Chapter 16
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The flight back to Pasadena was kind of rough with a few turbulence but it eventually had a safe landing. Once Sheldon and Leo got through the airport, they raced outside to call for a cab.
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“ Can I help you?”, the cab driver asked.
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“ Take us to the Pasadena Police Department please.”, Leo said as her and Sheldon got in.
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“ 40 bucks please.”, the cab driver said as he held out his hand.
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“ Here you go.”, Leo said as she handed the man 2 twenty dollar bills.
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“ Thank you.”, the cab driver said as he took the money and pulled away from the curb.
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Pasadena Police Department
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“ What the hell took you guys so long?! I’ve been waiting here for almost 5 hours!”, Penny scolded her two friends when they finally showed up.
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“ Well the flight back here was at least 4 hours long and the traffic was backed up at least 2 miles Penny!”, Leo defensively said.
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“ You know, I’ve been hit on by several perverts since I got here! One of them being Howard Wolowitz!”, Penny hissed as she snapped her head in Howard’s direction.
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“ Hey! That’s my husband you’re talking about!”, Bernadette interjected feeling somewhat offended.
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“ Shut up Bernadette!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Oh come on Penny?! You know you want this!”, Howard said as he grinded his butt against Penny.
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“ Not with a 1000 condoms Howard!”, Penny hissed as she shoved him away.
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“ What the hell is wrong with you Howie?! You’re a married man!”, Bernadette screamed as she smacked her husband in the chest.
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“ Ow! I’m just a person!”, Howard exclaimed as he placed a hand on his chest.
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“ Barely, dude.”, Raj said.
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“ Raj!”, Howard exclaimed as he stared at his best friend.
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“ Hey Beavis and Butthead, knock it off! We’re here to get Leonard out of jail, not stand around acting like a bunch of idiots!”, Penny interjected at Howard and Raj.
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“ Penny you need to calm down! What are you so mad about?!”, Sheldon asked.
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“ What the hell do you think Doctor Whack-a-doodle?! I’m mad about this whole situation! Leonard and I were having a nice time with each other but then Kurt had to come along and ruin it! I so hate that a**hole for this!”, Penny shouted.
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“ Penny things like this happen all the time and you can’t do anything about it! The only you can do is to try to prevent these situations from escalating in the first place!”, Leo said as she put a hand on Penny’s shoulder.
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“ Thank you, that’s so comforting!”, Penny sarcastically said.
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“ You’re being sarcastic.”, Leo said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Gee you think?! What was your first clue Leo Fordyce?!”, Penny hissed at her friend.
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“ Bestie calm down! Yelling at Leo is not going to do anything!”, Amy chimed in.
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“ Amy shut up!”, Penny shot back at her. Sheldon signed a release form for Leonard and minutes later Leonard came out.
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“ What the hell you guys?! I’ve been waiting in a crappy hellhole for nearly 5 and a half hours waiting for someone to get me out!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Well we were still in Savannah when Penny called us and made us come all the way back here because she told us that they wouldn’t release you unless if I signed a release form, which I just now did and that’s why you’re standing here.”, Sheldon said as he gestured to himself and Leo.
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“ Whatever Sheldon, let’s just get out of here.”, Leonard mumbled under his breath as he walked toward the door. The car ride home was unusually silent as in nobody said a word.
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Apartment 4A
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“ Sweetie are you ok?”, Penny asked Leonard.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Penny.”, Leonard said as he slumped into the chair.
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“ What exactly happened Leonard? How did this all transpire?”, Leo asked as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.
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“ Penny and I were out having a few drinks, she was telling me about her job and I was talking science when all of sudden Kurt showed up. He started saying some inappropriate things toward Penny and tried to grab her butt, but, she kept pushing him away calling him a self-centered perverted b*****d which did absolutely nothing to keep him from doing his advances as in he kept doing it. I started yelling at him to back off and leave but he completely ignored me and when he tried to bite Penny’s breast that’s when I shouted, “ I said to back off you jerk!” before I threw a punch at him. Then he shouts at me, “ Is that all you got Lenny?!” Next thing I knew, we got into a full fledged fight and somebody called the police.”, Leonard said.
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“ Wow, that’s a new low.”, Leo said.
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“ It’s not a new low Leo, it’s complete stupidity! For shame Leonard!”, Sheldon said as he stared at his girlfriend before narrowing his eyes at his best friend.
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“ Well what was he supposed to do Dr. Smart Mouth?!”, Penny hissed at Sheldon.
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“ Penny you calling me names is not helping right now!”, Sheldon shot back at her.
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“ Sheldon!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Ok you know what you guys, I’m just going to get out of this conversation for a moment and I’m gonna go put my belongings away.”, Leo said as she left the apartment.
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“ Smooth you guys! You just scared Leo away!”, Howard said.
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“ We didn’t scare her away Wolowitz! What the hell are you talking about?!”, Leonard shot back at his friend.
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“ What do you mean what am I talking about Leonard?! It clearly looks like you, Penny, and Sheldon scared her off with your yelling!”, Howard shot back.
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“ We didn’t!”, Penny hissed.
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“ What the hell?!”, Penny exclaimed when her and the others suddenly heard Leo’s angry shouting voice coming from 2 floors below.
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“ Oh great, that doesn’t sound good.”, Leonard said with a defeated sigh.
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“ Obviously not Leonard since that’s my girlfriend shouting.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Let’s go see what the problem is and what she’s yelling about.”, Leonard said as he walked out of the apartment. Sheldon, Penny, Howard, Raj, Amy, Bernadette and Stuart followed him as well. As they made their way down the stairs they could hear Leo hitting her apartment door several times in a fit of rage. When they got to her, she was leaning against and facing the door.
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“ Ok Leo get a grip! Don’t lose your sanity!”, Leo hissed under her breath to herself as she tried to calm herself.
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“ Leo are you ok?!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ No Leonard, I’m pissed off right now!”, Leo angrily hissed.
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“ Well what in the name of Einstein is going on here?! Why were you shouting and hitting your apartment door Dr. Fordyce?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ It’s because of this stupid letter that was put up on my door!”, Leo angrily said as she yanked the letter off the door and showed it to her boyfriend Sheldon as well as her friends. The letter was from the Verizon Wireless company.
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“ Why are you holding your cell phone?”, Sheldon asked as he took the letter out of her hands.
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“ Look at the letter and you’ll find out Dr. Cooper!”, Leo shot back in anger. Sheldon began reading the letter.
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“ Aw no, he…?!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ He got our cell service shut off?!”, Sheldon shouted as he stared at Leo.
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“ WHAT?!”, Penny, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Amy, Bernadette and Stuart exclaimed.
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“ Yes! That a**hole of a contractor went to the CEO of the company this morning and had our service shut off!”, Leo shouted. They all instantly began checking their phones. Sure enough they had no service.
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“ Why the hell would that Wheeler guy do that?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Because he’s just mad that we removed his stupid cell tower from the Caltech University property and that he can’t put it there! He’s just trying to make us look like we’re the Rebels and that he’s the almighty powerful Empire!”, Leo hissed under her breath. The Star Wars reference she made in that comment really set a mood for Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj.
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“ You know when you really think about it, it actually does make a lot of sense.”, Raj said.
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“ Thanks Raj! Now if you guys will excuse me I need to go make a landline phone call to the police to see if I can get that jackhat Joshua Wheeler arrested for this!”, Leo hissed as she stormed into her apartment and grabbed the landline phone off the kitchen counter. But before she could dial the phone it began ringing. The incoming call was from her dad.
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“ Dad I’m gonna have to call you back in just a second.”, Leo quickly answered.
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“ Leo what’s going on? Is everything ok?”, Mr. Fordyce asked his daughter.
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“ Yeah dad everything’s fine, just, hold on a second.”, Leo said as she hung up on her dad and dialed 911. She explained to the police what the situation was and told them to go find Josh and arrest him no matter what he’s in the middle of doing.
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“ What’s the meaning of this?! Get your hands off me!”, Josh hissed in anger as he was roughly shoved up against a chain-linked fence by two police officers and slapped with handcuffs.
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“ Mr. Joshua Wheeler you’re under arrest!”, one of the officers said.
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“ Arrest?! For what?!”, Josh angrily demanded.
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“ You’re under arrest for harrassment and abuse of power!”, the officer said.
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“ Did those two stupid theoretical physicists put you up to this?!”, Josh angrily demanded.
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“ Just one of them.”, the officer said.
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“ Dr. Cooper or Dr. Fordyce?!”, Josh angrily demanded.
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“ Dr. Fordyce did. She told us what you did and told us to arrest you for it.”, the officer said.
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“ WHAT?!”, Josh angrily shrieked.
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“ Get him out of here boys.”, the officer said.
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“ What?! No! You’re arresting the wrong person! Dr. Fordyce and Dr. Cooper are the ones that need to be arrested, not me! They removed and destroyed our cell phone tower!”, Josh angrily shouted as two of the officers dragged him to the squad car and shoved him into the backseat.
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“ I told you that they did nothing illegal in this situation! You put that tower there illegally in the first place and you didn’t do anything about it! They had all the right to remove and destroy it regardless of working for you or not! That’s really deceptive and shallow of you to harrass the couple in the first place!”, the officer said as him and his partner got in the car and drove away.
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“ Sorry about that dad, I was doing something really important.”, Leo said as she called her father back.
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“ What is going on? I saw the note you and Sheldon left on the front door in Sheldon’s handwriting.”, Mr. Fordyce asked.
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“ Oh that, well, Leonard got himself arrested for starting a fight with Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt so we had to come back to Pasadena to get him out.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh ok, I was just making sure that nothing really bad happened. Now what important thing was it that you were doing before?”, Mr. Fordyce asked.
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“ Oh just getting some jerky cell tower contractor arrested for harrassing me and Sheldon.”, Leo said.
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“ What was this guy doing Leo?”, Mr. Fordyce asked his daughter with a little bit of concern in his voice.
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“ Several months ago he put a Verizon cell tower up on Caltech’s premissis illegally because nobody approved of it except the city council. So Sheldon and I fought him tooth and nail about it but when he didn’t do anything about it we removed and destroyed it ourselves in the middle of the night which pissed him off so in retalliation he got our cell service shut off today.”, Leo said.
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“ Who’s dumb idea was it to do that?!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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“ It was my idea. I just talked Sheldon into it.”, Leo said.
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“ Leo Alejandra Fordyce do you have any idea how dangerous that is?! You and Sheldon really could’ve hurt yourselves! When did you two do this?!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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“ Several weeks after it was put in. We weren’t just gonna let it sit there and radiate our brains day in and day out.”, Leo said.
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“ Please tell me you two didn’t get into any trouble from doing that Leo!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded.
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“ We didn’t dad, surprisingly. The officer said that we had the right to do that since the tower was there illegally and Verizon Wireless refused to remove it within a certain time period.”, Leo said.
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“ Good because the last thing I would want is my daughter having a criminal record.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Dad you would probably say the same thing about Kennedy and Amanda too.”, Leo said.
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“ How is this possible that you know me so well Leo?”, Mr. Fordyce asked.
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“ I don’t know, maybe it’s because you’re my dad and I’m a genius.”, Leo said with a laugh.
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“ That’s probably it.”, Mr. Fordyce said.
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“ Oh dad!”, Leo laughed.
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“ What? I’m just agreeing with you.”, Mr. Fordyce said with a chuckle.
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“ Bye dad.”, Leo said with a laugh.
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“ Alright bye Leo.”, Mr. Fordyce said as they hung up. When Leo put the phone down and turned around, she noticed that Sheldon wasn’t standing by the others anymore.
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“ Where’s Sheldon?!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I’m right behind you Leo.”, Sheldon said from behind her.
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“ Oh good Lord you scared me!”, Leo shrieked as she turned around to see her boyfriend standing there.
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“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was just telling you where I was.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well I wasn’t expecting you to… what are you doing?!”, Leo exclaimed as Sheldon suddenly turned her around and began massaging her neck and shoulders.
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“ You seem tense, you really should sit down and relax Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said as he guided his girlfriend to the couch and forced her to a sitting position still massaging her neck and shoulders.
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“ Ok that feels pretty good right now what you’re doing to me Dr. Cooper.”, Leo said with a satisfactory grin on her face as she relaxed into the couch cushions. She was relaxing so much at this point that she felt as if she was on cloud 9. She even forgot what she was stressed and upset about in the first place. Leo slowly turned her head around and kissed Sheldon as he was continuously doing this.
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“ I love you.”, Leo said.
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“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back. 2 days later the gang got their cell service back.
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2 months later, Dakota invited them to watch her fight against Mindy ‘ Head-strong’ Thunderson. Mindy was a 28 year old world -class MMA champion who hasn’t lost a single fight in her life. Dakota was determined to end this woman’s undefeated streak in this big championship fight.
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“ Oh my god this is so exciting! I’ve never seen an MMA fight before! Especially with one of my friends in it!”, Leo exclaimed as her and the others sat in their seats.
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“ Yeah, this is great that she invited us to see this!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Great?! What are you talking about Leonard?! This place is obnoxious!”, Sheldon exclaimed as his anxiety began to rise. There was at least over a thousand people at that arena and the noise was making him uncomfortable.
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“ Oh come on Sheldon, we’re here to support our friend! She’s an MMA fighter for god’s sake!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Yeah, it’s a non-optional social convention!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ Well I don’t care, this noise is completely obnoxious!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Well here, maybe this will help!”, Leo exclaimed as she stuck her hand into her boyfriend’s pocket, pulled out his noise-cancelling earbuds, stuck them in his ears and turned them on.
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“ There, is that better Dr. Cooper?!”, Leo exclaimed as she put her hand on his shoulder.
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“ Yes, thank you Dr. Fordyce!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he gently took his girlfriend’s hand off his shoulder and relaxed into his seat.
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“ Shut up you idiots!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ You guys, it’s starting!”, Raj shouted as the lights in the arena began to brighten.
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“ Really Raj?! We wouldn’t have never guessed it with the brightening lights!”, Howard hissed.
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“ Would you guys just shut up?!”, Stuart shouted at his friends as the noise level started rising. Mindy’s entrance music began to play. It was Thunderstruck by AC/DC.
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“ Alright, here comes the world-class champion coming from Denver, Colorado! She’s 28 years old and has never lost a single fight in her life, weighing in at 137 lbs. please welcome, Mindy ‘ Head-strong’ Thunderson!”, the commentator bellowed over the loudspeaker making the crowd go wild. People started chanting Mindy’s name as she showed off a few moves before entering the octagon.
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“ You suck Mindy!”, Leo interjected in a joking manner.
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“ Leo that’s not nice!”, Bernadette exclaimed as she stared at her friend.
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“ Oh come on Bernie I was just joking!”, Leo laughed.
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“ It didn’t sound like it Leo!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Well trust me I was!”, Leo laughed.
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“ You guys shut up! Dakota’s coming out!”, Leonard hissed as Dakota’s entrance music began to play. The song was Bleed It Out by Linkin Park.
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“ Alright, and here comes her oponent coming from Fort Knox, Kentucky! She’s 31 years old and has been known for breaking skulls, weighing in at 125 lbs. please welcome, Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris!”, the commentator bellowed. Again the crowd went wild as Dakota showed off a few moves before entering the octagon.
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“ Yes! Go Dakota!”, Leo exclaimed as she rose from her seat.
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“ You got this Harris!”, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ I’m gonna crush you Skullbreaker!”, Mindy hissed as she narrowed dagger-like eyes at Dakota.
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“ We’ll see about that Head-strong! I’m gonna break your skull into a million pieces!”, Dakota hissed as she narrowed her eyes back at Mindy.
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“ In your dreams!”, Mindy hissed.
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“ Alright touch gloves, go to your corners and come out fighting! Let’s make this a clean fair match ladies!”, the reffuree interjected as he stood in the middle of the octagon with the two women. Dakota and Mindy touched gloves and walked toward their respective corners but not before giving each other the ‘ You’re going down!’ look. As the two women assumed their fighting stances the reffuree counted down.
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“ 3, 2, 1, Fight!”
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Ding ding ding!
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Dakota and Mindy circled each other before Dakota threw the first punch nailing Mindy right in the jaw. Mindy swung her leg up to kick Dakota in the head but Dakota half-suplexed her into one of the cage walls. Mindy tripped Dakota and tried to pin her but Dakota shoved her off and the fight continued. The crowd was on the edge of their seats screaming and cheering for both women. The fight went for three rounds before Dakota managed to pin Mindy which ended the fight.
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Ding ding ding!
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“ Winner! Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris!”
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“ Wow! For the first time ever in history, Mindy ‘ Head-strong’ Thunderson has lost! We have a new world-class champion!”, the commentator bellowed as the crowd as well as Leo and the others did a standing ovation. Leo then ran down the stairs and threw her arms around Dakota as she came out of the octagon. The others followed suit after Leo.
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Irish Watering Hole bar
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“ Here’s to Dakota Harris, America’s newest world-class MMA champion!”, Leo exclaimed as she raised her glass.
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“ Cheers!”, the others exclaimed as they touched glasses.
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“ Congratulations Dakota. That was amazing.”, Amy said.
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“ Thanks Amy. It really means alot that you guys were there to support me tonight.”, Dakota said as she took a drink.
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“ Hey, what are friends for?!”, Leo exclaimed as she slapped a hand on her friend’s shoulder.
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“ You’re such a dork Fordyce!”, Dakota laughed as she playfully backhanded Leo in the chest.
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“ That’s Dr. Fordyce to you!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Oh yeah that’s right you’re a theoretical physicist!”, Dakota laughed before she reached for her drink but as she did so, her and Leonard accidentally touched hands. Penny’s heart skipped a beat when she saw this.
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“ Um Dakota that’s my hand.”, Leonard said as he looked at her.
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“ Oh sorry Leonard, I didn’t mean to do that. I was reaching for my drink.”, Dakota said as she then picked up her drink and took a sip.
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Beep beep!
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“ Who’s phone is that?”, Stuart asked.
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“ It’s mine Stuart, my mom’s texting me.”, Leo said as she looked at her phone.
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“ What did she say?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Oh she’s just reminding me about my uncle Kevin’s retirement party tomorrow.”, Leo said.
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“ Retirement party? What for?”, Howard asked.
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“ He’s retiring from the Army. He just got back from his last deployment last week so my family is throwing him a retirement party tomorrow. We’re hosting it at his and my Aunt Josephine’s house.”, Leo said.
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“ You should go with her Sheldon.”, Penny said taking a drink.
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“ Why would I want to do that?’, Sheldon asked as he stared at her.
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“ Because she’s your girlfriend and the rest of her family will probably want to meet you.”, Penny said.
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“ I suppose that makes sense.”, Sheldon said. Then he turns to Leo and says, “ Alright Leo I shall go with you.”
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“ Thanks Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ D*mn you woman!”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back.
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“ Hello everyone! Happy retirement Kevin!”, Mrs. Fordyce exclaimed as they entered the house.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAWQ6djLqqOJ
“ Thank you Miranda. It feels great to be retired. Now I get to kick back and enjoy the rest of my life with my family.”, Kevin said to his sister-in law as he sat back in his recliner watching tv. Then he hollered out for his wife, “ Hey Josephine, get out here and say hello!”
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“ Hello!”, Josephine exclaimed as she hugged her relatives.
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“ Hey Robert how’s it going brother!”, Kevin said as he shook hands with his brother.
18Please respect copyright.PENANA7q82rOPtU9
“ Great Kevin, everything’s just great!”
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“ Hi Aunt Josephine!”, Leo exclaimed as she hugged her aunt.
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“ Hi Leo!”, Josephine exclaimed as she hugged her back. Then she said, “ You know, your Uncle Kevin and I haven’t seen you since you were… Leo, who’s this?”
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“ Oh this is my boyfriend Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon this my Aunt Josephine.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Hi Sheldon it’s nice to meet you.”, Josephine said with a smile.
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“ Hello it’s nice to meet you too.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAnSXNoQyGo3
“ Where’s Raychel, Courtney, and Nevel?”, Leo asked.
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“ Oh your cousins are out in the backyard playing cornhole Leo. You can go out there if you want.”, Josephine said as she poured some wine into a glass.
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“ Ok. Come on Sheldon let’s go say hi to my cousins.”, Leo said as she took Sheldon by the hand and pulled him out through the doorwall.
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“ That’s 15 for me! I win!”, Courtney exclaimed after she sinked another bean bag into the hole.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHWs7fAG3Q0
“ No way! You cheated Courtney!”, Nevel exclaimed as he lightly shoved his sister.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAiPmDb9HRCY
“ No she didn’t, she won fair and square Nevel!”, Raychel exclaimed as she gave her brother a death look.
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“ Oh come on, she clearly cheated Raychel! Who’s side are you on anyway?!”, Nevel shot back at his other sister.
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“ I’m nobody’s side Nevel! She didn’t cheat!”, Raychel shot back.
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“ Hi!”, Leo exclaimed as she walked up to her cousins.
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“ Oh hi Leo.”, Nevel said as he hugged her.
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“ Did you guys just get here?”, Courtney asked as she hugged Leo.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAokf4ZHM3oe
“ Yeah we just walked in the door.”, Leo said.
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“ We haven’t seen you guys in like forever.”, Raychel said as she hugged her too.
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“ Yeah I know.”, Leo said.
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“ Woah, who’s the dude with you?! He’s tall!”, Nevel exclaimed as he pointed at Sheldon.
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“ This is my boyfriend Dr. Sheldon Cooper. He’s a physicist in the same field as me.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Oh my god he’s a theoretical physicist?!”, Courtney exclaimed. Leo nodded her head with a smile.
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“ That’s insane Leo!”, Raychel exclaimed. Courtney disappeared into the house for a second during this.
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“ I know, I was really shocked when he told me Raychel!”, Leo exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAsjTWvU2J1D
“ Hey Ray, look up here!”, Courtney suddenly exclaimed. Leo, Raychel, Sheldon, and Nevel looked at the roof of the detached garage and saw Courtney standing up there with a boom box sitting at her feet wearing a bikini. Her long blonde hair was also up in a ponytail.
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“ Oh good Lord! What fresh hell is this?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he gasped.
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“ Courtney what are you doing up on the roof of the garage?! Get down!”, Raychel exclaimed as she rolled her eyes at her sister.
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“ Oh I’ll get down as in I’m gonna make a big splash!”, Courtney exclaimed as she turned on the boom box. The song that began to play was Move Ya Body by Nina Sky.
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“ Yeah, you go Courtney!”, Nevel exclaimed. Courtney began backing up a little on the garage roof.
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“ Nevel! Don’t encourage her, she’s our sister!”, Raychel interjected at her brother.
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“ Uh Courtney I don’t think that’s such a… Oh hell!”, Leo exclaimed as the 4 of them stepped back away from the pool a little bit.
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“ Cannonball!”, Courtney exclaimed as she ran toward the edge, leaped into the air with a double aerial axel before cannonballing into the pool causing a huge wave of water to crash over the side of the wall. Her siblings as well as her cousin and her cousin’s boyfriend got splashed a little from that.
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“ Yeah! That was awesome!”, Courtney exclaimed as she bobbed up and down in the water.
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“ Yeah?! Well it’s about to get even better Courtney because I’m coming in too!”, Nevel exclaimed as he tore his shirt off and climbed up to the roof of the garage.
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“ Oh no Nevel don’t you da…!”, Raychel interjected.
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“ Arrgh me mateys!”, Nevel shouted like a pirate as he took a nose dive off the edge of the garage roof into the pool. Leo cracked up at this.
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“ You’re such a meathead Nevel!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Nah uh, you are Leo!”, Nevel laughed as he leaned against the inside wall of the pool.
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“ I don’t think so, she’s a peach and you’re a coconut.”, Sheldon said with a wise crack smirk.
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“ Oh that was a good one Sheldon!”, Leo laughed. Raychel laughed at that as well.
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“ Oh burn! Nevel you just got totally burned by Leo’s boyfriend Sheldon!”, Courtney laughed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAL2QSBCkscL
“ I love you!”, Leo laughed as she kissed Sheldon.
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“ I love you too!”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back. But then out of the blue, Leo was suddenly speared into the pool from behind causing her to let out a startled scream. Familiar laughter was heard when she resurfaced.
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“ Junior Clyde Fordyce what the hell was that?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Payback baby! I told you I’d get you back for that sarcastic remark you made but I never said what!”, Junior laughed.
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“ I wasn’t ready for that you dumb bell!”, Leo interjected.
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“ You weren’t supposed to! I told you I’d get you back when you least expect it!”, Junior laughed as he stood there in the pool beside his sister with a smug look on his face.
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“ Oh yeah, well, you’re not going to expect this. Flying squirrel attack!”, Leo exclaimed as she tackled her brother.
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“ Ahhhhhh Leo!”, Junior screamed as his head was dunked under the water by his sister.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPEXsvydffO
“ Yippee ki-yay Junior!”, Leo exclaimed with a laugh as she tried to ride her brother like a bull.
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“ Hey! I’m not a bucking Texas bull Leo, in fact, we’re not even in Texas so knock it off!”, Junior interjected as he shoved her off of him.
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“ I know that, I’m just yanking your chain!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Are you alright Leo?”, Sheldon asked as he stood leaning against the wall of the pool.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAdcTr3NZDBN
“ Yeah I’m fine Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile as she leaned in to kiss him again. But, as she did so, she suddenly grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him over the wall into the pool making him let out a startled shriek.
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“ What the hell was that Dr. Fordyce?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”, Sheldon shrieked as he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend.
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“ Aw come on Dr. Cooper I’m just messing with you! That’s the fun of being in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship! To not expect what’s coming!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Oh really?! Well how’s this for unexpected?!”, Sheldon said with a smirk as he suddenly picked Leo up and threw her over his shoulder making her laugh as she crash landed into the water.
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“ Oh it is so on now, Sheldon!”, Leo laughed when she resurfaced. As they chased each other around the pool with Courtney, Nevel, and Junior joining in, Raychel just gave a look of ‘Aw screw it!’ and jumped in from the garage roof landing on top of Junior.
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“ Ow, Raychel!”, Junior shrieked.
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“ That’s what you get for not paying attention you doofus!”, Raychel laughed. Few minutes later, Kennedy, Amanda, Stephen, and Garrett come walking out into the backyard.
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“ Um you guys are gonna want to get out, like, now.”, Kennedy said in a low tone voice.
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“ Why Kennedy?”, Leo asked.
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“ Because there’s a storm coming and somebody said that it could produce a tornado.”, Kennedy said.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo, Junior, Sheldon, Raychel, Courtney, and Nevel exclaimed.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAT4MMzy5lAK
“ Is this a freaking joke?! Tell me this is a freaking joke!”, Courtney exclaimed.
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“ No it’s not Courtney! Look at the radar! The red dot is us and all of that is heading this way!”, Amanda exclaimed as she showed everybody the radar screen on her phone. As she was showing them a severe weather ticker message showed up and began scrolling across the top of the screen.
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Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!
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“ Holy sprockets you’re right! It says Tornado Warning!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Aw man! Just when things were getting fun too!”, Nevel interjected.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAT1eReb4aa8
“ Yeah well it’s not going to be fun if we get sucked up into a twister!”, Stephen interjected. A flash of lightning suddenly split the sky and the wind started to pick up.
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“ Oh great, here we go again with a tornado! We wise well stay out here if the world’s just going to end!”, Sheldon said in a paniced voice.
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“ What?!”, Courtney confusely asked.
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“ Please excuse my boyfriend, he doesn’t know what it is he’s talking about!”, Leo nervously laughed.
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“ Leo how can you be calm at a time like this?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Sheldon it’s just a storm! I’m just as scared as you!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well I’m not afraid of a tornado! They say stuff like that all the time and nothing ever happens!”, Courtney exclaimed but just as she said that another flash of lightning split the sky, rain and hail began to fall and the tornado siren began to blare loudly as the wind got stronger.
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“ Does that sound like nothing happens to you?!”, Raychel screamed over the blaring siren.
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“ Definitely not!”, Courtney screamed.
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“ Well what are you idiots waiting for?! Let’s make like cats and scat into the house! Now!”, Kennedy screamed as she ran to the doorwall and threw it open. The others followed her but just before Leo could get up on the deck to the door, she twisted her foot from the force of the wind and fell down hard on her back causing her to scream. The shock of the impact immoblized her.
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“ Leo!”, Junior screamed when he saw his sister go down.
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“ Are you alright?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he got down next to her.
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“ I don’t know! I can’t move! I think I’m paralyzed!”, Leo screamed.
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“ WHAT?!”, Junior screamed.
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“ Get in the house now! I’ll figure this out!”, Sheldon screamed at Junior who was starting to freak out.
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“ Are you crazy?! I’m not leaving you and my sister out here! You two are gonna get killed if you stay out here!”, Junior screamed.
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“ Well you don’t have a choice Junior and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested! Now go!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Fine I’ll go but I’m trusting you to make sure nothing happens to my sister! Got it!”, Junior screamed.
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“ Yes now go!”, Sheldon screamed. Junior scrammed into the house leaving Sheldon out there with an injured Leo.
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“ Oh god this is not good! What do we do?!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Wait a minute, I just remembered something! I dug a hole underneath the deck when I was little and made an underground cave! Sheldon you’re gonna have to drag me down there because I don’t think I can make it into the house at this point!”, Leo screamed as she laid there at her boyfriend’s feet.
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“ Are you nuts?! There’s all kinds of germs and bacteria down there that can make me sick and worsen your condition!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ Well we don’t have a choice Dr. Cooper! It’s either this or we get torn to smitherines and I for one don’t want my parents to freak the hell out about this! So grab me and drag me!”, Leo screamed over the increasing wind speed.
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“ Alright, but I’m only doing this because I love you and I don’t want to lose you!”, Sheldon screamed as he gently picked up his girlfriend and started dragging her underneath the deck.
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“ Where the hell is this hole?! I can’t see a thing under here!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Use your phone screen to see!”, Leo screamed. Sheldon pulled out his phone which was encased in a water-tight container and flipped it open. The brightly lit up screen illuminated the area where the hole was. Sheldon went down the hole first before carefully dragging Leo down. Once the two of them were safely down the hole, the deck was ripped away and Sheldon held Leo close to his chest as the glass windows of the house began blowing out. The storm lasted no more than 45 minutes before dissipating.
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“ LEO, SHELDON, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed as she came running out of the house searching for her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend.
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“ Miranda calm down! We’ll find them!”, Mr. Fordyce screamed as he held his freaked out hysterical wife in his arms.
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“ I can’t Robert! I’m really worried that something happened to them during this tornado! Junior said that they couldn’t make it into the house because Leo got injured!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed and cried.
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“ What’s going on out here?! Is everything alright?!”, Josephine asked as her and her husband came out of the house with the rest of the family.
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“ No Josephine! Your niece and her boyfriend are missing! They couldn’t make it into the house in time because Leo got injured but now they’re nowhere in sight!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed and cried.
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“ Oh good heavens!”, Josephine screamed.
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“ Then we need to search immediately! Who knows how injured Leo really is!”, Kevin interjected in a panic. His biggest fear was losing a member of his family when this was supposed to be a happy time in his life. The Fordyce family searched everywhere for the two theoretical physicists until Leo and Sheldon screamed, “ We’re down here!”
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“ Oh thank god you two are alright! I was starting to have a panic attack!”, Mrs. Fordyce cried out with relief when she looked down the hole in the dirt patch where the deck used to be.
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“ Can you get out of there?”, Mr. Fordyce asked.
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“ I can’t move dad! I think I might be paralyzed!”, Leo moaned.
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“ Oh sh*t, Sheldon get her out of there now!”, Mr. Fordyce scolded in a panic. Sheldon carefully lifted her up and Mr. Fordyce pulled his daughter up out of the hole. Sheldon climbed up out of the hole as well and somebody called the Rescue Squad. Within minutes of EMTs arriving, Leo was lying on a stretcher and wheeled into the ambulance. Surprisingly, Sheldon rode in the ambulance with her as it sped down the highway to the hospital. During this, images started flowing through Sheldon’s mind as he thought about what was happening. He was so afraid that his girlfriend would never walk again if this paralysis she was suffering from was permanent. He just couldn’t believe what his life would be like if the love of his life became wheelchair-bound for the rest of her life. The thought of that just hurt like piercing knives stabbing him through his chest repeatedly.
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“ Leonard!”, Sheldon screamed into his phone as he stood outside his girlfriend’s hospital room.
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“ Sheldon what is it?! I’m working on something really important!”, Leonard hissed as he was working on a laser.
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“ Leonard this is much more important than what you’re working on! Leo’s in the hospital!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ What?! Is she ok?!”, Leonard asked in a panic.
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“ She’s fine but she’s in temporary paralysis! She twisted her ankle and fell on her back pretty hard during a tornado that we got caught outside in when we were trying to get inside her aunt and uncle’s house!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ For God sakes Sheldon! What hospital are you guys at?! I’ll go get our friends and we’ll come up there!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Savannah Regional and hurry!”, Sheldon screamed before he hung up on his best friend. Leonard wasted no time running off to tell his friends what was going on. They all quickly got out on the next flight to Savannah, Georgia. When Leo’s best friend Morgan as well as her other friends got word of Leo’s injury they immediately rushed up to the hospital to see her.
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“ Ay caramba! Qué diablos pasó aquí?!”, Kemdan shrieked when he saw his friend.
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“ I twisted my ankle and got knocked down on my back by tornado force winds Kem.”, Leo said as she turned her head toward him. Her head and neck were the only body parts that she could move at that moment.
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“ Oh my god Leo! Are you ok?!”, Dakota shrieked when she showed up.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAHdHx5OlJHN
“ Yeah I’m fine Dakota just a little banged up.”, Leo said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtI181Oro1c
“ From what Leonard said the storm paralyzed you! Is that true?!”, Dakota asked in a panic.
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“ Yeah but don’t worry, it’s only temporary. The doctor said I’ll probably regain full use of my extremeties in a few weeks.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh thank god! You had me worried that it was going to be permanent!”, Dakota exclaimed as she let out a sigh of relief.
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“ You do-rod!”, Leo laughed.
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“ You’re the do-rod, not me Leo!”, Dakota laughed as she playfully backhanded Leo in the face.
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“ Hey no fair! I can’t move anything!”, Leo laughed. The visitation continued and a few weeks later Leo came home from the hospital able to move again.
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Dear Meemaw,
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I have some very exciting and remarkable news to share with you, by that, I mean two things. One, I’m making some tremendous strides in my work as in I’m almost close to a break through and two, Amy and I have split up several months ago and decided to remain friends. But on a side note, I have fallen in love again. I have met the most wonderful woman and she is everything to me next to my work. Her name is Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce and she is a theoretical physicist as well. I would very much love for you to meet her sometime because I really think you would like her.
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Sheldon( Moonpie)
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Sheldon stuck the letter into an envelope and sealed it before carrying it down to the mail box. Weeks later, he received a letter back from his Meemaw. He took it up to his room and sat down on his bed to read it.
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Dear Moonpie,
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Words can’t even begin to express how proud I am of you for making these incredible strides in your work as well as your life. Your Pop Pop would feel the same way if he was still here but Lord only knows where he is now. I heard about you and Amy splitting up from your mother and also already heard about this new girl you’re with. That’s wonderful that this woman shares your love of physics and that she makes you very happy. I would very much love to meet her. From what I heard she sounds like a very nice young lady. Bring her with you the next time you come down here to Texas to visit.
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P. S.- Your girlfriend’s name sounds very pretty :)
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A smile spread across Sheldon’s face after he read his Meemaw’s letter to him. It really touched his heart to see the last sentence his Meemaw wrote.
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Knock knock knock! “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Leo!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Leo!”
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“ Oh hi Sheldon! What is it?!”, Leo asked as she answered the door with a smile.
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“ Are you doing anything tomorrow?”, Sheldon asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAAV7JBGZky4
“ No, not that I know of. Why?”, Leo asked.
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“ Start packing. We’re going to Texas tomorrow to visit my family.”, Sheldon said. Leo just stood there with a smile spreading across her face.
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Aww! Sheldon wants to introduce Leo to the rest of his family! What do you think will be the result of that? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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