Chapter 33
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Later that evening after they got off work the adults decided to go out to a night club despite Sheldon’s dismay to celebrate Dr. Stormbender’s defeat and departure into the virtual world of cyberspace. Cayela and Charlotte were dropped off at Florence’s house since they weren’t allowed to go with them. Obnoxious beats and disco lights were going off everywhere as they entered the club causing Sheldon to stick his Bose noise-cancelling earbuds into his ears.
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“ A toast to a Dr. Devon Stormbender-free life you guys!”, Howard exclaimed as he held up his drink.
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“ Yeah! Good riddence!”, the others exclaimed as they touched glasses and took a sip of their drinks.
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“ This is great! We don’t have to live in fear anymore! And it’s all thanks to you Howard and you Amy! You two were the ones that made this happen and I can’t thank you guys enough!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh it was nothing Leo!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ So what is it that you and Howard actually do with Devon?”, Danny asked.
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“ We took apart his mechanical body, sent it through a wormhole generator into cyberspace and deleted his data bits. Now he’s just a bunch of loose dead data floating around never to be regenerated again.”, Amy said.
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“ That’s impressive! I never liked that guy anyway!”, Danny exclaimed with a laugh.
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“ Nobody did Danny! He was an evil maniac that tried to destroy us! Not to mention he tried to hurt our daughter!”, Leo laughed as she gestured to herself and Sheldon.
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“ Indeed he did.”, Sheldon said as he nodded his head in agreement with his wife.
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“ Oh my god you guys, I just thought of a perfect song that fits the mood right now! I’ll be right back!”, Morgan exclaimed as she excused herself from the table. She then walked up to the DJ and requested a song for him to play. He told her that he would play the song after the current song ends.
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“ Ok I’m back!”, Morgan exclaimed as she sat back down at the table.
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“ Did you just make a song request to the dj, Morgan?!”, Stuart exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I did Stuart!”, Morgan exclaimed.
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“ What song?”, Carmen asked.
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“ You’ll see in a minute! Once this song ends he’s going to play it!”, Morgan exclaimed. The current song continued to play until it ended. Morgan’s requested song came on next. She had requested the song Cyberspace by AC/DC.
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“ Oh my God!”, the others exclaimed as they stared at her. Morgan just sat there with a ridiculous smirk on her face.
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“ Morgan Kathy Brisby are you freaking kidding me right now?! Cyberspace by AC/DC?!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her best friend.
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“ I thought it made perfect sense Leo regarding the situation!”, Morgan exclaimed.
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“ Oh you are so dancing to this with me!”, Leo laughed.
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“ You wish!”, Morgan laughed.
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“ Oh no no no no no you’re not getting out of this! You requested it so you’re dancing to it with me whether you want to or not!”, Leo laughed as she got up from the table and walked over to Morgan.
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“ Fine whatever you say bestie!”, Morgan laughed as she got up too.
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“ Oh just shut it Brisby and come on!”, Leo laughed as she dragged her best friend out to the dance floor. As they were getting into it Morgan interjected, “ You are so crazy Leo!”
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“ Oh shut up Morgan!”, Leo laughed. Then she shouted throwing her head back at the top of her voice, “ Screw you Devon!”
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“ Yeah you cyborg a**hole!”, Morgan shouted. Leo then suddenly grabbed Sheldon and pulled him toward her making him let out a startled screech as she started to dance with him.
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“ Leo what are you doing?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his wife.
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“ I’m dancing with my husband! What does it look like I’m doing Sheldon?!”, Leo interjected as she continued dancing with him.
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“ Leo, I specifically remember telling you countless times that I don’t dance!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Oh quit your whinning and just dance with me Sheldon Cooper!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Yippie ki-yay assholes! Get out of my way!”, Penny interjected as she was dancing like a madwoman pushing herself in between Leonard, Dakota, Raj and Yesenia.
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“ Penny that catterwauling was uncalled for and I reckon you refrain from saying that again unless you want to receive a strike!”, Sheldon interjected at her in somewhat of a southern accent.
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“ Oh just shut it Dr. Whackadoodle before I go all Nebraska on your a**!”, Penny interjected back at him.
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“ What is your obsession with calling me Dr. Whackadoodle?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Because I’ve been calling you that for years! It’s what you are because of your weird idiosyncrasies! You’ve been that way since I’ve met you!”, Penny interjected.
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“ No I most certainly recall you starting to call me that after a few years of us knowing each other! When we first met you didn’t know about my weird habits until after the fact, thus you dubbing me with the name Dr. Whackadoodle!”, Sheldon interjected in a know-it-all voice.
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“ Oh balls, does it really matter when the hell I started calling you that?!”, Penny interjected.
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“ It most certainly does!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Ok Sheldon let’s just stop. We came out here to have a fun night without our daughter for once. Let’s not argue about who said what.”, Leo said.
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“ You’re right. I’m sorry Leo. I love you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him. She continued to dance with him despite his irritation about it.
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“ Dance with me Morgan.”, Kemdan said.
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“ Dance with me ta loco dance with me!”, Morgan exclaimed as she stared at her Latino friend.
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“ Come on, please?!”, Kemdan asked as he held his hand out to her.
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“ Ok.”, Morgan said as she took his hand and started dancing with him.
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“ Hey you guys, I just now requested a song too!”, Shelina exclaimed when she came back to the group.
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“ Which is what Shelina?”, Melissa asked.
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“ You’ll see!”, Shelina exclaimed. No sooner after she said that her requested song came on. It was the english remix of Baepsae/Try Hard by BTS/BOOCOCKY.
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“ What the hell Merrit?!”, Dakota interjected as she rolled her eyes at her friend.
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“ Hey! Don’t look at me like that Dakota! I found this song on Youtube the other day and thought it was funny!”, Shelina laughed.
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“ Shelina you goof! You’re so weird! You’re like my husband here!”, Leo interjected as she gestured toward Sheldon.
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“ Oh shut up Leo!”, Shelina laughed.
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Florence’s house…
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“ On the day I was born, the rain fell down!”, Cayela and Florence sang as they jumped around on Florence’s bed in her bedroom. Charlotte, Summer, and Julia were scattered around the room laughing and watching what their friends were doing. The song playing in the bedroom was Bad Boy Boogie by AC/DC. As the girls were having fun with it Trevor suddenly came in rocking out to it as if he was a rockstar which irritated his sister.
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“ Trevor what are you doing in my room?! Get out!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Aww come on, this is a good song Florence!”, Trevor interjected as he stared at his 14 year old sister.
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“ I know that but I don’t remember inviting my 9 year old brother in here! I’m hanging out with my friends right now! Get out!”, Florence interjected.
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“ You can’t kick me out! I’m not bothering anybody!”, Trevor interjected.
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“ Wrong! You’re bothering me and my friends right now! We were listening to music and you just decided to waltz right in here without bothering to knock!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Why do you always yell at me Florence?! Why don’t you ever yell at Julianne for stuff?!”, Trevor interjected.
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“ Because she doesn’t really come in my room unless she needs something from me! She’s either sitting in her room watching tv or wheeling herself around in her wheelchair up and down the hallways listening to Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy on her ipod! She’s not as obnoxious as you Trevor!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Yeah you little…!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ Cayela don’t say it! It was wrong of me to say it in the first place! I should have known that you were just going to repeat what I said!”, Florence interjected.
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“ I can’t help it! You know I have Autism!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah I know that!”, Florence interjected.
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“ You still don’t think I’m weird?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ No of course not! You’re my best friend and always will be no matter what your disabilities are!”, Florence laughed as she playfully punched her best friend in the shoulder.
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“ Same to you, minus the disabilities part on your end!”, Cayela laughed as she did the same thing back.
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“ Oh come here you!”, Florence laughed as she playfully captured Cayela around her neck with her arm. As Cayela was wrestling her way out of Florence’s grip she slipped her hand into one of her best friend’s pockets and grabbed her best friend’s cell phone as a joke.
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“ Hey!”, Florence interjected.
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“ Ha ha I got your cell phone Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki! Whatcha gonna do now?!”, Cayela laughed as she waved her best friend’s phone in her face.
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“ Oh you’re so gonna get it! Come here Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper!”, Florence laughed as she chased her best friend out of her room. The other girls followed after them laughing their heads off.
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“ Oh my God this is insane!”, Summer laughed.
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“ I completely agree Summer!”, Julia laughed.
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“ Oh would you two shut up?!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Cayela come back here! Give me my phone!”, Florence laughed as she was chasing Cayela down the stairs. Charlotte, Summer and Julia followed her.
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“ If you want it you have to chase me for it dude!”, Cayela laughed as she ran into the living room.
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“ Oh that’ll be the day! Come here!”, Florence laughed as she ran faster to catch up with her but her mother got to Cayela first.
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“ Ok slow your roll there. No running in the house please or somebody’s going to get hurt.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Sorry Mom. I was chasing Cayela because she took my phone.”, Florence said.
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“ Well you’re going to take a break because I need Cayela for a second.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Aw why?!”, Cayela protested as she handed Florence her phone back.
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“ Because you know why. Come here sweetheart.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she picked Cayela up. She grabbed Cayela’s diaper bag before she carried Cayela into the bedroom she shared with her husband and shut the door. After Cayela had been changed she went back to playing with Florence and the other girls. It wasn’t long after that the adults came to pick up Cayela and Charlotte and they all went home. Then 2 months later during the winter season Sheldon, Leo, Leonard, Amy, and Raj had to work a little later than usual leaving Howard as the only one that was going to be getting off early which was around the same time that Cayela was going to be getting out of school for the day so Sheldon and Leo asked him if he would be willing to go pick her up on his way home.
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“ Sure, I can do that.”, Howard said as he sat across from his friends at the cafeteria table.
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“ Great.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thanks Howard. You’re a great friend.”, Leo said with a smile. Sheldon snorts derivatively at what his wife said which made her narrow her eyes at him.
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“ SHELDON!”, Leo hissed at her husband. Sheldon immediately shut up after she said that. Then Leo sent Cayela a text message letting her know that Howard was going to be picking her up from school that day because they had to work a little later than usual. Then later before Howard left the building to go pick up Cayela he stopped by Leo’s office for a moment where she handed him Cayela’s diaper bag. Then as he walked out of the university to his car the snow was coming down pretty hard and the wind was blowing. He scrapped off the snow on his car before he put the bag in the back seat and got into the driver’s seat. Howard started his car and drove out of the parking lot, turning on the radio as he headed in the direction of the middle school. What was broadcasting on it was the Emergency Alert System.
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“ The National Weather Service in Long Beach has issued a Winter Storm Warning for the entire area of southern California until 10:35 P.M eastern standard time.”
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“ Oh great! Just what we needed on my way to pick up my 14 year old niece from school!”, Howard sarcastically said to himself as the broadcaster kept talking over the radio. As he was driving he suddenly hit a big traffic jam to which he was not expecting making him begin to worry that he wasn’t going to make it to the school in time.
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“ Oh come on, you got to be kidding me! Move it you doughnut holes!”, Howard hissed shouting that last part out the window as he honked his horn.
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Meanwhile as the students of Pasadena Middle School were getting out for the day Florence asked, “ Hey Cayela, do you need a ride home?”
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“ Oh no that’s ok Florence. My Uncle Howard’s picking me up. My Mom and Dad are working a little late today.”, Cayela said as she looked at the text message her mother sent her.
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“ Are you sure?”, Florence asked.
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“ Oh yeah I’ll be fine! He’s probably just running a few minutes late.”, Cayela said as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.
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“ Well hopefully you don’t have to wait long because it’s kind of getting cold out here with the wind chill and the snow is coming down pretty hard.”, Charlotte said as they stood around outside the school while the other students were filing out of the building and getting picked up by their parents.
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“ Yeah you don’t think I can see that Charlotte?”, Cayela asked as she wiped some snow flakes away from her face.
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“ Oh shut up!”, Charlotte laughed as she picked up some snow in her hand, packed it tight into a ball and playfully threw it at Cayela which hit her in the shoulder.
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“ Hey! Don’t throw snow balls at me! It’s cold!”, Cayela laughed as she brushed the snow off of her shoulder.
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“ Oh yeah, whatcha gonna do Fordyce-Cooper?!”, Charlotte laughed as she held another one in her hand.
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“ Oh I’ll show you what I’m gonna do Tipton! Take this!”, Cayela laughed as she threw a snow ball back at her. It hit her in the chest.
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“ Oh it’s on!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yeah it is!”, Cayela laughed. As they started throwing snow balls at each other Florence laughed, “ Hey Cayela, Charlotte, don’t leave us out of this!” She then joined in throwing snow balls along with Summer and Julia as they laughed their heads off. Charlotte threw a snow ball at Julia which knocked her down on her butt into the snow.
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“ What the Beach Boys?!”, Julia laughed as she sat there making her friends howl with laughter almost falling over themselves.
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“ Who just threw that snow ball at me and knock me down?!”, Julia laughed.
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“ That was me!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Oh you’re so going to get it Charlotte! 42 42 set hike!”, Julia laughed as she scrabbled to her feet and ran toward her friend trying to tackle her like a football player.
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“ Ah! Don’t hit me Ratley!”, Charlotte laughed as she was speared into the snow.
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“ We are seriously the weirdest group of friends ever!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah you think bestie?!”, Florence laughed. The girls continued to throw snow at each other until they heard whistling.
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“ Oh, looks like we got to go. See you tomorrow Cayela.”, Florence said as she saw her parents calling for her as well as Charlotte’s, Summer’s and Julia’s parents.
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“ Bye you guys. See you tomorrow.”, Cayela said as her friends left leaving her alone outside the school. As she stood out there waiting for Howard to show up she thought about going back inside since she was starting to get cold but when she tried to open the door she discovered it was locked. Confused as to why, she dug into her backpack and pulled out her Student Code of Conduct book. Cayela flipped through it and found a section in it that explained why she couldn’t get back in.
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“ Due to safety and security regulations, all doors automatically re-lock after the last bell of the day preventing students and staff from re-entering the building until the next school day.”, Cayela said as she read what the page said. Then she hissed, “ Great, what am I supposed to do now?! It’s freezing cold out here and my Uncle Howard is still not here yet!” as she threw the book back into her backpack. She then started to walk around the school property trying to figure out what to do as the snow continued to fall and the wind kept blowing. She suddenly started to get scared when the visibility started to drop. There was so much snow that it was beginning to become difficult for her to tell where she was which made her anxiety go up. She just continued walking in the direction she thought was right but she suddennly slipped on a slippery patch that was either ice or something else and fell on her butt which sent powdery white snow up into the air swirling around her which soaked her clothes even more making her start to shiver from the cold. She almost felt like passing out from fright but instead she started screaming hoping that somebody would hear her. It was then that Howard finally arrived and freaked out when he saw her just sitting in the snow.
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“ Oh son of a bi**h! CAYELA!”, Howard interjected as he jumped out of his car and ran over to her.
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“ Uncle Howard!”, Cayela screamed.
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“ It’s ok, come here.”, Howard said as he picked her up and held her as she started crying.
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“ Oh my God you’re soaking wet! How long have you been sitting here?!”, Howard asked in concern.
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“ I don’t know! I got scared after I couldn’t get back into the school so I started walking and then I fell!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Where are your friends?!”, Howard asked in concern.
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“ They left about 20 minutes ago along with everyone else!”, Cayela cried.
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“ You’ve been out here in THIS for the past 20 MINUTES?! It’s below zero out here!”, Howard shrieked.
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“ Yes and I’m cold! I want to go home!”, Cayela cried as she continued shivering.
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“ Let’s go to my car.”, Howard said as he picked up her backpack and carried her to his car.
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‘ Oh Jewish hell Sheldon and Leo are going to kill me!’, Howard thought in his head as he placed Cayela in the passenger seat before he ran around to the driver’s side. Once inside he turned on the heated passenger seat and turned up the heat in the car on full blast as he pulled out of the school parking lot.
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“ I’m so sorry Cayela. I would have been here sooner but I got stuck in traffic on the way here. Why didn’t you just call me?”, Howard asked.
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“ Because I was so scared that I didn’t even think about it!”, Cayela cried. Howard silently cursed in his head the whole way home and when he finally got there he carried her into the house along with her backpack and her diaper bag.
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“ Oh my God, Howie what did you do?!”, Bernadette shrieked when she came walking out of the kitchen to see her husband and their niece Cayela standing there shivering.
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“ I didn’t do anything Bernadette! I found her sitting in the snow like this outside the school when I pulled up!”, Howard interjected as he took his coat off.
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“ How long has she been outside?! She’s soaking wet?!”, Bernadette shrieked.
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“ 20 minutes since she got out of school!”, Howard interjected.
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“ Ok she needs a hot bath! Everything’s got to come off! Now! Her clothes, her diaper, everything or she’s going to get hypothermia!”, Bernadette scolded her husband.
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“ Gee you think I don’t know that! Of course I do!”, Howard hissed as the two of them carried Cayela upstairs to the bathroom. After the bathtub was filled up with hot water Cayela was immediately stripped out of her clothes and diaper before she was placed into the tub. She was so numb that she couldn’t really feel the heat for a moment but then she began to relax as she felt her body temperature start to come up. After she was scrubbed clean Howard and Bernadette then dried her off and redressed her in a fresh clean diaper and some dry clothes. Cayela was then sitting on the couch downstairs in the living room doing her homework on a tv tray with a soft blanket wrapped around her and a mug of hot chocolate was sitting on the side table next to her. As she was doing her homework she was also watching tv. The tv program she was watching was Spongebob Squarepants on Nickelodeon. The episode she was watching was Employee of the Month. After hanging out there for a few hours Cayela was finally picked up by Sheldon, Leo and Leonard after they got off work. But shortly after they got home while Leo was cleaning the kitchen her phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her brother Stephen.
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“ Hello?”, Leo answered.
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“ Leo, where are you?”, Stephen asked in a panicky voice.
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“ I’m in my kitchen cleaning it. What’s going on Stephen? You sound like you’re freaking out.”, Leo said.
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“ That’s because I am!”, Stephen said in the same panicky voice.
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“ Why?”, Leo asked in confusion.
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“ Ok I don’t want to scare you or your husband Sheldon, but, Kennedy just had a stroke at work and she’s being transported to the hospital!”, Stephen said in a serious panicky tone.
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“ What?! Are you serious?! What hospital is she going to?!”, Leo asked in complete shock.
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“ Savannah Memorial! Mom and Dad just left the house and they’re heading up there now!”, Stephen shrieked.
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“ How bad is it?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ I don’t know! They didn’t tell me a whole lot of details! They just told me what happened and then they left!”, Stephen shrieked.
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“ Well do Donny, Amanda, Garrett and Junior know about this?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Yes and they’re freaking out too! They just left with Mom and Dad!”, Stephen shrieked.
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“ Why didn’t you go with them?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Because I told them I would meet them there after I called you!”, Stephen shrieked.
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“ Oh my God, Stephen!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Leo are you alright?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his wife.
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“ Sheldon take my phone, I need a minute! It’s my brother Stephen!”, Leo shrieked as she quickly handed her phone to her husband before she excused herself from the room.
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“ Well alright.”, Sheldon said in confusion. He put the phone to his ear and said, “ Stephen?”
17Please respect copyright.PENANA6x1k1aHDxn
“ Oh hi Sheldon. Is everything ok with my sister?”, Stephen asked in concern when he heard his brother-in law’s voice on the other end.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHQWZ1dnj7o
“ Yeah everything’s fine. She’s just freaking out about something. What’s going on?”, Sheldon asked in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA0vKPQoEorV
“ Kennedy just had a stroke at work and she’s on her way to the hospital.”, Stephen said in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANApNiGbPlxGl
“ What?! Did this just happen just now?!”, Sheldon asked in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAIUkGdWYhJz
“ Yes.”, Stephen said in concern. Sheldon talked to him for a few minutes before hanging up. He then went to go console his freaked out wife.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAdeBUp8eBP1
“ Leo calm down.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7v6BhjRlp9
“ We need to go to Savannah now!”, Leo shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAT189w1oVPf
“ Leo we can’t go anywhere. We’re snowed in.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAg1abnyZKZB
“ I don’t care Sheldon! I need to see if my sister’s ok!”, Leo shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA2Br9cycvNt
“ Mom, Dad, what’s going on?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she came out of her room.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA4LesIh3kB4
“ Oh Good Lord.”, Sheldon said as he rolled his eyes.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAAExkv6uP4s
“ Cayela I don’t want to scare you, but, your Uncle Stephen just called and said that your Aunt Kennedy just had a stroke.”, Leo sadly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAmvrGu1CSJr
“ What?! Is she ok?!”, Cayela asked as tears started to well up in her eyes.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZSL5JOxQR
“ We don’t know sweetheart.”, Leo sadly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAC6CVCkpLSZ
“ What’s going you guys?”, Leonard asked when he came into the apartment. He had been downstairs visiting Dakota and was completely unaware of what was going on.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9g2dJbDbRA
“ We need to go to Savannah, Georgia now Leonard.”, Leo sadly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAUGxOaXE781
“ Why?”, Leonard asked in confusion.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVdW0Sthfkn
“ Kennedy had a stroke and is being taken to the hospital.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANADLjHfzQgsu
“ Wait, Kennedy? Are you talking about Kennedy Fordyce, Leo’s sister?!”, Leonard asked in complete shock as he stared at his roommate/best friend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAi3rYzHv0kr
“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! Yes Leonard! Who did you think I was talking about?! There’s only one Kennedy we know and that’s my sister-in law!”, Sheldon scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAL5OZfYnwJm
“ We need to go now!”, Leo said in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA4ch7MLDCEs
“ Leo I told you we can’t go anywhere. We’re snowed in.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAN3NFQIbWDu
“ I don’t care! She’s my sister and your sister-in law! She’s family and I have to see if she’s ok! Strokes are very serious! For all we know she could be dying this very moment!”, Leo shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAfjWVbSwinr
“ What?! I don’t want her to die! Mom I’m scared!”, Cayela exclaimed as she started to cry.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAwyeujLgycR
“ I know honey! We all are!”, Leo sadly said as she hugged her daughter. Then she sadly said, “ Why don’t you go start packing. We’re flying out tonight.”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAULZ1qpZxbM
“ Can I bring Oreo with me?!”, Cayela cried.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAT03QbgOkKM
“ Yes Cayela. Now go.”, Leo sadly said. Cayela rushed back into her room to start packing and Sheldon went to go start packing as well.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA7XTh41dhFU
“ Are you gonna be ok here by yourself Leonard?”, Leo asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3TxFQafoK
“ Oh no Leo I’m coming with you guys and Dakota is too.”, Leonard said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9aqwhfeMbK
“ Oh Leonard you don’t have to do that.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAZF3sJfkHbd
“ No really I want to. I’d rather be with you instead of being at home worrying about what’s going on.”, Leonard said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuwZbeGh3uW
“ Oh, ok.”, Leo said before she headed off to pack her stuff. Leonard went to pack some stuff too before calling Dakota. Within a few minutes Dakota was entering 4A with a suitcase and a carry-on bag.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAtp0EPhwDss
“ Yo you guys I’m here! We going or not?!”, Dakota called out to her friends, her fiance and their goddaughter Cayela.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAiFKZU66Dlt
“ Yes Dakota we’re coming!”, Leo interjected as they were dragging their luggage behind them. They each had a suitcase and a couple carry-ons. Cayela’s carry-ons included a small cat carrier with Oreo in it and a drawstring backpack with her cell phone, wallet, ipod and headphones. She also had a few of her Barbie dolls in it too.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAM7TQ6qDhjT
“ Ok let’s go!”, Leo said as she started to head toward the door.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAk0SVyDn7Hx
“ Leo aren’t you forgetting something?”, Sheldon asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQVau4GKxNc
“ Oh of course, Cayela’s diaper bag! Thank you for reminding me about that Sheldon! I was just about to walk out the door without it and that would have been bad!”, Leo exclaimed when she noticed that she didn’t have Cayela’s diaper bag on her shoulder so she grabbed it off the coat rack and slung it over her shoulder.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAJRz2dW0lK0
“ Ok now let’s go!”, Leo said as she headed out the door and across the hallway. Her husband, their daughter and their two friends followed her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAA8U4KRubiq
Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAeOUZlSO7Vw
Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAkcJNpzBaTm
Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAhjcXFwER2o
“ Oh hi you guys! What’s with the suitcases?”, Penny asked when she opened the door.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAtajkHWlSLY
“ Penny, would it be any trouble for you to drive us to the airport?”, Sheldon asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAK295gA6p4Z
“ Why? What’s going on?”, Penny asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAsj7PR3p976
“ My sister Kennedy had a stroke and she’s being admitted to the hospital in Savannah. We need to go see her and make sure she’s ok.”, Leo said in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAK64Y9jZ6OC
“ What the hell?! Are you serious?!”, Penny exclaimed in shock.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA79vImvgE51
“ Yes so could you please drive us?”, Sheldon asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAetO1g1lwUF
“ Sheldon Cooper it’s a freakin’ blizzard out there! How are you guys even sure you’re going to be able to get off the tarmac?!”, Penny hissed at him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAhuzyNh5VK9
“ It doesn’t matter Penny! Come hell or high water there’s no way that we’re going to be left stranded here in a snow storm worrying about my sister!”, Leo hissed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAfKKDxEQTgS
“ Alright alright I’ll drive you! But I’m telling you this is a really bad idea!”, Penny hissed as she went to go look for her coat and her purse. Meanwhile Cayela was talking on her cell phone to Florence.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAftx5qjc9xU
“ Hey Cayela what’s up?”, Florence asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAKsYEomPGjF
“ Not much Florence. Hey listen I’m probably not going to be in school tomorrow because we just had an unexpected family emergency come up.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAP9RqZMPx84
“ Oh no worries, they just cancelled school anyway because of the snow. So what’s this family emergency you’re talking about?”, Florence asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbYN7CLz7kF
“ My Aunt Kennedy just had a stroke and we’re heading to the airport to hopefully get on a plane so we can fly out to Savannah tonight to see her in the hospital.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAn9XNGO9lcM
“ Ok you know what dude, do not get on that plane without me because I’m coming with you.”, Florence said in a serious tone.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAGke79365YL
“ Florence your parents probably won’t allow you to do that.”, Cayela said as she shook her head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAxvzlTQr61D
“ I don’t care, they’re going to let me go whether they want to or not. I want to be there for my best friend.”, Florence said in a serious tone.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAohUzDhIWWO
“ You’re talking about me, right?”, Cayela asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAdN7aBLWv06
“ Yes I’m talking about you! Who did you think I was talking about?!”, Florence laughed as she started packing some of her stuff.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAdElfLggWoD
“ I don’t know! Aliens?!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA1JJoc1FW5l
“ You are so crazy Cayela Rachelle!”, Florence laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA6TUT8Fot1b
“ Not as crazy as you Florence Mary Jane!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAtGk35jWAou
“ I’ll see you in a few minutes! Bye!”, Florence laughed as she hung up. She then dragged her stuff down the stairs and explained the situation to her parents. She begged them to drop her off at her best friend’s apartment building so that she could go to Savannah, Georgia with Cayela and her family. They at first wanted to say no but decided to let her go anyway since there was no school the next day.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAnUxM2B0HW9
“ Alright I’m here! Let’s go!”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOV1DK7phkY
“ Florence what are you doing here?!”, Leo asked in surprise.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVPYeYGxFw4
“ I’m coming with you guys.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAY0S0dLoSwD
“ Do your parents know about this?!”, Sheldon scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAjVJVTMcqRw
“ Yeah of course Dr. Cooper, I asked them to drop me off.”, Florence said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA2pxXOmBxjx
“ Oh balls!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes when she emerged from her apartment wearing her coat. Oreo let out a little meow from inside her cat carrier that Cayela was carrying.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVpshI6shSq
“ You’re taking Oreo with you?!”, Florence asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAljUtO6rLEO
“ Yeah my mom said I could.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA1mTLCKrtgu
“ Yay! We get to travel in the air with a cat!”, Florence exclaimed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAxvkRwIharX
“ Yay!”, Cayela and Florence exclaimed like Spongebob and Patrick.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAkxIOaN67RF
“ Oh dear Lord!”, Sheldon said as he shook his head. Penny then drove them to the airport and once she dropped them off she wished them good luck before she left.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAZEGvXasKzK
“ Hi welcome to Delta Airlines. How can I help you?”, a woman behind the counter asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuPck4gXzRK
“ Hi we need 6 plane tickets for the next flight out to Savannah, Georgia and we are also traveling with a pet.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAin16ESYhai
“ I’m so sorry ma’am but no flights are allowed in or out of the state due to these weather conditions.”, the woman said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANARJTJ2PtwkR
“ You don’t understand, this is a family emergency. My sister had a stroke and she’s in the hospital. Is there any way you could make an acception, please?”, Leo asked in a serious tone. The woman thought for a minute and instantly became sympathetic.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAp8ElLQ4fn7
“ Oh that’s awful, I’m so sorry to hear that ma’am. Let me see what I can do.”, the woman sympathetically said before she walked away for a moment and called the pilot of the plane. He at first told her no but when he heard what the situation was he decided to attempt the flight anyway despite the weather conditions outside.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAieyTFuEbgg
“ I just called the pilot and he said that he will attempt to make the flight.”, the woman said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAIKgtSi0VvA
“ Oh thank you so much.”, Leo said as she placed her suitcase on the conveyer belt.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAT9usqI5MJ8
“ Alright so you said you need 6 tickets for Savannah, Georgia plus you’re traveling with a pet?”, the woman asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAG03KtlkvQn
“ Yes.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAYQEPHtG6EG
“ Cat or Dog?”, the woman asked as she printed out the tickets and boarding passes before handing them to Leo.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAX1WTBxO4K5
“ Um it’s a cat and her name is Oreo Fordyce-Cooper.”, Leo said. After Leo paid the pet fee and they all checked their bags in they headed through the airport to get through security. They took their shoes and other items off and placed them in the bins before sending them through the scanner. Cayela had to take Oreo out of her carrier and hold her in her arms while she was being scanned.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQWtFExX87R
“ This is so awkward!”, Florence laughed as she walked through the X-ray machine.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAGOjV8IkwxO
“ Yeah you think Florence?!”, Cayela laughed as she put her pet back into her carrier.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAXpEHU9hTYp
“ Girls come on! Let’s go!”, Leo called out as she was putting on her shoes and picking up her stuff including Cayela’s diaper bag. After they went through security they headed to their gate and waited to board the plane.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHzxEwqylEy
“ Oh what fresh hell is this?!”, Sheldon interjected when he saw the amount of people that were waiting at the gate. There was over 200 people waiting there to board the plane.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuoV30mKCXs
“ Sheldon don’t start. This is not the time for that.”, Leo said as she placed a hand on her husband’s arm.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAGizN0mp7Cr
“ Not the time for what Leo?! I don’t understand what you’re talking about!”, Sheldon interjected as he stared at his wife as if she said something crazy.
17Please respect copyright.PENANApBjFVXmovD
“ You being a crazy bastard, that’s what!”, Leonard interjected at his best friend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANASivYIv818D
“ Leonard please, not in front of my daughter and her best friend! They don’t need to hear that!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at him.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAndVLxTyPeu
“ Oh for God sakes Sheldon Lee Cooper just chill out! I’m pretty sure Cayela doesn’t want to see her dad acting like a lunatic in the middle of an airport right now! Especially since we’re going to see Leo’s sister Kennedy in the hospital!”, Leonard scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANApokgdkNUDD
“ Why are you bringing my wife and daughter into this conversation?! And that’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper to you!”, Sheldon scolded.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgnDMkPcvof
“ Hey hey hey would you two nerdheads shut up?! We don’t need to be having this controversy!”, Dakota said as she interrupted her fiance and her friend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbqLsOmmNuc
“ Dakota Harris that’s not helping right now.”, Leonard said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAJqaM1y9Nsk
“ Leonard Hofstadter I’m eventually going to be your wife! So please don’t say things like that to me.”, Dakota said as she rolled her eyes.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAAc2EBT8a57
“ You’re right I’m sorry. I love you.”, Leonard said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA8S8ygdkOiF
“ I love you too.”, Dakota said as she kissed him. Shortly after they boarded the plane and the plane took off Cayela had a hard time sitting still in her seat.
17Please respect copyright.PENANACS4rHfKlcR
“ Mom, Dad!”, Cayela said as she started to cry.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAicEgC34UUS
“ Oh no, I know what that means.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAXJ02b9WZwQ
“ Here give me the bag Leo. I’ll go change her.”, Sheldon said as he stood up out of his seat.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAy3PPR3ZyoP
“ Alright Sheldon here you go.”, Leo said as she handed her husband the diaper bag that was under the seat in front of her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAu9gm6nFQnp
“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he slung the bag over his shoulder and made his way over to Cayela.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAC0ARdRxoJR
“ Ok come here Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he unbuckled her seat beat and picked her up. He carried her to the bathroom at the back of the plane to change her diaper. Once he was done he carried her back to her seat before he sat back down.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAGHbe2W3hZ5
“ You ok?”, Florence asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAs3AkYVoZbs
“ Yeah I’m fine.”, Cayela said as she settled back into her seat. She then checked on Oreo to make sure she was doing ok before she went into her drawstring backpack and pulled out her Barbie dolls. Florence played along with her until they decided to watch episodes of Law and Order: SVU on Florence’s portable DVD player. They watched this for the rest of the flight and after they landed they picked up their luggage and called a taxi cab. Once the cab showed up Leo asked the driver to take them to Savannah Memorial Hospital. She paid the fare and soon they were on their way.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAB5KdXzQJIa
“ Stephen we just landed and we’re in a cab. We’re now on our way to the hospital.”, Leo said into her phone after her brother answered it.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAVxRc03eU7j
“ Oh thank God! See you when you get here sis.”, Stephen said as he started heading toward one of the elevators in the hospital and stepped inside.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAk0HfzQWoqB
“ See ya.”, Leo said before she hung up.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAiuXLGGWNzT
Savannah Memorial Hospital…
17Please respect copyright.PENANANfAsWAVPws
“ Hi Stephen.”, Leo said as they walked through the revolving doors of the hospital to see Stephen already there waiting for them in the lobby.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAePX0Qy2r8M
“ Hi Leo. Hi you guys.”, Stephen said as he embraced them all.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA9QYWNRjEQg
“ So how bad is Kennedy’s stroke Stephen?”, Leo asked in concern as they headed up to Kennedy’s room.
17Please respect copyright.PENANADmjr0zLs32
“ Oh it’s pretty bad Leo. She’s in a coma hooked up to a ventilator.”, Stephen said in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA0Et4bCPRvr
“ Oh that doesn’t sound good. Can she at least hear what’s going on around her?”, Leo asked in concern.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOaq3M2K1d1
“ Yeah she can hear but she’s just not… with it. Like she can’t talk but she can hear what you’re saying.”, Stephen sadly said. Then once they reached the door to Kennedy’s hospital room Stephen said, “ Alright here’s her room. Are you ready to go in?”
17Please respect copyright.PENANAcMIuIMmQSO
“ Stephen I’m scared. I don’t know what to expect.”, Leo sadly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAA38P9AggNR
“ Neither do we Leo but it’s going to be ok.”, Sheldon said as he held his wife’s hand.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAPnq682a0CN
“ Yes we’re all going in there together sis. Just take a deep breath and let’s go in.”, Stephen said as he saw the look of worry on his younger sister’s face. Leo did so.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFHK6BOFsea
“ Ok. Open the door.”, Leo said with a sad sigh. Stephen slowly opened the door and the second they stepped into the room Leo lost it when she saw the condition her sister was in.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAoKZ1QljqiT
“ Oh my God I can’t!”, Leo shrieked as she immediately stepped back out of the room and broke down crying.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA5c9gDWMVJt
“ Leo!”, Sheldon shrieked as he ran back out after her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAeMsOB6QG63
“ Mom!”, Cayela shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAYI9FVbEedW
“ Leo come back here!”, Junior hollered out the door.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAPoGkDMLWz3
“ I can’t do this! I can’t even recognize her!”, Leo cried.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQp7d4bCVJC
“ It’s ok Leo. I felt like that when I first walked in.”, Stephen said as he came back out to talk to her. Stephen and Sheldon then walked with her back into the room and she slowly walked up to the bed. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Kennedy was laying in the bed unconscious with a whole bunch of wires and tubes hooked up to her as well as the heart monitor and ventilator. She had bandages wrapped around her head from where she had hit her head on the corner of her desk at work which made her litterally look like she was on Death’s doorstep.
17Please respect copyright.PENANABMXthf753V
“ Oh my God Kennedy! You look horrible!”, Leo cried as she gently kissed her sister’s face.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFoVLX4S6Be
“ Is Aunt Kennedy dead?!”, Cayela sadly asked as tears welled up in her eyes when she saw her aunt laying there.
17Please respect copyright.PENANANMSE2PUxYs
“ No sweetheart she’s just in a coma. But she can hear you though.”, Leo cried as she placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA6Ukyamqti4
“ She looks like she’s dead! I don’t want her to be dead! I’m scared!”, Cayela cried. Sheldon walked up behind her and picked her up into his arms. He then sat down in a chair with her in his lap rubbing gentle circles on her back.
17Please respect copyright.PENANATQhl8R70ss
“ Shhh, calm down you’re alright Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he held her in his lap and continued rubbing her back. He also kissed the top of her head as she continued to cry into her father’s shoulder. Florence also walked over and hugged her from behind. She hated seeing her best friend so upset.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAfxMgOwNznE
“ You know what Sheldon, I think Cayela needs her diaper changed and to be put to bed.”, Leo sadly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3gfRxx3Me
“ I think so too Leo.”, Sheldon said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAowa3pysb4s
“ I think we all need to go to bed. It’s been a long day.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAK2ExNMRRc8
“ Yeah I agree. I just want to go get in bed and fall asleep to something on Netflix.”, Dakota said as she rubbed her eyes.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA5JPKP7zLeh
“ I’m all for that too.”, Leonard said as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes too before he put his glasses back on his face.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA3OEFTmjGzt
“ Well you guys can all go to bed, I’m not quite tired yet. I’m going to go play my Xbox.”, Junior said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANASPxEiTZpLV
“ Fine but don’t play that ridiculous Pokemon Live song on your phone again like you did before and during that Shelter- In Place Warning we had.”, Amanda said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA5iiRVm36p9
“ Wait, what?”, Leonard asked in confusion.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHbnt8w67o1
“ I’ll tell you about that in the morning Leonard. Let’s all just go to the house.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHdTIlW1y2o
“ That’s a good idea Leo. Miranda are you going to be ok staying the night alone with Kennedy?”, Mr. Fordyce said to his daughter before asking his wife that question.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbc2FCq6fu7
“ Yeah I’ll be fine Robert. I’ll call you if something happens.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAHnZTHSpCGg
“ Alright good night honey. I love you.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgTGp4Q752B
“ Good night I love you too.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she kissed her husband.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ5bJgtGrb
“ Cayela go say good night to your grandma. We’re going to the house and she’s going to stay here for the night with your aunt.”, Leo said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAWghNngmege
“ Good night Grandma. I love you.”, Cayela tiredly said as she got up from her father’s lap and walked over to her grandmother.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAlC8Ffw32ZD
“ I love you too Cayela. Good night.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she embraced her and kissed her head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAEfo45rjfcY
“ Good night Aunt Kennedy I love you.”, Cayela tiredly said as she leaned over the bed and gently kissed Kennedy’s bandaged head.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAavxpUK4C5u
“ Alright let’s go.”, Mr. Fordyce said as they left the hospital. Once they got to the house Leo changed Cayela’s diaper and slipped one of her t-shirts on over her. Cayela then ran down the stairs to say good night to everybody before Leo and Sheldon put her to bed. Shortly after that they all went to bed. In the middle of the night however Cayela started having a weird dream that didn’t really make sense but at the same time freaked her out. She was having a dream that her aunt’s stroke was somehow related to a Forensic Files investigation about someone her aunt knew that had done something to her to cause this but what really freaked her out the most is that in her dream her aunt died and it suddenly became a murder investigation. Cayela gasped and shot up to a sitting position in the bed wetting her diaper in the process. This caught Florence’s attention and she sat up in the bed next to her best friend wondering what just happened. Oreo let out a soft meow as well as she laid curled up in the bed on her comfy bed that was in between the two girls.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAw8xnlyhN5X
“ Cayela are you ok?”, Florence quietly asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAfpWLhHcS2O
“ I don’t know Florence.”, Cayela quietly said as she sat there staring at the wall.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA93mDEOWK6M
“ Well what’s wrong?”, Florence quietly asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAcLfsulwWDd
“ I’m having this weird dream about my aunt for some reason.”, Cayela quietly said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAzrsNFC76dY
“ Well what’s it about?”, Florence quietly asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAarLGqh0XNB
“ I don’t know, it’s really weird. My brain just started conjuring up this weird Forensic Files episode about her. Like someone she knew did something to her to cause her to have a stroke and then later she dies and it becomes a murder investigation, it’s just… I don’t know what it is.”, Cayela quietly said as she shook her head.
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“ Hm that is strange, but Cayela I’m sure everything’s going to be ok with your aunt. You’re probably just worrying too much about her. I would know that because it’s happened to me at least a couple times. When I worry too much about something my subconscious does the same thing. It makes up random weird scenarios that don’t make a whole lot of sense. And I’m sure we’re not only ones because I’m sure Charlotte, Summer and Julia have experienced that too.”, Florence quietly said.
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“ Yeah you’re probably right bestie. Maybe I am being a little paranoid about the whole situation.”, Cayela quietly said.
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“ Exactly. Look your Aunt Kennedy’s going to be ok. It’s just going to take time for her to recover and rebuild her life.”, Florence quietly said.
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“ I know but what if she never wakes up or worse, what if she does and doesn’t remember me?”, Cayela quietly asked.
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“ Cayela Rachelle that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. There’s no way that she would ever forget you. You’re her niece and I’m sure she loves you very much.”, Florence quietly said.
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“ You’re right. Thanks for the reassurance Florence.”, Cayela quietly said as she hugged her best friend.
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“ No problem Cayela. Now let’s go back to sleep.”, Florence quietly said as she laid back down and fell back asleep.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela quietly said as she did the same. But shortly after doing so Amanda came in to check on her. She quietly turned the lighting up in the room just a little bit and carried Cayela’s diaper bag over to the bed that she had quietly taken from the bedroom that her sister and brother-in law were sleeping in. She carefully pulled back the covers and as she gently rolled Cayela away from her on her side Cayela moaned in her sleep at the sudden movement. Oreo meowed again as she moved slightly before settling down again.
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“ I know I know I’m moving you around but just continue sleeping.”, Amanda whispered as she placed the pad down on the bed before rolling Cayela onto it.
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“ Amanda?”, Sheldon whispered when he walked into the room.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAdfOXqXDmrG
“ Shhh it’s ok Sheldon I got this. Just go back to sleep.”, Amanda whispered back at her brother-in law with a smile as she slipped latex gloves on her hands.
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“ Well alright. Thank you.”, Sheldon whispered with a smile before heading back to bed leaving his sister-in law alone in the room. After changing Cayela, Amanda then cleaned up the mess and tucked her niece back in kissing her on the forehead before leaving the room after she shut the light off. Then in the morning Cayela was suddenly woken up by wet slobbery kisses raining on her face. She opened her eyes to see Gidget laying on top of her licking her face.
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“ Gidget you silly dog! Get off me!”, Cayela laughed as she sat up in the bed and gently shoved Gidget off of her.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAse1jbgU5AN
“ What’s going on? Ack no! Gidget get off me you crazy German Shepherd!”, Florence laughed as Gidget started attacking her face with kisses. As she turned her head away Gidget started licking her ear.
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“ Oh sure, lick my ear and get my ear wax out why don’tcha!”, Florence sarcastically laughed as she sat up and gently pushed Gidget off of her.
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“ Florence that didn’t even make sense! She’s a dog! She doesn’t know what you’re talking about!”, Cayela laughed as she sat there staring at her best friend.
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“ I was being sarcastic Cayela!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Good morning girls.”, Leo said with a smile as she walked into the room with the diaper bag hanging over her shoulder.
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“ Good morning Mom.”, Cayela said as she sat in the bed next to her best friend.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAMvvwYsSN8j
“ Did Gidget wake you up?”, Leo asked when she noticed that Gidget was laying at the foot of the bed with her long, pink tongue hanging out of her mouth.
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“ Yeah she came in, jumped up on me when we were still sleeping and started giving me kisses then when Florence woke up she started giving her kisses and then eventually her ear when Florence turned her head away.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh that is just too cute.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah. So what are we doing today Mom?”, Cayela asked.
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“ We’re going back up to the hospital to see your aunt. But first, let’s change you and get you dressed for the day.”, Leo said as she set the bag down on the bed.
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“ Ok. Florence?”, Cayela said as she turned her head toward her best friend.
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“ Yeah yeah I know to get out. I’m taking Oreo with me.”, Florence said as she got up from the bed and started picking Oreo up into her arms.
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“ What are you taking Oreo for Florence?! Leave her be! She’s perfectly fine laying on the bed!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela if I don’t take her she’s just going to get in the way and I’m pretty sure your mom doesn’t want that!”, Florence laughed.
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“ That’s a good point Florence, yes I really wouldn’t want that. And while you’re at it, take Gidget with you too.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh I’ll definitely be doing that because she looks like she’s going to get in the way too.”, Florence said.
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“ Alright bye, see you in a minute.”, Cayela said.
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“ Bye. Come on Gidget let’s go.”, Florence said as she headed out the door with Gidget following in tow.
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“ Make sure she doesn’t try to hurt my kitty or at least play too rough with her.”, Cayela called out.
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“ You got it bestie.”, Florence said before she shut the door behind her. After all that was accomplished they all went back up to the hospital to see Kennedy. She was still in a coma but miraculously in the middle of the day she slowly started coming out of it.
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“ Kennedy? Kennedy?! Mom, Dad, everybody, come back in here quick! Kennedy’s waking up!”, Amanda exclaimed out the door into the hallway.
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“ What?! Oh thank God! Kennedy!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she ran back into the room with others following her including the doctor that they were talking to about Kennedy’s condition. They all gathered around the bed as Kennedy was slowly blinking her eyes and looking around.
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“ Hey sis, welcome back to the world of living.”, Leo said with a smile of relief on her face as her sister looked at her. Kennedy blinked in response to that since she couldn’t talk with the ventilator tube still down her throat.
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“ Yay! My Aunt Kennedy’s awake!”, Cayela exclaimed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgJOXfS94iE
“ Cue the music!”, Florence exclaimed as she took her ipod out and pressed play. The song that started playing was Sucker by The Jonas Brothers. As Florence started dancing around the room like a weirdo Cayela joined in with her. As they were both dancing around laughing their heads off Sheldon scolded, “ What in the name of Einstein are you girls doing?!”
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“ What does it look like we’re doing Dad?! We’re having fun!”, Cayela laughed.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAuAYnABBGgi
“ Yeah, would you cool it Dr. Cooper?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Florence Mary Jane Crenshamezki I’m really getting tired of you saying that to me.”, Sheldon said as he rolled his eyes at her.
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“ Well I wouldn’t have to say it if you weren’t being such a buzzkill!”, Florence laughed.
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“ FLORENCE!”, Mrs. Cooper interjected when she walked into the room with Missy and Georgie following her causing Florence to scream in startlement and accidentally fling her ipod which hit Mrs. Cooper in the stomach.
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“ OW! HEAVENLY FATHER!”, Mrs. Cooper interjected as she gripped her stomach. Florence’s ipod laid at her feet with the music still playing out of it.
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“ Oh real nice Florence! You just flung your ipod at my grandmother!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ I didn’t mean to Cayela! She scared me!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Mom are you alright?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes I’m fine Sheldon.”, Mrs. Cooper said in a southern accent.
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“ Mary what a wonderful surprise to see you, Missy and Georgie here!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she walked up and hugged Mrs. Cooper.
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“ Well Sheldon called me and told me what happened to Kennedy so I figured we would fly out here to see her.”, Mrs. Cooper said. Then she asked, “ How is she doing by the way?”
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“ Well she just came out of her coma a few minutes ago, she still can’t breath on her own yet as well as move but other than that she’s seems to be doing ok.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Well I pray that she makes a full recovery. When did this happen? Sheldon told me that she had a stroke but he forgot to mention what day it was which is very rare for him because he never forgets to tell me anything.”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ It happened yesterday when she was at work. Apparently they were having a budget meeting that day so when Kennedy failed to show up for it her boss then told two of her co-workers, a male and a female to go to her office to check on her and that’s when they found her lying face down on the floor unconscious so the male co-worker called Robert and I to tell us what happened which scared the living daylights out of us because we didn’t know if she was hurt or if she was even alive for that matter. So after we talked to him we called the paramedics, they showed up at Kennedy’s workplace, got her in the ambulance, took her here and it was shortly after she arrived here was when me, Robert, Donny, Amanda, Junior and Garrett got here. Stephen told us that he would meet us here after he called Leo and told her what happened.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Which sent me into a panic too Mom. You guys made us all fly out here in blizzard conditions.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok Leo I don’t think we need to know that right now.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ I do!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper that’s not funny right now.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes at her daughter.
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“ Sorry Mom.”, Cayela said as she stopped laughing. Over the next few weeks Kennedy had fully recovered from her stroke and one night after they got back home Cayela suddenly had another terrible dream but this one was different. In her dream she saw this young witchy-looking woman attacking her family at Caltech, screaming at them saying that they were horrible people for what they did to her brother and the moment Cayela saw this woman kill her father she immediately woke up crying. Sheldon heard this, got out of bed and went to his daughter’s bedroom.
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“ Cayela what’s wrong?”, Sheldon asked as he stood in the doorway and turned the light on.
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“ Don’t leave me Dad!”, Cayela cried as she sat up in bed. Oreo climbed all over her in an attempt to calm her down but it wasn’t working.
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“ Cayela what are you talking about? I just walked in here?”, Sheldon asked in concern as he walked into the room.
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“ I had a dream that some woman attacked our family at Caltech and killed you! She was screaming saying that you all are horrible people for what you did to her brother!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Oh sweetheart, come here.”, Sheldon said as he got down next to her bed and embraced her. Cayela cried into her father’s shoulder as he rubbed gentle circles on her back.
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“ Shhhh, it’s ok. I’m not going anywhere. That was just a scary dream, it’s not real.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well it looked real to me!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Well I think you’re just uncomfortable because your diaper is probably wet. Let me see.”, Sheldon as he gently pulled back the covers and checked her diaper. It was soaking wet.
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“ Just as I suspected, you are wet. I think you just need to be changed Cayela, let’s take care of that.”, Sheldon said as he went to go grab the supplies from the closet. After he changed her diaper she started to calm down.
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“ Do you feel better now?”, Sheldon asked as he cleaned up the mess. Cayela nodded her head.
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“ Good, it’s time to go back to sleep.”, Sheldon said as he gently tucked her back in.
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“ Ok. I love you Dad.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ I love you too Cayela. Good night.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed the top of her head before he left the room, shutting the light off and the door behind him.
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“ Sheldon is everything ok with Cayela?”, Leo whispered as she sat up in bed and stared at her husband.
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“ Oh yes everything’s fine Leo. She just had a bad dream and needed her diaper changed. I got her back to sleep after doing so.”, Sheldon said as he crawled back in bed next to his wife.
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“ Oh good. Good night honey.”, Leo whispered as she kissed him.
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“ Good night.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back before the two of them laid back down and fell back asleep. The next day after school as the girls were walking down the sidewalk to get to Julia’s house to hang out they were listening to music on Cayela’s ipod just talking and laughing with each other. The song they were listening to was a Glamorous remix by Fergie Feat. Lil’ Kim and Tiffany Foxx.
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“ Yo this song is sick Cayela!”, Julia exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I agree! Is this another one of those songs you downloaded off of Youtube?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yeah and again it was behind my parents backs! They have no idea that I downloaded this song!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You can download songs from Youtube?”, Summer asked.
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“ Yeah Summer.”, Cayela said.
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“ How do you do that?”, Summer asked.
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“ Oh it’s actually really easy, you just go to Youtube and search whatever video you want, copy the URL link, go to Google, type in Youtube to mp3 and from there you’ll see a whole list of sites for converting Youtube videos into mp3s. You just click on the one the you want, put in the link and hit convert. That’s it.”, Cayela said.
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“ Wow! That’s so cool! I never even knew you could do that! I’ll have to try that sometime!”, Summer exclaimed.
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“ You should, it’s a lot of fun.”, Cayela said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbpKRGgJrvL
“ Yeah but the thing you have to remember is… oh my God you guys move!”, Florence started to say but then screamed when she saw something out of the corner of her eye and quickly shoved her friends out of the way of the flying object that came crashing down onto the sidewalk where they were just walking. The girls all screamed as they were being shoved out of the way. Cayela almost dropped her ipod, backpack and her diaper bag that her parents had told her to take with her at the sudden movements.
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“ What the heck was that?!”, Summer shrieked as she was trying to catch her breath with her hand on her chest.
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“ We don’t know Summer! It looked like someone was trying to throw something at us!”, Julia shrieked.
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“ Here’s what was thrown at us you guys!”, Charlotte shrieked when she pointed at the brown metal cylinder looking object that was laying on the ground. It looked about the size of a small child’s head and was attached to a silver metal rod.
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“ Charlotte Catarina Tipton don’t touch that! That’s a 5G cell antenna!”, Florence shrieked.
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“ A what Florence?!”, Charlotte shrieked as she stared at her friend as if she said something crazy.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAnaqUHUyEVf
“ I said it’s a 5G cell antenna!”, Florence shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAQdD5muNUjJ
“ What’s that?!”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Charlotte are you acting dumb right now?! I just told you what that is!”, Florence shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAY3GdHkLI1i
“ I know that but what I meant was what is 5G?!”, Charlotte asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA22xTFV21dC
“ 5G is the next generation of technology up from 4G. It’s basically newer equipment with stronger signals and faster internet speeds.”, Florence said.
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“ Are you saying there’s a 5G cell tower around here?!”, Charlotte shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAbBGRkONv5i
“ Yeah, that’s what all these poles are that are lining down the street right now.”, Florence said as she pointed at the numerous poles that were lining down the street. Each of them had about a 15 feet gap in between them and they each had the same equipment attached to them.
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“ Ok this is just creepy. Why are they so close together?”, Charlotte asked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAPhqJxKuhlO
“ Because the signals generated from them don’t travel as far so they need to be relatively close in order to work.”, Summer said.
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“ Well that’s dumb. Whoever came up with that?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ We don’t know Charlotte.”, Cayela said as she shrugged her shoulders.
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“ Enough talk about that you guys. Let’s just continue walking.”, Julia said as she started to walk away. Moments after they begin walking again they suddenly heard the sound of a police car pull up behind them.
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“ Oh crap! What the…?!”, Florence interjected as they stopped walking and turned around to see a police car parked on the curb. They first began to get scared thinking that they did something wrong but when the officer stepped out of the car they immediately recognized him.
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“ Uncle Danny?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yeah it’s me Cayela.”, Danny said as he walked up to the girls.
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“ What are you doing here?”, Cayela asked.
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“ I was out patrolling the neighborhood and something over here just caught my attention.”, Danny said as he glanced at the cell antenna laying on the ground.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAInX6Eqaalq
“ Oh, we didn’t touch that. Somebody threw that at us.”, Cayela said as she pointed at it.
17Please respect copyright.PENANATb5p5UHVwd
“ Yeah I know, I just came over here to make sure you girls were ok.”, Danny said.
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“ Oh yeah we’re fine. My best friend Florence basically just shoved us out of the way before it hit us.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yeah I was just talking to them as we were walking and I saw it coming at us out of the corner of my eye so I screamed, “ Oh my God you guys move!” and shoved them out of the way. But wait a minute, how did you know that somebody threw that 5G antenna at us?”, Florence asked.
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“ I was watching the footage from the street cameras and saw who the culprits were.”, Danny said.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAALnzp3ERFx
“ Wait there was two perpetrators that did this?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yes Charlotte it looked like it was done by two teenage boys. Most likely 16 year olds.”, Danny said.
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“ Well who were they?”, Summer asked.
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“ I don’t know. I couldn’t get a good enough look at their faces to identify them.”, Danny said.
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“ Well that sucks.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yo look out! Here comes another one!”, Julia screamed. The girls screamed as they scattered away from another 5G cell antenna being thrown at them. Danny immediately spotted the two boys on top of another cellular pole with sinister looks on their faces.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA3QdBl9s4uT
“ Hey you! Stop in the name of the law!”, Danny shouted at them.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAAwqinrvd3o
“ Oh sh*t! Run Gavin!”, one the boys shouted to the other.
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“ You got it Larry! Let’s book it bro!”, Gavin shouted as him and his brother Larry jumped off the pole and took off running down the street.
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“ Hey come back here!”, Danny shouted as he ran after them on foot. The boys didn’t even make to the end of the street before Danny took them down to the ground and slapped them with handcuffs. He dragged them back to his patrol car and leaned them against the hood of the car.
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“ Hey what gives!”, Gavin shouted.
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“ Yeah man what the hell was that for?!”, Larry shouted.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAOi6xkRCwEz
“ Shut up! That was for damaging two 5G cell towers and attempting to murder 5 innocent 14 year old girls!”, Danny shouted.
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“ Yeah how would you like it if somebody did that to you when you weren’t expecting it?! You almost killed me and my friends!”, Cayela shouted at the two boys.
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“ You deserved it, murder descendant!”, Larry shouted.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFFFApXQ7Ei
“ Excuse me?! But what are you talking about?!”, Cayela shouted.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAwx0V2gU6IK
“ We’re talking about what your family did to our uncle! More specifically that stupid aerospace engineer and that stupid neuroscientist!”, Gavin shouted.
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“ I don’t know who you two think you are but nobody talks about my Uncle Howard and Auntie Amy like that! They’re very intelligent at what they do!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ Yeah so quit picking on my best friend and go pick on somebody else!”, Florence shouted.
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“ You don’t get it do you?! Do you have any idea who we are?!”, Larry shouted.
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“ No we don’t!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ We’re Gavin and Larry Stormbender! Dr. Devon Stormbender’s nephews!”, Gavin shouted.
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“ WHAT?!”, Cayela, Florence, and Charlotte shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAgyWHv1SAx0
“ Ok I don’t understand what’s going on here!”, Summer shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANA1rPPKTQq9S
“ Yeah me neither! Who’s this Stormbender guy they’re talking about?!”, Julia shrieked.
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“ He’s my mother’s worst enemy Julia! They’ve hated each other for years which goes way back to even before I was born!”, Cayela shrieked.
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“ Well what happened to this guy that these boys are mad about to the point of them trying to take it out on you and us?!”, Julia shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANALxW2AB0Oc2
“ My Uncle Howard and Auntie Amy shut down his cyborg body and sent it through a wormhole generator into cyberspace, permanently! That’s what they’re mad about!”, Cayela shrieked.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAFXH2i3I9kS
“ Yeah which never should have happened in the first place!”, Larry shouted.
17Please respect copyright.PENANAlMYAolv3ge
“ Yeah our uncle didn’t deserve that!”, Gavin shouted agreeing with his brother.
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“ Um hello Gavin yes he did because he was an insane nutcase! He tried to kill me and my entire family! He was ruinning our lives and we were sick of it! My mother couldn’t be happier that he’s now gone and out of our lives for good!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ Well then your mom is an evil, heartless bitch!”, Gavin shouted. The girls and Danny just gasped at what he said.
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“ Excuse me?! You did not just not insult my mom like that! My mom is a very loving, caring person! She’s been that way her whole life! How dare you say that!”, Cayela shouted in anger.
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“ You know what just for that comment about my friend I will see to it that you and your brother spend the rest of your lives in prison along with your stupid mother!”, Danny shouted.
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“ That’s what you think you pathetic fool!”, a psychotic woman’s voice shouted when she suddenly came out of her hiding spot weilding a laser blaster.
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“ Skye put that blaster down now!”, Danny shouted at Skye Stormbender, Devon’s sister who was also Gavin and Larry’s mother.
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“ No! This is my revenge for what that little brat’s family did to my brother!”, Skye shouted as she threw a menacing finger at Cayela. Cayela immediately held her breath in fear the moment she saw this woman’s face.
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‘ Oh no! That’s the same face I saw in my dream last night! My dream is becoming a reality!’, Cayela thought in her head but then darkness suddenly came over her.
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To be continued…
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