Chapter 50
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“ Who was that at the door Alyssa?!”, Nim called out from the living room.
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“ That was just Dr. Cooper dropping something off for Cayela!”, Alyssa interjected from the den as she continued tidying up the area.
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“ Let me guess, it was my paci stick?! Right?!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Yes Cayela that’s exactly what your father was dropping off! Apparently he forgot to hand it to me shortly after him and your mother left!”, Alyssa interjected.
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“ Oh ok!”, Cayela interjected before she turned back to the tv. On the tv screen Nim and Cayela were watching an episode at the part where once again the turtles have gotten themselves into a jam with the enemy.
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“ Bebop, Rocksteady, destroy them!”
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“ With plreasure Mastah Swredda!”
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*pig snort* “ Yeah!”
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“ Those two are such dorks… and stupid!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah I’ll say Cayela! More like retarded bozobrains!”, Nim laughed.
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“ Hey! I don’t want to hear any name calling in there! That’s not nice!”, Alyssa scolded from the kitchen after she walked in there to get a snack.
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“ We’re not calling anyone names Alyssa! We’re just talking about Bebop and Rocksteady, Shredder’s two mutant minions in the cartoon! They’re always screwing everything up which makes it so funny!”, Nim laughed.
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“ Yeah it’s true! It’s hilarious!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok well if you girls are having fun making fun of tv characters then why don’t you make fun of Shredder too! He deserves it!”, Alyssa interjected with a giddy laugh, going along with the young teenage girl fun as well.
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“ Yeah he does! He’s a wacko cheese grater!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah and he’s friends with a weird alien brain dude from Dimension X!”, Nim laughed. The two 14 year olds then fell over themselves, laughing up a storm in amusement. Alyssa shook her head in amusement and went to her bedroom to watch some tv leaving Nim and Cayela to continue watching the tv out in the living room but about 30 minutes later she came back out and took Cayela to the bathroom to change her diaper before letting her go back to watching tv while she called a local pizza place to order pizza. 45 minutes later the pizza arrived and the girls decided to eat their dinner in front of the tv. Then after dinner the girls shut the tv off and went back into Nim’s room to listen to some more music. The song they were listening to was What Goes Around…Comes Around by the Kidz Bop Kids.
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“ I so love this kids band!”, Cayela exclaimed as she was dancing around her friend’s bedroom like an idiot.
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“ I know, me too! They have such really great fun songs to listen to and wait a second, do you hear that?”, Nim exclaimed as she was dancing around too before she stopped dead in her tracks when she heard what she thought was the sound of ghostly moans coming from outside her bedroom window.
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“ No, what are you…?”, Cayela asked confusion as she stopped dancing too, staring at her friend as if she said something nuts.
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“ Ooooo I’m the ghost of Kidz Bop and I’m gonna kill yooooou!”
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“ Ok, now I heard enough! I’m scared! Nim what do we do?!”, Cayela said in a frightened tone as she bit her lip while trying so hard not to wet herself.
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“ Let’s investigate! I’m going to look outside!”, Nim interjected as she was trying to be brave but when she walked over to the window to get ready to pull up the shade Cayela suddenly grabbed her screaming, “ No, don’t open that shade! What do you think you’re doing Nimberly Jade Branson?! What if it is a ghost that is going to kill us?! I don’t want to die! I’m only 14!”
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“ Oh puhlease I don’t want to die either but I’m not afraid of a dumb ghost Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper! There’s nothing that could possibly…!”, Nim interjected as she jerked away from her friend but the moment she lifted the shade up a figure with a white sheet over them suddenly interjected, “ BOOOOO!”
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“ Ok I was wrong, I am afraid of ghosts! Run Cayela!”, Nim screamed in terror as she ran for her life out of her room.
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“ Right behind you Nim! Ahhhh!”, Cayela screamed in terror as she ran for her life as well leaving the music still playing from the iPod in the bedroom.
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“ Woah woah woah, girls settle down! What are you freaking out about?!”, Alyssa asked in concern as she came out of her room to see what was going only to get ran into by her younger sister Nim and her sister’s friend Cayela who were both screaming their heads off while trying to find somewhere to hide.
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“ Alyssa there’s a ghost outside the house and it wants to kill us!”, Nim screamed as she pointed in the direction of her bedroom.
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“ Yeah it’s true! We were just listening to a Kidz Bop song in Nim’s room when all of a sudden we heard these moaning sounds coming from outside and someone saying, “ Ooooo I’m the ghost of Kidz Bop and I’m gonna kill yooooou!” and so Nim decided to open her shade and that’s when a figure with a white sheet suddenly screamed, “ BOOOOO!” in our faces making us run like the wind!”, Cayela screamed as she was trying to catch her breath, not realizing that she lost control of her bladder in fear and soaked her diaper.
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“ Oh puhlease, girls there’s no such thing as ghosts! This is all in your imagination! Stay here for a second, I’ll go see what’s up! My god!”, Alyssa scolded as she shook her head, heading towards Nim’s room leaving the two 14 year old girls standing outside her room looking like they were about to cry like scared little babies.
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“ Yeah girls there’s no one out there! I told you that you were just imagining things!”, Alyssa scolded as she then came back to them after she didn’t see anyone outside. But then the front door suddenly opened and the ear piercing laughter of a teenage girl suddenly rang out as she shut the door behind herself making Cayela and Nim start screaming again which then prompt Alyssa to scold them saying, “Cayela and Nimberly will you two just calm down! It’s just your friend Sawyer!”
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“ Got y’all! That was awesome! You two should of seen your faces! You were so scared!”, Sawyer laughed as she popped her head around the corner of the wall holding the white sheet in her hands that she used to cover herself after she scared the living daylights out of her friends.
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“ Sawyer Thalia Mullinex don’t do that! You scared the pee out of us!”, Nim hissed as she smacked her friend in the shoulder.
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“ Yeah literally, perticularly if you’re me! You just made me take a waz!”, Cayela hissed.
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“ Oh come on Cayela, can’t y’all take a joke once in a while?! I was just messing with y’all! We’re friends and that’s what friends do! Chill out!”, Sawyer laughed as she playfully punched her friend in the shoulder.
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“ Yeah but still that was NOT cool! Now I feel all icky thanks to you!”, Cayela hissed.
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“ Ok well we can discuss this more in a bit! Nim, Sawyer go wait in the living room for a moment while I take care of Cayela’s needs.”, Alyssa said as she pointed towards the living room.
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“ Ok Alyssa. Come on Sawyer, let’s give them some privacy.”, Nim said as she started walking away.
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“ Sounds good to me you little shrimp cocktail!”, Sawyer laughed as she playfully shoved her friend in the back, following after her.
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“ Hey! You’re gonna get it for that! That was my back! Come here Mullinex!”, Nim laughed as she started wrestling around with Sawyer in the living room while Alyssa was tending to Cayela in the bathroom.
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“ Hey hey hey, settle down out there! You girls are going to break something if you’re not careful and you’re going to be in really big trouble if you do!”, Alyssa scolded from the bathroom as she was kneeling on the floor in front of Cayela changing her soiled brief.
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“ Well Sawyer started it Alyssa! She shoved me in the back!”, Nim laughed as she continued rough housing with her friend, spearing her into the couch.
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“ I don’t care who started it Nim, I’m finishing it! I’m your older sister as well as your legal guardian and this is my house! I don’t want you rough housing in here because you’re just going to get hurt and you’re not going to like it! Now tone it down a bit before I come out there and spank you!”, Alyssa scolded as she finished wrapping a fresh diaper around Cayela’s lower abdomen before she let her up and cleaned up the mess.
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“ Alright fine, we’ll calm down!”, Nim laughed as her and Sawyer stopped playing rough with each other and just flopped themselves down on the couch again as Cayela came back out to join them.
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“ You feel better now Cayela?”, Sawyer asked with a smile as she scooted over to let Cayela sit down next to her.
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“ Yes I do, thanks for asking.”, Cayela said with a smile as she combed her fingers through her hair.
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“ What you guys want to do now? You want to watch Spongebob?”, Nim asked.
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“ Sure Nim!”, Cayela and Sawyer said as they each crossed one leg over the other as they leaned back against the back rest, scooting in closer together.
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“ Ok.”, Nim said as she picked up the tv remote and flipped the tv to the Nickelodeon network just as a new Spongebob repeat episode was coming on.
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“ Alright you girls have fun with that, I’m going back to my room!”, Alyssa said as she headed back to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
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“ Thanks Alyssa!”, Cayela, Nim and Sawyer exclaimed before turning their attention back to the tv. The girls watched tv for the rest of the night until Sawyer left and Alyssa put Nim and Cayela to bed. Then shortly after breakfast the next morning Sheldon and Leo came to pick Cayela up after Cayela thanked Nim for a great sleepover and they drove home.
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“ Hello Leonard and Dakota we’re back from picking up Cayela at her friend Nim’s house.”, Sheldon said with a smile as they walked into Apartment 4A and he set his wallet and keys in the bowl while Leo hung up her purse and Cayela’s diaper bag on the coat rack.
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“ Auntie Dakota and Uncle Leonard!”, Cayela exclaimed as she ran towards them after throwing her stuff down on the floor.
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“ Hi Cayela!”, Leonard and Dakota exclaimed with smiles on their faces as they embraced her.
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“ Did you have fun last night?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Oh yeah I had a lot of fun Uncle Leonard! Nim and I listened to music, watched some tv, and we went to an indoor trampoline park!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Well that sounds like a lot of fun to me. How long did you two jump for?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Alyssa paid for an hour of jump time for us! It was really fun although Nim accidentally kneed herself in the eye at the end of our jump time.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh ouch! Kneeing yourself in the eye is not fun! Was she ok?”, Leonard said.
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“ Yeah she was fine after we both took a nap while Alyssa was taking her exam. And then the strangest thing happed, Sawyer suddenly showed up and tried to mess with us, making us think that she was a ghost while Nim and I were listening to a Kidz Bop song and scared the living daylights out of us but then it was all good because we just decided to watch Spongebob for the rest of the night!”, Cayela said.
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“ Well it sounds like you girls have had a lot of fun then.”, Dakota said. Then she turned to Leo and said, “ Hey I just thought of a great idea, why don’t we all go with Molly and Danny to Molly’s ultrasound appointment today. Molly said she wants to check on her baby to see if it’s growing normally and make sure that there’s no complications going on.”
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“ Yeah that’s a great idea Dakota. I’d love to see how baby Metcalf is doing.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Yeah me too.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well you all can go to the appointment with them and the others. I unfortunately have to work at Caltech today.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh that’s ok Sheldon. Do you want us to take Cayela with us while you go to work or…?”, Leo started to ask but Sheldon said, “ No it’s fine Leo. Cayela can just come with me to Caltech. You guys will probably most likely be having your hands full with Molly as it is and I would rather have you guys just focus on that than two things at once.”
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“ Yeah that makes sense. Are you sure you can handle her by yourself Sheldon?”, Leo said.
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“ Leo I have never been more sure of anything. What kind of father do you think I am?”, Sheldon said with a smirk.
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“ You’re a great father!”, Leo said with a giddy laugh as she kissed her husband.
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“ Exactly. So y’all just go worry about Molly and I’ll take care of Cayela while I’m working. I got everything under control.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Alright you can take her. But please just remember to change her diaper if and when she needs it. We don’t need her developing a rash and getting sick.”, Leo said.
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“ I’m not an idiot honey. I’m very much aware of our daughter’s medical needs and I will take care of it. I will not miss a beat.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Good, because if you do I will kick your a-s-s.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes at her husband.
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“ Leo please, not in front of Cayela!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ You get my point Dr. Sheldon Cooper!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Yes I very much do. I love you.”, Sheldon said as he kissed his wife.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said as she kissed back again.
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“ Alright Cayela grab whatever belongings you want to occupy yourself. We’re going to Caltech.”, Sheldon said as he slipped his messenger bag over his shoulder and tan colored windbreaker jacket that was covering his Green Lantern shirt and khakis. He also grabbed Cayela’s diaper bag and slung it over his shoulder too.
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“ Ok Dad, just give me one second.”, Cayela said as she took her things that she brought over to Nim’s back to her room and put her clothes away before she grabbed some of her Barbie dolls as well as her iPod with her wireless headphones and stuffed them in the bag before she kissed Oreo’s head and walked back out into the living room to meet up with her father.
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“ Alright Dad, I’m ready to go.”, Cayela said as she put her bag over her shoulders.
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“ Wonderful, I’m ready to go as well.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I’ll drop you guys off. I’ll be right back Leo and Dakota.”, Leonard said as he grabbed his keys and wallet before he headed out the door with Sheldon and Cayela.
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“ Alright, see you later!”, Dakota called out.
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“ Alright we’re here. Have a good day at work buddy, see you later.”, Leonard said when he pulled up in front of the university moments later with his car.
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“ Thank you Leonard. See you later. Come on Cayela, let’s go.”, Sheldon said as he got out of the car.
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“ Bye Uncle Leonard! See you later!”, Cayela exclaimed as she got out of the car too.
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“ Bye Cayela, see you later.”, Leonard said before he pulled away and started driving home. Sheldon then used his Caltech work ID to let himself and his daughter into the building and as they were walking down the hallway to get to his office Cayela suddenly pulled out one of her Barbie dolls and exclaimed, “ Flying Barbie!” as she threw the doll making Sheldon gasp, “ Oh what fresh hell is this?!” as he ducked his head letting the Barbie sail over his head before it landed on the floor in the middle of the hallway. Cayela started laughing in amusement while Sheldon just narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Ok Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper that was not appropriate! Please go pick up that doll you threw!”, Sheldon scolded as he pointed at the Barbie doll laying on the floor.
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“ Sorry Dad, I guess I just got a little carried away!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Excuse me but you got a lot carried away! This is a science university, not a children’s playground! You do that again and you’re really going to be in trouble, plus I will take the doll away! Is that clear?!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said as she picked the doll up and put it away.
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“ Thank you. When we get in my office why don’t you calmly play with your dolls and have a snack. Because I can’t constantly be telling you to calm down the whole time, I have work to do. But, that doesn’t mean that I can just completely forget that I brought you with me to watch you.”, Sheldon said as they continued walking towards his office.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said. Sheldon then unlocked his office door when they reached it and they walked inside shutting the door behind them. As Cayela then set herself up in a corner of the office to play with her dolls Sheldon asked, “ Ok what kind of snack do you want?” as he took off the diaper bag and his messenger bag, setting them down on the floor next to his desk.
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“ Can I have some grape juice and pretzels?”, Cayela asked.
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“ What’s the magic word?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Please?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Thank you, yes you may.”, Sheldon said as he grabbed a Welch’s grape juicebox out of his mini fridge and grabbed some peanut butter filled pretzels out of one of the cabinets, dumping some into a little plastic bowl before he handed the items to Cayela.
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“ Thanks Dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ You’re welcome, now please just chill out. Eat your snack and play but be quiet. I’m going to start my work.”, Sheldon said as he headed to his whiteboard to start working on his equations. With his back turned to her Cayela just sat there in the corner of the office happily munching on her snack, drinking her juice and playing with her Barbie dolls. As Sheldon was working there was something in his equation that didn’t make sense so he thought that he could consult one of his physics books to correct the problem only to discover he didn’t have the one he needed.
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“ Shoot! Come on sweetheart, come with me for a second.”, Sheldon said as he picked up his messenger bag and the diaper bag again, heading to the door.
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“ Where are we going Dad?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she grabbed her things too after finishing her snack.
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“ We’re going to the Caltech library. I need to borrow a physics book I don’t have.”, Sheldon said as they walked the halls again.
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“ Oh ok.”, Cayela said as they were approaching the library.
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“ Now keeping in mind the fact that this is a library so the same rules apply, you talk in a low register.”, Sheldon quietly said as he put his hand on the door handle.
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“ Got it.”, Cayela quietly said before they walked in.
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“ Oh, hello Dr. Cooper. Nice surprise to see you in here. Are you looking for something?”, the librarian quietly asked with a smile as she looked up from her desk.
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“ Yes I’m looking for a certain physics book. Could you please point me in the direction of where those might be?”, Sheldon quietly asked.
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“ Um yes they would be right over there in that section. Is there anything else I can do for you?”, the librarian quietly asked as she pointed her finger towards the physics book section.
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“ No that will be all, thank you.”, Sheldon quietly said as he started to head that way with Cayela following him.
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“ Of course and who’s this young lady with you?”, the librarian quietly asked.
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“ This is my daughter Cayela Rachelle.”, Sheldon quietly said. Cayela waved at the librarian with a smile.
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“ Oh that’s a beautiful name. I didn’t know you were a father.”, the librarian quietly said with a smile.
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“ Yeah well I’ve been getting that a lot around here. Some of my colleagues are still quite shocked when I tell them that I’m married and we have a daughter together.”, Sheldon quietly said as he started looking through a few books.
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“ Well that’s nice. How old is your daughter?”, the librarian quietly asked.
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“ She’s 14 years old. Unfortunately for my wife and I she’s on the Autism Spectrum but we still love her very much anyway.”, Sheldon quietly said.
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“ Well as I said before, she has a very beautiful name. Carry on.”, the librarian quietly said before she walked away to put some books away.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon quietly called out before he turned to his daughter and quietly said, “ Alright I’m going to look through these books for a bit Cayela. You just go find something quiet to do but stay in here, do not leave this library. I don’t want to be chasing you all over this campus, got it?”
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“ Yes I get it Dad. I’m just going to go play with my Barbies again.”, Cayela quietly said as she started walking away from her father, carrying her bag with her.
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“ That’s fine as long as you stay in here and you’re within my eyesight. I don’t want another repeated Joyce Kim incident like the time that Joyce Kim kidnapped you and your best friend Florence from my office.”, Sheldon quietly said.
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“ Fair enough.”, Cayela quietly said as she sat down at a table and pulled out her Barbie dolls again, brushing their hair and making them quietly frolick all over the table with each other.
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OGB/YN office…
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“ Ok Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf are you two ready to see your baby?”, the obstetrician asked with a smile as she picked up the gel and the ultrasound wand.
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“ Yes!”, Molly and Danny said with smiles on their faces as their friends stood around them.
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“ This is so exciting! I can’t believe you guys are having a baby!”, Leo exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.
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“ Yeah us too! We’re so ecstatic for you guys!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ I know Amy! We so can’t wait for this! This was literally the best news that I could have ever received from Molly on the night after Raj and Yesenia’s wedding reception!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Yeah we could definitely tell that Danny by the way you were screaming like a wild banshee, running up and down the hallway of the hotel listening to Party Rock Anthem on your phone waking us up in the middle of the night!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Well I couldn’t help myself Penny! This is my first child and I’ve always wanted to be a father! Now that wish just came true and I couldn’t be any happier than I am right now!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Do you want a boy or a girl?”, Dakota asked.
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“ We don’t care as long as it’s healthy! Right Danny?!”, Molly asked with a smile as she looked at her husband.
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“ Right Molly! Oh this is so exciting, we’re gonna be parents!”, Danny exclaimed as he squeezed his wife’s hand.
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“ I know! I’m so happy!”, Molly exclaimed.
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“ Alright let’s take a look shall we.”, the obstetrician said as she applied the gel to Molly’s stomach before she began moving the wand over it. Within a few minutes the ultrasound detected a little heartbeat and an image of a tiny fetus began to emerge on the screen.
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“ There’s your baby.”, the obstetrician said with a smile as she kept moving the wand around on Molly’s stomach.
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“ Aww!”, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Amy, Raj, Penny, Bernadette, Stuart, Yesenia, and the others exclaimed with big smiles on their faces.
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“ You guys made a person!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ I know! Oh my god I’m gonna cry! It’s beautiful!”, Molly exclaimed as she let out a stream of happy tears. Danny happily cried, “That’s our kid!” as he squeezed his wife’s hand.
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“ To the future baby Metcalf!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Yeah!”, the others celebrated.
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Caltech library…
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‘ I’m kind of bored now. Time to find a different area of this library so I can listen to my iPod. Question is, where?’, Cayela thought as she first looked in the direction of where her father was and when she saw that his back was turned looking at another book she stuffed her Barbies back in her bag, got up from the table that she was sitting at and started wandering around the library, running her fingers along every single book spine on the shelves before she came across what looked like an office that had the lights off inside. She quietly opened the door and flipped on the light to see a neatly organized desk with someone’s name tag sitting on it and the words Assistant Librarian right underneath someone’s name on the name tag.
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‘ Oh this is a cute little space. So neatly organized and oh yay there’s a desk chair in here! Time for some spinning and listening to music!’, Cayela thought with a smirk as she walked in and shut the door to a crack before she parked her butt in the chair, pulling her iPod and headphones out of her bag after she set it on the floor. She then put her headphones on her head and started scrolling through her playlist before she selected the song Just Dance by Lady Gaga feat. Colby O’ Donis. She began spinning around in the chair in amusement laughing her head off. But shortly after she started doing so the librarian suddenly walked by and saw her through the crack of the door.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVcVMDKZG2A
‘ What the…?!’, the librarian thought as she then went to go inform Sheldon of what his daughter was doing. He was sitting at a table reading a physics book when she walked up to him, gently tapped him on the shoulder and quietly said, “ Excuse me, Dr. Cooper?”
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“ Yes?”, Sheldon quietly asked when he looked up from the book he was reading.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAoc3p0FA40e
“ I’m very sorry to bother you but I just thought I’d let you know that your daughter Cayela is in the assistant librarian’s office fooling around with the desk chair in there. She looks like she’s listening to her iPod or something and she’s laughing her head off.”, the librarian quietly said as she pointed in the direction of where the assistant librarian’s office was.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALJhQ94DZY4
“ Oh good Lord, are you kidding me? Alright thank you for letting me know, I’ll go take care of it right now.”, Sheldon quietly said as buried his forehead in his hands before he got up and headed towards the office that his teenage autistic daughter was fooling around in.
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“ No problem.”, the librarian quietly said as she walked away to put some more stuff away.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAsmR7g0pUJb
“ Excuse me Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper!”, Sheldon quietly scolded when he opened the office door to see Cayela spinning around in the chair, listening to her iPod and laughing up a storm.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAC9Xmbred1L
“ Oh hey Dad! What’s up?!”, Cayela laughed as she took her headphones off, hanging them around her neck.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAx2ISUREhNp
“ What’s up?! I’ll tell you what’s up! You’re not supposed to be in here!”, Sheldon quietly scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAppcF9VcshC
“ Oh come on give me a break, I was just trying to have fun! I got bored with playing with my Barbies for the moment so I decided to listen to my iPod!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA0VmbdDQIMS
“ And you thought that coming into the assistant librarian’s office to do that was appropriate?! Because I don’t! You know better than to wander into areas where you’re not supposed to go!”, Sheldon quietly scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgtqzvMZAXY
“ Yeah I do!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAIGzYMLNh5E
“ If you do then why did you do it in the first place?!”, Sheldon quietly scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAf8XGNCJHk8
“ I just wanted to have some fun! Good gravy!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAkBxg64f6F5
“ Yeah well I’m your father and you’re not going to be doing things like that under my watch! Now get up from this chair and get out! Put everything back the way it was before you walked in here!”, Sheldon quietly scolded as he pointed his finger at the chair before he pointed out the door.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA3x4RvD9M5J
“ Ok fine!”, Cayela snickered as she got up from the chair and slid it back to where it was found before she grabbed her stuff and walked out of the office.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAxaBfmNjewH
“ Thank you. Why are you acting out all of a sudden? Have you received a recent blow to the head?”, Sheldon quietly asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA3yTPbeq1YT
“ No I guess I’m just a little full of myself right now.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuIkLIIdmcG
“ I don’t think so I think it’s something else right now. Can I change your diaper?”, Sheldon asked with a smile.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAkTmdTWwqrH
“ No! You wish!”, Cayela smirked as she started walking away.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZBkc2WvmW
“ Excuse me but that is not appropriate, now come here. Let’s go change you and then you can go back to listening to your iPod, ok?”, Sheldon quietly said as he picked her up and carried her off first towards the table where his stuff was and grabbed Cayela’s diaper bag before he carried her over to a private corner behind a wall, setting everything down.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAGtJAgwG24S
“ This is stupid!”, Cayela laughed as Sheldon laid her down on the floor on top of the pad that he pulled out of the bag along with everything else that was needed for the task at hand.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9e3xDkPuUO
“ Cayela will you please stop talking right now. We are in a library and this is not appropriate. Right now you need to just lie still and just let me change you without having something obnoxious to say about it.”, Sheldon quietly said as he rubbed Purell on his hands and slipped some latex gloves on before he removed her shorts and her diaper. Once he was done cleaning her up and put a fresh diaper on her he slipped her shorts back on and cleaned up the mess, throwing the used items away in the trash.
17Please respect copyright.PENANApNzzuSpOvb
“ There you go, you’re all fresh and clean just the way I like it. That should calm you down now.”, Sheldon quietly said with a smile as he stood her up on her feet. By then Cayela looked like she wanted to go to sleep.
17Please respect copyright.PENANABaLYUqIadX
“ Are you tired sweetheart?”, Sheldon quietly asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAs7Xkb4iftq
“ Yeah. I think I just want to go to sleep in your office.”, Cayela tiredly said as she let out a yawn.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAhTwn5qA35E
“ Alright well let me just check this book out and then we can go back to my office. It’s perfect timing anyway since I just changed your diaper.”, Sheldon quietly said as he picked up the rest of his stuff at the table, checked the physics book out and left the library with Cayela to head back to his office. Cayela then fell asleep on the office couch while Sheldon went back to working on his whiteboard. At some point shortly after she fell asleep Cayela kicked her shorts off leaving just her t-shirt and diaper on and she changed position to where she was sleeping on her stomach with her head facing the backrest of the couch. Half of the blanket that had been covering her had fallen off, exposing her diaper as she continued sleeping. Shortly after this was when Leslie decided to walk into Sheldon’s office to ask him something.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbIz19RuX4x
“ Hi Sheldon I have something to ask you.”, Leslie said as she stood in the middle of the office.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAN5CFEXtKKb
“ Leslie Winkle what is it?! I’m busy and more importantly my daughter is sleeping!”, Sheldon quietly hissed as he turned around to face her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAUrdWYEjhvW
“ Oh sorry, should I come back at a better time or…?”, Leslie asked in a low voice.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALvUDc6Yp6p
“ Well either ask me what you want to ask me or get out! I don’t want you waking up my daughter Cayela!”, Sheldon quietly hissed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANATKC7Z94r01
“ You know what I now actually forgot what I was originally going to ask but I will ask this, why is Cayela wearing a diaper?”, Leslie asked in confusion.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVOLjje2vKM
“ Because Leo and I have told everyone this before, Cayela is autistic! She’s not potty trained and unfortunately will never be able to therefore she has to wear diapers! Her excretory system is like an infant trapped in a 14 year olds body, it’s basically frozen in time if you will! Now can you please get out! I’m working!”, Sheldon quietly hissed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA717y2S9UUW
“ Ok that makes sense now, sorry I bothered you. I’m just going to leave.”, Leslie quietly said as she walked out shutting the door behind her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgqPu6PLjj5
“ Thank you.”, Sheldon quietly hissed as he then turned to Cayela who was still sleeping sprawled out on the office couch, walked over to her and gently covered her back up again with the blanket before he went back to work. A couple hours later while Sheldon was still working Cayela began waking up from her nap and got up to grab her phone before she flopped back down on the couch. She was scrolling through her text messages and saw that she just received one from her boyfriend Kirby.
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Hi Cayela :)
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Cayela smiled a bit as she texted him back, asking him what was up and he asked her if it was ok if they could hang out for a bit. She told him that she was at her father’s office for the moment but she told him that she would ask her father if it would be ok for them to just hang out in the office for a bit and that she would tell him what he said. He said ok.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAh63mGI4PTk
“ Hey Dad, Kirby just texted me and asked me if we could hang out for a bit. Is it ok if he just comes to your office so we can hang out for a few?”, Cayela asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANArS5bJFiUsW
“ I suppose so as long as you two don’t do anything inappropriate.”, Sheldon said as he took a break from what he was doing and walked over to her, grabbing the diaper bag again after he checked her over and saw that the wetness indicator line on Cayela’s brief had turned blue again.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAL0MIWGgeBk
“ Yay thanks Dad and what the fudgeballs?!”, Cayela exclaimed before she started laughing her head off in amusement, falling on her back and curling herself up into a ball after she read a message that Kirby sent her that was really stupid and funny just as Sheldon was pulling the necessary items that were needed at the moment out of the bag.
17Please respect copyright.PENANArvNG6jcB6x
“ Hey hey hey will you please stop moving for a moment Cayela?! I’m doing an important task here at the moment and you’re getting a little bit too silly!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter as he gently held her legs down on the couch with latex glove covered hands.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVzGMnB6s3K
“ I’m sorry it’s just that Kirby just sent me something stupid and it’s cracking me up! Oh my god I so love this guy! He cracks me up every single day since we started dating! Rossfire’s such a riot!”, Cayela laughed as she started slapping her thigh.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAjsCziE7z33
“ Yes I’m very aware of how this boy makes you feel but right now I need you to lay still! You can commence whatever this ridiculousness is after I’m done, ok! So just chill out!”, Sheldon scolded as he continued holding her down for a brief moment before he continued on what was necessary after Cayela began to calm herself down. After strapping a clean brief on her lower abdomen and slipping her shorts back on he said, “ Ok I’m done, you can get up now.”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAvA2i6Oj3hl
“ Thank you Dad.”, Cayela said as she sat back up as her father was cleaning up the mess and throwing the used items away in the trash.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgdoa4mWnPn
“ You’re welcome, I love you sweetheart.”, Sheldon said as he kissed his daughter’s head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAg0rIWQnKDn
“ I love you too. I’m going to text Kirby back now and let him know what you said.”, Cayela said as she picked her phone back up to text her boyfriend back.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAWZFPVuxqJm
“ Alright you go and do that while I continue working. At the latest we’ll probably get out of here two hours from now.”, Sheldon said as he resumed his work.
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“ Sounds good to me! Kirby and I will just have fun until then!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Well I wouldn’t count on him being here for the entire two hours Cayela. You don’t know if he’s got something else going on later in the day or not.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAhXO9s5lDuA
“ Yeah that’s true, I don’t but we’ll see.”, Cayela said. Shortly after she texted him Kirby suddenly comes sprinting into Sheldon’s office exclaiming, “ Surprise attack babe!”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAMYuX9GEYZU
“ Ahh, Kirby!”, Cayela exclaimed with a laugh and girly shriek as her boyfriend suddenly speared her to the floor like the school wrestler he is.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAE0b3KX1WNz
“ Missed me?!”, Kirby laughed as he kissed his girlfriend on the lips after he helped her up.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAthZdyszFyg
“ Yeah you big romantic dork! Don’t do that!”, Cayela laughed as she kissed him back and hugged him.
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“ Oh come on, I’m just playing around with my girlfriend! What’s a guy got to do to be able to do that once in a while?!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ I don’t know! Shut up Rossfire!”, Cayela laughed as she playfully smacked him in the shoulder.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAxFOlrSgwpZ
“ Kirby please do not wrestle with my daughter in my office! I know you’re a middle school wrestler but this is not the appropriate setting to be doing things like this, someone is going to end up getting hurt in here and I’ve told you this before that my wife and I do not want to get screamed at by your parents if something should happen!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter’s boyfriend when he turned around to face him.
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“ Ok you’re right. I’m sorry Dr. Cooper.”, Kirby said as he calmed down, throwing his hands up.
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“ Thank you. I don’t mind the two of you hanging with each other for a while just please keep the rough housing to a minimum.”, Sheldon said as he turned back to his whiteboard.
17Please respect copyright.PENANARKYiw3pMb2
“ Got it. You want to listen to music Cayela?”, Kirby asked.
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“ Yeah I do!”, Cayela said with a smile as she swiped up her iPod into her hands, scrolling through her playlist.
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“ Here, come sit down on my lap.”, Kirby said as he pulled up Sheldon’s desk chair into the middle of the office and sat in it.
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“ Ok!”, Cayela said as she parked her butt in her boyfriend’s lap which made her diaper being covered by her shorts let out a slight crinkling sound.
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“ You can play around with my chair but don’t break it please.”, Sheldon said as he continued writing with the markers on his board.
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“ Message received Dr. Cooper.”, Kirby said as Cayela then pressed play on her iPod, letting the song Don’t Stop the Music by the Kidz Bop Kids somewhat blare out of it as she started spinning them around with her feet and with Kirby helping her.
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“ Oh yeah, now it’s a party! This is awesome!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah it is Cayela! Let’s keep this going! This is fun!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ You are seriously the best boyfriend I’ve ever had in my life! The fact that you accept me for who I am and don’t think that I’m a baby just because I have to wear adult diapers just amazes me every day that I’m with you!”, Cayela exclaimed as they kept spinning around in the chair to the music.
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“ Of course, why wouldn’t I?! You’re beautiful inside and out! Whoever doesn’t think that is a complete idiot!”, Kirby laughed as he kissed her again.
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“ That’s the same thing I told her before she even met you and she thought I was joking.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh my god! Cayela Rachelle why would you ever think that your dad was joking when he said that?!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ Because it’s embarrassing! I’m 14 and I shouldn’t have to be talking about stuff like that!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok you have a point there but still you shouldn’t think that everyone’s like that because that’s not true! I love you and I don’t care one bit that you’re different from everyone else!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ And I love you too!”, Cayela laughed as she kissed him again. She then switched the song to Rain On Me by Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande.
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“ You are so cute!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ So are you!”, Cayela laughed.
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‘ This kid’s great! I’m so thankful that he came into my daughter’s life when he did!’, Sheldon thought with a smile as he continued working, shaking his head in amusement.
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“ No hands! Zero gravity!”, Cayela suddenly exclaimed as she changed position in Kirby’s lap to where she was now lying down on her back with her legs crossed and pressed against Kirby’s chest with him gripping them with his arms as he kept spinning them his feet while Cayela had her arms stretched out by her head holding onto her iPod as her hair was flying all over the place.
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“ Having fun there babe?!”, Kirby laughed as he kept pressing his girlfriend’s legs into his chest so that she wouldn’t fly off his lap and hit the floor.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAWdI6pKy6vJ
“ Oh yeah I’m having a blast with this! Don’t stop Rossfire! Keep going!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAvYQIKo8qyi
“ Ok you asked for it Fordyce-Cooper! Fire the torpedoes!”, Kirby exclaimed as he kept spinning the two of them around using his feet, picking up a little bit more speed as he kept laughing his head off in amusement. Cayela then switched the song again to Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield.
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“ You big dork! I’ll fire them right back at you!”, Cayela laughed as she started swinging her arms up towards her boyfriend in a playful way.
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“ You wish!”, Kirby laughed as he started dodging his head out of the way while trying to playfully bite his girlfriend’s fingers at the same time.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAcyGPRfIFxa
“ Hey cut it out Rossfire, that’s not fair!”, Cayela laughed as she kept swinging her arms at him while laying on her back as they kept spinning around in Sheldon’s desk chair.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAg7EwdWgWHV
“ Well you asked for it Cayela!”, Kirby laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAsCf8mxQ8d0
“ I’m going to make you eat those words babe!”, Cayela laughed as she continued swinging her arms at her boyfriend while she was still laying on her back.
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“ As if!”, Kirby laughed.
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“ Hey settle down over there! What did I say about the rough housing?! I said to keep it to a minimum!”, Sheldon scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA1YI4njPvKc
“ Well sorry Dr. Cooper! Your daughter’s the one that started it!”, Kirby laughed as he started putting up his defenses and began swinging one of his arms back at Cayela while holding onto her legs with his other arm.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAXYPvHbu0jH
“ Yeah I did after you said Fire the torpedoes! So actually you started it when you said that!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAkVVTdELtzj
“ Oh now you’re going to get it for saying that! Incoming!”, Kirby laughed as he swung his arm again but instead of playfully hitting his girlfriend’s arms he accidentally hits her in the lower abdomen.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAIX2bFlhdyT
“ Oh sweet Chewbacca, ow! Dude you just hit me in my lower abdomen!”, Cayela laughed as she gasped in shock.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7XNzxdjj4E
“ Oh please, that shouldn’t of hurt you that bad! You’re wearing a diaper anyway!”, Kirby laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOGYILCzIEX
“ Yeah I am and if you don’t quit it I’m gonna fart on your face!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAsvxvSpcwKH
“ Not before I do that to you first!”, Kirby laughed as he stopped spinning them, picked his girlfriend up and playfully tossed her down on the couch, sitting on her face as he let one rip in it.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAe7aT357CdB
“ Ew! Ok that’s it you’re gonna get one too Kirby! Come here lover boy!”, Cayela laughed as she shoved him off and sat on his face doing the same thing to him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANASv0n47udOG
“ Ew! Ok I deserve that for doing it to you in the first place!”, Kirby laughed as he shoved her off of him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAPI2X10pYsO
“ Of course you do you Shiitake mushroom!”, Cayela laughed as they continued their little playful slap fight.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAlM3AQLFmm7
“ Babe the only Shiitake mushroom I see is you and you’re a very pretty one at that!”, Kirby laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7rkSZXwYjJ
“ Oh yeah well why don’t you come over here and kiss me you stud muffin!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA8t7pi46mRL
“ You took the words right out of my mouth! Here comes Prince Charming to get his princess!”, Kirby laughed as he threw himself at her, making out with her on the lips.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuriwXDfIBY
“ Alright alright that’s enough! Calm down! You’re getting a little too silly!”, Sheldon said as then grabbed his desk chair pulling it back behind his desk to sit down in it while rifling through his drawers looking for something.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFDgTRvAStb
“ Ok sorry Dr. Cooper. Let’s just watch some YouTube videos now Cayela.”, Kirby said as he broke the kiss.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAKf2h9O00NT
“ Ok Kirby, sounds good to me.”, Cayela said. Within minutes the two young adolescent lovers were now sprawled out on the office couch with Cayela laying on her stomach and Kirby laying on top of her back on his stomach as well with his head resting against Cayela’s cheek as they were watching YouTube videos on his phone, just looking completely content with each other.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALKtcYdjocS
“ I just love spending time with you.”, Kirby said with a smile as he blinked his eyes open and shut.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA4VG5zgKuPs
“ Me too.”, Cayela said with a smile but then it dropped when she suddenly felt another bowel movement coming on, discreetly releasing the contents of them into her brief while the two of them continued watching YouTube.
17Please respect copyright.PENANASN4zlxyqep
“ You feeling ok?”, Kirby asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAv3h9HugdjD
“ Yeah I’m fine. Why?”, Cayela said with a sigh.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAB1LyVZq7Cb
“ No reason, I was just going to ask if you think you need a break? It’s been a while since I got here.”, Kirby asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAPnOaYUTpIj
“ I don’t think so.”, Cayela said as she shook her head slightly when looked somewhat up at him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANARK0U2Q9J6V
“ Well let me check for a second just to be sure.”, Kirby said as he pushed himself up a little bit to look a little bit inside the backside of Cayela’s brief before he said, “ I think you do because it looks like you just had a bowel movement. Turn over.” as he started to grab her wrist to turn her over onto her back after he set his phone down.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAW8g5MlJybk
“ No I just want to chill out right now!”, Cayela said as she began to protest.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOuR3tcKXgJ
“ You can go back to doing that in a minute. Come on, turn over. Let’s change your diaper.”, Kirby said as he kept trying to turn Cayela over.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7heCOBZXUh
“ Kirby stop, I don’t want this right now!”, Cayela protested as she started fighting against him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAibqf2qiTuU
“ Yeah well I don’t want my girlfriend getting sick with some kind of dangerous infection. Turn over on your back. If you don’t I’m going to put you in a half nelson and it’s going to hurt.”, Kirby scolded as he kept trying to flip her over while she kept trying to pull away.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAmWwXywsxuy
“ Kirby Blake Rossfire get off me! Leave me alone!”, Cayela protested.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAEqfOvgZ5LN
“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper stop it! He’s your boyfriend and he’s asking you to do something! Stop arguing and do what he said! We’re not going to have this controversy!”, Sheldon scolded as he looked up from his desk at what was going on over on the couch between Cayela and Kirby.
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“ Dad butt out! It’s my relationship!”, Cayela shot back at her father as she kept jerking away from Kirby.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFZuY3K21vL
“ Excuse me but that was very rude the way you said that to me and I don’t appreciate it! Do you wish for me to spank you?!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at his teenage daughter.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAXzF9u5ZybJ
“ No Dad I don’t! Get off me Kirby! You’re hurting my wrist!”, Cayela protested as she kept trying to pull away from her boyfriend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANANSEDG3xe9Q
“ That’s because you keep trying to pull away from me Cayela when all I’m doing is just trying to turn you over for a quick diaper change! That’s all this is that’s going on right now!”, Kirby hissed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAO0mYXBNU0e
“ Yes please just listen to what he’s saying sweetheart. He loves you and he’s just trying to take care of you.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFnKmFxOq25
“ Alright fine! But only because I don’t want to keep arguing!”, Cayela hissed as she finally flipped over on her back before she started to cry.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAarMYJr4SnI
“ Calm down it’s ok. This will only just take a second and then we can go back to watching YouTube ok.”, Kirby said as he sat up, reaching over to grab Cayela’s diaper bag that was sitting on the floor near the couch and set it near him, grabbing things out of it.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAC8BrhAOmNg
“ Ok.”, Cayela sniffled as she let her boyfriend continue with the necessary task and when he was done he said, “ There, all clean.” before he started cleaning up the mess.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAx3gpXlrUL9
“ Thank you. I love you.”, Cayela sighed in comfort as she smiled at him.
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“ I love you too.”, Kirby said with a smile as he kissed her. He then laid back down with her and as he gently wrapped his arms around her, she said, “ You’re so good to me.”
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“ Well of course, we’re in a relationship. Are you comfy?”, Kirby said.
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“ Yes, I just had a break time!”, Cayela laughed as she kissed her boyfriend again.
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“ Good. You want to watch some more YouTube?”, Kirby asked. Cayela nodded her head and Kirby picked up his phone again.
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“ I’m sorry for what I said Dad.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA5uM3WndCrB
“ Thank you for the apology Cayela, I accept it.”, Sheldon said. As Cayela and Kirby were watching YouTube videos again they came across a hilarious video of 4 college guys screeching in each other’s faces like pterodactyls. They started busting out laughing which immediately caught Sheldon’s attention.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! What are you two laughing at?!”, Sheldon asked as he looked in their direction again to see the two teens laughing it up and hammering their fists into the couch.
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“ We’re just watching a video of these 4 college guys screeching in each other’s faces like pterodactyls Dad, it’s absolutely gonzo hilarious! I think it’s even more hilarious than that video of the dude with the megaphone blaring a football chanting song out of it that Florence and I saw together shortly before Uncle Leonard took the two of us to Oxnard with him!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ My Lord, have people lost their minds?! That is just obnoxious! In what universe is screeching in someone’s face like a flying dinosaur entertainment?!”, Sheldon said as he shook his head.
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“ I don’t know but it’s funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah it is. I’m kind of bored now, do you want to just cuddle?”, Kirby asked as he put his phone down again.
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“ Sure Kirby.”, Cayela said as the two cuddled up together laying on their sides, holding hands with smiles on their faces.
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‘ I so love my girlfriend.’, Kirby thought as he continued cuddling with Cayela on the couch. They stayed like this for a while and then shortly after Kirby left Cayela and Sheldon got picked up by Leonard after Sheldon was done working.
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“ Hello we’re home.”, Sheldon said as he walked into the apartment with Cayela and Leonard and hung up the diaper bag as well as his messenger bag after he took it off his shoulder. Sheldon and Leonard both put their keys and wallets in the bowl too.
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“ Oh hi honey. How did things go with Cayela at Caltech?”, Leo asked as she kissed her husband.
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“ Everything was ok Leo although I did get a few obnoxious moments.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Obnoxious moments? What do you mean by that?”, Leo asked.
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“ Well for starters Cayela immaturely interjected, “ Flying Barbie!” and threw one of her dolls in my direction shortly after we entered the building so I told her to calm down and gave her a snack when we got into my office which was fine for a little bit but then we had to go to the campus library because I needed to borrow a physics book that I didn’t have to fix an equation problem I was having at that moment and while I was looking through some books Cayela decided to go into the assistant librarian’s office to fool around with her iPod to I did not appreciate and told her to get out and so that’s when I decided to change her diaper thinking that’s why she was acting out which calmed her down enough that she decided to take a nap in my office. Leslie also interrupted me for a brief period to which I told her to get out and when Cayela woke up I changed her again while she was apparently laughing about something that Kirby sent her in a text message and so she asked me if they could hang out with each other in my office for a bit and so I told her yes as long as they don’t do anything inappropriate and shortly after that Kirby showed up.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well it sounds like you had a pretty eventful day dealing with our daughter and her boyfriend.”, Leo said.
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“ Yes it most certainly was. So how did Molly’s ultrasound appointment go?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ It was great! We all got to see the baby for the first time! So far it looks like a beautiful healthy little tiny fetus growing inside of Molly’s womb!”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Yeah and Molly actually cried happy tears when she saw it! It was seriously the best thing ever!”, Dakota said.
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“ Well that’s wonderful! How was Danny’s reaction when he saw the baby?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Oh he was happy as a clam too! He couldn’t contain himself! He was basically running around the whole facility, kissing the nurses acting like he was high on drugs or something! It was seriously the funniest thing ever and you should have seen it Sheldon!”, Leonard laughed as he sucked on his inhaler.
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“ Well that’s very interesting to know that he acted like that considering the fact that he’s a police officer!”, Sheldon said with a gaspy laugh.
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“ Yeah that’s exactly what we’re saying here! He’s supposed to be a big strong dude meant to serve and protect the community from crime and yet here he is acting like a street hoodlum the moment he sees his first child on an ultrasound screen growing in his wife’s uterus!”, Dakota laughed as she slapped her thigh like a western cowgirl.
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“ What’s that supposed to mean? Uncle Danny was what?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she stared at her godmother.
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“ Nothing kid, I really shouldn’t have said that in front of you! That was kind of inappropriate adult humor that you wouldn’t understand anyway!”, Dakota laughed as she then wrapped her arms around Cayela, squeezing her tightly.
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“ Well what y’all trying to do?! Rack up another strike Skullbreaker?!”, Sheldon interjected as he narrowed his eyes at his MMA fighter friend.
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“ No I was just… you know what never mind what I was doing Sheldon! You are seriously the weirdest friend I’ve ever had in my life!”, Dakota laughed as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Well same to you!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ Ok well let’s just chill out with each other and watch some tv or something now!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ We can after you go fix the shower again Mr. Asthmatic Dumb Ass!”, Leo scolded her experimental physicist friend as she pointed her finger down the hallway towards the bathroom.
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“ Oh come on Leo! This is ridiculous! Why are you always ragging on me about that?!”, Leonard interjected as he stormed down the hallway to the bathroom.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuImO13uZAM
“ Because you’re the only one who’s clumsy in there Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! Need I remind you of the time when you exploded our bathroom with an experimental insecticide to kill spiders in the wall after my sister Amanda got her hand stuck in there and couldn’t get it out?!”, Leo scolded.
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“ You can’t hold that one against me, it was an accident! I screwed up the formula and didn’t realize it until it was too late!”, Leonard interjected as he was monkeying around with the showerhead again.
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“ Yeah well see?! Now you learned your lesson about what happens when you do experiments at home! They end up botched and completely useless!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Ok I get your point Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce-Cooper! For God sakes, go back into the wall you stupid showerhead! I don’t want to have to call the plumbing company again for this!”, Leonard hissed as he kept trying to pop the showerhead back into the wall.
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“ Well you’re a scientist, figure that out yourself!”, Sheldon interjected.
17Please respect copyright.PENANApXLiqZgpt8
“ Oh just shut up Sheldon!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ You want some help in there Uncle Leonard?”, Cayela called out.
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“ No it’s ok I got it Cayela, thank you for asking! I don’t want you getting hurt! This is adult stuff!”, Leonard interjected as he kept trying to jam the showerhead back into the wall of the shower as he stood in the bathtub.
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“ No it’s ok! Let me help!”, Cayela interjected as she ran to the bathroom after she dropped her stuff down next to the couch out in the living room.
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“ Cayela Rachelle get out of the bathroom! Your Uncle Leonard told you no!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad it’s fine, I got this! Move Uncle Leonard!”, Cayela exclaimed as she stepped into the tub and started to grab a hold of the showerhead that Leonard had in his hand.
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“ No Cayela don’t… ugh!”, Leonard started to protest against what his goddaughter was trying to do but then reluctantly stepped back a bit and watched in astonishment as Cayela then jammed the showerhead in the hole a little bit so that it wouldn’t fall out before she grabbed a detangler comb and started tapping the handle of the comb like a hammer against the showerhead to get it to pop back in which immediately caught the attention of her parents and godmother who came running to the bathroom door to see what was going on in there.
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“ Good Lord Cayela what are you…?!”, Sheldon started scolding but then gasped in shock with his wife and their friend when Cayela stopped the tapping and climbed out of the tub, turning on the water, switching it from the faucet to the showerhead which made a strong stream of water rain down out of it hitting Leonard in the face.
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“ Gahh! What the…?!”, Leonard shrieked as he wiped the water droplets from his face as they were dribbling down the front of his clothes.
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“ Meow!” was the response that came out of Oreo when she came trotting in there with her tail up, curious about what was going on.
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“ I know Oreo, Uncle Leonard’s so funny! Anyway, fixed the showerhead! You’re welcome!”, Cayela said with a giddy laugh before she walked out of the bathroom past Leo, Sheldon and Dakota with her cat following behind her at her heels. Leonard then just stepped out of the tub and said with a dumbfounded look, “ What the hell just happened?! Did I seriously just get outsmarted by an autistic teenage girl?!”
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“ I think you did honey!”, Dakota said with a giddy laugh as she stared at her husband.
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“ Well Leonard it looks like you need to learn a lesson or two from Cayela about simple home improvement projects!”, Leo said with a giddy laugh.
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“ Shut up Leo, that’s not cool!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Well I thought it was a hoot and a half!”, Sheldon said with a gaspy laugh.
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“ Oh grow up Sheldon!”, Leonard hissed as he turned the shower off and walked back out of the bathroom and back into the living room to sit in his chair.
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“ Ok I’m going to make you eat those words someday my good man!”, Sheldon said in a high and mighty Know-It-All voice when he followed him out there.
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“ I don’t think so, why don’t you eat this buddy! One-handed bulldog!”, Dakota suddenly interjected when she came running up behind Sheldon into the living room in front of the coffee table and leaped forward to a sitting position after she grabbed the back of his neck with one hand, slamming his face into the floor making him shriek in surprise, “ Oh god not my face, ow!” Leo and Leonard started laughing their heads off in amusement as well as Cayela who came back to rejoin everyone to see what was going on. Oreo was following right behind her at her heels.
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“ Smooth words Dad! Auntie Dakota definitely showed you what’s what!”, Cayela laughed, shaking her head at her father.
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“ Cayela that’s not funny at the moment and Dakota that was not cool! Why did you do that to me?!”, Sheldon interjected as he got up from the floor and stared at Dakota with his fists balled up at his sides.
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“ Because you said something stupid to my husband and so I thought I’d teach you a lesson for it Sheldon! That’s what happens when you mess with The Skullbreaker!”, Dakota laughed as she got up from the floor as well.
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“ Ok well two things sister! One, you just received another strike for slamming my face into the floor and two, I’m going to get even with you starting now! Here comes a half-nelson!”, Sheldon interjected with a smirk as he came at Dakota trying to put her in the said wrestling move but Dakota intercepted it with a smirk, “ I don’t think so pal! Here comes a clothes line spear!” as she clothes lined him with her arm against his neck, knocking him down on his back as she then rolled away.
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“ Ow! Ok y’all are going to get it now Skullbreaker! Come here!”, Sheldon interjected with a smirk as he came at her again like an immature child.
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“ That’s what you think Texas!”, Dakota interjected with a smirk as she came back at him like an immature child as well and the theoretical physicist and the MMA fighter suddenly started rolling around on the floor with each other, trying to put each other in a playful chokehold.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAegMhzQLWXi
“ Ok this is seriously the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life! My husband and my friend acting like two immature children! God I so love our family!”, Leo laughed as she shook her head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOBzn6LEpFf
“ Yeah I’ll say Leo, this rocks! This is the best family that I’ve ever been a part of in my entire life!”, Leonard laughed, doing the same thing. He then kissed Cayela’s head as Penny suddenly came barging in shouting, “ What the hell are you idiots doing in here?!”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHOVkGJK4mK
“ Not now Penny, Sheldon and Dakota are rolling around on the floor acting like immature children right now! This is the greatest thing since sliced bread!”, Leo laughed as she put her hand up in front of Penny’s face.
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“ Well could you tell them to tone it down a bit Leo! I’m trying to practice for an upcoming audition and THIS what they’re doing is obnoxious! I can hear it coming all the way across the hall into my apartment!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Oh goodie it’s freeloader Penny! To what do we owe the displeasure of this unannounced presence of yours again!”, Sheldon interjected as he kept rolling around with Dakota on the floor, putting his hands around her neck.
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“ Can it Dr. Whack-A-Doodle! I came here to tell you and Dakota to keep it down over here! I’m practicing for an audition and you guys are being too loud!”, Penny shouted at her friends.
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“ Sorry about that Penny!”, Dakota interjected as her and Sheldon toned their rough housing down a bit.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVMUr06GwlF
“ Thank you for the apology Dakota Hofstadter, I accept it! Now shut up or I’m going to take both you and Sheldon down to the Nebraskan Rodeo like I did with stupid Winifreak Sanderson on Halloween night!”, Penny hissed as she stormed back out across the hall, slamming the door behind her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAyVIogXdglb
“ Correction Penny, it’s Winifred Sanderson!”, Sheldon interjected.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7YKoBeTIoX
“ I don’t care Sheldon Cooper! SHUT UP!”
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“ Bye Penny!”, Leonard called out.
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“ Ok you two I think that’s a draw now! Let’s just calm down and watch some tv!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Sounds good to me.”, Dakota said as her and Sheldon stopped fooling around and sat down on the couch just as Leo sat down next to Dakota.
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“ Well I’m just going to go listen to some music in my room.”, Cayela said as she headed back to her room with Oreo trotting behind her heels, meowing up a storm.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAmxl54F9Zv1
“ Ok honey, have fun.”, Leo said as she turned the tv on and the 4 adults sat around watching tv together. Then 2 days later at school during lunch Cayela was hanging out with her friends in the middle school courtyard just talking and laughing about what teenage girls normally talk about with each other. She was wearing a yellow and blue striped t-shirt over a blue long sleeve shirt that were both similar to Sheldon’s as well as a pair of blue skinny jeans that were covering up her diaper and dark kelly green flip flops on her feet. Her golden brown hair was separated into two ponytails as well.
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“ Oh my god you guys, Terrance and I had such a fun time last night on our date!”, Florence exclaimed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
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“ Really Florence?!”, Cayela, Charlotte, Nim, Julia, Summer, Robbie, Arista, Mckenna and Sawyer asked.
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“ Oh yeah I’m not going to lie, it was seriously the best date I’ve ever had in my life!”, Florence said.
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“ Where did you guys go?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ We went to a roller rink and we ended up challenging another couple to an epic skating dance battle!”, Florence said.
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“ Oh shut up! No you didn’t!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAc0Po6geXvo
“ Yes we really actually did Cayela and it was really fun! It was me and Terrance vs. this guy named Delbert Santos and his girlfriend Cece Ramonos, I’m really not sure but it was a really fun time regardless!”, Florence laughed.
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“ That’s awesome! Who ended up winning?!”, Nim asked.
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“ Me and Terrance of course although I will say that was actually because Cece accidentally fell down on her face at the last second and broke her nose which I felt bad about because I knew that had to hurt really bad.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANArDpYt8PHqj
“ Oooh ouch! Yeah I bet that wasn’t fun for her to have to go to the ER afterwards!”, Robbie said with gritted teeth.
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“ Yeah it really wasn’t fun for her at that moment because she was crying and her nose was bleeding really bad.”, Florence said.
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“ Well hopefully she feels better soon.”, Summer said.
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“ Yeah I hope so too.”, Florence said. Then she turned to Cayela and said, “ Anyway enough talk about what I did last night. Cayela check out what I brought from home for the sleepover at your Uncle Raj and Auntie Yesenia’s place tonight after school.” as she showed her the game that she brought with her for them to play. It was Apples to Apples.
17Please respect copyright.PENANADaYAVzC3iX
“ Wait, what?! Who told you that?!”, Cayela asked in confusion and complete shock as she stared at her best friend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA2AxXbNRpEh
“ My parents told me after your parents told them. They must of forgotten to tell you this morning that we’re spending the night over there. It’s just the two of us, your Uncle Raj, your Auntie Yesenia and Cinnamon.”, Florence said.
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“ Ok but why?”, Cayela asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALeBXdUoNts
“ Because our parents are going to a club with each other and everyone else is busy which means we can’t be by ourselves for a whole night.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbEqYjQgz8K
“ But I don’t have any of my stuff with me.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAyYc2zf8M6l
“ Don’t worry about that Cayela. Your parents already dropped your stuff off over there. Everything you need is already there. You got your t-shirt that your sleeping in, a fresh set of clothes for the morning and your toiletries which also includes your diaper bag. They also packed your iPod and wireless headphones too along with some other stuff to occupy yourself.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7UPJY9xSW1
“ Oh ok. So, our parents are going to a nightclub with each other?”, Cayela asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAe1Z6BbcCUL
“ Yeah apparently so, they’re going out to have fun without us. Most likely to get drunk and do stupid things.”, Florence laughed.
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“ Ok I can totally see my mom doing that but not so much my dad. He doesn’t really drink alcohol that much because it makes him act nuts and kind of inappropriate.”, Cayela laughed as she shook her head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAM3VyaG0eF1
“ Well whatever that means. All I know is that our parents are going to hang out with each other probably just to get to know each other better.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah I can see that. It makes total sense since you and I are best friends.”, Cayela said.
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“ You got that right bestie! Best friends forever!”, Florence exclaimed as the two of them did a fist bump explosion.
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“ What are Trevor and Julianne going to do?”, Cayela asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9aPvuYHIcd
“ Oh don’t worry about them either. They’re going to be spending the night over at our Aunt Serenity’s house.”, Florence said as she shook her head.
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“ Oh ok! Yay, sleepover!”, Cayela exclaimed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAmDawxbCaN9
“ I know, this is going to be awesome and it will really be interesting to see how our dads will get along with each other the whole night!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh yeah that’s going to be hilarious! Especially if they get drunk and they start losing their inhibitions! They’re probably going to be so WILD!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ I know and that’s gonna kill me! My dad and your dad acting like drunken idiots!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah me too!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Wait, your parents are going to hang out together tonight?”, Arista asked as she stared at her two friends.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAMsuHlkhsCK
“ Yeah because apparently they want to get to know each other better Arista.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQQBp8JwVdw
“ Oh sweet!”, Arista exclaimed.
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“ But yo, who’s idea was it to go out?”, Julia asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9s5jmP13rX
“ It was Cayela’s mom’s idea and my parents were just like, “ Why not?”, Florence said.
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“ Nice!”, Robbie exclaimed.
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“ Crap! You guys lunch is over! We got to go back to class!”, Mckenna exclaimed as she suddenly jumped up from where she was sitting when she noticed that everyone else in the courtyard was heading back to class.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA1SGxCRoSVt
“ Well wait up y’all! Slow down!”, Sawyer exclaimed as she followed after her friend making the other girls follow as well after Florence put her card game away. The rest of the school day lasted a few more periods before the final bell went off signaling the end of the day. As the girls were walking out of the building talking to each other Raj and Yesenia pulled up in the parking lot and got out with Yesenia exclaiming, “ Yeoboseyo!” as she waved her hand at the girls with a smile on her face as Raj stood next to her smiling as well.
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“ Yay! Sleepover time!”, Cayela and Florence exclaimed before they ran towards them, throwing their arms around them.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAO7Y4qtJysp
“ Hi girls, did you have a good day at school?”, Raj said with a smile.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAEEPqWNFXWP
“ Yeah we did!”, Florence and Cayela said as they nodded their heads.
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“ Good, you can tell us all about it when we get to our place. Let’s go, get in the car.”, Yesenia said.
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“ Sweet! I call left side!”, Cayela exclaimed as she opened of the backseat doors and jumped in, shutting the door behind her.
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“ Ok and I guess I got the right side then!”, Florence said as she opened the other backseat door and got in shutting the door behind her.
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“ Those two just crack me up!”, Yesenia laughed as she got into the passenger seat of the car.
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“ Same here Yesenia! I love these two!”, Raj laughed as he got in the driver’s side and pulled away.
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Apartment 4A- Leo and Sheldon’s bedroom…
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“ Perfect!”, Leo said as she finished spraying her hair with hairspray while standing in front of the mirror dressed in a shimmery knee length and strapless dark blue form fitting dress with a silky arm wrap to match it as well as matching heels on her feet. She also had beautiful diamond earrings hanging from her ears as well.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAlr6ZtAYtgQ
“ If you say so. Here I go again looking like an absurd clown.”, Sheldon said as he was on the other side of the room facing the closet, trying to straighten the bow tie on his neck. He was wearing a black short sleeved casual dress shirt with khaki colored dress pants and brown dress shoes on his feet. He had his wristwatch on as well.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALjKR3qYrHt
“ Sheldon I already told you that you look fine. We’re just going out to a club together with Patricia and Gary Crenshamezki while our girls are spending the night at Raj and Yesenia’s.”, Leo said as she was fluffing up her hair.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFx4f5hMdfV
“ Alright if you insist Leo but if anybody makes fun of me tonight this one’s on you.”, Sheldon said with a defeated sigh.
17Please respect copyright.PENANABFKCs5wbB7
“ Sounds fair to me.”, Leo said as she turned around to face her husband.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAzYfdvng1HT
“ Wow you look beautiful! Probably just as beautiful as the way you looked on our wedding day!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he turned around to face his wife.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAsCRdURIjnk
“ Oh stop it, you’re just saying that Sheldon!”, Leo said with a giddy laugh as she playfully slapped Sheldon on the shoulder.
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“ No I’m really being serious Leo! You really do look beautiful! Every inch of you is!”, Sheldon said with a smile as he looked into his wife’s eyes.
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“ Well thank you and you look very handsome. Now let’s go have some stupid adult fun.”, Leo said as she kissed him before they walked out of their bedroom.
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“ Wow, you guys look nice. Where are you two going?”, Dakota asked as she turned her head to look at her two friends that came out of their room.
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“ We’re just going out for a night of fun to a nightclub with Patricia and Gary Crenshamezki pretty much just to get to know each other better considering the fact that our girls are best friends with each other.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Yeah that makes sense. What nightclub are you guys going to?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Just this place called The Rabbit Hole. It’s a fairly new establishment on the west end of town that Patricia said she wanted to check out so I was like why not.”, Leo said.
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“ Indeed. To which I told her that I wasn’t too keen on the idea of going out to a club considering the fact that they’re obnoxious places but unfortunately Leo told me that I wasn’t getting out of it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well where are Cayela and Florence? Who’s watching them?”, Leonard asked.
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“ We sent them over to Raj and Yesenia’s for the night so all you guys have to worry about is Oreo.”, Sheldon said.
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“ So wait a minute, Leonard and I get the whole apartment to ourselves for the whole night?! Is that what you’re telling us?!”, Dakota asked in shock.
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“ Yes you guys can do whatever you want tonight as long as you don’t destroy the place or piss off Penny across the hall when she eventually gets off work later tonight.”, Leo said as she scratched behind her ear.
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“ Alright we got it. Have a fun night you two and we’ll see you tomorrow.”, Leonard said as he turned the tv on with the remote.
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“ Thank you and you guys have a good night as well. Please make sure that you guys pay attention to Oreo throughout the night. We don’t want her causing too much mischief and getting into things that she shouldn’t be getting into.”, Sheldon said.
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“ We get it Sheldon now off you guys go! Go have your night time fun with the Crenshamezkis! Dakota and I can handle ourselves, we’ve done it before.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Well alright if you insist.”, Sheldon said as he headed towards the door with Leo.
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“ Thank you.”, Dakota said as she turned back to the tv.
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“ But no drunken wrestling matches while we’re gone or you two will receive a strike!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ OUT!”, Leonard hissed as he shoved his two friends out the door and locked it. Leo and Sheldon then left the building to head over to the Crenshamezkis which made Leonard start smirking from ear to ear.
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“ Perfect, they’re gone for the night Dakota! It’s just us and Oreo!”, Leonard exclaimed as he walked back to his chair and sat back down.
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“ Well hallelujah! There’s nothing like a perfect evening alone with my husband, although I’m starting to get a bit hungry.”, Dakota said.
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“ Yeah me too. You want to just order something from DoorDash?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Sounds good to me because I don’t feel like making anything since it’s just the two of us. Let’s just get some boneless chicken wings and french fries from Buffalo Wild Wings.”, Dakota said.
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“ Ok. How many should we get and what kind of sauce do you want on the wings?”, Leonard asked as he was preparing to make the order on his phone.
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“ Let’s get 20 and put Asian Zing on them with sides of bleu cheese dressing.”, Dakota said.
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“ Sounds good to me and we’ll get an order of fries with that too. And done. Order has been placed.”, Leonard said as he then put his phone away.
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“ Perfect.”, Dakota said as she kissed her husband. They went back to watching tv and while they were snuggling with each other on the couch Oreo decided to jump up onto the couch, rubbing up against them as she started purring.
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“ Hi Oreo, what’s up?”, Leonard asked with a smile as he was gently stroking his fingers behind the cat’s ears.
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“ I think she might be hungry. I’ll go feed her, be back in a second.”, Dakota said as she got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen to grab a can of cat food out of the cabinet which immediately made Oreo come trotting in there meowing up a storm as if to say, ‘ I’m hungry! Can you please give me my food?! I’ll love you forever if you do!’ Dakota then scraped the food into Oreo’s feeding dish and put it down on the floor which immediately resulted in the cat going for it like a hungry hippo. Dakota then headed back to the couch and sat back down next to Leonard so they could continue watching tv together. Their food arrived a short time after and they decided to eat in front of the tv. Meanwhile at the Crenshamezkis, Leo and Sheldon pull up in the driveway and head to the door.
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“ Patricia, Gary, you two ready to hit it?!”, Leo exclaimed with a smirk as she tapped her fists on the door as if she was beating on drums.
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“ Hi Leo! Yeah we’re ready!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said with giddy laugh when she opened the door wearing a nice club goers outfit.
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“ Let’s hit it even though I look stupid!”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Oh would you stop it Gary, you look fine! Let’s just go and have fun tonight without the kids for once!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki hissed with a giddy laugh as she smacked her husband in the chest before she walked down the porch steps past Leo and Sheldon to get to Leo’s car.
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“ Alright whatever you say Patricia.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said as he threw his hands up and locked the front door to their house behind them before he followed his wife and their daughter’s best friend’s parents to the car. They then pulled out of the driveway and drove away, heading for the west end of Pasadena. Meanwhile back at Raj and Yesenia’s apartment Cayela and Florence were dancing around to Cayela’s iPod that was playing another Fergie’s Glamorous remix that featured Nicki Minaj, Ayesha Erotica, Cupcakke & Slayyyter which was another YouTube video that Cayela turned into an mp3.
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“ Best remix ever Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper!”, Florence exclaimed as she was bumping her back into Cayela’s.
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“ Yeah it is Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki, it’s epic fire!”, Cayela exclaimed as she was bumping her back into Florence’s as well. This began to get Cinnamon riled up which almost immediately caught Raj and Yesenia’s attention as they came out of their bedroom to see what the girls were doing.
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“ Oh for cripes sake Cayela, Florence, what are you two doing out here and why are you listening to an inappropriate song right now?!”, Raj scolded his niece and her best friend.
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“ Yeah I’d like to know too! Ige museun il-iya?!”, Yesenia scolded as she stood next to her husband.
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“ What are you talking about?! That was her! She’s the one that turned this on! I had nothing to do with it!”, Florence laughed as she pointed at Cayela.
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“ Really Florence?! You’re going to sell me out to my Uncle Raj and Aunt Yesenia for this?! Thanks a lot bestie!”, Cayela sarcastically laughed as she playfully punched her best friend’s shoulder.
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“ No problem Cayela!”, Florence laughed in amusement as she did the same thing back.
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“ Oh shut up you dork! I was being sarcastic!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You shut up! How about that?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Ok that’s it, you’re going to get it! Supermannnn!”, Cayela laughed as she launched herself at Florence like Superman, tackling her to the floor making her shriek and laugh, “ Ow! Ok I take it back! Stop!”
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“ That’s what I thought bestie!”, Cayela laughed as she got up off her best friend.
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“ My turn!”, Florence laughed as she did the same thing to Cayela making her shriek and laugh, “ Ow! Ok I deserve that but stop kicking my butt Florence! That hurts!” as Florence was playfully kicking her butt with her foot while rolling around on the floor with her.
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“ Oh for crying out loud bestie, you’re wearing a diaper! It can’t possibly hurt that bad!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah well trust me, it does! Just because I’m wearing a diaper does not mean that I can’t feel that!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok whatever you say! Incoming!”, Florence laughed as she stood up, grabbed a pillow from the couch, and chucked it at Cayela hitting her in the face with it.
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“ Oh you so started it now Crenshamezki! I’m going to get you for that one!”, Cayela laughed as she jumped up from the floor and grabbed another pillow to throw it back at Florence.
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“ In your dreams Fordyce-Cooper! Na na can’t get me!”, Florence laughed as she dodged the flying pillow coming at her that Cayela threw at her.
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Arf arf arf arf!
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“ Ok that’s enough! You two need to settle down now before someone gets hurt in here!”, Raj scolded as he intervened in their rough-housing.
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“ Well Florence is the one who started it Uncle Raj! I had nothing to do with this!”, Cayela laughed as she pointed at her best friend.
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“ I don’t care who started it Cayela Rachelle! I’m ending it now before it gets too out of hand and someone gets hurts! Your Aunt Yesenia and I don’t want to end up in the ER tonight all because you and your best friend decided to be obnoxious teenage girls with each other!”, Raj scolded his niece.
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“ Ok fine we’ll calm down!”, Cayela laughed as she started to calm down. Florence followed suit but Cinnamon kept barking up a storm to the point where Yesenia commanded in Korean, “ Gyepi, joyonghi!” which shut Cinnamon up immediately due to Yesenia recently teaching her how to respond to Korean commands as well in addition to the English commands that she already knows.
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“ Thank you.”, Raj said. Meanwhile at The Rabbit Hole nightclub after Leo, Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki showed the bouncer their IDs they walked into the club to see that it was quite packed with several hundred clubgoers already, most of whom were either mingling with others while sipping drinks or dancing on the dancefloor to the wild thumping club music that was being played throughout the entire joint by the dj. Colorful disco lights were spinning and bouncing around as well making the atmosphere of the club more inviting.
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“ Wow! This place looks nice!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki exclaimed over the loud music as she was looking around the club.
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“ Yeah I’ll say Patricia! I love the decor in here, it’s very inviting!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well if you ask me I think this place looks a little bit expensive but overall very nice!”, Mr. Crenshamezki exclaimed.
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“ I would agree with that too Gary although I still say this is very obnoxious!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he was holding his fingers in his ears to block out the noise.
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“ Sheldon honey just put your noise-cancelling earbuds in and turn them on! Don’t be sticking your fingers in your ears the whole night because that’s really rude and the four of us came out here to have a fun evening together to get to know each other better considering the fact that our daughter Cayela is best friends with their daughter Florence!”, Leo interjected at her husband over the loud club music.
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“ Alright fine Leo if you insist!”, Sheldon interjected as he quickly took his fingers out of his ears for a split second to grab his earbuds that were in his pocket and stuck them in his ears before he turned them on.
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“ Is that better?!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Yes it very much is! Thank you honey!”, Sheldon interjected as his body began to relax a bit. Then after they had a few drinks together they hit the dancefloor despite Sheldon saying over a thousand times that he doesn’t dance.
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“ This is so fun! We get to have one whole evening to ourselves without our girls!”, Leo exclaimed as she was doing the calypso and various other fast pace dance movements to the music.
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“ Yes it is Leo, especially for Gary and I getting to have a break from Julianne and Trevor too! More specifically Trevor though because he’s a bit of a handful at times!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki exclaimed with a giddy laugh.
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“ 100% true because our son is a 9 year old boy after all!”, Mr. Crenshamezki laughed.
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“ Yes I’m very aware of that Gary!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki laughed.
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“ Clearly not!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Sheldon enough! Don’t be butting in on conversations that don’t have anything to do with us!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Leo please, don’t start!”, Sheldon interjected as he shook his head.
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“ Hey baby, you’re looking hot!”, a random guy said to Leo when he walked by.
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“ What the what?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?!”, Leo shot back at the cat call that was made towards her by some random stranger.
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“ Excuse me dude but that’s my wife! Go find your own woman!”, Sheldon shot back at the other dude that was trying to hit on Leo.
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“ That’s cool man… but she’s still hot!”, the other guy interjected with a stupid smirk as he kept walking away while batting his eyes at Leo. Sheldon grumbled in anger as he began to clench his fists at his sides as if he was ready to go start a fight with this guy to defend his wife’s honor only for Leo to interject while placing her hands on her husband’s shoulders, “ Sheldon just let it go! Let’s not get ourselves kicked out of here! We’re here to have a night of fun with Patricia and Gary Crenshamezki, not to cause trouble! We’ve already dealt with enough of that a long time ago from my crazy psycho enemy Dr. Devon Stormbender as it is who’s now dead and floating around cyberspace thanks to Howard and Amy getting rid of him with Howard’s laptop through a wormhole generator system!”
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“ I suppose you’re right Leo! I still can’t believe that it’s been a while since we have permanently defeated that psychopath!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at his wife while dancing with her.
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“ I know Sheldon and it feels great! You suck Devon!”, Leo laughed as she threw her head back in amusement.
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Raj and Yesenia’s apartment…
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“ There you go sweet girl. I love you so much Cayela Rachelle. You are the best niece that I could have ever asked for.”, Raj said with a smile as he slipped Cayela’s bottoms back on after he just changed her diaper while she was sitting in his lap on the couch in the living room before he kissed her head and cleaned up the mess.
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“ I love you too Uncle Raj.”, Cayela said with a smile before she went back to playing with her best friend. The girls then get put to bed a few hours later while Sheldon and Leo along with the Crenshamezkis end up taking an Uber back to the Crenshamezkis house to crash for the night after they had gotten really drunk at the club despite the fact that Sheldon doesn’t really drink much alcohol. They all then picked the girls up the next day at Raj and Yesenia’s as well as Trevor and Julianne from Serenity’s house before they all went back home. Then several months later Danny called everyone in the middle of the night telling everyone to come up to the hospital because Molly was about to deliver the baby and shortly after they all got there Molly gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl that her and Danny named April Lacey Metcalf.
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“ Oh my god, Molly and Danny she’s beautiful! Welcome to our world April!”, Leo said with a smile as she stood next to Molly’s hospital bed with the others gathered around them.
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“ Thank you Leo, I’m so happy! I can’t believe that I’m a mother now too! This is the best day ever!”, Molly happily cried as she stared down at her precious newborn daughter for the first time ever with her husband Danny standing next to her who was just beaming with happiness as well.
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“ Congratulations you guys! This is wonderful!”, Gia said with a smile as she was standing next to Simon at the foot of the bed with everyone else while Brady who was now 6 years old stood next to his mother rocking on the balls of his feet. His father was holding his sister Ariel who was now 4 years old. Both Gia and Simon had also recently told everyone that they were expecting a third child soon which added to the happiness to the start of Molly and Danny’s family as well shortly after Molly had given birth to April. The joy continued to flow around the room as everyone got a chance to hold April before hospital visiting hours were over and everyone then left to go home leaving Danny and Molly at the hospital to spend the night there with their newborn daughter. But little did any of them know that something very scary was going to happen that night.
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“ Come on Cayela, it’s time for bed.”, Leo said as she got up from the couch in the living room after the movie that she was watching with Sheldon, Cayela, Leonard and Dakota had ended.
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“ Oh ok Mom. Good night Dad, Auntie Dakota, and Uncle Leonard. I love you.”, Cayela said as she let out a yawn and got up too making Oreo jump off her lap to follow her to her room after Cayela hugged her father, godmother, and godfather good night.
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“ We love you too Cayela, good night.”, Dakota, Leonard, and Sheldon said.
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“ Oh man I’m beat. I think I’m going to go to bed.”, Leo said as she let out a yawn after she put Cayela to bed.
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“ I believe we will as well. Come let’s go.”, Sheldon said as Leonard nodded his head in agreement but before the three of them made their way to their bedrooms Dakota suddenly said, “ Well you guys can go to bed but I’m not quite tired yet so I think I’m just going to go for a short walk.”
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“ Wait, what?!”, Leo and Leonard suddenly asked in complete surprise and shock as they stared at her.
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“ Good Lord woman, are you insane?! You’re going for a walk at this time of night?! There’s creepy prowlers out there that you have no idea what they’re capable of doing to pretty women such as yourself!”, Sheldon shrieked in concern as he stared at his fighter friend.
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“ Oh will you relax Sheldon?! I’m not going to be gone that long! At the very most maybe 30 minutes tops!”, Dakota shot back as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Yeah but a lot can happen in 30 minutes Dakota, that’s a long time and I don’t think any of us want to be worrying about something happening to you especially me. You’re just going to get hurt.”, Leonard said in concern as he stared at his wife.
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“ Leonard I’ll be fine, I’m an MMA fighter! Just go to bed and I’ll be back in 30 minutes, ok?!”, Dakota hissed at her husband.
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“ But… gah alright, I’ll see you when you get back. Please be careful though.”, Leonard said in concern with a defeated sigh.
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“ I will, don’t worry. Good night, I love you.”, Dakota said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ Good night, I love you too.”, Leonard said as he kissed her back before he started heading to his room that he shared with her.
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“ Good night Dakota, be careful please.”, Leo and Sheldon said in concern as they started doing the same.
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“ I will, good night Leo and Sheldon!”, Dakota called out before she grabbed her phone and walked out of the apartment to leave the complex. However shortly after Sheldon and Leo fell asleep Leonard tried to do the same but found it almost impossible due to the fact that he couldn’t stop worrying about his wife even though she told him that she would be fine.
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“ Oh son of a bitch I can’t take this!”, Leonard hissed under his breath to himself as he suddenly got out of his and Dakota’s bed and went back into the living room only to find himself sitting down in his armchair waiting for Dakota to come back from her late night walk around Pasadena. This went on for the next 30 minutes but then as the hours kept ticking by after the time she said that she would be back but when she never showed up Leonard could start to feel the worry bells in the pit of his stomach really starting to rise especially when the sun rose the next morning and there was still no sign of his wife so he decided to try calling her phone to find out where she was but received no answer. In that moment he knew something was very wrong and it suddenly dawned on him what exactly happened, Dakota Chantel ‘ Skullbreaker’ Hofstadter had disappeared.
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“ My god this is ridiculous! Where the hell are you Dakota?! Leo, Sheldon, Cayela, get up now! I’m freaking out!”
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Uh oh! It appears that Dakota has gone missing now! What do you think happened to her and who do you think had something to do with it?! Will the others find her dead or alive?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…