Chapter 18
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After a moment of silence, Leo and Sheldon walked back upstairs to find Leonard sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.
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“ Everything ok up here Leonard?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah everything’s fine Leo. Penny and I just got into a fight is all.”, Leonard said as he took his eyeglasses off and set them down on the desk.
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“ Did Penny leave?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah Sheldon, she stormed across the hallway and slammed the door shut after she called me a jerk and said ‘ Screw you!’”, Leonard said.
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“ Well maybe you should probably go apologize to her.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah you’re probably right Leo. I’ll be right back.”, Leonard said as he put his glasses back on and walked across the hall.
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Knock knock!
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“ What?!”, Penny sadly said.
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“ Penny, I’m very sorry for what I said. That was real stupid of me. You’re right, I was kind of acting like a ba***rd and a jerk.”, Leonard said.
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“ No Leonard it’s ok. It’s just that the way you said that made me upset, like you didn’t care about the situation when Sheldon is one of your best friends and we’re supposed to be there to support him through tough times like this.”, Penny said.
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“ I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. What do you say at a sad time like this?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I don’t know.”, Penny said.
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“ Look, we shouldn’t be fighting. We’re friends. We shouldn’t take our lives for granted because you never know what could happen.”, Leonard said.
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“ You’re absolutely right Leonard! I’m sorry!”, Penny cried as she threw herself into Leonard’s arms.
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“ Oh god! Now you’re making me cry!”, Leo cried as she stood in the doorway. Sheldon was standing behind her.
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“ Oh come here Leo!”, Penny cried as Leo threw her arms around her. The two women just sobbed into each other’s shoulders letting everything go. Sheldon and Leonard embraced the two of them.
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4 days later everyone gathered for the funeral. The service was short but sweet. Then everyone headed to the cemetery for the burial. By then Sheldon had a hard time keeping it together and his family as well as his friends could see that.
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“ Leo?”, Sheldon asked his girlfriend with tear-glistening eyes.
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“ Yeah, what is it Sheldon?”, Leo asked as she concentrated on her boyfriend’s face.
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“ Could you sing that song again? I’m feeling upset again.”, Sheldon sadly asked. Tears began streaming down his face.
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“ You mean the one I sang to you to help you fall asleep?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes, that one.”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Of course.”, Leo said. She then gently wrapped her arms around his neck and as he put his head against her shoulder she sang, “ I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better! Lord, show me the way, to cut through all this worn out leather! I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away, but baby I just need one good one to stay!”
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As she was singing, Mrs. Cooper looked toward her and somewhat smiled. It made her happy to see how much Leo cared about and loved her son. When she saw them kiss, she thought, ‘ Oh Leo, you’re a beautiful angel! I’m so thankful you came into my son’s life!’ One week later when the others were at Caltech and Leo had the day off, someone knocked on Leo’s apartment door.
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“ Hey Leo, can I come in?”, Dakota asked when Leo opened the door.
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“ Sure Dakota. Come on in.”, Leo said. Dakota walked in and asked, “ So whatcha been up to today?”
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“ Nothing much, just working on my laptop even though it’s my day off. What have you been doing?”, Leo asked as she sat down in her computer chair at her desk.
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“ Just hanging out at my hotel room. I got kind of bored so I decided to drag myself over to your place.”, Dakota said.
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“ You’re such a weirdo sometimes Dakota!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Yeah I guess that makes sense!”, Dakota laughed. Then she asked, “ Hey, remember that thing we used to do with the chairs when we were little?”
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“ You mean when we took two computer chairs, tied them together and then sat in them spinning around listening to music?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah. Remember that?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Oh yeah, I do! That was so obnoxious!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Yeah, we were so crazy!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ You want to do it? I have two chairs here.”, Leo said gesturing to the one she was sitting in as well as the one by the tv. Dakota thought for a minute before a smile spread across her face and she said, “ Oh what the hell! Let’s do it for old times sake!”
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“ Ok!”, Leo laughed as the two women grabbed the two chairs, set them back to back and tied them together with pieces of rope. Leo then grabbed her ipod connected to a Bluetooth speaker and said, “ Ok you get in one chair and I’ll get in the other!”
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“ I know how this works! We’ve done this before at least a dozen times when we were little!”, Dakota laughed as her and Leo sat in the chairs back to back. Then she asked, “ You still got my favorite song on your ipod?”
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“ Hell yeah I do Dakota!”, Leo laughed as she began scrolling through her playlist.
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“ Well then quit your blathering and let’s get this party started you goombah!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ You’re nuts Dakota!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Just play the song huh!”, Dakota exclaimed with a laugh.
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“ Alright I’ll play the song just to get you to shut up!”, Leo laughed as she found the song she was looking for and hit play. The song was Dance Me If You Can by The Cheetah Girls. As the song played, the two women began to spin the chairs singing the words of the song.
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“ This is freaking awesome!”, Leo exclaimed with a laugh.
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“ I know! It feels like were flying!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ You know, I’m going to be so embarrassed if Sheldon walks in on us and sees us doing this!”, Leo laughed.
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“ I know, me too! This is pretty embarrassing!”, Dakota laughed. They continued spinning and singing, laughing histerically as they were playfully slapping each other. They were having so much fun that they didn’t notice Sheldon walking in. He had just gotten off work.
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“ Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce, what are you doing?!”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his girlfriend making a fool out of herself.
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“ Oh, h-hi Sheldon! Wow, this is embarrassing!”, Leo exclaimed with a laugh.
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“ You’re telling me!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ I’m doing something very important Sheldon!”, Leo laughed.
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“ I don’t think so. It looks like you’re doing something foolish and what is Dakota doing here?!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I got bored at my hotel room so I came over here to hang out with Leo!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Yeah, we’re spinning in computer chairs listening to my iPod! It’s what we used to do when we were little girls!”, Leo laughed.
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“ That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Yeah well it’s fun and hey, Dakota you know what will be even better?!”, Leo asked.
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“ No, what Leo?!”, Dakota asked.
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“ We take shots of Vodka while doing this!”, Leo laughed.
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“ D*mn girl that’s epic! Yeah let’s do it!”, Dakota laughed.
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“ Ok!”, Leo laughed as the two women jumped out of the chairs and ran to the kitchen.
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“ Woah woah woah wait, what?! You’re not doing that! That’s completely stupid!”, Sheldon exclaimed completely shocked at what just came out of his girlfriend’s mouth.
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“ Oh please Sheldon! What’s the harm in doing a few shots while having fun?!”, Leo asked as she took a bottle of Vodka out of the fridge and pulled out two shot glasses.
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“ What’s the harm in wha...?! That’s going to make you lightheaded and pass out!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ You’re over-exaggerating Dr. Cooper! Nothing’s going to happen!”, Leo exclaimed as she poured out the two shots.
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“ I am not Dr. Fordyce! That’s completely ridiculous, obnoxious and dangerous!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Well it’s too late because we already have our shots right here!”, Leo exclaimed as she held her shot glass as well as Dakota. The two women then made their way over to the chairs and sat down after Leo set the Vodka bottle on a table. When they began to spin again, Leo asked, “ Ok what should we make this out to?!”
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“ How about to Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce and world-class MMA champion Dakota Harris!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ Oh yeah! That’s right!”, Leo exclaimed as they clinked glasses together before sucking up the Vodka. They instantly shrieked with excitement.
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“ Did you get a rush like I did?!”, Dakota asked.
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“ Hell yeah! Let’s take another shot!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I second that! Let’s do it!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ No! I forbid you to do that!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Oh shut it Sheldon Cooper!”, Leo exclaimed as she poured out another round. Then she said, “ Second shot, here we go!”
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“ Yeah baby!”, Dakota exclaimed as they sucked up the shots again.
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“ Hit me again with a third shot Leo!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ Oh you know it!”, Leo exclaimed as she poured out the Vodka again for the third time.
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“ Stop this! Both of you are acting crazy!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ We are crazy! We’re a couple of crazy bi**hes yo!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ You got that right!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed as her and Dakota took their third shots.
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“ Let’s keep this going girl! Hit me again!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ Alright! Fourth shot, coming at ya!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed. They took their fourth shots.
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“ Woo! Hit me again!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ Fifth all the way!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ Ok you two really need to stop! This is getting dangerous!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Quit being a buzzkill Dr. Cooper! This is my time!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed as she sucked up her fifth shot of Vodka. Dakota did as well.
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“ Yeah butt the hell out before I take this shot of Vodka and shove it up your a**!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed as she sucked up another shot. Leo did the same.
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“ You’re not going to do that and I’ll tell you why!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Why?!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed taking another shot with Leo.
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“ Because you’ll be in big trouble! In fact, both of you already are!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ What the hell are you talking about?!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed taking another shot with Dakota. Fed up with being not listened to, Sheldon grabbed his girlfriend’s iPod out of her hand, turned the music off and placed his foot in between the two chairs making them come to a halting stop.
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“ What the hell Sheldon?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ You two, my apartment, 7 o’clock tonight!”, Sheldon scolded as he stormed toward the door.
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“ Ok! Are you going to give me my iPod back?!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ You’ll get it back when I say you get it back depending on how justice prevails! 7 o’clock, my apartment!”, Sheldon scolded as he walked out slamming the door behind him.
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“ Oh sh*t Dakota! We’re so busted!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ Yeah! What do you think he meant by that?! Justice prevails?!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ I don’t know but it sounds obnoxious!”, Leo intoxicatedly laughed.
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“ You got that right!”, Dakota intoxicatedly laughed. The two of them playfully smacked each other laughing their heads off.
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7 o’clock at Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment...
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After sobering up, Leo and Dakota entered 4A to find their friends there sitting around staring at them. The lights were dimmed and Sheldon said, “ Here ye here ye!”
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“ What the hell is this?! An intervention of some kind?!”, Dakota smart-aleckally asked.
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“ No, this is a trial! What do you think it is Dakota?!”, Sheldon asked standing from behind the kitchen counter. Laid out in front of him was a file folder, a judge’s gavel, and Leo’s iPod.
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“ A trial for what?! What the hell is this Sheldon?!”, Leo interjected.
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“ I just told you what it is Leo now sit down! You too Dakota!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”, Dakota said as her and Leo sat down in the two chairs in front of the coffee table.
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“ Excuse me, but I’m the judge presiding over this trial and I don’t appreciate that tone Dakota Harris!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Sorry.”, Dakota said.
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“ Thank you! Now as I was saying, Here ye here ye! Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce and Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris you two ladies are hereby accused of commencing dangerous activity and undermining my authority! As President of the Tenants Association I would like to call this criminal justice court to order!”, Sheldon interjected as he slammed his gavel down on the counter.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo and Dakota exclaimed leaning forward in their chairs.
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“ Is he freaking serious?!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ Sheldon this is ridiculous! It was just a few shots of Vodka while spinning in computer chairs listening to my iPod!”, Leo protested.
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“ Wrong! It was several shots of Vodka and I have the evidence to prove it!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Oh really?! And what’s that?!”, Leo shot back as she crossed her arms in front of her.
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“ Behold! Exhibit A!”, Sheldon interjected as he pulled out the Vodka bottle and set it on the counter. Raj hit a button on his shirt and the Law and Order sound effect came out of it.
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“ Oh no! You are not turning this into a Law and Order episode Sheldon!”, Leo protested.
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“ On the contrary I already have and you’re the one who started it when you and Dakota took those shots of Vodka while spinning around in computer chairs after I specifically told you not to!”, Sheldon shot back at her.
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“ Really Dr. Cooper?! You’re really going to make your girlfriend argue with you over this?!”, Leo protested.
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“ Keep arguing with me and you’re just adding more to your punishment Dr. Fordyce! What do you say to that?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ I have no comment.”, Leo said with a defeated sigh.
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“ That’s what I thought.”, Sheldon said.
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20 minutes later, Sheldon came to a decision.
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“ I have now come to a decision! Dakota, your verdict is you have a strike and as for you Leo, you and I shall engage in coitus every night for a month and as such during this time your IPod usage will be suspended!”, Sheldon said as he held up Leo’s IPod.
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“ A whole freaking month?! Are you kidding me?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Did I say Bazinga?!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Of course not so I was being serious!”, Sheldon said.
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“ So this is my prison sentence essentially?! You and I having sex every night for a month and I can’t use my IPod?!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Yes! It’s the appropriate punishment for commencing such dangerous pending nuptials in the first place!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Gee, thanks! Why don’t you just handcuff me and drag me to your room while you’re at it?!”, Leo sarcastically said.
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“ Thank you for the suggestion! Maybe I’ll just do that!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he held up a set of hancuffs.
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“ Are you freaking kidding me?!”, Leo screamed as she stared at her boyfriend.
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“ Sheldon don’t you think you’re getting a little too carried away?!”, Penny asked.
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“ Penny, I hardly get carried away with anything and no! This is perfectly appropriate criminal justice!”, Sheldon stated as he approached Leo.
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“ I was being sarcastic! I didn’t mean you could actually do that to me!”, Leo exclaimed as she shot up out of her seat.
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“ Well maybe you shouldn’t have opened your mouth to say that.”, Sheldon said as he grabbed her wrist. The metal cuff snapped around her wrist like a plastic snap bracelet.
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“ Ok if you think for one second I… oh god!”, Leo exclaimed as her arms were pinned behind her captured by the other cuff. Then she asked, “ Are you seeing this Dakota?! You’re going to let him do this to me?!”
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“ Sorry dude, he’s your boyfriend. I don’t want to get into this.”, Dakota said as she threw her hands up.
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“ Really?! You’re selling me out?! What kind of friend are you Dakota?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know how to answer that.”, Dakota said as she scratched the back of her head.
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“ Frack you!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Alright that’s enough.”, Sheldon said as he started dragging Leo toward his room.
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“ Yep he’s one wacky bastard.”, Howard said.
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“ Oh shut up Howard Wolowitz!”, Leo interjected around the corner of the hallway before disappearing into Sheldon’s room. Sheldon came back out for a second and said, “ This trial’s now dismissed!” before slamming his gavel down again. He returned to his bedroom and released Leo.
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“ What do you want me to do?”, Leo asked.
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“ Get on my bed.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as she climbed up on Sheldon’s bed. As Sheldon climbs up toward her she protested, “ No wait! We’re doing this now?! I’m not… mmm!” before Sheldon interrupted her mid-sentence by kissing her. They both then proceeded to slowly take each other’s shirts off as well as their pants. Sheldon’s heart raced as he stared at Leo. She was the most beautiful sexiest woman he had ever made love to. The thought of knowing that she was his and only his made him very happy.
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“ I love you Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ I love you too Dr. Cooper.”, Leo said with a smile. The two of them resumed kissing and touching each other. But just when things started heating up the most ridiculous random thing happened. A scythe came slashing through the window out of nowhere causing Leo and Sheldon to scream at the top of their lungs. Shards of glass flew everywhere making Sheldon shield Leo from it.
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“ What the hell was that?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ I have no idea!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ What the hell did you do?!”, Leonard screamed as he and the others came into the room.
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“ We didn’t do anything Leonard! This thing just came crashing into the window out of nowhere!”, Leo screamed as her and Sheldon tried to cover up.
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“ Yeah well who the hell would... ahhhh!”, Bernadette shouted before the others joined in with her screaming as a head suddenly appeared through the broken window. It was The Grim Reaper.
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“ Oh good Lord! It’s the face of Death!”, Leo and Sheldon screamed.
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“ Yep, we’re going to die!”, Howard screamed. But just when they all least expected it, laughter came from the Grim Reaper as he climbed into the room holding a video camera.
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“ Gotcha!”, he laughed.
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“ What?!”, the gang shrieked as he took off the mask.
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“ Nevel Maxwell Fordyce what is this?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ This is YouTube gold!”, Nevel laughed as he held the camera in his hands.
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“ What the hell are you talking about?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ I started a YouTube channel two nights ago and decided that for my first video I was going to prank someone! I picked you and Sheldon!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny exclaimed rolling her eyes.
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“ Leo who is this?!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ This is Nevel, one of my stupid cousins!”, Leo irritatedly said.
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“ He’s your cousin?!”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes! He’s one of my immature pigheaded cousins!”, Leo irritatedly said.
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“ Oh come on Leo! You should have seen your face, it was awesome!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ No it wasn’t Nevel! I wasn’t expecting something immature like this!”, Leo screamed.
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“ That’s the whole point! You’re not supposed to expect it, it’s a prank!”, Nevel laughed. Then he snickered, “ Nice porn action Leo!” as he pointed the camera at her and Sheldon in their undergarments.
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“ Oh no! You are not putting this on the internet!”, Leo shouted at her cousin as she wrapped a blanket around her and Sheldon.
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“ Why not?! This is just the kind of thing that people want to see!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ Why not?! It’s embarrassing and a complete violation of privacy! I’m not going to allow you to completely embarrass my boyfriend and I all over cyberspace just for some stupid prank video!”, Leo shouted.
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“ What do you mean by cyberspace Leo?!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ It’s the same word for internet! Use your freaking head you a**hat!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Keep talking Leo! This is great!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ Nevel I swear to hell if you put that on YouTube I will smash that camera and throw it in the garbage!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Calm down Leo! You’re acting like Jesse Ridgway from that YouTube channel Mcjuggernuggets!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ That’s where this prank inspiration came from?! That stupid channel?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Yeah! I watched like several thousand of their videos!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ Why would you get inspired from two gamer idiots who got nothing better to do than to make videos involving pranks or their psycho dad smashing their crap all the time?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Oh come on it’s hilarious!”, Nevel laughed.
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“ No it’s not Nevel! You know what, you’re not getting away with that camera! Give me it!”, Leo shouted as she threw her clothes back on and grabbed her cousin’s camera out of his hand. Sheldon got dressed as well.
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“ Hey! That’s my property! What are you doing?!”, Nevel shrieked.
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“ Well now it’s nobody’s Nevel because guess what I’m doing with it?!”, Leo shouted. Then she said, “ You guys might want to move for a second.” The others moved aside from the door.
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“ Wait, what are you...?!”, Nevel interjected.
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“ In coming!”, Leo exclaimed as she chucked the camera at the door causing it to split in half. Her friends flinched upon impact.
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“ What the hell Leo?! You just destroyed half a million bucks! I was going to make a fortune with that!”, Nevel shrieked.
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“ No you weren’t Nevel! Nobody wants to see two consenting adults IN THEIR UNDERWEAR!”, Leo shot back. She then picked up the two camera halves, walked out into the kitchen, and threw them into the garbage can.
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“ Come on! Can’t you take a joke for once?!”, Nevel protested.
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“ That is no joke! That is something that’s serious! It’s one thing that you want to scare us but when you try to expose us on the internet like that, that’s when it becomes personal and private! Use your freaking head Nevel!”, Leo hissed.
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“ You’re a buzzkill Leo!”, Nevel interjected before he left the apartment. Everyone else left shortly after as well engulfing the apartment in complete silence. One month later while visiting Leo’s family, Leo, Sheldon and her parents decided to go run a few errands at a few stores. As they were walking back to the car something caught the corner of Leo’s eye. Her attention turned to a tree that had a Missing Person’s poster on it.
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“ What the hell?! OH MY GOD!”, Leo shrieked as she stared at the face of the missing individual. She knew exactly who it was.
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“ Leo are you alright?! What happened?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he ran to her side.
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“ There’s… There’s a Missing Person’s poster… right… there!”, Leo stuttered her words in fear as she pointed a shaky finger at the tree.
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“ What about it?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ Just look at it!”, Leo screamed as she shielded her face. It was like the image had blinded her face.
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“ DeAnna Ilena Rivers. So?”, Sheldon said as he read the name on the poster.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9bEbJLQtx
“ So?! That’s my 4TH GRADE TEACHER!”, Leo screamed.
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“ Woah, what?! That’s the woman you and Dakota were talking about?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKjB7G9yFWS
“ Yes, that’s Mrs. Rivers! She’s the teacher that we told you that we freaked out after that school shooting! I can’t believe she’s missing!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Who’s missing Leo?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked as she walked up with her husband.
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“ Mrs. Rivers!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Your 4th grade teacher Mrs. Rivers?!”, Mr. Fordyce asked in complete shock.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHiAmIDDPKq
“ Yes dad! There’s a Missing poster of her! It says that she’s been missing for at least a week! She was last seen on a previous Monday!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh that’s just horrible!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANACZ04uUGvN0
“ Yeah it is! You know what, I’m calling Dakota and we’re going to go out looking for her tonight!”, Leo exclaimed as she pulled out her phone. But, just as she was about to dial Sheldon grabbed her phone out of her hand.
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“ What the hell Sheldon?!”, Leo shrieked as she stared at her boyfriend with a death glare.
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“ I forbid you to do that! I don’t want anything to happen to you!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Sheldon I’ll be with Dakota the entire time! It’s not like I’m going alone!”, Leo protested.
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“ You don’t know that! There’s a million things that could happen to you! It’s too much of a risk for me to lose my girlfriend over a search for a missing person!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well then here’s my compromise Dr. Cooper, you come with us!”, Leo interjected.
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“ What?! Are you out of your mind?! Are you trying to get us killed Dr. Fordyce?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at her.
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“ No Dr. Cooper! We’re just going out to look for Mrs. Rivers!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Is she even going to remember you two?! It’s been several years since you’ve probably seen her!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I don’t know but it’s worth a try! She probably doesn’t understand what the hell just happened to her so she’ll probably be greatful if we find her!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I still don’t think this is a good idea!”, Sheldon protested.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAhkROeTTi6D
“ Yeah well I do, so are you coming or what?!”, Leo asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAFll86SqyAo
“ Aww, fine! I will come with you if it will make you happy!”, Sheldon said with a defeated sigh.
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“ Great! Now can I please have my phone back so I can call Dakota?!”, Leo exclaimed as she held out her hand.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said as he handed her phone back to her.
18Please respect copyright.PENANACRE4VFsMj4
“ Thank you.”, Leo said as she dialed Dakota’s phone. Dakota answered after the first two rings and Leo told her what was going on. Dakota instantly said she was on her way.
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4 hours later…
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Knock knock knock!
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Woof woof woof!
18Please respect copyright.PENANAxFp38Q8Cmu
“ Gidget shut up!”, Leo shouted as she went to the front door and opened it.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAbgKX2oru12
“ I’m here! We gonna do this or what?!”, Dakota exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANALVOKemDnHx
“ Good Lord Dakota! You look like you went from being a world-class MMA champion to being a world-class criminal!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at her. Dakota was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jean shorts, black boots and a utility belt with a bunch of equipment as well as a headlamp on her head.
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“ Yeah Dakota what is all this?!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her friend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA0AsnNQoYy7
“ This is my search and rescue equipment! We’re searching for Mrs. Rivers right?!”, Dakota exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAuUIfamQVw0
“ Yes but we really don’t need all this stuff. This is probably just going to be a simple search but you can bring that stuff if you want to.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh I’m bringing it! I’m also bringing this!”, Dakota exclaimed as she suddenly pulled out a hammer.
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“ What is that hammer for?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ To bash the head of the stupid lowlife jerk who took Mrs. Rivers!”, Dakota exclaimed as she swung it like an ax. Gidget got a little excited and jumped up on Dakota licking her face.
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“ Aww hi Gidget! Who’s a pretty girl, huh?!”, Dakota cooed as she scratched Gidget behind her ears and gave her kisses.
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“ You just love breaking skulls do you?!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Hey they don’t call me Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris for nothing you know! It’s what I do to lowlife punks who deserve it!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ This is going to be a long night!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Be careful out there and stay together! We don’t need 4 missing people!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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“ Dad there’s only three of us!”, Leo interjected.
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“ You know what I meant Leo! You three and Mrs. Rivers!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA8gfzrev6Ie
“ Oh ok! Where’s Mom?!”, Leo asked as she stared at her father.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAMaCf0lPOsi
“ Your mother went to bed and I’m just about to as well. Stay together and don’t split up. I don’t want to be one of those fathers that has to worry about his daughter all night long.”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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“ Dad I’m 31 years old! I’m a grown woman! We’ve already been through this discussion! You don’t need to act like some commanding officer!”, Leo interjected.
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“ I know that but I’m just concerned for your safety. You’re my little girl.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Dad! Just stop embarrassing me and go to bed!”, Leo interjected as she laughed.
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“ Alright alright I’ll go to bed and leave you three to your quest. Good night Leo.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he headed up the stairs.
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“ Good night dad.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright, let’s get this search underway!”, Dakota exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAQG98qUNgF2
“ No one says that anymore Dakota!”, Leo exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAyecJWG5Zu5
“ There’s a lot of things that people don’t say anymore Leo but that’s not the point. The point is, we need to get going.”, Dakota said.
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“ Good Lord will this night ever end?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as the three of them left the Fordyce home. But just as they were walking down the driveway Gidget gave a sad whine as she laid down in the doorway.
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“ Aww, I think Gidget wants to come with us.”, Dakota sympathetically said as she looked at Gidget’s sad looking eyes. Leo thought for a minute before she turned around and said, “ Gidget, come here girl!” Gidget immediately perked up sprinting down the doorsteps as fast as she could happily wagging her tail behind her. The two doctors and MMA fighter then set off into the night with Gidget tagging along beside them.
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“ Mrs. Rivers?! Mrs. Rivers?!”, Leo called out into the night.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAVf2U5BTarv
“ Yo Mrs. Riv, where the hell are you?!”, Dakota shouted.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAB7WuJMwIVF
“ Stop shouting Dakota! It’s after 11 o’clock at night and people are trying to sleep!”, Sheldon scolded.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAAC9htjFGzX
“ Well do you have a better solution on how we should look for her Sheldon Cooper?!”, Dakota interjected as she stared at him.
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“ It’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper and no! I didn’t want to be doing this in the first place!”, Sheldon stated.
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“ Then why did you come with us?!”, Leo interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAEEi3H1Quzw
“ Because I didn’t want anything to happen to you. God forbid that you have a boyfriend who loves you so much and doesn’t want to lose you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said as she kissed him.
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“ Yo Romeo and Juliet you two coming or what?!”, Dakota called out as she was halfway down the trail.
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“ Yeah we’re coming Dakota! Come on Sheldon.”, Leo said as her and Sheldon continued walking to catch up with Dakota. Gidget followed closely behind them. As they continued walking a loud bang suddenly went off in the distance making Gidget bark.
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“ What the hell was that?! Was that a freaking gunshot?!”, Dakota shrieked as the three of them stopped dead in their tracks.
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“ I think it was because Gidget is barking! Should we go investigate it?!”, Leo asked. Dakota nodded her head.
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“ Are you out of your mind Leo?! That is completely dangerous! Your dad told us to stay together!”, Sheldon scolded his girlfriend.
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“ We are Sheldon! The three of us and Gidget are going to investigate what that loud bang was!”, Leo shot back at her boyfriend.
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“ I’m praying to God that somebody didn’t shoot Mrs. Rivers!”, Dakota exclaimed in a paniced voice. The three of them ran through the dark woods with the dog at a very fast pace completely freaked out about what they may see. When they came to a field Dakota spotted something laying down in the grass a few feet away. It looked like the body of a woman.
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“ Oh hell!”, Leo shrieked as she took off sprinting toward whoever it was lying on the ground. Gidget as well as Sheldon and Dakota followed her. When they reached the body they gasped. It was Mrs. DeAnna Ilena Rivers and she had a gunshot wound through her head!
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Oh no! Mrs. Rivers had been shot! What do you think will happen to her?! Will she die or will Leo, Sheldon, and Dakota get her to the hospital in time?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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