’ll let you guys carry on with whatever routine you have.”, the doctor said as they gently moved her back into the bed. Cayela was wheeled back to her room and after she had her diaper changed she fell asleep.
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“ Sweet dreams bestie.”, Florence softly said as she gently rubbed Cayela’s shoulder. 2 days later when she came home from the hospital her casted foot and ankle were resting on a scooter and she still had a few bandages wrapped around her head. While the girls were trying to have fun again and the three adults were talking in the living room something else was going on. Meanwhile at Medstar Television studio the CEO chairman, Steven Medstar, called two certain men into his office. It was Paul Dowling and Peter Thomas, the creator and narrator of Forensic Files.
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“ Dowling, Thomas, can I see you two men in my office for a moment?”, Mr. Medstar asked as he motioned for them to follow him.
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“ Sure thing sir.”, Paul said as he and Peter followed their boss. Once they were in the office Mr. Medstar said in a serious tone,” Alright, sit down.”
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“ What’s this about Mr. Medstar?”, Paul asked in confusion.
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“ Uh, this is about your show Forensic Files.”, Mr. Medstar said in that same serious tone.
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“ What about it?”, Paul asked.
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“ We just received a complaint about your first episode from a concerned father who said that it apparently scared his daughter to the point where she accidentally hurt herself.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ The Helle Crafts episode?”, Peter asked in confusion.
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“ Yes. Apparently it was too traumatizing for her and she couldn’t handle it.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ Who’s the guy that made the complaint?”, Peter asked.
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“ Uh, I believe the guy said his name was Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. He’s a theoretical physicist that works at Caltech University.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ How old is his daughter?”, Paul asked.
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“ I believe he said that she’s 14 and autistic.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ Oh crap, that’s gonna get a strike on my career!”, Paul interjected as he slammed his fist on the wall.
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“ What else did Dr. Cooper say?”, Peter asked.
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“ He said he wants to arrange a private meeting with you two along with his wife and his best friend at their place to discuss this issue.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ Sure we could do that. What’s the address?”, Paul asked.
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“ 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, Apartment 4A.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ That’s in Pasadena, right?”, Peter asked.
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“ Yes. Now both of you get out of my office before I fire you.”, Mr. Medstar said.
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“ Alright whatever you say sir.”, Paul said as him and Peter left their boss’s office.
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Apartment 4A…
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“ You want to go in first Peter?”, Paul asked as they stood outside the door of Apartment 4A.
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“ You’re the writer of this show Paul, you do it! I’m just the narrator!”, Peter interjected as he shoved Paul at the door.
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“ Fine, but if this guy rips our faces off I’m blaming you for this.”, Paul said before he knocked a shaking hand on the door.
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“ Fair enough.”, Peter said as he rolled his eyes. The two men held their breath as the door suddenly opened to reveal Sheldon, his wife Leo and his roommate/best friend Leonard standing there in the doorway.
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“ Yes?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at the two men that were standing there in the hallway.
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“ Uh, you the one that sent the complaint about the Helle Crafts episode?”, Paul nervously asked as he fidgetted with his hands. Sweat was dripping down his face as his heart began to race. Peter looked like he was about to faint.
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“ Yes. Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. Who are you?”, Sheldon asked with an intimidating smile on his face.
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“ I’m Paul Dowling, the creator of Forensic Files and this is Peter Thomas, the narrator.”, Paul nervously said as he introduced himself and Peter.
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“ Hi.”, Peter nervously said as he held a hand up. Sheldon just stared at the two of them for a moment with a look of skepticism on his face.
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“ May I please see some ID?’, Sheldon asked as he held out his hand.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAlYPC70st1Q
“ Oh here we go.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes. Paul and Peter just rolled their eyes as well as they took out their driver’s licenses and handed them over.
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“ One moment please.”, Sheldon said as he took the two cards and scanned them to make sure that they were valid. They were.
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“ Thank you for your cooperation. You may enter.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he handed the two men back their licenses before stepping aside allowing the two of them to walk in.
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“ Sheldon was that really necessary?”, Leo asked as she stared at her husband with her hands on her hips.
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“ Leo, I wanted to make sure that these two were who they said they were. You can never be too cautious, especially since we have the safety of our daughter to think about as well.”, Sheldon said.
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“ That’s true.”, Leo said.
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“ Please have a seat gentlemen.”, Sheldon said as he gestured toward two chairs that were sitting in front of the coffee table.
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“ Thank you Dr. Cooper.”, Paul said as him and Peter sat down. They were still unsure of what to expect.
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“ Could we maybe interest you two in something to drink?”, Leo asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAhy1JGWhtgN
“ We’ll just have water please.”, Peter said.
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“ Ok. And I’m his wife by the way. Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce-Cooper. I’m also a theoretical physicist working at the same university as my husband.”, Leo said with a smile as she walked toward the kitchen to grab two glasses of water before walking back to the living room and handed them to the two men.
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“ Thank you Dr. Fordyce-Cooper.”, Paul said as he took a sip before setting it down. Peter did the same.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2AeiBHVf2r
“ So our boss Mr. Medstar didn’t tell us the entire story of what happened so could you please tell us what exactly happened?”, Paul asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvjeFDUxOfj
“ Gladly. So our daughter Cayela and her two friends were watching your show in her room several weeks ago and everything was fine until your first episode came up. They apparently decided to watch it thinking that it was like all the others but that was not the case. Then they started talking about it because Cayela’s friend Charlotte brought up the topic of what happens in the episode, but, anyway Cayela’s best friend Florence didn’t think this stuff was real but apparently Charlotte said it was because she’s obviously seen the episode before so then they had the audacity to actually look it up which makes sense if you’re talking about Autism. It doesn’t really register in her brain that it’s not an ok thing to do but anyway it made Florence throw up so I asked the girls why they were reading that and Cayela told me. She then asked me the stupidest question ever which obviously was related to this whole episode. She looks at me almost straight in the face and asks if I would ever do anything like that to her mother but of course I told her no, I would never do that and I love her mother very much but she just wouldn’t let it go for some reason. It started with her being very clingy, not wanting to go to sleep by herself and she wouldn’t even leave the car when we were driving her to school. She kept coming up with stupid excuses not to go and on top of that she was avoiding her friend Charlotte which made absolutely no sense. But anyway, so two days ago this got so bad that she slipped and fell into the bathtub, hitting her head on the wall and broke her foot after she screamed like no other which to tell you the truth it didn’t really register to my wife and I at the time that it was her but then Florence started screaming her head off screaming, “ Get in here!” so we panicked, ran in there and saw what Florence was screaming about. So we took Cayela to the hospital where she just had a special surgery called Laser Erasectomy which was done by my best friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter here to erase the memory of the episode from her brain. And that’s pretty much it.”, Sheldon said as he pointed at Leonard.
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“ Wow.”, Paul and Peter said as their eyes went wide. Sheldon nodded his head.
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“ Well I know this is probably not our place to ask, but, could we actually see what you’re talking about?”, Paul asked.
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“ Oh yes of course. Cayela come out here for a second!”, Sheldon called out when he stood up.
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“ Coming Dad! Florence could you get the door for me?”
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“ Sure Cayela!”, Florence said as she opened her best friend’s bedroom door and Cayela wheeled herself out on the scooter with Florence and Charlotte walking beside her on both sides. All the adults stood up as they saw the girls come into the room.
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“ Wow, you really weren’t kidding about this.”, Peter said as he stroked his chin.
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“ Exactly.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Hey! It’s the narrator of Forensic Files!”, Florence interjected with a smile on her face.
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“ How did you know that?”, Peter asked in surprise.
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“ Because I recognize your voice from the episodes.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah no duh Flo.”, Charlotte said as she tossed her head back.
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“ What have I told you about calling me that Charlotte?!”, Florence interjected as she stuck her face in her friend’s face.
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“ Sorry.”, Charlotte said as she turned her head away.
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“ Thank you.”, Florence said.
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“ Dad what are these guys doing here?”, Cayela asked as she pointed at Paul and Peter.
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“ We’re talking about the episode that was just erased from your memory Cayela. They wanted to know what happened as the result of it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh ok. Carry on.”, Cayela said as she wheeled herself back into her room with her friends following.
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Author’s note: Please don’t chew me out on this Forensic Files scenario. I know Peter Thomas is dead but this is fanfiction and it’s meant to be made up. I liked how this looked in my story so I wanted to write it this way. What do you think will happen next? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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