Chapter 20
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After Leo and Sheldon spent the morning together, the 4 guys began gearing up for paintball.
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Knock knock knock “ Penny!”
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Knock knock knock “ Penny!”
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Knock knock knock “ Penny!”
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“ What?!”, Penny exclaimed as she opened the door.
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“ Are you coming or what?”, Sheldon asked as him and his friends stood outside Penny’s apartment waiting for her.
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“ Oh is it paintball night?”, Penny asked.
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“ Yes it is! Did you forget the schedule?!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Oh sorry Sheldon I forgot. I’ve been getting phone calls all day from my acting agent. Just one second.”, Penny said as she shut the door. A few moments later she opened the door wearing her paintball uniform.
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“ Ok now I’m ready.”, Penny said.
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“ Let’s just go.”, Leonard said as they began making their way down the stairs.
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“ All of you just go outside and wait for me. I’ll be out in a minute.”, Sheldon said when they stopped on the second floor.
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“ What are you doing Sheldon?”, Howard asked as he looked at his friend.
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“ You’ll see in a minute, just go.”, Sheldon said. Howard shrugged his shoulders and said, “ Ok whatever.” before descending the stairs with the others.
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock “ Leo!”
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Leo opened the door and said, “ Hi Sheldon.”
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“ Hi.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Whatcha doing back here at my apartment so soon?”, Leo asked.
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“ I was wondering if you wanted to join us for paintball.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Are you kidding me?! I’d love to! Just one second!”, Leo exclaimed as she shut the door and came out a few moments later dressed in camo holding a paintball gun.
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“ Wow! You look great in camo!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ So do you!”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ Hey you guys!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You got Leo to join us?!”, Leonard exclaimed as he stared at Sheldon.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yay Leo!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Wait a minute, do you even know how to play paintball?!”, Raj asked Leo.
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“ Are you kidding me Raj?! I’ve played this so many times with my brothers that it’s not even funny!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I watched her the other day and I have to say that she actually is pretty good at it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thanks Sheldon.”, Leo said as she kissed him again.
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“ I don’t know about this.”, Howard said scratching his head.
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“ Oh really?! Well how’s this Wolowitz?!”, Leo exclaimed as she aimed her paintball gun into the air and shot a bird out of the sky without even looking at it.
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“ What the hell?!”, Leonard and Penny exclaimed as they stared at her.
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“ How did you do that?!”, Howard exclaimed as his eyes bugged out of his head.
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“ Years of practicing with my brothers. So what do you think now?”, Leo asked with a smug look on her face.
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“ Ok you’re in!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ She’s already been in Howard. I’m the Major of this team so I decide who’s in and who’s out.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah yeah yeah whatever! Let’s just go play some paintball!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh yeah! I am pumped!”, Penny exclaimed.
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When they got to the park they all gathered in their safebase and listened to Sheldon telling them what to do and where to go.
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“ Let’s do this!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ Alright! Move out!”, Sheldon commanded. One by one they all ran out the door letting out battle cries as they split up to their positions. As paintballs were flying everywhere that same song that Leo and Sheldon were listening to that morning played in the background.
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“ Leo what are you doing?! I told you to stay with me!”, Sheldon scolded Leo as she was running away.
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“ Oh yeah I forgot!”, Leo exclaimed as she ran back to him. But, when paintballs started coming at them like missiles Sheldon shouted, “ Hit the deck!” as he threw himself on top of Leo behind a boulder.
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“ Ow! You hit my arm!”, Leo hissed in pain.
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“ Oh sorry.”, Sheldon said as he rolled off of her.
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“ So what’s our next move Major Cooper?”, Leo asked. Sheldon peered over the boulder and said, “ I got an idea. Just follow my lead.” Then he looked over his shoulder and hissed, “ Leslie, cover us!”
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“ You got it Dr. Dumbass!”, Leslie said with a smirk.
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“ Ugh I hate it when she calls you that!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Just ignore her Leo! Focus on me!”, Sheldon scolded her snapping her attention back to him. Leslie ran ahead of them shooting paintballs at the other team allowing Sheldon and Leo to make their move.
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“ What’s your plan?”, Leo asked.
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“ Ok I’ll flank left you flank right and then on my signal we come in for the kill!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Meaning?”, Leo asked.
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“ We just go into paintball fist of fury so to speak!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh ok I get it! Let’s do this!”, Leo exclaimed as she ran to the right while Sheldon ran to the left.
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“ Alright, on my signal! 3, 2,1, Bazinga!”, Sheldon shouted. The two of them ran down the hillside letting out battle cries as they began shooting up the landscape and the other team with paintballs. Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Leslie and Kripke joined in blasting paintballs everywhere screaming battle cries at the top of their lungs.
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“ Die you sons of bitches!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Leo look out behind you!”, Raj shouted.
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“ Ahhhhh!”, Leo screamed as she turned around and cartwheeled out of the way before firing more paintballs. Then she exclaimed, “ Thanks for that Koothrappali!” But just as she said that more paintballs continued to come at them like missiles.
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“ Ahhhhhhh! Missile storm!”, Howard screamed as he put his shield up. The others did as well.
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“ Retreat to the base!”, Sheldon commanded. They all ran to their safebase and shut the door.
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“ Ok we need a new tactic! Something that those geode loving bastards won’t know what hit ‘em!”, Sheldon said as he erased his orignal plan that he had written on a whiteboard.
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“ What’s your plan now Dr. Whackadoodle?”, Penny asked.
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“ Ok here’s our new edge, we’re going to split up in seperate directions and Leo you’re going to create a diversion that will distract them long enough for us to make our comeback!”, Sheldon said as he began drawing out his second plan of action.
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“ That’s actually not a bad idea! What did you have in mind for me to do?!”, Leo asked.
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“ You’re going to throw rocks in every direction you can think of to distract them but distract them enough so that when I give the signal we can blast them showing no mercy!”, Sheldon said as he wrote that idea down as well.
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“ Oh I like where this is going! I used to do this all the time to my brothers just so I could get the drop on them with the water gun that we had stored in the shed!”, Leo said with a smirk.
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“ Yeah, and?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ My dad always yelled at me for it saying that I would end up knocking someone’s eye out!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Yeah well your dad’s not here Dr. Fordyce! This is our one shot at claiming a victory against the Geology Department! So can you please forget about your dad’s words of wisdom for a minute and listen to me?!”, Sheldon commanded.
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“ Yes Major Cooper!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Alright then, we got our second plan of action! Move out!”, Sheldon commanded as they all sprinted from the base into seperate directions.
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‘ Ok you geologists, get ready to be water under the bridge!’, Leo thought in her head with a smirk as she picked up a rock from behind her hiding spot. Without a moment to spare she threw it as far as she could which caught their attention.
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“ Hey! Where did that rock come from?!”, one geologist exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know!”, another geologist exclaimed.
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“ Hey! There goes another one! Someone’s throwing rocks to distract us!”, a third geologist exclaimed as Leo continued throwing rocks in all different directions from her hiding spot. She was smirking from ear to ear.
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“ Wait for it, and, Bazinga!”, Sheldon shouted as they all came out of their hiding spots at once blasting the geologists with paintballs. The victory was claimed very quickly as in the geologists didn’t know what hit them.
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“ Victory!”, Sheldon shouted with enthusiasm as he shot a fist into the air.
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“ YEAH!”, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Leslie, Kripke, and Leo exclaimed.
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“ Way to go Dr. Whackadoodle! You saved us with that plan of action!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ To Major Sheldon Cooper!”, Leonard shouted. Howard started howling like a wolf and the others joined in with him. The song continued to play in the background as Leo pulled Sheldon toward her and kissed him.
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“ What the hell?! Are they dating each other?!”, Leslie asked as she stared at Leo and Sheldon kissing each other.
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“ Yeah Leslie, they’ve been dating each other for a while now. At least 6 or 7 years.”, Penny said.
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“ Wow! She’s been with Dr. Dumbass that long?!”, Leslie exclaimed.
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“ Leslie! Can you please stop saying that?! I really hate it when you call him that! I want to be able to say we’re friends but not if you keep calling my boyfriend that!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Then what if I say it when you’re not around?”, Leslie asked.
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“ Well I don’t really like that either but at least it’s better than me hearing you say it!”, Leo hissed.
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“ There! Problem solved Leo!”, Leslie said with a smirk.
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“ Not really Leslie!”, Leo shot back.
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“ Leo what did I say? Just ignore her. I told her once before that I’m polymerized tree sap and she’s an inorganic adhesive so whatever verbal projectile she launches in my direction is reflected off of me, returns on its orignal trajectory and adheres to her.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I don’t understand a word you just said Sheldon but I love that comeback!”, Leo laughed as she kissed him again.
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“ Ooh ouch!”, Leslie sarcastically said.
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“ Leslie cut it out! That’s enough!”, Leonard said.
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Buzz buzz! Buzz buzz!
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Hey Leonard.
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Leonard stared at the sudden text message that he got on his phone. It was from a number he didn’t recognize. Curious about who it was from he texted:
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Uh… hi. Who is this?
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The response back was:
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It’s Dakota.
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Leonard texted:
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Dakota? How did you get my number?
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Dakota texted:
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Your Facebook profile
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Leonard texted:
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D*mn it I’m such an idiot! I didn’t even know it was on there! So what’s up?
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Dakota texted:
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You’re not an idiot Leonard and nothing much. What are you doing tomorrow?
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Leonard texted:
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Working in my lab. Why?
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Dakota texted:
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I was wondering if I could come by and talk to you. Get to know you better. You seem like a really nice guy and I would like to know more about you. :)
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Leonard texted:
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Oh yeah sure! Of course you can come by Dakota. I’d like to get to know you too. :)
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Dakota texted:
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Great! So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? :)
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Leonard texted:
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Yeah! See you tomorrow Dakota. :)
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Dakota texted:
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Bye Leonard. :)
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“ What are you doing Leonard?”, Penny asked as she stared at him.
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“ What? Me? Nothing Penny. It’s nothing.”, Leonard said.
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“ Who were you texting?”, Penny asked.
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“ Oh, uh, nobody Penny. No one at all.”, Leonard said as he put his phone away. Penny stared at him for a moment and said, “ O…ok.” before walking away. Leonard relaxed a little but then felt bad that he lied to her.
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‘ What are you doing Hofstadter?! Don’t you know not to lie to girls like that?! No one’s going to take you seriously if you do that!’, Leonard thought in his head. He thought about fessing up to her and telling her the truth but then the other part inside his head was telling him to keep his mouth shut and not say anything. He didn’t want to repeat the incident that happened after Sheldon’s grandmother’s passing when he called Penny a bi**h for yelling at him causing her to blow up at him resulting in the two of them ending up in a fight.
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‘ I’ll just keep it to myself for a while. I really hope she doesn’t find out.’, Leonard thought.
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The next day…
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Knock knock!
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“ Come in.”, Leonard said as he was working on a laser.
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“ Hi Leonard, whatcha working on?”, Dakota asked when she walked in.
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“ Just a laser.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh hi Dakota.”, Howard said from the opposite side of the lab.
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“ Oh hi Howard, what are you doing over there?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Stuff involving quantum mechanics.”, Howard said. Then he asked, “ What are you doing here?”
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“ I just came by to talk to Leonard.”, Dakota said.
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“ About what?”, Howard asked.
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“ You don’t need to know Howard!”, Leonard shot back at him. Then he turns to Dakota and asked, “ So what did you want to talk about?”
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“ I don’t know just stuff about your life. How did you get into all of this?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Well both my mother and father are scientists so it has always been apart of my life basically so I was sort of lead in that direction more like pushed would be a better way to describe it but to be honest with you, when I was younger I really wanted to be a rap star.”, Leonard said.
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“ Really?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Kind of like Snoop Dog but with a healthier respect for the police.”, Leonard said. He gave her an example.
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“ That is so funny! I wanted to do that too but my brother Johnathan always used to say that I sounded like a dork!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Well Johnathan is a dork so what’s that have to say about you?”, Leonard said with a smirk.
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“ I don’t know! There’s so many things I could say!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Well you could start with how you got into mixed martial arts.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh where do I begin with this, um, well, I at first got into it because Rico wanted me to but once I started it was really hard to stop because it gave me this huge rush of adrenaline and it became exciting to me. So everyday since then I’ve been going to this local gym to train with a trainer and fell in love with it.”, Dakota said.
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“ Do you ever think about possible concussions associated with being punched in the head or kicked into a wall?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I do think about it a little and it does concern me, but, I try not to think about it too much.”, Dakota said. Awkward silence fell between them and Dakota found herself staring at Leonard into his eyes.
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“ What?”, Leonard asked as he saw her staring at him.
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“ Oh it’s nothing.”, Dakota said as she fidgeted with her hands.
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“ No really, what?”, Leonard asked.
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“ No it’s dumb.”, Dakota said.
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“ What?!”, Leonard interjected as he stared at her. Without warning, Dakota just grabbed him and kissed him. Howard just stood there completely shocked by what he just saw. Dakota pulled away a few seconds later leaving Leonard completely speechless.
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“ Well, I guess I should get going now. Bye Leonard. Bye Howard.”, Dakota said as she left.
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“ Howard?”, Leonard asked in a small voice.
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“ Yeah?”, Howard asked.
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“ What the hell just happened?!”, Leonard shrieked.
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“ Dakota just kissed you! I think she likes you!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Why would she like me?! I’m just a geeky nerd!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Well you’re not apparently to her.”, Howard said.
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“ I really need to sort out my relationships.”, Leonard said as he slammed his head on the lab table.
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“ Don’t beat yourself up Leonard. You got to at least admit that she’s cute.”, Howard said.
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“ And beautiful. Oh what am I even saying here?! Dakota and I are still basically strangers to each other! Penny’s at least a woman that I know very well and she’s beautiful too!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Penny’s a sex goddess!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Wolowitz you’re not helping!”, Leonard hissed at his friend.
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“ Ok whatever.”, Howard said but just as both men went back to work Amy suddenly came running in there in a panic all out of breath.
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“ Amy! What the hell are you doing here?!”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at her. He could immediately tell something was wrong.
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“ Leo… stroke… office… now!”, Amy screamed as she tried to catch her breath.
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“ What?!”, Leonard and Howard screamed as they looked at her. The three of them immediately ran out of the lab like bats out of hell sprinting down the hallway as fast as they could freaking out. They were really afraid of what they would find when they reached Leo’s office. Raj met up with them and Howard frantically asked, “ Were you just in Leo’s office Raj?!”
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“ Yeah dude I was coming to find you guys!”, Raj screamed.
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“ What’s the situation in there like?!”, Leonard frantically asked.
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“ Oh it’s bad dude, like very bad! She hit her head pretty hard on her desk when she fell!”, Raj screamed.
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“ Aww hell! Where’s Sheldon?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Dude he’s in there with her going completely insane! You would think that he lost his mind or something! Dr. Gablehauser already called the EMTs so they should be here any moment!”, Raj screamed.
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“ Son of a bitch, Leo!”, Howard screamed as they ran to Leo’s office. When they came in they saw Sheldon on the floor next to Leo screaming hysterically.
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“ Leo wake up! Can you hear me?! Answer me?! You guys do something!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ For God sakes Raj! You weren’t kidding!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ That’s what I was trying to tell you dude!”, Raj screamed.
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“ Leo!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Sheldon! Buddy, calm down! Get a hold of yourself!”, Leonard screamed at his best friend.
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“ I can’t Leonard! I’m completely FREAKING OUT! MY GIRLFRIEND LOOKS LIKE SHE IS LAYING HERE DEAD!”, Sheldon screamed at the top of his voice.
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“ Sheldon everything’s gonna be fine! Raj said that Dr. Gablehauser already called the EMTs! They should be here any moment!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Well you don’t know that Wolowitz! What if they show up and she dies on the way to hospital?! We may never see her again!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Buddy, we’re all freaked out by this! But we don’t know exactly what’s going on! Alright, so you need to just chill!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Mmmmm.”
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“ Leo? Leo!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he began to see some life coming back into his girlfriend.
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“ What’s… what’s going on? Why does my head hurt?”, Leo murmered as she regained consciousness. The EMTs showed up moments later. They started asking her some questions before transporting her to the hospital. Leonard got a hold of the others explaining to them what was going on and they showed up at the hospital as well as Leo’s family.
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“ Oh my god! I can’t breathe!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed as she paced the floor in the waiting room.
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“ Miranda calm down! Everything’s going to be fine!”, Mr. Fordyce screamed.
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“ You don’t know that Robert! For all we know something serious could be going on with our daughter! I don’t want to lose her!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed as she cried into her husband’s chest.
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“ I don’t either! None of us do but we have to be strong!”, Mr. Fordyce said as he embraced his wife.
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“ Excuse me? Are you two the parents of Dr. Leo Fordyce?”, the doctor asked as he came out into the waiting room.
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“ Yes. Is she ok?”, Mr. Fordyce asked.
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“ Yes she’s stable.”, the doctor said. The Fordyces breathe a sigh of relief as well as Leo’s friends.
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“ So what happened?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Was it a stroke or a heart attack?”, Amy asked.
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“ No it wasn’t anything like that, it was just an epileptic seizure.”, the doctor said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwFV94EZLIA
“ What?!”, The Fordyces exclaimed.
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“ What in the name of Einstein is that?!”, Sheldon asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6CcNuVD7WJ
“ Well it’s a seizure that typically comes and goes and happens suddenly without warning, like you won’t even know when and where it’s going to hit you.”, the doctor said.
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“ So what the hell are you saying?! Are you basically telling us that our sister now has epilepsy?!”, Kennedy interjected.
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“ Unfortunately yes. Once you have one there’s likely a risk of a reoccurance of another one.”, the doctor said. Sheldon’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that. Leo’s two sisters just bursted into tears as well as their mother. Mr. Fordyce held them as Stephen and Garrett began to shed tears as well while Junior just punched the wall in a fit of anger. People in the waiting room around them just stared at him looking a little bit frightened.
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“ Junior! Don’t do that! You’re causing a scene!”, Donny shouted at him.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAumAgY4BVwO
“ I don’t care Donny! First the heart attack and now this?! What more could God throw at us?!”, Junior angrily hissed as he hit the wall again before knocking over a trash can and stormed out of the waiting room.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbeSklYyO6T
“ Oh god Junior!”, Mrs. Fordyce cried.
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“ I’ll go get him honey, just stay here! Junior!”, Mr. Fordyce screamed as he ran after his son. When he found him, Junior was outside in the parking lot kicking a dumpster in a fit of rage.
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“ Junior Clyde Fordyce what the hell are you doing?! This is public property!”, Mr. Fordyce shouted at him.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAi55k4RBfhT
“ I don’t want to talk right now Dad! Just leave me alone!”, Junior angrily shouted.
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“ Don’t talk to me like that! I’m your father and I don’t appreciate it!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7paWSlfqb9
“ Well I don’t appreciate every unexpected emergency that plagues our family!”, Junior shot back at his father as he completely broke down and cried.
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“ Is that what all this is about?!”, Mr. Fordyce interjected.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA59WWhXd3xM
“ Yes! Just when we think everything is ok something else comes up and shatters it! Dad what if this happens again and we lose our sister?!”, Junior cried.
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“ Junior don’t think we’re going to lose Leo because we’re not. We’re a strong family and we’re going to get through this together.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he placed a hand on his son’s shoulder.
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“ I just hate the idea of Leo having to go through this! Why did this have to happen to her?!”, Junior cried.
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“ I don’t know Junior. I just don’t know.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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Leo’s hospital room…
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“ I have what?!”, Leo interjected as she stared at her mother.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAo8t2V5Vjt7
“ The doctor said that you had an epileptic seizure and that you now have epilepsy!”, Mrs. Fordyce cried.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6EOsWwJC3K
“ Oh god! Get me out of this nightmare! This is worse than Dr. Devon Stormbender!”, Leo screamed as she tried to tear out of the bed but several hands grabbed a hold of her including Sheldon’s.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAniLIpCvFqj
“ Dr. Stormbender’s dead Leo! You need to calm down before you hurt yourself even further! You already hit your head on your desk when you blacked out!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7xvJKftKKd
“ Is that why my head hurts so much?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqsnQpVHTD4
“ Oh god this is horrible!”, Leo screamed as tears began to stream down her face. She went into a total meltdown over it so Sheldon pushed his way over the bedrail and laid on top of her so to speak not really caring about the possible germs and pathogens being transfered to him at the moment. He didn’t like seeing his girlfriend upset so to calm her down he kissed her. Leo’s crying went silent as she kissed him back. The nurse came in moments later with a Propofol bottle in her hand.
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“ Hello, my name is Vanessa and I will be your nurse for today.”, the nurse said with a smile.
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“ Nice to meet you.”, Leo said.
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“ Don’t mind me Dr. Fordyce I’m just here to give you some medicine. Are you feeling any pain anywhere?”, the nurse asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgNK2cBasJh
“ A little bit. I kind of have a splitting headache going on at the moment.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5Yt6APYqwl
“ Well what this is that I’m giving you is something that’s going to help relax your muscles in your body. It may make you sleepy too so don’t be alarmed if you suddenly start to feel sleepy because that’s just the medicine doing its job.”, the nurse said as she filled a syringe with a needle with a dose of the Propofol. Then she took the needle off and inserted the syringe into Leo’s IV line releasing the contents of it into Leo’s bloodstream. Within seconds the medicine began to kick in and Leo began to feel numb throughout her entire body. Not long after that it knocked her out.
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“ Hey what do you know?! It actually did knock her out!”, Amy exclaimed receiving a unanamous ‘ Shhh!’ from everybody in the room.
20Please respect copyright.PENANATQOjsJGgIW
“ Let’s leave the room for a while and let Leo sleep.”, Mrs. Fordyce quietly said as she began ushering everyone out.
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“ Sheldon are you coming?”, Mr. Fordyce quietly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAO5LUfwPnv5
“ No I’ll stay in here with her. I’ll let you know when she wakes up from her nap.”, Sheldon quietly said. Mr. Fordyce nodded his head before he walked out.
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“ I’ll be back later to give her another dose. Bye.”, the nurse whispered as she walked out. Sheldon sat in the chair next to the bed holding Leo’s hand. He never really liked the thought of hand holding but to him this moment felt appropriate. He had been so afraid that he was going to lose her that nothing else had seemed to matter to him. He loved her so much that he didn’t know what he would do without her. Sheldon grabbed an empty whiteboard and began doing some equations, one of them to which he wrote S + L = heart symbol.
20Please respect copyright.PENANApxOWl0h6sX
“ I love you Leo.”, Sheldon whispered as he kissed her head. Leo shifted position a little bit on the bed as she slept with a smile on her face. But as she did so the railing on one side of the bed released itself causing her to slide off the bed hitting the floor. This made Sheldon panic.
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“ Dear Lord! Leo!”, Sheldon shrieked but not so loudly as to attract attention. He walked over to the side of the bed and carefully picked her up easing her back onto the bed. Sheldon then just stared at her looking over her for additional injuries but there was none so Sheldon breathed a sigh of relief. He then noticed that Leo was shivering a little bit so he took off his windbreaker and gently laid it out across her chest. The shivering stopped almost immediately after that and Leo continued sleeping.
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Hospital waiting room…
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“ Hey, Dakota?”, Leonard said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgXHOoCcxqy
“ Yeah Leonard?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Can I talk to you in private for a second?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Sure.”, Dakota said scratching the back of her head in an awkward way.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhswmYJsRT2
“ What is going on with you two?! Why are you both acting so weird all of a sudden?! Were you two talking to each other today?!”, Penny asked as she stared at Leonard and Dakota.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5vQYDUPa7t
“ Well…”, Leonard nervously said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjO5FY2mogl
“ Tell me the truth Leonard, were you two talking?”, Penny asked as she gave him a death glare.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAec6NtYSWU
“ Uh… Ok we were talking but she’s the one that wanted to talk to me! She showed up at my lab and we started talking and you know what I don’t want to get into this!”, Leonard interjected as he began walking away from Penny.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANpDTQ75tW0
“ Is there something you’re not telling me Leonard?! Are you hiding something from me that I don’t know about?!”, Penny asked raising her voice.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAaIyKAIG6nv
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about Penny! There’s nothing to talk about because I know for a fact that whatever I end up saying is just going to end up blowing up in my face again like it did when Sheldon’s grandmother passed away!”, Leonard shot back at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgRCTlj4tVm
“ If you just tell me I won’t get mad!”, Penny shot back.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAxU2tuMcJv
“ You really want to know what happened between me and Leonard?”, Dakota asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANATD99kYbFum
“ Yes!”, Penny interjected.
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“ I showed up at his lab, we started talking about our lives and I don’t know what came over me, but, I suddenly got this urge to kiss him and… well, I did.”, Dakota nervously said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgg8ufF5KWP
“ YOU KISSED HIM?!”, Penny screeched at her getting up in her face.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWfhCY0CfMu
“ Yes and it was a stupid mistake!”, Dakota interjected as she gasped and backed away a little.
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“ I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! YOU’RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE LEONARD!”, Penny shouted at him in his face.
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“ YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T GOING TO GET MAD!”, Leonard shouted back.
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“ Oh god I got to get out of here!”, Dakota shrieked as she ran away.
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“ NO IT WASN’T!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ YES IT WAS!”, Penny shouted.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAx3rlC8XskB
“ WHAT THE HELL DID YOU IDIOTS SAY TO DAKOTA?!”, Leo angrily hissed as she suddenly came storming out into the waiting room death gripping the IV pole in one hand and her phone in the other. Sheldon followed behind her and exclaimed, “ Leo would you calm down?!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEJznJhOwFB
“ Yeah what are you talking about Leo?! None of us said anything to her!”, Howard said as he gawked at her earning an elbow to his chest from Bernadette. He then shrieked, “ Ow! Bernie!”
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“ You’re a putz!”, Bernadette hissed at her husband.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhkj9XtPPCn
“ Oh really Wolowitz?! Well then explain this text I got from her that says she wants to make herself scarce from us for a while because she can’t deal with her emotions at the moment!”, Leo angrily hissed at Howard.
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“ WHAT?!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ She didn’t say that!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1TjzpFRVlB
“ Oh yeah she did Bernadette! It says so clear as day in this text message! So, I want to know who said something to her and I want to know now!”, Leo angrily hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAp8oRVEzzyG
“ That was Penny!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ What?! Penny!”, Leo hissed.
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“ What did you say Penny?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Nothing!”, Penny shrieked.
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“ No really what did you say?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ I didn’t say anything to her Leo!”, Penny shouted.
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“ Lying is not going to get you out of this Penny! Now tell us what you said!”, Sheldon scolded as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABoYXPdM1Wr
“ Sheldon Lee Cooper listen to my words, I did not say anything to Dakota Harris!”, Penny defended.
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“ That’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAH4563X2naG
“ WHAT DID YOU SAY TO DAKOTA?!”, Leo shouted at Penny.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAnOTlqH1vC0
“ SHE KISSED HIM AND I SCREAMED AT HER!”, Penny shot back at her friend as she pointed at Leonard.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAk0E1cD20sK
“ WHAT?! Why would you do that?!”, Leo scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWDeB8rlofE
“ Because she did it without even thinking about the fact that I might have feelings for him!”, Penny screamed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANALEJF5kRej1
“ Well how the hell was she supposed to know that?! You never told her! For all she knew was that we’re all just friends and that Sheldon and I are dating! If you didn’t want her to do that then you should have said something before that! Now she probably thinks you hate her!”, Leo shouted.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAKbSIUeIrQn
“ I don’t hate her! I just didn’t expect her to kiss him like that!”, Penny shot back.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAeEr0K5hbOb
“ Well then you need to go apologize to her and tell her that! I don’t want us to lose a friend over something this stupid!”, Leo scolded as she turned on her heel and stormed back into her hospital room. Sheldon followed her. Mrs. Fordyce walked in there too.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAkeatcUCdOs
“ Leo what was all that about?! What happened?!”, Mrs. Fordyce asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAn9U8o4AmHU
“ Dakota apparently kissed Leonard today at his lab and Penny freaked the hell out over it! Dakota doesn’t want to be around us for a while because of it meaning she probably thinks that Penny hates her!”, Leo hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAD9bY3m49MG
“ Well I’m sure this will all work out in the end Leo. Dakota’s probably just a little overwhelmed right now. I think her kissing Leonard probably made her feel a bit scared inside especially after what she just went through with Rico. Just give her some space and I’m sure she’ll come back.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder.
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Waiting room...
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“ You know that this is your fault.”, Leonard said as he gave Penny a death glare.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArOn2J0cK4t
“ I know, I’m a total bitch!”, Penny shamefully said as she lowered her head.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANnH32qKh0A
“ Well then you heard what Leo said. Go find Dakota and bring her back here so that we can talk about this calmly like mature adults.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok.”, Penny said as she did a walk of shame out of the hospital. She found Dakota sitting on a park bench in a nearby park.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqq0VIMXPUn
“ Hey.”, Penny said as she sat down next to her. Dakota just looked away and didn’t say anything.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAV4Nxo655Bj
“ Ok I deserve that. Look, I’m sorry for freaking out like that and screaming at you. I didn’t expect you to kiss Leonard like that.”, Penny said. Dakota just sat there staring the other way until she finally turned around.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAwqlBN9GUO
“ Why didn’t you tell me that you didn’t want me to kiss him? I wouldn’t have ever done it in the first place making a complete idiot out of myself.”, Dakota said with a sad sigh.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAX7mEsWWbqb
“ It’s not that I didn’t want you to kiss him it’s just that you did it without even thinking about me and what my feelings could have been. That’s what I got so upset about.”, Penny said.
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“ Well I’m not a mind reader so I don’t know what people think unless they tell me.”, Dakota said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMEwleVMVtn
“ Well how about I try to remember to tell you my feelings from now on?”, Penny asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjiXwV8VJ5v
“ Deal.”, Dakota said.
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“ Are we still friends?”, Penny asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAKNKY9xwbCu
“ Yeah, we’re still friends.”, Dakota said as a little smile spread across her face. The two women hugged it out with each other. They went back to the hospital and talked things out with Leonard. Dakota decided to stick around and not cut off contact.
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Two weeks later...
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“ Thank you for apologizing to Dakota.”, Leo said to Penny as her and the three women headed out for another Girls’ Night Out.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAL0ixY8QC8P
“ No problem Leo. I was acting like a total bi**h anyway and didn’t want that on my conscience.”, Penny said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASYwYvLCyW5
“ We’re bi**hes anyway no matter what we do bestie!”, Amy exclaimed as she moved her purse but accidentally smacked Bernadette’s leg with it.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAa9KyXGBm1M
“ Amy what the hell?!”, Bernadette screamed as she rubbed her leg.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAfEImwNTVfW
“ Sorry.”, Amy said as she looked at her friend.
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Night club...
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After a few drinks the 4 women hit the dance floor acting wild and crazy. As they were dancing another young woman with light brunette hair walked up to them through the sea of people.
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“ Leo!”, the woman exclaimed as she threw her arms around her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9tokBUevbl
“ Oh my God! Gia?! What are you doing here?!”, Leo exclaimed as she hugged her back.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAuI1PB3wnsp
“ Leo who is this?!”, Amy exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA43brfKsVd4
“ Oh this is my cousin Gia Sutter!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAKO8n6fzK2P
“ About to be Gia Waverly! Simon asked me to marry him and I said yes!”, Gia exclaimed as she showed off her engagement ring.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASxxDyjvIkX
“ OMG! Congratulations Gia!”, Leo screamed as the two women threw their arms around each other screaming with excitement.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAlEA9ASjCuU
“ Thank you Leo! I’m so happy I could die! So who are your friends here?!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAQUu2jlv1cV
“ Oh this is Penny, Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAa9tGKNUti1
“ Hi, nice to meet you!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAl9srY8N8g3
“ So when is the wedding?! Did you and Simon pick a date yet?!”, Leo asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWpkutjEbhO
“ We’ve decided to get married in April just after April Fools Day.”, Gia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1l8gLz56o1
“ When in April?”, Leo asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAdG9Vc1Bbsi
“ April 2nd.”, Gia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7lsqn7gLgC
“ That’s 7 months away. Are you sure you can wait that long?”, Leo asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAsx5xjV9MDS
“ Yes. It will give us plenty of time to plan everything. Are you going to be there? I would love it if you came.”, Gia said with a smile.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMQoQbLBR93
“ I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m planning on asking my boyfriend to come with me.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAnyjsYrLgSl
“ You have another boyfriend?! Leo that’s wonderful! Who is he?!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAI2gZ4freGH
“ Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. He’s a theoretical physicist like me with a genius IQ that’s 2 points higher than mine.”, Leo said with a smile.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAu8JemnNm0J
“ Oh Leo that’s just great! What’s he like?!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwYQCvdXO44
“ He’s a very interesting man with a lot of strange quirks but he’s very nice, treats me with so much respect and cares about me very much. So far our family has already accepted him.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANADCPnCxb26b
“ I’m so happy for you! Do you think you two are going to get married?!”, Gia exclaimed.
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“ It’s a possibility but I’m not sure yet. I guess I’ll just have to see what happens.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA0oAkh69wyY
“ Are you in love with him?”, Gia asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANCWNIOQNsF
“ Oh am I ever! He’s the love of my life!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAauUbrwDmHp
“ Well then I can’t wait to meet him! I’m so glad that he makes you so happy! You haven’t been since Brady died!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAciZJttngzj
“ I know but I’m sure he’s happy for me, wherever he is. I still miss him though.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAk5JRnaOM1R
“ Well he’s always in your heart.”, Gia said. Just as Leo nodded her head the dj played another song. The song was Erotic City by Prince & The Revolution.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA0blhIcyJ38
“ Oh my god! I love this song! Come on, let’s dance!”, Gia exclaimed as she took Leo’s hand and the two began dancing together. Penny, Amy, and Bernadette joined them.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArLWSgMAxck
“ Who sings this song?!”, Penny exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANALWnZCkD8NM
“ Prince & The Revolution!”, Gia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANALatCZZ21ZJ
“ Isn’t that guy dead?”, Penny asked.
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“ Yeah he is unfortunately Penny but I still love his music!”, Gia exclaimed.
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“ Wow, that’s real interesting! I had no idea that we were listening to a dead guy!”, Amy sarcastically said which earned her a smack on the shoulder from Bernadette.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABLeoy9lvt0
“ Ow! Bernie?!”, Amy shrieked as she rubbed her assualted shoulder and stared at Bernadette.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgV8MObXc2i
“ What the hell Amy?! That was so not appropriate! The guy was a music icon and here you are making a sarcastic remark about him!”, Bernadette shot back.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABPuwSI5Xr3
“ Well I didn’t know that!”, Amy defended. Then she looked up at the ceiling and screamed at the top of her voice,
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“ Amy! Use your inside voice! You’re gonna get us kicked out of here if you’re not careful!”, Leo shot at her friend.
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“ Sorry.”, Amy said.
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As the night went on, the women got more drunk to the point of passing out. When Leo came to she suddenly realized that her and Amy were the only ones there. Everybody else had left including, Gia, Penny and Bernadette. Penny and Bernadette had apparently gotten so drunk that they didn’t realize that Amy and Leo weren’t with them. Leo walked over to one of the doors and tried to open it only to discover that the door was locked. She ran back to Amy, shook her and screamed, “ Amy! Wake up!”
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“ Wha… what happened?”, Amy asked in a low moan.
20Please respect copyright.PENANADDIAFkRD7g
“ We passed out drunk! And not to mention, the door is locked! We’re locked in here! This night of fun officially turned into a 24 hour overnight challenge! Thanks a lot Fowler!”, Leo hissed.
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“ How is this my fault Fordyce?!”, Amy shot back at her friend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAi8Sxro1fza
“ You’re the one who brought us these drinks and made us pass out!”, Leo shot back.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA3PpfhzbkTT
“ How was I supposed to know what was in them?! I’m just a person!”, Amy hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAK4eIBOBkz
“ I don’t know but regardless we need to find a way to get out of here before somebody catches us in here and we go to jail! Sheldon’s gonna freak the hell out if he finds out about this!”, Leo hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5WkIRIkeu6
“ Well what’s your suggestion Dr. Fordyce?!”, Amy asked as she shot a death glare at her friend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANApqbXJAvIc6
“ I don’t know Dr. Fowler! I thought you would have one since YOU WERE THE ONE WHO GOT US INTO THIS MESS!”, Leo hissed as she got up in Amy’s face.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5erQGfnXck
“ Hey would you keep it down?! There’s probably night time security guards all over this club! I don’t want to get arrested and neither do you!”, Amy hissed in a low tone.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAb7df4gA6Eq
“ Well then use that smart neuroscience brain of yours and get us out of here!”, Leo hissed at Amy.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwoMkgWqeBE
“ Alright! Just quit bitching at me!”, Amy hissed back at Leo. Then she began to look around for another exit and as she was doing so she noticed Leo at her heel breathing in her ear.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAYNuGgRykIu
“ Could you please stop breathing in my ear Leo? You sound like a shadow person.”, Amy said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAmegfNWO87s
“ Oh... sorry Amy.”, Leo said as she backed away a little. As they continued on trying to find an exit, they began to hear footsteps coming. Leo briefly saw the head of someone she recognized almost immediately.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAQFC3CJGkKP
“ Oh sh*t it’s Donny! Get down Amy!”, Leo quietly hissed as she shoved her friend down behind the bar.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtEBB6I27gO
“ Ow! You almost gave me a concussion!”, Amy hissed through her teeth.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA8zvi2S1txP
“ Shut up or he’s going to hear us!”, Leo quietly hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAd3Sl6fm6oH
“ Is that your brother-in law?!”, Amy quietly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAIQevASpVH0
“ Yes it is! Apparently I forgot that he works here as a nighttime security guard! Oh this is not good! If he catches us he’s going to tell my mother and then we’re really going to be in trouble!”, Leo quietly hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANY0W2VHEzA
“ Well let’s try to slip right past him. Maybe we can get to another door and get out of here.”, Amy quietly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAuzbzIExc6m
“ Amy he’s right there! If we tried to move he would hear us and turn around! This floor isn’t quiet when you’re wearing heels!”, Leo quietly hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASPotH1QEKg
“ Well then I have a solution for that Leo.”, Amy whispered.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9SuAojpyQh
“ Which is what?!”, Leo whispered. Without saying a word, Amy carefully and quietly removed her heels from her feet exposing her stockings.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAaJrWAemfjM
“ Amy what the hell are you doing?!”, Leo whispered.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA726HjBchcw
“ Removing my shoes so that my feet don’t make any noise.”, Amy whispered.
20Please respect copyright.PENANACmNoWqOoCv
“ That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”, Leo whispered.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqg2v7J9AC1
“ Call it what you want but this is our only option for getting out of here.”, Amy whispered.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtTeP7a7Bq0
“ Alright I’ll do it. What have we got to lose?”, Leo whispered as she took off her heels as well. The two women then quietly stood up and began quietly walking but just before they passed Donny, he turned around and said, “Leo, Amy?”
20Please respect copyright.PENANA0oDd6O9Baj
“ Nuts! We were so close!”, Leo hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm5IfcMrkej
“ And yet so far!”, Amy hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5WkgeEYsWq
“ What are you two doing here?! Nobody is supposed to be in here, it’s after hours!”, Donny exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAIWvm7xpZGo
“ I know that and I can explain why! Please don’t tell my mother about this Donny!”, Leo pleaded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7HOvxZpPhV
“ That depends on your answer Leo.”, Donny said narrowing his eyes at his sister-in law.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAFVJiY2dws5
“ Ok we were here earlier tonight with Penny and Bernadette, we had a few drinks and I don’t know, I guess Amy and I passed out not realizing that everybody else went home! I swear to god we were just trying to leave! Please, I’m begging you, don’t tell my mother!”, Leo exclaimed as she held her breath. She was afraid to find out what her brother-in law was going to say next. Amy held her breath as well.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMUaOy8c2Y3
“ Ok, I’ll let it slide just this once because you’re my sister-in law but please don’t let it happen again.”, Donny said with a sigh. The two women released their breaths.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAiriWrTVSZ3
“ Oh thank you Donny! I promise it won’t ever happen again!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAxfKDV7Rrfz
“ You’re welcome. You know, you’re very lucky you didn’t die. You have epilepsy, remember?”, Donny said as he unlocked the door.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAfkq6n0IPEG
“ Yes I know that and I’m remembering to take my medication before I do dumb things like that.”, Leo said as she walked out the door with Amy.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAxDscL7RxU2
“ Good night Leo. Good night Amy.”, Donny said as he shut the door. Leo’s lips curled up into a smirk.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA8l2uPVRCyp
“ Omg! That’s now two things I just got away with! One, destroying a cell phone tower and two, getting off the hook from my brother-in law for being in a night club after hours!”, Leo laughed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAXngcPN9t8B
“ You technically only got away with one thing Leo.”, Amy said as she looked at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAa9L6IeY644
“ I know but it’s like I can’t get in trouble with anything I do! This is great!”, Leo laughed. Then she exclaimed, “ Tag! You’re it!” as she smacked Amy’s shoulder before running away still laughing at the top of her lungs.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAVdmX8bEWuz
“ Oh it’s so on bi**h! Come here Fordyce!”, Amy laughed as she chased after her friend swinging her purse at her. As the two women chased each other through the streets of Pasadena, the mashup song of Glamorous & Blue played in the background. The two of them ended up being out all night with each other.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6FgHsmiSIh
The next day just a little after noon Leo was slumping over her laptop as she sat at her desk in her apartment. She was trying so hard to concentrate and focus but the lack of sleep was making it very difficult.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAdZDhBojKWH
Knock knock knock! “ Leo.”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAs95TXhJhHS
Knock knock knock! “ Leo.”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAA9Sbc0JDj4
Knock knock knock! “ Leo.”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAnMsI4vmYRl
“ Coming.”, Leo tiredly moaned as she dragged herself to the door walking like a zombie. She steadied herself against the doorframe and opened the door to see Sheldon standing there.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwof0mCLUwk
“ Hi Sheldon.”, Leo tiredly said as she leaned in the doorway. She looked like she was about ready to fall over. Sheldon immediately noticed this and became concerned.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAXII5CZjFr3
“ Are you alright Leo? You look very tired and exhausted.”, Sheldon asked as he looked at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA3VC553Mx5E
“ That’s because I am. I was out all night with Amy after a Girls’ Night Out.”, Leo tiredly said as she dragged herself like a zombie back to her desk.
20Please respect copyright.PENANApWSQO7TWjt
“ What the hell were you two doing with each other?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he walked over to his girlfriend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAQRJdeBZmWU
“ Running through the streets like drunken idiots.”, Leo tiredly said as she rubbed her eyes before trying to focus on her work.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAJY7CJTOWL4
“ Leo that was a completely obnoxious thing to do! Not to mention, dangerous! You could have gotten seriously hurt!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANADRm0uObS4Q
“ Yeah I know that.”, Leo tiredly said as she tried to go back to work.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAInfmX40wuV
“ What are you doing?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArUc9smew9z
“ Trying to work.”, Leo tiredly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAcLwSBQYj1P
“ Oh no you’re not! You’re in no condition to do anything right now! Come with me!”, Sheldon scolded as he pulled her up to her feet and walked her to her bedroom.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm7POGZHSdR
“ Why?”, Leo tiredly asked as Sheldon shut the bedroom door behind them.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA8mm1OAN99d
“ Because you’re going to lay down and take a nap before you collapse from exhaustion.”, Sheldon said as he pulled back the covers on the bed, eased Leo onto the bed and pulled the covers over her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjsvpKMbCQb
“ I love you.”, Leo tiredly whispered as she began to doze off.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAo775QKA5f
“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her before walking out of the bedroom.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAn2DRoZ4jia
‘ Good Lord this woman’s such a vixen! I love her so much!’, Sheldon thought in his head as he sat on the couch in the living room.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9pSrNvGu3B
2 hours later…
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm0XHT5wHLM
Leo woke up and emerged from her bedroom rubbing her eyes. She then walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a glass of water.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAECDgVvwfMB
“ There you are! You look much better than before! Did you sleep well?”, Sheldon asked as he looked at his girlfriend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAVOdaSp5ccF
“ Yeah I did.”, Leo said as she sipped her water. The two of them talked about the events of last night when all of a sudden they were interrupted by Penny’s screeching voice screaming, “ Son of a bitch! Leo!” followed by 2 sets of footsteps running down the stairs.
20Please respect copyright.PENANATTRitjXcXq
“ What the frack?!”, Leo exclaimed as she flinched.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgNm87uYhWb
“ Would you calm down bestie?! Leo’s fine!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANALIR1CpV90h
Stomp stomp stomp bang!
20Please respect copyright.PENANAX2VfwsV19V
“ Oh thank God!”, Penny exclaimed as she stood in the thrusted open doorway breathing heavily as Amy shoved her way in past her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAVWWY3d707A
“ What the hell Penny?! You almost broke my apartment door!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her friend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANCVQkkP7Ro
“ I’m sorry Leo! I just now realized that Bernadette and I ditched you and Amy last night! I wanted to make sure that you were ok!”, Penny exclaimed still trying to catch her breath.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAu1B73xpNdK
“ Yeah I’m fine! Amy and I ended up having a really great time last night!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtxTKAfanAx
“ Penny, that was completely obnoxious and uncalled for! You do that again and you’ll receive a strike!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAP1cEQVsecB
“ Shut the hell up Dr. Whack-A-Doodle before I sucker punch your lights out!”, Penny hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAuJBHH7SP33
“ Keep making threats toward me and you’ll receive a strike for that too! I can play this game all day Penny!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANJH3WjK4zM
“ Oh balls!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAo6FIznk9Pm
“ What are you idiots screaming about?!”, Leonard interjected as walked in.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA14jsgQacUI
“ Penny obnoxiously barged in here nearly breaking Leo’s apartment door! I told her she would receive a strike if she were to do it again but then she threatened to sucker punch me so then I told her she would receive a strike if she continued to make threats too!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAsyodw3Cb1o
“ Just chill the hell out Sheldon! Penny probably had a good explanation for doing that! You do have an explanation for that, right?!”, Leonard interjected as he narrowed his eyes at Sheldon before looking at Penny.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwRLPiHuWjv
“ Yes, I was freaking out about Leo! Bernadette and I accidentally ditched her and Amy last night without even realizing it until today! I wanted to make sure that she was ok!”, Penny exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbFf6Jotumg
“ Well see there you go Sheldon! A perfectly good reasonable explanation!”, Leonard as a matter of factly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqXdaKpXXvV
“ No it wasn’t Leonard! It was completely obnoxious, period!”, Sheldon interjected in his condescending all high and mighty voice.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9E0qanYV0H
“ You’re such an a**!”, Penny hissed at Sheldon as she stormed out the door.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA50IsiY8faL
“ Hey! That’s the love of my life you’re talking about!”, Leo shouted.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgafT43kMn9
“ Don’t bi**hin’ start Leo!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWxjmk9BFJJ
“ Sorry about that Leo.”, Amy said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAZhxBfSdJq6
“ No it’s fine Amy. I kind of figured that she would do that anyway.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6XjNP0Czmz
“ See you later.”, Amy said as she left.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAdR7wW73xXK
“ Bye Amy.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAVCwBM6owu5
“ Well, see ya!”, Leonard said as he began to leave.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhIte8LiOVo
“ Wait, where are you going?”, Sheldon asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAPK9f8rI1YX
“ Um nowhere that you need to be concerned about.”, Leonard said as he continued to try to leave.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAY6tTtlSdr
“ No really Leonard? Where are you going?”, Leo asked as she looked at her friend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAeMfLiBnQ8
“ Yes because this is looking like suspicious behavior to which I do not appreciate! The last time you did that was when Leo was quarantined at the CDC!”, Sheldon scolded Leonard.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArBx9gQyfsB
“ That’s none of your business Sheldon!”, Leonard interjected.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANbAVXdfwJD
“ Oh on the contrary it is because it’s in the Roommate Agreement!”, Sheldon stated.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAPc2i6v6VFO
“ Aw screw the Roommate Agreement Sheldon! You know what, I don’t need this! I’m out of here!”, Leonard shot back at his roommate/best friend as he tried to leave but Sheldon shut the door on him and pressed his hand into the door.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAzRKKgCNEQE
“ Let me out!”, Leonard snapped.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAkAvYBbD8Rj
“ Not until you tell me where you’re going!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAGBd83m2B9P
“ Yeah seriously Leonard! Just tell us!”, Leo scolded. Leonard lets out a defeated sigh and said, “ I’m going to hang out with Dakota.”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAznrT40W0lz
“ What?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at the experimental physicist.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqLwzyJKx3W
“ Really?! You two are going to hang out?! Does this happen to have anything to do with the kiss she gave you?!”, Leo shockingly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANACDqbctRunA
“ Maybe, not really, bye!”, Leonard nervously said as he tried to leave again but Sheldon kept pressing his hand into the door preventing Leonard from leaving.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAoBfZu719fl
“ Sheldon let me out!”, Leonard shouted.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbQV3xdUNYL
“ You’re not leaving until I get a straight answer!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAP7J5JoTDwM
“ I just told you Sheldon! Dakota and I are going to hang out!”, Leonard interjected.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAJGaTiVY4Iw
“ Yes but are you doing it for the right reasons?!”, Sheldon scolded.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA2OlQWNdS8D
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean?! We’re just hanging out together!”, Leonard interjected. Sheldon was about to say something else but was interrupted by the door budging under his hand so he jerked his hand away allowing the individual standing on the outside to open the door.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABeMA3RAqzJ
“ Excuse me? Is there a problem here?”, Danny asked as he stared at the two physicists.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAnYui0yAg3J
“ No everything’s fine, it’s just a stupid argument between me and my crazy ass roommate!”, Leonard interjected.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEEfmdALqdy
“ I’m not crazy Leonard! My mother had me tested!”, Sheldon pointed out.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm1c3cZAELb
“ Sheldon!”, Leonard hissed in his face.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAr7uP2K64Gv
“ Danny what are you doing here?!”, Leo asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbecerLamcE
“ I came by to talk to you.”, Danny said as he walked in.
20Please respect copyright.PENANALAhevI07UT
“ Oh... ok.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAcpcPuTIz0C
“ Well bye!”, Leonard quickly said to Sheldon before making a break for it.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEkw2Aqvo47
“ No... Leonard!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared after his best friend. He then shut the door staring at Leo and Danny who were standing there staring at him.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAsW8rToK41Y
“ You know those two guys?”, Danny asked Leo.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhHv63gRTuC
“ Yeah, the guy that just left was Dr. Leonard Hofstadter and this guy right here is my boyfriend Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANApYsKonfVA8
“ Wait, so this is the guy that Nowitzki chick was freaking out about?”, Danny asked pointing at Sheldon.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA3wbNT8jBxh
“ Yes. She thinks that they’re in a relationship together but that’s not true.”, Leo said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgcmHT9jMJa
“ Ah got it. I also heard that she tried to murder you? Is that right?”, Danny asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWZq5qXc9X4
“ Yeah, she tried to cremate me alive.”, Leo said nodding her head.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1hLPesGrMN
“ Oh that’s just sick! What would she go do a dang thing like that for?!”, Danny exclaimed as he stared at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7fGHOwtGis
“ Um probably because she’s crazy and obsessively in love with my boyfriend!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANActLqfEvKsM
“ Yeah that would do it.”, Danny said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMXKEcz6WtH
“ You’re such a riot Metcalf!”, Leo laughed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAO806U605Kj
“ You are too Fordyce!”, Danny laughed as he walked out the door.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAUM3s2HLeJp
“ Bye.”, Leo said as she shut the door. Then she asked, “ Well, should we follow Leonard to see what he’s up to?”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEP25qPTLRS
“ I don’t think so. We should just stay here and spend some time together.”, Sheldon said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAQwPROCqItb
“ I like the sound of that.”, Leo said as a smile spread across her face. Sheldon smiled too as the two of them shared a kiss. Sheldon pressed Leo against the wall and Leo said, “ I love you Dr. Cooper.”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAXX6OKEI6KB
“ I love you too Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAcVegXpQjMi
Leonard and Dakota...
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbN8y7BNESe
“ Hey, there you are! I was beginning to get worried! What took you so long?!”, Dakota asked as Leonard showed up at the bar.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABXUymbtS05
“ Sheldon was getting on my case about hanging out with you, asking me a whole bunch of questions.”, Leonard said as he sat down next to her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAKDyNVAoofx
“ Ah figures. He never seems to let things go does he?”, Dakota asked as she took a sip of her drink.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAkFCP0HQXAQ
“ Nope. That’s just how he is every freaking day. You look nice.”, Leonard said after ordering himself a beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAw7GZmezBqs
“ Thanks, you too.”, Dakota said as she took another sip. As they were talking they were suddenly interrupted by Rico.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAu9i2tlnDeI
“ Well isn’t this convenient?! It’s the slut caught red handedly cheating on her man!”, Rico hissed as he ordered himself a beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAg7uLkR1B21
“ What the hell are you doing here Rico?!”, Dakota hissed at her ex.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjbefqY2gxo
“ Yeah you got some nerve showing your face here you jerk!”, Leonard hissed as he slammed his beer down on the bar counter.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6gdcV7eOI4
“ This is a bar and I can be here if I want! You’re not the boss of me!”, Rico hissed as he began to drink his beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtVHSHL9grV
“ What are you doing here?! I thought you were in jail!”, Dakota hissed as she took another sip of her drink before angrily slamming it down on the counter.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArQUzshNj3R
“ I was but they released me for good behavior.”, Rico snapped.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAHOGl15NH1A
“ Oh yeah right! You probably manipulated them somehow into letting you go!”, Dakota hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAcFA9ZZ5kXp
“ Don’t start with me bi**h!”, Rico hissed as he drank his beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA8enzDh0jjT
“ Look buddy, get out of here! Dakota doesn’t need to be reminded of what you did to her!”, Leonard hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAaPMLMcvvWA
“ Is that supposed to scare me?!”, Rico hissed in Leonard’s face. Then he turned to Dakota and hissed, “ Who is this melon head you’re talking to Dakota?!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAplG61b8ODd
“ He’s not a melon head Rico he’s my friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! He’s an experimental physicist at Caltech!”, Dakota hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAlwBuBD6T3u
“ Oh big whoopdie do, he’s a doctor! What does he have that I don’t?!”, Rico hissed as he slammed down his beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAFU3uHzjKRH
“ Respect for a woman, that’s what! And news flash Rico, we’re broken up which means I can talk to whoever the hell I want to! I’m not some bi**hing horse donkey for you to push around! I’m a young woman that deserves to be treated right, not like crap by assholes like you! So you know what, you can just back your jacka** dopehead tushie in reverse and get the hell out of here!”, Dakota hissed as she angrily took another swig of her drink.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7vWG2VbnYo
“ Well tough luck toots because I’m parking it right here!”, Rico snapped as he ordered another beer.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhplbS0BNx2
“ Oh yeah?! Say that again Rico and I’ll punch your lights out!”, Dakota hissed through clenched teeth as she got up in his face holding up a trembling fist in it.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEUcVZCxttp
“ You can’t hit me Dakota!”, Rico hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjwxGnlxkjU
“ Oh yeah I can because I’m an MMA fighter! I was recently just named the new world-class champion because I defeated Mindy ‘ Headstrong’ Thunderson! So if you want to go test that theory, then knock yourself out!”, Dakota hissed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAE6NxgH8yQL
“ Well maybe I will, bitch!”, Rico shouted.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgfuvoRwPuT
“ Ok!”, Dakota shouted but before she could even hit Rico, Leonard stepped in between them and interjected, “ Woah woah woah, Dakota calm down! We’re in public, you guys can’t be picking a fight with each other! This is exactly how I got myself arrested because I was picking a fight with Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwB6dJkImy7
“ Oh so you think you’re a tough guy huh?! Why don’t you hit me instead Bernard?!”, Rico hissed in Leonard’s face.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZtK6CbsEC
“ It’s Leonard and I’m not going to hit you Rico!”, Leonard hissed as he roughly showed Rico away.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAH4GY6xN2p8
“ You know what Rico?! I got something else to say but I’m not going to be the one saying it!”, Dakota shouted as she stormed over to the person controlling the music. She requested the song Beat It by Michael Jackson.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAHHOqNSlRCJ
They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't want to see your face, you better disappear
20Please respect copyright.PENANAFKaGKyrWw6
Dakota began to dance like a drunken idiot, giving Rico dagger-like eyes as she inched her way closer and closer to him. Everyone began to stare at them including Leonard.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASL9IgaqtI0
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it
20Please respect copyright.PENANAKhLkbzIefP
Dakota put her hands on Rico’s chest and shoved him away still giving him dagger-like eyes as she continued to dance. Instantly a crowd began to gather around the two exs and the experimental physicist.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEM8goR1cJl
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't want to see no blood, don't be a macho man
You want to be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you want to be bad
20Please respect copyright.PENANAxc1ozFWuq5
As Dakota’s dance moves were heating up so was her fiery temper that was building up inside of her. The words of the song were clearly expressing how she was feeling toward her ex. Leonard just continued to stare at her completely captivated by her movements.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASQMj5L4eqy
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6uLzQrUIdX
Dakota just continued shoving Rico away with every expression of ‘ Just beat it!’ that was said in the song. She continued going into a series of dance moves not really caring about the fact that a crowd of people were staring at her, Rico, and Leonard.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1G8KEl2PFt
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't want to be a boy, you want to be a man
You want to stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it
20Please respect copyright.PENANANHaklAOlgL
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it, but you want to be bad
20Please respect copyright.PENANAaSiQlmgMcG
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
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At the end of the song Dakota took what was left of her drink and dumped it all over Rico’s head. Everyone stared at this while Rico just gawked at her.
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“ So that’s it then?! We’re done?! It’s over?!”, Rico angrily hissed at his ex-girlfriend.
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“ Yeah! Go find yourself another girl to treat like crap Rico James Boriellas because it ain’t gonna be me anymore!”, Dakota shouted in his face making everyone in the bar give her a round of applause.
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“ Well fine if that’s the way you want it Dakota Chantel ’Skullbreaker’ Harris! I’m out of here!”, Rico shouted as he spun on his heel to leave.
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“ Oh and Rico!”, Dakota shouted.
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“ What?!”, Rico shouted as he jerked his head toward her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAGbvBYVZzj3
“ Drop dead you self-centered bastard!”, Dakota shouted.
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“ Same to you, you psycho ass bitch!”, Rico shouted as he stormed out of the bar.
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“ You ok?”, Leonard asked as he placed his hand on Dakota’s shoulder.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1jImFMYOI
“ Yeah. That felt real good.”, Dakota said as she ordered another drink. The two of them went back to sharing their drinks and carrying a conversation.
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3 weeks later, Leo decided to throw her cousin Gia and her cousin’s fiancé Simon an engagement party. She invited their whole family as well as her friends.
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“ Can I have everyone’s attention please?”, Leo asked. All eyes turned to her as she stood next to Gia and Simon.
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“ I just want to thank everyone for coming to this party. We all knew that this was coming, well, maybe our family anyway. But, Gia, you’re the light in all of our eyes and we couldn’t be any more happier for you, congratulating you on your engagement to Simon. Simon, you’re the strong rock that holds all of us together and I’m happy to call you my future cousin-in law. Thank you for making my cousin so happy and treating her like a princess. I hope the two of you have a long lasting happy marriage together.”, Leo said with a smile. Then she raised her champagne glass and exclaimed, “ To Gia and Simon!”
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“ Gia and Simon!”, the others exclaimed as they raised their glasses and clinked them together.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAetf8N57MzD
“ Thank you so much for that speech Leo. That means a lot.”, Gia said with a smile on her face.
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“ Yeah thank you. I’m happy to call you my future cousin-in law too. I love Gia so much that I would do anything for her.”, Simon said as he gently wrapped his arms around Gia’s shoulders. He bent over a little bit and kissed Gia’s cheek. Then he hugged Leo.
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“ Ahem, excuse me!”, Sheldon interjected as he gave Simon a ‘ hands off my girlfriend or suffer my wrath!’ look.
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“ Oh, sorry man.”, Simon said to the Texas native as he let go of Leo.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1R7QV0aYt2
“ Hey, is this Sheldon that you were talking about Leo?”, Gia asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAV0h9o9zMPL
“ Yeah this is my boyfriend! Oh, and Sheldon this is my cousin Gia!”, Leo exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEszNxzzaAZ
“ Gia Sutter. It’s nice to meet you Sheldon. Leo told me a bunch of great things about you and how happy you’ve been making her feel.”, Gia said with a smile.
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“ Yes, hello. I’m assuming that the man that was hugging my girlfriend is your fiancé?”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yes he is. His name’s Simon Waverly. Him and I have been together for almost 11 years. He’s my absolute best friend and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner.”, Gia said.
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“ Well Leo and I have been together for nearly 7 years and although I would prefer to be alone, I surprisingly feel the same way about her.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well, I don’t know much about you since I just met you, but, I can tell that whatever it is that you’re doing is clearly making her very happy. Therefore, I would like to thank you for that.”, Gia said.
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“ My pleasure.”, Sheldon said.
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“ So, Leo told me that you’re a theoretical physicist like her, is that right?”, Gia asked.
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“ That’s correct. Did she also tell you that I have an IQ of 187?”, Sheldon asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA2oLb3PRdOF
“ Yeah she did. I already know what hers is and she just explained that yours is 2 points higher than hers. It didn’t take rocket science to figure that out.”, Gia said.
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“ Yes I suppose not. So, when is your wedding?”, Sheldon asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA4Ia4nGu16M
“ April 2nd the day after April Fools Day. Leo was thinking of asking you to come with her to my wedding, that is if you’re not doing anything important.”, Gia said.
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“ Well then I suppose if Leo does ask me then I will go as long as she doesn’t forcefully shove alcohol down my throat like Penny does. It impairs my judgement.”, Sheldon said. Gia laughed at what he said making his lips curl up into a half smile.
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“ Yeoboseyo!”, Yesenia exclaimed as she walked up to Raj.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAL4ttEgkYf7
“ What?”, Raj drunkenly asked in confusion as he stared at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAlqSuQSyjt4
“ Hello!”, Yesenia said in English with a Korean accent.
20Please respect copyright.PENANARMgD7heyPj
“ Oh! Is that what you were trying to say?!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAreCPRhvudJ
“ Yes it was!”, Yesenia exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAfHJcGexhhw
“ Oh well hello, I’m Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali and you are?”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAlVZeiXdaht
“ Yesenia Chang.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhE0m0p7wKz
“ Nice to meet you Yesenia.”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANASTJ73MUQWS
“ You too Rajesh.”, Yesenia said as the two shook hands.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAAs2WFIDIYK
“ You can call me Raj if you want.”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhEIyg9ElvS
“ Raj, that’s a very interesting name.”, Yesenia said with a smile.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAWVBRYz7AXs
“ Yours too. So, are you from Korea?”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArpeWacpcVz
“ Yes, naneun hangug chulsin-ida.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqVI5YDQ6fA
“ Does that mean South Korea?”, Raj drunkenly asked taking a wild guess at what she said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA0VEM0ftBPq
“ Yes.”, Yesenia said nodding her head.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbwtePcepdu
“ Where exactly?”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6hWfIrLgqG
“ Busan. And you’re from?”, Yesenia asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAqcNjNR8XHy
“ New Delhi, India.”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAFw2YIzEKPj
“ I thought so because your name sounded Indian.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAq7Wv3VuZNp
“ That’s because it is.”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1swcCgYSys
“ Interesting. So you’re a doctor? What do you do?”, Yesenia asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANjGXOO6t9h
“ I’m an astrophysicist.”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAGO0lE4nJcU
“ Oh I know what that is. That’s a scientist that studies the stars and the solar system right?”, Yesenia asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9E2A9DVi6G
“ Yes that’s exactly what I do. How did you know that?”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEPrLhKIAQi
“ One of my brothers is an astrophysicist as well.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANApf1VwJj2mD
“ Really?! What’s his name?!”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAIHjj1yEUGY
“ Dr. Luke Chang.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA4a2Klvcwbo
“ Interesting. Do you have any other siblings?”, Raj drunkenly asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjfYBvdvbNm
“ I have a sister and another brother. My sister’s name is Marisol and my other brother’s name is Harley.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA9glnDCFR9s
“ Would you like to come to my apartment for a little bit?”, Raj drunkenly asked with a stupid smile on his face.
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“ Oh yes thank you for the invitation Raj. I would love to.”, Yesenia said with a smile as she left the party with Raj.
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Raj’s apartment...
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Lighted candles surrounded the apartment as Raj and Yesenia sat on the couch making out with each other. All the lights were off which made it very romantic. Raj’s dog Cinnamon was laying on the floor sleeping but perked up when the apartment door suddenly swung open.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA3L9BgzF2Xg
“ Raj, where are y... what the space nuts?!”, Howard exclaimed startling Raj and Yesenia. They screamed as they shoved each other away and stared at Howard.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAV8HNYEw3YX
“ Dude! Haven’t you heard a thing called privacy?!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed as he stared at his Jewish aerospace engineer best friend who had just a look of stupidity on his face.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAt1sJOPJnOm
“ Raj, what the hell are you doing?!”, Howard exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANARoE3YeBb07
“ What does it look like I’m doing Howard?! I’m kissing a woman!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAJkjPULG7H1
“ Yes but who is she?!”, Howard exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAdrcpGLaCgd
“ Yesenia Chang, Shelina’s new friend!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAbwOkpK0m42
“ What are you doing kissing a woman you just met?!”, Howard exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at Raj.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA5AyebxF3B6
“ That’s none of your business Howard! Now get out!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAkDVU8mT4Jh
“ Raj who is this?”, Yesenia asked as she looked at him.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABdcEgm2cfD
“ This is my best friend Howard Wolowitz!”, Raj drunkenly said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANADzSqMaSSzW
“ Is he Jewish?”, Yesenia asked.
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“ Yes I’m Jewish! Raj, let’s get back to the party!”, Howard exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAC2i1Svp2Zy
“ No, go away dude I’m having the time of my life right now!”, Raj drunkenly exclaimed.
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“ Fine, knock yourself out! I’m going back to the party!”, Howard exclaimed as he stormed out of the apartment.
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“ I guess we should probably get back to the party too.”, Yesenia said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANBcD4fDUK3
“ Or, we could stay here and continue rubbing gums together.”, Raj drunkenly said with a stupid smirk on his face. Yesenia thought for a moment before the two of them resumed kissing each other. The two of them eventually ended up together in Raj’s bed having sex.
20Please respect copyright.PENANArHOIJmPu9C
Over the next few weeks as they continued to sleep together they eventually became an item. But even with Raj’s relationship heating up it still became clear that Leonard was still trying to choose between Penny and Dakota. Every time he hung out with them he couldn’t sort out his feelings until one night when he went out with Penny that he finally was able to come to a decision about who wanted to be with.
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“ Hey, Penny?”, Leonard asked.
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“ What Leonard?”, Penny asked.
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“ Listen, I love you but I just don’t think you and I are going to work out together. I think we should just remain friends.”, Leonard said.
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“ Is this about Dakota?”, Penny asked.
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“ Yeah.”, Leonard said.
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“ Look sweetie, I get it. She makes you happy so if you want to go make her yours, then who am I to stop you?”, Penny said with a genuine smile.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAp3xEP6gkgp
“ Are you sure Penny? I don’t want to upset you.”, Leonard asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhTi4VuDUMh
“ Leonard, just hearing you say that you want to be friends is enough for me. Now man up and go show Dakota that you want her! If you don’t, I’ll go Nebraskan rodeo all over your a**!”, Penny said as she narrowed her eyes at him.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAUztPmO57zK
“ Are you really sure Penny?”, Leonard asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANADpmNwtGV4B
“ Leonard!”, Penny interjected in his face.
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“ Alright!”, Leonard interjected getting up from the table.
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Dakota’s hotel room…
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Knock knock!
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“ Yes?”, Dakota asked as she opened the door and saw Leonard standing there.
20Please respect copyright.PENANACl3f4rqIcN
“ Hi Dakota.”, Leonard said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAFGr8vxWsMc
“ Hi Leonard. What are you doing at my hotel room?”, Dakota asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAGiMYjqEpFl
“ I just told Penny I love her.”, Leonard said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAX3G7fWmxd0
“ Well bye!”, Dakota hissed as she was about to shut the door in his face but Leonard interjected, “ No wait, just hear me out for a second!”
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“ I’m listening.”, Dakota said as she opened the door back up and leaned in the doorway.
20Please respect copyright.PENANABEiBzPkksR
“ I told Penny I love her, but, I don’t think her and I are going to work out together as a couple and that we should just be friends.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh, well, is this going somewhere?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Yes. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I finally figured out who I want to be with.”, Leonard said.
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“ And who’s that?”, Dakota asked.
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“ It’s you.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
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“ Really?”, Dakota asked as her eyes grew wide.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA0qOjWvfmhY
“ Yeah. You’re the one I want to be with.”, Leonard said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAyeFmjQS43M
“ Oh Leonard!”, Dakota exclaimed as she suddenly grabbed him and pulled him toward her to kiss him. As the two kissed each other Leonard gently pressed Dakota up against the wall and said, “ I love you Dakota.”
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“ I love you too Leonard.”, Dakota said with a smile as she continued kissing him. Leonard spent the entire night with her, showing her just how much he wanted her and loved her. In the morning when Dakota woke up Leonard was gone but he left her a note. It said:
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I left for work but I’m leaving this note to tell you that last night was the best night of my life. I enjoyed every second of you kissing me and I hope to do it again. Also, I wrote something on your hand so that every time you step into the ring to fight, you will look at it and think of me. Sorry if this is such a short note but I didn’t want to be late for work. Anyway, I love you and hopefully I will see you again later.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAU5kpbq1Vpg
- Dr. Leonard Hofstadter
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Dakota then looked at her hand to see what Leonard had wrote. She smiled when she saw a heart and within it, it said: D. H. and Dr. L. H. Forever.
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‘ Wow, I had no idea that Leonard was such a romance ninja! Take that Rico!’, Dakota thought in her head as she held her hand to her chest. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.
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“ Who is it?!”, Dakota called out.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAp5bJ8OfcIg
“ It’s your father! Open the door Dakota!”
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Dakota walked to the door and opened it allowing her father to walk in.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMaXYOPKHvl
“ Hi dad.”, Dakota said with a smile.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAPnFVi9wkEN
“ Hi sweetheart.”, Mr. Harris said as he hugged his daughter.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm4lPrELxnr
“ What are you doing here?”, Dakota asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA6eLs66qQZB
“ Well, seeing that your mother’s busy and I don’t have anything to do today I thought I’d come out here to visit you.”, Mr. Harris said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAeoaozqtbVj
“ Oh, well I’m so glad you did because I have some stuff to tell you.”, Dakota said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANALY47uFDnTY
“ And what’s that?”, Mr. Harris asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAvOP82PcwTq
“ Well, you’re probably going to freak about this, but, several weeks ago I went to a bar with one of my friends and let’s just say that a certain jerkface showed up there trying to cause a scene.”, Dakota said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm931T95yx2
“ Rico showed up there?! They let that a**hole out of jail?!”, Mr. Harris said as he raised his voice.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAU0vIQSgJgT
“ Yeah apparently so dad because he said it was for ‘ good’ behavior but I’m not buying one second of that crap! He probably manipulated them somehow into letting him go!”, Dakota said as she crossed her arms in front of her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtidBy8wJfk
“ Yeah, that’s probably just what he did! So what happened Dakota?!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1cu2TTiTEO
“ Well my friend and I both ordered ourselves a drink, he had a beer and I had a margarita. As we were talking just sipping our drinks, Rico showed up and hissed, “ Well isn’t this convenient?! It’s the slut caught red handedly cheating on her man!”, Dakota said.
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“ Dad before you go off and go bazerk, let me finish!”, Dakota interjected.
20Please respect copyright.PENANATDOzF8jbk0
“ Sorry, go on Dakota.”, Mr. Harris said lowering his voice.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAweLzlBh8be
“ So, I asked him what the hell he was doing there and my friend told him, “ Yeah you got some nerve showing your face here you jerk!”, Dakota said as she proceeded to tell her father what exactly happened.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAgdGFlYGaVu
“ Your friend Leonard is a doctor?”, Mr. Harris asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANACfqk01lQk4
“ Yeah dad, he’s an experimental physicist that works at Caltech.”, Dakota said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAksCXbbZfDc
“ Interesting. Well who are the other people you’re hanging out with?”, Mr. Harris asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANARCJ7cMDaxr
“ Well you obviously know Leo because we were friends in elementary school and well the others I met after I reconnected with Leo. As I said Leonard was one of them and well a majority of them are scientists too except for Penny who is a mixture of things. She’s a waitress, bar tender, aspiring actress, and a pharmaceutical sales rep and Stuart, well, he’s a comic book store owner.”, Dakota said.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA1eXhTVHQVb
“ Who’s that guy that Leo’s hanging around with?”, Mr. Harris asked.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAjcXUFdq58j
“ Oh that’s just Leonard’s quirky roommate and best friend. His name’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper and he’s actually Leo’s boyfriend.”, Dakota said. Dakota and her father spent the next hour and a half talking until her father left.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAUreXdPuaXt
4 days later Sheldon and Leo were asked by Dr. Gablehauser to conduct an experiment together which was supposed to involve gravity and the laws of physics. The experiment was that they were supposed to drop an object off the side of a building and determine whether the object would survive the fall or not.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAEl4mCDYwVi
“ This is ridiculous! I don’t know why Dr. Gablehauser is making us do this!”, Sheldon complained as they walked out onto a rooftop of a building.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAk7fNBq4cvg
“ I don’t either but I guess this is what he wants us to do.”, Leo said as they walked over to the edge.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAm8wkmZqQGr
“ I feel like this is so juvenile and obnoxious that no one is going to take us seriously!”, Sheldon complained as he went into his messenger bag and pulled out the items that they were going to be experimenting with.
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“ Sheldon do you really want to be standing around up here wasting time complaining about what our boss is making us do? Because I don’t. And quite frankly, I don’t think it’s that bad.”, Leo said as she stared at her boyfriend.
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“ That’s easy for you to say Leo! You’re not the one who’s spent your entire life trying to improve upon String Theory! My knowledge and intellect is much too advanced for this!”, Sheldon complained.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAT4LfaZ2zUA
“ News flash Sheldon, I have been working on String Theory like you and I think this experiment will only enhance it!”, Leo shot back but just as she laid her arm over the side of the building she jerked it back immediately screaming in pain.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAMlWP5kf7P9
“ Ow! Son of a firecracker, that hurts!”, Leo screamed through clenched teeth as she craddled her arm.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAwwaAY5DWHW
“ What’s wrong Leo?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his girlfriend.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAdhIDqJINhr
“ Something just burnt my arm! Oh god it’s starting to blister!”, Leo screamed in pain as she looked at her arm.
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“ Well here let me look at it!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he took his girlfriend’s arm and inspected it. He immediately recognized that injury to be a radiation burn.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA47ByB0aEou
“ Well good Lord! How did you manage to get a radiation burn Leo?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
20Please respect copyright.PENANANduPJIRJlU
“ I don’t know Sheldon! I just put my arm down like this and ow!”, Leo screamed as she demonstrated what she did still receiving the same result.
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“ Hold on one second!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he peered over the side of the building and saw the culprit of Leo’s said burn. It was an array of cellular antennas.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAhf1GWd1YPE
“ Good Heavens, here’s your problem!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he motioned for her to come over.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAsfHKeJovJ3
“ What is it?!”, Leo exclaimed as she walked over to him. As she peered over the side Sheldon exclaimed, “ You just laid your arm on a cellular antenna!”
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtWOxvlSqYm
“ Oh god, I’m dead! I might as well just lay here and let someone cover me with a white sheet!”, Leo screamed as she proceeded to do so.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAL9B3GZ03L3
“ Well good Lord we need to get off this rooftop immediately!”, Sheldon shrieked as he picked up the experimental items, shoved them back into his messenger bag and quickly walked past his girlfriend to the stairwell door only to stop dead in his tracks when he realized what she was doing. Leo was laying on the rooftop with her arms crossed up over her chest and she had her eyes closed. She looked like a dead person laying in a casket.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAc6dgmnPQt7
“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! What in the name of Einstein are you doing Dr. Fordyce?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at her.
20Please respect copyright.PENANA7oUiBuRjSz
“ What does it look like I’m doing Dr. Cooper?! I’m laying here waiting for death!”, Leo interjected with her eyes still closed.
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“ This is not a safe place to be doing that! Now let’s go!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he grabbed Leo’s hand and pulled her to her feet before dragging her down the stairwell. They went to a different location and conducted the experiment there.
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Apartment 4A...
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“ What the hell happened to Leo’s arm Sheldon?! Why is it covered with a bandage?!”, Leonard asked as he looked up from his laptop to see his roommate/best friend and his other friend walking in.
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“ We were conducting an experiment for work on a rooftop and Leo accidentally laid her arm on a cellular antenna Leonard.”, Sheldon said as he took his messenger bag off his shoulder and took off his windbreaker jacket.
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“ Yeah and it gave me a radiation burn which by the way still hurts.”, Leo said as she winced in pain.
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“ Leo that’s complete stupidity! Why would you do that?!”, Leonard asked his friend.
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“ We didn’t know the antennas were there Leonard! We didn’t see any signs when walked up there!”, Leo shot back.
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“ Well then that’s illegal because there’s supposed to be signs wherever there’s active antennas!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Well if there was any we didn’t see them!”, Leo exclaimed. Then she asked, “ Can I just throw myself out your window, please?”
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“ Absolutely not Dr. Fordyce, that’s extremely dangerous! Your mother and father will have my head if I let you do that and I for one would not want to go to prison because of it! I got arrested once for jaywalking in Texas and got thrown in jail this other time for refusing to apologize to a court judge I insulted therefore I do not wish to add more to my criminal record for assisted suicide!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ You got arrested for jaywalking Dr. Cooper?!”, Leo shockingly exclaimed as she stared at her boyfriend.
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“ Yes, though I’m not proud of it.”, Sheldon said as he proceeded to tell her that it was the heart of cookie season and that a police officer witnessed the whole thing.
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“ Anyway, he did absolutely nothing so I opened my mouth and said, “ You just saw me jaywalk, why aren’t you doing your job?!”, Sheldon said.
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“ That is the weirdest story I’ve ever heard in my life! It’s actually kind of hot!”, Leo exclaimed as she smiled batting her eyes at Sheldon.
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“ What?! That story actually excites you?!”, Leonard shockingly asked as he stared at her.
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“ Yeah because it’s so hard for me to believe that he would do something like that! It’s cute!”, Leo exclaimed as she continued to smile.
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“ You’re amazing.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed her.
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“ Oh Sheldon!”, Leo laughed as she kissed him back. As the two theoretical physicists stood there kissing each other Leonard called out, “ Ook, have fun with whatever the hell this is you two are doing! I’m going to see Dakota!” before shutting his laptop, grabbing his car keys as well as his apartment key out of the bowl and left. Sheldon and Leo completely ignored what he said and just flopped down on the couch still kissing each other. Leo reached over the coffee table and picked up the romote for the stereo hitting the power on button as her lips continued to dance all over Sheldon’s. The song that came on was Toxic by Britney Spears.
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“ Leo I…”, Sheldon said but was interrupted by his girlfriend putting her finger to his lips.
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“ Shh! Don’t say anything. Let’s just make love.”, Leo whispered with a smile as they continued to make out. Sheldon felt like his body was on fire as his body entwined with Leo’s. His girlfriend’s warm embrace was turning him on and he loved the feeling of her soft golden blonde hair brushing against his face.
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“ I love you.”, Sheldon whispered with a smile.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo whispered as she returned a smile back.
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Months later the big day arrived, Gia and Simon’s wedding. Gia looked so beautiful in her wedding dress as she was being walked down the isle by her father. There standing at the alter smiling from ear to ear was Simon wearing a handsome black and white tuxedo just beaming with happiness as he stared at the woman that he was about to marry.
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“ Who gives this woman away to this man?”, the pastor asked once Gia and her father got to the alter.
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“ I do.”, Mr. Sutter said with a smile as he handed his daughter away to Simon before sitting down. As Simon and Gia held each other’s hands gazing into each other’s eyes they said their vows to each other. After the pastor asked them if they took each other in holy matrimony they both said, “ I do.”
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“ Then by the power vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”, the pastor said as Gia and Simon kissed each other. Then he said, “ May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Simon Waverly!” The whole family and their friends gave them a round of applause. At the reception before cocktail hour Gia threw her bouquet into the air and Leo caught it.
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“ I got it!”, Leo exclaimed as she held it up in the air.
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“ Yay Leo!”, Kennedy and Amanda shrieked as they threw their arms around their sister. As Sheldon saw this he began to think about when the right time would be to ask Leo to marry him. He loved her so much that he couldn’t imagine spending one second of his life without her. He decided that he was going to wait until after Gia’s reception to go to Texas to ask his mother about his grandmother’s ring.
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Cooper home…
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“ Shelly! What a nice surprise to see you here! Come in!”, Mrs. Cooper exclaimed as she opened the door to see her son standing there.
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“ Hi mom. I came here to ask you something.”, Sheldon said as he walked in.
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“ Oh, Lord in Heaven what’s this about? Is this about Leo?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ Yes. Do you stil have Meemaw’s ring?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes I do. Heavenly Father why do you ask?!”, Mrs. Cooper asked as she stared at her son. She gave him the ring still staring into his blue eyes wondering where he was going with this.
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“ Because I want to ask Leo to marry me.”, Sheldon said. Mrs. Cooper’s eyes just went wide as the biggest smile in history spread across her face.
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“ Oh Shelly, I’m so happy for you! I’m praying to the Lord that Leo says yes!”, Mrs. Cooper exclaimed hugging him as happy tears began to fall from her face.
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“ I still have to ask her father for permission first.”, Sheldon said as his mother let go of him.
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“ Well Lord in Heaven I hope you get it baby! Leo is a wonderful woman!”, Mrs. Cooper said still smiling as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Sheldon thanked his mother before heading back to Georgia.
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Fordyce home…
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Knock knock knock! “ Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce!”
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“ Sheldon?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked as she answered the door.
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“ Yes, hello.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Hi, come on in.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she opened the door allowing Sheldon to come in.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he walked in.
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“ What are you doing here?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked.
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“ I came to talk to your husband, where is he?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Oh he’s just outside in the backyard by the shed. You can go on out there.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he walked through the house and out the doorwall leading to the backyard. True to Mrs. Fordyce’s claim, Mr. Fordyce was out by the shed putting things away.
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“ Mr. Fordyce?”, Sheldon asked as he approached the shed.
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“ Oh hi Sheldon, what brings you here?”, Mr. Fordyce asked as he put the lawn mower away.
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“ I came here to ask you a question.”, Sheldon said. Mr. Fordyce knew exactly what Sheldon was about to ask.
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“ Say no more Sheldon, I know exactly what you’re about to ask me and I appreciate it.”, Mr. Fordyce said with a smile on his face.
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“ I don’t understand, I haven’t asked yet.”, Sheldon said with a look of confusion.
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“ Sheldon, I know you’re about to ask me if you can marry my daughter and the answer is yes.”, Mr. Fordyce said with a smile as he clasped a hand on Sheldon’s shoulder.
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“ Oh, well, thank you Mr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh please, call me Dad.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he locked up the shed and patted Sheldon’s shoulder before heading toward the house.
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“ Really?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at him.
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“ Of course, you’re my future son-in law! You’re already family! Besides, I can’t picture a more perfect guy to be with my little girl than you!”, Mr. Fordyce said as he disappeared into the house. Sheldon reentered the house after Mr. Fordyce walked upstairs.
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“ What did you two talk about?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked.
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“ You’ll find out in just a few short hours. Goodbye.”, Sheldon said as he left the house.
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“ Bye Sheldon!”, Mrs. Fordyce called out. As Sheldon headed to the airport he sent a text to Leo.
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Dr. S. C.: What are you doing at this moment Leo?
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Sheldon waited a few minutes and as he arrived at the airport he received a message back.
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Dr. L. F.: Working on my laptop at my apartment. Why?
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Dr. S. C.: Meet me up on the rooftop of our apartment building at sunset.
20Please respect copyright.PENANAtlel87OFHm
Dr. L. F.: Oh ok, can I ask what this is about?
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Dr. S. C.: You’ll find out. Just meet me there. :)
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Dr. L. F.: Ok. I love you. :)
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Dr. S. C.: I love you too. :)
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4 hours later as the sun began to set over the city of Pasadena, Leo came out of her apartment to discover a trail of rose pedals at her feet that seemed to be leading toward the stairs. She followed them up past the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. When she got to the 6th floor however she noticed that the trail of pedals still continued but on the stairs leading up to the roof she noticed a line of lighted candles on both sides with the pedals going up the center. Leo followed them up to the roof and when she got there, she saw Sheldon standing there with the pedals ending at his feet and curving outward into a heart shape. There was a few candles set up around him as well as he stood in the middle of the heart he made with the rose pedals with a smile on his face. Leo was in complete shock.
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“ Hello Leo.”, Sheldon said as he continued smiling at her.
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“ Sheldon, what is all this?!”, Leo exclaimed as she approached him. She made sure to carefully step over the pedals as she stepped inside the heart. Sheldon gently took her hands in his and said, “ Leo, though I have difficulty expressing my feelings, especially for a woman, I can not deny that I have true feelings for you. Everyday I look at you and see your face brings me great joy and happiness. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I had never met you.”
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“ Oh Sheldon, that’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well hold on, I’m not done.”, Sheldon said as he stared into her eyes.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as she stared into his eyes.
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“ Out of everything else that makes up my life, you seem to be the one part that tops it off. Nothing could make happier than to spend the rest of my life with you. Which is why I want to make it official.”, Sheldon said as he got down on one knee and pulled out his grandmother’s ring. Leo was on the verge of crying tears of happiness as she gasped in surprise.
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“ Oh my god!”, Leo exclaimed as she felt the happy tears start streaming down her face.
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“ Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce, will you marry me?”, Sheldon asked as he continued smiling her. Leo thought for a minute before she exclaimed, “ Yes!” Sheldon slipped the ring on her finger before the two of them shared a kiss. Leo was so happy that she couldn’t wait to tell her parents.
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“ Mom, Dad, you there?!”, Leo happily exclaimed as she held her phone to her ear.
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“ Yes we’re here honey, what is it?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked as her husband stood over her shoulder.
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“ I just got engaged! Sheldon asked me to marry him!”, Leo happily screamed as tears continued to fall from her face. She handed the phone to Sheldon.
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“ Oh sweetheart that’s wonderful! Congratulations!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she began to cry happy tears.
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“ Thank you mom!”, Leo screamed into the phone.
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“ Wow! You asked her that quickly Sheldon?!”, Mr. Fordyce exclaimed as he took the phone from his wife.
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“ Yes, I thought this moment was the most appropriate.”, Sheldon said.
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“ You knew about this Robert?!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she stared at her husband.
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“ Yes Miranda, I knew it from the moment that Sheldon walked up to me.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Kennedy, Amanda, Stephen, Garrett, Junior, Donny, get in here!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she called out for her other children and son-in law.
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“ What?! What is mom?!”, Kennedy asked.
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“ Robert hand them the phone! It’s your sister!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed to both her husband and her children.
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“ Hi!”, Leo happily cried.
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“ Hey sis, what’s up?!”, Kennedy asked.
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“ I got some great news!”, Leo happily cried.
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“ Well what is it?!”, Stephen asked.
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“ Sheldon and I are engaged! We’re getting married!”, Leo happily cried.
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“ WHAT?!”, Kennedy, Amanda, Stephen, Garrett, Junior and Donny exclaimed.
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“ Shut the fridge!”, Garrett exclaimed.
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“ Are you freaking serious?!”, Amanda exclaimed.
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“ Yes Amanda! Sheldon just proposed to me and I said yes!”, Leo happily screamed.
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“ That’s great sis! Congratulations!”, Junior exclaimed.
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“ Did you just hear Gidget?! I think she was congratulating you too!”, Donny exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I did Donny! Hi Gidget!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Hey sis, stay right there! We’re coming out there to celebrate!”, Stephen exclaimed.
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“ Ok Stephen! See you when you guys get out here! Bye!”, Leo exclaimed as she hung up. As night fell and after Leo and Sheldon told the others they all gathered in apartment 4A to celebrate.
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“ To Sheldon and Leo!”, Leonard exclaimed as he raised his glass. The others did the same as they touched glasses and cheered.
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“ I love you Sheldon!”, Leo exclaimed as she looked into her fiance’s eyes.
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“ I love you too Leo!”, Sheldon said as he held her in his arms. The two of them then shared a kiss as sounds of chaos echoed around them.
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To be continued…
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