Chapter 34
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A gasp escaped Cayela’s mouth when she felt her body bobbing up and down as she came to. Her best friend Florence was carrying her over her shoulders running down the sidewalk screaming at Charlotte, Summer and Julia telling them to keep running. Summer was carrying her backpack and along with Cayela’s backpack as well as Cayela’s diaper bag. There was a psychotic woman’s voice screaming at them and the sound of a laser blaster going off as well as several police cars speeding behind them.
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“ Florence?”, Cayela asked.
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“ No time for chit chat bestie! We got to go! That psycho woman with the laser blaster is chasing us!”, Florence screamed as she continued running with Cayela on her shoulders.
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“ What?!”, Cayela screamed as she turned her head around to see Skye chasing them shooting the blaster at them.
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“ Come back here you little brats!”, Skye shouted as she continued firing the weapon.
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“ Skye Stormbender stop what you’re doing now! Leave my niece and her friends alone!”, Danny shouted out his patrol car window at her through a megaphone over the blaring police car sirens.
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“ Shut up! I’ll do whatever the hell I want! It’s you that needs to leave my two sons alone!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Oh my God this is madness!”, Charlotte screamed.
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“ Yeah I agree! What do we do?!”, Summer screamed.
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“ Yeah! Anybody got any bright ideas?!”, Julia screamed.
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“ I got one! Follow me you guys!”, Florence screamed as she lead the way straight to Stuart’s comic book store.
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“ Mr. Stuart Bloom! Open the door!”, Florence screamed as she pounded fractically on the locked glass door. Stuart was just about ready to start closing up his store for the day but when he saw Florence pounding on his door in a panic he walked over to the door and opened it.
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“ Florence what the hell are you doing here?! I was about ready to close my store!”, Stuart scolded her.
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“ No time for questions, just let us in!”, Florence screamed as she shoved past him as well as the other girls. They quickly ran to the back room of the store where Stuart was basically living out of and threw themselves on the floor all out of breath.
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“ Ok what’s going on here?! Why are you girls hiding back here?!”, Stuart scolded them when he walked in.
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“ Because some psycho woman is attacking us!”, Charlotte screamed
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“ Yeah! Her two sons just attempted to kill us with two 5G cell antennas and now she’s trying to kill us with a laser blaster!”, Cayela screamed.
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“ Ok I have no idea what you’re talking about but just stay back here. I’ll go watch the front.”, Stuart said as he went back out to the front of the store to clean up. But then suddenly a few seconds later he heard a loud crash coming from the back room and Cayela screaming, “ Uncle Stuart!”
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“ What’s going on in here now?! Where’s Cayela?!”, Stuart interjected when he ran back in there only to see Florence, Charlotte, Summer and Julia. Cayela was nowhere in sight.
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“ We don’t know what happened! We heard a loud crash, the lights went out back here and we heard her screaming! But when the lights came back on she was gone! It all happened so fast!”, Florence screamed.
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“ What if that crazy lady that was chasing us broke in and took her!”, Summer screamed with a gasp.
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“ Oh son of a Chewbacca bitch!”, Stuart hissed as he ran back out to door. It was at that moment that the police showed up and Stuart ran outside screaming, “Danny!”
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“ Stuart what are you…?!”, Danny started to ask.
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“ Danny get Leo and Sheldon down here now!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ Why?! What’s going on?!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Cayela’s missing!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ What?! Are you serious?!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Yes! Someone just took her from the back of my store! I don’t know who or what happened but she’s gone!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ Oh hell! I think I already have an idea who did it!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Well who is it?!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ Skye Stormbender, Devon’s crazy sister! We were just chasing her but she disappeared from sight a few seconds ago!”, Danny exclaimed. Then he turned to his fellow brothers and sisters in blue and interjected, “ Put out an all points bulletin and an Amber Alert now! We got a missing autistic 14 year old girl!” As that was being taken care of Danny then pulled out his cell phone and called Leo.
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“ Danny? Why are you calling me? I’m working.”, Leo answered.
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“ Leo you and Sheldon need to get down to Stuart’s store now!”, Danny interjected.
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“ Why?”, Leo asked.
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“ Because this is an emergency!”, Danny interjected.
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“ Ok ok I’m getting my husband and we’re coming now!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Good! Hurry up!”, Danny interjected before he hung up the phone. Moments later Leo and Sheldon showed up with all their friends.
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“ What’s the big emergency Danny?!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Yes what fresh hell is this?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Ok I don’t want to scare you guys, but, your daughter’s missing!”, Danny interjected.
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“ CAYELA IS MISSING?!”, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Dakota, Morgan, Kemdan, Carmen, Shelina, Melissa, Megynn and Yesenia shouted in disbelief.
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“ Yes! Some crazy woman took her from the back of my store not even two seconds after I left the room!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ Who Stuart?!”, Leo interjected.
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“ I don’t know, some woman named Skye Stormbender!”, Stuart screamed.
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“ OH MY GOD MY BABY!”, Leo screamed as she fell into her husband’s arms in histerics.
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“ Leo calm down, it’s ok! We’re going to get her back!”, Sheldon shrieked as he held his very upset wife in his arms.
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“ This is all your fault Leo! Now you know how it feels to lose somebody you love!”, Skye suddenly shouted when she showed up still carrying the laser blaster in her hands. The police immediated drew their weapons and pointed them at her.
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“ Drop the blaster Skye!”, a female officer shouted.
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“ No! This is personal!”, Skye shouted.
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“ You! Where’s my daughter?! You better start talking!”, Leo shouted as she threw an angry finger at her enemy’s sister.
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“ That’s none of your business to know you little witch!”, Skye shouted with an evil smile on her face.
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“ I swear to god Skye Stormbender you better tell me and my husband where our daughter is right now or I will rip your throat out!”, Leo shouted as she got up in Skye’s face.
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“ Not if I rip her throat out first!”
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“ What?!”, Leo screamed as she turned her head and gasped. The others gasped too when they saw who had said that. It was the last person that they had ever suspected, Molly Burkowitz.
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“ Excuse me but who do you think you are?!”, Skye shouted at her.
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“ Molly Burkowitz! Where the hell is that little girl and what did you do with her?!”, Molly angrily asked as she walked up to Skye wielding a fireplace poker stick.
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“ Like I would tell you! Get lost! This doesn’t concern you!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Listen here you stupid bi**h! You better start spilling your information about where that little girl is or I’m gonna impale you like a piece of barbeque meat with this fireplace poker stick I just took from my house! It’s your choice Skye Stormbender! Are you gonna start talking or do I have to impale you?!”, Molly shouted as she got up really close to Skye’s face and pointed the sharp object at her stomach.
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“ I’m not telling you anything! Get out of here and leave me alone before I kill you!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Fine, then you’re going to be barbeque meat!”, Molly shouted but as she was about to impale the sharp object through Skye’s stomach Skye shouted, “ Ok ok I’ll tell you! She’s in my brother’s underground lair!”
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“ Then you lead us there or it’s barbeque grill time Skye! Don’t make me kill you with this poker stick!”, Molly shouted as she continued pointing the sharp stick at her stomach.
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“ Fine then! As you wish!”, Skye shouted as she lead all of them to Dr. Stormbender’s lair. Cayela was sitting tied to a chair near the giant computer screen with a piece of duct tape over her mouth. She screamed as she was trying to get free.
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“ CAYELA!!!!!”, Leo, Sheldon, Stuart, Danny, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Dakota, Morgan, Kemdan, Carmen, Shelina, Melissa, Megynn, Yesenia, Florence, Charlotte, Summer and Julia shouted. But the second they did is when all the exits sealed shut. Skye stood in front of them with an evil smirk on her face holding a remote control.
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“ What the hell just happened?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ She trapped us in here is what happened!”, Shelina screamed.
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“ You monstress! You’re barbeque meat!”, Molly shouted as she lunged at Skye with the poker stick but Skye quickly disarmed her.
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“ I don’t think so Molly! Now, I want to see the two morons who killed my brother and sent him into cyberspace!”, Skye shouted as she stood next to Cayela. Howard and Amy fearfully walked up to her and stood just a few feet in front of her.
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“ Ok, you have our attention. What do you want?”, Howard fearfully asked as sweat started dripping down his face.
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“ I want to know how you did it!”, Skye shouted.
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“ You’re insane! Like we would tell you!”, Howard shouted.
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“ Why do you want to know so bad?!”, Amy shouted.
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“ Because if you two don’t bring back my brother I’m going to do the same thing to your precious niece and you will never see her again!”, Skye shouted. Everybody gasped in fear.
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“ Why would you do that?!”, Howard shouted.
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“ Because you and Dr. Fowler took my brother away from me! Well you know what, let’s see how all of you like losing somebody you love! So you better start talking about how you did it or your niece is history!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Molly hand me that poker stick please!”, Leo shouted. Molly immediately grabbed the discarded sharp stick and threw it to Leo who caught it in mid air. She then pointed it at Skye and shouted, “ You’re done Skye!”
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“ I don’t think so Leo! I’m just getting started!”, Skye shouted with an evil laugh.
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“ No you’re not! Release my daughter or suffer a slow painful death! Because let me tell you something, nobody and I mean NOBODY takes my daughter like that and gets away with it! So release her or say sayonara!”, Leo shouted as she pointed the poker stick like a spear.
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“ Uh Leo…”, Sheldon started to say as he walked up behind his wife.
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“ Stay back Sheldon! This doesn’t concern you!”, Leo hissed at her husband making him back off a little.
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“ Shut your mouth Leo!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Don’t yell at my wife!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ You shut your mouth too Sheldon or I’m going to kill you! In fact why don’t I just do that right now so everybody can see your dead body!”, Skye shouted as she threatened to make a move toward Sheldon.
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“ Don’t you DARE touch my husband! I’ll gut you like a fish if you come anywhere near him!”, Leo shouted as she jutted the stick in front of Skye.
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“ Get that stick out of my face! You’re really pushing your luck here! Do you really want to lose your daughter?!”, Skye shouted.
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“ No! Give her back to us!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Yes unless you want to deal with this!”, Sheldon shouted as he pulled his registered firearm out of his messenger bag and pointed it at her.
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“ Oh please Dr. Sheldon Cooper you think can kill me with a stupid pistole?!”, Skye shouted with an evil laugh.
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“ I don’t want to kill anybody with it but I will if I have to protect myself, my work, and my family!”, Sheldon shouted as he cocked it.
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“ You’re a physicist just like your wife and your best friend! Why would you be carrying a firearm?!”, Skye shouted.
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“ I just told you why! Were you not listening to me?!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ I don’t listen to anybody! I’m my own boss you pathetic fool!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Ok well this is ending now!”, Danny shouted as he slowly took out his taser gun.
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“ Oh yeah sure why don’tcha AHHHH!”, Skye screamed as she was shot with the taser. As several volts of electricity raged through her body it short-circuited the remote she was still holding in her hand which unsealed all the exits to the lair. The police then took her into custody and as she was being dragged out in handcuffs she shouted, “ This isn’t over you fools! I’ll be back, you hear me! I’ll be back!”
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“ Yeah whatever Skye Stormbender! It seems pretty over to us! I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your life!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Mom, Dad!”, Cayela cried as she ran to her parents after Kemdan freed her.
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“ My baby!”, Leo cried as she dropped the stick and threw her arms around her daughter. Sheldon put his pistole away and embraced both of them. The two parents kissed their daughter’s head with relieved smiles on their faces. Then Leo turned to Molly who was just standing there unsure of what to say.
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“ I don’t get it. Why did you help us? You could have easily just sided with Skye.”, Leo asked in confusion when she walked up to Molly.
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“ I know, but, I decided not to. I thought a lot about what you said after you kicked me off your porch that night during your cousin’s party and I realized, you’re right. I was acting childish. This stupid game or whatever the hell it was that I was playing with you isn’t fun anymore. It was when we were younger but not so much anymore. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry for the way I treated you. And I’m sorry for insulting your daughter’s name. The more that I thought about it, it’s actually really pretty.”, Molly apologetically said.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said in shock.
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“ I want to just forget about the past and start making a present and future.”, Molly said.
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“ I never thought I’d hear you say that. So are you saying that you want to be friends?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes. Look can you just forgive me?”, Molly asked.
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“ Not quite yet. There’s one more thing I need to do.”, Leo said with a serious look on her face.
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“ Which is what?”, Molly asked. Without saying a word Leo punched Molly really hard in the chest releasing the last of her anger.
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“ Ow! Ok I deserve that!”, Molly interjected in pain as she placed a hand on her chest where Leo hit her.
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“ Ok now I forgive you!”, Leo interjected as she threw her arms around her former bully who was now her friend.
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“ Thank you. And there’s also something else. Danny?”, Molly said.
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“ Yes Molly?”, Danny asked.
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“ There’s something that I’ve been wanting to say to you since the day we first met. I’ve always liked you, like a lot. But I’ve been too scared and shy to say anything because I didn’t know if you would like me back or not.”, Molly said.
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“ Well, to be honest with you, I’ve actually secretly known that for years because the truth is, I like you too. I just didn’t know how to say it because I was afraid you would punch me in the throat or something.”, Danny said as a smile spread across his face.
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“ Oh Danny, I would never do that to you.”, Molly said with a smile as she grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him toward her to kiss him. Sparks flew as the two of them stood there kissing each other.
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“ Well looks like somebody’s got himself a girlfriend!”, Leo said with a smile as she nudged Danny in the arm.
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“ Oh Leo stop it!”, Danny laughed before he resumed kissing Molly.
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“ Yay! It’s a happy ending! Uncle Danny’s got a girlfriend!”, Cayela exclaimed as she threw her arms up in the air. They all left Dr. Stormbender’s lair with Danny and Molly now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Then later that night after Cayela was put to bed and Leo and Sheldon had also gone to bed Leonard was talking to Dakota in the living room.
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“ Dakota, have you been thinking about what we should do for our wedding?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I don’t know, there’s so many options.”, Dakota said.
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“ Well put it this way, if you could think of anything you want what would it be?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Well, I would like to get married in the octagon.”, Dakota said.
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“ Ok, then that’s what we’ll do.”, Leonard said.
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“ Really? Are you sure?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Yes. I love you and I want to do whatever will make you happy so if getting married in the octagon makes you happy then that’s what we’ll do.”, Leonard said with a smile on his face.
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“ You are the most wonderful man I ever met Leonard Hofstadter! I love you too!”, Dakota cried happy tears as she kissed him. A few days later everyone gathered in the arena for Leonard and Dakota’s wedding. All of their friends were there including Dakota’s parents, her brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Rivers also came along with Leo’s family and Sheldon’s family. Leonard’s mother was also there secretly watching from the doorway. The priest stood in the center of the octagon along with a refuree.
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“ Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today in this arena for a special ceramony at the request of a man and woman who are to be joined in holy matrimony! Let’s bring them out!”, the priest said into the microphone. The crowd went wild as Dakota’s Bleed It Out entrance song started to play and Dakota and Leonard were seen entering the arena from the west side holding hands. Leonard was wearing a tuxedo-style fight suit and Dakota was wearing her fight outfit with a flower pinned to her shirt and a white wedding veil was over her head. She was also carrying a bouquet of flowers in her other hand. They stepped into the octagon and the ceramony began with Leonard and Dakota exchanging their vows to each other.
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“ Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris, do you take Dr. Leonard Hofstadter to be your lawfully wedded husband?”, the priest said.
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“ I do.”, Dakota said with a smile as she slipped a wedding band on Leonard’s finger.
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“ And Dr. Leonard Hofstadter do you take Dakota ’Skullbreaker’ Harris to be your lawfully wedded wife?”, the priest said.
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“ Yes, I do.”, Leonard said with a smile as he slipped a wedding band on Dakota’s finger.
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“ Then by the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”, the priest said. Dakota then picked Leonard up over her head and spun him around 3 times with the refuree shouting, “ 1, 2, 3!” before she slammed him down on the octagon floor.
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“ You may kiss the bride!”, the priest said as Leonard got up and speared Dakota onto her back kissing her. The crowd went wild as they got up and the refuree grabbed Dakota’s hand holding it up shouting, “ May we present to you, Dr. Leonard and Dakota ’Skullbreaker’ Hofstadter!” into the microphone that he took from the priest.
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“ Oh and there’s one more thing I need to say, screw you Rico Boriellas you jackass!”, Dakota shouted into the mic about her ex-boyfriend before dropping it. Laughter and cheering filled the air as Leonard and Dakota resumed kissing.
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“ Yay for Uncle Leonard and Auntie Dakota!”, Cayela exclaimed as she sat next to her friends. Then everyone disperced into the next room for the wedding reception.
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“ Dakota that was so you! I knew you were going to do something like that!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Yeah well you know. I wanted my wedding to be very different from your’s and Sheldon’s. I told Leonard that I wanted to get married in the octagon a few days ago and he went along with it. He said that if it made me happy to do it that way then we would do it.”, Dakota said with a smile.
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“ Well I just know that you and Leonard are going to be very happy together living with us.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh we will.”, Dakota said. Then she interjected, “ In fact before I forget, yo Melissa!”
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“ Yeah Dakota, what’s up?”, Melissa asked.
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“ Heads up, catch this!”, Dakota interjected as she tossed a small shiny looking object to her friend who caught it in mid air.
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“ What’s this?”, Melissa asked.
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“ It’s the key to my apartment, I won’t need it anymore! It’s yours!”, Dakota interjected.
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“ Thanks, but where are you going?”, Melissa asked.
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“ Duh I’m married now! I’m going to be living with Leonard, Leo, Sheldon and Cayela two floors up!”, Dakota interjected.
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“ Sweet!”, Melissa interjected.
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“ Alright Dakota where is he? Where’s our new son-in law?”, Mr. Harris asked when he walked up along with his wife and two sons.
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“ He’s right over here. Leonard!”, Dakota called her new husband over.
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“ Hey!”, Leonard said with a smile when he walked up.
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“ Leonard! Welcome to the family son!”, Mr. Harris said with a smile as he firmly shook Leonard’s hand.
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“ Thank you, Dad.”, Leonard said.
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“ Please take care of our daughter. She’s very special.”, Mrs. Harris said with a smile as she hugged Leonard.
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“ I will, Mom.”, Leonard said.
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“ Welcome to our crazy family Leonard.”, Johnathan and Eamon said with smiles on their faces.
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“ Thank you Johnathan and Eamon.”, Leonard said.
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“ This is the best day of my life, I just wish Makenzie was here with us.”, Dakota said as she began to think about her beloved sister that had passed away from cancer.
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“ I know sweetheart, but she’s here with us in spirit. I’m sure that wherever she is she’s happy and free from pain.”, Mrs. Harris said as she hugged her daughter.
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“ You’re right Mom. I should be happy about moving forward. After all I got a loving family, great friends, and now also a wonderful husband.”, Dakota said with a smile as she gazed into Leonard’s eyes.
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“ I love you Dakota.”, Leonard said with a smile.
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“ I love you too Leonard.”, Dakota said as she kissed him. Then she asked, “ Hey, has anybody seen Molly and Danny?”
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“ I don’t know. I saw them a second ago but I don’t know where they went now.”, Leo said.
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“ Well wait here, I’m going to go look for them.”, Dakota said as she walked off to find her two friends. She walked out into the hallway and shouted, “ Yo Burkowitz, Metcalf, where are you?!” She after she received no response from either of her friends she walked a little farther down the hallway and heard noises coming from inside the bathroom. She opened the door to check but immediately screamed and shut the door startling the two individuals that were in there sitting on the floor.
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“ A little privacy please Dakota!”, Molly shrieked from inside the bathroom.
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“ Yeah what the hell?!”, Danny shrieked.
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“ Sorry, I didn’t know you two were in there! What are you doing in there?! Are you two having sex?!”, Dakota shrieked through the door.
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“ That’s private business! You don’t need to know what we’re doing!”, Danny shrieked.
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“ Couldn’t you guys have picked a better day to do this?!”, Dakota shrieked.
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“ What’s the problem Dakota?!”, Molly shrieked.
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“ The problem Molly is that this is my wedding day and my two friends, one of whom’s a police officer are doing it with each other IN THE BATHROOM! Of all the private places to go, you guys decided to go into the bathroom for your private love-making session?!”, Dakota scolded.
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“ Well we figured we wouldn’t bother anybody so that’s why we came in here!”, Danny interjected.
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“ Yeah that’s real smart Danny! You guys just started dating and you’re already having sex with each other, on MY wedding day?! That makes no sense! What do you think Leonard is going to say about all of this when I tell him?! This is his day too!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Oh come on, give us a break Dakota! We’re in love!”, Danny interjected.
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“ I get it you’re in love but this is not the appropriate place to be doing this! There are children here!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Would you relax?! Cayela and her friends aren’t going see anything of what we’re doing!”, Molly interjected.
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“ You don’t know that Molly! One of them could walk in on you guys any minute! Do you really want to scar the minds of five 14 year old girls for life like that?!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ No, Leo and Sheldon would kill us! Not to mention Cayela’s friends’ parents too!”, Molly interjected.
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“ Actually more so just Sheldon.”, Danny said as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ What the hell does Sheldon have to do with this Danny?”, Molly asked as she rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.
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“ What do you mean Molly?! You just said it!”, Danny interjected. The couple argued back and forth about Sheldon while Dakota just stood on the other side of the door rolling her eyes.
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“ Would you two quit arguing about Sheldon and just get out here?! You two are embarrassing yourselves in front of my family! I already got enough going on today including remembering my sister who passed away several months ago! The last thing Leonard needs right now is for his bride to be stressed out over two of our friends!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ We’ll be out in a minute Dakota!”, Molly interjected. Dakota groaned in annoyance and just rolled her eyes as she stormed away.
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“ Uh oh, here comes your wife dude.”, Howard said to Leonard as him and Raj were standing around talking to him when he noticed Dakota storming back into the reception room with an unhappy look on her face.
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“ You don’t look too happy. What happened Dakota?”, Leonard asked when he saw the scowl on his new wife’s face.
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“ Leonard you are not going to believe what Molly and Danny are doing in the bathroom right now!”, Dakota hissed in her new husband’s face.
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“ Why? What are they doing?”, Leonard asked.
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“ THEY’RE ENGAGING IN COITUS WITH EACH OTHER!”, Dakota hissed as she pointed behind her out into the hallway.
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“ What?! That’s insane!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ I know! This is our wedding day and I can’t believe they’re doing something so inappropriate right now! I swear to God I want to smack some common sense into those two knuckleheads!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Are they still in there?!”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes! They’re refusing to come out!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ I got ‘em!”, Carmen drunkenly said as she stumbled out into the hallway and went into the bathroom to retrieve Molly and Danny. Moments later she shoved them back into the room as they were struggling to get their clothes back on.
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“ What the hell Carmen?! We weren’t ready for that!”, Danny interjected at his friend.
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“ Yeah seriously! What was that for?!”, Molly interjected.
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“ It’s ztime to come out of da closet and enter da real world!”, Carmen drunkenly slurred her words.
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“ Oh great, our friend is drunk!”, Molly interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Carmen, are you ok?”, Morgan asked.
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“ Oh yeah I’m zfine! ZI’ve never been zbetter Morgan!”, Carmen drunkenly said as she slapped her hand on her friend’s shoulder. She held a glass of wine in her other hand.
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“ Ok Carmen I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”, Danny said.
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“ What are zyou talking about Danny?! I zfeel great! Yippe ki-yay!”, Carmen drunkenly said as she stumbled over her feet while still holding the wine glass.
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“ Oh no no no no, you’re done. You’re going to go sit down for a bit to sober up. Give me the wine.”, Danny said as he reached for Carmen’s wine glass but she kept resisting his efforts to take it from her.
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“ Carmen Werda Owosski gimme it!”, Danny hissed as he pried it out of her hand and set it down before walking her to the other side of the room where he forced her to sit down in a chair.
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“ Ok here you go. But just to make sure you don’t get back up and get more alcohol I’m going to handcuff you to this chair.”, Danny said as he took out a set of handcuffs from his back pocket. Carmen rambled her mouth as Danny handcuffed her to the chair and walked away.
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“ Ok it’s official Morgan, Carmen’s lost her marbles.”, Leo said to her best friend.
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“ Yeah I totally agree with that Leo.”, Morgan said.
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“ Danny did you seriously just handcuff her to that chair?”, Leo asked when Danny walked by her.
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“ Yes I did. She shouldn’t be going anywhere now.”, Danny said.
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“ Mom what’s up with Auntie Carmen?”, Cayela asked her mother when she walked up.
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“ Nothing Cayela except she’s just a wee bit too tipsy.”, Leo said.
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“ What’s that mean?”, Cayela asked.
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“ It’s mean she’s drunk. She’s had a little bit too much alcohol.”, Morgan said.
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“ Well I think I’ve had a little bit too much apple juice because I just wet myself again.”, Cayela said as she bit her lower lip.
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“ Well then I guess I know what time it is. Excuse me for a second Morgan, I’ll be right back.”, Leo said as she picked up Cayela’s diaper bag and slung it over her shoulder.
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“ Of course bestie.”, Morgan said. Leo then picked up her daughter and said, “ Come here sweetheart, let’s go change your diaper.” before she walked out of the room to the bathroom.
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“ Oh hello Morgan. Where did my wife and daughter go?”, Sheldon asked when he walked past Morgan.
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“ Oh they just went to the bathroom Sheldon. They’ll be right back.”, Morgan said.
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“ Well alright.”, Sheldon said before he walked away.
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“ There you go. All clean.”, Leo said as she finished wrapping the fresh clean brief around Cayela’s abdomen.
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“ Thank you Mom. I love you.”, Cayela said as she sat up.
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“ I love you too Cayela.”, Leo said as she kissed her daughter’s head and stood her up on her feet. After Leo cleaned up the mess they headed back into the reception room and Cayela went back to playing around with her friends.
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“ Look Leonard, Dakota, we want to apologize for our behavior today. You’re right it was very inappropriate and we’re sorry.”, Molly said as she stood next to Danny.
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“ It’s ok Molly.”, Dakota said.
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“ Well I didn’t see it so I guess it’s… oh my God you got to be kidding me!”, Leonard interjected as he face palmed himself when he noticed his mother walking up to them out of the corner of his eye.
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“ Hello Leonard.”, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter said in a stern voice.
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“ Mom what are you doing here?!”, Leonard interjected in her face.
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“ What? You think I was going to miss my son’s wedding?”, Beverly asked.
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“ How did you even know I was in a relationship with someone?!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Sheldon told me in a conversation we had on the phone numerous times.”, Beverly said.
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“ SHELDON DID WHAT?!”, Leonard shouted as he spun around to face Sheldon. Everyone in the room stared at him as well.
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“ I realize this is a very awkward moment.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Why would you tell my mother about my relationship with Dakota?!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Well it shouldn’t surprise you Leonard. I tell your mother everything. You know she would have found out eventually.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah well THAT wasn’t your business to talk about! You’re my best friend why would you do that to me?!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Leonard I do not wish to repeat myself. I just told you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah well I didn’t want my mother finding out about me and Dakota! That’s private business!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Are you embarrassed by me or something?!”, Dakota interjected feeling somewhat offended.
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“ No Dakota it’s not like that! I just don’t have a good relationship with my mother!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Like I said you know she would have found out eventually. You can’t hide the truth forever Leonard.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah well thanks a lot for ruinning my marriage Sheldon!”, Leonard shouted before he stormed out into the hallway. Sheldon just stood there with a confused look on his face while Dakota gave him the biggest death glare anybody’s ever seen.
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“ I hope you’re happy with what you did Sheldon Cooper! Thanks for upsetting my husband!”, Dakota shouted before she ran out after Leonard.
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“ What is wrong with you?! Do you have a lack of common sense?!”, Leo angrily asked her husband.
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“ Oh come on Leo, not you too.”, Sheldon hissed at his wife.
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“ Don’t do that to me! Leonard is your best friend and this is what you do to him?! Bringing up an old wound and spilling acid into it?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Leo you know I can’t keep secrets like this! This is wrong!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ It doesn’t matter! Best friends don’t betray each other like that! You need to go apologize to him because you probably hurt his feelings now!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Leo if Leonard had just told his mother in the first place then none of this would be happening!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ I can’t believe you would just say that Sheldon!”, Leo shouted. Tears began to well up in Cayela’s eyes as she watched her parents fight with each other. Kemdan noticed this, got in between Leo and Sheldon and shouted, “ Espere! What are you doing?! Estás molestando a tu hija!” as he pointed at Cayela who was sitting on the floor in between her best friend Florence and her other friends Charlotte, Summer and Julia with her head in her hands crying. Florence was gently rubbing her hand on her best friend’s back as Cayela was sobbing. She couldn’t understand what was going and why everyone was suddenly yelling at each other. Leo and Sheldon immediately began to feel bad about what they’ve done. The last thing that they had ever wanted to do was upset their child.
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“ Oh son of a bitch!”, Sheldon interjected as he smacked his hand against his forehead.
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“ Oh Cayela it’s ok. Come here.”, Leo cooed as she picked Cayela up into her arms.
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“ I don’t get it! Why’s everyone yelling at each other all of a sudden including you and Dad?!”, Cayela cried into her mother’s shoulder.
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“ Honey it’s just adult stuff of course you don’t understand it. Adults fight with each other occasionally but that doesn’t mean that we don’t love each other.”, Leo said.
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“ Are you and Dad going to split up?!”, Cayela cried.
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“ No sweetheart. I love your father too much to ever even think about leaving him.”, Leo said as she shook her head.
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“ Yes Cayela you don’t ever have to worry about that. Your mother and I are fine. We’re not going to divorce each other or anything like that. We were just having a little argument about your Uncle Leonard and his mother, that’s it.”, Sheldon said. Cayela just kept crying though so in attempt to get her to calm down Sheldon gently cupped his wife’s face and kissed her. Cayela immediately stopped crying when she saw her parents kissing. She started to feel better.
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“ See Cayela, everything’s fine. Your father and I still love each other. Do you feel better?”, Leo said.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said as a slight smile spread across her face.
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“ Good. You can go back to playing with your friends now, ok.”, Leo said with a smile before she gently set Cayela down. Cayela then ran off to go do something with her friends.
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“ I’m sorry. You’re right, that was uncalled for.”, Sheldon said.
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“ It’s ok I forgive you.”, Leo said as she kissed him back.
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“ Where are you going Leonard?!”, Dakota interjected as she was following her husband.
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“ I can’t deal with this right now Dakota! Just leave me alone!”, Leonard interjected at his wife as he continued walking away.
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“ What are you so afraid of?!”, Dakota interjected.
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“ I’m worried about what my mother’s going to say to you! I’m afraid that she’s going to say something insulting and then you’re going to leave me after we just got married today!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Is that why you didn’t want your mother finding out about us?! You were afraid of what she was going to think of me and that I would leave you over it?!”, Dakota interjected back making Leonard stop dead in his tracks and turn around to face her.
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“ Yes! Look, Dakota you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I don’t want to lose what you and I have together because of my mother! What you and I have is very special!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Leonard I totally get your insecurities about that, but, there is nothing in this world that will ever make me think about running away from you! Your mother can like me, hate me or whatever I don’t care! The only person I care about is you!”, Dakota interjected. Leonard walked up to her, gazed into her eyes and asked, “ You mean that?”
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“ Yes. Why do you think I agreed to be your wife in the first place? It’s because I love you. I want to spend every waking moment with you up until the very day we die.”, Dakota said as a smile spread across her face.
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“ You know, the way you just said that Dakota makes me feel like the luckiest and happiest man in the world. I love you so much.”, Leonard said with a smile as he kissed her. His heart felt like it was going to burst at the seam with happiness. He still couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman that he held in his arms was now his wife and that she didn’t care that he looked like a geek. In her eyes he was a man that truly cared about her and loved her unlike her ex-boyfriend Rico who was an abusive jerk and treated her like crap. She still hadn’t forgotten that day that he tried to kill her with that Walking Dead Lucille bat after she broke up with him. That day still haunted her memory and she didn’t think it would ever go away. She truly hated that man for what he did to her and wished that he would just disappear from the face of the Earth.
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“ How about we go apologize to everyone and then we have our first wedding dance together?”, Dakota asked.
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“ That sounds appropriate.”, Leonard said. They walked hand in hand back into the reception room where they proceeded to apologize to everyone about the unexpected drama scene. After that music filled the air as the party continued. Then later that night after Leonard and Dakota left to go on their honeymoon in Switzerland, Sheldon was sitting at his desk on his laptop while Leo was cleaning the kitchen and Cayela was sitting on the floor in the living room watching Victorious on the tv. Oreo was darting around batting a milk ring with her paws.
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“ Did that bush just waddle?!”, Tori said as she walked out onto her patio. Then she shouted, “ Robbie Shapiro!”
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“ Yes?”, Robbie said as he stood up from behind the bush.
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“ You’re invading my privacy!”, Tori hissed as she crossed her arms.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAv7GhWD6utU
“ Well at least I didn’t snoop through Ryder’s phone.”, Robbie said.
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“ Oh Robbie you’re such a weirdo!”, Cayela laughed as she rocked back and forth on her butt.
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“ What are you laughing at over there Cayela?”, Sheldon asked as he looked up from his laptop.
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“ Just this show Victorious! It’s pretty funny Dad but you wouldn’t get it though!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Probably not.”, Sheldon said as he continued working on his laptop. Leo then stopped in the middle of what she was doing, walked into Cayela’s bedroom for a second and came back out carrying the necessary items that were needed at the moment.
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“ Well, it sounds like someone’s having a good time out here.”, Leo said with a smile as she set the items down on the floor.
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“ Yeah I’m just watching tv Mom.”, Cayela said with a smile as she continued to watch what was going on.
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“ I can see that. Do you mind if I change your diaper and get you dressed for bed?”, Leo asked.
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“ Actually Leo let me do it. You just go back to cleaning the kitchen.”, Sheldon said as he stood up and shut his laptop.
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“ Aww but I don’t want to leave the tv right now!”, Cayela protested.
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“ Well since there’s no one else here but us let’s do this.”, Sheldon said as he sat on the floor behind his daughter and slipped the latex gloves on his hands. Then he said, “ Ok come here.” as he gently pulled her into his lap laying her on her back.
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“ There, does this work?”, Sheldon asked as he started undressing her out of her clothes and diaper.
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“ Yeah. I can still see the tv. Yay!”, Cayela said as she turned her head toward the tv. She started laughing again as another funny part came up.
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“ Ok ok calm down. Hold still, I’m almost done.”, Sheldon said as he finished redressing her in a t-shirt and fresh clean diaper.
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“ There I’m done. Now you’re all clean and dressed for bed.”, Sheldon said as he stripped the gloves off.
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“ Thanks Dad. I love you.”, Cayela said.
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“ I love you too Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her head.
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“ Alright Cayela you can watch tv for a little bit longer and then it’s time to go to bed.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok Mom.”, Cayela said as she sat back up while Sheldon cleaned up the mess and went back to working on his laptop. Not long after that they all went to bed. A few weeks later after Leonard and Dakota got back from their honeymoon and Dakota moved into 4A, Cayela and her friends were at school sitting in their second period class when they noticed their principal walking into their classroom and standing beside him was a new female student. She was 14, caucasian with amber colored eyes, black wire framed glasses, and semi-medium length black curly hair. She was wearing a horizontal yellow and blue striped t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans with white and pink tennis shoes on her feet.
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“ Excuse me? Ms. Simmons?”, Principal Rutherman asked.
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“ Oh hi Principal Rutherman. What can I do for you?”, Ms. Simmons asked as she stopped writing on the board in the middle of the lesson.
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“ Um I have a new student here that just enrolled today and I was wondering if I could place her in your class?”, Principal Rutherman asked with his hands gently resting on the girl’s shoulders.
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“ Oh sure, of course. There’s plenty of room. What’s this young lady’s name?”, Ms. Simmons asked.
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“ Roberta Wayne.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ Oh that’s a beautiful name. Come in sweetheart, don’t be shy.”, Ms. Simmons said with a smile as she motioned for the girl to come in. Roberta shyly walked up to the front of the classroom and Ms. Simmons introduced her to the rest of the class. Roberta then sat down and Principal Rutherman left so then the lesson continued. Then after class as Roberta was walking down the hallway Cayela, Florence, Charlotte, Summer and Julia caught up to her and said, “ Hi Roberta.”
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“ Oh hi, you can call me Robbie. Everybody does including my family, well actually I think my sister started calling me that first before everyone else.”, Robbie said with a smile.
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“ Oh well that’s nice. I’m Cayela Fordyce-Cooper.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ I’m Florence Crenshamezki.”, Florence said with a smile.
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“ I’m Charlotte Tipton.”, Charlotte said with a smile.
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“ I’m Summer Langenstein.”, Summer said with a smile.
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“ And I’m Julia Ratley yo!”, Julia laughed making the other girls laugh too.
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“ Well it’s nice to meet you. Wow, it’s my first day here and I’m already making 5 friends.”, Robbie said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
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“ Do you want us to walk with you to our next class?”, Cayela asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMfwTQkYXJy
“ Sure I’d love that Cayela.”, Robbie said with a smile.
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“ Oh and there’s one more thing I want to tell you about me but could you promise me you won’t laugh?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Sure what is it?”, Robbie asked. Cayela whispered her embarrassing secret into Robbie’s ear and so she said, “ Oh really?” Cayela nodded her head.
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“ It’s ok, I totally understand. My sister has a friend who’s autistic and has the same problem that you do so I totally understand what you’re going through.”, Robbie said.
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“ Really? What’s your sister’s name and her friend’s name?”, Cayela asked.
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“ My sister’s name is Crystal and her friend’s name, the one who’s autistic is Aria.”, Robbie said.
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“ What did you tell her bestie?”, Florence asked Cayela.
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“ You already know Florence. Come on let’s just get to class you guys.”, Cayela said. The 6 girls just walked down the hallway to their next class chatting with each other. Then later after school Robbie was invited to come over to Cayela’s apartment to hang out with her and the other girls.
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“ Hi Mom, hi Dad.”, Cayela said as she and her friends started piling into her mother’s car.
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“ Hello.”, Sheldon said.
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“ How was school today Cayela?”, Leo asked as she began driving out of the parking lot.
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“ It was good. We made a new friend.”, Cayela said with a smile as she gestured toward Robbie.
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“ Oh that’s wonderful. What’s your name sweetheart?”, Leo asked.
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“ Roberta Wayne or Robbie as everyone calls me.”, Robbie said.
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“ Oh that’s a beautiful name. I’m Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper, Cayela’s mom and this is my husband Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Cayela’s dad.”, Leo said.
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“ Hi it’s nice to meet you.”, Robbie said. Then she asked, “ So you and your parents live in an apartment?”
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“ Yeah we do.”, Cayela said.
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“ They live there with two of their really good friends that just got married.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Oh well that’s nice.”, Robbie said.
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“ You’ll meet them when we get there.”, Cayela said. Then she asked, “ Oh and before I forget first and foremost, are you allergic to cats?”
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“ Um no not at all I actually have a cat myself. His name is Snowball. I’m allergic to Golden Retrievers and Shih Tzus but other than that no other allergies. Why? Do you have a cat?”, Robbie asked.
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“ Yeah I do. She was a stray kitten when we found her outside the school one day but surprisingly she was actually really friendly. I named her Oreo.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh after the chocolate cookie with cream filling in it! Cute!”, Robbie exclaimed. Once they got to the apartment they walked in to see Leonard sitting at his desk on his laptop and Dakota was in the kitchen cooking.
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“ Hi Leo, hi Sheldon.”, Leonard said as he looked up from his laptop.
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“ Hi Leonard.”, Leo and Sheldon said.
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“ Uncle Leonard!”, Cayela exclaimed as she threw her arms around him.
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“ Hi Cayela. How was school?”, Leonard asked as he hugged her back.
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“ It was good.”, Cayela said. Then she exclaimed, “ Auntie Dakota!” as she ran into the kitchen.
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“ Hi! Come here kid!”, Dakota said with a smile as she hugged Cayela. Then she asked, “ Good day at school today?”
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“ Yeah! Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia and I made a new friend today!”, Cayela said as she pointed at Robbie.
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“ Oh well that’s nice. What’s her name?”, Leonard asked.
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“ This is Roberta Wayne.”, Cayela said.
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“ Hi, I’m Robbie.”, Robbie said.
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“ Nice to meet you, I’m Dakota ’Skullbreaker’ Hofstadter and this is my husband Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, Dakota said as she pointed at Leonard.
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“ It’s nice to meet you.”, Robbie said. Then she asked Cayela, “ What’s with the name Skullbreaker?”
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“ Oh that’s my Auntie Dakota’s fighter name. She’s a MMA fighter.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh ok I get it now.”, Robbie said.
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“ Dakota what the hell are you doing?”, Leo asked when she saw Dakota throwing a bunch of chopped up veggies into a frying pan over the stove.
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“ Oh I’m just cooking a stir fry Leo. There’s no sense in letting all this food go to waste now is there?”, Daota said as she stir the veggies and meat together with a wooden spoon.
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“ Probably not. Cayela why don’t you take your friends into your room for a bit.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok Mom. Come on you guys let’s go.”, Cayela said as the girls headed to Cayela’s room and shut the door.
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“ Sheldon I’m going to go wash my face. My face is feeling a bit sticky.”, Leo said.
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“ Of course Leo.”, Sheldon said as he sat in his spot on the couch and turned on the tv while Leonard returned to working on his laptop and Dakota continued cooking the stir fry in the kitchen. No more than a minute later Leo’s voice shouted from the bathroom, “ Excuse me Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”
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“ What Leo?!”, Leonard called out.
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“ Explain to me why the showerhead is ripped out of the wall in here!”, Leo shouted.
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“ How do you know it was me that did it?!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ The evidence says it all! You left your asthma inhaler in the shower stall!”, Leo shouted as she stormed out of the bathroom holding Leonard’s asthma inhaler in her hand.
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“ For shame Leonard.”, Sheldon said as he shook his head.
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“ Wait what did my husband do?”, Dakota asked.
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“ He broke the shower Dakota! That’s what! Now start explaining what happened in there!”, Leo scolded as she narrowed her eyes at Leonard.
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“ Ok I was taking a shower and I was adjusting the showerhead but it got stuck so I tried to get it unstuck and I unfortunately accidentally ripped it out of the wall.”, Leonard said.
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“ Why didn’t you just get Dakota or call me and Sheldon about it?!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Because I didn’t want to bother anyone at the moment Leo.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well you know who you’re going to bother now Leonard?! The plumbing company! You’re going to pay to have them come out here and fix the shower! The landlord’s not going to be too happy if he finds out that we broke the shower and didn’t fix it!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Ok ok I’m sorry. I’ll go call the plumbing company.”, Leonard said as he took his phone out and walked away.
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“ Leo why don’t you just sit down before you end up having another blood pressure episode.”, Sheldon said as he walked his wife over to the couch.
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“ Ok Sheldon.”, Leo breathlessly said as she sat down next to her husband. The moment she sat down though is when she began to feel the effects of her blood pressure dropping.
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“ Is your blood pressure dropping?”, Sheldon asked in concern as he looked at his wife’s face.
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“ Yes it is Sheldon.”, Leo breathlessly said.
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“ Do you need your medicine?”, Sheldon asked in concern.
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“ Yes. Could you get it and bring it to me please?”, Leo breathlessly asked.
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“ Of course.”, Sheldon said as he got up and headed to their shared bedroom. He came back with Leo’s blood pressure insulin and and handed it to her.
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“ Thank you honey.”, Leo breathlessly said as she slowly took it from him and injected the needle into her arm. She immediately began to feel better after that.
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Cayela’s room…
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“ Ok you guys let’s pump up some tunes!”, Florence said.
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“ I’m down for that.”, Robbie said.
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“ Hey Cayela, you want to continue our play fight from last time?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yeah sure Charlotte. Hold on one second.”, Cayela said as she walked up to her door and pressed her ear against it. Then she said with a smirky smile on her face, “ Ok I don’t hear my dad coming, let’s do it!”
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“ Why did you do that Cayela?”, Robbie asked with a confused look on her face.
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“ Because Robbie the last time Charlotte and I had a play fight in here my dad came in and ruined it.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yeah it’s true, Dr. Cooper was being such a buzzkill about it.”, Charlotte said with a smirky smile.
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“ He’s a buzzkill about everything!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Ok Florence that’s enough of that!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Do you remember the song we were listening to when we had it?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Um yeah I do Charlotte because you know I have my dad’s eidetic memory. Duh.”, Cayela said as she grabbed her ipod and started scrolling through her playlist.
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“ What’s that?”, Robbie asked.
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“ It’s basically a super memory Robbie. Once something goes in there you don’t ever forget it. It’s a blessing but it’s also a curse.”, Cayela said.
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“ What do you mean?”, Robbie asked.
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“ Why don’t I tell you the story of how I almost died because of my eidetic memory that I inherited from my dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ Ok sure.”, Robbie said.
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“ Ok first off, are you familiar with the show Forensic Files?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yeah I watch it all the time with my sister and my parents. Why?”, Robbie asked.
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“ Because what I’m about to tell you is very disturbing and kind of crazy.”, Cayela said. She then tells Robbie what happened.
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“ Wow, yeah that is crazy!”, Robbie said.
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“ I know right?”, Cayela said as she pressed play on her ipod and Glamorous sung by The Hit Crew started playing on the speaker.
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“ Ready to get this on Cayela Rachelle?!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yes of course Charlotte Catarina!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok! 3, 2, 1, go!”, Charlotte laughed as they started to fool around with each other. They began to playfully kick, punch and wrestle with each other while laughing their heads off. Florence, Summer, Julia and Robbie started laughing too.
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“ Get her Cayela! Show her who’s boss!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Thanks for the tip bestie! I will!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh so you want to play like that?!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yes, in fact, Florence lift me up to the ceiling fan!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You got it bestie!”, Florence laughed as she boosted Cayela up to the celing fan. Cayela grabbed onto the blades and started twisting around on the fan laughing, “Ok time to go fly fishing for Charlotte!” as she playfully kicked her feet at her friend.
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“ Hey! No fair! You can’t do that Cayela!”, Charlotte laughed as she held her hands up in defense.
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“ No one made up the rules Charlotte so I can pretty much do what I want to you! You can’t call that out!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh yeah?! I’m about to make you eat those words Fordyce-Cooper!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ I don’t think so Tipton! Eat feet!”, Cayela laughed as she kept kicking her legs.
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“ Eat feet?! How appropriate!”, Summer laughed.
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“ Yo would you shut up Summer?!”, Julia laughed.
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“ How about we all shut up?!”, Robbie laughed.
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“ Robbie!”, Cayela laughed. But the second she said her new friend’s name is when she heard her father’s footsteps coming toward the room.
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“ Oh crap it’s my dad! Florence get me down now!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh fudgeballs!”, Florence laughed as she quickly pulled her best friend down from the ceiling fan and quickly grabbed something to stop it from spinning before Sheldon walked into the room.
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“ What it is going on in here?! What stupid pending nuptials are you girls up to?!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter and her friends and they stood there acting like they didn’t do anything.
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“ Nothing to see here Dad! Could you please get out?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela I will get out when you tell me what it is you’re doing in here!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad we’re just hanging out! We’re not doing anything!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You better not be or you’re going to be in big trouble!”, Sheldon scolded before he walked out and shut the door. The girls just laughed and continued playing around with each other. Then back out in the living room while Leo was watching tv and Leonard and Dakota were still doing their own activities they hear a sudden knock at the door. Leo gets up to answer it only to quickly slam it shut after she saw who was standing behind it. She pressed her back into the door hyperventilating.
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Knock knock! “ Hello?”
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“ Leo are you ok? Who’s at the door?”, Leonard asked.
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“ You guys are not going to believe who’s out there!”, Leo fearfully as she tried to catch her breath.
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“ Who is it?”, Dakota asked.
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“ It’s Wil Wheaton!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leonard interjected in complete shock.
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To be continued…
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