Chapter 44
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“ Are you serious?!”, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista exclaimed as they stared at Cayela and Florence across the lunch table at school the next day. Cayela and Florence told them about what had happened the day before.
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“ Ok that’s the craziest story I’ve ever heard in my life!”, Charlotte said.
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“ Yeah no joke Charlotte. My dad was really mad at him, like through the roof mad. I had never heard my dad yell that loud before. It was insane.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yeah I agree that is insane. Your Uncle Leonard’s really lucky Cayela that he didn’t blow up the whole apartment with that explosion. What was he trying to do anyway?!”, Arista laughed.
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“ He was trying to kill some spiders in the wall because my Aunt Amanda freaked out over it after she got her hand stuck in the wall by accident when she was taking a shower. She was banging around in there listening to Trap of Love by The Hex Girls and punched her hand through the wall.”, Cayela said as she let out a slight laugh.
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“ Your Aunt Amanda seems to be very obsessed with The Hex Girls which is very weird because they’re a fictional female wiccan band from Scooby Doo.”, Summer laughed.
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“ Yeah I know my aunt’s weird Summer but I love her regardless just like I love the rest of my family despite the weird things they do all the time.”, Cayela laughed.
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“ What kind of weird stuff are you talking about?”, Robbie asked as she brushed her hair out of her face with her finger.
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“ Um let’s see, oh there was this one time when we were all down at my grandparents house in Georgia and we were having a bon fire out in the backyard. It was starting to get dark and so we were all just sitting around talking and joking around with each other when all of sudden my Uncle Stephen jumped out of the shed with a bear mask on his head swinging around a fake hatchet and roaring his head off scaring the whole freaking family into thinking that there was a psycho bear on the loose. Then there was the time that my Aunt Kennedy was getting home from work and my Uncle Junior thought it was so funny to dump a full garbage can of water all over her as she was walking into the garage to go into the house which she was really not happy about so she started beating him with her purse calling him an immature pighead. Um let’s see, what else? Oh there was also the time where my mom and my Uncle Junior got drunk to the point that they were just running around outside in the backyard at sunset, through a sprinkler listening to and singing She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby and my dad was just screaming at them asking them if they had lost their minds.”, Cayela laughed as she was stabbing her fork into her food.
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“ Yo that is weird! Seriously?! A bear mask, a garbage can of water and your mom and your uncle acting all drunk crazy singing She Blinded Me With Science?! That is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard!”, Julia laughed.
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“ I know that Julia and there’s some other things I’ve seen too that I would love to talk about too but that’s for another time and what can I say, that’s my family for you! My life is filled with craziness and science! Most people would think they wouldn’t want that kind of life but I don’t really care what so ever! They’re my family and I love them!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Well like I said you are so lucky because I never had that up until now.”, Arista said.
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“ Yeah speaking of that how’s your new life going for you Arista since your mom married Mr. Morales or as I should say the new Mr. Stormbender?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Oh it’s totally awesome Cayela! He treats me so much better than my biological father ever did and I’ve been getting along very well with my new siblings too!”, Arista said with a smile.
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“ Even Dexter too?!”, Florence asked with a shocked look on her face.
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“ Oh yeah Dexter’s totally cool now! The only reason why he was acting like a jerk in the first place is because he was just very upset about losing his best friend so suddenly.”, Arista said.
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“ Really? What happened to his friend?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Uh his friend left for a deployment to Afghanistan and got killed in war. This was all way before we even met each other shortly after Mr. Morales split up with his wife. Which by the way ended up happening because she cheated on him.”, Arista said.
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“ Arista that’s horrible! Why she do that to him?!”, Robbie gasped.
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“ No one knows why and my mom and I didn’t want to even ask because we felt that it wasn’t our place to.”, Arista said.
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“ Well that’s great that things are going really well for you.”, Summer said.
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“ Thanks Summer.”, Arista said.
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“ Hey Charlotte how come you didn’t answer when I called you last night?”, Florence asked.
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“ Oh that’s because I was hanging out with Skeeter. We were at a skateboard park and he was showing me all these cool tricks with his skateboard. I swear to god that guy can shred it up like no one’s business.”, Charlotte said said with a smile as she tossed her hair back.
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“ Yo really? You actually had fun there with him?”, Julia asked.
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“ Oh yeah I had a blast. Skeeter’s a really great guy. I’m so surprised that no other girl ever wanted to go out with him before.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Well you can thank my boyfriend Kirby for that because he’s the one that got you two together in the first place.”, Cayela said.
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“ I know that. You and I are both lucky that we ended up with such great guys.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Gal friends knuckle touch!”, Summer exclaimed as she put her fist over the center of the table. The other girls laughed as they touched knuckles with each other. As the conversations continued Cayela suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket meaning that she had just received a message. She quickly took it out and looked at it under the table where her facial expression changed almost immediately from a happy one to a sad one. The other girls immediately noticed this and stopped talking.
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“ Cayela?”, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista asked in concern as they at their autistic friend who was staring under the table not saying anything. In an instant Cayela’s head lifted up with sudden tears coming down her face as she suddenly got up from the table after putting her phone away and she ran out of the cafeteria.
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“ Oh god something happened, she’s crying.”, Florence said with a look of concern on her face as she stood up too with the other girls following her. They all ran out into the hallway following their friend into one of the girls bathrooms to hear her just sobbing inside of one of the stalls.
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“ Cayela are you ok?”, Florence asked in concern as she opened the stall door and saw her best friend sitting on the floor with her head down on her knees crying.
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“ Go away Florence! I don’t want to talk right now! I’m really upset!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Why?! Did Kirby break up with you or something?!”, Florence asked in concern.
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“ No he didn’t this has nothing to do with him! It’s something else!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Well what is it?! What happened that’s got you all upset?!”, Robbie asked in concern.
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“ Alicia just sent me a Facebook message that was just really hurtful!”, Cayela cried. Her friends all gasped at what she just said.
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“ Are you talking about my former friend Alicia Cartman?! I thought she was in juvie!”, Charlotte exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ She was but apparently she’s been out on parole for a few months now and she’s been going to a new school! She just sent me this on Facebook and I can’t even say what she said in here, you guys are just going to have to look at it!”, Cayela cried as she pulled out her phone and handed it to Florence. Florence looked at the message before showing it to their other friends and they all gasped in horror when they read it.
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Alicia’s FB message said: Hey Fordyce-Cooper remember me?! The girl you tattled on and got expelled from school for hacking Charlotte’s Facebook account?! Listen here and listen good, you tell anyone about this message I sent you and I’ll give you what for in front of your whole freakazoid family including that boy toy of yours! Yeah that’s right I know about him too and if you don’t keep your mouth shut Kirby’s going find himself having his face flattened like a pancake too! Don’t be a snitch, you’ve been warned! 😡
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Cayela just continued to cry as her friends embraced her to try to calm her down which helped some but Cayela was still scared about what Alicia would do to her and Kirby if she ever found out that she told her friends what she said. Though she was scared Florence convinced her that it was the right thing to do to tell her family about what Alicia had said because it was wrong for her to be allowed to get away with what she said so later that night after school Cayela told her parents and godparents about the message she got from Alicia and they were really shocked and angry. Sheldon then immediately contacted the Cartmans and told them about what their daughter Alicia had said to Cayela through Facebook and they were also very mad. The moment Alicia found out about this is what then set off a rage spark.
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“ That’s it you little snitch I’m gonna kill you! Come here!”, Alicia screamed in rage at Cayela as she suddenly barged in through the door of 4A uninvited a few minutes later that same night. Everyone that was there stopped dead in their tracks almost jumping out of their skin as they stared at her.
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“ Woah woah woah what’s going on here?!”, Leo interjected as she held her hands up in front of her.
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“ Yes I would very much like to know too! Alicia what are you doing here?! You were not invited to come over here!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Oh shut up Dr. Cooper this is between me and your little snitch of a daughter! Now come here Fordyce-Cooper I’m gonna murder you for snitching on me like that after I told you to keep your trap shut!”, Alicia screamed in rage as she ran towards Cayela who was just standing there at the edge of the hallway next to Florence with a look of terror on her face.
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“ Oh god no! Get away from me Alicia!”, Cayela screamed in terror as she ran to her room with Alicia coming after her screaming her head off in anger causing Florence to run after both of them screaming, “ Hey what do you think you’re doing?! Get away from my best friend!” Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Dakota and even Penny who came running over from across the hallway ran in there also only to gasp in horror when they saw Alicia smacking Cayela around and pulling on her hair with Florence trying to break it up only to get smacked in the face by Alicia who continued to kick and punch Cayela while screaming at her in a fit of rage with Cayela screaming in terror as she was trying to shove Alicia away.
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“ Woah woah woah woah what’s going on here?! That’s enough! Alicia stop it!”, Danny shouted at the top of his voice when he suddenly showed up in his police uniform and he stepped in front of his friends ripping the two young teen girls apart from each other.
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“ Let me at her, I told you that you were dead for this Fordyce-Cooper and your boyfriend’s dead too if I ever see him!”, Alicia screamed in rage as she keep trying to get at Cayela but was held back by Florence while Danny held back Cayela.
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“ What the hell is going on here?! What is wrong with you Alicia Cartman?!”, Penny screamed at Alicia.
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“ Shut up bi**h this is between me and Cayela!”, Alicia screamed in rage.
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“ No this is between nobody! You need to stop what you’re doing right now Alicia! This is ridiculous!”, Danny shouted as he gently handed Cayela off to Sheldon and got real close to Alicia’s face.
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“ Shut up this doesn’t concern you!”, Alicia screamed in rage.
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“ Oh it does too concern me because you just barged into my friends’ apartment uninvited and attacked my niece in a fit of rage! You don’t touch her like that, ever!”, Danny shouted.
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“ I don’t care! She snitched on me and got me in trouble again!”, Alicia screamed in rage.
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“ And she every right to because that is unacceptable behavior! Bullying isn’t nice and can lead to serious problems if it continues! You need to calm down now and leave my niece alone!”, Danny shouted.
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“ I ain’t doing nothing you say! I’m free ranging and making up my own rules starting with beating Fordyce-Cooper to a pulp for being a dirty little snitch!”, Alicia screamed in rage as she tried to break free from Florence’s grip to get at Cayela again.
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“ You’re not touching my best friend Alicia! Back off!”, Florence shouted as she kept a tight grip on her.
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“ Shut it Crenshamezki or I’m gonna...!”, Alicia screamed in rage at Florence but just as she was about to swing her fist up to hit Florence in the face again Danny suddenly grabbed her wrist and shouted, “ You touch Florence too and I’m gonna have to use excessive force on you! I’ll take you down on this bedroom floor with a taser and handcuff your wrists behind your back in two seconds flat if you don’t stop lashing out at all of us! Calm down, now!”
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“ You ain’t the boss of me! Back off jerk!”, Alicia screamed in rage as she tried to get swingy on him too.
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“ Ok that’s it I’m taking you down now!”, Danny shouted as he shot his taser at her and Florence let go of Alicia who just fell to the floor with a scream onto her face unable to move anything.
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“ Get off of me you butthead! This is nuts!”, Alicia screamed in rage as Danny was kneeling down on her back.
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“ Shut up and put your hands behind your back, you’re under arrest for breaking and entering into my friends’ apartment and for attacking my niece Cayela!”, Danny angrily said as he pinned Alicia’s arms behind her back, took out his handcuffs and slapped them onto her wrists before he pulled her up on her feet and walked her out. He placed her in the back of his squad car before he walked back into the apartment to check on Cayela. She was now sitting on her bed in between Leo and Sheldon just crying her eyes out as they held her. Leonard, Dakota and Penny were just kneeling on the floor around the bed while Florence was just sitting on the floor holding Oreo in her lap.
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“ Is she ok?”, Danny asked in concern as he knelt down too.
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“ Yes she’s fine Danny, she’s just scared.”, Leo said in concern.
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“ I hate Alicia Matilda Cartman! She’s the worst! She almost ripped my hair out!”, Cayela cried.
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“ We know sweetheart but you’re alright.”, Sheldon said in a soothing voice as he gently rubbed her back.
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“ Someone should really give that girl a well deserved butt paddling for that because that was just ridiculous.”, Leonard said in concern.
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“ Yeah I completely agree with that you asthmatic dumb a**!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Penny enough with the swearing please. Not in front of Cayela and her best friend Florence.”, Sheldon said with a frown as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Sheldon shut up.”, Penny hissed.
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“ Both of you shut up, this is not the time to be arguing with each other especially in front of an autistic teenage girl.”, Dakota hissed at her two friends.
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“ My body feels like it’s been hit by a truck and my diaper’s wet!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Well then I guess that’s my que to leave and take Alicia back to juvie so that you guys can put Cayela and Florence to bed for the night.”, Danny said as he stood up.
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“ Yeah I think that’s probably a good idea, it’s almost 9.”, Leo said as she looked at Cayela’s cable box that was sitting on the edge of the dresser in front of the tv. The time displayed on it said 8:56 p.m.
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“ Yes I certainly agree too. Thank you Danny for handling that nonsense.”, Sheldon said.
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“ No problem. Just call me if you guys ever have any more problems. Good night.”, Danny said as he kissed Cayela’s head before he left.
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“ Good night Danny.”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Dakota and Penny called back before they heard the front door shut out in the living room.
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“ I’m leaving too, good night you guys.”, Penny said as she did the same thing.
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“ Good night Penny.”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota said.
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“ Well I’m going into the bathroom to change into my pajammas. I’ll be back in a second.”, Florence said as she released her grip on Oreo and stood up to walk out of the room after she grabbed her sleepwear from her suitcase. Leonard walked out for a brief moment too.
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“ Ok Cayela let’s get you changed and dressed for bed.”, Leo said as she grabbed what was needed out of the closet and carried everything over to Cayela’s bed. Cayela still continued to cry as Sheldon and Dakota then helped her lie down. Once Leo was done and she cleaned up the mess Cayela sat up on her bed with tears still coming down her face.
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“ Shhhh, you’re alright. Calm down.”, Sheldon softly said as he embraced Cayela gently rubbing her back.
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“ Just think happy thoughts kid.”, Dakota softly said as she gently stroked her goddaughter’s shoulder with her fingers.
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“ Yes sweetheart just be happy happy happy. Alicia’s going back to juvie and she’s not going to hurt you anymore.”, Leo softly said kneeling down in front the bed.
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“ Here, you want this Cayela?”, Leonard softly said as he walked back into the room and kneeled down too holding out Cayela’s water bottle filled with warm peanut butter milk to her.
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“ Yes thank you Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela wimpered as she took the water bottle from him and started to drink from it. Her crying started to subside as she sat there with her legs crossed like a pretzel in just her t-shirt and diaper holding onto the bottle with one hand drinking the milk out of it. Her lips started to curl up into a soft smile too as Leonard was gently wiping her tears away with his thumb.
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“ There it is, there’s our beautiful happy teenage girl who we love so much.”, Sheldon said with a soft smile as Leo, Leonard and Dakota started to smile too.
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“ You feel better bestie?”, Florence asked when she came back into the room all dressed for bed.
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“ Yeah I’m not upset anymore.”, Cayela said after she finished drinking her peanut butter milk.
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“ That’s good.”, Florence said.
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“ Ok well it’s bed time girls. It’s after 9 o’clock and you have school again tomorrow.”, Leo said. Florence climbed into Cayela’s bed right next to Cayela and laid down next to her after Sheldon took the empty water bottle from Cayela. The four adults then tucked the girls in and said good night to them before walking out shutting the light off and the door behind them. Oreo jumped up onto the bed and curled up in her cat bed purring as she fell asleep. The next day the girls were dropped off at school again which was very eventless and normal. It was like they had just completely forgot about what had happened yesterday with Alicia and they just wanted to put it behind them. Shortly after they got home later that day, had dinner and did their homework the two girls were sitting in Cayela’s room watching tv while Leo was cleaning up in the kitchen with Dakota helping her and Sheldon and Leonard were just sitting at their desks working on their laptops.
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“ Hey Florence go back to the Spike channel. I just saw something on that current show that is on that’s hilarious.”, Cayela said with a smirk on her face as she looked at her best friend who had the remote control in her hand flipping through the channels.
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“ Oh ok. Sure Cayela.”, Florence said as she flipped the channel back to Spike and the show that was currently on was Jail. As they were watching a scenario revolving around a domestic disturbance between a boyfriend, girlfriend and the police they couldn’t help but laugh at what was being said between these people.
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“ Ok I don’t know what the heck these people are saying but this is so funny!”, Florence laughed.
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“ I know, right?! I don’t get it either but I completely agree with you!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Is that laughter coming from Cayela’s room?”, Dakota asked as she was shutting the dishwasher door.
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“ Yeah I think it is. Sheldon could you please go in there see what Cayela and Florence are doing for a second?”, Leo asked her husband.
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“ Yes I shall go do that right now.”, Sheldon said as he stood up from his desk and started walking towards their daughter’s room to see what it is that her and her best friend were doing.
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“ Do you want me to go in there with him too?”, Leonard asked as he looked up from his desk.
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“ No that’s ok Leonard, you can just continue working. Sheldon can handle it himself at the moment.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok Leo.”, Leonard said as he went back to working on his laptop.
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela and Florence?!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela and Florence?!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Cayela and Florence?!”
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“ What up Dad?! Come in!”, Cayela laughed as she sat on her bedroom floor next to Florence still watching that Jail show and laughing their heads off together.
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“ What in the name of Einstein are you girls doing in here and what are you watching?!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter and her best friend when he entered the bedroom and saw what it was they were laughing at.
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“ Just a show called Jail on the Spike channel Dr. Cooper!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah these people are saying a bunch of things that don’t even make sense which is freaking hilarious!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ No uh uh you’re not watching this, this is very inappropriate for 14 year old girls such as yourselves to be watching right now! Switch this to something else!”, Sheldon scolded as he shook his head.
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“ Oh come on Dad! This is hilarious!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ I don’t care if this is funny to you and your best friend you are not watching this Cayela Rachelle! Now switch this to a different channel this instant! This is not something that I wish to be arguing about with my daughter right now!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Ok fine, give me the remote Florence.”, Cayela said with a defeated sigh as she took the remote from her best friend and switched it to Spongebob Squarepants on Nickelodeon.
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“ There, is this better?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes that’s much better, thank you. Now if I catch you two watching that Jail show on Spike again I’m gonna paddle your butts and you’re not going to like it. Do I make myself clear?”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela and Florence said.
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“ Good. Ok I’m gonna leave you two alone now. Do not switch that back to Jail please or you are going to be in big trouble.”, Sheldon said before he walked out of the room and shut the door.
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“ Were the girls watching something that they weren’t supposed to Sheldon?”, Leo asked her husband when he came back out to sit back down at his desk.
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“ Yes but I handled it Leo. I told them to watch something else so now they’re watching Spongebob.”, Sheldon said to his wife as he went back to work.
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“ Oh good, but what were they watching before you told them that?”, Leo asked.
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“ They were watching some show called Jail on the Spike channel.”, Sheldon said as he shook his head.
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“ Ok yeah I’m glad you told them that because I don’t want them watching it either.”, Leo said.
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“ Exactly because it’s very inappropriate.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah I can relate to that because one time when my brother Johnathan and I were around Cayela’s age we were watching that show once and our parents were so mad at us that instead of grounding us they actually made us participate in a real life jail tour hoping that it would scare us straight into not watching that show anymore.”, Dakota said as she leaned against the kitchen counter. Her friends just gasped as they stared at her in shock.
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“ Are you serious Dakota?!”, Leonard asked in shock as he stared at his wife.
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“ You and your brother Johnathan actually went through a scared straight program when you were younger?!”, Sheldon asked in complete shock.
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“ Yes we did Sheldon and it was seriously the worst experience of our entire lives. After we went through it we both told our parents that we would never watch that Jail show again. By the end of it I was crying and Johnathan just ran out of there screaming like a scared weenie, never looking back.”, Dakota said.
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“ Never told me this.”, Leo said as she stared at her friend.
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“ That’s because it happened shortly after we moved to Fort Knox and you and I had lost touch with each other Leo.”, Dakota said.
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“ Do you have pictures of what happened when you and your brother were there?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I have some Leonard, I got to go dig them out though. They’re mainly just a few pictures of us when we were first going into the program that our parents took of us. It was kind of embarrassing but I guess it was another form of them teaching us a lesson about watching things that we shouldn’t have been watching in the first place.”, Dakota said. She excused herself for a brief moment to hers and Leonard’s bedroom before she came back a few seconds later with a few old snapshots in her hand. Leo, Sheldon and Leonard just gasped in shock when Dakota showed them the pictures. One of the pictures showed a 14 year old Dakota and her brother Johnathan who was 15 at the time standing in line against a brick wall with several other kids and their wrists were crossed up in front of their necks with their heads turned to the side dawning emotionless looks as guards were shouting at them in their faces telling them what to do. The second one showed a few guards placing them in handcuffs behind their backs and Dakota was just giving off somewhat of a scared look through gritted teeth while Johnathan was just screaming and kicking up his legs like a two year old. In another one Dakota had a slight sly smirk on her face as she kicked her leg out at her brother and he was giving her a dirty look that said ‘ what did you just do to me?!’
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“ Oh good Lord, is that you Dakota?!”, Sheldon asked with a smirk on his face.
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“ Yes Sheldon that’s me and my brother.”, Dakota said with a smile as she pointed to herself and her brother Johnathan in the pictures.
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“ Oh my god I love this! This is funny! I can’t believe my own wife was such a little rebel back then!”, Leonard said as he busted out laughing.
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“ I know but I was 14 years old just like Cayela is right now and I was just trying to fit in with the vibe at the moment while my 15 year old brother was acting like a little baby!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Ok I admit this is really funny to see! I seriously can not believe my friend from elementary school actually did that! That’s insane Dakota!”, Leo laughed.
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“ I know that Leo which is why I will never go through that again because that was just pure torture!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Well hey since you just revealed something that happened to you when you were a kid during the time that we had lost touch with each other I also have a confession to make of something to share with you too of when I was also 14. And this may shock you.”, Leo said.
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“ Well tell us Leo.”, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota said.
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“ Ok well it’s actually more like a flashback so to speak, just go along with it. So it was during the summer in Georgia one year when I was 14 and this unexpected incident happened to me shortly after I had just drank a few Monster energy drinks behind my parents backs which I know was a really dumb thing to do considering the fact that I have a blood pressure deficiency but it was mainly because my brother Stephen had gotten them for me at a convenience store near our house. So just reminisce the flashback with me for a moment.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok.”, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota said as they began to run their minds with Leo.
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“ There ain’t no magic bullet, there’s no cure for the weak! There’s no sympathetic shoulder here to put you to sleep! You’re a long long way from where you thought you would be! Every murder has a motive but you ain’t killing me, and it all adds up! And it all adds up! And it all adds up! And it all adds up!”, 14 year old Leo Fordyce screeched at the top of her voice as she was riding on a hoverboard down a paved path through a local Savannah, Georgia park near her home after having a few Monsters just listening to It All Adds Up by Shinedown on her ipod. She was so hyped up with energy and so in tuned to what she was doing that she didn’t see a Private Property sign tacked up on a nearby tree with the local forest police logo on it.
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The sign said: Savannah Forest Police Territory
Private Property
* Trespassers may be subject to arrest
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Leo had continued on just rocking out to her music screeching at the top of her voice until an authoritative voice bellowed at her stopping her dead in her tracks.
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“ Excuse me young lady, stop right where you are right now!”, a forest policeman commanded when he suddenly approached her.
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“ Who? Me?”, Leo asked in confusion when she stopped her hoverboard and took her headphones off her head.
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“ Yes you! This is private forest police territory property! You’re not supposed to be here!”, the policeman interjected at her.
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“ O-oh I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t even know. I-I didn’t see a sign anywhere.”, Leo said with a look of embarrassment on her face as her hands were twitching slightly from the excess energy she had built up in her digestive system.
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“ How could you have missed it?! It’s a big bold sign right up on those trees back there!”, the policeman interjected as he pointed back in the direction that Leo had came from.
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“ W-well like I said I-I didn’t know! I-I guess I was just going too fast to see it!”, Leo stuttered as she started to smirk and her hands started to twitch more as well as her whole body which did not go unnoticed.
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“ What’s wrong with you?! Are you currently high on drugs or something?!”, the policeman demanded when he noticed Leo acting very strange.
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“ A-ah no no no no I-I’m 14 years old, I-I’ve never taken any illegal drugs in my life! I-I just had a few Monsters but no drugs!”, Leo stuttered as she let out a few gaspy laughs. She was still twitching to no end which made the policeman not believe her.
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“ No I don’t think so! I really think you’re on something because you won’t stop twitching! What’s your name young lady?!”, the policeman interjected as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ U-uh it’s Leo Fordyce and what are you talking about?! I-I’m not on any illegal drugs I-I swear!”, Leo stuttered while still letting out gaspy laughs and twitching.
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“ Yeah yeah yeah I don’t believe you Ms. Fordyce! I think it’s time for you to take a little trip with me to the forest police station so we can get this sorted out and I can call your parents!”, the policeman interjected as he shook his head.
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“ W-wa-wait, what?! A-are you arresting me?!”, Leo stuttered with a gaspy laugh.
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“ Yes I am arresting you because it’s obvious that you need to go through some sort of detox right now!”, the policeman interjected as he nodded his head.
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“ U-um no no no no I-I don’t think that’s necessary officer! I-I think I-I’ll just go back the way I came from!”, Leo stuttered with a gaspy laugh.
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“ No you’re not going anywhere except with me to the forest police station right now. Please step off of the hoverboard Ms. Fordyce and put your hands behind your back, you’re under arrest.”, the policeman said as he took out his handcuffs and started walking towards her.
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“ O-ok this is ridiculous! I-I really don’t think that placing me in handcuffs is really that necessary right now and wait a minute what’s that?!”, Leo stuttered as she stepped off her hoverboard and pointed her finger in a different direction as a form of distraction.
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“ What?! Where?!”, the policeman interjected as he turned his head away.
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“ Later sucker! Ha ha!”, Leo laughed as she then started running away.
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“ Hey where do you think you’re going?! Come back here Ms. Leo Fordyce!”, the policeman shouted as he started to chase her. His handcuffs were swinging around in his hand.
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“ Eat my dust you idiot!”, Leo laughed as she continued to run.
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“ You won’t be saying that when you’re sitting in a jail cell!”, the policeman shouted as he was chasing her.
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“ I will if y’all don’t end up catching me!”, Leo laughed as she was still running.
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“ Ok that’s enough lip out of you! Now come here so I can put these handcuffs on you! I told you that you’re under arrest for trespassing and getting high on something!”, the policeman shouted as he was still chasing her with his handcuffs still swinging around in his hand.
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“ Y’all ain’t doing that! Get away from me! I can keep running until I’m a grown woman for all I care and eventually share this experience with my husband and/or possibly or possibly not with my son or daughter someday! So as I said before you can just eat my dust!”, Leo laughed as she continued running with the forest policeman still chasing her. He eventually caught her when she was trying to climb up a tree.
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“ Let me go you dingbat!”, Leo laughed as the policeman slapped the handcuffs on her wrists.
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“ Stop talking Ms. Leo Fordyce and let’s just go!”, the policeman interjected as he started walking her back the way they came from while reading her rights.
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End of flashback
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“ Wow.”, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota said in complete shock as Leo started laughing.
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“ I know! It gets me every time I think about it! I told you it would shock you!”, Leo laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
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“ You know Leo I would honestly have to say that is slightly dumber than my jaywalking story I told you about.”, Sheldon said as he looked at his wife.
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“ Well what can I say Sheldon?! I was hyped up on Monster energy drinks and it just made me lose my common sense for a brief period! It’s not like I hurt anybody!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Oh my god it’s like a horror film! I’m trapped in an apartment with three maniacs!”, Leonard laughed.
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“ Oh shut it Leonard!”, Leo laughed as she shook her head.
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“ You actually jaywalked one time Sheldon?!”, Dakota exclaimed in shock as she stared at her friend.
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“ Yes but that’s a story for another time Dakota.”, Sheldon said with a smirk. Then he turned back to Leo and said, “ Anyway, the point is I can’t believe my wife actually did something that dumb as a teenager.”
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“ Yeah I know Sheldon and I’m not proud of it!”, Leo laughed.
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“ And really Leo?! You told the officer to eat your dust?!”, Sheldon asked as he let out a slight laugh.
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“ Yes Sheldon it just slipped out of my mouth for some reason and plus I thought it was funny to say anyway!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Well, I suppose you’re right. That does sound funny.”, Sheldon said with a laugh.
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“ This is just one of the wackiest stories we’ve ever heard! Let’s just hope that Cayela doesn’t end up doing something stupid like that!”, Leonard laughed as he brought mention of his goddaughter into the conversation.
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“ I know Leonard because if she does she’s gonna be in big trouble!”, Leo laughed.
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“ But wait a minute this doesn’t make any sense, if you had gotten arrested once before when you were younger then why did your father say that he didn’t want you getting a criminal record when you were on the phone with him after we had gotten Wheeler arrested for shutting off our cell service when we were dating?”, Sheldon asked in confusion as he stared at his wife.
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“ Because when my parents had picked me up from the forest police station after the whole incident occurred they were somehow able to get that off my record as if it had never happened in the first place. That’s why my father said that he didn’t want me having a criminal record meaning that he didn’t want to deal with another possible repeated stupid incident that could have ruined my life if I had kept that incident on my record plus the destruction of that Verizon tower.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh well that makes sense now.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Of course it does.”, Leo said.
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“ I’m gonna go there and be like ba da dat dat da scoobydy pa-pow!”
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“ Oh good Lord, what are those girls doing in there now?!”, Sheldon said after he heard an obnoxious phrase being said followed by the laughing and giggling voices of his daughter and her best friend coming from his daughter’s room.
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“ I have no idea, let’s go see.”, Leo said as she shook her head before she headed to Cayela’s room followed by her husband and her two friends. She opened the door and what the 4 adults saw was the girls were now watching Henry Danger and the episode was Flabber gassed. It was at the part where Captain Man and Kid Danger were about to fight a new villain named Barge who was stealing towels all over Swellview and they were showing off an obvious display of cockiness. Cayela had somehow rewound that part and the girls imitated it again before laughing their heads off, not realizing that the adults were standing there watching them from the doorway. Leonard then tapped his knuckles on the door which made their presence known. Cayela and Florence just looked behind them and their faces just blushed with embarrassment.
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“ Hey girls, whatcha doin’?”, Leonard asked with a smirk on his face as he stood next to his wife and his two friends in the doorway of his goddaughter’s bedroom.
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“ Oh hi Uncle Leonard, Auntie Dakota, Mom and Dad we’re just watching an episode of Henry Danger!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah we were just imitating something that Captain Man said which is hilarious!”, Florence laughed. The girls started imitating the whole cocky scene in front of the adults who were just laughing in amusement, thinking that it was very cute. But by the time the girls were done showing off Florence was snickering when she noticed a certain little stowaway sitting on top of her best friend Cayela’s head who was swishing the tip of her tail back and forth.
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“ Uh, Cayela?! Do you notice something that I see?!”, Florence snickered as she pointed her finger at the top of Cayela’s head.
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“ No, what?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she stared at her best friend.
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“ Meow!”
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“ Ah Oreo what are you doing up there on my head you silly cat?! Get down!”, Cayela laughed when she tilted her eyes up to see her pet sitting on her head. She lifted Oreo off her head and gently set her on the floor. Oreo meowed again and started rubbing her body against Cayela’s legs purring with contentment.
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“ You always need attention do you?!”, Cayela laughed as she got down on her knees and started gently petting Oreo who continued rubbing on her meowing and purring in response.
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“ Yeah she does, don’t you Oreo?!”, Florence cooed as she did the same thing. As Oreo started rubbing on her too a few bits of her fur rubbed off onto Florence’s tongue causing Florence to start spitting and sputtering as she was brushing it off with her fingers.
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“ Ack great, now you got your fur on my tongue! You silly cat!”, Florence spat out as she started laughing again with Cayela still laughing too.
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“ Ok well we don’t want to interrupt you any more than necessary right now! Just carry on with what you’re doing and we’ll come check on you two again in a little while!”, Dakota said as she let out a slight laugh.
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“ Ok Auntie Dakota thank you!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You two keep behaving yourselves in here ok.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok!”, Cayela and Florence laughed.
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“ Alright we shall leave you alone now, goodbye.”, Sheldon said as the 4 of them walked out shutting the door behind them. Then later that night after the girls were put to bed Leo, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota were sitting out in the living room watching a movie together. Leo and Dakota both had half drunken glasses of wine in their hands while Leonard had a half drunken beer can in his hand and Sheldon was drinking chocolate Yoohoo. The movie they were watching was Dante’s Peak because Dakota wanted to watch it and surprisingly Sheldon didn’t want to argue with her over it. As they were sitting there watching the last half of it Dakota leaned back in her chair that was right next to Leonard and almost immediately as she started to put her feet up on the coffee table Sheldon lifted one of his feet and gently tapped hers with it giving her a dead serious look that said ‘ Get your germ infested feet off that table Dakota or you’re gonna feel my wrath!’
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“ Oh, sorry Sheldon.”, Dakota said as she put her feet down.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as his gaze softened and took another sip of his Yoohoo. Everything was silent for the rest of the movie and when it was finally over and they were done with their drinks Leo said, “ That was a good movie.”
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“ Yeah I’d say so.”, Dakota said.
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“ Same here.”, Leonard said. Sheldon nodded his head in agreement. Then he said, “ Although in my opinion I thought that was a bit overly dramatic for an emergency evacuation situation due to a supposedly dormant volcano.”
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“ Oh please Sheldon you’d be freaking out like that too if we lived near one and it was erupting. In fact we all would because it’s a dangerous situation.”, Dakota said as she rolled her eyes at her friend after she finished her wine.
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“ Yes I am very aware of that Dakota I’m just saying that I believe that scene was just overly dramatic and did not need to be so even though I do agree that would be a very scary situation to be in if it had ever came upon us which would be highly unlikely considering that we do not nor will we ever live near one.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok that’s enough talk about that. We can talk more about this movie later with each other.”, Leonard said finishing his beer can.
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“ Yes I agree, it’s late.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah it definitely is. We should probably go to bed Sheldon.”, Leo said as she got up holding her empty wine glass in her hand.
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“ Indeed, let’s go.”, Sheldon said as he got up and the two cleaned up before going to bed leaving Leonard and Dakota alone out in the living room who were completely unaware that their friends had ditched them.
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“ Oh my god Leonard I just noticed something now.”, Dakota said when she finally looked around the room.
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“ What is it Dakota?”, Leonard asked.
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“ You and I are the only one’s up now! Sheldon and Leo just ditched us and went to bed!”, Dakota said with a smirk on her face.
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“ Oh, well do you want to go to bed now too or…?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Not just yet. How about you and I get a little crazy?”, Dakota said.
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“ Ok well what did you have in mind?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I think I got an idea.”, Dakota said with that same smirk on her face as she got up, poured herself another glass of wine and another beer can to her husband. They ended up having a few more after that too resulting in the two of them getting drunk together.
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“ Wow, I feel great right now!”, Leonard drunkenly said as he was trying to keep himself from falling over.
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“ I know, me too! Best idea ever!”, Dakota drunkenly said as she was doing the same thing.
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“ What’s next sweet cheeks?!”, Leonard drunkenly said as he swatted his wife on the butt which startled her causing her to stare at him.
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“ Oh I’m gonna take you down now for that Dr. Leonard Leaky Hofstadter!”, Dakota drunkenly said as she looked into her husband’s eyes with an even bigger smirk on her face.
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“ Well then give me all you got Dakota Chantel ‘ Skullbreaker’ Hofstadter!”, Leonard drunkenly said as he dawned a smirk on his face too.
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“ Prepare to get some honey!”, Dakota drunkenly said as she moved closer to her husband, picked up the remote for the stereo after shutting the tv off and hit the play button before setting it down. Music started to play from the stereo as Dakota drunkenly pulled Leonard down onto the floor of the kitchen and the married couple started to have a drunken wrestling match with each other. They were kissing each other too as Wretches and Kings by Linkin Park was playing on the stereo. The noises they were making plus the noise of the rock rap song started to irritate Sheldon, waking him up from his REM cycle.
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Crash! Bang! Thump!
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Get down, and obey every word!
Steady, get in line if you haven’t yet heard!
Wanna take what I got, don’t be absurd!
Don’t fight the power, nobody gets hurt!
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‘ Good Lord, will you two shut up and go to bed?! This is obnoxiously inappropriate at this time of night!’, Sheldon thought as the corners of his lips were beginning to twitch in irritation. Leo noticed this the moment she opened her eyes and decided to do something to help de-escalate the situation.
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“ Here, put these in your ears.”, Leo whispered as she grabbed Sheldon’s noise-canceling earbuds, stuck them in his ears and turned them on. Sheldon then began to relax mouthing the word ‘ thank you’ to his wife.
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“ No problem, good night honey.”, Leo whispered with a smile as she kissed her husband’s cheek before falling asleep again. Sheldon fell back asleep as well while his two married roommates were still getting wild with each other out in the kitchen. Fortunately, Cayela and Florence didn’t hear any of this going on because they were fast asleep.
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“ Leonard and Dakota will you two idiots shut the hell up over here?! I’m trying to sleep!”, Penny quietly hissed at her two friends when she suddenly barged in on them from her apartment across the hall. She was wearing her Hello Kitty pajammas and her blonde hair was all disheveled from getting out of bed so quickly.
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“ Not now Penny we’re getting wild over here!”, Leonard drunkenly interjected up from the floor behind the kitchen island but not too loudly as he was still wrestling with Dakota.
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“ Yeah what he said! Just go back to bed!”, Dakota drunkenly interjected doing the same thing.
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“ Fine but I’m so going to kick your a**es in the morning for this!”, Penny quietly hissed as she stormed back to her apartment and slammed the door shut.
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“ Assholes!”, Penny hissed under her breath as she stuck earplugs in her ears and went back to sleep. The noises went on for the majority of the night until Leonard and Dakota passed out drunk on the floor. Then the next day after Leonard and Dakota had puked out their guts from the alcohol withdrawl Penny suddenly came barging over again while Leo, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota were sitting around in the living room after dropping the girls off at school again and she walked up to them hissing under her breath, “ You two get up for a second!”
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“ What? Why?”, Dakota and Leonard asked in confusion as they stared at her.
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“ Penny, to what do we owe the displeasure of this unannounced presence of yours to again?!”, Sheldon scolded as he stood up from his spot on the couch.
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“ Shut it Sheldon I wasn’t talking to you! Leonard and Dakota get up now you sick geeky b*****d and fightin’ bi**h!”, Penny hissed as she stood there with her arms crossed glaring at her friends.
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“ Ook but what are you… ow!”, Dakota and Leonard interjected as they stood up only to get a hard kick in the butt from Penny.
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“ For god sakes Penny what was that for?!”, Leonard interjected as he rubbed his behind.
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“ That was for what you two did last night! You nearly kept me up all night long!”, Penny hissed.
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“ What, with the music and the noises we were making?”, Dakota asked in confusion as she rubbed her behind too.
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“ Yes Dakota, that was ridiculous! What were you two even listening to anyway?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Wretches and Kings by Linkin Park, thank you very much! And anyway, what’s the big deal?! We were drunk and having fun together as a married couple!”, Dakota said as she rolled her eyes at her friend.
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“ Yeah I get it you two are married but you can’t keep your friends up all night doing whatever the hell it was you were doing with each other last night! It’s just rude and inconsiderate! You could have easily woken up your goddaughter and her best friend with all that noise you were making not to mention Leo and Sheldon too!”, Penny hissed.
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“ For your information Penny I did hear that for a brief period considering the fact that I have very sensitive hearing and Leo did as well. Though it was very obnoxious and that I was mad we decided to ignore it after Leo shoved my noise-canceling earbuds in my ears.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well still you could have done something about it Dr. I’m Not Crazy, My Mother Had Me Tested! Leonard is your roommate and so is Dakota!”, Penny hissed.
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“ That is most certainly correct Penny but I felt it was not my place to do such thing at the moment.”, Sheldon said as he joined his hands behind his back.
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“ Well it doesn’t matter! You still should have said something to them! You’re the President of the Tenants Association and you got that one crazy elderly lady kicked out of 5A for rowdy behavior!”, Penny hissed.
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“ That is also correct but what would you have wanted me to say?! Keep it down or suffer my wrath?!”, Sheldon shot back at her with narrowed eyes.
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“ No I do not want you to act like some tyrant Sheldon Cooper! I just want you to keep your roommates in check! Do you seriously want all the other tenants in this building to get mad at you and Leo for letting your roommates do whatever the hell they want?!”, Penny hissed at her physicist friend.
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“ Absolutely not Penny, that is not even an option! You know I take the building ordinance rules very seriously! You’ve known that from day one after Leonard and I had met you!”, Sheldon said in a serious tone.
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“ Well good! Will you please tell Dakota and Leonard to not do whatever it was they were doing anymore?! I can still easily make good on my threat of wanting to make you look like a tall weirdo genius that some hairy guy wants to make his girlfriend back when you and Leo were dating each other!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Again, Penny that does not make sense.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Wait she actually said that to you?! When was this?!”, Dakota exclaimed in shock.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIfepl2grnF
“ This was before you showed up when we were running away from Dr. Stormbender’s robotic arachnid that had attacked us at Amy’s apartment. Penny was getting snippy at me by saying and I quote, ‘ Unless you want me to go all cornhusking yippee ki-yay on you I suggest you shut your condescending piehole before you end up looking like some tall weirdo genius that some hairy guy wants to make his girlfriend!’.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Curse your bitching eidetic memory Sheldon! I can’t believe you actually remembered every freaking word I said!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Well anyway it doesn’t matter. I believe it’s my turn to ask the question of what was it that you were doing anyway with each other?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ We were having a drunken wrestling match with each other on the kitchen floor.”, Dakota said.
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“ Ok well you will not be doing that anymore. This is an apartment not a wrestling ring.”, Sheldon said with narrowed eyes.
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“ Ok fine we won’t do that anymore.”, Dakota said with a defeated sigh and nodded her head. Leonard nodded his head too.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well now that’s over I’m going back home because I got another audition to prepare for. See you later you guys.”, Penny said as she walked out.
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“ Bye Penny.”, Leo said.
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“ We should probably get ready too because need to leave for work.”, Leonard said.
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“ Yeah you’re right Leonard we don’t want to be late.”, Leo said as she stood up.
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“ Indeed we don’t.”, Sheldon said.
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“ And I got to go to the gym so if you guys could please drop me off there on your way to work that would be greatly appreciated.”, Dakota said.
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“ Sure of course Dakota.”, Leo said.
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“ Thanks.”, Dakota said. The 4 of them got ready for the day and headed out the door after making sure that Oreo had food and water and that her litter box was clean. Oreo let out a happy meow as she started to pounce around the living room floor batting around a toy mouse with her paws. Then later when everyone was back home Cayela and Florence were just about finished with their homework when Florence suddenly remembered that she had to go to gymnastics that night.
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“ Oh crap I got to finish this now!”, Florence hissed as she started to write faster on their homework assignment.
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“ Why? What’s going on Florence?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she stared at her best friend.
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“ I completely forgot that I have gymnastics tonight Cayela! I need to finish this assignment real fast and get out the door now before I’m late and my coach starts yelling at me!”, Florence hissed as she finished writing, put the completed assignment away and rushed around her best friend’s room throwing on her leotard and sweatpants. She then quickly brushed her hair, threw it up in a tight bun, threw some clothes to change into afterwards into her gym bag and grabbed her water bottle after throwing on her tennis shoes. She then rushed out of the room leaving Cayela there still finishing her assignment.
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“ Hey hey hey slow down!”, Dakota, Leonard and Sheldon interjected.
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“ Woah Florence what’s the rush?”, Leo asked when she saw Florence running out of Cayela’s room to the front door in a hurry.
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“ I got to go now! I completely forgot that I had gymnastics tonight! Could you please just drive me up to the local tumbling gym and drop me off there Dr. Fordyce-Cooper?”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Yes of course Florence, let me just get my keys and purse. I’ll be back in a few minutes you guys.”, Leo said as she got up, grabbed her keys out of the bowl and her purse off the coat rack before she rushed out the door with Florence.
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“ Later Leo!”, Leonard called out.
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“ Bye!” Slam!
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“ Crenshamezki you’re 4 minutes late!”, Coach Allen Bixler, Florence’s gymnastics coach scolded the second Florence came rushing into the gym and threw her stuff down after Leo dropped her off.
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“ I know Coach Bixler and I’m so sorry! I was finishing my homework and the time just got away from me! My best friend’s mom just had to drop me off because my parents are out of town at the moment!”, Florence apologetically said as she was trying to catch her breath.
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“ Well whatever the excuse is it doesn’t matter now. Please just come join us on the mat so we can get started.”, Coach Bixler said as he pointed to where the rest of the team was sitting. Florence’s teammates consisted of 5 other girls and 2 boys. Two of the girls were fraternal twins.
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“ Ok.”, Florence said as she went over to the mat to sit down. It was then that one of the girls gave her an irritated scowl.
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“ Why do you always show up late every once in a while?! It’s not nice to keep us waiting Florence!”, Deidra Alexis Mackabee asked in a snobby voice.
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“ Deidra this isn’t the time to talk so can you please just not say anything right now.”, Florence spat back.
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“ What, I was just asking! You don’t need to get all snippy with me!”, Deidra snobbily said.
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“ Well you don’t either to any of us so you need to knock it off!”, Cammi Jude Witzfield spat at her.
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“ Shut it Cammi, who asked you?!”, Deidra snapped.
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“ Hey quit yelling at my twin Deidra!”, Carina Dorian Witzfield interjected.
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“ Shut up Carina!”, Deidra snapped.
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“ Hey what have I previously said before during these meets?! If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all! This is not the place for that, alright!”, Coach Bixler scolded after he blew his whistle. They immediately shut their mouths after this and Coach Bixler said, “ Alright, let’s warm up. The pairings are Jason and Terrance, Cammi and Carina, Tara and Kristen and Florence and Deidra.”
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“ Ugh, why are you pairing me with her Coach Bixler?! I’d rather stick my head in a door right now than do anything with her!”, Deidra snobbily said as she pointed at Florence while the others went off into separate areas doing warm-up excercises.
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“ Deidra Mackabee do not complain! This is about teammateship and working together!”, Coach Bixler scolded.
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“ Yeah seriously please stop. This is not going to be fun if I have to listen to that the whole time.”, Florence said with a scowl on her face.
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“ Fine whatever, let’s just go Crenshamoron!”, Deidra snobbily said as she started walking away.
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“ It’s Crenshamezki.”, Florence said as she rolled her eyes at her snobby, bossy teammate.
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“ Who cares!”, Deidra snapped as she started to warm up. Florence just let out a huff of frustration as she joined Deidra. Things were cool for a few minutes until Deidra started back up again with some more complaints which started to annoy Florence.
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“ Deidra will you please shut up?! I’m doing the same thing you’re doing!”, Florence irritatedly said under her breath after she did a flip across the mat.
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“ No you’re not Florence! You’re going the completely opposite way from me when you’re supposed to be flipping in sync with me! Are you that dumb?!”, Deidra snobbily said after she landed another flip.
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“ Hey that’s very mean Deidra! You shouldn’t be saying things like that to other people because they won’t like you if you do that!”, Terrance interjected at her across the room as he was doing a hand stand.
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“ No one asked what you think McFalbride!”, Deidra snapped at him.
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“ Um excuse me my last name is McFalcon and you know it!”, Terrance Mitchell McFalcon interjected.
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“ Whatever, I don’t care! It’s stupid Terrance!”, Deidra snapped.
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“ Deidra can you please shut your trap! No one wants to listen to you! You always have something to complain about every meet and it’s very annoying! This is why none of us really like you that much because you’re so mean, rude and you boss us around constantly! So just stop it!”, Kristen Lisa Shaddows interjected.
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“ No one was talking to you Kristen!”, Deidra snobbily said. Coach Bixler blew his whistle again and scolded, “ Ok that’s enough! Keep your rude comments to yourselves! I won’t tolerate this name calling and being mean to each other in this gym! Deidra Alexis Mackabee you make one more outburst like that to any of your teammates again I’ll take you off this mat and you will sit in the corner in a penalty timeout for 30 minutes! You are a gymnast and you need to respect your teammates! We’ve been over this same discussion a million times during every meet! Now apologize to your teammates and let’s continue!” Deidra just stood there with her arms crossed refusing to say anything remotely of what her coach wanted her to say which was beginning to make him mad.
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“ Deidra I said to apologize so we can continue! If you don’t by the time I count to three you’re going to go sit in the corner!”, Coach Bixler scolded. Deidra continued to stand there refusing to talk.
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“ 1, 2, 3!”, Coach Bixler scolded but Deidra still stood her ground.
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“ Ok that’s it, you’re going in the corner!”, Coach Bixler scolded as he firmly dragged Deidra off the tumbling mat towards one corner of the room forcing her to sit down facing the wall.
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“ This is stupid Coach Bixler! Why do I have to sit here?!”, Deidra snapped.
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“ Because you were refusing to apologize to your teammates after I told you to do so! So you’re going to sit here for 30 minutes in silence and then you’re going to apologize but if you still refuse to do so then you’ll be back here again for another 30 minutes! I don’t care how long it takes you I will not allow you to leave this gym after this meet until you apologize to your teammates! Do I make myself clear Deidra?!”, Coach Bixler scolded.
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“ Yes, fine! Now can you please go away!”, Deidra snobbily said as she sat there facing the wall with her arms crossed. Coach Bixler huffed as he walked away.
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‘ Man I hate this girl! She is so mean and bossy!’, Florence angrily thought as she continued flipping around on the mat.
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“ Hey Florence don’t listen to Deidra, she’s just being stupid.”, Jason Carter Dugayne said as he landed a flip next to Florence.
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“ I heard that Jason Voorhees!”, Deidra snapped back as she sat in the corner facing the wall.
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“ It’s Jason Dugayne, I’m not that serial killer from Friday The 13th! You’re not supposed to be talking Deidra!”, Jason interjected.
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“ Yes Jason’s right, you’re not supposed to be talking right now! Just sit there and be quiet!”, Coach Bixler interjected. Deidra let out an angry grumble as she shut her mouth again. She decided not to say anything else while sitting there mainly because she wanted to get out of that corner and go back to the mat. She eventually reluctantly apologized and rejoined everybody but then once again ended up back in the corner after she called Tara Miley Batista a name and knocked Jason off the balance beam for going too slow across it. She reluctantly apologized again rejoining everyone and the cycle just kept repeating itself until the meet was over and everyone left. In the middle of the night as Cayela and Florence were trying to sleep they were suddenly woken up by furious knocking on the window next to Cayela’s bed.
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‘ What the freak?!’, Florence angrily thought as she lifted up the window shade and received the biggest shock of her life. Deidra was at the window with an angry scowl on her face leaning on a ladder that she took from her dad’s shed out in the backyard of their house.
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“ Deidra Alexis Mackabee what the fracking fudge are you doing here at my best friend’s bedroom window at this time of night?! How did you even know I was here?!”, Florence quietly hissed as she sat up in Cayela’s bed when she opened the window.
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“ You weren’t at your house and that doesn’t matter! You took my water bottle Florence and I want it back!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ Would you keep it down Deidra?! You’re going to get me in trouble with my best friend’s dad Dr. Cooper! You’re not supposed to be here! It’s after 9:45 and you should be in bed like everyone else!”, Florence quietly hissed.
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“ Shut up I don’t care! Give me my water bottle back!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ Florence who is this?!”, Cayela groggily whispered as she sat up rubbing her eyes.
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“ Cayela this is just Deidra Mackabee. She’s one of my teammates who’s very snobby and rude!”, Florence quietly said to her best friend Cayela before quietly hissing that last part in Deidra’s face.
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“ Well whatever it is she wants just give it to her and tell her to go away. It’s past our bedtime and we don’t want my dad coming in here screaming at us, or my mom or my Auntie Dakota or my Uncle Leonard too.”, Cayela quietly said as she laid back down.
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“ Yeah I know that bestie. So yeah just get out of here Deidra! We don’t need you starting any trouble for us!”, Florence quietly hissed.
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“ Not until you give me my water bottle back! And anyway why are you even here in the first place?! Where’s your stupid family at?!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ Ok firstly, here take your stupid water bottle back, secondly my family is not stupid and thirdly my siblings are staying at our aunt’s house and our parents are on a several week cruise with each other for their wedding anniversary!”, Florence quietly hissed as she got up for a hot second and shoved Deidra’s water bottle into her hand before climbing back into the bed.
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“ Then why didn’t you just stay with your siblings at your aunt’s house?! Explain that Crenshamoron!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ Again it’s Crenshamezki and my parents thought I would have a lot more fun staying with my best friend instead which they’re not wrong because I am having fun but you’re kind of ruining it right now! So get out and keep your voice down!”, Florence quietly hissed.
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“ I don’t have to listen to anything you say Florence! Quit bossing me!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ No you quit bossing me Deidra! Do you seriously want to get me in trouble with Dr. Cooper?! He is very strict when it comes to bedtime rules in this apartment and you being here is not helping the cause! So get out of here now before he catches me up past curfew and I really get in trouble! I do not want to get grounded by my parents when they come back from their cruise!”, Florence quietly hissed.
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“ Big whoopdy doo, it’s not a big deal! I can say whatever the fudge I want to you Florence Mary Jane!”, Deidra hissed.
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“ No you can’t! Get out and go home Mackabee! I’m not joking! You’re gonna wake up…!”, Florence quietly hissed but gasped when she suddenly heard the door open behind her and the lights flipped on revealing Sheldon standing there in the doorway with a scowl on his face. This woke Cayela up as well.
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“ Oh god, Dad!”, Cayela exclaimed but not too loud as she shot up to a sitting position in her bed, indirectly looking at her father while sitting next to Florence who was kneeling next to her on the bed in front of the open window.
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“ Dr. Cooper! Oh thanks a lot Deidra!”, Florence shrieked before she hissed at Deidra.
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“ Shut up Florence!”, Deidra hissed back at her.
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“ Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki what are you doing up in the middle of the night?! It is almost 10 o’clock at night and you should be sleeping!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ I know that Dr. Cooper and I’m really sorry! It’s not my fault I swear!”, Florence shrieked but not too loudly.
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“ Why is the window open?! Who are you talking to at this time of night?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ It’s just one of my stupid teammates Deidra Mackabee! She came here uninvited demanding her water bottle back! Apparently I accidentally took it without realizing it after our gymnastics meet tonight!”, Florence hissed as she angrily threw her finger at Deidra who was still leaning in through the window against the ladder gripping her water bottle with one hand on the handle of it while the other one was gripping the side of the ladder.
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“ Well did you give it back to her?!”, Sheldon scolded as he crossed his arms in front of him.
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“ Yes I did and now she’s refusing to leave! How much of our conversation did you actually hear?!”, Florence hissed.
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“ Trust me, you don’t want to know. Please scoot aside for a moment.”, Sheldon said in a firm voice. Florence scooted her butt aside allowing Sheldon to bend over in front of the window staring at Deidra’s face.
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“ Ok listen here Deidra, it is the middle of the night and you’re not supposed to be here. Go home this instant.”, Sheldon angrily said under his breath giving her somewhat of a robotic-like stare.
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“ You don’t scare me Dr. Cooper!”, Deidra snobbily said.
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“ Oh really? Then what if I told you that if you don’t get out of here right now I’m going to call the Pasadena Police about you being at my daughter Cayela’s bedroom window uninvited?”, Sheldon said in a serious tone.
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“ Ok I’m out of here! Later Crenshamoron!”, Deidra snapped as she started climbing back down the ladder.
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“ It’s Crenshamezki!”, Florence hissed at her out the window.
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“ Whatever!”, Deidra snapped as she grabbed the ladder and left. Sheldon then shut the window and stood back up.
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“ Finally, she left.”, Cayela mumbled under her breath as she laid back down.
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“ I had nothing to do with this! This was all Deidra’s fault! She’s the one that came here and woke me up in the first place! Please don’t be mad at me!”, Florence quietly shrieked as she stared at Sheldon who was walking back to the doorway of the bedroom.
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“ Just go back to sleep.”, Sheldon said in a firm voice as he turned around to face her hovering his fingers over the light switch.
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“ That’s it? You’re not going to say anything else to me?”, Florence asked in confusion.
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“ I’m letting it slide just this once but if it happens again then I will tell your parents. Is that clear?”, Sheldon firmly said.
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“ Yes. I promise I won’t let it happen again.”, Florence said as she hung her head down in shame.
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“ Good. Good night.”, Sheldon said as he shut the light back off and shut the door behind him. As Florence settled back in bed next to Cayela falling asleep again she angrily thought, ‘ Stupid Deidra!’
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“ Sheldon what was going on in there?”, Leo whispered as she sat up looking at her husband as he was walking back into their room shutting the door.
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“ Nothing you need to know about Leo. Just go back to sleep.”, Sheldon whispered as he got back into bed next to his wife and laid back down.
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“ Ok. Good night honey, I love you.”, Leo whispered.
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“ Good night I love you too.”, Sheldon whispered as he kissed his wife and they fell back asleep. A few days later during a weekend while Leo and Sheldon were at work and Dakota was at the gym, Leonard was left at the apartment to watch Cayela and Florence since he had the day off from work. While the girls were in Cayela’s room Leonard was sitting out in the living room working on his laptop at his desk when all of a sudden he got a message from somebody working in a warehouse two towns over that something that he had just ordered for work two weeks ago had just come in and was ready for pick up.
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“ Great, my replacement parts for my laser came in. Better go pick them up before somebody tries to steal them.”, Leonard said to himself as he got up from his desk and shut his laptop. He then walked to Cayela’s room and opened the door to see Cayela and Florence slumped in Cayela’s computer chair back to back showing each other weird random stuff on their phones while listening to Tearin’ Up My Heart by *NSYNC on Cayela’s ipod connected to her speaker sitting on her dresser. They were talking and laughing until Leonard asked, “ What are you girls doing in here?”
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“ Oh hi Uncle Leonard! Florence and I are just showing each other weird stuff on Youtube while listening to music on my ipod!”, Cayela said with a smirk on her face as she was scrolling through Youtube on her phone.
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“ Yeah it’s hilarious! And hey Cayela I just found another one to show you! Look at this one!”, Florence said with a smirk as she flashed her phone in front of both of their faces to see what she was looking at. It was a video showing some random guy dancing like an idiot carrying a megaphone around an outside mall area that was blasting some weird footfall chanting song that sounded like it was saying Ole, ole ole ole! The two girls nearly busted out laughing as they were watching it.
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“ Oh my god stop Florence Mary Jane, you’re killing me with this! This is so weird and funny! What the heck is this guy doing?!”, Cayela laughed as she threw her head back slightly brushing her ponytail against the back of her best friend’s head.
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“ I don’t know Cayela Rachelle but when my brother Trevor first showed me this I was freaking laughing my butt off at it! It was seriously the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah no joke! Do you think he’s on drugs or something?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ I don’t know, he could be! Why else do you think he’d be acting like that?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Wait, woah! What are you watching?!”, Leonard exclaimed in shock as he walked into the room.
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“ We’re watching a video of some random guy dancing like an idiot around a mall area blasting some weird football chanting song on a megaphone! It’s the weirdest and funniest thing ever!”, Florence laughed as she flashed her phone in front of Leonard’s face.
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“ Ok, turn this off now. This is ridiculous.”, Leonard said after watching the first few seconds of it.
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“ Ok fine!”, Florence laughed as she shut off the video.
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“ What are you doing in here Uncle Leonard?”, Cayela asked.
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“ I came in here to tell you that I have to go pick up something that I ordered for work two weeks ago from a warehouse two towns over and I don’t want you staying here by yourselves so you have to come with me for a few minutes.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh ok.”, Cayela said as she turned the music off and got up out of the chair.
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“ Florence get up.”, Cayela said.
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“ Aw come on, I don’t want to get up out of this chair!”, Florence laughed as she slumped down further into the seat and threw her head back.
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“ Florence my Uncle Leonard said we have to come with him. We can’t stay here by ourselves.”, Cayela said as she put her shoes on.
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“ Ok fine I’ll get my lazy butt off this chair!”, Florence laughed as she got up from the chair and put her shoes on too. Soon they found themselves sitting in Leonard’s car driving down the highway. Florence was sitting in the back seat and Cayela was in the passenger seat next to Leonard. The radio was also on as Cayela was doing a virtual puzzle on her phone while Florence was on hers watching a Youtube video clip of Team Rocket from the Pokemon show.
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(Evil music plays from Florence’s phone)
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“ Prepare for trouble!”
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“ Make it double!”
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“ Oh Team Rocket you’re so dumb!”, Florence laughed as the evil music continued on and the voices of Jesse, James and Meowth continued as well.
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“ Florence what are you watching back there?!”, Cayela asked with a smirk as she looked back at her best friend who was sitting behind Leonard.
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“ I’m watching a Pokemon video clip of Team Rocket saying their stupid motto Cayela! It’s freakin’ funny!”, Florence laughed as she flashed her phone in Cayela’s face for a moment.
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“ Those three are such dorks! They don’t know how to do anything right!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You think?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Hey that’s really rude! They’re just fictional characters from a show, they’re not real!”, Leonard scolded.
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“ We know that Uncle Leonard but still they’re idiots regardless of them being real or not!”, Cayela laughed as she bounced on the seat kicking her foot against her diaper bag that was sitting on the floor by her feet.
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“ Yeah they really are dumb Dr. Hofstadter! Everything they do ends up in failure and they just end up hurting themselves!”, Florence laughed as she threw her head back against the seat.
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“ Whatever, just keep your rude comments about that to yourselves please.”, Leonard said.
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“ Sure sure.”, Florence said. Then she asked, “ So how far is this place that we’re going to?”
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“ It’s in Oxnard.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh that doesn’t seem too bad. It’s only an hour and 2 minutes away.”, Florence said as she turned her phone off after the video clip ended.
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“ Yeah of course it is bestie.”, Cayela said as she did the same. The second they did is when Circles by Post Malone started to play on the radio.
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“ Ooh Post Malone’s Circles, I love this song!”, Florence said as she reached up to the front and turned the volume up just a bit more. As they sat there listening to it Florence felt her phone vibrate indicating that she had gotten a text message. It was a message from Terrance, one of her gymnastics teammates.
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T: Hey Florence it’s Terrance, you know? From gymnastics?
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Florence looked at it for a moment before she started typing her message back.
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F: Yeah I remember, hi. How did you get my number?
19Please respect copyright.PENANAtURAPvc3T3
T: Your Facebook. Listen, I have been wanting to say this to you at the end of our gymnastics meet a couple days ago but I kind of got cold feet about it so I didn’t get to say what I wanted to say but I guess since it’s just me and you talking right now I’m just going to say it before I end up chickening out. I really like you, like a lot and I’ve sort of had this thing for you ever since we started gymnastics. I’ve always been really shy about telling you how I feel because I didn’t know if you felt the same way. So I guess what I’m trying to ask is, will you be my girlfriend? :)
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Florence’s face lit up the moment she saw Terrance’s message back to her.
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“ Oh my god! I’ve been waiting for him to say this!”, Florence exclaimed as she clutched her phone against her chest with a big smile on her face. She then let out an excited girly scream as she stomped her feet on the floor of Leonard’s car.
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“ Hey hey hey calm down back there. Use your inside voice.”, Leonard said.
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“ I’m sorry Dr. Hofstadter I can’t help it right now! I’m so freakin’ happy!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ What are you happy about Florence?”, Cayela asked.
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“ I just got a text message from Terrance McFalcon! He’s one of the boys on my gymnastics team and he’s asking me to be his girlfriend! I’ve been waiting for him to ask me that for like ever!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ You have a crush on him?!”, Cayela asked in shock.
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“ Yes! He’s super cute! I’ve had a secret crush on him since I started gymnastics but I’ve always been afraid to tell him how I felt because I didn’t know if he liked me back but now that it’s been confirmed that he does I’m so freakin’ happy about it that I could just jump into a lake!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Well what are you waiting for bestie?! Are you going to answer him or are you just going to sit there staring at your phone all day?!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ You’re right, I’m just going to tell him! I can’t keep this in any longer! I got to let it out!”, Florence exclaimed as she started to type back.
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F: Omg! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me this for like ever because the truth is I really like you too! :)
19Please respect copyright.PENANAgblYWofrX7
T: Really Florence?! Well what’s your answer?!
19Please respect copyright.PENANABkxz1wLxXL
F: You already know what the answer is you dilldoe! Yes! :)
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Florence started to laugh when Terrance suddenly sent her a giphy picture of some random guy character pumping his fist depicting the phrase ‘ Yes! I have a girlfriend!’ right below it.
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“ What did he send you?!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ He sent me this giphy!”, Florence laughed as she showed Cayela what Terrance sent her.
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“ Oh that’s a good one! So is he your boyfriend now?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah he’s my boyfriend!”, Florence exclaimed. The two of let out a girly scream simultaneously.
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“ Hey what did I say? Keep it down in here. We’re inside my car and that’s a little too much excitement. Now I’m not saying that you can’t be happy about the fact that you just got a boyfriend because you can but just tone it down a bit.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh yeah I forgot! Sorry Dr. Hofstadter.”, Florence said as she started to calm down a bit.
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“ That’s ok. So, Terrance McFalcon? That’s very interesting.”, Leonard said as a soft smile started to spread across his face.
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“ Yeah I know, it’s weird and cute at the same time.”, Florence said with a smile as she put her phone away. But the moment she did she got a Facebook notification so she went to go look at it. Terrance had just updated his relationship status.
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It said: Terrance McFalcon is in a relationship with Florence Crenshamezki
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Florence checked her Facebook status and saw that it was automatically changed to say that she was in a relationship with Terrance McFalcon which made her so happy that she let out a giddy laugh.
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“ Ok it’s totally official now! Terrance just updated his Facebook relationship status to say that he’s in a relationship with me!”, Florence laughed as she showed Cayela the status.
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“ Oh my god! That’s the best thing ever! I’m so freakin’ happy for you Florence!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Thanks Cayela! Do you want to see it Dr. Hofstadter?!”, Florence exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAL8TwVh8cMb
“ Ok, but show it to me just for a brief second in the rear-view mirror because I can’t turn my head to look back there while I’m driving.”, Leonard said as he kept his eyes on the road.
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‘ Sheldon’s gonna kill me for this.’, Leonard thought as he kept looking forward at the road.
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“ Ok!”, Florence exclaimed as she held up her phone in front of the rear-view mirror and Leonard glanced up at it for a brief moment before he said, “ Well I’ll be damned, it does say that. Congratulations.”
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“ Thanks!”, Florence exclaimed as she put her phone away again.
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“ Aw the song’s over! I kind of liked that too!”, Cayela protested as Circles ended and the next song came on.
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“ I know, right?! It’s so catchy!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Well do you want to listen it again? I have it on a various artists cd.”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes, please Uncle Leonard?! From the beginning of it again!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ It makes me laugh at how much you’re like your dad sometimes Cayela! I love it!”, Leonard said with a slight laugh shaking his head as he switched the radio to the cd player and switched the disks to the various artists one. He flipped through a few songs before he found the Circles song and let it play. Cayela’s face lit up as well as Florence’s face as the song started to play from the beginning. Florence started gently tapping her fingers against the window ledge in the back seat while Cayela was nodding her head in time with the music rocking her body from side to side as she was lightly tapping her foot on the floor.
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‘ I love this so much. Seeing my goddaughter and her best friend so happy. I’m so grateful to my two best friends Sheldon and Leo giving life to this special beautiful little girl and that Sheldon let me be Cayela’s godfather. He may be nuts but he’s seriously the bestest friend I’ve ever had in my life, Leo is too. She’s the perfect sanity anchor that keeps my whackadoodle of a best friend in check and from going completely awol. Not to mention she’s also the reason of how I met the love of my life and got married in the first place too. Without her coming into mine and Sheldon’s life it still would have been just the two of us living together and Sheldon still would have been with Amy but instead Sheldon and Leo ended up together blessing Dakota and I with Cayela Rachelle, our beautiful autistic 14 year old goddaughter. God I just love that name and I couldn’t be any happier with how things turned out. My former high school peers are seriously going to be so jealous if they ever find out about this.’, Leonard thought in his head with a smile on his face as he finally got on the exit ramp that lead into the city of Oxnard. Once he pulled into a gravel lot of the warehouse he parked his car and shut off the engine. The three of them got out of the car and Leonard said, “ Ok I’m going in for a few minutes to pick up my order. Please do not wander off too far away from my car. I don’t want to end up calling the Oxnard Police in a panic saying that you two are missing, got it?”
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“ Yeah we get it Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said as she nodded her head. Florence nodded her head too.
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“ Alright, don’t leave this lot. Stay within eye sight of these front windows here. If you can’t see the windows while you’re playing around out here then that means you’ve stepped out of boundaries and I can’t see you. We don’t want to go through another scary child abduction scenario like the one that involved my ex-girlfriend Joyce Kim.”, Leonard said as he pointed to the big glass front warehouse windows.
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“ We got it loud and clear Dr. Hofstadter.”, Florence said.
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“ Ok, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”, Leonard said as the sun started to come out from behind the clouds the moment he walked into the warehouse leaving the two girls standing around the outside of his car. As they started to walk around Cayela was looking down at her feet shuffling them with every step she took which slightly kicked up some dirt and gravel while Florence was trying to shield her eyes with her hand from the bright sunlight that radiated down on them.
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“ Holy crap that sun is bright!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Yeah you’re telling me.”, Cayela said as she countinued shuffling her feet. When she suddenly stumbled across an empty soda can she exclaimed, “ Ooh yay, I just found an empty can! Do you want to play a little game of kick the can?!”
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“ Sure what the heck!”, Florence laughed as she turned to face her best friend. Cayela then kicked the can over to Florence who then kicked it back to her and they kept kicking it back and forth to each other while still making sure they were staying within eyeshot of the front windows. They were having so much fun with it circling each other as they kicked it back and forth picking up a good rally. At some point Cayela went to kick it again at the same time that Florence going for it too and ended up accidentally kicking her in the leg.
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“ Ow!”, Florence shrieked as she started to laugh while holding her leg.
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“ Oh my god Florence! Are you ok?!”, Cayela shrieked as she started to laugh too.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Cayela! You just kicked me in the leg by accident!”, Florence laughed as she rubbed her leg before standing back up straight.
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“ Ok I think that’s enough kick the can for now!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Agreed!”, Florence laughed.
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“ What are you girls doing out here?”, Leonard asked when he came back out a few minutes later carrying his replacement laser parts for his laser in his lab at work.
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“ We were playing kick the can Uncle Leonard and I accidentally kicked Florence in the leg as she was going for it at the same time I was!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Well are you ok?”, Leonard asked as he looked at Florence.
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“ Yeah I’m fine. It was only throbbing for a second but now it’s starting to go away.”, Florence said as she started to calm down.
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“ Well that’s good. Come on we’re going home now. I got what I needed.”, Leonard said as he started walking towards his car. The girls trailed behind him and they got back in after Leonard put his stuff in the trunk. He then drove out of the lot and got back on the road as Cayela rolled her window down almost halfway. Shortly after Leonard got on the entrance ramp of the highway heading back towards Pasadena a bee suddenly flew by the open window and accidentally stung Cayela in the eye as she was trying to bat it away.
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“ Ow!”, Cayela shrieked as she started to cry from the instant pain that followed after the bee sting.
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To be continued…
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