Chapter 15
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The next day at Caltech, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Amy and Leo were called into Mrs. Davis’s office regarding the events of last night.
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“ Dr. Cooper, Dr. Hofstadter, Mr. Wolowitz, Dr. Fowler and Dr. Fordyce please have a seat.”, Mrs. Davis said as the 5 scientists entered the office.
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“ You wanted to see us Mrs. Davis?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes, it’s regarding the suspicious damages done to the university. Care to explain that?”, Mrs. Davis asked.
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“ Well, you probably won’t believe this, but, a robotic arachnid did this.”, Howard said.
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“ Really Mr. Wolowitz?! You expect me to believe that a robotic spider did this?!”, Mrs. Davis scolded as she got up in Howard’s face.
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“ Yes! It chased us here in the middle of the night, firing lasers at us!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Well if a robot did this then who busted a hole in the main entrance glass door?!”, Mrs. Davis scolded.
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“ That was me, I punched it with my fist after I couldn’t get the door open.”, Leonard said as he showed her his bandaged hand.
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“ Dr. Hofstadter, you know no one is allowed in the building after hours!”, Mrs. Davis scolded.
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“ Well what were we supposed to do?! This thing was trying to kill us! Were we supposed to just stand there and let it shoot us to oblivion?!”, Leonard defended.
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“ There shouldn’t have been a robot chasing you in the first place! Where did this thing come from?!”, Mrs. Davis scolded.
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“ It came from my insane, psychotic enemy Dr. Devon Stormbender! The first robot of his chased us to Amy’s apartment and after she destroyed it the second one chased us here!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Dr. Fordyce, are you making this story up?!”, Mrs. Davis scolded.
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“ No, I swear to god I’m not! Call me crazy if you want, but, I’m telling the truth!”, Leo defended.
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“ What happened to your nose Dr. Cooper?”, Mrs. Davis asked as she looked at Sheldon.
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“ Devon punched me in the face and broke my nose!”, Sheldon said in somewhat of a nasally voice.
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“ Yeah, he captured us last night and trapped us in a cage at his stupid lair after his second robot chased us!”, Leo defended.
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“ Was Dr. Koothrappali involved in this?”, Mrs. Davis asked.
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“ No, he doesn’t know anything of what happened to us last night!”, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Amy and Leo defended. Just as they said that, Raj suddenly came in and exclaimed, “ Holy crap you guys! What happened out here in the hallway?! It looks like Darth Vader came through it with the Death Star!”
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“ Your friends have claimed to have been chased by a robot, firing lasers at them and then captured by Dr. Fordyce’s enemy the night before.”, Mrs. Davis said.
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“ What?! What the hell happened?!”, Raj exclaimed as he stared at his friends.
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“ We got chased out of 4A by the first robot that attacked us in the middle of the night which chased us to Amy’s and after she destroyed it the second one came and chased us here to Caltech! Leonard had to punch a hole in the door just to get us in here! Then we got knocked unconscious and found ourselves trapped in a cage in my enemy’s lair!”, Leo exclaimed. The discussion continued for several more minutes until Mrs. Davis sent them out.
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“ Great, I guess this is what we get for letting a freaking robot destroy the place! A write up and 48 hours of community service!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Well at least we’re not getting fired Leonard! Be greatful for that!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Don’t start with me Leo!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Leonard, knock it off! We’re all really tired from last night but that doesn’t mean you can bitch at us!”, Amy interjected.
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“ Yeah, at this point I really just want to go home and take a nap.”, Leo drowsily said as she brushed her hair out of her face.
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“ Well we get off in a couple hours, you can maybe take one then.”, Sheldon said.
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Apartment 2A
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“ Thank you for killing my enemy last night Sheldon. I really appreciate it.”, Leo said as she was lying in her bed.
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“ Oh please, I would have done it anyway. He deserved it Leo.”, Sheldon said as he pulled the covers up over her.
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“ I love you.”, Leo said with a soft smile.
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“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said as he smiled back. The two of them shared a kiss before Leo fell asleep. Sheldon decided to sleep next to her instead of leaving the apartment. But 45 minutes later, they were awokened to loud banging coming from the front door.
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“ Leo, open the door now!”
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Leo and Sheldon went to the door and opened it to see a completely freaked out Dakota standing on the other side.
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“ Dakota, what the hell are you doing?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Let me in now! Rico found me and he chased me out of my hotel room with a home-made Lucille bat!”, Dakota screamed.
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“ Oh my god, yeah, get in here!”, Leo screamed as she opened the door wide enough for her friend to come in. She then shut the door and locked it.
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“ Is this the same guy you were yelling at on the phone last night?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes Sheldon!”, Dakota screamed.
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Bang bang bang!
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“ Open this goddamn door Dakota! I’m not playing with you! Come out here and face me you stupid bi**h!”, Rico shouted through the door as he banged his home-made Walking Dead spikey bat against the door.
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“ Go away Rico! Leave me alone! I told you we’re through! I want nothing to do with you anymore you jackweed a**!”, Dakota shouted through the door.
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“ I ain’t leaving until we settle a score here! I demand a reason for you breaking up with me! Are you cheating on me with another dude?!”, Rico shouted.
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“ No and I just told you why last night! I can’t stand your explosive temper anymore and I really think we should be apart before things get way out of hand!”, Dakota shouted.
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“ That’s not a legit reason! This is your last chance Dakota Harris! You tell me why you’re breaking up with me, right now, or I’ll bust this door down and break your face!”, Rico shouted as he banged his bat on the door again.
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“ Rico Boriellas, get out of here before my boyfriend Sheldon and I call the cops!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Who said that?!”, Rico shouted.
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“ Leo, Dakota’s friend! Now leave my apartment before you get sent off to jail!”, Leo shouted.
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“ I ain’t listening to you Leo! This is between me and my girlfriend!”, Rico shouted.
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“ Ex-girlfriend, Rico! I told you I’m done with you! Get out of here and leave me alone!”, Dakota shouted.
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“ Ok that’s it you skanky a** bi**h!”, Rico shouted as he began to tear at the door. He was really pissed off by that point.
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“ Oh god, call 911 now! Rico’s trying to break in!”, Dakota screamed at the top of her lungs as she sprinted down the hallway and hid in a closet. Leo frantically grabbed the phone and threw it to Sheldon who quickly dialed 911.
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“ 911, what’s your emergency?”
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“ We have a domestic violence disturbance going on as we speak at 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, Apartment 2A.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Domestic violence?”
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“ Yes, there’s a man trying to break into my girlfriend’s apartment and he’s threatening her friend with a Walking Dead Lucille bat he made. She tried to break up with him but he got mad and now he’s coming after her.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok and who are the individuals involved?”
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“ Dakota Harris and Rico Boriellas.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Is Boriellas the one that’s breaking in?”
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok and who’s this speaking?”
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“ Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok Dr. Cooper, I have police units being dispatched to the scene. They should be there shortly.”
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he hung up the phone.
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“ WHERE YOU AT BI**H?! COME OUT WHEREVER YOU’RE HIDING! I AIN’T PLAYING WITH YOU!”, Rico shouted as he busted through the door aggressively swinging his Lucille bat.
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“ Oh good Lord! Leo get behind the kitchen counter now!”, Sheldon screamed as he grabbed his pistol out of his messager bag.
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“ Sheldon what the hell are you doing?!”, Leo screamed as she darted behind the counter.
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“ Protecting you and Dakota, that’s what I’m doing! Now duck your head!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Ahhhhhh!”, Leo screamed as she ducked her head when Rico suddenly swung his bat at her and bullets began to fly everywhere.
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“ What’s going on out there?! I’m hearing a bunch of gunshots and screaming!”
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“ Dakota stay in the closet! This is a very dangerous situation!”, Sheldon screamed as he kept defending himself with his pistol against Rico’s blows with his bat.
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“ Like the hell I will Sheldon! There’s no way I’m coming out there with that asshole threatening to hurt me!”
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“ No you don’t listen to him! Come out here and fight me! You’re an MMA fighter you stupid whore!”, Rico shouted.
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“ I ain’t coming out Rico! I’m staying right where I am until you go away and leave me alone!”
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“ I told you I ain’t leaving until we settle something Dakota! This is between me and you, nobody else!”, Rico shouted.
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“ No this is between nobody! You will not dare touch her or my girlfriend unless you want to end up dead!”, Sheldon shouted as he pointed the pistol at Rico’s chest.
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“ I don’t give a care about your godd*mn girlfriend you fracking bastard! I’m here to settle a score with my girlfriend! And get your gun away from my chest!”, Rico shouted as he smacked Sheldon’s pistol away from his chest.
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“ I told you I’m your ex-girlfriend now Rico! Did you not hear what I said?!”
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“ Yeah, I heard it Dakota and I’m not having it! I don’t care what you say, you are still my girlfriend!”, Rico shouted as he then shoved past Sheldon, sprinting down the hallway to the closet.
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“ SHELDON, DO SOMETHING!”, Leo screamed from behind the kitchen counter.
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“ BITCH!”, Sheldon shouted as he sprinted down the hallway and engaged in an aggressive fight with Rico as he was repeatedly trying to bash Dakota’s face and torso with his Lucille bat.
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“ GET THE HELL OFF ME SHELDON!”, Rico shouted.
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“ FREEZE! PASADENA POLICE!”, an officer shouted as he barged into the apartment with his gun drawn. Several other officers followed suit.
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“ Back off coppers! This is personal!”, Rico shouted.
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“ Son, put the bat down and put your hands where we can see them!”, the officer shouted as he took a step forward.
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“ I ain’t doing a thing you say! You come any closer and she’s dead!”, Rico shouted as he raised bat above his head.
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“ Mr. Boriellas, I’m going to say this one more time! Put the bat down and put your hands where we can see them!”, the officer shouted as he took another step forward.
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“ I’m warning you! Stay back!”, Rico shouted.
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“ Put your hands where we can see them!”, the officer shouted as he kept stepping forward.
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“ That’s it!”, Rico shouted as he struck Dakota again causing her to scream, “ RICO, STOP!” The officer then tackled him to the floor and roughly pinned his arms behind his back.
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“ Get off me you jackweed!”, Rico shouted as his wrists were slapped with handcuffs.
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“ Rico Boriellas you are under arrest for the assault and domestic abuse toward Dakota Harris! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law!”, the officer said as he pulled Rico to his feet and dragged him out of the apartment.
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“ Oh dear Lord, Dakota! Are you alright?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he looked at Dakota’s badly beaten up body.
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“ Just… get me out of here.”, Dakota said in a soft voice as she struggled to stay conscious. Sheldon nodded his head and carefully picked her up. He carried her out to the living room and Leo shrieked, “ Oh my god, Dakota! What has he done to you?!”
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“ I really can’t talk right now Leo.”, Dakota said as her voice started to get weaker.
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“ We need a trauma unit dispatch now, over.”, another officer said into his radio.
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“ Ten four.”, the response was. EMTs showed up within minutes and Dakota was transported to the hospital.
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“ For god sakes, what the hell happened to Dakota?!”, Leonard shrieked when he showed up moments later with the others.
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“ Her abusive boyfriend Rico attacked her at my apartment Leonard! She tried to break up with him and he got so mad that he chased her out of her hotel room, busted in through my front door and hit her with a Walking Dead Lucille bat that he made!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ He hit her with a Lucille bat?!”, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette shrieked.
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“ Yes!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Who’s Dakota?”, Raj asked.
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“ She’s my friend from elementary school Raj! We lost touch with each other for 25 years until she showed up last night and now her crazy boyfriend just attacked her today!”, Leo interjected.
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“ Holy crap!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ Oh god, Dakota!”, Mrs. Harris screamed as she showed up with her husband, second daughter and two sons. She began to cry histerically as she stared at her daughter’s badly battered body.
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“ Mom calm down! I’m fine!”, Dakota said.
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“ Where’s that jacka** Rico?! I’m going to shoot him with my shotgun!”, Mr. Harris exploded as he paced the room.
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“ Dad, Rico’s in jail! We just got into a little altercation!”, Dakota said.
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“ A little altercation, are you kidding me?! He nearly killed you with that Lucille bat he hit you with!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ What?! Rico hit you with a Lucille bat Dakota?!”, Mr. Harris exploded.
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“ Yes, Dad! I tried to break up with him because his temper was getting out of control but he got so pissed off that he came after me with a Lucille bat he built!”, Dakota said.
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“ Well that was a smart move on your part! Please stay away from him from now on! I don’t ever want to get a phone call from the coroner’s office saying that you’re dead!”, Mr. Harris said.
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“ Oh my god, …”, Mrs. Harris started to say when she noticed Leo.
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“ Yeah, Mom. Look who I ran into last night.”, Dakota said with a slight smile.
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“ Leo? How are you sweetheart?”, Mrs. Harris asked.
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“ Hi Mrs. Harris, I’m good. How about you?”, Leo asked.
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“ I’m good. We haven’t seen you a long time, especially since we moved away 3 months after that school shooting.”, Mrs. Harris said.
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“ School shooting?!”, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, and Stuart exclaimed.
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“ Yeah, when Dakota and I were in the 4th grade we had a school shooting take place at our school. We were out for recess when all of a sudden there was this loud Pop! Pop! Popping sound that just spontaneously came out of nowhere which caused everyone to scream and scatter everywhere. We started looking around to see where it was coming from and when we looked, we saw this teenage high school punk running up the grass shooting an AK47 assault rifle.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh my god! What did you do?!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ We did the dumbest thing ever which was we climbed up a tree and we stayed there not saying a word.”, Leo said.
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“ Leo that is completely ridiculous!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I know but we really didn’t know what else to do Sheldon.”, Leo said.
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“ Did you two get in trouble for that?”, Amy asked.
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“ Oh yeah we definetly got detention for that because we completely freaked out our teacher Mrs. Rivers.”, Dakota said.
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“ Yeah, she was screaming bloody murder as she was looking for us after the shooting and when she finally noticed us up in the tree she screamed, “ Leo Fordyce and Dakota Harris get out of that tree now!” Leo and Dakota started cracking up after Leo said that.
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“ Dakota watch what you’re doing! You’re going to end up banging your head on the wall if you’re not careful!”, Makenzie, Dakota’s sister said.
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“ Shut up, Makenzie!”, Dakota laughed as she playfully smacked her sister.
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“ Hey, let me get in on a little bit of this too!”, Eamon, one of Dakota’s brothers stupidly said as he stuck his cheek in his sister’s face.
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“ Shut it Eamon and back up!”, Dakota hissed as she shooed him away.
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“ Shut it Eamon and back up!”, Johnathan, Dakota’s other brother stupidly said in somewhat of a mocking voice. A stupid smirk spread across his face as he watched his sister give him a death glare.
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“ Quit being such a dork Johnathan! How many times do I have to tell you to quit mocking me?!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Quit mocking me!”, Johnathan mocked his sister again with that same stupid look on his face.
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“ Johnathan!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Dakota, Johnathan, knock it off! You’re not children anymore, you’re mature adults! Act like it!”, Mrs. Harris scolded.
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“ Sorry mom.”, Dakota said.
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“ Sorry mom!”, Johnathan mocked.
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“ Johnathan, I said to stop it! Act your age and quit mocking your sister!”, Mrs. Harris scolded her son.
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“ Fine, I’ll stop.”, Johnathan said.
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“ Thank you.”, Mrs. Harris said. The conversations continued until visiting hours were over.
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Later that evening at Caltech, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Amy and Leo began to start cleaning up the hallway that had been destroyed by the robot.
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“ This sucks! I can’t believe we’re being forced to clean this up! This is all Devon’s fault, not us!”, Leo hissed as she was picking up splintered pieces of drywall off the floor.
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“ I agree Leo! He’s a dickhead!”, Howard hissed.
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“ He’s a douchebag is what he is!”, Amy hissed.
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“ Well good Lord! Why are you talking about him as if he’s still here?! Don’t you remember seeing me kill him last night?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Yes Sheldon we saw you shoot him! You know what, let’s just stop talking to each other right now and continue working on this! Because, otherwise, we won’t get this done in 2 days which means Mrs. Davis will be at our throats again about it!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Fine then if that’s your strategy Leonard!”, Leo hissed.
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“ What thwe fwrig is thwis?!”, Kripke snidely exclaimed as he suddenly entered the hallway.
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“ Kripke get the hell out of here! This doesn’t involve you!”, Leo shouted in his face.
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“ Why awre ywou cwleaning thwis hallway?!”, Kripke asked.
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“ We’re cleaning this hallway because Mrs. Davis told us to!”, Howard said.
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“ Yeah, because Leo’s stupid douchebag of an enemy attacked us with a stupid robotic arachnid last night! The robot shot up this hallway with lasers, firing from it’s eyes!”, Leonard said.
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“ Thwat’s jwust thwe stupidest thwing I’ve ewer hweard Lweonard!”, Kripke snidely said.
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“ Kripke please leave! You are being an annoying nuisance and you are distracting us from what we’re clearly trying to accomplish here!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Whatewver Cwooper!”, Kripke snidely said as he walked away. The work continued until they got tired for the night.
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The next day they finished the work and later that day Leo and Sheldon went to visit Leo’s family.
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Knock knock!
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“ Leo, Sheldon!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as she answered the door.
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“ Hi mom. We just thought we would stop by to visit.”, Leo said with a smile as her and Sheldon entered the house.
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“ Well I’m glad you did because your Aunt Sylvia is planning on stopping by shortly.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she shut the door.
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“ Oh ok.”, Leo said.
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Woof woof woof woof!
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“ Gidget! Come here girl!”, Leo exclaimed as Gidget came sprinting toward her and jumped up on her, licking her face. Her tail was wagging at full force.
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“ Hello Gidget.”, Sheldon said as he gently scratched her behind the head even though he was still a little bit afraid of her. Gidget snapped her head toward Sheldon and licked his face too.
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“ Oh good Lord! Yes, that’s my face! Ok ok, you can stop now! I see you!”, Sheldon laughed.
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“ Yeah, she really likes you Sheldon!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Yes, it would seem that way.”, Sheldon said as Gidget ran off. As they sat in the living room talking, the doorbell suddenly rang causing Gidget to bark.
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“ That must be Aunt Sylvia.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ I’ll get it.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he went to the door. He opened it to see his sister Sylvia standing there with her butler Jasper.
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“ Hello Robert, you remember Jasper.”, Sylvia said as she gestured toward her butler.
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“ I do, please come in Sylvia.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he stepped aside for his sister.
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“ Thank you.”, Sylvia said as she and Jasper entered the house.
19Please respect copyright.PENANARoNujyHFbC
“ It’s so nice to see you again Sylvia.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Well it’s nice to see you too Miranda and you still look stunning as always.”, Sylvia said as she hugged her sister-in law.
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“ Oh thank you.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Well, where are the children?”, Sylvia asked.
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“ They’re in the living room, I’ll get them.”, Mrs. Fordyce said. She walked into the living room and said, “ Come say hi to Aunt Sylvia.”
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“ Hi Aunt Sylvia!”, Kennedy exclaimed as she walked up to her aunt.
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“ Hello Kennedy.”, Sylvia said as she hugged her. She also said hi and hugged Amanda, Junior, Garrett, and Stephen.
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“ Hi Aunt Sylvia.”, Leo said.
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“ Hello Leo. Are you here visiting too?”, Sylvia asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAdiZX0UIcw8
“ Yes I am.”, Leo said.
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“ Who’s this?”, Sylvia asked when she noticed Sheldon standing next to Leo.
19Please respect copyright.PENANACYB1TcdoVG
“ Oh this is my boyfriend Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper.”, Leo said with a smile. However, Sylvia’s demeanor changed almost immediately.
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“ Oh… Leo can I speak to you in private for a moment upstairs?”, Sylvia asked with somewhat of a frown.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAC3KM6O04j9
“ Sure… I guess.”, Leo said as her smile began to falter. Once they got upstairs and went into a bedroom, the second Sylvia shut the door she turned around and asked Leo in a snippy voice, “ Where the hell did you find that man Leo?!”
19Please respect copyright.PENANA8dlavGurH1
“ Um… excuse me?! I’m really confused about what you’re saying!”, Leo confusely said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAtksV2pikyg
“ I mean, what the hell possessed you in your right mind to fall in love with an immature man child like him?!?!”, Sylvia hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA4IAMUSHivx
“ Are you making negative comments about my boyfriend Aunt Sylvia?!”, Leo hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAd0z4HFoR3J
“ Yes, I don’t like him! Are you trying to disgrace this family name Leo?!”, Sylvia hissed.
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“ No! I’m not!”, Leo hissed.
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“ So what’s new with you and Leo?”, Amanda asked Sheldon.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAoIgz7vxRQJ
“ Oh nothing but the usual Amanda.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Did you two have sex yet?”, Junior asked with a stupid smile on his face.
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“ Junior! That is a very rude and inappropriate question to ask! You don’t ask that!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAhJ9tZxvQgV
“ Yeah, pighead!”, Kennedy chimed in.
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“ Kennedy!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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19Please respect copyright.PENANAtdcBf9WBm6
“ What the hell was that?!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed when her as well as the family heard an angry scream followed by a hard slap coming from upstairs.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyePvq1X8Sy
“ HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME LIKE THAT LEO!”, Sylvia angrily screamed as her and Leo came out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
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“ FINE, I’LL LEAVE! COME ALONG JASPER!”, Sylvia angrily screamed as she stormed toward the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHoczzPZOp4
“ After you madame.”, Jasper said as he held the door open for her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAr0YBhGgSpo
“ Thank you.”, Sylvia scornfully said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALexkc0ZLYa
“ Sylvia where are you going? You just got here.”, Mr. Fordyce asked his sister as she was preparing to leave.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAfbkij28hpy
“ I’m going home Robert! I’m sorry!”, Sylvia angrily said as she and her butler walked out of the house.
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“ Yeah, keep walking bitch!”, Leo screamed out the door before she slammed it shut.
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“ Leo what was that about?!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuP4KfVPOTZ
“ What did you say to your aunt?!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAeyIMcHxb1M
“ I didn’t say anything to her dad! She said something to me which pissed me off!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Well what did she say Leo?!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAgEXKvzNJEi
“ She was criticizing Sheldon and threatening to disinherite me if I didn’t break up with him!”, Leo shouted.
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“ What?!”, her mother, father, siblings, and brother-in law exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANATjAKA2Q98f
“ Well that’s a fine how do you do! Why would she do that?!”, Sheldon asked in complete shock.
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“ I don’t know why Sheldon!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Alright well I’m going to go over there and talk to her about this! Because that is unacceptable!”, Mr. Fordyce exploded as he grabbed his car keys and drove over to his sister’s house.
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Sylvia’s mansion
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“ State your name sir.”, Jasper said as he answered the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAE8M6ZW7awM
“ You already know who I am Jasper! It’s Robert Fordyce! I need to speak to my sister!”, Mr. Fordyce demanded.
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“ Yes of course, come in sir.”, Jasper said as he stepped aside.
19Please respect copyright.PENANANrUGx9glIP
“ Sylvia I need to talk to you, now!”, Mr. Fordyce angrily demanded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsw2gJQzR9i
“ About what Robert?! What do you want?!”, Sylvia angrily asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsCxoI6fSFo
“ I want to know why you were criticizing Leo’s boyfriend Sheldon!”, Mr. Fordyce angrily demanded.
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“ That is none of your business so stay out of it! This is between me and your daughter!”, Sylvia angrily said.
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“ No it’s not! You don’t get to decide who Leo can and can’t be with! My wife and I are the ones that decide that! We adore Sheldon very much and I think that was very cruel of you to say that! You don’t threaten to disinherite family!”, Mr. Fordyce defended.
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“ I’m not going to risk everything I own for someone who for all I know might take advantage of her! I don’t want to see her get hurt!”, Sylvia angrily said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyDE0sj4Nvx
“ I understand your concern for her, but, if he was truely going to hurt her, he would’ve already done it a long time ago really early in the relationship! You didn’t see how happy Leo was when she first brought him home to us! She was physically glowing with happiness! He clearly loves her and for you to be all judgey judgey the way you were is absurd!”, Mr. Fordyce defended.
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“ Well what is it about this man that makes you think that Robert?!”, Sylvia angrily asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwMbnD0Nj6e
“ It’s everything he does for her! He’s nice to her, he treats her with respect like every woman should be treated, and he takes care of her! Not to mention, he saved her life twice!”, Mr. Fordyce defended.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAeFGXBhb6d7
“ What hell happened for that to transpire?!”, Sylvia angrily asked.
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“ Being almost crushed to death by a catwalk and being almost beaten to death by her enemy!”, Mr. Fordyce shot back.
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“ Well what happened to that man she was supposed to marry?! He was a nice young fellow!”, Sylvia angrily said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAbvQ96z1Y8Z
“ He was killed overseas by a grenade!”, Mr. Fordyce angrily said.
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“ Well that’s a real shame! At least I felt that he was someone that could provide for her, but, this one I don’t know anything about!”, Sylvia angrily said.
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“ And that’s exactly my point Sylvia! You’re judging Sheldon without even getting to know him!”, Mr. Fordyce angrily said. Then he lowered his voice and said, “ Look, just come back to my house, apologize and give it at least 10 minutes. I garantee you that you’ll see what we see. He may have some weird and unusual quirks about him, but, he really is a nice guy and he cares about Leo very much.” Sylvia thought for a moment before she finally let out a calm sigh and said, “ Alright, Robert.” Then she turned to her butler and said, “ Come along Jasper, we’re going back to my brother’s house.”
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“ Yes of course madame.”, Jasper said as he opened the door and the three of them walked out.
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Fordyce home
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“ Leo, I need to speak to you.”, Sylvia said.
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“ Go away Aunt Sylvia, I don’t want to hear it!”, Leo snapped as she gave her aunt the cold shoulder.
19Please respect copyright.PENANApcevYRlMlj
“ No, please, just hear me out for a minute. I want to have a real heart-to-heart talk with you and your boyfriend.”, Sylvia said.
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“ Fine. But this better not be anymore criticism.”, Leo huffed as her, Sheldon, and her aunt went into the living room.
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“ Alright, I’m listening. What is it?”, Leo said as she sat next to Sheldon on the couch with her arms crossed in front of her.
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“ I am very sorry for the way I acted, I shouldn’t said that to you. I was just concerned for your well-being. Your my niece, I love you, and I just don’t want to see you get hurt. And to you Sheldon, I’m very sorry for judging you without even giving you a chance to speak. I don’t expect you two to forgive me, I just want us to be civil with each other.”, Sylvia said.
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“ Is this a sincere apology Aunt Sylvia?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yes Leo, it is.”, Sylvia said with a soft smile. Sheldon and Leo thought for a moment before Leo said, “ Ok, apology accepted.”
19Please respect copyright.PENANA8KzYyiWbcK
“ Is it ok for me to speak now?”, Sheldon asked. Leo let out a giddy laugh and said, “ Yes Sheldon you can speak!”
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“ So, how did you two meet each other?”, Sylvia asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIHwWpHROU9
“ We meet in the lobby of our apartment building. I was moving into apartment 2A and I ran into Sheldon and his roommate when they were coming home from work.”, Leo said.
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“ And who’s this roommate you’re talking about?’, Sylvia asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAiSjWKUzfON
“ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. He’s an experimental physicist.”, Leo said.
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“ What does Sheldon do?”, Sylvia asked.
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“ He’s the same kind of physicist as me. Theoretical.”, Leo said as she looked at Sheldon with a smile and kissed him.
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“ Really?!”, Sylvia exclaimed in a shocking voice.
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“ Yeah, I was really shocked when he told me that.”, Leo said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3hB3GDZkC2
“ Is that how you two ended up together?”, Sylvia asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAeQqKu0FXTu
“ Not exactly Aunt Sylvia, it’s a pretty weird way of how we ended up together so I’m going to say this as best as I can. It started out with me defending Sheldon because some woman at work was making insults about him and I didn’t know that Sheldon was listening through the wall the entire time because he’s got very sensitive hearing. Now here’s the part that you might get upset about but it really actually worked out in the end. Sheldon had a girlfriend before me who is now one of my friends, her name’s Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler and so after Sheldon heard me say these things, he began to start having doubts about their relationship to which surprisingly Amy did too when she talked to Sheldon about everything that was going on and so even though she was a little hurt by this, she was surprisingly very happy. So after they mutually broke up Sheldon told me how he felt about me and that’s how we got together.”, Leo said.
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“ Well I’m not real happy about the possible cheating part but I’m very glad everything worked out for you! It’s great to see you so happy Leo!”, Sylvia said. Then she asked, “ Has Amy regretted this decision at all?”
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“ Nope, she’s totally fine with it. She’s on really good terms with us and has never once shown any signs of regretting what she did whatsoever.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that’s wonderful, I would hate for you to lose a friend because of this.”, Sylvia said.
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“ Everything ok in here?’, Mr. Fordyce asked as him and his wife as well as the rest of the family came into the living room.
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“ Oh yes, everything is just fine now Robert.”, Sylvia said with a smile. Then she asked, “ Do you care to join us?”
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“ Yes thank you.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he pulled up a chair and sat down. The rest of the family did the same.
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“ You know, it’s family moments like this that make me think back to the time when me and your Uncle Victor were still together.”, Sylvia said.
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“ Uncle Vic is a toadstool!”, Garrett interjected.
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“ Why do you say that?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Because the jackweed suddenly walked out on me 20 years ago with another woman! He left me for a bimbo psychologist!”, Sylvia bitterly said.
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“ Well good Lord, that’s just madness!”, Sheldon said. As they all continued talking, a tan-colored lowrider suddenly pulled up in the driveway and a middle-aged man with dark-colored hair and a mustache stepped out of it with a beautiful young strawberry-blonde haired woman.
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“ And speaking of the devil, there’s that snake and his bimbo whore of a girlfriend now!”, Sylvia hissed as she looked out the window.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA0Wa9gKGXxo
“ That’s the woman he left you for Aunt Sylvia?!”, Leo exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANArjWO7MEsqr
“ Yes Leo! Dr. Tiffany Lindsey!”, Sylvia hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAqbL5DxdwzY
“ What’s Uncle Vic doing here?!”, Amanda hissed.
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“ I’ll bet you anything that he’s here to tell us that he’s marrying that skanky ho!”, Sylvia hissed.
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Knock knock knock!
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“ Jasper, please get the door!”, Sylvia hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyPIQnOuJhS
“ Yes madame.”, Jasper said as he opened the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAGawwds5HWA
“ Hello Jasper.”, Victor said as him and his mistress entered the house.
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“ Hello sir.”, Jasper said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAGOB918fjdE
“ Hello Sylvia. You know Tiffany.”, Victor said with a stupid smirk on his face.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAoOXtu5JtMs
“ Hi.”, Tiffany said with a smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAFVQZWsKLlZ
“ Yes I know who you are! What the hell are you doing here you cheating snake?!”, Sylvia angrily hissed at her ex-husband.
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“ I’m here to visit my family and to share some good news.”, Victor said with that same stupid smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAMz8qWJcasS
“ Oh, you mean the family that you walked out on 20 years ago when you left me for this ho?!”, Sylvia angrily hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAzP9OJSY3FK
“ Oh come on Sylvia, let’s let bygones be bygones shall we?!”, Victor said with a smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA2wh2SLvRsv
“ What do you want Victor?! You here to tell us that you’re marrying this skank?!”, Sylvia angrily hissed as she bitterly pointed at Tiffany.
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“ Excuse me?!”, Tiffany shouted.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAzX6hTlQPOR
“ First of all Sylvia, she’s not a skank and secondly, yes! Dr. Tiffany Lindsey and I are engaged and I would very much like my family to be there for the wedding!”, Victor said with a smile as he looked at his fiancee who had her arm wrapped around his. She was beaming with happiness. Her engagement ring glistened in the lighting.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAL8XqkK9HNI
“ You’re a total b*****d if you think we’re coming to this wedding! This clearly shows us what a sleazy toadstool you really are!”, Sylvia angrily hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAjQclWMw6Zo
“ Yeah, just get out Uncle Vic! Beat it you backstabber!”, Stephen, Garrett, Junior, Amanda, Kennedy, and Leo shouted.
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“ Oh come on, don’t be like that. Let’s start the celebration! We’re about to be a family again!”, Victor said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAdGo3cRjrxX
“ Victor we are not celebrating this! Now get out of our house before we call the police!”, Mr. Fordyce shouted at his ex-brother-in law.
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“ Robert have you forgotten that I’m a police officer?!”, Mrs. Fordyce interjected at her husband.
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“ No Miranda! Get out Victor!”, Mr. Fordyce shouted.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA7K4Qd9p55c
“ Oh Robert, that’s no way to treat your brother-in law.”, Victor said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAzeMyA9yOkQ
“ You’re my ex-brother-in law! You walked out on my sister and cheated on her, now get out!”, Mr. Fordyce exploded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAa3E3yKe7jJ
“ Please don’t do this, just let me explain?!”, Victor pleaded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuIenrMH7tC
“ You had your chance and you blew it! Now get out Uncle Vic!”, Leo shouted.
19Please respect copyright.PENANADZDqospCNv
“ Leo, look at you, you’re all grown up! I haven’t seen you since you were a little girl!”, Victor exclaimed with a smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA2FtoHo7A6K
“ I said get out Uncle Vic! Now!”, Leo shouted.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA51DhM7vkNK
“ Come on, please let me explain?!”, Victor pleaded.
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“ Jasper! Get these two out, now!”, Sylvia shouted for her butler.
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“ Yes madame.”, Jasper said. Then he grabbed Victor and Tiffany by the arms and firmly said, “ You sir need to go now!”
19Please respect copyright.PENANAS4D2Ot0ZpL
“ Come on Jasper! Cut me some slack would ya?!”, Victor said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAhJ9nmZwUsy
“ You and your fiancee have been requested to leave! Now get out!”, Jasper said as he walked them to the door and shoved them out onto the front porch.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwqjjXYJXbq
“ Fine! I’ll leave! Screw you!”, Victor shouted as he turned on his heel and walked back to the car with Tiffany on his arm. They backed out of the driveway but before they drove away Victor purposely back-ended Sylvia’s white limo and flipped her off with a finger.
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“ What?! That jackass just back-ended my limo and flipped me off! I’m gonna kill him!”, Sylvia shouted in anger as she watched her jerk of an ex-husband drive away.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAW9VZDHx3be
“ Well good Lord! It would appear that guy has no conscience!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANARaSfyZ3zwf
“ You think Sheldon?!”, Leo exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3raoei2c3H
“ Hey does anyone notice how quiet it got in here?”, Kennedy asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAWRl9t4lFoX
“ Yeah I do. Where’s Gidget?”, Garrett asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAPi1Tg2eXAP
“ We don’t know Garrett.”, Junior said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAcLCkccthah
“ She’s got to be around here somewhere. Gidget? Gidget?”, Donny said as he walked around the house calling out Gidget’s name.
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“ Gidget?! Gidget?! Gidget?!”, everyone called out as they searched the house.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAq6H66NMsFS
“ Where could she be?!”, Amanda exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANASxD0M5hxLs
“ Yeah where is that crazy German Shepherd?! Gidget?!”, Stephen called out.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAj1SRitwubL
“ Wait, shut up! I hear something!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAFHLu8w7ne6
“ What is it Sheldon?!”, Mrs. Fordyce asked. Sheldon followed the sound which lead him to the basement door and he pressed his ear against the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAafGXI4FWp5
“ She’s in the basement but…”, Sheldon said as he continued to listen. Then his eyes went wide and he exclaimed, “Gidget sounds like she’s in distress!”
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“ What?! Oh my god move Sheldon!”, Leo screamed as she shoved past her boyfriend, running down the stairs screaming her dog’s name.
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“ WHAT?!”, the rest of the family screamed as they ran down there. Sheldon followed them. When they got down there, they saw a very frightening scene. The floor was littered with trash and Gidget was sitting in a corner, gasping for air as Leo was frantically trying to dislodge whatever it was in Gidget’s throat.
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“ Dad do something! I can’t get it out!”, Leo panically screamed as she continued trying to save Gidget’s life.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAC9togzpAYw
“ Oh shit, Gidget!”, Mr. Fordyce hissed as he sprinted toward the dog and began bumping his fist on her back.
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“ Leo start thrusting her throat!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAosmKiY2eDg
“ I’m doing that dad! Come on Gidget, breathe!”, Leo screamed as she began thrusting Gidget’s throat in the hopes of dislodging the obstruction in her airway. They did this for several minutes, but, when it wasn’t working Sheldon interjected, “ Oh dear Lord!” He intervened by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. When his shoulder hit her ribcage, the obstruction in her airway finally dislodged causing Gidget to yelp and shake her head. Sheldon then let go of her and she sprinted across the floor, panting heavily. The Fordyces breathed a sigh of relief and Leo exclaimed, “ Gidget, are you ok girl?!” Gidget sprinted toward her, letting out a happy bark before she kissed her face.
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“ Sheldon you just saved my dog’s life! Thank you!”, Leo happily cried as she threw her arms around him.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAjOUDy2B1Ji
“ My pleasure Leo.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAskbwTgoYvq
“ I love you!”, Leo said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA8apr3BTabC
“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said.
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Later that evening after Sylvia left, Leo went upstairs to take a shower while the rest of the Fordyce family and Sheldon were downstairs in the living room talking.
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“ Sheldon, are you ok? You seem a little lethargic.”, Mrs. Fordyce asked as she looked at Sheldon. His eyes looked bloodshot as he sat on the couch with his head leaning against the palm of his hand.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlpdKfuJpJ2
“ Yes, I’m fine Mrs. Fordyce. I’m just feeling a little bit tired. What time is it?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ 8:45 in the evening.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Oh, well, it’s no wonder why I feel like that. It’s almost bedtime.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Really? What time do you go to bed?”, Amanda asked as she stared at him.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAJLk8EYI7JI
“ 9 o’clock.”, Sheldon said.
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“ You’re a very strange but interesting man Dr. Cooper. It’s no wonder why our sister likes you so much.”, Kennedy said.
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“ Well your sister is very strange and interesting as well. Not to mention she’s very intelligent and very beautiful. She clearly gets that beauty from your mother.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Aww thank you Sheldon!”, Mrs. Fordyce said with a smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsoqXmEuBJt
“ My pleasure.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ You know Sheldon, you’re a great guy. You may be a little weird and all, but, I’m glad that our sister Leo found you.”, Garrett said with a smile.
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“ Thank you Garrett.”, Sheldon said still smiling.
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Thud! “ Ahhhhhhh!”
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“ What the hell was that?!”, Sheldon asked as his attention snapped toward the loud thud and scream that suddenly rang throughout the house.
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“ Beats me. It sounds like it came from upstairs.”, Junior said as he leaned back in his chair.
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“ Of course it did Sherlock.”, Donny said.
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“ Donny shut up.”, Junior scoffed at his brother-in law.
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“ Robert, why don’t you and Sheldon go upstairs to check on Leo.”, Mrs. Fordyce said to her husband.
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“ Alright Miranda.”, Mr. Fordyce said as he stood up from his chair and headed toward the stairs. Sheldon followed him. Once the two men got to the top of the stairs they heard a hiss coming from the bathroom.
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“ Oh good heavens Leo!”, Sheldon shrieked when he opened the door to see his girlfriend sitting on the floor with a towel wrapped around her, hissing in pain as she cradled her foot.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAUIemkJbHMu
“ Leo are you alright?!”, Mr. Fordyce asked his daughter with a look of worry on his face.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuUph9Z7XXg
“ Yeah I’m fine dad! I just slipped on a wet patch and fell as I was getting out of the shower!”, Leo hissed in pain.
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“ Well can you get up?! Do you need to go to the hospital?!”, Sheldon asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuh6hThbPRV
“ Not really Sheldon! I’m sure I just sprained it!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Well, here, let me feel it!”, Sheldon said as he touched her ankle.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHvXvPiOFDY
“ I don’t feel any broken bones but it does feel a little swollen. Wait here a minute.”, Sheldon said as he left the bathroom and walked down the hallway to Leo’s room. He reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a roll of bandages before returning to the bathroom.
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“ Here, give me your foot for a second.”, Sheldon said as he sat next to her on the floor. Leo gently lifted her foot and placed it across her boyfriend’s leg. Sheldon began gently wrapping her foot and ankle with the bandages.
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“ Thank you Sheldon.”, Leo said as she shifted position and kissed him.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlyVzerM8RP
“ My pleasure Leo.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back. He finished wrapping her foot before he began to wrap her forehead.
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“ Sheldon I don’t think wrapping my head is necessary. I only fell on my foot.”, Leo said.
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“ Nonsense! For all we know you could’ve hit your head too and I don’t want to take any chances of discovering any damaging trauma on your head!”, Sheldon said as he finished wrapping her head before he picked her up and carried her to her room. He then dried her off, carefully dressed her in some comfortable sleepwear and tucked her into her bed. He gently propped up her foot with a small throw pillow before removing her glasses from her face. Sheldon kissed his girlfriend’s bandaged forehead as she moaned in comfort, drifting off to dreamland.
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“ Thank you for doing that Sheldon.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAMT8wDmRUvO
“ My pleasure Mr. Fordyce. Good night.”, Sheldon said as he then got ready for bed also.
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“ Good night.”, Mr. Fordyce said before leaving the room. Sheldon turned the light off and climbed into the bed beside Leo, but, just as he started to fall asleep he was awakened by Gidget’s barking coming from the living room downstairs.
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Woof woof woof!
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“ Gidget shut up!”
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‘ Oh Junior.’, Sheldon said in his head as the corners of his lips curled up into a smirky smile when he heard Junior’s voice screaming at the dog. He stuck his noise-cancelling earbuds in his ears and turned them on before falling asleep. Sheldon was really starting to love his girlfriend’s entire family as much as he loved her. The next morning, Leo was walking around on crutches.
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“ What happened to you last night Leo?”, Mrs. Fordyce asked her daughter as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAoRloILFR0L
“ I slipped and sprained my ankle when I was getting out of the shower. Sheldon wrapped my foot with bandages and I guess Dad found some old crutches in the shed this morning that he said I could use.”, Leo told her mother.
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“ Well, I guess as long as you’re ok that’s fine with me.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Why are you walking around on crutches Leo?”, Kennedy asked her sister when she walked in.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALjjTAlObAn
“ I sprained my foot when I was getting out of the shower last night Kennedy.”, Leo said.
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“ Ah. Where’s Sheldon?”, Kennedy asked.
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“ He’s in the living room watching Dr. Who.”, Leo said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAEMXxUHrQ7I
“ He does that every Saturday morning?”, Kennedy asked.
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“ Yeah pretty much.”, Leo said.
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Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring!
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Beeeep beeeep beeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
19Please respect copyright.PENANA5U0e7fwwlT
“ Son of a biscuit!”
19Please respect copyright.PENANAbAFwBxrYPJ
“ Dr. Cooper is that the Emergency Alert System?!”, Kennedy called out.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA21vdtb39Wu
“ Yes! They’re issuing a Shelter-In-Place Warning!”
19Please respect copyright.PENANAOgvnsrhB5E
“ Oh that’s just great! Stephen!”, Mrs. Fordyce called out with a hiss under her breath.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAKwyF4j8oWJ
“ Yo mama, what’s up?!”, Stephen said as he popped his head out of the doorway to the computer room.
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“ Go get your father and tell him to grab the plastic sheeting as well as the duct tape.”, Mrs. Fordyce told her eldest son.
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“ Why? What’s going on?”, Stephen asked his mother.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA35E78IMLpp
“ We’re under a Shelter-In-Place Warning. Now go get your father.”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3U0jzOKr6Q
“ Alright, I’ll go get Dad.”, Stephen said as he walked past his mother and walked to where the doorwall was leading to the backyard.
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“ Dad! Shelter-In-Place, now! Mom told me to tell you to grab the plastic sheeting and duct tape!”, Stephen hollered out the door to his father who was out by the shed.
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“ Alright, I’m coming Stephen!”, Mr. Fordyce hollered back over the blaring outdoor warning siren. He grabbed the plastic sheeting and duct tape out of the shed before coming into the house. The Fordyces and Sheldon then went around the house shutting all the windows and doors, turning off the heating and air-conditioning, and sealing up the dryer exhaust hole. Then they all crowded in one interior room with some other items and the dog before sealing the door off with the plastic sheeting and duct tape.
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“ So Sheldon did you happen to find out what this warning was for?”, Junior asked as he sat down on a chair.
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“ Somebody hit a tanker truck on the highway containing zenite gas which exploded about a half-mile away from here.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh that’s just wonderful! I don’t have time to be sitting here right now! I need to be getting ready for work!”, Mrs. Fordyce hissed in frustration.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAt8zDLLsFUZ
“ Mom, you’re a police officer!”, Leo shot back at her mother as she leaned on her crutches.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAkxhT9CYmnh
“ Yes I know that Leo and if you don’t stop pointing that out I’m gonna handcuff you to this doorknob!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded her daughter as she pointed at the doorknob.
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“ Oh come on Mom! Why would you want to do that to your own daughter?!”, Leo defensively said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAYs3oNTgdr2
“ Because you’re frustrating me by constantly pointing out my profession to people! Everybody knows what I do so you don’t need to keep pointing it out! So you point it out one more time and that’s what will happen and you’ll stay there for the rest of the warning!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded.
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“ You mean I’ll have to stand like this on crutches for the rest of the warning?! Mom that is some crappy police work!”, Leo smart-aleckally shot back as she demonstrated how she would be standing next to the doorknob.
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“ Ok you know what Leo, because you said that, you’re gonna get handcuffed to the doorknob anyway!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded as she pulled out a set of handcuffs from her back pocket.
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“ Mom, this is ridiculous! You’re embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend Sheldon!”, Leo defensively said as she tried to pull away from her mother.
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“ Well maybe this embarrassment might teach you a lesson or two about saying smart-aleck remarks Leo!”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she reached for her daughter’s wrist.
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“ I didn’t say anything! Mom quit grabbing at my wrist!”, Leo defensively said with a laugh as she continued to pull away from her mother’s grip.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAGC4LFWkYW1
“ Yes you did Leo! You made a smart-aleck remark about my job! Quit pulling away from me!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded as she continued grabbing at Leo’s wrist.
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“ I did not!”, Leo defensive shot back as she laughed.
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“ Yeah you did.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Sheldon Cooper! Ow Mom stop, you’re hurting me!”, Leo hissed at her boyfriend before she hissed at her mother.
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“ Leo you’re doing that to yourself by pulling away from me!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded.
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“ Because I don’t want you to do what you’re doing to me!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Leo you’re not going to win against me!”, Mrs. Fordyce scolded.
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“ Miranda just stop! You’re hurting her!”, Mr. Fordyce said to his wife.
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“ Robert stay out of this, I’m parenting right now!”, Mrs. Fordyce shot back at her husband.
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Woof woof woof woof woof!
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“ Gidget shut up! It’s just me!”, Leo hissed at the dog as she continued struggling with her mother. But eventually she found herself handcuffed to the doorknob.
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“ Son of a biscuit! You actually cuffed me to the doorknob!”, Leo interjected with a laugh.
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“ Of course I did and now you’re going to stay there until the warning’s over!”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she crossed her arms in front of her.
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“ Mom this is not parenting, this is torture and stupidity!”, Leo interjected as she threw her head back. Her siblings busted out laughing.
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“ Shut up! This is not funny!”, Leo shouted at her two sisters and three brothers.
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“ Leo Alejandra Fordyce use your inside voice! You don’t need to shout!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded his daughter.
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“ That’s Dr. to you Dad! I have a Ph. D in theoretical physics!”, Leo shot back at her father.
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“ And see that is why you’re handcuffed to this doorknob right now! You can’t seem to control yourself with repeatedly pointing things out!”, Mrs. Fordyce said.
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“ Alright I get it Mom! I’ll shut my mouth!”, Leo shot back. For next 5 minutes, nobody said a word until Junior broke the silence by pulling out his cell phone, playing the song It Will All Be Mine from Pokemon Live!
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“ I was born to rule the world and I almost achieved that goal!”, Junior sang.
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“ Giovanni!”, Stephen and Garrett sang.
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“ Oh god!”, Kennedy and Amanda scoffed as they threw their heads in their hands. Donny busted out laughing.
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“ Really Junior?! You guys expect me to stand here and listen to you guys sing that dumb Team Rocket song?! You guys are so immature sometimes!”, Leo interjected at her three brothers.
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“ But my Pokemon, the mighty Mew Two, had more power than I could control!”, Junior sang as a smirk began to spread his face.
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“ Giovanni!”, Stephen and Garrett sang.
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“ Hello?! Are you idiots even listening to me?!”, Leo hissed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAWGhfpvz8sa
“ But still he inspired this mechanical marvel which learns and returns each attack!”, Junior sang.
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“ Giovanni!”, Stephen and Garrett sang.
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“ My MechaMew Two, the ultimate weapon, will tell Giovanni is back! Ha ha ha! There’ll be world domination, complete oblitteration of all who now defy me! Let the universe prepare, good Pokemon beware! You fools shall not deny me! Now go go, go go! It will all be mine, power so devine! I’ll tell the sun to shine on only me! It will all be mine, til the end of time! When this perfect crime makes history! Team Rocket, this is our destiny!”, Junior sang.
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“ Junior! Stop singing that stupid song! You’re making me want to tear my eardrums out so that I don’t have to listen to you, Stephen and Garrett!”, Leo interjected.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAQdHW3JHUue
“ Now listen up, you scheming fools! No excuses and no more lies!”, Junior sang.
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“ Giovanni!”, Stephen and Garrett sang.
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“ Ow!”, Junior, Stephen and Garrett exclaimed as they rubbed the back of their heads from where Sheldon slapped them.
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“ What the hell was that for Dr. Cooper?!”, Junior interjected.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAVWSl0mFroQ
“ That was for ignoring your sister and not shutting up when she asked you to stop. Plus, that was getting very annoying.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thank you Sheldon!”, Leo exclaimed.
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When the warning was lifted, Mrs. Fordyce got ready for work and left. Leo’s siblings and her brother-in law left for work shortly after that too. Mr. Fordyce told his daughter that he would be going to run some errands and that he would be out for a while as well.
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“ Alright Dad, I guess Sheldon and I will stay here with Gidget for a while.”, Leo said as she slumped on the couch in the living room.
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“ Alright, you two behave yourselves. I’ll be back in a while.”, Mr. Fordyce said before he left.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAiOA1MKfLbC
“ Where is Gidget?”, Sheldon asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAfyCB52NJiQ
“ She’s outside. I should probably let her back in shortly.”, Leo said.
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Stand up stand up! We shall not be moved!
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“ Hello?”, Leo answered her phone.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAbMknfkoHcs
“ Hey Leo. It’s Dakota.”, Dakota said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAOL6swUYE20
“ Oh hey Dakota. Are you feeling better?”, Leo asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAxJNcSDdOFz
“ I’m feeling much better. I’m being discharged from the hospital today. My wounds from Rico attacking me have mostly healed.”, Dakota said.
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“ That’s great Dakota! Just take it easy for a while and you’ll be back to fighting in no time!”, Leo exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAJttdGP8VJ4
“ Thanks Leo! You’re a great friend! Talk to you later, bye!”, Dakota said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA4RWtk92jTk
“ My pleasure! Bye!”, Leo said as she hung up. She then got up using her crutches and went to the doorwall to let Gidget back in. But the second she let her in Gidget got a little too excited and whipped her tail at Leo’s injured foot causing Leo yelp in pain.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAiUnN4X0AvB
“ Ow! Gidget!”, Leo interjected as she leaned on her crutches, grasping her foot.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA7vSAdjNyY3
“ What happened Leo? Are you alright?”, Sheldon asked as he walked in from the living room.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIkXk3j1Mxg
“ Yeah I’m fine Sheldon! Gidget just whipped her tail at my foot!”, Leo hissed under her breath.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAiSFRTGsmwq
“ Ok I think it’s time for you to go take a nap now.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAEeyZ4Z3Fus
“ I told you I’m fine Sheldon!”, Leo protested.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAAJdP3LVFmP
“ Leo it’s not good for you to be up on your injured foot all day. You’re just going to end up irritating it further. You need to go rest it now.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAx7Ocyc83Dm
“ Sheldon I said I’m fine! It’s just a sprained foot!”, Leo protested.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAQcL9bnwJzr
“ Sprained foot or not, I don’t care! As established in the Relationship Agreement we are supposed to listen to whatever the significant other says! What I say right now is you need to get off that foot and go take a nap!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAJlEZE8qSqC
“ But I’m not sleepy!”, Leo protested as Sheldon gently scooped her up.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHsAEwt3bjl
“ Don’t give me any of that. It’s nap time.”, Sheldon said as he carried her upstairs. He carefully set her down on a chair in her bedroom before walking over to the bed. He pulled the covers back, placed a soft blanket down, walked back over to Leo, picked her up and carried her to the bed. Once she was laying down, Sheldon propped her foot up and tucked her in but not before removing her jeans to make her more comfortable. He then removed her glasses from her face and kissed her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyLe4irubji
“ I love you.”, Leo softly said as she found herself beginning to doze off.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA52fOTMeyUF
“ I love you too. Nap time. Go to sleep.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again before walking out of the room. Leo laid there for a minute before she finally fell asleep. When she woke up a couple hours later, her foot healed and when she came downstairs, she heard Sheldon’s cell phone ring.
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“ Hello?”, Sheldon answered.
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“ Sheldon, you and Leo need to come back to Pasadena now! I’m freaking out!”, Penny suddenly screamed through the phone.
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“ Penny Penny Penny calm down! I can’t understand you, what happened?!”, Sheldon asked as his anxiety began to rise.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAr5yW73Xp2z
“ Leonard got himself into a fight with Kurt and got arrested!”, Penny screamed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANApZiMMFgyM8
“ Leonard what?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAVEoa4Cty3M
“ He got arrested for starting a fight with Kurt! The police won’t let me get him out, they said I had to wait for you because you’re his roommate!”, Penny screamed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAAfXvUp3rl8
“ Alright alright we’re coming! Just stop screaming Penny! We’ll be there as soon as we can!”, Sheldon screamed before hanging up.
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“ Was that Penny?”, Leo asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA6bICN5oG62
“ Yeah that was, we got to go!”, Sheldon frantically said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANApOSnlipznk
“ Why?! What’s going on Sheldon?!”, Leo frantically asked as she stared at her boyfriend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABrOz4oSPhb
“ Leonard got himself arrested for starting a fight with Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt!”, Sheldon screamed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlWh30VHe17
“ What?! Leonard’s in jail?!”, Leo screamed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAQlii3vvYVo
“ Yes, we got to go!”, Sheldon screamed as he headed to the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAEMWjuqn4YT
“ Wait a minute, we can’t leave here without leaving a note! My parents will freak Dr. Cooper!”, Leo screamed at her boyfriend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAdOBimMDnm6
“ You’re right Dr. Fordyce, I did not think of that!”, Sheldon screamed at his girlfriend as he ran into the kitchen. He reached into a kitchen drawer and pulled out a piece of paper as well as a pen. He wrote:
19Please respect copyright.PENANA0aC3ietI1E
Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce,
19Please respect copyright.PENANAn3IWHn6jJa
Your daughter and I left for Pasadena because of an emergency. Don’t worry about Gidget, Morgan’s watching her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALnf4s9tfwH
- Dr. S. Cooper and Dr. L. Fordyce
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The two doctors then ran across the backyard to Morgan’s house and Leo pounded on the door.
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“ Leo? What is it?”, Morgan asked when she answered the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAFzsBql94SR
“ Hey, listen, Sheldon and I have to go back to Pasadena because of an emergency, could you maybe watch Gidget for a little bit until my family comes back?”, Leo asked her best friend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAnBz75MXg51
“ Yeah sure. What’s going on?”, Morgan asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA88U6tmDB8Z
“ Leonard got himself arrested for starting a fight with Penny’s ex-boyfriend!”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABOtTauAz3E
“ Oh my god, yeah, go! Don’t worry about Gidget, I’ll watch her! You guys just go make sure that Dr. Hofstadter’s ok!”, Morgan exclaimed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAvNee9nkHRk
“ Thanks bestie you’re a lifesaver! Come on Sheldon, let’s go!”, Leo exclaimed as she took Sheldon by the hand and ran back across the yard. Morgan locked up her house and followed them.
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Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof!
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“ Gidget shut up! It’s just us!”, Leo shouted at Gidget as her and Sheldon came running through the house.
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“ I got her! Just go!”, Morgan interjected as she grabbed Gidget by her collar.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAzYftNjrCe7
“ Thanks Morgan! You got the note Sheldon?!”, Leo screamed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA46whjv8eg1
“ Yeah I got it right here!”, Sheldon screamed as he held the note.
19Please respect copyright.PENANADWdvh9ImRm
“ Stick it on the door and let’s go!”, Leo screamed as she ran out the front door. Sheldon ran through the door as well, slapped the note up on the door before getting into Leo’s car with her. Leo sped out of the driveway and drove to the airport. The two of them were unsure of what to expect when they get home.
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Oh no! Leonard’s been arrested! What do you think will happen to him when Sheldon and Leo get back to Pasadena and also what do you think will happen with Dakota?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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