Chapter 12
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As Ramona was lead back to her cell her fist trembled in anger as thought about what Penny said and done to her.
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‘ I don’t care what Penny says, I’m going to do whatever the hell I want! When I get out of here I swear to hell I’m going to murder that skanky Dr. Leo Fordyce! That ho is going to die one way or another, no if, ands or buts about it!’, Ramona thought as the cell door was shut behind her. As she thought about her murderous options she eventually came up with one.
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‘ I’ve got it! I’ll kidnap her and cremate her alive inside a crematory retort! Nobody will ever suspect a thing!’, Ramona thought as an evil looking smile spread across her face.
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Two weeks later after Leo had another freak out episode the others dragged her to a doctor to find out what was wrong with her.
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“ Hi Dr. Fordyce, I’m Dr. Mark Shawn Yeager. I specialize in treating people with unusual problems.”, Dr. Yeager said as he sat back in his seat.
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“ Oh god, why the hell am I here?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You’ve been brought in to me today by your friends because they’re concerned about your behavior and the way you’ve been acting over the course of several weeks. From what I’ve heard was that you’ve been experiencing some night terrors and random episodes of screaming?”, Dr. Yeager asked.
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“ I guess you could say that.”, Leo answered in a nervous tone. When she looked around the room and saw the worried facial expressions of her friends and her boyfriend she asked, “ Why are you guys staring at me like that?”
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“ Because Leo we’re really concerned about you.”, Penny said.
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“ Yeah, this isn’t like you!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ Alright that’s enough! In fact, could the rest of you please step out into the hallway for a moment? I would like to talk to your friend privately for a moment and I may need to run a few tests.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Of course Dr. Yeager. Come on you guys let’s go.”, Leonard said as he stood up and walked out. His friends followed suit. 20 minutes later Dr. Yeager came out rubbing his throat.
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“ Ok, that didn’t go as planned.”, Dr. Yeager choked out as he shut the door behind him.
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“ What the hell happened to you?”, Howard asked.
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“ Well, as I tried to go through with the tests your friend had another screaming episode and kicked me in the throat.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Damn!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Well are you ok?”, Amy asked.
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“ Yeah I’m fine, although my throat may be a bit sore when I go home to my wife and kids tonight.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Oh that’s got to suck!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ I’ll tell you what sucks right now listening to this constant, unnessesary catterwauling of yours Leonard.”, Sheldon pointed out.
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“ Sheldon what the hell are you talking about?! I hardly said anything!”, Leonard shot back at his best friend.
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“ You continue to underestimate me my good man.”, Sheldon stated.
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“ Ok cut it out, enough talk about that. I think what’s going on with Leo is very clear to me.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ What would that be?”, Stuart asked.
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“ I think Dr. Fordyce is experiencing some hallucinations which leads me to conclude that she must be suffering from some sort of Post Traumatic Stress.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Oh I don’t like the sound of this at all! This is just absolutely preposterous!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I know it’s a lot to take in right now Dr. Cooper but I think I can get to the bottom of it once I know what caused it. Has she been in any traumatic situations recently?”, Dr. Yeager asked.
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“ Yes, she was attacked several weeks ago at a night club by a woman that only thought of as a colleague but was obviously very obsessed with me and wanted to persue a relationship with me.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok well I think that’s probably what triggered it then but I’ll need to get more information from her to really make a clear, confirmed diagnosis. Let’s all go back into my office and talk about it.”, Dr. Yeager said. Sheldon nodded his head and followed him. The others followed closely behind Sheldon. Once they were all sitting back down Dr. Yeager went onto his computer and researched Dr. Devon Stormbender’s name. Instantly a photo and a background story popped up so Dr. Yeager printed out the photo.
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“ Now Dr. Fordyce, is this Dr. Devon Stormbender?”, Dr. Yeager asked as he showed her the picture he printed out. Leo immediatedly shuttered into the chair and frightenly choked out, “ Yeah, that’s him!”
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“ Ok and what is his relation to you?”, Dr. Yeager asked.
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“ He’s my worst enemy!”, Leo frightenly said.
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“ WHAT?!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ You have an enemy?!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Yes! He’s a sociopathic mad scientist!”, Leo frightenly said.
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“ Well how did this psychopath come into your life in the first place?!”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his girlfriend with a look of worry and concern on his face.
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“ He came into my life unintentionally. I was about 8 years old and I caught him dumping some strange chemicals into a storm drain. I approached him and told him that he wasn’t allowed to do that but he said that he was going to do whatever the hell he wanted and that he didn’t care. I threatened to go to the police and that’s when he lashed out at me. He chased me down the street and kidnapped me afterwards calling me a nosy, disrespectful little brat. I managed to escape from him somehow and I told my family. He tortured me throughout my entire childhood and early adolescents, but, one day when I was 16 I found out on the news that due to a lab accident he disappeared but I’m not entirely convinced that he’s dead. I think he’s still out there looking for me.”, Leo frightenly said. Her friends completely gasped at her terrifying story. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Leo!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he tried to reach out to touch her but Dr. Yeager said, “ No, don’t touch her right now! It could make things worse!”
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“ Don’t touch her?! Are you out of your d*mn mind?! She’s my girlfriend!”, Sheldon exclaimed in somewhat of an angry voice.
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“ I understand she’s your girlfriend Dr. Cooper but touching her while she’s in this state could cause her to become catatonic. Just leave her be for a moment but try to talk to her. Let her know that she’s ok and that you are with her as well as your other friends.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Leo it’s ok, you’re ok. We’re all here with you, you’re safe.”, Sheldon said. Leo sat there for a moment breathing heavily but then she passed out on the floor.
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“ LEO!”, the others exclaimed in a panic as they got down on the floor and surrounded her.
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“ Oh god!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ What the hell is wrong with her?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ We don’t know Leonard!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Relax, she just passed out. She’ll come around again, just give her some air.”, Dr. Yeager said.
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“ Are you sure Dr. Yeager?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Yes I’m positive that’s all that happened.”, Dr. Yeager said. Amy pressed two fingers against her friend Leo’s neck. She confirmed that Dr. Yeager was telling the truth because she could feel a strong, steady pulse underneath her fingers. She let out a sigh of relief and nodded her head to the others. Dr. Yeager continued asking questions when Leo eventually came to until he told them that was all.
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Later that night unknown to anybody, Ramona escaped from jail and went to the apartment complex. She didn’t know which apartment was Leo’s so she made a wild guess and surprisingly she chose correctly. Ramona used a screwdriver to pick the lock on the door and entered apartment 2A very quietly. She entered Leo’s bedroom to find Leo sleeping in her bed. An evil looking smile spread across her face.
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‘ Perfect! That bi**h is completely asleep! This just made my plan a whole lot easier!’, Ramona thought as she carefully dragged Leo out of her bed and out of the apartment.
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Leo’s eyes suddenly snapped open at the loud sound she heard and she immediately became frightened when she realized when she was no longer in her bed or in her apartment for that matter. She instead found herself in a bright lighted warehouse that she recognized to be a crematory warehouse.
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‘ Oh god!’, Leo frightenly thought as she hugged her knees into her chest.
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“ What’s up bi**h?!”, Ramona suddenly shouted in Leo’s face making Leo scream and jump up from the floor and back on one foot.
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“ What is this Ramona?! Why are you even here?! You’re supposed to be in jail for assaulting me!”, Leo screamed.
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“ Yeah I was but I escaped! You think I was just going to sit there and give up that easy?! I don’t think so!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Let me out of here!”, Leo screamed.
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“ No! I told you that you’re the threat in my way so I’m going to get rid of you!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Oh and just how do you think you’re going to do that?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ I think you can point out the obvious just by looking around this warehouse!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Oh god!”, Leo screamed as she tried to get away.
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“ Oh no you don’t, come here!”, Ramona screamed as she lashed out at Leo and the two women engaged in a violent struggle with each other. At some point during this Leo’s cell phone flew out of her grip and slid across the floor landing in the gravel pit outside the warehouse.
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Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!
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“ Great Ceasar’s ghost what is that?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he was woken up out of a dead sleep by an obnoxious beeping noise. He saw it was coming from his cell phone sitting on the nightstand next to his bed. When he looked at the screen his heart skipped a beat.
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Distress signal: Leo
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Knock knock knock “ Leonard!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leonard!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leonard!”
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“ Sheldon shut up, I know! My phone’s doing the same thing!”, Leonard hissed at his obnoxious roommate/best friend from inside his room.
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“ Leonard this is not the time to scream at me! Something’s going on with my girlfriend and we need to go now!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Alright, quit bi**hing at me you crazy bastard!”, Leonard screamed. The two physicists quickly threw on some clothes and ran out into the hallway where they met up with Penny.
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“ Penny what are you doing?!”, Leonard exclaimed as Sheldon locked up the apartment.
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“ What the hell do you think Leonard?! I’m coming with you! My phone’s going off too!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Penny it’s in the middle of the night?! Don’t you have to work tomorrow?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Yes but that’s not important right now Dr. Whack-a-doodle! Move it you a**holes!”, Penny hissed as she shoved past them. They first went to Raj’s apartment and knocked on his door.
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“ Raj! Open up now!”, Leonard shouted as he pounded on his Indian friend’s door. Raj answered the door moments later.
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“ Is your phone going off?!”, Leonard asked in a panic.
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“ Yeah dude it woke me up out of a dead sleep! I’ve already been waiting for you guys to show up! What do you think’s going on with Leo?!”, Raj exclaimed as he locked up his apartment and left with his friends.
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“ We don’t know but whatever it is it can’t be good!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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Apartment 314
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“ Amy get the hell out here now! Leo’s in trouble!”, Penny screamed as she banged on the door.
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“ I know Penny I can hear my phone screaming like a banshee!”, Amy screamed as she emerged from her apartment and locked up her door.
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“ Focus woman! This is a crisis situation!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Sheldon stop screaming at me and let’s just go!”, Amy hissed at him.
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Stuart’s comic book store
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Bang bang bang!
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‘ What the chiz?!’, Stuart thought as he woke up to hear loud banging noises coming from his store door followed by vigorous rattling.
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‘ Oh sweet Chewbacca someone’s trying to rob me!’, Stuart thought in a panic as he grabbed an object to defend himself with. Stuart was apparently the only one that didn’t get the distress signal because his phone was dead and he forgot to charge it. He crept around his dark comic book store holding the blunt object up like a bat ready to hit whoever decided to try to break in. But his macho facade suddenly faded when he saw that it was his friends at the door.
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“ What the hell are you guys doing here?! It’s after 2:30 in the morning! You guys made me think someone was trying to rob my store!”, Stuart shrieked as he opened the door.
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“ Sorry to bother you in the middle of the night Stuart but this is important, like really important!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ You guys what is it?!”, Stuart asked.
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“ Leo’s in trouble! Did you get the distress signal that she sent out?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Distress signal?! What the hell are you talking about?!”, Stuart exclaimed as he stared at Leonard.
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“ You didn’t get the signal?!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ My phone’s dead Sheldon!”, Stuart hissed.
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“ Okay you know what enough of this controversy! We need to go like now!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Ahhhhhhhhhh!”, Stuart screamed as Amy yanked on his arm dragging him to the car. Stuart was still wearing his pajamas too.
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Howard and Bernadette’s house
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“ What the hell took you guys so long?! Get in here!”, Bernadette screamed as she ushered her friends in through the door.
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“ We were picking up Stuart! Apparently he forgot to charge his phone so he didn’t get the signal!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ You’re a putz Stuart!”, Bernadette shrieked as she thumped him on the head.
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“ Ow! That hurts!”, Stuart shrieked as he rubbed his head.
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“ Focus asshole! You deserve that anyway!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Wolowitz what are you doing?!”, Leonard shrieked as he saw Howard sitting at his laptop.
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“ I’m tracing Leo’s phone signal to see where it’s coming from! What do you think I’m doing Leonard?!”, Howard hissed at his friend.
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“ Oh good! Where is she?!”, Sheldon screamed as he hovered over Howard’s shoulder. The others gathered as well.
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“ Hold on one second! I got it but…”, Howard started to say but then froze.
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“ What is it?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yeah Howie are you ok? What is it?”, Bernadette asked her husband.
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“ Oh holy space nuts! Guys come on let’s go!”, Howard exclaimed as he jumped up from his laptop and ran toward the door.
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“ Everything ok Howard?!”, Leonard shrieked as the rest of the gang followed him.
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“ I’ll explain it when we get there let’s just go!”, Howard hissed.
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“ Oh dear Lord!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ I have a very bad feeling about this!”, Leonard shrieked as he inhaled some medicine from his inhaler.
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Crematory warehouse
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As the fight heated up between Leo and Ramona, police car sirens were heard in the distance outside the warehouse.
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“ Come here bitch! This is what you get for taking something that’s mine!”, Ramona screamed as she struck Leo with a blunt object.
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“ I barely even know you! Why are you attacking me?! What did I ever do to you?!”, Leo screamed as she struck back with another blunt object.
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“ I just told you! You started a relationship with Dr. Cooper! That makes me furious!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Ok I’m not sure what planet you’re from but I’m pretty damn sure it was Planet Crazytron! And news flash, I didn’t plan to be in a relationship with him, it just turned out that way and you can’t control other people’s feelings about who they fall in love with! It’s just scientifically impossible!”, Leo screamed.
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The police pulled up and surrounded the warehouse just as the rest of the gang was showing up.
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“ I don’t care! He’s mine!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ No he’s not! He’s my boyfriend so you need to except it whether you like it or not!”, Leo screamed.
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“ That’s it I’m going to end you!”, Ramona screamed as she lashed out again.
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“ Oh sh*t! That’s Ramona! She’s attacking Leo!”, Penny screamed. The others listened until they heard their friend’s loud blood-curdling scream come from inside the warehouse.
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“ LEO!”, the gang screamed.
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“ Stand back!”, an officer commanded as he kicked the door in with his foot before entering the warehouse with other officers.
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“ We will not stay back! That’s my girlfriend in there!”, Sheldon screamed as he tried to follow them but Leonard held him back.
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“ Sheldon!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Hey come back here!”, an officer shouted as him and several other officers chased Ramona out the back door.
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“ Oh god, where is she?! Do you guys see her anywhere?!”, Bernadette screamed as she along with the others ran inside.
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“ No! Leo where are you?!”, Raj screamed.
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“ I’m in here you idiots, get me out of here now! My skin is burning!”, Leo screamed from inside the retort as she tried to desperately bang her fists on the door.
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“ Oh my god! Guys she’s in the retort!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Where’s the shut off at?!”, Stuart screamed. The gang frantically searched for the shut off button until Amy screamed, “ I found it!” before pounding it with her fist. Once the machine was down Leonard and Howard grabbed a couple crowbars that they found lying around to pry open the door.
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“ Are you(cough cough)idiots even(cough cough)listening to me?! Get me(cough cough)out of(cough cough cough)here!”, Leo screamed as she was gagging and coughing while still trying to muster enough strength to continue banging on the door.
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“ Hang on Leo we’re getting you out! Just don’t panic!”, Leonard screamed as he jammed one end of the crowbar underneath the door. Howard did the same.
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“ Alright ready?! One, two, three!”, Howard called out as the two men pushed the other ends of the crowbars down to lift the door up. The second the door was pried open Leo tumbled out into Sheldon’s arms. The gang gasped when they saw her. She had third degree burns all over her body and her hair was mildly singed.
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“ Oh dear god! Dr. Fordyce what has Ramona done to you?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his girlfriend’s burned body.
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“ What do you(cough cough cough)think happened Dr. Cooper?! She tried to(cough cough cough)burn me(cough cough cough)alive in this deathtrap!”, Leo screamed as she coughed and gasped for air. Three officers came back in as several others walked Ramona out the front in handcuffs.
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“ We need a rescue unit, code 3.”, the officer said into his radio.
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“ Copy that, 10:4.”, was the response that came back.
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2 days later Leo came home from the hospital to continue healing from her wounds.
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“ Ow ow ow! That hurts!”, Leo exclaimed as she winced in pain.
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“ We’re almost there Leo, just one more flight of stairs.”, Penny said.
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“ God this sucks! This sucks really bad! Ramona really took it too far! I mean it occured to me that she was obsessive but I didn’t realize she was THIS obsessive!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well I was aware of it but I didn’t think she would go this far! This infuriates me so much!”, Sheldon hissed under his breath.
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“ That bi**h really crossed the line by doing that! I hate her!”, Penny hissed.
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“ This just surprises me to no end!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Ok can we please just stop talking about Ramona now?! I really just want to get home and get into bed!”, Leo hissed as she struggled to stay on her feet.
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“ Oh right!”, Sheldon exclaimed as they climbed the last flight of stairs.
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Apartment 2A
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“ Son of a firecracker, this really hurts!”, Leo hissed as she was lying on her bed.
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“ Well here, sit up for a moment and take this pain medication they gave us when we left the hospital. I’ll go get some Aloe Vera.”, Sheldon said as he handed her the bottle of pills before walking to the bathroom to search for the Aloe Vera gel.
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“ Thank you Sheldon.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh you poor thing!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Are you going to be okay?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yeah I’ll be fine Leonard. I can’t believe I almost died 2 days ago at the hands of some crazy obsessive grad student.”, Leo said. By the time Sheldon walked back into the bedroom with it Morgan, Carmen, Shelina, Melissa, Megynn, and Kemdan stopped by to visit.
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“ Ay caramba!”, Kemdan exclaimed when he saw Leo.
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“ What the hell?!”, Carmen, Shelina, Melissa, and Megynn exclaimed as they stood there staring at their friend with their mouths open.
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“ Dude! What the frack happened to you?!”, Morgan exclaimed.
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“ I became an attempted murder victim, that’s what happened Morgan!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ What are you talking about?! Who the hell did this to you?!”, Morgan exclaimed.
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“ Who do you think Morgan? The same crazy woman that attacked her at the night club.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Dr. Nowitzki?!”, the 6 of them exclaimed.
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“ Yes! She tried to murder me 2 days ago in the middle of the night!”, Leo exclaimed as Sheldon was rubbing Aloe on her.
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“ What are those injuries from?!”, Melissa exclaimed.
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“ They’re surprisingly from, you’re not going to believe this, a crematory retort!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ WHAT?!”, the 6 of them exclaimed.
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“ Oh hell yes, I’m not even joking! That skanky crazy bitch tried to burn me alive!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I’M GONNA KILL HER! HOW DARE SHE DO THAT TO MY BEST FRIEND!”, Morgan shouted as she raced out the door.
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“ Morgan where are you going?!”, Leo screamed at her best friend.
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“ Yeah Brisby?!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ Morgan Cathy Brisby you’re just going to end up getting yourself arrested! As much as I hate her for what she did to me none of us are going to kill her! The only ones that will decide whether Ramona lives or dies for what she did will be the Justice System! So get back here!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Fine, but I’m only doing this because you’re my best friend!”, Morgan hissed as she came back into the room.
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“ There, is that better?”, Sheldon asked Leo.
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“ Yeah, thank you.”, Leo said as she relaxed into the covers.
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“ Do you need anything else Leo?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No I’m good.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright well I guess we’ll leave you alone now. I’m going to go call your parents.”, Sheldon said as him and the others walked out.
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4 hours later...
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“ Where is she Sheldon?!”, Mr. Fordyce asked in a panic as he along with his wife and 5 other adult children as well as his son-in law showed up after talking to Sheldon on the phone.
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“ She’s in her room in her bed. She was sleeping but she might be awake now.”, Sheldon said as he walked towards Leo’s bedroom. The Fordyces and Donny followed him. When they walked in they saw Leo sitting up with her back against a pillow watching tv.
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“ Hi.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh my god!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed when she saw her daughter. The two other Fordyce girls screamed and cried when they looked at their sister while anger and rage began to build up inside of the 3 boys as well as their father. Donny was just as upset about it too.
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“ Leo are you okay?! Sheldon explained what happened and we just wanted to know if what he said actually happened!”, Mr. Fordyce exclaimed.
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“ Yes dad I’m fine and yes this actually did happen to me.”, Leo said.
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“ Was this really a grad student that did this to you sweetheart?!”, Mrs. Fordyce asked.
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“ Yes mom. It was a physics grad student.”, Leo said.
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“ Why the hell would she do that to you sis?!”, Kennedy shrieked.
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“ Because Kennedy apparently she’s very obsessed and in love with my boyfriend! She was obviously very jealous that Sheldon and I are together and so she figured that if I was out of the way that meant she could have Sheldon to herself!”, Leo hissed.
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“ That skanky a** bi**h! How dare she do that to you!”, Amanda exclaimed in anger.
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“ I’m sorry sis but that’s just a really ridiculous absurd excuse for her to have to try to murder you! This insanity?! All over your boyfriend?!”, Stephen exclaimed in anger.
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“ Yes Stephen! She went bazerk all because she wanted Sheldon! I didn’t do anything to her and yet that suddenly gives her the right to come in between our relationship and forcefully take him from me by trying to murder me?! I don’t think so!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Yeah, that’s not gonna fly with anybody! She’s a dirty piece of sh*t!”, Garrett hissed.
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“ Yeah, she can suck eggs and go to hell! She’s a dead woman walking!”, Junior added hissing in anger.
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“ Yeah she is Junior.”, Leo said. As she carefully scooted herself out of her bed Sheldon interjected, “ Hey nah uh what are you...?!”
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“ YEAH YOU HEAR THAT DR. RAMONA NOWITZKI?! YOU’RE A DEAD WOMAN WALKING FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME! SCREW YOU, YOU SKANKY A** WHORE!”, Leo shouted out the window for the entire city of Pasadena to hear.
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“ Sheldon I’ve been in my bed for 4 hours taking a nap! I want to at least try to do something!”, Leo protested as she was placed back into her bed.
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“ Leo you’re not getting out of your bed until you’ve fully recovered from this! Your wounds will never heal properly if you keep moving around!”, Sheldon stated as he carefully pulled the covers back over her.
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“ What are you talking about Sheldon?! I’m fine!”, Leo shot back before she hissed, “ Ow!” in pain.
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“ Exactly my point Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said as he grabbed the Aloe gel again and began rubbing it all over Leo’s skin.
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“ Oh shut up Dr. Cooper!”, Leo shot back with a smart-aleck smirk on her face.
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“ Leo! You’re being rude!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she stared at her daughter.
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“ That’s the same thing my mother said to me once, only she said “ Sheldon! You’re being rude!”, Sheldon said.
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“ You are really something else Sheldon!”, Mrs. Fordyce said with a laugh.
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“ Mom! What are you doing?!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her mother.
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“ Honey I’m not doing anything! I’m just engaging in a nice conversation with your boyfriend!”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Well no offense but could you please do it without acting weird?”, Leo asked.
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“ Leo Alejandra Fordyce I am your mother. Please don’t talk to me like that.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she narrowed her eyes.
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“ That’s Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce to you mom! Have you forgotten that I’m a theoretical physicist?!”, Leo shot back.
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“ No I haven’t Leo. You’ve reminded us about that at least a thousand times already if not more.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Alright alright let’s not get snippy at each other. We don’t want Sheldon thinking that we’re a crazy family.”, Mr. Fordyce said getting in between his wife and youngest daughter.
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“ Dad he already thinks that! He’s already seen how we act with each other and yet he’s still here! He’s still in love with me so does it really matter now at this point and time?!”, Leo said as she laughed.
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“ I suppose not but you know what I mean Leo.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Yes I get it dad!”, Leo laughed. Then she interjected, “ Ow!”
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“ Ok that’s enough now. Calm down.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you Sheldon! Come here!”, Leo laughed as she pulled him toward her and kissed him.
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“ I love you too Leo.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back.
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“ Hey get a fracking room you two!”, Kennedy interjected.
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“ We’re in my room Kennedy! Shut up!”, Leo shot back at her sister.
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“ Leo, Kennedy, that’s enough. Don’t say things like that to each other, you two are sisters.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Yeah we know that dad.”, Kennedy said.
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“ Ok I’m tired again. Can you please go?”, Leo said.
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“ Sure sweetheart. Come on let’s go.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she ushered the rest of the family out.
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“ Feel better Leo.”, Donny said as he left the room as well.
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“ Thanks Donny.”, Leo said to her brother-in law. Shortly after Leo’s family left Penny, Amy, and Bernadette suddenly showed up just as Leo was trying to drift back to sleep with her head against Sheldon’s shoulder. Sheldon was sitting next to her on the bed gently brushing his fingers through her golden blonde hair.
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“ Leo!”, Amy interjected startling Leo as she came barging into the bedroom with Penny and Bernadette following her.
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“ Ahhhhh! Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler what the hell?! Don’t you know how to knock first before entering?!”, Leo shot back at her friend as she lifted her head up from her boyfriend’s shoulder.
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“ Yes, what is wrong with you Amy?!”, Sheldon interjected as he stared down his ex-girlfriend. He got a little annoyed by her antics.
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“ Ok I wasn’t going say anything because I didn’t want to scare you, but, we think we may have spotted your enemy Leo!”, Amy said in a fearful shaking voice.
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“ WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! You saw Dr. Devon Stormbender?!”, Leo shrieked as her eyes bugged out.
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“ Yeah legitimately we think we might of seen him. Amy captured an image of him on her phone as we were walking out of a grocery store.”, Penny said.
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“ That was after I saw him first and pointed him out to you guys.”, Bernadette said.
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“ Really?! Let me see the image!”, Leo exclaimed. Amy took out her phone and blew up the image on the screen.
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“ Oh my hell! Yeah this is not a think you saw him, this is him! That is the creepiest image I’ve ever seen! He looks like a freaking cyborg!”, Leo shrieked as she clasped her hands over her mouth.
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“ Wait a minute, this is what he looks like now?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Apparently so Sheldon! I just told you guys at Dr. Yeager’s office that Dr. Stormbender was in a lab accident before he disappeared several years ago! But now it looks like he’s returned based on this image evidence that Amy captured! I mean look at this, he’s got a prosthetic left arm, a prosthetic right leg, a left red mechanical laser eye and a permenant scar across his face!”, Leo exclaimed in a fearful tone.
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“ Oh my god that is so creepy!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ No it is not creepy Penny it’s horrendous! This complete psychopath is out to get my girlfriend!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Would you calm the hell down you a**hat?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ No I will not calm down! This is a crisis situation!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ You said that same part of that sentence when Leo went through that hell with Ramona 2 nights ago Sheldon!”, Amy interjected.
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“ Well what do you want me to say Amy?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Um hello can we discuss the bigger issue here?! My psycho cyborg of an enemy is out there most likely seeking revenge against me! He came back from the depths of whatever hellhole he crawled out of that he’s been hiding in all these years!”, Leo shrieked. Then she hissed, “ You know what, I swear on my fiance Brady’s grave that if I ever once cross paths with him again I will go to the ends of the Earth to destroy that man from the face of existance, one way or another!”
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Unidentified location underground
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“ That’s what you think you disrespectful little brat!”, Dr. Devon Stormbender maliciously said before letting out an evil laugh that echoed off the walls as he listened to Leo’s voice through his wire tap.
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Dun dun dun! Oh no, it seems as if Leo’s old enemy has resurfaced and is seeking revenge from their previous encounters with each other when Leo was young! What do you think will happen next?! Will Leo be broken beyond repair or will she heal from her wounds and face her enemy?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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P. S. - The cyborg mention was kind of a reference to the Adult Swim tv show, Robot Chicken even though that entire show gives me heebe jeebies( not sure if I spelled that right but you get the jist). Sorry for all the fans of that show if this comment offends you. Have a great day.
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