Chapter 39
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Shortly after Florence was released from the hospital the next day and Raven was buried under a mulberry tree in a beautiful field Arista woke up from a nap to find her mother standing at the railing of their deck outside in their backyard looking up at the sky. She looked like she was still sad about what had happened.
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“ Mom? You ok?”, Arista asked in concern as she stood in the open door wall.
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“ I’m fine Arista, I’m just really hurt by your sister’s decision.”, Mrs. Stormbender sadly said as she let out a sad sigh. A slight breeze blew through her hair as she kept looking up at the bright blue sunny sky.
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“ I know you are and believe it or not I am too, but, it’s not anything that we did. Raven’s the one that chose to die. Who are we to argue with that?”, Arista sadly said.
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“ I know but we could have helped her in some way. It didn’t have to end like that with her getting shot by those security guards.”, Mrs. Stormbender sadly said as she turned to face her only daughter that she had left now that Raven was gone from the world.
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“ No we really couldn’t Mom. She had been brainwashed by Dad for years. Even if we did try to rehabilitate her she still would have gone back to being as crazy and psycho as Dad was and she would have still gone on trying to hurt us. You know in your heart that this is what had to be done and how it would have ended anyway.”, Arista sadly said.
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“ I know but I just don’t understand it Arista. Why is it that your sister Raven would just chose to die rather than try to get help?”, Mrs. Stormbender sadly asked.
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“ Because I just told you, she was brainwashed. And anyway it’s not your fault. Raven’s always been a daddy’s girl and you know it. Remember how upset she got the day you divorced Dad and he left? She was screaming and crying through the living room window begging him to come back.”, Arista sadly said.
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“ You’re right, I remember that. I screamed at her and told her to go to her room and that I’d deal with her later. But now it almosts makes me feel guilty about saying that.”, Mrs. Stormbender sadly said as she walked over and sat down next to Arista.
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“ Well don’t Mom. Raven got what she wanted and we got our life back. She gets to be with Dad now, wherever he is.”, Arista sadly said.
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“ You’re right, at least I still have you.”, Mrs. Stormbender said with a slight smile on her face as she embraced Arista.
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“ Exactly Mom. Look, I know that Raven passing away is going to be a hard thing to get over but we’re going to get through it together. I won’t be going anywhere hopefully for a long time.”, Arista said.
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“ I hope so. I love you so much Arista.”, Mrs. Stormbender said as she kissed her daughter’s head.
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“ I love you too Mom.”, Arista said. Then she said, “ Now what do you say we go into Raven’s room and start cleaning it out. You know, out of sight out of mind.”
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“ Ok.”, Mrs. Stormbender said as they headed back into the house. They walked toward Raven’s room and with a breath of air they entered it. As they stood in the doorway looking around the room they were shocked by what they found. There were Satanic worship symbols everywhere on the walls, the floor and even her bed. There was also a whole bunch of mad science stuff which was no doubtly given to her by Devon. Plus, there was also pictures of Mrs. Stormbender and Arista on dart boards with several darts shot through them.
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“ What the freak has she been doing in here?!”, Arista exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know but please go get the garbage can. I just really want to get this stuff out of here so I don’t have to look at it anymore.”, Mrs. Stormbender said.
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“ Ok be right back.”, Arista said as she ran out of the room. She went outside the house, grabbed the big garbage bin and lugged it into the house.
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“ Garbage can delivery!”, Arista exclaimed as she pushed the can down that narrow hallway and stopped it just outside her sister’s bedroom.
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“ Arista I meant the garbage can in the kitchen, not from outside.”, Mrs. Stormbender said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Mom what difference does it make?! It’s still a garbage can!”, Arista laughed.
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“ Ok you’re right, bring it in.”, Mrs. Stormbender said. Arista wheeled the bin in and asked, “ Is there anything else?”
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“ Yes please go grab two sets of latex gloves and some garbage bags.”, Mrs. Stormbender said.
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“ Ok.”, Arista said as she ran out of the room again and came back with two sets of gloves and several garbage bags. The two of them then slipped the gloves on their hands and proceeded to throw away every single piece of offensive item that Raven had owned in her 16 years that she had been alive into the garbage bags. Then they tossed the bags into the garbage can and continued making headway through the room. In one of Raven’s drawers Arista found something that she kind of expected to see.
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“ What is that Arista?”, Mrs. Stormbender asked when she saw what her daughter was holding in her hand.
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“ It’s some sort of detonator device Mom. I found it in one of Raven’s drawers here.”, Arista said as she was inspecting the remote-like box with wires attached to it.
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“ Ok we’re turning that into the government because that is completely terrifying and that is definitely not staying in this house.”, Mrs. Stormbender said.
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“ Yeah I agree Mom. I don’t want this lying around either. Too dangerous.”, Arista said as she carefully set the device aside. She then searched several other drawers and found more mad science equipment.
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“ Found more mad science equipment.”, Arista said pulling the items out of the drawers.
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“ Good, into the garbage. Let’s have it.”, Mrs. Stormbender said as she held out an open garbage bag. Arista tossed the items into the bag and her mother threw it into the can.
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“ You know if Raven was still alive she’d probably be really mad that we’re even doing this.”, Arista said as she was throwing more stuff away.
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“ Yeah well your sister really shouldn’t of had this kind of stuff anyway. It’s dangerous and offensive.”, Mrs. Stormbender said as she tossed another full garbage bag into the garbage can. Once the can was full Arista then wheeled it back outside and placed it by the curb for the garbage truck to pick it up. Her and her mother then dismantled Raven’s bed and took it out to the curb too along with the ripped out carpet. Once the room was all cleaned out Mrs. Stormbender then went to the kitchen to clean it and Arista went back to her room to watch some tv. Then later that day Cayela asked her parents if she could invite her friends over to hang out and they said yes. Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Robbie and Arista got there first and when Julia arrived she exclaimed, “ Hey! Wuzzup my homies?!”
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“ Hey! Ratley’s here!”, Summer exclaimed.
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“ Hey what’s up Julia?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Not much Cayela. Listen, you guys got to see what I just got today at the store!”, Julia said.
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“ Really? What is it?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Ok I’ll be right back. Hold on just a sec.”, Julia said as she stepped out of the room for a second and came back riding on a hot pink hoverboard. Her friends were instantly amused by the new gadget.
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“ Woah what is that?!”, Florence exclaimed as her eyes went wide.
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“ It’s a hoverboard, duh! I bought it today when I was out running errands with my family!”, Julia exclaimed.
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“ That is so cool! What does it do?!”, Robbie exclaimed.
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“ Well it can go forward, backward, left, right and my personal favorite 360!”, Julia exclaimed as she demonstrated what the board could do.
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“ Wow!”, Cayela, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Robbie and Arista exclaimed.
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“ But hold on it get’s even better! Watch this!”, Julia exclaimed as she pulled out her ipod and pressed play. Music instantly started thumping out of the hoverboard as Julia was wheeling around the room.
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“ Yeah it does! What do you think?!”, Julia exclaimed.
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“ Ok I am so trying that thing out right now! That is so cool!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Sure! Go for it!”, Julia exclaimed as she stepped off the board. She helped Cayela get up onto the board and after Cayela wobbled a few minutes she let go when she felt her friend was balanced enough.
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“ Ok I’m up here. Now how do I make it move?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Oh it’s easy. You just slightly put a little weight in the direction you want to go. Like if you want to go forward you slightly lean forward and tilt your toes down or if you want to go backward you slightly lean back and tilt your toes up or if you want to do a 360 you just slightly bend your right knee if you want to go left and slightly bend your left knee if you want to go right. Does that make sense to you Cayela?”, Julia said.
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“ Oh ok I think I get it. Let me try it.”, Cayela said as she slightly leaned her body forward while tilting her toes down and the hoverboard started to move forward. Then she went in reverse and then she did two 360s, one to right and one to the left. The music was still playing through the speaker on the device.
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“ Ok you guys seriously got to try this out! This is so fun!”, Cayela exclaimed as Julia helped her get off of it.
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“ Me next!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Alright go for it Florence!”, Julia exclaimed. One by one all the other girls tried it out and they instantly got hooked on it so much so that they all took turns on it for the next few hours which then caught the attention of Leo, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota.
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“ What are you girls doing in here?!”, Leo scolded as she stood in the doorway with her husband and her two friends.
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“ Oh hi Mom! We’re just playing with Julia’s new hoverboard that she got today!”, Cayela exclaimed as she was taking her turn on the board for the 5th time.
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper that is unappreciated in here! If you girls want to play with that thing please take it out in the hallway! That is too dangerous to be playing with in here! You can fall and really hurt yourself!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter.
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“ Alright, we’ll take it out in the hallway Dad.”, Cayela said. But as she tried to ride it out of her bedroom Leonard interjected, “ Cayela just carry it out, don’t ride it out!”
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“ Fine Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said as she got off the hoverboard and rolled her eyes as she picked it up and carried it out of the room. Her friends followed her out of the apartment into the hallway.
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“ Good Lord! That was just chaos!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I agree with you on that buddy.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok well now that that’s settled I’m going to go work on my laptop.”, Leo said as she walked over to her desk and sat down.
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“ And don’t mind me, I’m just going to sit here on the couch watching tv.”, Dakota said as she flopped right down in Sheldon’s spot, picked up the remote and kicked up her feet on the coffee table.
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“ Dakota that’s my spot! Get out of it please!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Fine, have it your way Sheldon.”, Dakota said as she slid her body over one cushion.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Hey guys, check this out! I call this one The Tornado!”, Charlotte exclaimed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and did several fast 360s in a row with Julia’s hoverboard.
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“ That’s cool Tipton but be careful with how many times you do that! You’ll get dizzy and might even lose your balance if you’re not careful.”, Julia said.
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“ Have you fallen off of that thing before Julia?”, Arista asked.
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“ Oh yeah at least several times when I was using my brother Mark’s hoverboard before I got my own here and let me tell you something it hurts, bad! So trust me you don’t want to fall off this thing because it feels like you’re wiping out on a pair of roller skates at a roller skating rink!”, Julia said.
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“ Ooh ouch! Yeah that does hurt! I’ve been out roller skating at least a few times before with my sister Crystal and her friend Aria and I’ve fallen on my butt at least 9 or 10 times in the first 2 hours! My coccyx was so sore after that for at least a few weeks! I couldn’t do anything but lay on the couch all day on my stomach with an ice pack laying across my sore butt watching tv!”, Robbie laughed.
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“ Oh wow Robbie, that had to be really miserable!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah it was Cayela! I was so bored out of my mind that I basically treated my sister like my personal servant which annoyed the heck out of her! She got so annoyed after several days of me doing that to her that she screamed, “ Robbie if you don’t stop treating me like I’m your slave I’m gonna wring your neck like a duck!”, Robbie laughed. Instantly her friends started laughing their butts off too.
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“ Wait wait, your sister Crystal actually said that to you?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah she was so annoyed with me Florence! I’m not even joking!”, Robbie laughed.
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“ Dude that’s hilarious!”, Summer laughed as she brushed her hair out of her face.
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“ I know Summer it was the funniest thing that I’ve ever heard coming out of someone’s mouth let alone my sister’s!”, Robbie laughed.
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“ Is Crystal older or younger than you?”, Julia asked.
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“ She’s younger than me by 2 years. She’s 12 and her friend Aria is the same age as her.”, Robbie said.
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“ Wow then it’s no wonder why she was annoyed with you! She’s your little sister and you were bossing her around!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yeah score 1 for Robbie she’s the…wahhh!”, Cayela laughed but shrieked when she was suddenly picked up from behind by her father.
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“ Cayela would you calm down it’s just me.”, Sheldon said.
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“ What gives Dad?! I was right in the middle of saying something!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ I’ve told you this a million times before, you know ‘ what gives’ Cayela. Now come on, let’s go.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Aww nuts!”, Cayela exclaimed as Sheldon carried her back into the apartment and shut the door. A few minutes later Cayela came back out and the girls continued playing together. Then after they all went their separate ways for the night their parents put them to bed before going to bed themselves. Then the next day when Leo, Sheldon, Cayela, Leonard and Dakota went out to run some errands at a store Cayela was grabbing a carton of milk out of the refridgerator section when she suddenly bumped into a 14 year old boy who was grabbing a carton of eggs out of the same refridgerator.
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“ Oh, hi.”, the boy said with a smile.
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“ Hi.”, Cayela said as she returned a shy smile back at him. He was really cute with short dark brown hair, average build to his caucasian body, yellow-green eyes and he was wearing faded blue jeans with holes at the knees and a gray sweat shirt with a hood that said Northridge Middle Wrestling on the front of it. He looked like he had somewhat of a tough guy image despite his friendly demeanor.
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“ I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new here?”, the boy asked.
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“ Oh, no I’ve been living here for years. You?”, Cayela nervously said.
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“ Yeah I just recently moved into the area. My dad got a new job recently so we had to move closer to his work, which is nice because I still get to go to the same school I just have to get up earlier to make it on time.”, the boy said.
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“ Oh really? What school do you go to?”, Cayela nervously asked.
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“ I go to Northridge Middle. What about you?”, the boy asked.
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“ Pasadena Middle.”, Cayela nervously said.
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“ Bummer!”, the boy said.
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“ Yeah.”, Cayela nervously said.
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“ Oh God I’m so rude! I’m Kirby Rossfire what’s your name?”, Kirby asked.
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“ Cayela Fordyce-Cooper. Nice to meet you Kirby.”, Cayela nervously said as she slowly shook his hand. She blushed a little but not enough to be noticeable.
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“ Nice to meet you too Cayela. Your name’s really pretty.”, Kirby said with a smile.
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“ Thanks. Your name’s kind of pretty too, I mean pretty masculine not…!”, Cayela nervously said as she was trying to find the right words to say.
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“ It’s ok I get what you’re trying to say. Thanks.”, Kirby said.
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“ You’re welcome.”, Cayela nervously said.
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“ Cayela let’s go! It’s time to leave!”
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“ Uh oh, that’s my mom. I got to go.”, Cayela nervously said.
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“ Well wait, do you want to meet up again sometime?”, Kirby asked in a nervous tone.
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“ Sure, I’d love to. Here do you want my phone number?”, Cayela nervously said as she took her phone out.
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“ Uh, sure.”, Kirby said in a nervous tone as he took out his phone too.
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“ Good Lord Cayela! Didn’t you hear what your mother said it’s time to go!”
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“ I’m coming in just a second Dad! Would you chill?!”, Cayela interjected. Then she nervously said, “ Here’s my number. Just call or text me when you get the chance.” as she showed Kirby her number on her phone and he put the digits in his phone.
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“ Thanks I will. Bye Cayela. See you around?”, Kirby nervously said as he put his phone away. Cayela just stared at him with somewhat of a lovestruck look on her face but then snapped out of it when Sheldon shouted, “ Cayela!”
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“ I’m coming Dad! Bye Kirby.”, Cayela interjected at her father before she waved goodbye to Kirby.
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“ There you are! What were you doing?! Your mother, Uncle Leonard, Auntie Dakota and I have been waiting here in the check out line for the past three minutes!”, Sheldon scolded when Cayela finally appeared.
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“ Sorry Dad I was just getting a carton of milk like you asked.”, Cayela said as she placed the milk carton on the conveyer belt.
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“ Cayela it doesn’t take that long to grab a carton of milk and walk it up here to the check out line. Now what else were you doing?”, Leo asked.
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“ Nothing Mom. What makes you think I was doing something else?”, Cayela nervously asked as she stared at her mother.
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“ You’re lying, I can see it in your face. Now tell us the truth of what you were doing.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes at her daughter.
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“ I was… talking to someone.”, Cayela nervously said as she was fidgeting with her hands.
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“ Who were you talking to?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Uh… look I really don’t want to talk about this right now so could we just go home please?”, Cayela nervously asked with a stupid looking smile on her face.
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“ Cayela why are you acting so weird? You’re acting a lot like your dad right now.”, Leonard asked as he stared at his goddaughter with a confused look on his face.
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“ It’s nothing Uncle Leonard! Can we please just go now!”, Cayela interjected as she stormed past her parents and godparents.
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“ Ok, whatever.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes. The 4 of them paid for their items and left the store. Once they got home Cayela immediately ran to her room and shut the door before anybody had the chance to ask her anymore questions. This immediately raised some eyebrows at why Cayela was suddenly being so secretive. This continued for the next few weeks and not only Cayela’s family was beginning to get suspicious of her behavior but her friends were as well. Cayela thought she had done everything she could to keep her relationship with Kirby a secret from everyone but the cat suddenly came out of the bag one day when Cayela was watching tv in her room while Sheldon and Leo were out running errands leaving Leonard and Dakota to watch Cayela. Cayela was watching an episode of Forensic Files when all of a sudden she heard somebody tap on her bedroom window. She turned her head to see Kirby at her window waving at her with a smile on his face. Cayela’s face lit up as she opened the window and quietly said, “ Kirby what are you doing here?”
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“ Well I was bored at my house and I thought I’d come to see you.”, Kirby quietly said.
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“ Aww how sweet. That’s the most romantic thing any guy has ever done for me. Actually, you’re the only guy who’s ever done that.”, Cayela quietly said with a smile.
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“ Yeah well you know.”, Kirby quietly said with a smile as he kissed Cayela through the open window. But as they were kissing each other they were suddenly interrupted by Leonard’s voice interjecting, “ What’s going on in there?! Is somebody there?!” as he was walking down the hallway toward the room.
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“ Oh my god Kirby get out! It’s my Uncle Leonard!”, Cayela quietly hissed as she jerked away from her boyfriend and urged him to leave.
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“ Oh crap! Do you want me to hide under the window or something Cayela?!”, Kirby quietly hissed.
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“ Yes yes now just get!”, Cayela hissed as Kirby ducked his head below the window and Cayela shut the window. Kirby just hung there since there was no balcony.
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“ Cayela is everything ok in here? I thought I heard someone else’s voice.”, Leonard asked when he walked into Cayela’s bedroom.
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“ Yeah everything’s fine Uncle Leonard. It was probably just the tv you heard.”, Cayela nervously said with a stupid smirk on her face.
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“ That didn’t sound like the tv to me. It sounded like you were talking to someone. Is there someone hiding in your room that I don’t know about?”, Leonard asked as he narrowed his eyes at his goddaughter. He could tell something was up but he didn’t know what it was yet.
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“ Me?! Talking to someone?! That’s ridiculous! What makes you think I’m talking to someone?! There’s no one else here but me!”, Cayela nervously laughed as she still kept that same stupid smirk on her face.
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“ Yeah I don’t think so, move.”, Leonard said in a serious tone as he gently pushed Cayela aside and opened the window. He first looked straight out but didn’t see anything so he looked down and that’s when he saw Kirby trying to hide under the window. This completely startled him.
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“ For God sakes?!”, Leonard interjected. Kirby just looked up at him with a nervous smirk on his face.
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“ Space nuts!”, Cayela hissed under her breath.
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“ Cayela what is going on here? Who is this guy and what is he doing here hiding under your window outside?”, Leonard asked in a serious tone.
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“ What are you talking about Uncle Leonard? It’s probably just a figment of your imagination.”, Cayela nervously laughed.
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“ Cayela I want to know what’s up and I want to know now! You’ve been so secretive these past few weeks and it’s really suspicious!”, Leonard scolded.
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“ Ok, I guess I can’t keep up this secret any longer.”, Cayela said with a defeated sigh. Then she stuck her head out the window and said, “ Get in here, the jig’s up.”
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“ Buckwheats!”, Kirby hissed as he climbed in the window and Cayela shut the window behind him.
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“ Well, I’m waiting! Who is this?!”, Leonard scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAcz6uEXRbM2
“ Ok I was going to tell you all about this eventually and I didn’t know how to say it, but, This is Kirby Rossfire. He’s my boyfriend.”, Cayela said.
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“ Hey man, how’s it going?”, Kirby nervously laughed as he stood there next to Cayela.
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“ What?! When did you get a boyfriend?!”, Leonard asked in complete shock as he stared at Cayela.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuJyexa7rL9
“ Since the day we went out running errands at the grocery store. Remember when I took so long getting a carton of milk? Well, I ran into him when he was getting eggs out of the same fridge and we started talking.”, Cayela said.
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“ Have you two been seeing each other this whole time behind our backs?!”, Leonard shrieked.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela and Kirby said at the same time.
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“ Oh my god, I don’t know what to say to you right now.”, Leonard said as he gripped his forehead.
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“ What is going on in here?”, Dakota asked when she walked in.
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“ Dakota you’re not going to believe this! Cayela’s been seeing a boy behind all of our backs for the past few weeks!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Are you freaking kidding me?! Is that who this is that’s standing here next to her right now?!”, Dakota interjected as she pointed at Kirby.
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“ Yes! I just discovered him a few seconds ago! He was trying to hide outside under the window!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ What?! Cayela who is this boy?!”, Dakota scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADRnA5t2upK
“ His name’s Kirby Rossfire, we met a few weeks ago at the grocery store Auntie Dakota.”, Cayela said.
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“ Why didn’t you tell any of us this?!”, Dakota scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAf1ryEVqbcz
“ Because I didn’t want to cause a big freak out over it right away! I wanted to make sure that it was actually going to work out between Kirby and I before saying anything about it! Believe me, I was going to tell everybody about it!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Cayela it doesn’t matter! You should have told us from the very beginning! Relationships are a very big deal and either way we would have freak out anyway!”, Leonard scolded.
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“ Yeah but I didn’t know how…!”, Cayela interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAxEzV0U7IBz
“ Hello?! Anyone here?!”
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“ We’re back!”
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“ Oh god it’s my parents! They just got home! What do we do?!”, Cayela quietly hissed.
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“ Ok ok don’t panic! Your Auntie Dakota and I will handle it! Just stay in here with Kirby and don’t do anything inappropriate!”, Leonard quietly hissed. Cayela just nodded her head as Leonard and Dakota stepped out of her room and shut the door behind them.
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“ Oh god we got to hide in the closet now!”, Cayela quietly said in a frightened tone as she looked at Kirby.
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“ Why Cayela?”, Kirby asked as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ Because I know my dad’s probably going to explode and I don’t want you to get hurt Kirby! Now just get in the closet with me!”, Cayela quietly said in a frightened tone as she lightly shoved her boyfriend into the closet and she shut the door behind them. The two of them sat on the floor in the dark closet right next to each other completely silent.
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“ Oh, there you two are. What were you doing in Cayela’s room?”, Leo asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAftnqdZMgA6
“ Oh we were just checking on her Leo making sure she was ok.”, Dakota said.
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“ Thank you for doing that. I’m just going to go tell her we’re home.”, Sheldon said but as he tried to walk toward Cayela’s room Leonard and Dakota got in his way.
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“ Ahhh… you can do that in a minute but Sheldon, Leo, there’s something we need to tell you but could you promise you won’t freak out too much?!”, Leonard interjected in a nervous tone as he held his hands up in front of him.
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“ That depends what it is. Is there something going on?”, Leo asked as she was starting to get suspicious.
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“ Yeah, how do I say this, um there’s something that we just found out about that completely shocked us and well… uh…”, Dakota nervously said as she was trying to find the right words to say.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA1TgbcY8oYg
“ Well good Lord, out with it! What is it?!”, Sheldon interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALFxqkPhslF
“ Ok, don’t freak out but… Cayela’s been seeing a boy for a few weeks now behind our backs and he’s here in her room.”, Leonard nervously said as sweat was dripping down his face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANATh8JKQeD6u
“ What?! Are you sure?!”, Leo asked in complete shock.
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“ Yes.”, Dakota said in a serious tone. Instantly a moment of silence fell among all of them. Leo was just in a state of shock while Sheldon looked like he was about ready to explode.
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“ Sheldon… you ok buddy?”, Leonard asked in a concerned tone as he concentrated on the expression of his best friend’s face. Without saying a word Sheldon just walked right past him toward Cayela’s room.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2GNUfM40nE
“ Oh god… Sheldon…”, Leo said in a concerned voice as she followed her husband. She didn’t know if he was going to fly off the handle or what. Leonard and Dakota followed after her and the 4 adults entered the room.
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“ Cayela, where are you?”, Sheldon asked in a stern voice as he looked around his daughter’s bedroom. He first looked under her bed but when he didn’t find her there he then looked in the closet and that’s when he saw Cayela and Kirby sitting in there next to each other. They both had been holding their breath.
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“ Dad?”, Cayela asked in a frightened tone as she tried to avoid eye contact with her father.
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“ Care to explain this?”, Sheldon asked in a stern voice as he stood there with his arms crossed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAz63aUBXTBz
“ I will if you don’t… yell at me.”, Cayela said in a frightened tone.
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“ I’m not going to yell at you. I just want to know what’s going on.”, Sheldon said in a calm stern voice. Leo, Leonard and Dakota were shocked by this. This was completely different from the reaction that they were expecting.
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“ Well, ok.”, Cayela said.
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“ Now, who is this boy that’s in your closet right now?”, Sheldon asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAqhuFBP8Six
“ Kirby Rossfire.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAY5AlAvbrsg
“ Ok and how did you meet him?”, Sheldon asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAJZAW0ggfFk
“ We met at the grocery store a few weeks ago. Remember when I took so long to get that carton of milk? Well, this is who I was talking to. We’ve been secretly hanging out since then. He recently just asked me to be his girlfriend and I wasn’t just going to say no because I actually really like him.”, Cayela said.
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“ I see. Well, do you mind if I talk to him for a minute?”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvn3GySuGlE
“ I guess but please don’t embarass me Dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ I’m not going to embarass you. I just want to talk to him.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok. Kirby go talk to my dad for a moment.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABKzxWtBwbC
“ Ok, sure Cayela.”, Kirby said as he got up and followed Sheldon out of the room for a moment.
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“ Look sir, I’m really sorry you had to find out like this. We wanted to tell you and your wife about it but we didn’t know how. It’s just I really like your daughter and I don’t know I just…”, Kirby said as he was trying to find the right words to say to his girlfriend’s father.
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“ Kirby you don’t need to apologize, I don’t care about that. The only thing I care about is my daughter being happy which is clearly what you seem to be doing for her. But listen here, don’t do anything to hurt her or you and I are going to have a serious problem.”, Sheldon said in a serious tone.
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“ Ok, like, how serious are we talking?”, Kirby asked as sweat was dripping down his face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfty5mdt2Ba
“ Trust me, you don’t want to know.”, Sheldon said in a serious tone.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAzOtW3qUYiK
“ Well, look I can assure you and your wife that you have nothing to worry about sir. I come from a very loving, respectful household and I never hurt anyone unless they deserve it.”, Kirby said.
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“ Well please see to it that you keep that promise and you don’t have to call me that. You can just call me Dr. Cooper and my wife Dr. Fordyce-Cooper.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok. Sorry for the confusion Dr. Cooper.”, Kirby said.
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“ No no it’s ok I should have said something from the very beginning.”, Sheldon said. He talked to Kirby for a few more minutes before he left both his daughter and Kirby alone in the room. As the 4 adults were talking to each other out in the living room Cayela said, “ Hey, I have something to tell you that I’ve been wanting to say for a while but could you promise me that you won’t make fun of me for it?”
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“ Of course. What is it?”, Kirby asked.
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“ It’s kind of an embarrassing secret that I don’t really like to talk about that much, but, I have a form of Autism that not only affects my auditory processing sometimes but it also affects a certain part of my brain that controls my bladder and bowels. I can’t ever be potty trained so I have to wear diapers. I know this may seem unattractive to you but that’s just how my life is unfortunately.”, Cayela said.
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“ Cayela I don’t care about that, I like you for you.”, Kirby said with a smile.
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“ Really?”, Cayela asked in complete shock.
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“ Yes. You’re beautiful regardless of what you just told me. Special needs or not, I like you just the way you are.”, Kirby said with a smile as he kissed her.
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“ I really like you too.”, Cayela said as a smile spread across her face and she kissed him back. They hung out for a few minutes before Kirby left and went home. Then the next day at school during lunch the other girls were wondering what was up with their autistic friend. They were curious to know what she had been up to the past few weeks.
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“ Ok Cayela start talking. What is up with you? You been so secretive lately and the suspense is killing us.”, Florence said as she looked at her best friend.
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“ Yeah seriously just tell us. What’s going on?”, Charlotte asked. Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista nodded their heads too.
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“ Ok you guys really want to know what’s been up with me? Well, recently I just got a boyfriend.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ WHAT?!”, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista shrieked in surprise. They couldn’t believe what they just heard.
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“ Shut up! Are you freaking kidding us right now?!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Yeah is this a joke Fordyce-Cooper?! Cause if it is that is so not cool!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ No I’m serious. I’m actually telling the truth. I really have a boyfriend.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ Oh my god is it Liam Garder?!”, Summer exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA2Ce1wNz0Xa
“ Um no it’s actually a boy from another school. His name is Kirby Rossfire. I met him a few weeks ago at a grocery store when my family and I were running errands.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ OMG, let’s see some pictures!”, Julia exclaimed.
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“ Ok but I have to do it fast because I don’t want to get in trouble for having my phone out during school hours.”, Cayela said as she looked around to make sure no one was looking before she quickly took her phone out and briefly showed her friends some pictures of her and Kirby together before putting it away again.
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“ Oh my god bestie that guy’s cute! What school does he go to?!”, Florence exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA5y8DJBr7UB
“ Northridge Middle. He’s on the wrestling team there too.”, Cayela said.
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“ A school wrestler named Kirby?! That is so hot!”, Robbie exclaimed. She was so amused by this that she didn’t realize that she was drooling all over her salad.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAjzOaFLnBxS
“ Well geez Robbie! You haven’t even met my boyfriend yet and you’re drooling all over your salad!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh gross!”, Robbie laughed as she threw her salad away.
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“ But wait a minute, what did your dad say about all of this?”, Arista asked.
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“ Um it was actually kind of weird Arista. When my dad first found out about it I was kind of expecting him to get upset but instead he was very calm and after he talked to Kirby for a few minutes he left us alone in my room. This all happened yesterday.”, Cayela said.
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“ Wow, your dad was actually cool with you and Kirby dating each other?”, Florence asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAnMbps3mUrj
“ Surprisingly yes Florence.”, Cayela said.
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“ Did you tell Kirby about your ‘ secret’?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yes I did Charlotte after my dad left us alone.”, Cayela said.
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“ And what did he say?”, Summer asked.
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“ He said that he didn’t care about that the fact that I have those needs and that he thought I was beautiful regardless. He likes me just the way I am.”, Cayela said with a smile. Her friends instantly shrieked with excitement the moment she said that.
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“ Cayela I’m so happy for you! You have to let us meet him sometime so we can get to know him! He sounds like he’s perfect for you!”, Florence exclaimed as she embraced her best friend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA9vvQMUyVR4
“ Oh I think he is because he literally came to my bedroom window yesterday when my parents weren’t home and my Uncle Leonard and Auntie Dakota were out in the living room! I was sitting on my bed watching an episode of Forensic Files and Kirby showed up tapping my window! It was so romantic!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh my god he sounds like a keeper!”, Julia laughed.
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“ Hey, you should probably let Liam know about this. It will probably be less hurtful to him if he hears it from you rather than his friends.”, Charlotte said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAwSZ7lnKl9q
“ That’s actually not a bad idea Charlotte. Excuse me one moment, I’m going to go talk to him.”, Cayela said as she stood up and walked around the cafeteria to find Liam. She found him sitting at a table with his friends. With a breath of air she slowly approached him.
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“ Excuse me, Liam?”, Cayela nervously asked as she tapped on his shoulder. Liam immediately spun around with his face looking white as ghost. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
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‘ Oh god, it’s my crush! What do I do?!’, Liam thought in his head as sweat was dripping down his face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAYI3Q6ViMK4
“ Uh, h-hi Cayela. What’s up?”, Liam stuttered as he stared at her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAO1vIfEATuZ
“ Listen, can we talk in private for a second?”, Cayela asked. Liam’s friends instantly let out a chorus of “ Oooooh!”
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“ You guys shut up! I’ll be back in a second!”, Liam hissed as he stood up and Cayela pulled him aside.
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“ Listen Cayela, there’s something that I’ve wanting to tell you but I’ve been too shy to say it, but uh…”, Liam nervously began to say but Cayela cut him off by saying, “ Look I get it. I heard from several people that you have a crush on me and I’m really flattered but there’s something I should tell you. I kind of like somebody else.”
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“ Oh, really?”, Liam said as his heart sank a little bit.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAP0DH2GREDs
“ Yeah, I recently just got a boyfriend from Northridge Middle who’s name is Kirby Rossfire and my friend Charlotte said I should tell you before you end up finding out from your friends.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAeWUYkis4wU
“ Well, thanks.”, Liam said.
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“ No problem. Now I’m not saying that I don’t like you at all because you seem like a really cute nice guy but I’m wondering if we can just be friends.”, Cayela said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANARRJ8brjs7V
“ Oh, yeah sure. Totally.”, Liam said as he faked a smile.
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“ Thanks for understanding. See you later.”, Cayela said with a smile before she walked away. Liam sadly watched as she walked back to her table and sat back down with her friends. He felt like his heart had been shattered into a million pieces.
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“ Yo yo yo what’s up man?! Did you get the girl?!”, Matt interjected as he walked up behind his friends with the other boys following.
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“ No, I didn’t Matt.”, Liam sadly said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0dnnJGa1MM
“ Well what happened man? What did she say?”, Eric asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANATXQgVddUJY
“ She told me that she just got a boyfriend from another school and she just wants to be friends with me Eric.”, Liam sadly said.
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“ Oh man Liam, that sucks!”, Owen interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAK9arLm2EBP
“ Yeah well there’s not much I can do about it Owen.”, Liam sadly said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAGD5eKivrCd
“ What kind of talk is that?! Yes there is! Who’s the guy she’s going out with?!”, Clyde interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAyDJlVxiGpg
“ She said his name’s Kirby Rossfire and he’s from Northridge Middle School.”, Liam sadly said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAj8phe9xdtM
“ Well I got an idea, go on this guy’s Facebook profile and tell him to back off! Tell him he’s messing with the wrong dawg for stealing your girl!”, Clyde interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0JjNVVkGC1
“ Are you insane Clyde?! I’m not going to do that?! That’s disrespectful and wrong!”, Liam interjected at his friend.
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“ What are you talking about Liam?! You’re just going to let this guy have her?!”, David interjected.
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“ Yeah man, why wouldn’t you want to fight for your girl?! What kind of man doesn’t fight for his love?!”, Ryan interjected.
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“ David, Ryan, shut up! You guys seriously don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m not going to get in between someone else’s relationship! It’s disrespectful, dishonest, rude, inconsiderate, etc! Think about it, if I listened to what you were saying right now then Kirby will probably come after me and Cayela will probably never speak to me again! I’m trying not to lose her here so I’d rather just leave this alone!”, Liam interjected as he stormed away from his friends and out of the cafeteria.
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“ Fine if you won’t do anything about it then I will! Come on David and Ryan, let’s go!”, Clyde shouted as he started to head out of the cafeteria with David and Ryan following him.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAJUuhArcVud
“ Well wait a minute, where are you three going?”, Matt asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABhkt0EjQ9N
“ We’re going to the library to use Liam’s Facebook account!”, Clyde shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANABrtaOzsXJN
“ Dude, Liam just said to leave it alone!”, Owen shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAvYLRZqfmVA
“ Shut up Owen, I don’t care! This guy’s going to pay for screwing over our friend!”, Clyde shouted as he left with the other two boys.
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“ Clyde!”, Owen shouted.
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“ Let it go Owen, he can’t hear you.”, Eric said as he put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA9tEGWupaeE
“ Fine you’re right Eric.”, Owen said. Then hissed under his breath, “ Freakin’ idiot!” about Clyde as he shook his head. Meanwhile in the library Clyde, David and Ryan were trying to get into Liam’s Facebook account but they immediately ended up getting caught and were suspended from school. Later that night when Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Dakota and Cayela were sleeping something very unexpected happened. The sound of a helicopter was heard outside Sheldon’s and Leo’s bedroom window followed by a loud crash and explosion. The noise instantly woke them up.
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“ Good Lord! What was that?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he got out of bed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAH7nE02YC3q
“ I don’t know, it sounded like a helicopter crash! Let me see!”, Leo shrieked as she got out of bed and looked out the window. What she saw was a pile of mangled metal on fire a few feet away from the building on the curb of the street.
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“ Oh my god, it looks like a helicopter just crashed down on Melissa’s car!”, Leo shrieked as she ran out of the room.
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“ Oh Lord!”, Sheldon shrieked as he followed his wife.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuUsfLIHO1U
“ Mom, Dad!”, Cayela shrieked as she followed her parents. She was wearing just her t-shirt and diaper as she always wore to bed but she didn’t care if other people saw her like that at the moment because all she cared about was finding out what was going on. Leonard and Dakota also followed and when they all got outside a crowd began to form around the site as police and fire rescue began arriving on the scene. Leo picked Cayela up against her hip as she called Melissa on her cell phone.
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“ Come on Melissa, pick up now!”, Leo shrieked. The phone rang for a few minutes before Melissa finally answered.
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“ Leo?”, Melissa answered.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAd2emTAQFRY
“ Melissa where are you?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ I’m out with Shelina. Why?”, Melissa asked in confusion.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAh8lWmzDPQw
“ Ok you two need to get back here now Melissa because a helicopter just crashed down onto your car and exploded it!”, Leo shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMZjFZ2NsXj
“ WHAT?! Are you kidding me right now Leo?! My car is on fire?!”, Melissa shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA14s4bEJIKr
“ No I’m dead serious! Your car is literally destroyed right now! Tell Shelina to bring you back here!”, Leo shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAY3tc7NwfYm
“ Ok! Are you guys outside right now?!”, Melissa shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA1u6s9558fU
“ Yes were crowding the street with several other people and the police and firefighters are out here too!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Alright alright just stay there! I’m coming back now!”, Melissa shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAcyamftOxfs
“ Good, hurry up and be careful! Do not get in an accident on the way here!”, Leo shrieked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAl75PQqsxd9
“ Ok will do! See you in a few minutes, bye!”, Melissa shrieked before she hung up. Then she screamed, “ Shelina we need to go now!”
18Please respect copyright.PENANA1jY34gKCA2
“ Well wait a minute I haven’t even paid for this dress yet!”, Shelina said as she held up a dress that she wanted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAfave8JYIJR
“ Well forget about that right now! Leo just called and said that a helicopter just crashed into my car! It’s on fire!”, Melissa screamed.
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“ WHAT?! Well why didn’t you say that?! Let’s go!”, Shelina screamed as she put the dress back and the two women immediately ran out of the store. After they got there and Melissa was talking to a fireman, Danny walked up to Leo and said in a serious tone, “ Leo can I talk to you for a second?”
18Please respect copyright.PENANAT1h9sKtkt1
“ Oh, sure Danny.”, Leo said as she put Cayela down and was pulled aside by Danny. She could tell by his face that something was wrong.
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“ What is it Danny? Is there something wrong?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes. Look, me and several other officers just searched the wreckage of the helicopter and well… there was 2 fatalities.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Ok, and you’re telling me this why?”, Leo asked in concern.
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“ Well, do you remember Hannah Calabasas?”, Danny sadly asked.
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“ Yeah she was one of the girls that we always saw at the bus stop everyday when we were kids going to school. Why?”, Leo asked in concern. The sad look on her friend’s face confirmed the unthinkable.
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“ No. That can’t be her, could it?”, Leo sadly said as she shook her head.
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“ Yeah it is her. The other one was her boyfriend Nick.”, Danny sadly said.
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“ Oh my god that’s horrible!”, Leo sadly said as a tear slid down her cheek. Danny embraced her as she just cried into his shoulder. This caught the attention of the others.
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“ Leo are you ok?”, Dakota asked.
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“ No I’m not! I need a minute!”, Leo cried as she ran back into the building and back upstairs to their apartment. Moments later her husband, her daughter and her friends came in and heard her crying in the bathroom. Sheldon opened the door to see his wife sitting in the bathtub with her knees pressed into her chest. Her head was down too.
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“ Leo are you alright?”, Sheldon asked his wife as he kneeled down next to the tub.
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“ No Sheldon! I just found out that someone that Danny and I knew from our childhood died in that crash tonight!”, Leo cried as she lifted her head to look at her husband.
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“ That’s terrible. Do you want to talk about it?”, Sheldon sadly asked. Leo just cried and said nothing.
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“ Mom?”, Cayela sadly asked as she climbed into the tub and held out her arms. Leo took her daughter into her arms and held her against her chest as she continued crying. She just couldn’t believe what was going on. She felt like someone was sucking the air out of her lungs and it was a feeling that she had never wished to feel ever in her life.
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“ Come on let’s go out into the living room.”, Sheldon sadly said as he helped his wife get up and out of the tub. Cayela followed her parents out of the bathroom shutting the light off. As they all talked with each other Leo revealed to them why she was so upset. It turns out unknown to them that the week before Hannah called her to tell her what’s been going on in her life and how she got that job as a helicopter pilot but Leo had in a way called her stupid for taking that job which resulted in an argument between the two of them before hanging up on each other. Leo had no idea that conversation with Hannah was going to be the last and it hurt like a bunch of needles. She was really starting to regret what she said especially since now she couldn’t take it back ever. Hannah had died knowing that the last thing she heard was someone calling her stupid and it really tore Leo apart.
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“ Oh Leo…!”, Penny cried out as she put her hands over her mouth.
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“ That was the very last thing I said to her and I can never apologize for that now! I basically called her stupid and now she’s going to go to her grave knowing that I said that to her over the phone! That is why I’m really upset right now!”, Leo cried.
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“ Leo it’s going to be ok.”, Howard sadly said.
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“ No Howard you don’t get it! It will never be ok! Because of what I said to this woman I now have this huge cloud of guilt over my head that will never go away! I will never be able to say I’m sorry to her because she just died tonight! Hannah and I never hung out growing up but we knew each other! It makes me feel like a total, excuse my language for a second, bi**h for what I said! I’m not the kind of person to do things like that but for some reason my words just came out very blunt at the time and I wasn’t thinking clearly! I was going to apologize to her earlier today but the call wouldn’t go through! It’s obvious that she just blocked my number because she was still mad about what I said and didn’t want to hear anything else from me! That’s what hurts the most about this! And you know what’s worse, I won’t be able to go to her funeral because I can only imagine that she already told her family about what I said and they probably hate me now!”, Leo cried.
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“ Leo dangsin-eun igeos-e honjaga anibnida, I once did the same thing to one of my former best friends when I was growing up.”, Yesenia sadly said.
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“ You said something hurtful before?!”, Leo cried.
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“ Ye, her name was Sonia. It was in the middle of March one year and Sonia and I were planning to meet up with some friends of ours at a restaurant. It was our friend Keith’s 13th birthday and we were going to get some pizza. So here’s where the problem started and it was about Keith. The truth is that I had a secret crush on him that none of our other friends knew about it except for Sonia, but, what I didn’t know was that she also liked him too. So that day we sat in the restaurant just eating pizza talking and laughing like we always did until Sonia decided to go somewhere with Keith to talk to him in private which I didn’t think anything of it at the time but when they were gone for a while I decided to go check on them and what I saw made me furious. They were kissing each other and so I angrily demanded to know what was going on and it turns out that two weeks before that the two of them had been secretly hanging out with each other and had kissed before but Sonia never told me about it so I screamed at her saying that she was the worst friend ever and that I could never forgive her for what she did. Sonia then just ran out of the restaurant in tears. We didn’t see or speak to each other for at least 3 weeks after that but then one day I can’t remember what I was doing but for some reason Sonia just came into mind and it was really weird because throughout the whole day I couldn’t seem to get her out of my mind but then it all made sense when Keith suddenly showed up later that evening at my house looking very upset as if he had been crying. I asked him what was wrong and the words he told me were words that I will never forget. He told me that had been a car crash that morning and Sonia along with her parents were killed instantly. I was so upset that I couldn’t even sleep that night.”, Yesenia sadly said as a tear slid down her face.
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“ Oh my god! That’s worse than what I told Hannah!”, Leo cried. Yesenia nodded her head in silence.
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“ Was Keith able to move on with his life after he lost his girlfriend?”, Leonard sadly asked.
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“ Yes, he stayed single for a few years but he eventually found another girl. Monique I think her name is. To this day they’re actually married now with 5 kids. He loves her very much but he still has never forgotten Sonia. He still has a special place in his heart for her and Monique is very supportive of that. She knows that Sonia is still his very first love and she even goes with him along with their children to the cemetary to visit her grave.”, Yesenia sadly said.
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“ That’s very sweet.”, Amy sadly said.
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“ Have you gone to visit her since she passed?”, Dakota sadly asked.
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“ Only once a year on the anniversary of her death. I still haven’t really gotten over what she did to me though. She knew I liked Keith and yet she decided to make a move on him first and not tell me about it. I told her everything about me and she basically just stabbed me in the back like I didn’t even matter to her. I felt like the biggest fool on the face of the planet thinking for one second that I could trust her. What did I ever do to her to deserve that?”, Yesenia sadly said.
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“ Yesenia it’s not your fault, that’s her problem. She’s the one that made the decision to betray you like that. It’s not anything that you did. People have all kinds of reasons for doing the things they do and we can’t control that.”, Raj sadly said.
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“ Nega olh-a Raj. I just wish that it never happened.”, Yesenia sadly said.
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“ If it had never happened you would have never met us in the first place.”, Raj sadly said.
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“ That’s true.”, Yesenia sadly said.
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“ Let’s just stop talking about this right now! It’s too much heartache in one night!”, Leo sadly said.
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“ Are you ok Mom?”, Cayela sadly asked as a tear slid down her cheek.
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“ I’m not right now but I’m sure I will be eventually. Just let these stories be a lesson to you Cayela, don’t ever say something to someone that you’ll regret later because you never know what could happen. Unexpected tragedies like this are a real thing and they happen every single day to anybody.”, Leo sadly said.
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“ I get it Mom.”, Cayela sadly said.
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“ Good. Let’s go try to get some more sleep.”, Leo sadly said. They all said good night to each other and went their separate ways.
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Author’s note: This scenario was dedicated to the helicopter crash in Calabasas, CA that killed Kobe Bryant, his 13 year old daughter Gianna Bryant, John Altobelli and his wife Keri, their 13 year old daughter Alyssa, Sarah Chester and her daughter Payton, Christina Mauser and pilot Ara Zobayan. May these nine souls lost rest in peace.
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To be continued…
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