Chapter 48
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Waverly house
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“ Gia! Leonard, Howard, Raj and I got the firewood! We also got the ax unstuck from the metal drum after Leonard accidentally let go of it!”, Simon interjected as the 4 men came back into the house carrying bundles of wooden logs and placed them next the fireplace.
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“ Ok you don’t need to shout Simon! Brady’s sleeping upstairs in his crib!”, Gia hissed at her husband when she came back down the stairs and into the living room.
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“ Ok but you don’t need to shout either Gia.”, Simon said.
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“ I wasn’t shouting. You were and I was just telling you to be quiet.”, Gia said.
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“ Oh, well that makes sense. Hey where did Sheldon and Leo go?”, Simon asked when he noticed that Sheldon and Leo were no longer in the living room.
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“ How the hell should I know? I was upstairs and you were outside.”, Gia said.
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“ What? I was just asking.”, Simon said.
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“ Well let me go see.”, Gia said to her husband before she turned to some of her other friends who were still in the living room talking with each other and asked, “ Hey do you guys have any idea where Leo and Sheldon went?”
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“ They went for a walk in the woods Gia. Although, that was almost an hour ago and they should have been back by now.”, Morgan said.
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“ Oh god this is exactly what I was afraid of. They probably ran into some trouble and all those things I read about this town must be true.”, Gia said with a worried expression on her face.
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“ Gia I’m sure they’re fine. They probably just went in there to get frisky with each other.”, Howard said with a stupid smirk on his face which earned him a thump on the head from Leonard.
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“ Ow! Leonard what was that for?!”, Howard shrieked as he stared at his friend while rubbing his head.
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“ Wolowitz that’s not helping!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Well neither is thumping me on the head Hofstadter! I was just coming up with a logical explanation for Han Solo and Princess Leia’s sudden absence!”, Howard spat back with another Star Wars reference.
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“ That didn’t make any sense!”, Leonard hissed as he shook his head.
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“ Well neither do you!”, Howard hissed.
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“ Hey C-3PO and Luke Skywalker shut your traps out here! Bernadette, Amy, Dakota and I are trying to talk in the dining room and we don’t want to hear this crap! We don’t even know what the hell it is you’re even talking about!”, Penny intoxicatedly hissed as she stormed into the living room from the dining room holding her half full glass of wine.
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“ Penny we weren’t even talking to you!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ I don’t care! Shut up Leonard! You and Howard are driving us nuts with this insanity! It’s getting to the point of making me want to go cornhusking rodeo on the two of you and turn you into Headless Horsemens with detachable jack-o-lantern heads!”, Penny intoxicatedly hissed as she took another sip of her wine.
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“ Ok that’s just stupid.”, Howard said with a stupid smirk on his face.
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“ Wolowitz can it or I’m gonna punch your lights out like I did before when you tried to kiss me!”, Penny intoxicatedly hissed.
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“ Penny keep it down before you wake up Gia and Simon’s son who’s sleeping upstairs!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Well you two dorks going to wake him up too if you don’t quit yelling at each other!”, Penny intoxicatedly hissed.
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“ Penny just get back in the dining room with Amy, Bernadette and Dakota! You guys are raising my stress level with your bickering and on top of that I have no idea where my cousins are! Given the history of this town it makes me wonder and worry that they somehow must have gotten themselves into trouble and that’s not good for the health of my new baby-to-be! So get back in there and shut up!”, Gia snapped again after she felt another mood swing coming on.
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“ Ok I will Gia Waverly just tell Leonard Hofstadter and Howard Wolowitz to keep their traps shut!”, Penny intoxicatedly hissed before she stormed back into the dining room.
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“ Oh god I need to sit down! I can feel my anxiety coming up!”, Gia said as she began to hyperventilate.
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“ Good heavens! Sit down Gia before you pass out!”, Simon said in concern as him, Leonard, Howard and Raj helped his wife sit down.
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“ I’m scared Simon! Our cousins are out there somewhere in the dark and I’m worried that something bad could have happened to them! This is their first time visiting us up here since we moved and if something happened to them I don’t think I would have the heart to tell Cayela that her parents went missing and never came back!”, Gia said as she started to cry.
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“ Gia no stop crying. You’re just overthinking things and being paranoid. I’m sure they’re fine and they probably just got lost. They’ll probably be back any minute now.”, Simon said in concern as he held his sobbing pregnant wife in his arms.
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“ Do you want us to give you guys a moment?”, Leonard asked Gia and Simon.
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“ Yeah because we can go in another room of the house.”, Howard said.
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“ Why are we even asking them you a**hats? Let’s just go.”, Raj said as he started to walk away but Gia cried, “ No! Please stay you guys! I’m really freaked out at the moment! My cousins who are your friends have suddenly disappeared on Halloween night in the woods with no explanation as to where they could have gone! For all we know they could be dead and do you guys really want to think about the possibility that you may never see two of your best friends ever again?!”
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“ No.”, Leonard, Howard and Raj said simultaneously.
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“ Ok you made your point Gia. We’ll stay.”, Leonard said.
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“ Thank you!”, Gia cried as she stared at them before burying her face back into her husband’s chest and cried, “ Where are you Sheldon and Leo?! I hope you’re ok!”
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Sanderson cottage
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“ Ok what is this? Why am I now bound to this ridiculously uncomfortable chair? It’s cutting off my blood circulation.”, Sheldon frighteningly asked when he suddenly found himself sitting in the very same chair that Leo used to smash the window with and a rope was tied around his midsection pinning his arms down at his sides after Mary Sanderson tightened the last knot in it.
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“ It’s basic standards especially when it comes to discovering intruders in our home.”, Winifred cunningly said as her and her sisters were surrounding him.
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“ More like stupid ridiculous pending nuptials if you ask me.”, Sheldon frighteningly said as he shifted himself slightly in the chair.
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“ Do not question it!”, Winifred shouted. Then she lowered her voice and cunningly asked as she got real close to his face, “ So what’s your name, knave?”
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“ Ok firstly why call me something that has nothing to do with me and secondly if I tell you will you get out of my face?”, Sheldon frighteningly asked as he looked at her with wide eyes.
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“ That depends on your answer. Who are you and what are you doing in our cottage?”, Winifred cunningly asked.
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“ Ok if must know and it seems you must, my name is Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Sheldon frighteningly said.
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“ Really? A doctor?!”, Winifred cunningly asked.
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“ You made the wrong house call buddy.”, Mary cunningly said.
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“ Yeah we don’t have health insurance here Doc.”, Sarah cunningly said.
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“ I’m a theoretical physicist not a physician.”, Sheldon frighteningly said as he shook his head.
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“ Oh so you’re just a stupid science geek is that it?”, Winifred cunningly asked.
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“ Excuse me but for your information I have a genius IQ of 187. I’m not stupid.”, Sheldon frighteningly said taking immediate offense to Winifred calling him ‘stupid’.
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“ Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stu…!”, Sarah chanted as she started jumping around again doing the same arm movements before Winifred slapped her again and shouted, “ Cut it out Sarah before I turn you into a toad!”
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“ That’s not nice Winnie!”, Sarah shrieked.
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“ I don’t care, shut up!”, Winifred shouted in her sister’s face.
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“ Ok this is preposterous! Will you please untie me from this chair this instant and let me out of here?! I can’t even feel my arms now!”, Sheldon frighteningly said.
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“ You’re not going anywhere Dr. Cooper and were you the one that broke this window when you were fooling around in here?!”, Winifred shouted in his face as she pointed at the broken window next to him.
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“ No I was not and I’m not going to tell you who did! Get out of my face Winifred Sanderson! Whatever stupid Halloween hijinkery this is it’s not funny! Release me this instant or you’re really going to get it!”, Sheldon shrieked as he tried to break free from the rope that was holding him to the chair but would not budge one bit.
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“ Shut your mouth or we’re gonna kill you!”, Mary shouted in his face.
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“ You are not killing me, EVER! That’s the last thing that I would ever want to happen to me right now! You kill me right now and there’ll never be another breakthrough in science!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ OK THAT’S IT! YOU’RE GONNA…!”, Winifred shouted but before she could do anything else a sudden female shouting voice rang out from outside the cottage.
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“ HEY YOU 3 TWISTED SISTERS, OUT HERE!” was what was said before a large jagged rock came flying through another window smashing it to pieces as it landed in the middle of the floor with a loud thud causing the 3 sisters to scream in terror. The indivual that threw it immediately ducked her head after the window broke and she ran away again.
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“ What was that Winnie?!”, Mary shrieked.
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“ I don’t know Mary!”, Winifred shrieked but then she shouted, “ Who’s out there fooling around?! Show yourself!”
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“ That was just my wife! Leo, get out of here! These 3 bitches have taken me hostage!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ I must be going crazy! You have a wife named Leo?! That is the most ridiculous name I have ever heard! Same with yours, Sheldon!”, Winifred shouted in his face as he continued to try to break free.
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“ No it’s not and I’m about to kick your a**es for whatever the hell this is you’re doing to my husband! Leave him alone!”, Leo shouted when she suddenly popped her head up in front of the broken window outside the cottage.
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“ You just shut up whoever you are! Your husband was stupidly in here in the first place!”, Winifred shouted at her.
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“ That’s Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper to you and you are not touching my husband! Get away from him before I throw a rock right at your face!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Oh rats and bats, we have another doctor here trying to make a house call?!”, Sarah shouted.
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“ I’m a theoretical physicist you idiot!”, Leo shouted.
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“ You and your wife are both physicists?!”, Winifred shouted in Sheldon’s face.
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“ YES! WE’RE PHYSICISTS!”, Leo and Sheldon shouted at the same time.
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“ So you’re a genius too?! What’s your stupid IQ?!”, Mary shouted.
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“ 185 bi**h and you know what I’m done talking here! I’m gonna come in there and kick all of your butts for screwing with my husband!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Cut the swearing Leo or I’m gonna turn you into a little mouse and sick a cat on you!”, Winifred shouted as her patience was starting to grow thin.
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“ You are not going to do anything to my wife Winifred Sanderson! Leo seriously just get out of here and go back to Gia and Simon’s house! Cayela needs her mother to be alive and not dead!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Yeah well she needs her father to be alive and not dead too Sheldon! I’m not going anywhere without you! When we got married we made a committment to each other that we would stick together until death do us part!”, Leo shouted at her husband who was clearly still trying to get himself out of the current situation he was in.
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“ You really think this is a good time to be talking about our wedding vows?! Because I don’t Leo!”, Sheldon shouted back at his wife. But as the married couple continued to argue with each other Winifred suddenly interrupted with, “Hold on hold on wait a minute!” before she and her sisters looked at Sheldon with sinister looks on their faces and she cunningly asked, “ Did you two just say you have a child or were my ears turned off?”
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“ Oh nice going Sheldon! Now they know about our daughter! Some father you’re turning out to be at the moment!”, Leo shouted as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Well it’s not my fault I slipped up about Cayela! You wouldn’t leave when I told you to so what was I supposed to say?! You’re her mother!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Well if you had just left with me after I smashed that window in first place we wouldn’t be in this mess!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Just answer the question! Did you or did you not just say you have a child and do not LIE TO ME Dr. Cooper?!”, Winifred shouted at Sheldon.
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“ Yes I did! What fresh hell is this?! Where in the name of Einstein are you going with this?!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Yeah I’d like to know too because whatever this is you’re thinking and planning to do it better stop right now! I swear to God you bi**hes so much as come anywhere near our 14 year old autistic daughter I will split your heads open like pumpkins and let the squirrels eat them! You are not going to touch my husband or our daughter, EVER! Do you hear me Sandersons?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Oh shut up Leo we’re gonna do whatever we want! Sarah, go start singing so that we may suck the lives out of that autistic teenage brat and any other children that we may lure to this cottage!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ Why of course Winnie! Singing time! Singing time! Singing time! Si...!”, Sarah exclaimed as she started jumping around like an idiot again while holding her broomstick.
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“ Just go!”, Winifred shouted as she pointed at the door.
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“ Oh god! What have I done?! They’re going to kill Cayela!”, Sheldon shrieked but the moment Sarah stepped out the door Leo shouted, “ Oh no you don’t! Come here Sarah!” as she grabbed her by the throat making Sarah scream as Leo shoved her back into the cottage and pressed her and her two sisters against the wall getting dangerously close to their faces.
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“ Oh you just made one angry mother out of me now! Listen here you twisted old hags, you are not going to do ANYTHING to anybody’s child or to mine and my husband’s little girl! Cayela Rachelle is the most precious thing in the world to Sheldon and I and you are not taking her away from us, EVER! So why don’t you just say lights out instead Winifred, Mary and Sarah!”, Leo shouted with boiling rage.
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“ I don’t think so! Sisters, get her!”, Winifred shouted as the three of them suddenly pushed Leo back making her scream in terror thinking she was going to die but Sheldon finally managed to break free from the chair and he lashed out shouting, “ Oh no you don’t! Get away from my wife Leo!”
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“ Sheldon’s free! Mary, Sarah, get him! I’ll take care of his pathetic wife Leo! We can’t let these two physicists fools get away! They’ll ruin everything!”, Winifred shouted as she pointed at Sheldon who was trying to find whatever he could use to attack the sisters with but couldn’t anything that he thought was remotely helpful.
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“ Of course Winnie!”, Sarah cunningly exclaimed.
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“ Come here Sheldon! Time to die!”, Mary cunningly exclaimed as her and Sarah drew closer to him as he stood there looking completely frightened.
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“ I don’t think so Sandersons! Hey what’s that behind you?!”, Sheldon shouted as he pointed behind them making them turn around but the moment they did he shouted, “ Bazinga!” and pushed them into a table making the two sisters scream before they lost consciousness.
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“ Mary, Sarah! Oh you are dead Cooper! Take this!”, Winifred shouted as she casted a bolt of evil magic at him but he ducked his head and the magic bolt hit the wall behind him. He screamed in terror as he started to run around the tiny cottage still looking for anything useful to fight for his life and his wife’s life with when Winifred started attacking Leo too with the very same magic bolts.
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“ Get away from my husband Winifred! Sheldon duck and catch!”, Leo shouted as Sheldon ducked his head again and she tossed him a fireplace poker stick. Leo then grabbed a book from one of the shelves and the two spouses ganged up on Winifred as she continued to attack them with her evil magic and started to swing her broomstick at them.
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“ I’m going to end you two pathetic mortals! How dare you fool around with me and my sisters!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ No how dare you fool around with us! Lights out Winifred!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Don’t you da...!”, Winifred shouted before she got knocked unconscious by both Leo and Sheldon.
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“ Good Lord let’s get out of here Leo!”, Sheldon shrieked as he grabbed his wife’s hand and the two ran out of the cottage as fast as they could dropping the items they were holding in the open doorway on their way out running off the porch, across the bridge and back towards Gia and Simon’s house.
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“ That was the most horrifying experience of our lives!”, Sheldon shrieked as they kept running through the trees hand in hand.
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“ I know! That was worse than my deceased enemy Dr. Devon Stormbender! Are you ok?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ No woman I’m not ok! I’m completely petrified! I can’t believe that we actually almost got killed by 3 witches!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ I know, me too! We have to tell our friends and my cousins about this because who knows what will happen when those witches suddenly wake up again and come after us again!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ I completely agree with you! Let’s go!”, Sheldon shrieked as they continued to run. As they neared the house they began to panic even more when they realized that their daughter and her friends were still outside playing with each other.
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“ You’re minced meat Florence Crenshamezki!”
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“ In your dreams Charlotte Tipton! Prepare to get served!”
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“ That’s what you think Summer Langenstein! Cayela Fordyce-Cooper’s going to get you and Julia Ratley too!”
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“ Not before Robbie Wayne gets you first!”
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“ Here comes Arista Stormbender in for the kill!”
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“ Meet Nimberly Branson the queen of gagaball! Say goodbye losers!”
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“ Oh god the girls are still out here!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ I’ll handle this!”, Sheldon shrieked at his wife before he shouted, “ Cayela Rachelle you and your friends need to get in the house now!” which caused the girls to immediately stop what they were doing as Leo and Sheldon came running out of the woods.
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“ Why Dad? What’s going on?”, Cayela interjected at her father.
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“ We don’t know Cayela but I think your father and I just encountered 3 witches in the woods!”, Leo shouted as she was trying to catch her breath.
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“ What?!”, Cayela, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie, Arista and Nim exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ Oh come on! Is this a joke?!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ No it is not Florence Crenshamezki we are dead serious! Now you, our daughter Cayela, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie, Arista and Nim all get in the house right now!”, Sheldon shouted as he pointed at the house with a very noticeable freaked out expression and when the girls saw Leo’s freaked out expression too they dropped the ball and scrammed out of their makeshift gagaball pit screaming in terror as they headed into the house. Leo and Sheldon followed after them to make sure they were getting in safely.
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“ Go go go!”, Cayela screamed as she was pushing on her friends to move.
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“ What the hell?!”, Howard exclaimed as he stood up causing the others to look in the direction of the side door to see what was going on.
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“ Basement girls, now!”, Sheldon shrieked as he was ushering the girls toward the basement door with them screaming their heads off and shoving each other.
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“ Move it Ratley!”, Robbie shrieked.
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“ Yo shut it Wayne I’m going as fast as I can but Branson’s in my way!”, Julia shrieked as she shoved past Nim.
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“ Julia would you and Robbie just stop?! This isn’t Jason Voorhees Friday The 13th!”, Arista shrieked as the girls ran down the basement stairs slamming the door behind them.
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“ Can it Stormbender!” was what all the other girls screamed at Arista as their voices faded down the stairs.
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“ Oh thank god we made it back here!”, Leo shrieked as she still trying to catch her breath.
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“ I agree! I never thought I’d be so happy to see this place again!”, Sheldon shrieked as he was doing the same thing.
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“ Sheldon what’s going on?! Where the hell were you two?! We’ve been worried sick!”, Leonard interjected as the others started to gather around the two freaked out physicists.
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“ Oh y’all not going to believe this but we just got attacked by 3 witches!”, Sheldon shrieked in a Texas twang.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Dakota, Amy, Bernadette, Yesenia, Morgan, Kemdan, Danny, Molly, Stuart, Shelina, Carmen, Melissa, Megynn, Gia and Simon exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ Sheldon what are you talking about?! Witches don’t exist!”, Amy shrieked.
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“ That’s what I thought Amy but apparently I was wrong, VERY WRONG! What Leo and I just experienced was very horrible and very REAL!”, Sheldon shrieked as he continued to hyperventilate.
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“ Well what happened to you guys?!”, Dakota shrieked.
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“ I’ll tell you about what happened to Sheldon and I, Dakota! We were walking through the woods talking about our marriage and the birth of our daughter saying how much of a blessing it was when all of a sudden we discovered this 16 century vintage looking cottage in the middle of the woods near this small creek with a ricketty old bridge going across it! So we decided to go in there to check it out and as we were looking around we got into this stupid argument about witches, witchcraft, theoretical physics and I was like what does that all have to do with each other and then he said they don’t while talking about our IQs and said that this stuff was probably left by high school punks trying to prank us but then I wanted to thump him on the head but I couldn’t see anything! So then we started to look for a candle and Sheldon eventually found one with his cell phone flash light sitting on a side table next to a box of matches! So then I lit it with a match and immediately noticed how weird the candle was because the flame was completely black, so I started asking Sheldon what he thought and he comes up with this ridiculous theory that it maybe had to do with the fact that it was an old cottage and that the candle was probably no good anymore! So then I asked what the two had to do with each other and Sheldon started to scream my name at me saying that he didn’t know and to stop screaming at him, but then there was this loud crack of thunder with a series of lightning strikes and then this crazy gust of wind started up making things fly around us as if a tornado was coming through and so Sheldon started accusing me of starting a tornado so I said that theoretically didn’t make any sense! Then we heard these 3 loud shrieking cackles in the air and the moment I heard approaching footsteps I got so scared that I broke a window with a chair and jumped out not realizing that Sheldon was still standing there in the cottage!”, Leo shrieked as she continued to explain everything else that had happened after that making Gia almost pass out from shock and fright as she and the others listened to what her cousin was talking about.
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“ That’s insane bestie! And ridiculous!”, Morgan shrieked as she stared at her best friend.
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“ Look, I know you guys think this sounds crazy but I’m telling you this actually happened! We almost died! Not to mention Cayela and her friends could have died too because these witches aren’t normal! They suck the lives out of children!”, Leo shrieked causing everybody gasp at what she just said.
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“ Is that why you told the girls to go in the basement Sheldon?!”, Howard shrieked.
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“ Yes Wolowitz! We have to protect these girls and the baby no matter what the cost may be! We can’t let our guards down and let these sick, twisted witches get what they want! We would never forgive ourselves if we let that happen!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Ok you know what, I’m gonna get on the ATV and I’m gonna go investigate the woods! Howard you’re coming with me!”, Simon shrieked as he grabbed the keys to his ATV and booked it out the door.
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“ Oh son of a bitch I had to open my big mouth! Simon wait up!”, Howard shrieked as he followed his friend out the door.
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“ You guys be careful Howie!”, Bernadette shrieked through the open doorway as she watched her husband and their friend get on the ATV that was parked in the driveway.
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“ We know what to do Bernie!”, Howard shrieked as Simon started the engine and zipped out of the driveway toward the woods with Howard clinging to him tightly.
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“ Oh thank God you guys are ok! I was so worried I’d never see you again!”, Gia cried as she threw her arms around Leo and Sheldon gripping them tightly while being careful not to harm her unborn daughter she was carrying in her stomach.
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“ I know Gia! It was the worst night of my life!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Mine too but could you please let go of us Gia! You’re crushing us!”, Sheldon shrieked as he felt like his lungs were going to pop out of his chest.
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“ Oh, sorry! I was just really freaked out!”, Gia cried as she released her grip.
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Meanwhile in the woods, Simon and Howard were zipping through the trees on the ATV looking for any signs of these 3 witches that Leo and Sheldon had described and claimed to have attacked them. The frigid October nightly air was still swirling about with owls hooting, dogs barking in the distance as well as the distant voices of children trick-or-treating with their friends and families. The two men stopped at the end of each trail searching through the pitch black dark holding their breaths in fear of what they may discover.
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“ You see anything yet Howard?”, Simon asked.
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“ Not yet Simon. It’s so dark out here.”, Howard said.
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“ Well of course that would obvious. We’re in the middle of the woods on a frigid October night.”, Simon said.
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“ Ok Waverly that’s not helpful!”, Howard hissed.
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“ Well you’re not helping either Wolowitz!”, Simon hissed. Then he said, “ Ok you know what, there’s nothing here. Sheldon and Leo probably just pulled some Halloween prank on us. Let’s go back to the house and move on to a different subject.”
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“ I don’t think they were pranking us dude. Sheldon would have said Bazinga by now. He says that every time he’s pulling a prank or making a joke.”, Howard said.
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“ Ok that doesn’t make any sense, what’s that got to do…?”, Simon said but then the two men suddenly grew silent when they started hearing rustling noises around them.
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“ What the hell was that noise?”, Howard asked as the fear in his voice started to come back.
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“ I don’t know, I think it was…”, Simon started to say but then Winifred cunningly shouted from out of nowhere in front of them, “ Surprise suckas!” as her sisters stood next to her with creepy smiles on their faces. They had recently gained consciousness again and were looking for Leo and Sheldon but they ended up finding Howard and Simon instead catching them completely off guard.
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“ Oh son of a bi**h! Holy space nuts! There really are witches in these woods!”, Howard shrieked.
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“ Would you shut up Howard?!”, Simon shrieked.
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“ Sisters, we fly!”, Winifred cunningly shouted as they got on their broomsticks.
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“ No thanks, see you freaky jezebels! Hang on Wolowitz!”, Simon shrieked as he rapidly turned his ATV around and the two men zipped through the trees again screaming in terror as the Sanderson sisters followed after them on their broomsticks letting out evil shrieking cackles as Winifred cunningly shouted, “Come back here you not who we’re looking for fools!”
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“ Ok I’m completely terrified now! Let’s get back to the house Simon!”, Howard shrieked.
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“ Right with you there Howard! This is crazy!”, Simon shrieked as they continued to scream. At some point they managed to get the sisters off their tail and zipped out of the woods back to the house. As the others were sitting at the dining room table trying to calm themselves down with mugs of hot chocolate Howard and Simon suddenly came running back into the house after they jumped off the ATV and Howard started screaming, “ Mayday mayday mayday mayday! Major problem in the woods! Sheldon and Leo were right!” causing the others except for Sheldon and Leo to shriek, “ What?!” as they all stood up from the table to see their two friends gasping for air.
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“ Are you freakin’ serious?!”, Raj interjected.
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“ Yes we’re serious Raj! Howard and I almost passed out from fright coming back here making me almost crash my ATV!”, Simon screamed as he threw his keys at the wall.
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“ You two saw them?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stood up from the table.
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“ Yes! There were 3 of them! One had red hair in a crazy hairdo, one had black hair and one had blonde hair!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Oh my god that’s them! Those are the same witches that attacked Sheldon and I and they’re sisters!”, Leo shrieked as she stood up from the table too.
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“ Well who the hell are these bi**hes?!”, Penny shrieked as she stared at Sheldon and Leo.
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“ Winifred, Mary and Sarah Sanderson!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Oh come on, one of these witches has the same first name as your mother?!”, Leonard shrieked.
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“ Yes Leonard Hofstadter! What kind of a stupid question is that?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Ok you guys we don’t have time for this! We need to do something or these witches are gonna kill us!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Well somebody start coming up with a plan! What do we do?!”, Stuart shrieked.
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“ I say we lockdown this entire house right now and not go anywhere for any reason what so ever! We can’t let these witches get into this house and take the kids!”, Gia shrieked.
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“ And you should protect yourself too Gia!”, Simon shrieked at his wife.
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“ Why are you focused on me now Simon?!”, Gia shrieked back at her husband.
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“ Because, if those Sandersons discover that you’re pregnant they’ll try to kill her too before she even has a chance to be born! And do you want that to happen?! Because I don’t!”, Simon shrieked.
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“ Well I don’t either Simon!”, Gia shrieked.
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“ Exactly! She’s our very first daughter and we have to protect her just like we have to protect our son, Leo and Sheldon’s daughter Cayela and all of Cayela’s friends who are here with us! Cayela and her friends have their whole lives ahead them, our son’s life is just beginning and our daughter’s life hasn’t even started yet! So I don’t care what it is you have to do Gia but you protect Ariel no matter what happens! I’m not gonna let these sickos cause you to have a miscarriage! Do you hear me Gia?!”, Simon shrieked.
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“ Yes I hear you Simon! Quit screaming at me!”, Gia shrieked.
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Meanwhile, back in the woods Winifred, Mary and Sarah were still flying around on their broomsticks wondering where Howard and Simon suddenly disappeared to.
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“ Oh rats and bats we lost sight of them! Which way did they go?!”, Mary shouted.
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“ I don’t have a clue Mary! Rats and bats, rats and bats, rats and bats, rats…!”, Sarah shouted before she started to bounce on her broomstick chanting Rats and bats over and over again until Winifred slapped her again and shouted, “Sarah stop it! I shall go see where these fools went! I’m gonna fly higher to get a better view!” before she flew higher over the trees and started to scan the surrounding area below.
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“ Alright, where are you hiding you mortals?!”, Winifred cunningly said as she continued to search until her eyes suddenly rested on the Waverlys house off in the distance.
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“ Sisters, up here!”, Winifred shouted which caught the attention of Mary and Sarah.
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“ What? What is it Winnie?”, Mary cunningly asked as her and Sarah flew up over the trees to meet up with their sister.
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“ Look down there off in the distance. I believe I just found our target. There’s that ridiculous contraption those other two fools we encountered were driving so I’m sure that’s where they are and I’m most certainly sure that’s where Leo and Sheldon are hiding too!”, Winifred cunningly said as she pointed at the Waverlys house.
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“ Yeah! Leo and Sheldon, Leo and Sheldon, Leo and Sheldon, Leo…!”, Sarah cunningly exclaimed as she started bouncing again on her broomstick.
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“ Sarah I told you to knock it off! Quit acting so childish and shut up!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ Winnie?”, Mary cunningly asked.
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“ What Mary?!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ I smell children.”, Mary cunningly said after she sniffed the air.
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“ Of course you do Mary and I hear them too. It sounds like voices of young teenage girls coming from that house down there. Come sisters, we shall go see where exactly those voices are coming from.”, Winifred cunningly said as she pointed at the Waverlys house over the distant laughing voices of Cayela and her friends as they were listening to music in the basement and the 3 witches began to fly on their broomsticks toward the house.
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Waverly house
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“ I got the back door locked! Who’s got the side door?!”, Leonard interjected after he grabbed the ax from outside, brought it in and latched the back door shut.
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“ I do! Amy?!”, Penny interjected as she latched the side door.
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“ Front door’s secured! Who’s got all the windows?!”, Amy interjected after she latched the front door.
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“ Raj and I do! Who’s got the fireplace and the chimney flue?!”, Howard interjected after him and Raj had gone around the entire house latching all the windows shut.
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“ Sheldon and I do! Howard why don’t you and Raj go close all the blinds too!”, Leo interjected after she put the fire out and Sheldon closed the chimney flue.
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“ You got it Leo!”, Raj interjected as him and Howard then went all around the house again closing all the blinds of every window they just latched.
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“ I got the attic shut! Is there anything else we missed?!”, Dakota interjected as she came running down the stairs.
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“ Nah I think we’re all good to go Skullbreaker!”, Megynn interjected.
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“ Ok good. This place is all locked up tight like a bank vault.”, Dakota said as she let out a sigh of relief.
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“ Yeah that’s real obvious Dakota.”, Leonard sarcastically said to his wife.
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“ Ok so now that this entire house is locked from top to bottom, what do we do now?”, Howard asked as he was trying to catch his breath after everybody all gathered together again.
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“ Now we just wait to see what happens.”, Bernadette said.
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“ This is crazy you guys! What do we know about killing witches?! Most of us are just a bunch of scientists! Leo and Sheldon are just theoretical physicists, Leonard is an experimental physicist, Howard is an aerospace engineer, I’m an astrophysicist, Amy is a neurobiologist, Bernadette is a microbiologist, Penny’s just an actress, bartender and pharmaceutical sales rep, Stuart’s just a comic book store owner, Dakota’s a mixed martial arts fighter, Danny’s a police officer and the rest of you… I have no idea what you do!”, Raj interjected as he started to point out everybody’s profession which included himself as well.
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“ Um hello Raj you’ve forgotten that I’m a DISTRICT ATTORNEY!”, Simon interjected.
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“ Well it’s not my fault I forgot Simon. I didn’t think it was that important to mention.”, Raj said.
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“ What the hell are you talking about?! It’s a very important job! I sort and deal with the most serious criminal justice cases!”, Simon interjected.
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“ Ok would you two a**holes shut up?! This isn’t helping! We got bigger problems to worry about than worrying about who’s job is more important! There are 3 deadly witches planning to come here to try to kill us!”, Penny shouted.
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“ Penny no one was even talking to you! Why would you…?!”, Sheldon started to shouted at Penny but then all the adults gasped in fear as they heard a sudden thump coming from the basement. This caught the attention of the girls as well and Julia’s voice shouted, “ Yo you guys what was that?!” when she shut the music off.
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“ Surprise teenagers! Aha ha ha ha ha!”
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“ Oh my God! Witches!”
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“ Oh HELLS NO!”, Howard shouted.
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“ You got to be kidding me!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Run for your lives up the stairs you guys and move it Stormbender!” , Cayela’s voice suddenly screamed as her and her friends started bolting back up the basement stairs screaming their heads off in terror with the evil shrieking cackles starting to follow behind them. As the girls shoved the door open screaming as they were running to the stairs the adults were trying to calm them down but to no avail.
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“ Oh my God move it Charlotte!”, Florence screamed as she was shoving past Charlotte to get up the stairs with the other girls frantically pushing on each other.
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“ Shut it Florence!”, Arista screamed.
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“ You guys just shut up and keep running!”, Summer screamed.
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“ You shut up Langenstein!”
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“ Surprise you pathetic mortals! Prepare for the fright of your lives! Aha ha ha ha ha!”, Winifred cunningly shrieked when her and her sisters came up from the basement and stood in front of the gang making them scream in terror.
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“ Oh shit! They got into the house!”, Gia screamed as the Digimon Halloween song started to play in the background.
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Digimon! Digimon!
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“ Gia! Get upstairs and get our son!”, Simon screamed at his wife.
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Digimon! Digimon!
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“ Simon are you kidding me?! That’s the worst idea ever!”, Gia screamed at her husband.
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( Digimon! Digimon!) spoken: It’s Halloween, y’all! “ I don’t care Gia! Get upstairs now and get Brady!”, Simon screamed. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
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spoken: Halloween in the Digiworld! “ Ok! Ahhhhhh!”, Gia screamed as she bolted up the stairs but not fast enough as to harm her unborn baby making Cayela and her friends scream again from up there as well as baby Brady to wake up and start crying. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
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“ Let’s get them you assholes!”, Penny screamed at her friends.
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“ Sisters, we ATTACKKKK!”, Winifred shouted as a fight started between the 3 witches and the gang.
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It’s dark tonight
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There’s creatures all around
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“ Bernadette watch out! Sarah’s on your tail!”, Howard screamed when he saw Sarah chasing his wife.
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They’re right in a haunted house
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Just outside of town
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“ Thanks for the info Howie! Somebody help me!”, Bernadette screamed as she was trying to dodge Sarah’s attacks and fight back against her.
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There’s freaky DigiGhouls and DigiGobblins hiding everywhere
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“ I got her Bernadette! Tonight I spice my meat with witches’ blood!”, Raj screamed as he started chasing after Sarah wielding a kitchen knife.
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Hey what’s that sound I’m hearing underneath the stair
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“ Get away from me you freak!”, Sarah shouted as she suddenly turned around and began to attack Raj.
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It’s spooky! It’s spooky! It’s spooky in here!
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“ Hey what do you think you’re doing?! Meolli ...eseo naui namja chingu! ( Get away from my boyfriend!).”, Yesenia screamed as she started running towards Sarah ready to hit her with a hammer but Winifred saw this and intervened.
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It’s spooky! It’s spooky! It’s spooky in here!
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“ I don’t think so! Come here!”, Winifred shouted as she grabbed Yesenia around the waist causing her to scream as she was trying to get away.
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It’s spooky! It’s spooky! It’s spooky in here!
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“ Oh my god she’s got me! Raj!”, Yesenia screamed.
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“ Hands off my girlfriend you bi**h!”, Raj shouted as he took the hammer from Yesenia and whacked Winifred in the face with it making her scream as she let go of Yesenia. Chaos erupted as the fight continued and the song continued to play in the background. Axel suddenly came kicking in the front door shortly after Dakota called him screaming about what was going on which ramped things up even more.
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“ Eat volcanic lava you twisted sisters!”, Axel shouted as he started dumping vials of hot molten lava all over the witch sisters heads making them scream as their hair was starting to catch flames.
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“ Nice save Axel!”, Dakota screamed.
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“ Thanks Dakota! How’s it feel to be set on fire witches?!”, Axel shouted as the sisters managed to put their flaming hair out after fanning each other’s heads.
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“ Oh we’ll set you on fire you flame head fool! Come here!”, Winifred shouted as her, Mary and Sarah lashed out at Dakota and Axel but Leonard intervenes when he comes up behind the 3 witches and shouts, “ Don’t you even think about touching my wife Dakota and our cousin Axel! Clean up on aisle 2!” before he whacked them with a mop knocking them to the floor.
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“ Oh you are dead for that Hofstadter!”, Mary shouted as her and her sisters got back up on their feet.
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“ Oh hell no! Out of my way guys! Gangway!”, Leonard screamed as he started to run away shoving his friends out of the way. The Sandersons started to chase him but then Winifred suddenly spotted Oreo sprinting across the floor letting out a feline screech as she was trying to find another hiding spot.
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“ There goes a black cat! Somebody get it!”, Winifred shouted as she pointed at Oreo who disappeared into the darkness underneath the kitchen stove. Her piercing green eyes were the only body parts visible at that moment.
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“ You touch that cat Winifred Sanderson and I’ll take your head off with this ax! That is my daughter’s cat Oreo and you’re not gonna mess with her!”, Leo shouted as she got up in Winifred’s face threatening her with the same ax that Leonard used to chop the wood with for the fireplace.
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“ Shut up Leo! Get out of my face!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ Don’t you shout at my wife!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Don’t you shout at me either Sheldon or I’m gonna...!”, Winifred shouted but before she could do anything Penny suddenly jumped in between Sheldon and her and shouted, “ I don’t think so! Yippee ki-yay bitch!” taking a hard swing with her Slugger bat at her hitting her in the stomach.
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“ Ow! Oh you’re going to get it for that Penny!”, Winifred shouted as she tried to hit her with her broomstick but Amy stepped in and whacked her in the face with her purse which made a loud clunking sound when it struck Winifred’s nose because she still had a coffee can full of change in it.
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“ Winnie!”, Mary and Sarah shrieked when they saw blood coming out of their sister’s nose.
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“ Why you devil woman I’m gonna...!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ Oh god! She’s gonna curse me!”, Amy screamed as she started to run away.
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“ Come back here! You’re gonna feel my wrath!”, Winifred shouted as she gave chase making Amy scream her head off.
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“ Oh HELL no! You get away from my best friend right now before I take you down to the Nebraskan Rodeo!”, Penny shouted as she ran after Winifred swinging her bat.
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“ Just shut up Penny and hit Winifred again before she kills me!”, Amy screamed.
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“ To hell she will Amy! Come here Winifreak I’m gonna make you meet Nebraska!”, Penny shouted as she swung at Winifred again only this time Mary and Sarah intervened. The fight continued until the witches unfortunately got past all the adults and up the stairs to the second floor. Gia tried to fight them off but she just ended up getting shoved towards the stairs but Simon caught her in time just before she could end up losing her footing. Cayela and her friends tried to run away with baby Brady but the witches grabbed Cayela after she tried to hit them with a door and they flew out a window shattering it to pieces.
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“ OH GOD!”, Sheldon screamed as he ran like a bat out of hell up the stairs shoving past Gia and Simon with everyone else following him.
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“ Hey where do you witches think you’re going with my best friend?!”, Florence screamed out the window.
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“ Yeah get back here you morons!”, Charlotte screamed out the window as well.
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“ Florence, Charlotte, move away from the window now!”, Sheldon shouted as he gently pushed the girls aside and stuck his head out the broken out window. He could see the sisters flying away back towards the woods with Cayela screaming her head off as she was trying to get them to let go of her.
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“ Oh you really done it now! Now you’re dealing with an angry girl dad from Texas!”, Sheldon shouted out the window before he turned around and ran back towards the stairs past his friends and his wife.
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“ Hold on wait up Sheldon!”, Leonard screamed as he followed after him. Howard and Raj followed as well.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvJLgEfWAng
“ I’M GONNA DECK YOU SANDERSONS! COME THE FRACKING HELL BACK HERE WITH MY DAUGHTER!”, Sheldon shouted with boiling rage at the top of his lungs as he bolted back down the stairs with his 3 best friends following him.
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“ Leonard talk some sense into him! He’s lost his mind!”, Howard screamed as they were running to the front door.
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“ Howard shut up! You’re not helping!”, Leonard screamed as they ran out the open doorway.
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“ Would you asshats both shut up and go! We need to get our niece back before something bad happens to her!”, Raj screamed.
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“ Stupid a** witches I’m gonna kill you!”, Sheldon shouted as they ran into the woods on foot.
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“ Sheldon shut up!”, Leonard, Howard and Raj screamed at him as they disappeared into the trees.
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“ Let me go you sickos or my dad is going to kill you!”, Cayela screamed as she was swinging her arms at Mary who had a hold of her.
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“ Quit hitting me and shut your trap!”, Mary shouted.
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“ Your father is just a stupid fool and can’t do a thing to us! He’s pathetic and useless just like your mother!”, Winifred shouted.
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“ My mom and dad are not stupid! It’s the 3 of you who are stupid!”, Cayela screamed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAcnjjz7tvbD
“ Why you little...!”, Winifred shouted but then she screamed along with her sisters as well as Cayela when they suddenly hit a tree branch and fell out of the sky. Cayela landed in a bush while the witches landed on top of each other in the dirt a few feet away.
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“ What the Devil just happened?!”, Winifred shouted as they got up.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0AnXUG41WP
“ We hit a stupid tree branch Winnie and fell!”, Mary shouted.
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“ Yeah! Tree branch! Tree branch! Tree branch! Tree branch! Tre...!”, Sarah shrieked while jumping around like an idiot again.
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“ Oh stop it Sarah and both you and Mary just get the girl!”, Winifred shouted as she smacked Sarah again making her stop jumping around.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPyFLTV9tZL
“ Oh no you don’t! You’re not going to touch my daughter!”, Sheldon shouted as he came running towards them with his friends trailing behind him before they stopped a few feet in front of them. Sheldon’s registered firearm was pointed straight at them with his finger hovering over the trigger.
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“ You geeks don’t know when to quit do you?!”, Winifred shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvmKl9V5XAx
“ Yeah well neither do you freaky jezebel!”, Howard shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzNQ8fT839a
“ Wolowitz zip it!”, Leonard hissed at him.
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“ This is ridiculous! You’re a physicist! Why would you be carrying... whatever this thing is?!”, Mary shouted at Sheldon as she pointed at his pistol that was still aimed at her and her two sisters.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADHu8HghpvK
“ Ok firstly this is my registered firearm and secondly, I may be a physicist but I’m also a father who will do anything he can to protect his child from freaks like you!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Freaks like you! Freaks like you! Freaks like you! Freaks like you! Freaks like you! Freaks...!”, Sarah chanted jumping around again.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAXUI96LBvu0
“ Sarah how many times do I have to tell you to SHUT UP?!”, Winifred shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA8u5SWKC7lk
“ Sorry.”, Sarah cunningly said.
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“ Now, out of our way you fool!”, Winifred shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAqqOA3ZWPRm
“ No! You go anyway near my daughter and I’ll kill you! You see I’m from Texas and you don’t mess with the bull because if you do y’all get the horns! Especially if they try to murder a man’s little girl!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ I don’t give two shakes of a rat’s behind Dr. Sheldon Cooper! Your daughter’s youth is ours whether you like it or not!”, Winifred shouted as she lashed out at him.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtzzEDOKXil
“ Don’t you dare touch him!”, Leonard shouted as he intercepted her attack and shoved her back. Another fight started between them and it eventually ended when the 4 guys chased the witches back to their cottage and Sheldon threw the black flame candle into the creek in front of it which put out the fire. The sisters screamed as they disappeared back to the underworld of which they came from in the first place.
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“ Dad?!”, Cayela screamed as she was trying to free herself from the bush.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAj3P4iy5Ew8
“ Oh good heavens! Cayela are you alright?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he pulled her out of there.
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“ I don’t know!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Shhhh! It’s ok, daddy’s got you.”, Sheldon said as he held his daughter in his arms. He carried her back to the house with Leonard, Howard and Raj following him.
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“ My head hurts!”, Cayela cried as she was being carried into the house.
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“ Cayela!”, the others exclaimed as they were hovering over her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAmeTgxYrM5f
“ Get out of the way you guys and Leo could you please get me the first aid kit and Cayela’s diaper bag?!”, Sheldon screamed as he was ushering the others out of the way.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAOHOpH846HC
“ Ok and where do you want me to put this stuff Sheldon?!”, Leo interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAt1azbUuytV
“ Put it in the living room on the floor!”, Sheldon scolded. Leo nodded her head and ran off to get what her husband said. She set everything up in the middle of the living room floor just as Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj were carrying Cayela in there with everyone else following.
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“ Ok easy does it, let’s set her down nice and slow.”, Leonard said as the 4 of them gently sat Cayela down on the pad that Leo had laid out on the floor.
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“ Leonard I’m her father, I should be the one saying that!”, Sheldon scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWiLInU55RQ
“ Oh what difference does it make Sheldon?!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Oh come on! Leonard don’t ask him that! We all know he’s just going to say, “ What’s the difference?” and then he’s just going to go into this whole ridiculous speal about stupid nonsense!”, Howard interjected.
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“ Howard zip it!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Both of you zip it!”, Raj hissed.
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“ Ok you guys knock it off! We don’t need any of this going on right now!”, Leo interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAUuSYButQUk
“ Yes please! Clam it up would you!”, Sheldon scolded as he slipped some latex gloves on his hands. He then opened up the first aid kit and took out the items he needed.
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“ What’s that?! What’s going on?!”, Cayela cried as her father gently took her hand and attached an Apple Watch-like device to her wrist.
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“ It’s just a heart rate pulse reader and you have a big gash on your head sweetheart. I’m just going to sterilize it and put some stitches in it so that it doesn’t become infected.”, Sheldon said as he pressed the power button on the device which turned it on. It started to beep like a hospital heart monitor. Cayela just continued to cry as Sheldon and Leonard gently helped her lie down. Dakota placed a soft pillow under her head to make her more comfortable.
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“ Shhhh, it’s ok.”, Sheldon said as he cleaned the wound and numbed the area before stitching it closed and wrapped bandages around her head. Then he kicked the others except for his wife out of the room for a moment for privacy reasons. During this was when Raj decided to take Yesenia upstairs so that they could talk alone. After a few minutes Raj and Yesenia then appeared back at the top of the stairs and Raj exclaimed with a smile, “ Guys, the last bachelor’s time has finally come!”
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“ YOU PROPOSED?!”, his friends exclaimed as they all gathered at the bottom of the stairs including Leo and Sheldon after they were done tending to their daughter’s needs.
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“ Meet the future Mrs. Yesenia Koothrappali!”, Yesenia exclaimed with a smile as she showed off her beautiful engagement ring that Raj had picked out for her.
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“ I’M FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!”, Raj exclaimed as he shouted to the heavens.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQSK8bdj2aH
“ To Raj and Yesenia!”, the others exclaimed as they started to celebrate. Then the next day shortly the gang got back to Pasadena, Raj decided to video chat his parents with Yesenia sitting next to him to tell them the news about their engagement.
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“ Hello mom and dad.”, Raj said.
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“ Hello Rajesh.”, Dr. and Mrs. Koothrappali said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAw8Cc7LIkd9
“ You remember Yesenia, right?”, Raj asked as he gestured to his girlfriend who was now his fiancée sitting next to him. Yesenia said hello and they said hello to her too. When they first had met her they didn’t really approve of the relationship between her and their son mainly because she was from another country but since they had gotten to know her they had grown to love her and consider her as part of the family.
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“ So, is there any reason why you called us?”, Dr. Koothrappali asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAqtuAHZ0Kz3
“ Yes we have some very good news to share with you.”, Raj said.
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“ Well don’t keep us waiting. What is it?”, Mrs. Koothrappali said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA9I5ZxLILOS
“ Well for starters you can ring the wedding bells again for the final time.”, Raj said with a smile.
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“ You’re kidding?!”, Dr. and Mrs. Koothrappali exclaimed in shock as they stared at him on the screen.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALEqcUfXoT8
“ Rajesh and I are engaged!”, Yesenia exclaimed as she showed off her engagement ring.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA3mgghNbPzz
“ Oh that’s wonderful!”, Mrs. Koothrappali exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuBxNEWweDU
“ Yes, congratulations. So when is the wedding?”, Dr. Koothrappali asked.
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“ We haven’t decided yet but we will get back to you once we know more details.”, Raj said. The video chat continued until they hung up with each other. Meanwhile at Apartment 4A just as Leo was finishing up with mopping the kitchen floor while Dakota was punching a punching bag in the middle of the living room and Leonard was at his desk on his laptop, Sheldon came home with several bags of groceries and a few other things after Penny had taken him to the store.
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“ Hello I’m home.”, Sheldon said as he walked in the door.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfKzrw7xM2r
“ Hi Sheldon.”, Leonard said as he briefly looked up from his laptop before he turned back to the screen and continued working.
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“ Hi honey, did you get everything on the list?”, Leo asked as she was wiping the kitchen counter with Lysol wipes.
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“ Of course I did Leo. What kind of a question is that?”, Sheldon asked when he put the items down and stared at his wife.
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“ I don’t know Sheldon.”, Leo said as she tossed the used wipe in the trash.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA6t9qAOvZpP
“ Where’s Cayela?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ She’s in her room playing games on her phone.”, Dakota said as she was hitting a punching bag that she had set up in the middle of the living room.
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“ Thanks for the information Dakota. I’m going to go check on her.”, Sheldon said to his friend as he made his way towards his daughter’s room.
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela!”
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“ Yeah Dad, come in!”, Cayela interjected at her father through the door before he opened it to see her laying on her back on her bed playing a matching game on her phone.
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“ What are you doing?”, Sheldon asked as he stood in the doorway.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKIuSeStqa2
“ I’m playing Candy Crush Saga on my phone. Why?”, Cayela said as she looked at him indirectly for a second before she turned back to her phone.
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“ I don’t know, I was just curious.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh, well then you have your answer.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAphvdLqwYdj
“ You’re in here by yourself? Where’s Oreo?”, Sheldon asked his daughter when he noticed that the cat wasn’t in there on the bed like she normally was.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAhn0mXA3lcq
“ I don’t know, she just suddenly spazzed out and hid somewhere after we started hearing something coming from the next block over that freaked her out. I can’t really make out the noises but it sounds like something’s going on over there.”, Cayela said over the muffled sounds that sounded like talking coming from outside the apartment building on the next street over from them.
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“ Interesting, I hear something. Hold on one second.”, Sheldon said as he walked over to his daughter’s window and threw it open sticking his head out all the way. It was then that he heard the eerie message clear as day blaring over Pasadena that said:
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“ Stay away from this vehicle! Do not approach! Detonation in 14 minutes! Residents of this area need to evacuate now! Residents of this area need to evacuate now!”
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“ Cayela, when did this voice recording start?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at her with a concerned look on his face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPHnFfVrcMM
“ It started shortly before you got home.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh dear Lord.”, Sheldon said in a concerning voice.
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“ What is it Dad?”, Cayela asked as she sat up and started to get concerned as well.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKpxuH5TRD0
“ Ok... I’m going to try to say this as calmly as possible so that I don’t scare you, but, I need you to get up from your bed this instant, grab whatever important things you want into a bag and start heading to the front door now.”, Sheldon said in a low serious tone.
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“ Dad is this a joke?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANASSfuZyVMC8
“ I’m being dead serious Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper! Get your things and go to the door! Now!”, Sheldon scolded. In a flash Cayela jumped up from her bed and threw things that were most special to her such as her Barbie dolls, her iPod, her phone, her laptop, all the chargers for her devices, etc. into a bag and zipped it up. Then after she threw on her shoes she interjected, “ Wait, what about Oreo?!”
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“ Don’t worry about the cat right now! We’ll find her! You just get to the door and don’t say anything else! I don’t want to freak your mother out right away! Same thing goes for your Auntie Dakota and Uncle Leonard!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter as he slammed the window shut.
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“ Are you sure Dad?!”, Cayela shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPOXDm9znLe
“ Yes! Now just go!”, Sheldon scolded as he pointed at his daughter’s open doorway. Cayela nodded her head and quickly exitted the room as Sheldon started searching for Oreo. As Cayela walked past her mother Leo, Dakota, and Leonard without saying a word carrying her backpack over her shoulders they suddenly stopped what they were doing and stared at her as she was suddenly unlocking the doorknob, the deadbolt and removing the security chain from the door.
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“ Cayela, what are you doing?”, Leo asked.
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“ I’m not supposed to say anything else Mom, at least that’s what Dad told me.”, Cayela said in a frightened tone.
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“ Are you kidding me?”, Leo asked as she rolled her eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAGVSo3hZ8PK
“ No I’m not.”, Cayela frighteningly said.
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“ Oh that’s just ridiculous. You can start by telling us why you have some of your things thrown into a backpack and you look like you’re about to run away.”, Dakota asked as she stared at her 14 year old autistic goddaughter.
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“ Yeah you’re acting a lot weirder than your dad right now. What the hell is going on?”, Leonard asked as he narrowed his eyes at her too.
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“ Get whatever you guys need and let’s go! We need to leave now!”, Sheldon commanded as he suddenly came out of Cayela’s bedroom and flipped the smaller apartment flag upside down on the fridge.
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“ Leave?! What are you talking about Sheldon and why did you flip the apartment flag upside down?!”, Leo asked her husband as she started to get concerned.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvzOE92eLyW
“ Look I don’t want to scare you but the reason I did this is because there is something urgently dangerous going on one block over from us! We need to leave now!”, Sheldon commanded.
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“ What do you mean by urgently dangerous Sheldon Cooper?! Explain what the bitchin’ hell is going on here?!”, Dakota hissed as she got up in her friend’s face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAZRhvMrSHvR
“ Ok firstly, language Dakota! Secondly, that’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper to you for the millionth time already and thirdly, I will tell you in a minute! Just get your things!”, Sheldon shouted as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.
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“ Who are you calling Sheldon?!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ I’m calling Danny! Now shut up Leonard!”, Sheldon shouted at his best friend as he dialed Danny’s phone number.
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“ Cayela go out into the hallway for a moment and shut the door!”, Sheldon scolded Cayela as he held his phone to his ear listening to the dial tone. Cayela immediately acknowledged what her father told her to do and she walked out into the hallway shutting the door behind her. She could still hear the muffled sounds of the recording coming from outside the building.
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“ Come on Danny, pick up this instant!”, Sheldon hissed after the fourth ring went unanswered.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2sxP1o98jU
“ Hello?”, Danny answered on the fifth ring.
18Please respect copyright.PENANANWNOzS3jVQ
“ Oh Danny, good heavens you finally answered! We have a huge problem going on right now!”, Sheldon shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAOj1zI7TIU9
“ Sheldon are you ok? What’s going on?”, Danny asked with a little bit of concern in his voice.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkxmoLvb9lb
“ There is something dangerous going on one block over from us which is greatly starting to concern me. Could you and a few officers come check it out please?”, Sheldon shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANArz1XpuXPl2
“ Sure, we’ll be right there.”, Danny said in concern.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAT1y0V6YZhw
“ Thank you and please hurry. I don’t how much time we actually have left considering the fact that we’ve been standing around for a few minutes already so far.”, Sheldon shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAnS6AIhWPQr
“ What?! Ok I’m coming over there now! Whatever’s going on I don’t like the sound of it! I’ll see you ASAP!”, Danny shrieked before he hung up. As he was throwing his police uniform on Molly came in from the den at their house and asked, “ Danny what are you doing?”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAG9v85a8W6L
“ I’m heading out on patrol.”, Danny said in a serious tone as he slipped his gun into the holster on his belt.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAA6A9ZEaqIx
“ Why? What’s going on?”, Molly asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfB9p0f9rOe
“ Sheldon just called me and said that there’s something sketchy going on one block over from their apartment building that’s concerning him. I got to go check it out.”, Danny said in that same serious tone.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAv0BFsPjWxu
“ Well hold on I’m coming with you.”, Molly said as she stared at her husband.
18Please respect copyright.PENANASnnRFVUhVG
“ Molly I don’t think that’s such a good idea. This is serious police business.”, Danny said to his wife as he shook his head.
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“ I don’t care. I’m your wife and I’m coming with you whether you like it or not.”, Molly said.
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“ Fine, but if it’s anything very dangerous I don’t want you anywhere near the scene, got it?”, Danny said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ I got it.”, Molly said as the two of them left their house in Danny’s police car. Once they arrived in the parking lot of the apartment building joining up with several other Pasadena police officers on the scene Danny gets out of his car and immediately hears the voice recording that Sheldon had heard from Cayela’s bedroom window only by that time the detonation time was now at 10 minutes.
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“ Stay in the car for a moment Molly. I need to go check this out.”, Danny said in a serious tone before he started sprinting across the parking lot with a few other officers to investigate the next block over. When they reached the next block they turned the corner and what they saw completely shocked them. There was a dark colored retro looking RV parked on one side of the street several buildings down in broad daylight for all to see. The eerie message was blaring out of the speakers over the running engine which was very disturbing to everyone around that area. Some people had started to flee already while others were just standing around completely dumbstruck about the whole ordeal wondering if what they were hearing and seeing was actually real or not. In an instant some officers started evacuating people that were still standing around while Danny ran back to his car screaming, “ Sh*t! Molly you need to get out of here now!”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAYjOfGRJZfF
“ Danny Leroy Metcalf what the hell is going on?! Why are you suddenly freaking out?!”, Molly shrieked as she saw the look on her husband’s face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAf1Eg8nZcCO
“ Why am I… Somebody parked an RV on the next street over and I think there’s a BOMB in it! You need to get out of here!”, Danny shrieked at the top of his lungs.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHfUdTVBW2h
“ WHAT?! Where am I supposed to go?! I came here with you!”, Molly shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkfYKrceZ4z
“ You’re going to go with one of my partners to a motel parking lot until further notice!”, Danny screamed.
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“ Are you crazy?! I’m not leaving my husband behind in the middle of a dangerous situation!”, Molly screamed.
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“ You don’t have a choice Molly Metcalf! I’m not letting my wife be in the middle of it either!”, Danny screamed.
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“ Fine but please be careful! I love you!”, Molly screamed before she kissed him with tears starting to run down her face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABnLTJmAqpB
“ I will and I love you too!”, Danny screamed as he kissed her back. Then he screamed, “ Now go!”
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“ But wait, what are you going to do?!”, Molly shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAxy4rB7IOof
“ I’m going to get our friends and our niece out of this building before that RV explodes! Just go!”, Danny screamed as he pointed in the direction of the bomb containing RV.
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“ Come with me Mrs. Metcalf.”, another officer said when he opened the passenger side door motioning for her to come with him. Molly reluctantly walked away with him and got into another squad car with tears still coming down her face. Once she had left the scene, Danny sprints inside the apartment building up the stairs and once he reached the 4th floor he saw Cayela standing out in the hallway and Apartment 4A’s door was closed.
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“ Uncle Danny?!”, Cayela shrieked.
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“ Cayela go outside and get in my car for a moment, I’ll explain later!”, Danny screamed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAqmZ7OnCTC9
“ Are you sure about this?!”, Cayela shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAdpiCKmQ5pX
“ Yes! Now go!”, Danny screamed. Cayela nodded her head before she ran down the stairs and out of the building.
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“ You guys open this door now!”, Danny screamed as he viciously pounded on the door of 4A.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAcqjutqkvgR
“ For God sakes, Danny what up with the vicious pounding?! You sound like someone’s out to get you!”, Leonard shouted as he opened the door.
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“ Cut the chit chat Hofstadter! This isn’t the time for that!”, Danny screamed.
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“ Will you please explain what is going on here and where’s Cayela?!”, Leo hissed as she gave Danny a death glare after noticing that Cayela wasn’t out in the hallway anymore.
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“ I sent her outside to my car because I don’t want to scare her with what I’m about to tell you!”, Danny screamed.
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“ Well then please do tell us Danny because Leo, Leonard and I are clueless! What the hell is going on here?!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Somebody parked an RV on the next street over and there’s a bomb in it!”, Danny screamed.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leonard, Leo, Sheldon and Dakota shrieked, staring at him as if he said something insane.
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“ Did you just say somebody’s about to blow up an RV a block away from us?!”, Penny shrieked as she came barging out of her apartment across the hallway after overhearing what Danny said through the door.
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“ Yes Penny! Were you not hearing any of this?!”, Danny screamed in her face.
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“ I was on the phone with my acting agent! Of course I wasn’t hearing any of this until now! How long has this been going on?!”, Penny shouted.
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“ If you must know it started shortly before we got home from the store!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ You mean to tell me that we walked in here and didn’t even notice it Dr. Whackadoodle?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! Apparently so because you were on your said phone conversation and I was listening to one of my physics lectures through my earbuds! Cayela was eventually the first person to bring it to my attention after I went into her room to check on her!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ Well that doesn’t make any sense! If she heard it then why didn’t any of you lunatics hear it too?!”, Penny hissed as she pointed at Leo, Leonard and Dakota.
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“ We couldn’t hear it because Dakota was hitting her punching bag the whole time, the windows were shut and the AC was running!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Oh son of a bi**h!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ You guys we don’t have time to stand here and yell at each other! There is a bomb a block away that’s about to detonate in 8 MINUTES! Every tenant in this building including us needs to leave and go somewhere else that’s safe! We’re not going to play roulette game here! So get whatever you guys need and let’s go!”, Danny screamed. In a split second they all grabbed their essentials and as they were running down the stairs Penny screamed, “ Move it you a**holes!”
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“ Shut your pie hole Penny!”, Dakota screamed.
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“ Dakota Chantel ‘ Skullbreaker’ Hofstadter that’s not helping!”, Sheldon shouted at his friend.
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“ Oh just shut it Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Dakota screamed.
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“ Dakota now is not the time to be screaming at my husband! We are litterally minutes from possibly being blown to smitherines with someone’s parked RV!”, Leo screamed as they were running out of the lobby doors and across the parking lot to get to Danny’s police car.
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“ Come on you guys, go go go!”, Danny shouted.
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“ Stay away from this vehicle! Do not approach! Detonation in 7 minutes! Residents of this area need to evacuate now! Residents of this area need to evacuate now!”
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“ Oh my god that’s the creepiest message I’ve ever heard in my life!”, Leo screamed as her eyes went wide just as they all approached Danny’s car.
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“ Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper just stop screaming and get in my car! The same goes for the rest of you! Get in, now!”, Danny screamed as he ripped open the driver’s side door and got in slamming the door shut. As the others piled in Cayela frighteningly asked, “ Mom? Dad?”
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“ Not now Cayela! We’re in a crisis situation!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter as he put his seatbelt on along with the others. Once they left the scene and were a few blocks away in a motel parking lot Cayela frighteningly said, “ I’m scared.”
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“ We know sweetheart but everything’s going to be ok.”, Leo said in concern as she rubbed soothing circles on Cayela’s back.
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“ When exactly can we go back home Danny?”, Sheldon asked in concern.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0ml3xXaQfP
“ We don’t know. We’re waiting to see what happens Sheldon. Ever since I took this job believe it or not this is actually the first time I’ve ever encountered a situation like this. Especially when it’s this close to where my friends live including my niece who’s your daughter.”, Danny said in concern as the California heat was making him sweat.
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“ We got here as fast as we could when we heard about the situation!”, Bernadette shrieked when her and Howard suddenly pulled up in the motel parking lot and jumped out of their van.
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“ Yeah son of a bitch! Are you guys ok?!”, Howard shrieked when joined his wife by her side.
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“ Yes we’re fine Howard, nothing happened yet! We’re still waiting!”, Leo interjected as she was brushing her hair out of her face with her fingers.
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“ Did you guys even know about this, like, did you even hear anything?!”, Bernadette shrieked.
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“ No we had no clue about it until Cayela and Sheldon said something!”, Leo interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2bZyDGNE9E
“ Well what the hell were you doing?!”, Howard hissed.
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“ I was cleaning the kitchen, Leonard was sitting at his desk working on his laptop and Dakota was standing in the middle of the living room hitting her punching bag which blended in with AC blowing full blast and the windows were shut! So Cayela was the first one to hear it because her bedroom was closer to that noise than the living room was and so she told Sheldon about it shortly after he got home from the store because Penny had taken him grocery shopping and so he heard it when he went into her room to check on her!”, Leo interjected as she continued the story.
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“ Please tell me this isn’t a joke! What is going on here?! I almost got into another car accident and a speeding ticket on the way over here for doing almost 80 miles per hour!”, Amy screamed when she suddenly showed up.
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“ What’s going on Amy is that somebody parked their RV on the next street over from where we live and it’s about to explode!”, Dakota screamed.
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“ Yeah I know that Dakota! Why do you think I sped over here almost killing myself?! It’s because I was really worried about you guys! I didn’t know if you guys were ok, hurt or dead!”, Amy screamed.
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“ We’re fine Amy! Nothing happened yet!”, Leonard hissed. Shortly after that the rest of the others showed up and as they were all freaking out trying to figure out what to do next Cayela suddenly interjected, “ Ok I don’t want to sound rude but does anyone have Oreo with them?!” The adults all of a sudden stopped arguing and stared at her saying, “ No.”
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“ Oh you got to be kidding me!”, Stuart shrieked when he stared at his friends.
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“ Oh for God sakes! We left the cat behind!”, Leonard shrieked as he put his hands on his head.
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“ Oh my god she’s probably going to go up in a fireball! Oreo!”, Cayela screamed as she started to cry. She couldn’t believe that her precious pet was still in harm’s way.
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“ Cayela calm down it’s going to be ok!”, Leo said in concern as she hugged her daughter.
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“ Oh balls! You know what, screw this! I’m going back there to get her!”, Penny shouted as she immediately took off like a rocket down the street with her friends running after her screaming at her to come back.
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“ Penny listen to me, if you go back in there you’re probably going to die!”, Danny shouted at her.
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“ To *ell I will Danny! It’s either me or Cayela’s cat Oreo and I’m not going to let it be Oreo! That cat has been everything to Cayela since the day she found her! Do you seriously want to be held responsible for ruining a sweet autistic 14 year old girl’s life by letting her beloved cat be possibly blown to oblivion?!”, Penny shouted back at him as she continued to run.
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“ No but I don’t want to lose you either! Sometimes you have to make really hard decisions that unfortunately don’t have a happy ending! It’s too late to go back now!”, Danny shouted.
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“ Shut it Danny! It’s not too late until I say it is! I’m not letting anything happen to that sweet kitty! End of discussion!”, Penny shouted as she rounded the corner and ran towards the apartment building with that creepy message still blaring loudly over the whole city.
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“ Bestie!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Oh I can’t watch this!”, Bernadette shrieked as she turned away burying her face into Howard’s chest.
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“ Shut up Sheldon I know what I’m doing!”, Penny shouted as she disappeared around the other side of the building and began to scale the wall. She hissed and cursed under her breath as she endured multiple scrapes and scratches from repetitive sliding but she pressed on and made it to the living room window of 4A. She threw it open and climbed inside as the message from the RV continued to blare.
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“ Oreo where the hell are you?! We need to get you out of here, it’s not safe! If you can hear me start meowing!”
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“ Stay away from this vehicle! Do not approach! Detonation in 5 minutes! Residents of this area need to evacuate now! Residents of this area need to evacuate now!”
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Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring!
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“ What Danny?!”, Penny hissed as she answered her phone.
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“ Penny you need to get out of there! That thing’s going to go off in 5 minutes!”, Danny screamed.
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“ Will you chill out?! I’m looking for Oreo! Hang up and I’ll be out there when I find her!”, Penny shouted.
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“ I told you it’s too late for that! We need to evacuate!”, Danny shouted.
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“ I’ll evacuate when I have Oreo in my arms! Now buzz off and hang up Danny!”, Penny shouted.
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“ You’re really going to do that to me?! I’m your friend!”, Danny shouted.
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“ Oh for God sakes, just give me the phone Danny! Penny get out of there now, this is really not funny anymore!”, Leonard hissed as he swiped Danny’s phone from him.
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“ Leonard hang up and give Danny his phone back! I will leave when I know that Oreo is safe with me! Do not call me again, goodbye!”, Penny shouted before she hung up the phone.
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“ No wait Pen... d*mn it she hung up on me!”, Leonard hissed as he snapped the phone shut and tossed it back to Danny.
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“ Holy crap this is insane! Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, they do! Yesenia and I are supposed to be celebrating with our friends the fact that we’re getting married, not worrying about the fate of our lives with them!”, Raj shouted.
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“ Well news flash Rajesh, NONE of us were expecting this! It just sort of happened out of the blue!”, Dakota hissed. The argument continued for another 3 minutes and when Penny was still not back yet that’s when they really started to panic because they knew that the bomb was about to explode in exactly 1 minute. They held their breath in fear when Penny finally emerged out of the building carrying Oreo as she was running like The Flash across the parking lot but by that time the detonation was down to 30 seconds.
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“ Hurry up that bomb is about to go off!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Shut it Wolowitz!”, Penny screamed as she quickly shoved Oreo into Cayela’s arms at the 10 second mark.
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“ If you can hear this message, evacuate now!”
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“ EVERYONE RUN, GET DOWN AND COVER YOUR HEAD!”, Danny shouted as they all bolted away and when they got halfway down the street it happened.
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The sudden blast knocked everyone off their feet as a giant red hot fireball went up into the air scattering debris everywhere before thick black smoke began to billow up into the sky from the blast zone. People started yelling and screaming as sirens began to blare through the streets when emergency crews were dispatched to the scene, tending to citizens who were injured and looking for survivors. Half of the apartment building as well as several buildings and residences surrounding the blast zone were completely destroyed meaning that Penny had gotten extremely lucky that she wasn’t still in the building when the RV bomb went off. The gang gasped in shock and complete disbelief. Leo started to cry knowing that they all came so close to the jaws of death.
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“ Leo calm down!”, Sheldon screamed as he held his wife.
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“ Sheldon how can I calm down when we just lost our entire apartment! Everything we had is gone! Our furniture, our entire decades worth of science work files and everything else that I can’t even think of right now!”, Leo cried.
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“ Leo I’m just as upset about this as you are but it doesn’t matter! What matters is that we all made it out of there and that we have our daughter!”, Sheldon interjected as he started to shed a few tears as well. He then pulled Cayela into him as she was crying and holding Oreo in her arms and he cried, “ Honey look at this, we may have lost everything including decades worth of science contributions, but, what is the most precious gift that we have right now?”
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“ Cayela.”, Leo cried as she stared at her husband with tear glistening eyes.
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“ Exactly. I am upset too that we did lose a lot of our work that we’ll never get back but the one thing that makes me happy is that I have you, our friends and this beautiful child right here that you and I created together. Sure I’ve always dedicated my entire life to science but ever since I’ve been with you and we began this journey of parenthood I can not think of anything better than balancing my focuses between being a scientist and being there as a husband to my wife and a father to my daughter.”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I love you!”, Leo cried as she kissed him.
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“ Cayela!”, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie, Arista and Nim screamed as they pushed through the crowd of people.
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“ You guys over here!”, Cayela cried before finding herself squished in a big embrace from her best friend and her other friends. They asked her if she was ok but before she could say anything Kirby was suddenly pushing his way through the crowd of people screaming, “Get out of the way you guys! Move!”
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“ Kirby?!”, Cayela screamed.
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“ Cayela!”, Kirby screamed as he grabbed her and kissed her when he shoved their friends aside.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAkzpW05NnTz
“ Thank god you’re alright! I heard that explosion all the way from my house! It literally made me jump right out of my computer chair onto the floor of my bedroom as I was playing X-Box live with Skeeter and Kyle! What was that?!”, Kirby shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgIV9qKH9oK
“ It was an RV! Someone parked it on the next street over from us and decided to blow it up! My cat Oreo almost died but thankfully my Auntie Penny saved her before the explosion happened!”, Cayela cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAdlnHxNkyVQ
“ Are you fudging kidding me?! Why would somebody do that?!”, Kirby shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgWFfvGZ2Tg
“ We don’t know yet Kirby!”, Leo cried as she shook her head. Once the flames were put out from the blast zone and the smoke cleared, the police began their investigation while everyone started to dig through the rubble to see if any of their things had survived.
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“ I can’t believe that this really happened to us. You usually hear about these kind of things happening in places like Detroit, Michigan and other bad neighborhoods but you would never think that this would ever happen in a city like Pasadena.”, Leo sadly said as she was searching through the rubble of their half destroyed apartment building with her husband and her friends along with several other tenants of the building. Tears were still coming down her face as the landlord showed up to help search as well.
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“ That is correct but the thing you have to remember Leo is that things like this can happen anywhere, no matter where you live.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ Yes I realize that now Sheldon! Oh this is horrible! This is the last thing that I ever wanted to deal with, especially after what we just went through on Halloween night up in Salem with those crazy witches!”, Leo sadly said.
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“ Oh please do not remind me about that, that was an awful night last night. I will never forget that.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ Hey would you two stop talking for a second?! We’re searching through this charred rubble to see if there’s anything of ours that survived or not!”, Leonard hissed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAwFdLPxrYTc
“ Um hello in case you have forgotten Leonard Hofstadter half of our building has been destroyed! It’s hard to tell what is ours and what isn’t!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Well I already found a few things of ours but they’re completely destroyed.”, Dakota sadly said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAbiBvkhnYY8
“ Really? What did you find Dakota?”, Leo asked.
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“ I found several pieces of what looked like a game console at one point, I found yours, Leonard’s and Sheldon’s desks as well as your white boards that are completely split in half and so on so forth.”, Dakota said.
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“ Damn it! But wait a minute what about... no way! You have got to be kidding me!”, Leo interjected as she uncovered two of their filing cabinets that miraculously survived the bomb blast. When she brushed off some of the soot and opened the drawers she began to cry tears of relief when she saw that most of their science work was completely untouched.
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“ It’s a miracle! Most of our work actually survived after all!”, Leo happily cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPmxwAfIop4
“ Wow, that’s amazing! I can’t believe that this stuff actually survived!”, Leonard exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAjfAet7ZVHJ
“ Yes what a relief for that but... NO! The couch and my spot are gone!”, Sheldon shrieked when he saw that their couch had been completely destroyed which included his precious spot that he ‘placed in a state of eternal dibs’ for years.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgfJQBZr4uQ
“ Sheldon will you chill out! We’ll get another couch! It’s not the end of the world!”, Leonard hissed at his best friend as he rolled his eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAOkzv9Psyho
“ But I don’t want another couch Leonard I want this couch... and my spot!”, Sheldon shrieked as he began to hyperventilate.
18Please respect copyright.PENANArnvp2HqU2l
“ Oh balls!”, Penny hissed as she smacked her hand against her forehead.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAIJAczFmfC8
“ Great, my dad’s losing it and it hasn’t even been 5 minutes yet!”, Cayela cried as she continued to stand there off to the side of everybody holding Oreo in her arms.
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“ You’ll have your spot back again soon Sheldon!”, Leonard hissed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA5ELmLyMIQ9
“ When Leonard?! When?! I’m already freaking out!”, Sheldon shrieked as he continued to hyperventilate.
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“ I don’t know! Now will you just shut up you crazy bastard?!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Leonard please, not in front of Cayela!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Don’t start Leo!”, Leonard hissed. The arguments continued as they were searching for more of their belongings but then once things started to cool down and everybody got their cars fixed Leo started to wonder where they were going to go until their apartments got rebuilt.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA1QU3rlzL0P
“ We can go up to Omaha and stay with my parents and my brother.”, Penny said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA8Oo1oSFAoM
“ Oh Penny are you sure your folks would be ok with that? I don’t want us to intrude. Why don’t we just go to Savannah or Galveston and either stay with my parents or Sheldon’s mother?”, Leo asked.
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“ No no it’s ok Leo. There’s plenty of room on the ranch. Plus this will give you, Cayela and Dakota something new to see because you three haven’t been there yet. It’s a very beautiful property, you’ll love it.”, Penny said as she shook her head.
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“ Are you really sure? I really don’t want to be invading them.”, Leo asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABDC4obG1Gl
“ I’m totally sure Leo. Come on let’s just go up there, get away for a while. I’m telling you that you, Cayela and Dakota are going to love it up there.”, Penny said.
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“ Ok if you insist Penny we’ll go up there. I’ll drive myself, Sheldon, you, Leonard, Dakota, Cayela, Oreo and Melissa up there. You just tell me the directions I need to take to get there.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok.”, Penny said.
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“ Alright you guys it looks like we’re driving up to Omaha to stay with Penny’s folks for a while.”, Leo said.
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“ Sounds ok with me. I’ve been up there at least a few times in the past for business trips. It really is nice up there.”, Melissa said.
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“ I’m down for it.”, Leonard said.
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“ Great, we’re going to the one place where Penny’s breeding ground of germs originated from. You better hope I don’t catch the flu while we’re up there or else I’m going to be very upset!”, Sheldon said with a scowl on his face.
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“ Ha ha ha very funny!”, Penny sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfO6n79mo5c
“ Penny I’m being dead serious here! If I become ill and die because of you my ghost will haunt you for the rest of your life. I will follow you around and you won’t ever know where I may be, I could be anywhere… even right behind YOU! BAZINGA!”, Sheldon interjected with an evil-like smirk on his face as he suddenly lunged at Penny from behind her grabbing her with his hands making her scream and jump away from him.
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“ Shut it Dr. Whackadoodle! This isn’t the time for you to be a weirdo! Don’t you ever do that to me again! You almost gave me a heart attack!”, Penny hissed in her physicist friend’s face.
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“ Precisely my point Penny.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok you know what, Penny, Sheldon cut it out! We’re not going to spend this whole road trip with you two scaring each other like idiots! Cayela doesn’t need to see her dad and Auntie Penny acting like immature children!”, Leonard hissed at his two friends.
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“ Yes that is correct but she also doesn’t need to see her Uncle Leonard yelling like an angry gorilla at her father right now either.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at his roommate/best friend.
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“ That didn’t even make any sense Dr. Cooper!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Do not question my authority Dr. Hofstadter!”, Sheldon said.
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“ You know what, I give up!”, Leonard hissed as he rolled his eyes and walked away.
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“ So we’re going to Nebraska? Who’s driving?”, Dakota asked.
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“ I’m driving Dakota. Come on you guys, let’s go! I don’t want to be driving in the dark!”, Leo interjected as she pulled her keys out of her purse and got into the driver’s seat of her car. The others get in after they all said their goodbyes to their friends and as Leo was driving down the highway on the interstate Sheldon was sitting in the passenger seat next to her fiddling with the radio, while Leonard and Dakota were sitting behind them and Penny and Melissa were seated in the way back of the car. Cayela was sitting in her special carseat next to Leonard with Oreo sitting in her lap. She was just sitting there listening to her ipod through her wireless headphones. The song she was listening to was a jerkin dance mix from a jerkaholics sponsorship Youtube video that she turned into an mp3 which was Glamorous part 3 performed by a group of guys who call themselves Prime Gang. As she was sitting there listening to it she began to shake her head a little bit but when the beat really picked up Cayela started to bounce around in the seat, swinging her head and arms around like crazy. Her eyes were shut as well but as she continued to rock out to her music like any normal teenage girl would Sheldon suddenly noticed what his daughter was doing when he twisted around in his seat and scolded, “ Good Lord! What is she doing back there?!”
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“ Sheldon I got this! Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper!”, Leonard scolded as he reached over and gently grabbed his goddaughter’s head and one of her wrists holding her still. Cayela snapped her eyes open and shrieked, “ Hey what gives Uncle Leonard?!”
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“ Stop swinging your head and arms around like that! You’re going to hurt yourself, Oreo, and possibly someone else in this car, mainly me because I’m sitting right next to you!”, Leonard scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ I’m just listening to music!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Yes we can see that but you’re getting too wild with it. You need to tone it down before you hurt yourself and believe me it’s not going to be fun if that happens.”, Leonard said as he lowered his voice.
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“ Ok, sorry Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said with a sigh.
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“ Alright, I’m going to let go of you but you need to be calm because if you don’t I’m going to take the ipod away and you won’t get it back until we say so, do you understand that?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said.
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“ Alright.”, Leonard said as he released his grip. Cayela acknowledged what he said and just sat there listening to her music in silence.
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“ Nice way to bring down the hammer with her Leonard.”, Penny said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPyK1YHpvia
“ Thanks Penny.”, Leonard said.
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“ Yes thank you Leonard. That was getting to be very obnoxious what she was doing.”, Sheldon said as he turned back around in his seat facing forward.
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“ Sheldon she’s a teenager. That’s what teenagers do.”, Leo said as she quickly glanced at her husband before back at the road in front of her.
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“ Yes I’m very much aware of that Leo but just because she’s an adolescent doesn’t mean that she gets to do whatever she wants all the time. We’re not raising a rebel.”, Sheldon said as he threw his head towards his wife shaking his head.
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“ I didn’t say she was a rebel and I know that but have you forgotten that she has Autism? She doesn’t understand certain things in the world so sometimes we have to let be who she is and embrace the gift that we’ve been given. I know that being a first time parent is not easy at times but the only thing we can do is just support each other through it as it clearly says in our marriage vows.”, Leo said.
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“ You’re right and I do support you kitten. Why do you think I wanted to get married to you in the first place and have a daughter with you? It’s because I love you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ And I love and support you too.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAAYZh3FhebV
“ Good.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he leaned over and kissed his wife’s head.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABLbTRcZzNv
“ Oh my god! I’m gonna cry!”, Melissa happily cried as she threw her head back against the head rest as she sat in the back of her friend’s car next to Penny.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAglGn48VqIr
“ We don’t need your comments right now Melissa Bustamante!”, Sheldon shot back at her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA6RzlA6uxUi
“ I didn’t say anything else other than ‘ I’m gonna cry!’ Sheldon Cooper!”, Melissa laughed.
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“ That’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper to you!”, Sheldon shot back.
18Please respect copyright.PENANApBqKCi2PLk
“ Whatever! Does it really matter if I call you Sheldon Cooper or Dr. Sheldon Cooper?! It’s still your name!”, Melissa laughed.
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“ Just shut it Bustamante! I’ve been barking up that same tree for years since the day I met Leonard and Sheldon in the first place, trust me you’re not going to win against anything he says!”, Penny interjected.
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“ Oh so you’re finally seeing the light on my authority now I presume?”, Sheldon said with a smirk of statisfaction on his face.
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“ Yes Sheldon I finally see the light!”, Penny sarcastically said.
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“ Really?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Of course not!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Drat!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Chill out Dr. Crazy!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Don’t start something with me Skullbreaker... and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Yeah keep telling yourself that buddy!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Excuse me but do you wish to receive a strike?!”, Sheldon interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWhENVF5ZFB
“ And do you want me to take you down again?! Because I will?!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ No I do not wish for you to take me down again. The last time you did that, it hurt.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well see? Now you know not to mess with me.”, Dakota said. Silence then fell among everyone for a while but then as Cayela was sitting in her seat texting Florence, she began to have a hard time sitting still.
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“ Hey Cayela, whatcha doing?”, Leonard asked when he turned to face her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWHlYwtLHVh
“ Texting Florence. Why?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Do you need a break?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I don’t think so.”, Cayela said as she shook her head.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHnDKmosByQ
“ I think you do, you’re having a hard time sitting still. Penny could you take Oreo for a second?”, Leonard asked as he gently picked up Oreo off of Cayela’s lap and handed her to Penny.
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“ Ok come here you sweet kitty.”, Penny said as she placed Oreo on her lap.
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“ Alright now lets get you out of your seat for a second.”, Leonard said as he unbuckled the straps of Cayela’s special needs car seat.
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“ Why?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Because I just told you why. Now come here sweetie.”, Leonard said as he gently took Cayela’s phone from her hands and gently started pulling on her wrists to get her out of the seat. Cayela immediately started to cry as she was trying to pull away from him.
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“ Nah ah ah we don’t do that Cayela. Tears are not appropriate right now.”, Leonard said as he gently took Cayela onto his lap.
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“ But I don’t want this right now!”, Cayela cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAYEhbO1wqlO
“ We all know you don’t like this but you need it so that you don’t get sick. Look, the sooner we get this over with you can go back to texting your best friend, ok?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela sniffled.
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“ Thank you. Now just lay back and relax.”, Leonard said as he scooted her butt forward and gently pressed her shoulders down.
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“ Here, put your head right here.”, Dakota said as she pulled Cayela’s head down onto her chest.
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“ Melissa can you hand me Cayela’s diaper bag from back there for a second?”, Leonard asked as he turned his head over his shoulder and reached into the back seat behind him.
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“ Sure Leonard, here.”, Melissa said as she handed him the bag that was underneath her seat.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADOaySUuYWw
“ Thanks.”, Leonard said as he took it from her and placed it on the center console in front of him. Then he rummaged through it, grabbed some latex gloves and slipped them on his hands. Cayela started to cry again as the bottom of her t-shirt was lifted slightly revealing the button on her blue jean shorts.
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“ Hey what did I say? No tears. You don’t get what you want by crying. You’re not a baby anymore, you’re 14 years old.”, Leonard scolded as he unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them off which revealed her soiled brief.
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“ I know that Uncle Leonard but I just want to be left alone!”, Cayela cried as her diaper was removed and the disinfectant wipe was touching her lower abdomen. She started to get a bit swingy with her arms and for the first couple swings Leonard kind of turned his head away to avoid the incoming blows initiated by his autistic teenage goddaughter but then he turned back around, grabbed her wrist with a glove covered hand and said in a firm voice, “ Ah ah ah do not swing at me! You hit me and you’re in trouble!”
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“ I don’t want to be in trouble I just want to sit in silence!”, Cayela protested.
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“ You can after I’m done changing your diaper, this does not need to be a battle every single day!”, Leonard scolded.
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“ Exactly my point.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Who asked you Dad?!”, Cayela shot back at her father.
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“ Excuse me but do not talk to me like that. I am your father and that is not appreciated at the moment. You should be very grateful that you have a family that takes care of you and loves you very much.”, Sheldon said.
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“ This sucks! Why can’t I just be normal like everyone else?!”, Cayela protested as her voice rose at least two notches.
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“ Hey use your inside voice. We’re in your mother’s car right now. You need to just chill, alright.”, Leonard scolded as he reached into the bag again and grabbed a fresh clean diaper before he wrapped it around her lower abdomen, put her shorts back on and stripped the gloves off his hands.
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“ There I’m done. Was that so hard?”, Leonard asked as he folded up the used items and tossed them into a zip lock bag before he set it aside and gently pulled Cayela up to a sitting position in an embrace.
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“ No.”, Cayela cried into his chest.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALBuWCcqGYZ
“ Do you want to sit back in your seat and take a nap?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes and no!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Well why don’t you just try. Your eyes are starting to look pretty red and I’m seeing some dark circles starting to form underneath them. I think it’s nap time.”, Leonard said.
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“ Here’s her pillow and blanket Leonard.”, Melissa said as she handed him Cayela’s ninja turtle pillow and Barbie throw blanket.
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“ Thanks Melissa.”, Leonard said as he took the items from his friend and he set the pillow against the headrest of Cayela’s car seat before he gently lifted Cayela back into it, strapped her in and as he covered her with the blanket with her head leaning against the pillow she cried, “ I don’t want to take a nap!”
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“ I know but you’ll feel better afterwards. Here’s your kitty back, now go to sleep.”, Leonard said as he placed Oreo back on Cayela’s blanket covered lap after he grabbed her back from Penny. Cayela just continued to cry so Sheldon scolded, “ Cayela Rachelle you need to stop crying this instant! Your Uncle Leonard just told you it’s nap time! Do not question his authority as well as the rest of us! Go to sleep!”
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“ Leave me alone Dad!”, Cayela cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgaLcMXesXP
“ Do you want a Codeen shot?! Hush up and go to sleep! I’m not going to tell you again!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter.
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“ No! I said I don’t want to take a nap!”, Cayela cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANANH26jTUkti
“ Ok that’s it, you’re getting Codeen!”, Sheldon scolded as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the syringe and needle with the Codeen drug in it as well as a rubber tie off and a set of latex gloves.
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“ Here just give me it Sheldon, I’ll give it to her.”, Leonard said as he held out his hand.
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“ Alright, here you go good buddy Leonard. Have at it.”, Sheldon said as he slapped the items into Leonard’s hand.
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“ Thanks. Ok Cayela looks like we’re going to have to do this the hard way since you’re refusing to listen to me.”, Leonard said as he slipped the gloves on, pulled the blanket back slightly and gently grabbed Cayela’s right arm. He then lifted up her t-shirt sleeve slightly, tied the rubber tie off around her upper arm which buldged out her vein and numbed the area with an alcohol wipe.
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“ Let go of my arm Uncle Leonard! I don’t need this!”, Cayela cried as she tried to jerk her arm away from the experimental physicist but his grip was firm and her arm wouldn’t budge.
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“ Shhh, just relax. I’m not hurting you. I would never hurt you intentionally in any way whatsoever.”, Leonard said before he popped the cap of the needle off with the side of his teeth and slowly inserted the needle into her arm. Cayela squinted her eyes shut from the slight pain of the needle piercing her skin which made her cry out, “ Ow! Stop!”
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“ Shhh, everything’s ok. Just go to dream land. None of us are going anywhere for a while. We’ll be right here when you wake up.”, Leonard said as he slowly plunged the Codeen into Cayela’s bloodstream. Within minutes the drug kicked in and she fell silent. Once she was asleep Leonard removed the needle, covered the injection site with a Barbie bandaid from the box of bandaids that he found in Cayela’s diaper bag, removed the tie off from her arm and put her sleeve back down before covering her back up with her blanket. He discarded the used items in the same bag he tossed Cayela’s soiled brief, used wipes and latex gloves in before he leaned over, kissed Cayela’s head and whispered, “ I love you.” Cayela moaned in her sleep as if to say ‘ I love you too.’ Oreo rolled over on her side stretching herself across Cayela’s lap, purring as she made herself comfortable for a catnap as well.
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“ Finally, she’s out.”, Leonard said as he leaned back into his seat. Dakota just leaned her hand against her cheek as she sat next to her husband while resting her elbow on the windowsill. The stress level in the car among the adults began to fall which was very rewarding to them and were happy that they could enjoy at least a few hours of peace and quiet.
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“ Thank god. She was starting to give me a headache. She definitely has some of your DNA Sheldon because like I said before she can be very annoying sometimes, just like you.”, Penny said as she threw her head back gripping her forehead.
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“ Well of course she would have my DNA as part of her genetics Penny. The other half of it is Leo’s DNA which is where Cayela’s mitochondria stems from and orbits the cells of her nuclei.”, Sheldon said in a Know-It-All voice.
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“ Ok I don’t understand what the hell you just said. This is why I need to use a dictionary whenever you nerds talk science with each other.”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Oh for God sakes, Penny you’re just over exaggerating.”, Leonard said as he shook his head.
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“ Can it Leonard!”, Penny hissed under her breath.
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“ Why don’t you both can it before I crack your skulls. Let’s just enjoy the peace and quiet while our niece is sleeping.”, Dakota said as she quickly glanced over her husband’s shoulder to see that their autistic teenage goddaughter was still sleeping, breathing softly as her chest rose and fell. The way she was sleeping in her seat made her look almost exactly like Sheldon but she also looked a lot like Leo too. The colliding DNA of Dakota’s two theoretical physicists friends being seen in the form of a special needs teenage girl was both cute and beautiful at the same time.
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“ You’re right Dakota, I’m sorry. Ugh, I need some bi**hin’ tylenol capsules. My head is killing me.”, Penny said as she was massaging her head.
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“ Keep swearing Penny and you’ll just keep receiving strikes.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAhWuvUuGBQ5
“ Shut it Cooper!”, Penny hissed.
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“ That’s Dr. Cooper.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes again.
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“ Here, take these and ignore him.”, Melissa said as she handed Penny a bottle of water and two tylenol capsules from her purse.
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“ Thanks Melissa.”, Penny said as she popped the pills in her mouth and swallowed them with the water.
18Please respect copyright.PENANARAjl8Uxwzx
“ Ok Melissa you just received a strike for saying that.”, Sheldon said as he reached into his messenger bag at his feet and pulled out his notebook and mechanical pencil that he used to record his friends strikes.
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“ What?! Are you freakin’ serious Sheldon?! You’re bluffing!”, Melissa interjected but not too loud as to wake up Cayela.
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“ I am not. I’m most certainly serious, in fact…”, Sheldon said as he opened his notebook and flipped through a few pages before his eyes rested on Melissa’s name.
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“ Melissa Bustamante, strike 1 for telling Penny to ignore me.”, Sheldon said as he scribbled an X next to Melissa’s name before he put his notebook and pencil away back into his bag.
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“ Ok that’s just stupid! How does telling someone to ignore you result in a strike?!”, Melissa shot back.
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“ I do not wish to discuss this with you. Do not question my authority or you’ll receive strike 2.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Fine I’ll shut up!”, Melissa shot back before she closed her mouth.
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“ That’s what I thought.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok that’s enough of that. Leonard thank you for getting Cayela to settle down.”, Leo said.
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“ No problem Leo.”, Leonard said.
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“ Here, why don’t you slide her pacifire stick in her mouth too. Hopefully she won’t cry again when she wakes up.”, Sheldon said after he took Cayela’s paci stick out of his back pocket and dropped a few drops of orange flavor essential oils on the end of it.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKqfGvMKuns
“ Sure, give me it.”, Leonard said as he took the hard rubbery stick from Sheldon. Then he asked, “ What did you put on here? It smells like citrus.”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHZWpYB8vWe
“ It’s just a few drops of orange flavored essential oils. Just give it to her, it won’t hurt her. She just sucks on it with it in her mouth anyway. It’s just like a baby pacifire only it’s a more age appropriate one.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKyyYgnu4lE
“ That’s really interesting Sheldon. Where did you get this thing?”, Leonard asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKaRJpkbdlE
“ Oh I had Wolowitz make it for me with the 3D printer while we were at work one day after Leo wouldn’t stop screaming at me to do something about Cayela because at the time Cayela was throwing another one of her tantrums about something and would not shut up no matter what we did. We tried to give her a granola bar but she just threw it at Leo’s whiteboard and wouldn’t eat it to which Leo was not happy about. We tried changing her diaper but all she did was scream and cry the whole time like a 2 year old which lead to me getting kicked in the nose after I held her down and she kicked Leo’s computer chair over which made a huge mess because Leo was in the middle of organizing her desk and the force of the inertia from Cayela’s foot sent everything on that chair flying around the whole office like a hurricane. So then we had to clean that up while still trying to calm her down but she just would not settle at all and by that point I was at my wits end, my stress level had gone from 0 to 110.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Really Sheldon?”, Leonard asked as he rolled his eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMp6DGVeP0N
“ Oh yes, I was about ready to hit my fist against the wall and start yelling at her like a drill sargeant but then Howard suddenly came by Leo’s office to ask Leo something but when he saw how stressed out Leo was and me about to lose my temper he took me out into the hallway and asked me what the problem was and so I told him, “ I absolutely have no idea what to do right now Howard! Cayela is currently throwing the biggest tantrum I’ve ever seen in my life and it’s driving Leo and I completely insane! We have tried everything we could possibly think of to calm her down but nothing is working and I’m about ready to flip my lid!” so then I asked him if he could put some of his engineering skills to good use and create something with that 3D printer that would just get Cayela to shut her mouth to which he agreed to that much to my delight and so we began this noble quest of searching Caltech for anything useful but at first we couldn’t find anything so I was about ready to give up until Howard searched through a drawer of another faculty member’s desk and found this small plastic toy sword that looked like it came from the dollar store which suddenly gave him an idea so we took it to the printer, scanned it in and 3D printed it out after we changed the color of it to a solid pink. Then Howard just sanded the pointy tip off and washed the whole thing off under the faucet before he handed it to me. I was confused about it at first but then he just told me to stick it in her mouth and just let her suck on it like a pacifire.”, Sheldon said.
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“ That printer is still at Caltech? I thought Bernadette made him get rid of that thing after he just bought it with her money and didn’t tell her about it?”, Leonard asked.
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“ That’s precisely correct Leonard but Bernadette eventually just let the issue go and allowed Howard to keep it.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAnytvZsyZD8
“ Nice. So did this thing work when you gave it to Cayela?”, Leonard asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAlZefyuGsqR
“ Oh yes it most certainly worked. The second I shoved that stick in her mouth she instantly shut up and just sat there sucking on it. Leo was absolutely thrilled with the fact that it worked so well. She couldn’t believe it, it was like magic. Before all of this happened Leo and I had never thought to just give our special needs teenage daughter a pacifire when she’s having a bad meltdown because we just thought “ Oh those things are for babies, she’s 14 years old. She doesn’t need it.” well, since day one when I first gave it to her it’s been made very clear to us that she does need it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ How come this is the first time I’m seeing this thing?”, Leonard asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANATSQWAVrvVv
“ Probably because you’ve been too busy to even notice it.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgeaiuXe5fT
“ Yeah true. So you just want me to stick this in her mouth?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes but please try not to wake her up. Let’s just let her sleep with it in her mouth for a while. It might make her feel better.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Alright, here goes nothing.”, Leonard said as he turned in his seat towards Cayela who was still sleeping in her seat with her head facing the window. Leonard carefully turned her head slightly toward him and gently pried open her mouth just enough to slip the paci stick in. Her mouth clamped down on it and she began to suck on it as she continued sleeping.
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“ Success. She didn’t wake up.”, Leonard said.
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“ Good.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAYWGaEHuqFV
“ Thank you for that. At least that should keep her quiet for a while.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKIGDTztLnV
“ Again, no problem Leo. Honestly I think that this was a pretty genius idea you guys came up with. Cayela looks so cute with that thing in her mouth.”, Leonard said with a soft smile.
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“ You know, now that I think about it I very much agree with you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ That is the most wackiest story I’ve ever heard, but it’s cute.”, Melissa said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQFxp42Kgd8
“ Thank you Melissa but I believe that you said you were going to shut up after I just gave you that strike for telling Penny to ignore me?”, Sheldon said as he whipped his head around and narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Yes I know I said that Sheldon but that doesn’t mean that I can’t interject something once in a while.”, Melissa said.
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“ Excuse me but that is completely false and you know it. When a person says they’re going to shut up it means they’re going to be silent, period. They’re not going to say anything else for a while.”, Sheldon said. Melissa then took her phone out, typed something and hit the speak key.
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“ When a person says they’re going to shut up it means they’re going to be silent, period! They’re not going to say anything else for a while! Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now dude?!”, Melissa’s phone speaker said.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! Are you mocking me right now woman?! That is very immature and I demand that you cease this immediately!”, Sheldon hissed as he rolled his eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAxEyfIWjkQn
“ Shut it or I’m gonna kick your a**!”, Melissa’s phone speaker said.
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“ Melissa!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ Ok Sheldon, Melissa will you two just cut it out! I’m not gonna drive my car while listening to my husband and my friend say stupid things to each other the whole time! Because this is absolutely ridiculous!”, Leo hissed as she continued driving the interstate.
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“ Well Bustamante is the one that started it Leo.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAob8k67i5iu
“ I don’t care who started it I’m finishing it! We are adults and this is not appropriate behavior, especially since we’re driving to Omaha, Nebraska due to the fact that our apartments just got destroyed by someone’s RV bomb! And Lord only knows when we’ll be able to go back home, probably not until our apartments get rebuilt and Danny and the other officers find out who this person was that set this thing off in the first place!”, Leo hissed.
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“ You do have a point there, but, I have a theory. If my suspicions are correct the person responsible for this blast most likely wanted to hurt only themselves and no one else. I mean think about it, who parks their RV in the middle of a populated city in broad daylight and sets off a bomb in it after warning people with a recorded message telling them to get away from the area surrounding it?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Um…if I had to guess, probably someone that’s looking to kill themselves.”, Leo said.
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“ Precisely correct. Whoever did it has most likely died in that blast which probably won’t go unnoticed for very long. I have a feeling that Danny and the other police officers will soon discover that and Danny will most likely call us to tell us that. It may not be true but I am for certain that it is. Because there is absolutely no reason for that bomb to have gone off without some sort of motive.”, Sheldon said.
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“ You really think it was someone committing suicide Sheldon?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes I really do Leo. I think that person was just really sick and wanted to end their pain. Which is a very sad thing to think about knowing that someone was hurting so bad that they felt like that was the only way out.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah but to blow yourself up inside an RV? That’s still got to hurt, right?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes that would hurt if you’re still conscious and alert, but, if you were unconscious before the bomb explodes you wouldn’t feel anything. You wouldn’t even be aware of it, you would just be asleep forever.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I guess that makes a lot of sense.”, Leo said.
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“ Exactly my point.”, Sheldon said. The next 2 hours of the road trip were in complete silence after that and it was during this that Cayela started to wake up from her nap. She turned her head and was slowly blinking her eyes.
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“ Well look who’s finally awake.”, Leonard said as he looked at his goddaughter. The others except for Leo who was still driving turned their heads towards Cayela too.
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“ Hi.”, Cayela softly said when she took her paci stick out of her mouth.
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“ Hi kid, did you have a good nap?”, Dakota asked with a smile.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ Good.”, Penny said as Leo was pulling off the interstate to stop at a gas station.
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“ Hey what are we doing now? Are we there yet?”, Cayela asked as her mother parked the car in front of a gas pump and turned off the engine.
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“ No sweetheart we still have a little ways to go still. We’re just stopping at a gas station for a moment to get some gas, use the restrooms and to get some food because I’m pretty sure we’re all hungry at this point.”, Leo said as she took her keys out of the ignition and started rummaging through her purse to find her ATM card.
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“ Great, my legs are killing me. Move Dakota.”, Leonard said as he pushed past his wife to get out of the car. Dakota followed after him and Penny hissed, “ Hey would you slow down you asthmatic dumbass! You’re not the only one that needs to get out!” as she climbed out of the backseat and exitted the car.
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“ Yeah wait up would ya!”, Melissa interjected as she followed after Penny.
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“ Penny enough with the swearing!”, Sheldon scolded as he got out of the car and followed his friends.
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“ Shut it Dr. Whackadoodle!”, Penny hissed at him as the five of them walked inside the gas station mart. Leo just shook her head and got out for a second to pump the gas. Cayela just sat in the car with Oreo on her lap playing her Candy Crush Saga game again on her phone.
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“ Ok now that the gas is pumping I think it’s time to change your diaper again. You’ve been sleeping for couple hours and we don’t want you getting sick.”, Leo said when she opened the door after she put the gas nozzle into the gas tank. She then squirted some hand sanitizer into her hands, rubbed them together, unstrapped Cayela from the seat and moved Oreo for a moment before she reached over and picked up Cayela’s diaper bag that was sitting on the center console.
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“ Mom not now please! I’m trying to play with my phone!”, Cayela protested as she sat there holding her phone in her hand while her mother slipped latex gloves on.
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“ Cayela enough, do not argue with me about this.”, Leo said as she set to work on the important task in front of her. Once she was done and put her daughter’s shorts back on, she tossed the used items in the trash before she strapped Cayela back in the seat and removed the nozzle from the gas tank before paying for the gas with her card. As the others came back carrying bags of food Leo decided to go inside to use the restroom for a moment and to get something for herself to eat. She came back a short time later, got in the car, started the engine and drove out of the gas station parking lot. Leo drove for a few more hours and by the time they pulled in the dirt driveway of Penny’s parents ranch it was well after dark and they were all ready to get out of the car. Leo parked her car and turned off the engine.
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“ We’re here you guys.”, Leo said.
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“ Yes finally! That was the longest car ride ever!”, Penny interjected with a sigh of relief.
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“ Yeah I totally agree. Come on you guys let’s just get out.”, Leonard said as he took his glasses off for a brief moment to rub his eyes and then put them back on again as they all opened the doors and got out. The sounds of crickets and frogs were piercing the star lit sky as Leo, Sheldon, Dakota, Leonard, Penny, Cayela and Melissa were unloading their stuff from the back of the car. Oreo was on one of Cayela’s arms just meowing and swishing her tail back and forth because she was trying to catch fireflies in her mouth.
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“ Oreo what are you doing you silly kitty?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ She’s just trying to catch fireflies Cayela. Let’s just get in the house.”, Leonard said as they were walking up the wooden steps leading to the front door.
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“ Ok Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said.
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Knock knock!
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“ Hey dad.”, Penny said with a smile when her father answered the door.
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“ Hey Slugger, what are you and your friends doing here?”, Wyatt asked as he stared at his daughter and the others standing behind her.
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“ Um it’s a long story, look can we just come in and I’ll explain everything?”, Penny asked as she let out a nervous laugh.
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“ Yes of course. Come on in y’all.”, Wyatt said as he opened the door all the way and stepped aside to allow them to come in.
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“ Penny? What are you doing here with your friends?”, Penny’s mother asked when Wyatt shut the door and she saw her daughter standing there in the foyer with her friends.
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“ Ha ha I bet you’re wondering that of why we’re here and well… it’s because there’s unfortunately a problem at home.”, Penny nervously laughed as she scratched the back of her head.
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“ Which is what sis?”, Penny’s brother asked in confusion.
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“ Y’all are probably not going to believe this, but… our apartments just got destroyed by someone setting off a bomb in their RV.”, Penny said in a serious tone.
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“ WHAT?!”, Penny’s parents and brother exclaimed as they gasped in complete shock.
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“ Well are y’all alright?!”, Wyatt asked with a concerned look on his face.
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“ Yeah we’re fine dad, it was just totally unexpected. Listen can we just stay here for a while until our apartments get rebuilt back at home?”, Penny asked.
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“ Absolutely Penny, there’s plenty of room here. Just make yourselves at home.”, Penny’s mother said.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said. They all talked for a minute until they all decided to turn in for the night. The next morning after they all got up and got dressed Penny’s mother was making breakfast for everyone in the kitchen while the rest of them were sitting around the kitchen island talking to each other. The radio was playing on a country rock station and the song that was currently on was Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins.
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Oh boy, it ain’t his fault!
It’s so hard not to stare at that… Honky Tonk, Badonkadonk!
Keep in perfect rhythm make you wanna swang along!
Got it goin’ on like Donkey Kong!
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“ Ok y’all fresh hot eggs and bacon off the frying pan! Come and get it before it gets cold!”, Penny’s mother said as she took the hot frying pan off the stove and placed it down in the center of the kitchen island on a trivet next to a stack of plates, eating utensils and napkins while the music continued to play on the radio.
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“ Yes! I’m starving!”, Melissa exclaimed as she grabbed a plate and started to help herself with the others following suit.
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“ Well that is a bit much to say Melissa. Don’t you ever eat woman?!”, Sheldon said as he used his fork to cut his egg in half.
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“ Oh shut it Sheldon! Of course I eat! I eat like everyone else does!”, Melissa spat back as she let out a laugh as she stabbed a piece of her egg with her fork and stuffed it in her mouth.
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“ Yeah because if she didn’t she’d be dead.”, Leonard said before he stuffed a slice of bacon in his mouth.
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“ Thank you Leonard! I was just about to say that!”, Melissa exclaimed with her mouth full.
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“ Melissa don’t talk with your mouth full, that’s rude! I don’t want you teaching Cayela into thinking that’s ok to do!”, Leo scolded her friend as she dropped her fork on her half eaten plate of food.
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“ What are you talking about Leo?! I’m not hurting anyone with this! I’m just eating my food!”, Melissa laughed as she was still chewing her food.
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“ Yeah well you’re her Auntie and Sheldon and I don’t appreciate this! So swallow your food before you talk please!”, Leo scolded. Melissa put her finger up for a second, swallowed and then she said, “ Ok.”
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“ Thank you. That’s much better.”, Leo said as she picked up her fork and started eating again.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAlEV0o3A1Mn
“ Way to kill the mood Leo!”, Penny suddenly said with a mouth full of food too.
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“ Penny!”, Leonard, Leo, Sheldon, Dakota, Melissa, her father Wyatt, her mother and brother shouted at her as they all gave her death glares.
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“ Sorry, sorry!”, Penny interjected after she swallowed. The conversations continued until Dakota’s cell phone started ringing.
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“ Hey excuse me for one second. I got to take this.”, Dakota said as she got up and headed into another room with her phone.
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“ Dakota, are you there?”, Danny’s voice answered on the other end of the phone when Dakota answered it.
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“ Danny? Whatcha calling me for?”, Dakota asked.
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“ I called to tell you about the results of the blast zone investigation after you guys left for Omaha yesterday.”, Danny said.
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“ Really? Did you find out who did it?”, Dakota asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAye8pWo4aSu
“ Yes we did. The explosion was caused by a 48 year old man and his name was Adam Warner Fennelski.”, Danny said.
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“ Did you ask him why he did it?”, Dakota asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAf4B50gQLXy
“ Uh, that’s what I wanted to tell you about. Um… the guy unfortunately had killed himself in the blast. We had talked to several people and they said that he had become very depressed because his wife recently had cheated on him with another man and she took custody of their 4 young children. Apparently this guy couldn’t live without them.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Oh that’s horrible. Did his kids or even his ex-wife know about it?”, Dakota sadly asked as she gasped in shock.
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“ Yeah one of my partners spoke with them about it and Adam’s ex-wife wasn’t really that upset but his kids however were devestated. They screamed and cried as they held each other. Two boys and two girls, ages 4, 5, 7, and 9 which is very sad because these kids loved their dad very much and now they’re going to have to grow up without him.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Oh god, I can’t even imagine what those kids are feeling right now. Do you want me to tell our friends about it?”, Dakota vsadly asked.
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“ You can if you want.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Thanks Danny. Do you know when the construction crews are going to be done rebuilding our apartments?”, Dakota sadly asked.
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“ I don’t know Dakota, it may be a while before you guys can come back. They’re looking at the damage right now and it’s looking like they may have to tear down the whole complex and rebuild it from the ground up.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ D*mn it. Alright, well thank you for calling and please keep us updated on the rebuilding process.”, Dakota sadly said.
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“ Alright I will Dakota. Bye.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Bye.”, Dakota sadly said before she hung up. She walked back into the kitchen, sat back down and said, “ Ok I’m back.”
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“ Who called you?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Oh it was Danny calling to tell me the results of the blast zone investigation.”, Dakota said.
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“ Well what did he say? Did he explain who was responsible for it?”, Penny asked.
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“ Yeah he said it was a 48 year old man named Adam Warner Fennelski. He also said that Fennelski killed himself in the blast.”, Dakota sadly said.
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“ I knew it, just as I predicted. Did Danny happen to say the reasoning for the suicide?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes apparently this guy was very depressed about his wife cheating on him and taking custody of their 4 kids. He didn’t want to live without them so that’s why he did what he did.”, Dakota sadly said.
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“ Oh that’s awful.”, Penny’s mother gasped.
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“ Yeah I totally agree. A man taking his own life with a bomb at 48 leaving behind his 4 kids?! That’s just horrible beyond words.”, Penny’s brother said.
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“ Did Danny say how old these kids are?”, Melissa sadly asked.
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“ 4, 5, 7 and 9.”, Dakota sadly said.
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“ Oh my god, stop! I can’t even imagine that! Oh those poor babies! This is absolutely one of the worst things that any child could ever experience! I really hope that they get through this terrible grief!”, Leo sadly said.
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“ I think we all do Leo. No young child should ever lose their parent like that.”, Penny sadly said as a tear slid down the side of her face.
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“ You’re not gonna do that are you Mom?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPfHFSMJqEE
“ No of course not sweetheart. Let’s talk about something else ok.”, Leo said as she shook her head. The conversations continued after they changed the subject. Shortly after they were done eating and Penny’s mother was cleaning up a bee suddenly somehow got into the house and started flying around the kitchen which immediately caught Oreo’s attention as she jumped up on one of the counters and started swatting her paw at it, meowing and swishing her tail furiously.
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“ Oreo get off the counter! Don’t touch that bee!”, Wyatt intejected as he picked her up and set her on the floor. Oreo however continued to chase the bee around as Wyatt started swatting at it too. The others started to swat at it as well.
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“ Oh Lord, someone get it out of here please!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stood up and started to hyperventilate.
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“ Sheldon relax! It’s just a bee!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Relax?! How can I relax?! I’m allergic to bees Leonard! Do you seriously want me to die from an allergic reaction if I get stung?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he continued to hyperventilate.
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“ No but I’m gonna kill you if you don’t shut up!”, Leonard interjected as he smacked Sheldon upside the head.
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“ Sheldon, Leonard, that’s enough! We don’t need this!”, Leo interjected at her husband and her friend.
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“ Yes come on y’all let’s cut it out! We need to get this little sucker out of here!”, Wyatt interjected as he was swatting at the bee along with the others.
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“ I got it! Get out you stupid bee!”, Cayela interjected as she shooed the bee over to the back door of the house and when she opened the door slightly to let it outside Oreo accidentally slips out after it.
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“ Oh no no no Oreo get back here! Where are you going?!”, Cayela shrieked as she ran out the door after her pet.
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“ Cayela where are you going?!”, Leo scolded as she shoved the door open and stood in the doorway.
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“ Can’t talk right now Mom! I got to get Oreo back! Oreo come back here!”, Cayela shrieked as she continued running down the hill after Oreo. Leo and Sheldon were about to follow her but Penny said, “ Leo, Sheldon, just sit back down. Let Cayela chase after Oreo herself.”
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“ Are you sure that’s ok?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah she’ll be fine. Just sit.”, Penny said.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as her and Sheldon sat back down with the others.
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“ Oreo, where are you?! Where did you go?!”, Cayela shouted out for her cat as she continued running in the direction that she saw Oreo chase after the bee in but couldn’t find her anywhere. She was about ready to start crying thinking that her pet ran away when she heard another teenage girl’s voice say, “ Hey where do y’all think you’re going?! Here kitty kitty!” from the other side of a large bush.
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‘ Who said that?’, Cayela thought as she walked around to the other side of the bush to see this other girl grabbing Oreo and picking her up.
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“ Oh…hi. Is this your cat?”, the girl asked when she noticed Cayela standing there.
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“ Yeah… she’s mine. She just got away from me to chase after a bee. Thanks for catching her.”, Cayela said as she stared at the girl she was talking to. The girl had medium length strawberry blonde hair, wearing a gray undershirt underneath a blue button down plaid flannel shirt, blue jean shorts and gold sandals on her feet. She had one left natural blue eye and where her right eye was supposed to be a mechanical prosthetic blue eye was in its place making her look almost like a cyborg but not really. She was also caucasian as well.
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“ No problem and oh my god I’m so rude. My name’s Mckenna Imogen Baxterson what’s your’s?”, Mckenna asked with a smile as she handed Cayela her cat back.
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper. Nice to meet you Mckenna.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ You too Cayela. So what’s your cat’s name?”, Mckenna asked.
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“ This is Oreo. I call her that because she’s a midnight black kitty with this patch of white on her chest.”, Cayela said as she pointed at the white patch of fur on her chest. Oreo meowed in response.
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“ That’s so cute, I love kitties!”, Mckenna said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAFmT1BjCmH0
“ Really? Do you have one?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALLsCpmv0vd
“ I actually have 2, they’re both Siamese cats. Their names are Bellatrix and Hunter.”, Mckenna said as she pulled out her phone to show Cayela a picture of her two cats.
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“ Aww they’re so cute!”, Cayela said.
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“ Thanks.”, Mckenna said as she put her phone away.
18Please respect copyright.PENANANc5lLDzgAy
“ Hey, um, not to be rude or anything but… what’s up with your face?”, Cayela asked when she noticed Mckenna’s mechanical eye.
18Please respect copyright.PENANApFwpdSR3ve
“ Oh you mean my prosthetic eye? I lost one of my eyes due to a freak accident that was caused by my pigheaded older brother Rex and some of his jock friends when they were hanging out together at our house one day.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Really? What did they do?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAgs05sC1hE6
“ They were screwing around with a 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola and Mentos. They wanted to pull some stupid prank with it on one of their teachers at their school and so they decided to do a test run with it first on our patio to see if it would work but what I didn’t realize was that they had placed the bottle near the door and the moment I opened the door to ask them something as they dropped the Mentos tablets into the coke shouting, “ Fire in the hole!” the chemical reaction from the two substances caused the whole thing to explode like a rocket in my face which of course hit my eye and the pain was so bad that it made me scream like a girl in a horror film. At first Rex and his friends were laughing about because they thought it was funny but then I started screaming at them, “ Y’all stop laughing, this isn’t funny! You seriously just burned my eye!”, Mckenna said.
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“ Oh my god Mckenna that’s horrible. So then what happened?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAO2YT9daKYA
“ My brother tried to rinse my eye out and act like nothing had happened but then our two little sisters came in and Macy was all like, “ Mom, Dad! Rex did something to Mckenna!” and River said, “ Yeah it looks like he burned her eye!”, Mckenna said.
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“ Are your two sisters always chatter mouths?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yeah they’re blabber mouths, they tell everybody everything they see. But anyway then our parents got involved and my mom started screaming at my brother and his friends saying, “ What were you thinking?!” while my dad took me to the ER which turned into me being admitted to the hospital and scheduled for an emergency eye amputation. So that’s the story of how I got this prosthetic eye all because of my stupid brother and his friends.”, Mckenna said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAyknk1lAd0S
“ Well that is the dumbest thing they could have ever done to you. Do they seriously have no conscience?”, Cayela asked.
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“ They have no conscience for anything they do when they get together Cayela. They just do whatever they want and act like a bunch of high school punks.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Do they get in trouble a lot?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Oh yes they get in trouble everyday. They’re always ending up in the principal’s office at their school because they think the school is a circus free for all. They just act like clowns disrupting the class, disrespecting the teachers by pocket whipping them with their cell phones, throwing paper airplanes everywhere, shooting spitballs at them, it just goes on and on. They could literally care less about school, especially Rex. Nothing motivates him, he just does whatever the heck he wants which really makes our parents, his teachers and his principal really mad.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Oh my god Mckenna I’m so sorry you guys have to deal with that.”, Cayela said.
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“ It’s ok Cayela, we’re used to it now anyway.”, Mckenna said.
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“ How old is Rex?”, Cayela asked.
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“ He’s 17 and he’s still in his sophmore year of high school.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Why do you say that?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Because he’s had to repeat it 3 times already because of his behavior and for failing grades.”, Mckenna said.
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“ How does he get failing grades?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA3RmMl4B9ja
“ Because he only does half of his schoolwork and doodles on the rest of it before he turns it in and claims that he did the whole thing when he really didn’t.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Well that’s just ridiculous.”, Cayela laughed.
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“ I know right?”, Mckenna laughed. Then she asked, “ So do you live around here Cayela?”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAUsF99W70HP
“ No I’m actually from Pasadena, California. My family and I are staying with family friends for a while because somebody destroyed our apartments with a bomb inside their RV.”, Cayela said.
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“ That’s terrible! Did this happen just recently?!”, Mckenna asked with a shocked look on her face.
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“ Yes it happened yesterday. We just got here last night.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well that sucks. I hope you guys get your apartments fixed soon.”, Mckenna said.
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“ Thanks. Hey do you want to follow me back to the house we’re staying at so we can hang out for a bit?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Sure I’d love to. Just give me a second to text my parents and let them know where I’m going.”, Mckenna said as she took her phone out again.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said. Mckenna then texted her parents and told them that she was going to hang out with a new friend and that she’d be back in a little while. They told her to have fun and be safe.
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“ Ok let’s go.”, Mckenna said with a smile as she put her phone away again. The girls chatted with each other on the way back to the house but then Mckenna spotted someone that made her stop dead in her tracks and gasp. Cayela suddenly stopped too staring at her new friend wondering what was going on and what she saw.
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“ Mckenna what are you…?”, Cayela started to ask but but Mckenna suddenly shrieked, “ Oh my god it’s Sawyer Thalia Mullinex! Run Cayela!” before she started to run and dragged Cayela with her.
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“ Hey, where do y’all think you’re going?! Come back here!”, Sawyer suddenly shouted as she started to chase them.
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Author’s note: I’m so sorry if I seem like a social media sponge but the RV incident in this was a reference to the Christmas Day bombing that happened in Nashville, Tennesee but I wanted to include it considering the fact that I included the helicopter crash reference in a previous chapter. Please try to understand that just because I write about these it doesn’t mean that I’m obsessed with them, it just means that I think it’s good action to put in the story. Please try to be respectful of my writing and let me know what you think should happen in the next chapter in the comments. To be continued…
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