Chapter 30
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The conversation continued but once the meeting was over and it was decided that the episode was going to get banned from tv, Paul and Peter high-tailed it out of 4A without second glances.
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“ We should have done a Forensic Files episode on him, Peter! That guy is certifiably insane!”, Paul interjected about Sheldon as they were leaving the complex.
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“ Yeah I totally agree Paul! What being in their right mind would repeat the same things over and over again?! That’s just nuts!”, Peter interjected as they got into the television studio van and drove off.
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“ Well, his wife wasn’t bad. She seemed nice.”, Paul said.
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“ Yeah and their daughter was cute too.”, Peter said. Paul nodded his head and silence fell between them for a moment.
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“ You know, it’s sad when you have to ban something that you thought was pretty good but I guess that’s better than having Dr. Cooper rip our throats out or worse, kill us.”, Paul said with a sad sigh.
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“ Exactly, I couldn’t agree with you more.”, Peter said as he nodded his head. Then he asked, “ Where do you think his mother had him tested?”
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“ Don’t know don’t care. I just feel sorry for the other guy living with him.”, Paul said as he drove back to the studio.
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“ Well he did say he has a girlfriend living two floors below them. Dakota I think her name is.”, Peter said.
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“ Yeah that’s true.”, Paul said.
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Later that evening…
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“ Episode Unplugged is tonight’s breaking news story as in we have just received confirmation that Medstar Television Studios is now banning the first episode of Forensic Files, The Disappearance of Helle Crafts from tv broadcasting due to a bizarre incident involving an autistic 14 year old girl. A complaint about the episode came from her concerned father Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper, senior theoretical particle physicist from the California Institute of Technology also known as Caltech University.”, the news lady said as Leo, Sheldon and Leonard were watching the news that night.
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“ Oh good Lord.”, Sheldon said as he leaned his face on his hand. He wasn’t comfortable with the news media attention focused on him saying that he was the reason that episode was being banned. As the lady kept talking Sheldon pulled his phone out and called the news studio. The same lady picked up the phone right in the middle of her broadcast.
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“ Hello?”, the lady asked as her voice echoed on both the tv and the phone.
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“ Yes hello this is Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper.”, Sheldon said in somewhat of an unhappy voice.
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“ Oh hi Dr. Cooper what do you need?! I’m in the middle of my broadcast right now!”, the lady exclaimed as her voice echoed again.
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“ I know that because I see you doing it! I’m watching you right now as we speak! I don’t appreciate you using my name as well as my place of work! I did not give consent for that and I also don’t appreciate you mentioning my daughter! I did not give consent for that either!”, Sheldon scolded her through the phone.
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“ Oh, my apologies. I am very sorry. It won’t happen again.”, the lady said.
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“ Thank you. Carry on with your broadcast.”, Sheldon said as he hung up. The lady resumed talking and didn’t mention his name anymore.
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“ Dad?”, Cayela called out as she wheeled herself out of her room.
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“ What is it Cayela? Are you alright?”, Sheldon asked when he noticed that she shifting slightly from side to side on the scooter.
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“ Not really.”, Cayela said as she was bouncing a little bit.
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“ Do you need to be changed?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said.
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“ Alright, scoot yourself back into your room and let’s get that taken care of.”, Sheldon said as he started walking towards her which made her scoot herself backwards back into her room. Sheldon then grabbed the items necessary out of the closet, picked her up off the scooter and gently laid her down on the pad that was laying on her bed. He undressed her before removing her diaper. Once she was clean and given a fresh one he then slipped her white cotton t-shirt on her, put away the pad and threw away the used items before tucking her into her bed. Leo and Leonard came in moments later to say good night.
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“ Good night sweetheart. We love you.”, Leo said as she kissed her daughter’s bandaged head.
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“ Good night I love you too.”, Cayela said.
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“ You ok with sleeping by yourself now?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah. I’m not thinking about that episode anymore.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well then I guess that surgery was a success wasn’t it?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Thanks for erasing it from my mind Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh you’re welcome sweetie. Good night.”, Leonard said with a smile as he kissed her head.
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“ Good night.”, Cayela said. Sheldon kissed her head as well before three adults walked out, shut the light off and shut the door engulfing the room in the soft glow of Cayela’s night light. Cayela then reached over and grabbed her tv remote before turning on her tv. Forensic Files was on but what was on the screen at the moment was a message card and Peter Thomas’s voice said, “ This episode has been banned from tv broadcasting due to it being too disturbing for some viewers. The next Forensic Files episode will be featured momentarily.”
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Cayela hit the TV Guide button and saw that it was the first episode. She smiled at this knowing that she would never see it again. She fell asleep as the next episode came on and the theme song began to play. The next day, however, when Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy came into work they saw that several anonymous people had defaced the outside of the university.
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“ What the frack?!”, Howard exclaimed as he got out of his car and just stood there in the parking lot along with his friends.
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“ Oh for God sakes!”, Leonard exclaimed as he threw his head in his hands.
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“ Someone just defaced the university!”, Raj exclaimed
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“ Yeah but who would do that?!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ I don’t know Amy but this is starting to look like our own episode of Forensic Files!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ You guys look! Most of these messages are targetted directly at Sheldon!”, Raj exclaimed as he got a closer look at the graffiti.
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“ WHAT?”, Leo, Leonard, Howard and Amy exclaimed.
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“ This is just preposterous! What do they say?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Uh, one of them says Dr. Cooper the episode killer!”, Howard exclaimed as he read one of the messages.
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“ Another one says Theoretical physics killed Forensic Files!”, Raj exclaimed as he read another.
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“ Richard Crafts minus Helle Crafts equals Dr. Cooper!”, Amy exclaimed as she read the third one.
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“ Drop dead Dr. Cooper!”, Howard exclaimed as he read another one that was a death threat.
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“ Forensic Files rest in peace thanks to Dr. Cooper!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ T.D.H.C rest in peace!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ Oh great, this is all related to The Disappearance of Helle Crafts episode that was banned from tv last night!”, Leo exclaimed as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Hey guys there’s something else here too! It looks like Sheldon’s face on a fire-breathing dragon’s body!”, Leonard exclaimed as he stared at the image before him on the wall.
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“ WHAT?!”, Sheldon, Leo, Howard, Raj and Amy exclaimed as they gathered around Leonard.
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“ Die Forensic Files!”, Howard exclaimed as he read what it said on the stream of fire coming out of Sheldon’s mouth on the image.
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“ Ok that is disturbing! Who the hell would do that to my husband?!”, Leo interjected in anger as she pointed at the image.
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“ This is ridiculous! What is wrong with these people?! These people are sick! Do they seriously have nothing better to do than to sit around and watch something that horrible?! I don’t appreciate this!”, Sheldon interjected in anger.
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“ Dr. Cooper, may I see you in my office for a moment?!”, Mrs. Davis interjected as she stood in the doorway of the main entrance.
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“ Oh good Lord! What now?!”, Sheldon interjected as he followed her into the building.
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“ Oh great, now my husband’s probably going to get in trouble for all of this! This is not how I envisioned this day to go!”, Leo interjected as they all went into the building. After Sheldon had a conversation with Mrs. Davis and Dr. Gablehauser, President Siebert told Sheldon that he was fired and to pack up his office. Sheldon did so and the last thing he did was he sadly slid his name tag off the door and threw it into the box.
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“ I’ll see you guys at home.”, Sheldon sadly said when he walked up to his wife and friends in the cafeteria holding the box of items from his office.
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“ Why buddy? What’s going on?”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at his best friend.
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“ I just got fired.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy exclaimed as they stared at him.
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“ Why?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I… don’t know Leo.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ Well how are you going to get home?! You don’t drive!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ I’m taking the bus. I’ll see you guys at home.”, Sheldon sadly said as he walked away carrying his box of items. The others just looked at each other completely shocked by what just happened. Once Sheldon got home he set the box of items down on the floor by the door before slamming the door shut behind him. He just stood there silently for a moment looking around the quiet apartment before he angrily threw his keys into the bowl and stormed down the hallway to his and Leo’s bedroom. He slammed the door shut behind him and threw himself on the bed in despair. He was so upset by what just happened that he didn’t even realize he was crying. He had dedicated his entire life to this job and just couldn’t believe that he had just now lost it. And for what?! Just for being targetted by some anonymous people all because of some Forensic Files episode?! To Sheldon, it made absolutely no sense but he couldn’t just argue with them or otherwise he would have probably been arrested for disorderly conduct. He couldn’t do that to his wife and daughter, they needed him. He loved them very much and would do anything for them if his life depended on it. Sheldon just laid there sobbing into his pillow until a familiar sweet voice caught his attention.
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“ Don’t give up on yourself Sheldon. That wouldn’t be the right way to go.”
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“ Who said that?!”, Sheldon cried as he lifted his head.
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“ I did Moonpie.” Sheldon turned his head and what he saw shocked him. There sitting at the foot of his and Leo’s bed was the ghostly figure of his grandmother. She was sitting there with a smile on her face. Sheldon immediately shot up to a sitting position and exclaimed, “ Meemaw?!”
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“ Yes it’s me. Please don’t give up on yourself. A lot of people need your brilliance in this world, including your wife Leo and your daughter Cayela.”, Meemaw ghostly spirit said.
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“ You know about Cayela?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Of course I do Moonpie! I’ve been watching over you this whole time! Cayela looks like a beautiful little angel! I just wish that I could have been there to meet her!”, Meemaw’s spirit exclaimed.
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“ Leo and I wished the same thing. I just know Cayela would have loved you.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ Well I never got the chance to meet her and I already love her. Very much.”, Meemaw’s spirit said.
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“ Meemaw? Why did you leave us?”, Sheldon sadly asked.
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“ I don’t know Sheldon. I guess the Lord just decided it was my time to go. But remember this, I will always be watching over you until the day it’s your time to go and we’ll be together again.”, Meemaw’s spirit said.
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“ I miss you.”, Sheldon sadly said as tears streamed down his face.
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“ I miss you too. I miss all of you.”, Meemaw’s spirit said. Sheldon scooted himself forward towards the end of the bed and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her. To him it felt like he was hugging air. He let his arms fall as his grandmother’s spirit faded away. Sheldon then fell back onto his bed trying to process everything.
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‘ Did I really just see my grandmother’s ghost? Had she really come to visit me?’, Sheldon thought in his head as he turned on his side and continued to cry. He cried himself out to the point of exhaustion and soon found himself taking a nap. He was so tired that he forgot to take off his shoes and his dark blue windbreaker jacket. Meanwhile after the others got off work Leo and Leonard went to go pick up Cayela from school. She scooted out to the car on her scooter and once she placed it in the car she hobbled her way inside.
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“ Hi sweetheart how was your day at school?”, Leo asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.
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“ It was good Mom. Where’s Dad?”, Cayela asked when she noticed Leonard sitting where her dad usually sits in the car instead.
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“ Your father’s at home.”, Leo sadly sighed.
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“ Why’s Dad at home?”, Cayela asked in confusion.
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“ Your dad just lost his job.”, Leonard sadly said.
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“ What?! Why did he get fired?!”, Cayela exclaimed in confusion and complete shock.
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“ We don’t know Cayela. Your Uncle Leonard and I are gonna go talk to him when we get home and find out what the deal is.”, Leo sadly said.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela sadly said. When they got home and Cayela wheeled herself into the apartment Leo and Leonard walked down the hallway and entered Sheldon’s and Leo’s bedroom. They found Sheldon sleeping on his side on top of the covers.
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“ Sheldon? Wake up. Are you ok?”, Leo asked as she gently shook his shoulder.
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“ Not really Leo.”, Sheldon sadly and softly said as he slowly started to wake up from his nap.
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“ Why did you get fired buddy?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Because I was being targeted in the defacement of the university. They said that it was an embarrassment to them, they didn’t want that on their conscience so they fired me and told me to never come back.”, Sheldon sadly said as he sat up.
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“ Defacement?! Dad what are you talking about?!”, Cayela exclaimed in complete shock when she suddenly wheeled herself into the room. Apparently she had been listening in from outside the room and wanted to know what this was about.
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“ Several anonymous people defaced the university this morning. They were all messages targeted at me.”, Sheldon sadly said with a sigh.
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“ Why would somebody do that?”, Cayela sadly asked.
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“ Because these people are upset with your father over the episode ban.”, Leo said.
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“ WHAT?!”, Cayela exclaimed as she wheeled herself out and went to her room shutting the door behind her. She then opened her laptop and went to her Facebook account. In the status she wrote an angry rant and posted it. Sheldon’s phone dinged indicating that he got a Facebook notification. He clicked on it and saw what his daughter wrote in her status.
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Cayela’s status said: To the stupid jerks who are attacking my dad, please stop it! He did this for a reason because the Helle Crafts episode scared me to death! What you don’t realize is that I have Autism and certain things don’t process right in my brain! This whole episode is the reason why I’m injured right now! Thanks to you, my dad lost his job today and I’m not sure if he would be able to get it back! I hope you conscienceless jerks seriously regret ruining my dad’s life! My dad is the most brilliant, intelligent mind that I’ve known for my whole life and I’m very proud of the accomplishments he’s made, not just in his work but in his personal life too! Thanks a lot for crushing my dad’s dream of winning a Nobel Prize! I love you Dad.
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Sheldon then walked into his daughter’s bedroom to see her sitting on her scooter in front of her laptop.
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“ Cayela you didn’t have to do that.”, Sheldon sadly said as he stood in the doorway.
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“ It’s ok Dad I wanted to. I don’t like seeing you upset.”, Cayela sadly said.
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“ Thank you sweetheart.”, Sheldon sadly said as he walked up to her, bent over and embraced her. He started crying again as a tear slid down her face. He then kissed her head and told her he loved her too. Leo then joined in the embrace shedding tears as well. One week later as the word got around that Sheldon got fired Penny gathered all their friends together organizing a labor strike. They all vowed to not work unless Sheldon got his job back. They made some picket signs before they marched around the streets of Pasadena shouting and chanting at the top of their lungs. Cayela, Florence and Charlotte also refused to go to school so they could be a part of it too. Sheldon also got involved which surprisingly made him feel good. He was happy to know that his friends were willing to stand by him no matter what including his wife, his daughter, and her two friends. As they were parading around Pasadena with their picket signs still shouting and chanting at the top of their lungs the anti-episode ban brigade showed up with dozens of egg cartons. They started throwing eggs at the gang shouting hateful things at them.
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“ Episode killers!”, someone in the brigade crowd shouted.
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“ Run ‘em out!”, another person shouted.
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“ Oh son of a bitch! Here come the torches and pitchforks!”, Penny screamed as they started running away from the angry mob that was chasing them.
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“ Penny that’s not helping!”, Leonard screamed over the sounds of angry shouting, crackling fires and clashing metal forks.
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“ Would you idiots shut up?! We’re about to get torn apart by a large group of people who are acting like a pack of wild coyotes!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Oh good Lord! Could this day get any worse?!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Shut the hell up Dr. Whack-a-doodle! You’re not helping the situation right now!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Penny you calling me that is not helping either!”, Sheldon screamed. The angry mob of people chased the gang for several blocks until the Medstar Television studio van showed up and Paul and Peter stepped out of it. The two men suddenly positioned themselves between the gang and the brigade of people who were still armed with their cartons of eggs, torches and pitchforks.
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“ Woah woah woah woah! People, settle down! What is this riot about?!”, Paul shouted as he held his hands up in front of him.
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“ Those people are episode killers!”, a woman shouted as she threw a menacing finger at the 10 adults and 3 teenage girls. A loud chorus of agreement shouting rang out.
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“ They made you ban something that we thought was pretty good!”, a man shouted causing the crowd to shout in agreement again.
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“ We were just doing it at the request of Dr. Cooper! He didn’t want it on the air anymore for the sake of his daughter!”, Peter shouted as he gestured his hand toward Sheldon and Cayela.
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“ Well then he’s a jerk!”, another person shouted.
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“ Yeah serves him right!”, another man shouted.
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“ He deserves what he got! Let him be a jobless deadbeat!”, another woman shouted.
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“ LET’S KILL HIM!”, another guy shouted. The angry mob tried to push their way toward Sheldon shouting a whole bunch of obsinities at him with their torches and pitchforks raised in the air, ready to kill him. Sheldon cowered in fear behind his friends bracing himself for the end of his life but it never came.
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“ Alright you know what, I have a solution for this! Instead of banning the whole Helle Crafts episode completely, why don’t we just show it on an Adults Only channel?! That way it doesn’t interrupt the flow of the show and everyone gets what they want!”, Peter shouted as he held his hands up. Then he turned his head toward Sheldon and asked, “ Is that ok with you?”
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“ Yes if it will get these people off my back and not threaten to kill me!”, Sheldon shrieked as he placed his hand on his chest.
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“ Well see?! There you go people! You got your episode back!”, Paul shouted as he threw his hands up.
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“ Yes! Long live the episode!”, another guy shouted as he shot a fist into the air. The brigade of people cheered as they all ran away.
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“ Thank you for doing that! I thought I was going to get my head ripped off!”, Sheldon interjected as he let out a sigh of relief.
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“ Oh it was nothing Dr. Cooper. Our boss was the one who informed us of this angry mob anyway and told us to come diffuse it.”, Paul said.
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“ Well that solves the episode problem, but, what about my husband’s job?! We all vowed to not work unless he got his job back!”, Leo asked.
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“ Well that’s a problem we could maybe fix. Just give us moment to talk to your boss and we’ll let you know what happens.”, Peter said.
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“ Ok.”, Sheldon, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy said. Paul and Peter then headed to Caltech where they spoke with President Siebert, Dr. Gablehauser and Mrs. Davis. Then a few minutes later they came back and Leonard asked, “ Well, what did they say?”
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“ They’re hiring him back.”, Paul said with a smile on his face.
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“ Really?!”, Sheldon, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Dakota, Yesenia, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Yeah we explained everything to them and told them that we would cover the expense of removing the graffiti from the building so they agreed. They’re letting him come back.”, Peter said with a smile.
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“ YIPPEE KI-YAY!”, Penny exclaimed as she tossed her picket sign away. The others screamed and threw their arms around each other.
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“ Yay! My dad got his job back!”, Cayela exclaimed as she threw her arms around her two best friends.
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“ I say we all go out to celebrate!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ I agree! You guys want to go to The Cheesecake Factory?! It’s on me!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Actually it’s on both of us. Have you forgotten that I worked there too?”, Bernadette said.
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“ Does it really matter Bernadette?”, Penny asked.
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“ I guess not but let’s just go.”, Bernadette said.
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“ Would you guys like to join us?”, Leonard asked Paul and Peter.
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“ Oh no we couldn’t. We don’t want to intrude.”, Paul said as he shook his head.
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“ Oh no you won’t be intruding at all! I insist you come with us! This is my appreciation for preventing that angry mob from tearing me limb from limb and for helping me get my job back!”, Sheldon exclaimed. Paul and Peter just looked at each other for a moment before they said, “ Alright, we’ll join you.”
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“ Remind me again why we’re hanging out with these people Peter.”, Paul said as the two men found themselves sitting with the others in the restaurant.
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“ I have no idea Paul.”, Peter said as he rolled his eyes. Conversations and laughter were exchanged among all of them before they went their separate ways. True to the two mens’ words The Disappearance of Helle Crafts episode was revived on an Adults Only channel which made everyone very happy and they stopped harassing Sheldon. The offensive graffiti was then removed from the Caltech University building and Sheldon moved everything back into his office. After he placed his name tag back on his office door he stood there next to his wife and friends with a smile on his face.
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“ Welcome back Dr. Cooper.”, Dr. Gablehauser said with a smile before walking away.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he continued smiling.
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“ Well, it looks like everything’s back to normal.”, Leo said.
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“ It certainly seems that way. I love you Leo.”, Sheldon said still with a smile on his face.
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“ I love you too Sheldon.”, Leo said as she gave him a smile before she kissed him.
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“ Damn you woman!”, Sheldon interjected as he kissed her back, picked her up into his arms and carried her into his office bridal style. Leo shrieked with glee as the two of them were ‘ doing it’ with each other behind the closed door. Their friends smiled and shook their heads before they walked away. Leslie, as a joke, took the little dry erase marker that was clipped in the holder on top of the little dry erase board that was hanging on Sheldon’s office door and wrote: Dr. Dumbass and Dr. Dumbassette with a little laughing emoji next to it. She then laughed to herself as she walked away. When Leo came out of her husband’s office moments later and saw that, she was fuming with rage.
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“ LESLIE WINKLE!”, Leo shouted as she ran off to find Leslie so she could beat her up again. 3 weeks later the Crenshamezkis were planning on driving up north to visit their grandparents and they decided to invite Leo, Sheldon and Cayela with them along with Charlotte, her parents and her little brother. As they were all crammed together in the Crenshamezkis SUV driving along the highway, Florence was blasting her ipod which was 2 notches below full volume and the song she was playing was Get Like Me by the School Gyrls. Her, Cayela and Charlotte were sitting in the backseat with her sister Julianne, their little brother Trevor and Charlotte’s little brother Cole just bouncing around in the seat singing the words of the song.
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“ Would you girls just shut up?!”, Trevor interjected at them over the music as he was sitting in the seat in front of them playing his Game Boy.
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“ You shut up Trevor! We’re trying to have a little fun here!”, Florence interjected as she continued bouncing around in the seat to the beat of the music with Cayela and Charlotte.
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“ Yeah shut it you little shackhouse!”, Cayela interjected causing the three girls to laugh their heads off.
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“ Hey that’s not a nice word! Do not say that Cayela!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Yeah your mother and I didn’t raise you to say things like that!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad, Florence was the one who started that word in the first place! She’s the one who called her brother that when we were at NASA!”, Cayela laughed as she pointed at Florence.
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“ Florence why would you call your brother that?!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded her daughter.
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“ I was only joking Mom! It was only meant to be a joke! I didn’t think Cayela would actually catch on to that word!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Florence that’s not funny! Apologize to your brother for calling him that!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ Fine Dad! Sorry Trevor.”, Florence said.
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“ Thanks.”, Trevor said as he continued playing his Game Boy. Florence switched to the next song and this one made the three girls bust out laughing.
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My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! They’re like it’s better than yours! Damn right, it’s better than yours! I could teach you but I have to charge!
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“ Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki! Turn this off! This is very inappropriate for the three of you to be listening to that at this age!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded his 14 year old daughter who was still laughing her butt off with Cayela and Charlotte.
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“ Aww come on Dad! Let me have a little fun! This is our vacation!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Florence your father said to turn it off! You girls shouldn’t be listening to this! It’s inappropriate and we all don’t want to hear it!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ Aww come on Mom! This is hilarious! And it’s only one bad word anyway!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Florence we don’t want to hear it! Turn it off!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ Fine, I’ll turn it off Mom!”, Florence laughed as she switched the song again. The song that came up was Don’t Bring Me Down by Electric Light Orchestra.
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“ Smooth Florence Mary Jane!”, Trevor interjected.
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“ Shut up Trevor Wyatt! Just go back to playing your game!”, Florence interjected. They both then said, “ Meh!” to each other while they stuck their tongues out at each other. Julianne then started making sounds while flailing her arms causing Trevor to coldly smack her on the hand which made her cry.
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“ Hey! What’s going on back there?!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ Trevor smacked Julianne on the hand!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Alright that’s it! Trevor hand over your game!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he held out his hand behind the driver’s seat.
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“ Aww come on Dad! I’m right in the middle of it!”, Trevor protested as he continued playing it.
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“ I don’t care! Fork it over! It’s what you get for hitting your sister!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he opened and closed his hand.
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“ Fine!”, Trevor pouted as he angrily snapped his Game Boy shut and slapped it hard into his father’s hand.
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“ Trevor Wyatt Crenshamezki! Do not do that! You are embarrassing us!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded as he handed the Game Boy to his wife who then shoved it away into the glove box.
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“ I don’t care Dad! Leave me alone!”, Trevor pouted as he sat there in his seat with his arms crossed.
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“ You want me to pull over this car right now and paddle your butt?!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ No!”, Trevor pouted.
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“ Then drop the attitude! Apologize to your sister for hitting her!”, Mr. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ Sorry Julianne! Can I have my Game Boy back?!”, Trevor hissed.
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“ No! You’re going to sit there for the rest of this car ride and think about what you did! That wasn’t nice!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded as Julianne continued to cry.
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“ Fine!”, Trevor pouted as Julianne then started to calm down. 10 year old Cole then started acting like a rockstar, bouncing around in his seat, thrusting his head back and forth playing air guitar as the music was playing.
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“ Cole! Stop that you little dork!”, Charlotte interjected as she smacked her brother on the back side of his head.
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“ Ow! Charlotte!”, Cole interjected at his sister as he rubbed the back of his head.
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“ Charlotte leave your brother alone! He’s not hurting anybody!”, Mrs. Tipton scolded.
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“ Good Lord! This is just chaos!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Sheldon calm down. It’s none of our business. We don’t need to get involved.”, Leo said as she placed a hand on her husband’s arm. Sheldon wanted to complain more but decided not to fearing that his wife was going to get mad at him. The next song that Florence switched her ipod to was Venus by Shocking Blue. Once again the girls were bouncing around in the back seat of the SUV singing the words of the song.
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“ A goddess on a mountain top! Was burning like a silver flame! The summit of beauty and love! And Venus was her name! She’s got it, yeah baby, she’s got it! Well, I’m your Venus! I’m your fire at your desire! Well, I’m your Venus! I’m your fire at your desire!”, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte sang as Cole started acting like a rockstar again, playing air guitar as he was thrusting his head back and forth. Trevor instantly forgot about his Game Boy and started imitating his friend Cole with a stupid smirk on his face. For a brief moment he thought that this was more fun and entertaining rather than just doing something by himself. Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki just rolled their eyes and shook their heads as they let out defeated sighs. No amount of discipline seemed to work on their son as in he just kept going on and on doing whatever he wanted anyway. Leo just started laughing at the situation which earned her a nudge from her husband’s elbow. She immediately shut up when his eyes narrowed at her.
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“ Sorry. That was very inappropriate of me to do that.”, Leo apologetically said. Sheldon nodded his head as he rubbed his wife’s shoulder with a satisfied smirk on his face. Julianne started making sounds as she was sitting in her wheelchair in between Trevor and Cole somewhat swinging her arms to the beat of the music.
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“ Oh my god this is so much fun!”, Cayela laughed as she continued to bounce around and nod her head to the beat of the music.
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“ Yeah it is! What better way to start off a vacation than to pump up some tunes in the car! Oh and this is another good one! Trevor you know what I’m talking about because you know this one!”, Florence interjected as she switched the song again. It was Lose Yourself by Eminem.
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“ Yeeeah! Now we’re talkin’ sis! A little Eminem!”, Trevor interjected with a smile on his face as he started nodding his head.
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“ Florence is this the radio version or is this the one with a bunch of bad words?!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki asked.
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“ It’s radio version Mom! Don’t freak out! I wouldn’t be that stupid enough to play something that inappropriate in front of a 9 year old and a 10 year old!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Um, need I remind you that you just played that Milkshake song with the D word in it?!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ That was just one word Mom! It wasn’t that inappropriate!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Ok we’re done having this discussion!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki scolded.
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“ I completely agree with that!”, Sheldon interjected. Trevor and Cole then unbuckled themselves from their seats and really started getting into the whole rockstar thing which immediately earned them a bunch of scolding.
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“ Trevor and Cole get back in your seats before you get us pulled over by the police!”, Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki and Mr. and Mrs. Tipton scolded their sons.
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“ And the crowd goes wild! YEAH! Thank you, good night!”, Trevor and Cole exclaimed as they posed like rockstars before they strapped themselves back in their seats.
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“ Boys are such dorks sometimes!”, Florence laughed. Cayela and Charlotte agreed with her. Once they got to Florence, Trevor, and Julianne’s grandparents house and after they met them and dragged their stuff into the house, Florence decided to show Cayela and Charlotte one of her favorite things to do whenever she comes up there.
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“ What’s this thing Florence?”, Cayela asked as she pointed at the usual seat that seemed to be attached to the staircase.
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“ Oh this? It’s an Acorn stairlift Cayela. My grandparents have this because they can’t really get up and down the stairs all that well and my sister also uses it too because, duh, she can’t walk.”, Florence said.
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“ Your grandparents let you use this thing whenever you want?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yeah pretty much Charlotte. It’s one of my favorite things to do whenever I come up here. I love sitting on this thing for hours going up and down the stairs listening to my ipod. It’s so fun.”, Florence said as she flipped the seat down and sat in it. Then she asked, “ Well what are you two standing there for? Sit on the armrests.”
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“ Are you sure that this is gonna hold our weight? It’s not gonna break this is it?”, Cayela asked in confusion.
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“ No of course not Cayela. This thing was designed to hold a lot of weight anyway. That’s why my parents bought this thing for them. It’s garrenteed to last a lifetime or more.”, Florence said.
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“ Ok whatever you say bestie.”, Cayela said as she sat down on one of the armrests. Charlotte sat on the other with her legs hovering the floor. Cayela’s legs were hovering as well.
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“ Hey Florence instead of listening to your ipod do you want to listen to mine?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Sure. Why not Cayela. Let’s shake it up.”, Florence said. Cayela then pulled out her ipod that was still wirelessly connected to her Bluetooth speaker and scrolled through her playlist. The song she chose was Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake. Florence then pressed the up button on the stairlift and the chair began to smoothly move up the stairs.
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“ Hey! We’re moving!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Ok this is so cool!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Ah give it minute! It gets better! Wait for it!”, Florence exclaimed. As they neared the top of the stairs the chair curved around before it went all the way to the top and stopped.
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“ And now, we go back down!”, Florence exclaimed as she hit the down button and chair began to move down the stairs. Once they got to the bottom Florence hit the up button again and they began to go up again as the music was playing.
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“ Ok I got to admit Florence, this is pretty fun!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ See?! Told ya!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Well Mom Crenshamezki it sounds like the girls found your’s and Dad Crenshamezki’s Acorn stairlift.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said to her mother-in law with a smile on her face.
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“ It appears that way Patricia.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said to her daughter-in law as she was leaning on her cane. Then she asked, “ So I take it that Florence and Charlotte are friends again?”
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“ Yes they are.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Well that’s good to hear. Who’s that other little girl with them again?”, Grandma Crenshamezki asked.
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“ Oh that’s our daughter Cayela.”, Leo said when her and Sheldon walked in. Sheldon nodded his head in agreement.
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“ Oh right. I’m so sorry. My memory is kind of slipping a bit. One minute I remember somebody’s name and then the next minute it’s like “ Who are you again?”, Grandma Crenshamezki said.
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“ Oh that’s ok, you don’t have to apologize. We get it.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ How old did you say you were again?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I’m 75 and my husband’s 83. We’re definitely not as sharp as we used to be. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to our youth when everything made sense.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said.
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“ Yeah don’t we all Mom.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said to his mother when he walked in.
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“ Yeah well Gary wait until you’re about your father and I’s age to say that. That’s when it will be appropriate.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said as she narrowed her eyes at her son.
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“ Well by the time I am, you and Dad will be gone Mom.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said in a joking manner.
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“ Oh don’t make jokes like that. Your father and I both know that you, your sister Serenity and your brother Hubert will miss us very much when we finally leave this Earth, as well as the rest of the family.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said as she lightly slapped him in the shoulder.
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“ Yes, I know. It’s going to be a sad day when that happens.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Of course it will.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said with a smile as she kissed him on the cheek and lightly tapped his face with her hand. Then she interjected, “ Joe can you get in here and help me move this pain in the ass tv so that we have more room for our guests in here?!”
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“ Quit your yapping Irene! I’m coming! God forbid I’m an old coot who moves at a snail’s pace!”, Grandpa Crenshamezki interjected as he slowly entered the room with his cane.
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“ Oh stop your whining and just help me lift this!”, Grandma Crenshamezki interjected at her husband as she slowly walked on her cane toward the tv, trying to lift it.
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“ Ok whatever you say you old bat!”, Grandpa Crenshamezki interjected at his wife as he slowly walked to the other side of the tv and tried to lift it as well.
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“ No Mom, Dad, stop stop! You’re going to throw out your backs doing that! Let Sheldon and I do it!”, Mr. Crenshamezki interjected as he watched his elderly parents struggling to lift the tv.
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“ No Gary it’s ok! We got this!”, Grandpa Crenshamezki interjected as him and his wife were still struggling with the tv.
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“ No Dad, Mom, please! Get out! Sheldon and I are doing this! I don’t want you throwing out your backs or breaking a hip!”, Mr. Crenshamezki interjected as he ushered his parents out of the way. They reluctantly moved out of the way as Sheldon and their son Gary took their places. The two men lifted with their knees as they slowly but carefully picked up the tv and moved it.
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“ What a good boy!”, Grandma Crenshamezki interjected.
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“ Mom please, not now!”, Mr. Crenshamezki interjected as him and Sheldon carefully set the tv down where he was assuming where his parents wanted it. The adults continued talking while the kids were doing their own things. Julianne was sitting in her wheelchair in another room watching tv, the boys were rough-housing with each other and Florence, Cayela and Charlotte were still playing around with the Acorn stairlift listening to Cayela’s ipod. The song that was playing now was You’re So Vain by Carly Simon. But then Cayela decided it was too boring for what they were doing so she switched the song again. This time it was Me Against The Music by Britney Spears featuring Madonna. Cayela then scooted her butt back a little and asked, “ Hey Charlotte can you lend me your shoulder for a second?”
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“ Sure Cayela, but, what are you doing?”, Charlotte asked in confusion.
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“ You’ll see in a minute.”, Cayela said with a smirk on her face as she then somewhat laid down resting her head against the back of Charlotte’s shoulder forcing Florence to sit forward a little.
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“ Bestie what are you doing?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ I’m pretending to be a dead person in a coffin!”, Cayela laughed as she was laying there with her eyes closed and her arms were crossed up over her chest.
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“ Why would you do that Fordyce-Cooper?!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Because I think it’s funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela you’re going to fall doing that and you’re going to end up taking me and Charlotte with you!”, Florence laughed.
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“ No I’m not Florence!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok whatever! I’m not even going to argue with you!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Same here!”, Cayela laughed. When they reached the top of the stairs again and the stairlift stopped Cayela shut the music off and asked, “ You guys want to do something else now?”
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“ Yeah.”, Florence and Charlotte said as they nodded their heads. The girls got off the lift and went into one of the bedrooms to do something else.
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“ Hey! It’s another one of those swings that we were playing with!”, Cayela exclaimed when she pointed at the circular swing that was hanging from the ceiling in the bedroom.
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“ Yeah! You guys want to swing around again?!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ I do!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Oh what the heck! Why not?! Let’s do it!”, Florence exclaimed as they climbed onto the swing.
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“ You guys want me to put the music back on?!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Heck yeah!”, Florence and Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Hit it Cayela Rachelle!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ You got it Florence Mary Jane!”, Cayela exclaimed as she turned the music back on but this time she switched the song again. The song that was playing now was Party In The U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus. As the girls started swinging around they were singing the words of the song. When the song was over Cayela switched it again to Wild Ones by Flo Rida featuring Sia. During this Charlotte decided to be funny by trying to scare Florence. She pulled out a fake rubber spider from her pocket and threw it at her causing her to scream.
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“ Ew spider! Get it away from me!”, Florence screamed as she batted it away with her hand and started flailing her arms wildly causing Charlotte to laugh her butt off as well as Cayela who took a picture of her best friend’s freak out with her phone.
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“ Oh man that was classic Flo!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yeah you big weenie!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Charlotte I told you to stop calling me Flo and wait a second! Did you just take a picture of me Cayela?!”, Florence interjected as she narrowed her eyes at her two best friends who were still laughing their heads off.
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“ Yeah I did Florence and it was hilarious! It’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”, Cayela laughed as she flashed her phone in front of her best friend’s face. Florence looked like a complete idiot in the photo which made her roll her eyes as Cayela and Charlotte continued laughing.
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“ Oh you’re so going to get it! Give me your phone Cayela so I can delete that picture!”, Florence laughed as she swiped her hand out trying to grab it but Cayela quickly snatched it out of her reach and interjected, “ I don’t think so bestie!” before she jumped off the swing and ran out of the room still laughing her head off.
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper come back here and give me that phone! I’m not in the mood for this!”, Florence laughed as she jumped off the swing and sprinted after her.
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“ Run Cayela Run! Don’t let her get it!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Cayela seriously give me your phone! I don’t want to look like a stupid idiot in one of your pictures!”, Florence laughed as she continued to chase Cayela up and down the hallways upstairs.
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“ You have to chase me if you want it Florence!”, Cayela taunted with a laugh as she threw open a door to another bedroom and stood in the doorway.
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“ Ok you asked for it! Here I come!”, Florence laughed as she chased Cayela into the bedroom.
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“ She flanks left! She flanks right! She jumps up on the bed!”, Cayela laughed as she ran back and forth around the bed before jumping onto the bed.
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“ What?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ MONSTER JUMP!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ahhhhhhhhh!”, Florence exclaimed as she ducked her head before Cayela jumped over her and ran out the door.
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“ Hey! Where do you think you’re going Flash Jr.?! Get back here!”, Florence laughed as she ran after her best friend. Charlotte joined in the chase and Cayela laughed, “ Hey Charlotte hot potato! Catch!” as she tossed her phone to Charlotte who caught it in mid-air before tossing it back to her. The two girls tossed Cayela’s phone back and forth as Florence was trying to grab it out of the air. They were still laughing their heads off.
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“ Aw come on you guys this is so immature! Stop that!”, Florence laughed as she kept trying to grab her best friend’s phone out of the air.
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“ If you want it you have to catch it Florence! Actually, no! I have a better idea! Cayela gimme it!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Heads up Char!”, Cayela laughed as she tossed her phone back to Charlotte who caught it in her hand again. She then grabbed a pillow out of a bedroom and threw it over the banner which landed on the floor downstairs. She then tossed Cayela’s phone down onto it and the two girls started sprinting down the stairs to see who could get to it first still laughing their heads off.
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“ Oh no you don’t! Get back here you witches! You’re not getting that phone without a fight!”, Florence laughed as she sprinted down the stairs after them. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs all three of them dove for the phone laughing, “ I got it!” as they all wrestled each other for it. Cayela managed to finally pry it away and laughed, “ Yes! Ha ha! I got it! Who’s worthless now?!” as she paraded around waving the phone in the air in victory.
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“ Oh gimme that! I don’t want to look like a stupid idiot Cayela!”, Florence laughed as she speared her best friend to the floor.
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“ Aw come on! Best two out of three!”, Cayela laughed as she kept a tight grip on her phone.
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“ You wish! Gimme it Cayela!”, Florence laughed as she tried to pry her best friend’s hands away.
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“ No! Never! I’ll never give it up Florence! Get off me!”, Cayela laughed as she tried to roll away but Florence kept wrestling with her trying to grab the phone.
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“ Girls what in the name of Einstein are you doing?! We can hear all the way from the living room!”, Sheldon scolded when he walked up to them.
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“ Florence is trying to take my phone Dad and I won’t let her! She wants to delete a picture that I took of her freaking out after Charlotte scared her with a rubber spider!”, Cayela laughed as she kept trying to get away from Florence who was still attemping to grab her phone.
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“ Why must you continue to commend these ridiculous pending nuptials Charlotte?!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Because they’re funny Dr. Cooper!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ More like annoying Charlotte and I don’t appreciate it!”, Sheldon scolded as he approached Cayela and picked her up.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAL0k9icbFJT
“ Aw come on what gives?! We were having so much fun!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You know very well what ‘gives’ Cayela! Let’s go!”, Sheldon scolded as he picked up the diaper bag and carried her upstairs.
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“ Oh son of a biscuit!”, Cayela interjected. Florence and Charlotte started laughing at what she said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA4Y9QYQOYuL
“ Stop laughing! It’s not funny!”, Cayela interjected as she was carried into a bedroom. Sheldon then set her down on her feet, shut the door, walked over to the bed, set the bag down and pulled out the waterproof pad as well as some latex gloves. He set the pad down on the bed before he walked over to his daughter, picked her up again, carried her over to the bed before laying her down on the pad. He put the gloves on and removed her shorts as well as her brief. After he wiped her clean, applying cream and talcum powder he then opened up another new package of diapers that were the same ones that he bought before.
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“ Are those the same ones that you got before?”, Cayela asked as Sheldon pulled a new one out.
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“ Of course they’re the same ones Cayela. I’m always consistant with everything.”, Sheldon said as he opened it up.
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“ I may not like wearing diapers all the time but I do like the goldfishies on them.”, Cayela said as her father wrapped the brief around her abdomen.
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“ Well, it could always be worse. These are unfortunately your needs and like your mother said we wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”, Sheldon said as he put her shorts back on before stripping the gloves off and threw them away along with the other used items.
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“ What about if I was a quadraplegic?”, Cayela asked in somewhat of a joking way.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAAy9YvRbJpH
“ Oh Cayela don’t be making jokes like that. You don’t want that kind of life anyway.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he took the pad out from underneath her and folded it up before putting it back into the bag.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAgWs0gCCL4v
“ Yeah probably not. I wouldn’t be able to move anything.”, Cayela said.
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“ Exactly.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Can I go back to my friends now Dad?”, Cayela asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA1naCj67bZ8
“ I don’t think so sweetheart. You’ve been playing with them for quite a while. It’s nap time.”, Sheldon said as he pulled back the covers on the bed.
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“ Aw but I don’t want it to be nap time! We were having so much fun!”, Cayela protested as she was being tucked in.
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“ I know but you girls have been playing all morning since we got here. It’s now 12:05 in the afternoon which means it’s time to take a nap. You girls can play more with each other when you wake up in a couple hours.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok. I love you.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her head. She let out a yawn before she fell asleep. He then picked up the diaper bag and left the room shutting the door behind him.
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“ Ok Florence, Charlotte, could you girls please be quiet now? Cayela is taking a nap.”, Sheldon said when he came down the stairs and set the bag down.
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“ Sure we can do that Dr. Cooper.”, Florence said as her and Charlotte nodded their heads.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said before he walked back into the living room. But not even two seconds after that is when Trevor and Cole came running by interjecting like pirates and having a plastic sword fight with each other. Florence grabbed the two swords out of their hands and hissed, “ Hey you little butt munches, keep it down! My best friend is taking a nap upstairs!”
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“ Aw come on?! Cole and I were right in the middle of our pirate battle sis!”, Trevor whined.
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“ I don’t care Trevor! Go do something else right now!”, Florence quietly hissed at her little brother.
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“ Like I said, you’re no fun Florence!”, Trevor whined.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwsWDLaDmyq
“ Don’t do that to me! Do you really want to get in trouble that badly with Cayela’s parents especially her dad Dr. Cooper?!”, Florence quietly hissed.
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“ No but I also want to do whatever I want!”, Trevor shot back.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAtZBTo3MJKC
“ Well I don’t care what you and Cole do just as long as it’s something quiet and you’re not waking my best friend up from her nap!”, Florence quietly hissed. Trevor made an armpit fart noise and stuck his tongue out at her, indicating that he didn’t give a crapshoot about what his sister said.
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“ I’m telling Mom and Dad what you just did!”, Florence quietly hissed as she stormed into the living room with Charlotte following her. Trevor and Cole ran after them. After Florence told on Trevor about what he did to her, he was shut up in a bedroom and told to not come out until he learned to behave better. But of course once again, that didn’t seem to work because Trevor just came right back out and continued to misbehave which was putting a lot of stress on his parents and his grandparents as well as Cayela’s and Charlotte’s parents. In fact, Sheldon seemed to be getting kind of annoyed with Trevor acting like that but decided not to make a big scene of it fearing that he would just get yelled at by the Crenshamezkis or scolded by his wife Leo. Trevor seemed to be acting like Alicia but the only difference was that he was still living at home and not at the Detention Center like she was. Julianne squawking her head off every half hour in her wheelchair also didn’t help either because it just added more stress in the air which was more than what the adults could take at once. Not to mention Cayela was inadvertantly woken up in the midst of all the chaos going on in the house which took Leo and Sheldon several minutes to get her calmed down and put back to sleep. Once things had calmed down a bit Cayela woke up a few hours later from her nap with twice as much energy as she had that morning. Then later that evening they were all sitting the living room together watching tv. Florence, Charlotte, Trevor and Cole were sitting on the floor wearing their pajammas while Cayela was sitting in her mother’s lap on the couch wearing nothing but her white cotton t-shirt and diaper. She didn’t really care that there was other people in the room because this is what she slept in every night anyway and it made her comfortable. Sheldon was sitting next to them with somewhat of a blank stare on his face as he looked at what was on the tv screen. The Crenshamezkis as well as the Tiptons were sitting on the other couch while the grandparents sat in their recliners and Julianne was sitting in her wheelchair all dressed for bed as well. They were watching the movie Twister.
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“ Good Lord that woman’s crazy!”, Sheldon interjected at the part where Jo was trying to pick up all the data sensors that were knocked out of the DOROTHY TWO contraption by the tornado that was coming toward her and her estranged husband Bill.
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“ You’ve never seen it miss this house, and miss that house, and come after you!”
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“ What’s that mean?”, Cayela asked as she scooted her butt back a little into her mother’s pelvis. Her diaper made a slight crinkling sound when she did so.
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“ We don’t really know sweetheart.”, Leo said as she gently patted Cayela’s stomach and kissed her head.
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“ Great call on the movie Charlotte. This is awesome.”, Florence said as she was munching on popcorn.
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“ Thanks, I know, right? This is one of my favorites. I love the part where Jo’s truck landed in front of Melissa when she was driving hers and Bill’s truck to meet up with the rest of the group screaming her head off and the part where she was screaming at Dusty, “You people are all crazy, do you know that?!!!!”, Charlotte said as she grabbed a handful of popcorn out of the bowl and started munching on some too.
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“ Yeah I agree, that was pretty funny!”, Florence smirked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsYctzMd80o
“ What kind of a dumb name is Rabbit? The guy’s a storm chaser.”, Trevor asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAM8fOo8DHNf
“ Trevor the guy’s real name is Robert. They just call him Rabbit for some reason which we don’t know what it is.”, Florence said as she rolled her eyes at her brother.
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“ That’s what my dad always said. He said that when he was younger all the kids used to call him Rabbit too because of that movie. My mother and my siblings all thought it was hilarious. My brothers always made jokes about it, calling him that every once in a while which irritated him a lot.”, Leo said as she had her arms gently wrapped around her daughter’s stomach. Her pinky fingers were resting comfortably on the waistband of Cayela’s diaper.
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“ You never told me that Leo.”, Sheldon said as he stared at his wife.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAF9lPpclmqa
“ Well now you know Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ What is wrong with America’s youth today? All this name calling, it’s just ridiculous.”, Grandma Crenshamezki said.
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“ Of course it’s ridiculous you old bat! I’ve had to put up with 83 years of it from you!”, Grandpa Crenshamezki said.
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“ Oh shut it you old coot and just watch the movie!”, Grandma Crenshamezki said as she smacked her husband on the arm.
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“ So Leo, our daughter didn’t really explain the whole story to us and we don’t mean to pry, but, why does Cayela have to wear diapers?”, Mrs. Tipton asked.
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“ Oh, that’s because her form of Autism not only effects her auditory processing sometimes but it also effects the part of her brain that controls her bladder and bowels. When she was about 3 I believe we decided to have her checked out by medical doctors because we knew by that point something wasn’t quite right. It should have been pretty easy to transition her from wearing them to potty training but no matter what methods we tried they never worked. So we took her in and they examined her and unfortunately they told us that for whatever reason she would never be able to so we just thought that to continue diapering her made a lot of sense and it sucks but I guess this is just how our life is meant to be.”, Leo said with Sheldon nodding his head in agreement as Cayela was still sitting in her lap trying to hold her phone between her toes on one foot and use the toes on her other foot to try taking a selfie of herself with a stupid grin on her face.
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“ What are you doing Cayela?!”, Florence laughed as she stared at her best friend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAq9PQDYjCO6
“ I’m trying to take a selfie using my feet Florence!”, Cayela said as she still trying to hold her phone in between her toes.
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“ Any particular reason why?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ I don’t know just thought I’d try it Charlotte!”, Cayela said as she tried to press the shutter button with her big toe but instead knocked it down onto her lower abdomen right in between the adhesive tabs of her diaper.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAnnn0eWirPF
“ Ok ow! That didn’t work! Seriously how hard is it to take a selfie using your feet?!”, Cayela laughed as she rubbed her groin area. Florence and Charlotte started laughing too.
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“ Cayela that’s not what your feet are for.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAnQQfaZKmAy
“ I know that Dad! I just wanted to try something new!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Well don’t do that. You’re just going to end up hurting yourself.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Alright fine!”, Cayela laughed as she set her phone down.
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“ Here, why don’t you take this and calm down.”, Leo said as she picked up Cayela’s water bottle.
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“ Is this warm peanut butter milk?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes, take it.”, Leo said as she held the bottle out to her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3xLxMHr1sK
“ Oh yay! Gimme!”, Cayela exclaimed as she took the bottle and started sucking on it like a baby even though, once again, she’s 14.
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“ What’s peanut butter milk?”, Mr. Tipton asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAWAO6t7QQZI
“ Oh it’s just regular 2% milk mixed with a few scoops of peanut butter. Sheldon and I give it to her every once in a while before bed after we microwave it for a few minutes. She loves it.”, Leo said as she stroked Cayela’s stomach with her fingers. Cayela shifted a little as she continued to suck on her water bottle filled with the peanut butter milk. She happily tapped her feet on Leo’s legs as she was doing so. Florence tried to be funny by trying to pull on Cayela’s feet but Cayela started to playfully kick her feet at her making Florence start laughing and Charlotte decided to join in the fun too. Cayela set her milk down and the girls started wrestling around with each other on the floor laughing hysterically as the movie was still playing.
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“ Hey hey hey! Calm down! We’re watching a movie here!”, the adults interjected at the girls.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAqLls0MCHm8
“ Oh sorry.”, the girls said as they calmed down. Cayela sat back down on the couch in Leo’s lap as her diaper crinkled again. She picked her water bottle back up and finished drinking her milk. Once the movie was over the kids were all starting to fall asleep. They were all put to bed before the adults went to sleep too. The next day as the adults and Julianne were all sitting up on the deck and the boys were playing with each other inside the house, the girls were swimming in the lake just talking, laughing and splashing each other. They were having so much fun until Florence noticed a familiar looking boy directly across the lake from her grandparents house. He was outside helping his dad work on a pontoon boat.
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“ Oh my god! Is that Liam bullfighting Garder over there?!”, Florence exclaimed as she pointed across the lake.
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“ What?! Where?! Let me see!”, Charlotte exclaimed as she looked in the direction that her friend was pointing in.
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“ What the sea slug?! It is him!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ What are you guys screaming about?”, Cayela asked in confusion.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAMgwmfqmapH
“ Cayela you’re not going to believe this! The boy that we told you about who has a crush on you is right across the lake!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ What?! No he’s not!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Yeah he is! Look!”, Florence exclaimed as she spun Cayela around and pointed across the lake. Sure enough it was Liam Garder.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAAAxQqBMbHv
“ Oh my god that is Liam! Oh this is not good! What the biscuits is he doing here?!”, Cayela exclaimed as she started to kind of freak out. Her stomach started to get in a knot and felt like she was about to release her bladder and bowels into her swim diaper she was wearing underneath her bathing suit.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAhEl7TMH3bV
“ I don’t know! Apparently him and his family have a place up here too and I just never noticed it!”, Florence exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlIp9M565Uo
“ Oh god! You guys have to hide me! I can’t let him see me! If he sees me he’s going to want to talk to me and I don’t know what to say to him! Plus, my dad will freak if he sees me talking to some boy he doesn’t know about!”, Cayela exclaimed as she started to hyperventilate.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwzRMXoidZb
“ Well what do you want us to do Fordyce-Cooper?”, Charlotte asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA5CuBe8ptmy
“ I don’t know maybe shove me under the water or something?! I just don’t want him seeing me right now!”, Cayela shot back.
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“ Bestie your parents would kill us if we did that to you. Why don’t we just stand in front of you?”, Florence said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ What good will that do?! Liam is still going to see me!”, Cayela exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANACGvd1g2VsI
“ Well I don’t know what you expect us to do Cayela Rachelle!”, Florence interjected.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAG0e2V8OCdB
“ I don’t know but you two better do something because I don’t want to be roped into a conversation with a boy who likes me right now! I’m not ready for this!”, Cayela interjected.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAurWnpprtVt
“ Cayela just chill out! He’s not even looking this way right now!”, Charlotte interjected. But the second she said that is when Liam did look their way.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAObMi9cMPWL
“ Oh god he’s looking at us!”, Cayela interjected as she held her breath and ducked under the water. Florence and Charlotte just shrugged their shoulders as they stood there completely dumbfounded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwaGuWTDZ3y
“ Whatcha looking at son?”, Mr. Garder asked as he looked up from the other side of the pontoon over at his son who was staring out over the water across the lake.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsHK0xykQhc
“ Oh, nothing Dad. I thought I saw a girl that I like across the lake.”, Liam said as he went back to helping his dad.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlze9udMAtl
“ Ah, you got a crush?”, Mr. Garder asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABP0KNcouVP
“ Yeah. She goes to my school. Her name’s Cayela Fordyce-Cooper. Everyone’s been telling me that she’s weird and that I shouldn’t like her but I don’t care what they say. I think she’s really pretty and cute.”, Liam said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAW8YWtDUP8X
“ Well good for you Liam.”, Mr. Garder said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA9SUQ55uMic
“ Thanks dad. But the thing is, I don’t know what to say to her or how I should act around her. I’ve talked to my friends about her but they’ve all given mixed advice. I’ve never had a crush on a girl before so this is all new to me. What do you think I should do?”, Liam said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAl4koZphqVC
“ I think you should be yourself. You don’t have to be some big shot rodeo clown just to get her to talk to you.”, Mr. Garder said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAUxwvJNK0Wg
“ You heard what my friend Matt said?”, Liam asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA6CanPyNCwa
“ Yes and I got to tell you son, I like Matt and he’s a good kid, but, he’s an airhead who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Just like your other friends Owen, Clyde, Ryan, David and Eric. They don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to picking up chicks. So don’t listen to a word they say. Just be you. I would know that because when I was your age I had a crush on a girl and my friends were doing the same thing to me that your friends are doing to you. But you know what I didn’t listen to what they said and decided to just be myself which in turn it worked.”, Mr. Garder said.
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“ Is that how you met Mom?”, Liam asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAKRELPit3sp
“ Yes Liam. Your mother was the one I had a crush on and she was the only girl I ever fell in love with. If she wasn’t then you and your siblings would have never existed.”, Mr. Garder said.
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“ Yeah that’s true. Thanks for the advice Dad. I’ll remember that the next time I see Cayela.”, Liam said with a smile. His father nodded back with a smile and the two of them continued to work on the pontoon. Cayela came up for air after she couldn’t hold her breath much longer.
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“ Oh god I’m dying!”, Cayela interjected as she gasped for air. Her bladder and bowels released themselves after she couldn’t hold it much longer too.
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“ No you’re not Cayela. Stop being a drama queen.”, Charlotte said.
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“ I think we should get out now. I’m cold.”, Florence said as her teeth were chattering.
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“ Me too.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yeah let’s get out.”, Charlotte said as they climbed out of the water wrapping towels around themselves before heading up to the deck. They got dried off and changed back into their clothes. Then the girls decided to take a nap. A couple hours later the girls woke up and ran off to do something else.
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“ Where are you going Leo?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I’m going upstairs to check on Cayela and maybe change her diaper if she needs it.”, Leo said as she was heading toward the stairs.
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“ Well alright. You do know where I put the diaper bag, right?”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAiM28x4ZS6P
“ Of course I do Sheldon. You put it by the stairs.”, Leo said as she picked it up and slung it over her shoulder before she started walking up the stairs.
19Please respect copyright.PENANANF7q4S77aQ
“ I’m the Queen of Califonia!”, Cayela laughed as she was doing a handstand on the bed in one of the bedrooms. Florence and Charlotte were doing the same thing.
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“ Fat chance of that Cayela! I’m the Queen!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ You guys are both crazy! If anything I’m the Queen!”, Florence laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAe5PEXgwrpu
“ I don’t think so bestie! My mom was the one who told me that I was the Queen of Everything so who are you to argue?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok you know what, why don’t we all just agree that we’re all queens! That way everybody’s happy!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Deal!”, Cayela and Florence laughed. Then all three of them suddenly lost their balance and fell over onto each other still laughing their heads off. This was when Leo walked in.
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“ What’s going on in here?”, Leo asked.
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“ Oh nothing Mom! We’re just having little bit of fun!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Well would it be too much to ask if you two could step out for a moment?”, Leo asked as she pointed at Florence and Charlotte.
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“ Oh no not at all Dr. Fordyce-Cooper. Come on Charlotte let’s get out.”, Florence said as she rolled off the bed and stood up.
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“ Ok whatever you say Flo.”, Charlotte said as she did the same.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAAdal8TBOZU
“ Oh would you stop calling me Flo!”, Florence interjected as her and Charlotte walked out of the room. Charlotte started laughing her head off as Florence shut the door.
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“ Why did you kick my friends out Mom?”, Cayela asked as she sat up.
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“ You know why Cayela.”, Leo said as she set the diaper bag down on the bed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANArBrXGTZSUq
“ Aw come on!”, Cayela protested as she threw her head back.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABRuZQU5scT
“ Don’t give me any of that! You, your father and I have had this discussion a million times! At some point you’re just going to have to accept it and move on because your father and I are so over this emotions rollercoaster with you!”, Leo said as she pulled out the pad and laid it down on the bed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAGP9ZaiB0lg
“ Yeah well you don’t get it Mom! It’s hard dealing with something like this and being a young teenage girl! I’m in middle school in the 7th grade! I got one more year of middle school left before I hit high school which is going to be even worse!”, Cayela complained as she scooted herself over to the pad and laid down.
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“ Honey what did we talk about? We said your disability could always be worse so you should really be grateful for the life you do have. We understand that you want to have a normal life but there’s just nothing you or anybody else can do anything about it. As I said before everybody is born with challenges that they don’t like but you know what they accept them and move on. Sure your father and I were upset when you were diagnosed with this but you know what we’re very grateful to have you and that you’re very healthy. That’s all that matters to us.”, Leo said with a smile as she slipped on latex gloves and unbuttoned her daughter’s shorts. She then pulled them off before removing Cayela’s soiled brief. Once she was done Cayela went back to playing. 3 weeks later after they got home Cayela had another day off from school but once again she had to go to Caltech again with her parents because they still had to work and they didn’t want to leave her alone. This time she was sitting in Sheldon’s office doing the same thing that she had done in her mother’s office while her father was working. She was listening to her iPod while spinning in her father’s computer chair listening to If You Only Knew by Shinedown. Cayela was bouncing around in the chair laughing like any normal teenage girl would while Sheldon was focusing on his work.
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“ Cayela stop it. You’re getting a little too carried away.”, Sheldon said as he turned his head around and saw what she was doing.
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“ Oh sorry Dad, I didn’t realize I was being too crazy. I’ll tone it down.”, Cayela said as she lifted her headphones for a second before placing them back over her ears. She went back to spinning around a little quieter this time. Eventually Sheldon interrupted her for a second when he told her that him and her mother were going to the cafeteria to take their lunch break.
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“ Now listen Cayela, while I’m gone do not touch anything on my desk, do not answer my phone, do not touch my board and this is also very important, do not answer this door for anybody you don’t know. Your mother and I don’t want anything happening to you.”, Sheldon said as he started pointing at various things around his office including his office door.
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“ Ok I get it Dad.”, Cayela said as she was swiveling back and forth in the chair still listening to her ipod.
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“ Alright then I shall be back in 30 to 45 minutes. Do not leave my office for any reason what so ever or else your mother’s going to be very upset with me.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter.
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“ Alright I get it Dad! I won’t go anywhere!”, Cayela interjected as she rolled her eyes at her father.
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“ Thank you. I’m going to lock you in now.”, Sheldon said as he walked out and shut the door behind him. Cayela immediately went back to doing what she was doing after she heard her father lock the door and walk away. But 15 minutes later something very shady and bizarre happened. Ramona had apparently escaped from prison again somehow hoping to claim what she still believed was rightfully hers. When she got to Caltech she knew she couldn’t just walk through the main entrance because she would just get caught immediately so did the only thing she could do. She stealthfully walked around to the back side of the building where she saw a flight of stairs leading to the basement.
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‘ Perfect! Nobody’s going to suspect me walking through the basement to get inside. Looks like things are starting to roll my way for once. Now if I can just remember where Dr. Cooper’s office is then I’ll finally get what I want.’, Ramona thought with a sick, twisted smile on her face as she walked down the stairs into the basement. Ramona then walked through the dark Caltech basement before walking up the stairs and entered one of the hallways. She then started to sneak around trying to avoid the security cameras as she was trying to find Sheldon’s office. When she found it she knocked on the door expecting to see Sheldon but she got the biggest shock of her life when Cayela suddenly answered it briefly before shutting the door and locked it again.
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“ Wait a minute, I don’t know you! Go away!”, Cayela interjected from behind the closed door.
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“ What the…?!”, Ramona exclaimed as her eyes went wide. She couldn’t believe what she just saw.
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‘ What is a teenage girl doing in Dr. Cooper’s office?! Does he know that she’s in here?!’, Ramona thought.
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“ Excuse me?! But who are you and what are you doing in Dr. Cooper’s office?!”, Ramona exclaimed.
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“ It’s Cayela and how do you know my dad?!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Your dad?!”, Ramona exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ Yeah you heard me! I’m his daughter! Now who are you and what are you doing here?!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Dr. Ramona Nowitzki. Now where’s Dr. Cooper?!”, Ramona interjected.
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“ He’s on his lunch break with my mom right now!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Are you freaking kidding me?!”, Ramona interjected.
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“ No I’m not! Get out of here! If you don’t I’m going to call the police!”, Cayela interjected as she took her cell phone out of her pocket.
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“ Listen here you little bi**h, you do that and I’m going to bust this door down and hurt you!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ Good luck getting through that door Dr. Nowitzki! It’s locked!”, Cayela shouted as she threw herself back in the computer chair and slipped her headphones back on. She started spinning around again listening to Crying in the Club by the Kidz Bop Kids.
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“ Oh great! Figures you would be just like your mother!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ What’s that supposed to mean?! How do you know about my mom?!”, Cayela shouted back.
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“ That’s none of your business! Open this door!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ No! My dad told me not to open this door for anybody I don’t know! Now get out of here before I call the police!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ Oh why you…?!”, Ramona shouted as she started kicking the door and rattling the door knob. At this point Cayela began to get scared releasing her bladder as she dialed her father’s cell using her cell.
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“ Cayela what is it? Your mother and I are eating right now.”, Sheldon answered his phone as he sat there in the cafeteria stabbing his fork into his food.
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“ Dad there’s some crazy woman here trying to get into your office! She’s kicking at the door and rattling the door knob which is beginning to scare me!”, Cayela frightenly said as tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.
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“ What?! Well who is it?!”, Sheldon asked in concern.
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“ Some chick named Dr. Nowitzki!”, Cayela frightenly said as Ramona kept kicking the door.
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“ Oh dear Lord!”, Sheldon shrieked as he quickly got up from the table.
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“ What’s going on Sheldon?!”, Leo asked in concern as she looked at her husband.
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“ Cayela’s being harassed by Ramona!”, Sheldon shrieked as he hung up his phone.
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“ What?!”, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy shrieked.
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“ That Nowitzki bitch escaped again?! Are you kidding me?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Do I look like I’m kidding to you Leo?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ No! You guys go get campus security now!”, Leo shrieked to their friends as her and Sheldon ran out of the cafeteria toward his office.
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“ Oh son of a bitch!”, Howard interjected as they ran in the opposite direction toward the campus security wing. While they were explaining the situation Leo and Sheldon made it to his office to see Ramona still kicking the door.
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“ Stop right there Ramona!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ YOU! I’m gonna kill you Leo!”, Ramona shouted in anger as she stopped what she was doing and turned toward Leo.
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“ What are you talking about?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ First you marry my man and then you have a child with him?! You are a good for nothing slut!”, Ramona shouted as she got up in Leo’s face.
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“ How many times do I have to tell you that SHELDON IS NOT YOURS?! When is it finally going to sync in your head that there is nothing between you and my husband?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ That is complete bullshit and you know it!”, Ramona shouted.
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“ No it’s not! You know what I’ve had it with you! Between you trying to cremate me alive and trying to blow everyone up with a grenade at mine and Sheldon’s wedding?! Not to mention harassing our autistic 14 year old daughter?! When is it going to end?! Seriously, I’m really getting sick and tired of this! Sheldon is too!”, Leo shouted. The argument continued even when the others showed with campus security guards. Ramona was then dragged out in handcuffs by the police and taken back to prison. Once things settled down again Cayela was having a hard time sitting still in the chair. Her diaper was soaking wet from the urine she just released into it when all this craziness had started. She started rocking her body in a fetal position in the chair just screaming and crying like a baby even though she’s a teenager.
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“ Cayela Rachelle what are you fussing about?!”, Sheldon scolded when he stopped what he was doing.
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“ I’m feeling uncomfortable!”, Cayela cried as she continued rocking in the same fetal position in her father’s computer chair.
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“ Alright I see what the problem is. It’s time to change your diaper.”, Sheldon said as he grabbed the diaper bag and carried it toward the center of the room. He pulled out the pad and laid it down on the floor before he stood up with a pair of latex gloves in his hands. He rubbed his hands with the bottle of Purell that was sitting on his desk before slipping the gloves on his hands.
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“ Alright alright come here!”, Sheldon said as he picked her up out of the chair. She cried and kicked her legs as he laid her down. After she was changed she calmed down. The rest of the day went on without any more issues. Then the next day at school when second period started a new girl was introduced to the class.
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“ Class, I would like you to meet Summer Langenstein. It’s her first day here at Pasadena Middle School after she just transferred here from another school and I would very much appreciate it if everyone would please make her feel welcome. Please treat her with kindness and respect.”, Ms. Simmons said with a smile as she stood at the front of the classroom with gentle hands on Summer’s shoulders.
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“ H-hi, I’m Summer.”, Summer meekly said as she stood there looking completely shy and nervous. She was 14 years old, caucasian, and had beautiful medium length wavy strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with thin white horizontal stripes across it, blue skinny jeans with manufactured rips in the knees, brown colored moccasins on her feet and wore dark green circular shaped wire framed glasses over her crystal blue eyes. When she smiled and waved nervously with her right hand she showed off her tatoo she had on the inside of her wrist. It looked like a Treble Clef in black ink. Ms. Simmons then showed Summer where to sit and the lesson began. Then at lunch time when everybody was gathered in the cafeteria Charlotte noticed that Summer sitting all alone by herself at another table eating her lunch.
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“ Hey you guys, there’s Summer and she’s sitting all by herself.”, Charlotte said as she pointed at Summer.
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“ Yeah you’re right Charlotte. It’s sad that she didn’t find anybody to sit with.”, Florence said.
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“ The three of us should go sit with her.”, Charlotte said.
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“ What?!”, Florence and Cayela said in complete shock.
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“ Is this a joke?”, Florence asked.
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“ Come on Florence I’m being serious. We should go sit with her. It’s her first day here and she doesn’t know anybody.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Really?! This is actually coming from the girl who used to be the biggest bully in school?!”, Florence asked in complete shock as she stared at her friend.
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“ Look I know it’s hard for you to believe that I would say something like that but come on I think it will be fun making a new friend.”, Charlotte said with a smile.
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“ You’re right Charlotte. What do you think Cayela?”, Florence asked her best friend with a smile.
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“ I say what the heck! Let’s do it!”, Cayela exclaimed with a smile. The three of them picked their trays of food up and walked over to where Summer was sitting.
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“ Hi Summer.”, the girls said.
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“ Oh, hi.”, Summer shyly said as she looked up from her tray of food.
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“ Mind if we sit here with you?”, Florence asked.
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“ Oh, no. Not at all.”, Summer shyly said with a smile. The girls set their trays down and sat down.
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“ I’m sorry, it’s just that it’s my first day here and I’m kind of nervous to talk to people.”, Summer shyly said.
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“ Oh that’s ok we totally get it. It can be very scary sometimes when you transfer to a different school.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Why did you have to transfer?”, Cayela asked.
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“ My parents couldn’t afford to keep my enrollment at my other school so they had to transfer me here. It sucks that I had to leave all my friends behind. I don’t know anyone here.”, Summer shyly said.
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“ Well we could show you around and show you where everything’s at.”, Florence said with a smile.
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“ I would like that, thanks. And wait a second, weren’t you three in Ms. Simmons class?”, Summer shyly said.
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“ Yeah.”, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte said.
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“ Oh and I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ I’m Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki.”, Florence said with a smile.
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“ And I’m Charlotte Catarina Tipton.”, Charlotte said with a smile.
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“ Nice to meet you. My middle name is Loreen.”, Summer said. She was slowly starting to become a little less shy.
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“ Summer Loreen Langenstein?”, Cayela asked. Summer nodded her head and the girls continued to talk with each other while eating their lunch. They talked to each other the whole rest of the day and Summer asked them if they wanted to hang out at her house after school. They said yes so all 4 girls called their parents and asked them if they could hang out. When they got the ok they were super excited. But before they even left the school parking lot Leo and Sheldon pulled up. Mrs. Langenstein told the girls to go wait in the van for a minute while she walked over to talk to Cayela’s parents. After a few minutes of conversation Leo and Sheldon left and Mrs. Langenstein walked back to the van with Cayela’s diaper bag hanging over her shoulder. She placed it on the seat next to her before she got in the driver’s seat, shut the door and started the engine.
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“ Alright, you girls ready to go?”, Mrs. Langenstein asked with a smile as she backed out of the parking space before putting the gears into drive.
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“ Yes!”, Cayela, Florence, Charlotte and Summer said.
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“ Hey mom, what’s with the diaper bag sitting next to you? Who’s is that?”, Summer asked.
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“ It’s your friend Cayela’s. Her parents were just dropping it off.”, Mrs. Langenstein said.
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“ You wear diapers?”, Summer asked Cayela who was sitting next to her. Florence and Charlotte were sitting behind them.
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“ Yeah. I have a form of Autism that effects the part of my brain that controls the functions of my bladder and bowels in addition to it also effecting my auditory processing sometimes.”, Cayela said as she brushed her hair out of her face.
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“ How long have you been wearing them?”, Summer asked.
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“ Since I was a baby. I don’t really like to talk about it that much in front of people because it’s a very embarrassing subject.”, Cayela said.
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“ I totally get it because you’re a teenage girl.”, Summer said with a smile.
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“ Exactly. I hate it sometimes but it’s hard to accept it when you know that you’re 14 years old and you’re in middle school.”, Cayela said. As she was kicking her legs her shoe accidentally flew off and hit the windshield in the front seat. Mrs. Langenstein gasped and moved her head slightly to avoid the projectile causing the girls to gasp and laugh at what just happened.
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“ Oh smooth Fordyce-Cooper!”, Charlotte laughed her butt off along with Florence and Summer.
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“ Oh shut it Tipton! I didn’t mean to do that!”, Cayela laughed as she swung her hand behind her at Charlotte.
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“ Hey do you guys want to see something even funnier?!”, Florence laughed as she took her phone out.
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“ Sure!”, Summer laughed. Then she asked, “What show is this video clip from?”
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“ It’s from Victorious!”, Florence laughed as she was holding her phone.
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“ Wait, is it the one that I think you’re going to show?! Cause if it is that is so freaking hilarious!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ I want to see it!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Then stretch your head over here Cayela! You too Summer!”, Florence laughed. The girls stretched their heads to look at the screen. It was the video clip of Robbie Shapiro singing about broken glass. The 4 of them started cracking up at it especially the part where Tori Vega interjected, “ We’re not doing that!”
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“ Oh my god you’re gonna kill me!”, Summer laughed.
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“ Florence Mary Jane, you’re so funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Hey I can’t take all the glory here Cayela Rachelle!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh I’m so giving you a wedgie when we get to Summer’s house!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ We’re here girls.”, Mrs. Langenstein said as she parked the van in the driveway.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAeohaYu3Bqm
“ Wedgie time bestie!”, Cayela laughed as she shot up out of the seat.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA6XHMGAZqXf
“ No get away from me Cayela! You’re not giving me a wedgie!”, Florence laughed as she bolted out of the van toward the house. Cayela chased her into the house playfully swinging her backpack at her laughing her head off.
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“ You can run but you can’t hide Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki!”, Cayela laughed as she threw her backpack down on the floor and chased her best friend throughout the house. Charlotte, Summer and Mrs. Langenstein entered the house moments later. Charlotte and Summer ran off to join Cayela and Florence while Mrs. Langenstein walked into the kitchen with her purse and Cayela’s diaper bag to find quite a surprise waiting for her. Her 15 year old twin daughters Meghan and Micayla were there.
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“ Oh hi girls, I just got home with your sister Summer. She brought 3 new friends home with her too.”, Mrs. Langenstein said with a smile as she set her purse and the diaper bag down on the kitchen island.
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“ Hi mom.”, Meghan and Micayla said.
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“ What are you girls up to?”, Mrs. Langenstein asked.
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“ Um, I’m just sitting at the kitchen table doing homework on my laptop and having an after school snack with it. Micayla on the other hand is mopping the kitchen floor listening to a song she knows I DON’T like!”, Meghan said in somewhat of an irritated voice as she snapped her head toward her twin sister. She was eating popcorn and drinking fruit punch. The song that was playing on Micayla’s ipod was Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max.
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“ Oh Meghan stop being such a drama queen. It’s not that bad.”, Micayla shot back at her twin as she dipped the mop in the bucket and continued mopping.
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“ You couldn’t be any more wrong sis! It’s the worst song ever recorded!”, Meghan shot back.
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“ Well that’s your opinion Meghan not mine.”, Micayla said as she mopped around the kitchen island.
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“ I’m just going to ignore that comment.”, Meghan said as she ate another handful of popcorn.
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“ Alright well you two have fun with whatever it is you’re doing. I’m going to take care of something that’s very important right now.”, Mrs. Langenstein said as she picked up Cayela’s diaper bag and carried it off to her room that she shared with her husband. She carried it into the bathroom that was connected to the room, set it down on the floor and pulled the items out of it before she walked out and headed toward the stairs carrying a clean diaper in her hand.
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Summer’s bedroom…
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With the song It Wasn’t Me by Shaggy playing on Cayela’s ipod, Cayela and Florence were swinging around on Summer’s jungle gym rope that was hanging in the center of the room while Summer was pushing them and Charlotte was playfully throwing projectiles at them. The girls were laughing their butts off at the amount of fun they were having. Florence had one hand on the rope while her other hand was gripping one of Cayela’s ankles. Cayela’s other leg was swinging around as well as her arms as she was hanging upside down.
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“ Push us faster Summer! This is so much fun!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah I agree! Put your back into it Langenstein!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Ok you two asked for it!”, Summer laughed as she pushed them harder and faster. Cayela and Florence laughed and screamed with excitement as the rope was twisting like a tornado.
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“ Meteor strike!”, Charlotte laughed as she continued throwing soft projectiles at her friends.
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“ Charlotte what are you talking about?! Meteors are fiery rocks! They’re not balled up white socks that you’re throwing at me and Florence!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh come on Cayela Rachelle can we just pretend they are?!”, Charlotte laughed as she kept throwing them.
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“ Sure, knock yourself out Charlotte Catarina!”, Cayela laughed as she threw one back at her after she caught it in her hand.
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“ Hey! You’re not supposed to throw things at me!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ I can do whatever I want! Shut up!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Make that two of us! This is my room!”, Summer laughed.
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“ Fire in the hole!”, Charlotte laughed as she threw another balled up sock and it hit Cayela’s groin area.
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“ Ahhhh! Don’t be throwing things in my groin area Charlotte! That’s really lame and not cool!”, Cayela laughed as she threw the sock back while she was still swinging around hanging upside down. Mrs. Langenstein walked in on them to see what they were up to.
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“ What are you girls doing in here?”, Mrs. Langenstein asked as she stood in the doorway with her arms crossed still holding the diaper in her hand.
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“ Oh hi mom! We’re just goofing off with my jungle gym rope while listening to Cayela’s ipod!”, Summer laughed as she was still pushing her new friends around on the rope.
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“ Well you can do that as long as you’re not doing whatever this is. You’re going to hurt yourselves.”, Mrs. Langenstein said as she gestured to what Cayela and Florence were doing.
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“ It wasn’t my idea to hang upside down Mrs. Langenstein! Florence dared me to do it!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Hey, why are you ratting me out Cayela?! I’m your best friend!”, Florence laughed.
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“ It’s just for revenge!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah well I don’t think so. It’s time to come with me for a moment.”, Mrs. Langenstein said as she walked over to Cayela and picked her up. The diaper that she still had in her hand rested against Cayela’s arm.
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“ Why? Where are we going?”, Cayela asked as she was being carried out of the room and down the stairs.
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“ Downstairs to my bedroom bathroom. I need to change your diaper.”, Mrs. Langenstein said as she reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into her bedroom shutting the door behind her.
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“ Aww butter bees.”, Cayela said with a sigh as Mrs. Langenstein carried her into the bathroom laying her down on the pad. After wiping her clean and she wrapped the fresh diaper around her she said, “ There, all done. Does that feel ok? It’s not too tight around your tummy is it?”
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“ No it’s comfy.”, Cayela sleepily said as her eyelids started to get a little droopy.
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“ Are you tired? Do you want to go take a nap?”, Mrs. Langenstein asked as she slipped Cayela’s shorts back on her and cleaned up the mess. Cayela nodded her head.
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“ I think that’s probably a good idea. It can’t hurt to lay down for a nice after school nap.”, Mrs. Langenstein as she carried Cayela back upstairs. When she reentered her daughter’s bedroom she was surprised to see that the light was off, Cayela’s iPod was silenced and the girls were sprawled out on the floor sleeping. They each had a pillow under their heads and had blankets covering their bodies. Cayela was placed in between Florence and Summer with pillow resting underneath her head. She was covered with a blanket before Mrs. Langenstein pulled the shades down on the windows.
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“ Have a good nap girls.”, Mrs. Langenstein quietly said as she walked out and shut the door. Cayela woke up for a brief second and kicked off her shorts leaving nothing on but her dark blue t-shirt with a thick yellow stripe on it and her diaper before she fell back asleep. But as she was trying to sleep she started to toss and turn before she started acting very bizarre. She began to rub her chest on the floor like a dog and as she slid right over her pillow her blanket fell off her body exposing her diapered butt. She was making a lot of moaning sounds as she was sliding her body across the floor toward the wall. Cayela then started making scratching motions with her hands on the wall like a cat even though she didn’t have finger nails at the moment because she bit them off. She was doing this with her eyes shut. This bizarre behavior woke up her friends and Charlotte asked, “ What are you doing Fordyce-Cooper?” in confusion but got no response from Cayela at all.
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“ She’s asleep Charlotte. She probably doesn’t realize she’s doing this which makes sense considering the fact that she has Autism.”, Florence said. Then she got up, walked over to Cayela and said, “ Hey bestie, come here. We’re not doing that.” as she gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to her feet. She turned her back around away from the wall and Summer asked, “ Why is she wearing just her t-shirt and her diaper?”
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“ Because she probably kicked her shorts off in her sleep. Here, can you guys help me get her to lay back down?”, Florence said as she guided her best friend back to her pillow and blanket on the floor. Once the girls helped their friend lie back down covering her back up with the blanket Florence put a little pressure on Cayela’s shoulder, holding her down.
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“ Why are you doing that Florence?”, Summer asked.
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“ Because this always works on my sister Julianne. She’s severely autistic and non-verbal. Not to mention she can’t walk.”, Florence said.
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“ Does she have toileting problems too?”, Summer asked.
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“ Yes, just like Cayela she also wears diapers.”, Florence said.
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“ How old is she?”, Summer asked.
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“ She’s three years older than us. She’s 17 and she’s wheelchair bound.”, Florence said.
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“ You’re lucky. I don’t have a sister just a snot-nosed 10 year old brother.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Seriously Charlotte? That’s what you decide to say during nap time?”, Florence asked as she laid back down and recovered herself with her blanket.
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“ What? I’m just a person Flo.”, Charlotte said as she did the same.
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“ Charlotte how many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me Flo?”, Florence asked as she narrowed her eyes at her friend.
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“ I don’t know.”, Charlotte exhaled as she fell back asleep. Florence and Summer did the same. All was calm again for a few minutes before Cayela started up again with the same weird behavior. Florence kept guiding her back to sleep and eventually she stayed put. They woke up a couple hours later and went back to playing after Cayela was changed again. When Cayela, Florence and Charlotte got picked up by Leo and Sheldon, Florence told them about the bizarre things that Cayela did when they were taking a nap.
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“ Wait, I did that?”, Cayela asked in shock as she stared at her best friend.
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“ Yeah you did Cayela. You were sliding across the floor, scratching at the wall like a cat and making these weird moaning sounds. I had to get up at least a few times just to get you to lay back down.”, Florence said.
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“ Well that doesn’t sound right.”, Leo said as she was driving.
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“ I most certainly agree. We should inform our friends about this.”, Sheldon said. Leo nodded her head and after they dropped off Florence and Charlotte at their houses Leo and Sheldon called their friends telling them about what Florence just told them about Cayela. They were all very shocked including Amy. She told them that she was going to come over that night to observe Cayela while she slept so she could see exactly what Florence was talking about.
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“ Why is Auntie Amy here?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she sat cross legged on the couch in the living room wearing a sky blue t-shirt with fluffy white clouds on it and her diaper. She was looking over at Amy who was setting up her laptop on the kitchen island.
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“ Because she’s going to be observing you while you’re sleeping.”, Leo said.
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“ What’s that supposed to mean?”, Cayela asked in confusion. She had no clue as to what her mother just said.
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“ That’s going to be a very difficult thing to explain Cayela. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”, Sheldon said as he picked her up off the couch and carried her to her room with Leo, Amy and Leonard following him. Once Cayela was laying in bed and after Amy set up a camera that was pointing toward Cayela’s bed Amy walked over to her and said, “ Ok give me your wrist.”
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“ What’s this?”, Cayela asked as she held out her wrist and Amy attached a weird hospital bracelet looking device to it.
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“ This is a motion-sensored data recording device. This is what’s going to record your movements throughout the night so I can get a bigger picture of what your best friend Florence was talking about.”, Amy said as she gently set Cayela’s hand down before Leo tucked Cayela in.
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“ Good night sweetheart. We love you.”, Leo said as she kissed her daughter’s head.
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“ Good night I love you too.”, Cayela said.
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“ Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Dad we don’t have bed bugs.”, Cayela said.
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“ I know that it’s just an expression Cayela. Good night.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed her head too.
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“ Good night.”, Cayela said as she let out a yawn. Leonard and Amy kissed her head too as she drifted off to sleep. The 4 adults walked out before they shut the light off and the door behind them.
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“ Alright we’re going to bed Amy.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok.”, Amy said.
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“ Are you sure you don’t need anything Amy?”, Leo asked.
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“ No it’s fine Leo. I got some coffee to keep me awake. It’s going to be a long night watching Cayela.”, Amy said as she tapped her hand on a full can of coffee grounds.
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“ Alright if you say so.”, Leo said.
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“ Wake us up if you need anything.”, Leonard said.
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“ Alright. Good night Leonard, good night Leo, good night Sheldon.”, Amy said.
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“ Good night Amy.”, Leo, Sheldon and Leonard said before they headed to bed leaving Amy as the only one still awake. As she was making her coffee she kept one eye on her laptop screen the whole time waiting to see what Cayela was going to do. 15 minutes in as she sat down in front of it with her cup of coffee is when she started to get some data results. Cayela started tossing and turning at first but then she started sliding her body across her bed like a dog and scratching at the wall acting just like she did during nap time at her new friend Summer’s house earlier that day. Amy sat there completely shocked and amused as she watched her niece walk around her bedroom as if she was awake wearing just her t-shirt and diaper completely unaware of what she was doing. The camera was also recording sound so Amy could hear the weird sounds she was making as well. Cayela started batting her arms around and throwing things around her room before she sat in her computer chair. After she slowly spun around for a few minutes she jumped up and ran toward her bedroom door. She scratched at it for a few seconds before she managed to get the door open and came walking out of her bedroom into the living room. Amy turned around and watched as Cayela started flipping couch cushions over the couch and moving things around the apartment. The next thing she did began to concern Amy. Cayela had managed to unlock the deadbolt on the apartment door and got through the chain lock before she opened the door and got out into the hallway. Amy followed her to see her pacing around the hallway and banging her head against the doors of the broken elevator shaft. This noise caught Penny’s attention and she came out of her apartment wondering what was going on.
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“ What the hell?!”, Penny hissed when she saw what her niece was doing.
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“ Sorry bestie, I got her.”, Amy said as she approached Cayela but she ran from her toward the stairs.
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“ Oh no no no no no no. Come here.”, Amy said as she grabbed Cayela and walked her back into the apartment. Penny walked back into hers and went back to bed. After Amy put Cayela back into her bed she locked the apartment door again but in addition to putting the chain lock back up she put a piece of duct tape over it to keep Cayela from getting out into the hallway again. Cayela got out of her bed a few times but then stayed put the rest of the night. In the morning Amy gathered all the data she needed before she left. Not long after that Leo’s phone started ringing. It was her cousin Gia.
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“ Hey Leo.”, Gia said.
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“ Hey Gia. What’s up?”, Leo said when she answered her phone.
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“ Not much. Hey, I got some great news to share with you.”, Gia said.
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“ What is it?”, Leo asked.
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“ Simon just got a job promotion! He got promoted to be a district attorney! Isn’t that great?!”, Gia exclaimed.
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“ Wow that is great Gia! Tell him I said congratulations!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Thanks I will when he get’s home from work. I also have something else to tell you too but I’ll just save it for the party.”, Gia said.
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“ Party? What party?”, Leo asked in confusion.
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“ Oh, didn’t your parents tell you? They’re throwing Simon a job promotion party next week at their house.”, Gia said.
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“ No, they didn’t mention anything like that to me or my husband.”, Leo said.
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“ Well now you know there’s a party. You, Sheldon and Cayela are coming, right?”, Gia asked.
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“ Are you kidding me? We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”, Leo said.
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“ Great! I’ll see you guys there next week! Bye!”, Gia exclaimed.
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“ Bye!”, Leo exclaimed as she hung up the phone.
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To be continued…
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