Chapter 47
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A few days later Cayela recovered from her astro flu and was allowed to go home. Shortly after getting home they were walking in the parking lot up to the door of the apartment building lobby when all of a sudden Ramona jumped up from behind another car screaming like a psycho woman wielding a butcher knife. Leo screamed in terror as well as the other women and even Cayela while the guys were shouting trying to stop Ramona from attacking Leo.
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“ Wait a minute wait a minute! Ramona?!”, Molly shrieked as she stared at her.
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“ Molly!”, Ramona screeched.
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“ Come here! I’m gonna kill you, you murderer!”, Molly screamed as she lashed out at Ramona in a fit of rage causing the others to just stare at the two of them before they started to try to pull the two women apart.
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“ Good Lord! What is going on here?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Yeah seriously! Do you two know each other?!”, Leo shrieked.
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“ Yes Leo because she was my twin brother Darren’s high school girlfriend!”, Molly screamed as she angrily threw her finger at Ramona.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Dakota, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Howard, Raj, Stuart, Morgan, Carmen, Kemdan, Shelina, Yesenia, Megynn, Melissa, Danny and Axel exclaimed in complete shock. Cayela was shocked too.
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“ Your brother dated her?!”, Shelina shrieked.
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“ Yes! He dated her for about 6 months until he suddenly disappeared one day and never came home! You want to know what happened to him?! He was found dead in a canyon a week after he went missing and I know Ramona had something to do with it because she was with him before he was reported missing! She killed him!”, Molly screamed.
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“ That’s because he deserved it!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ NO HE DIDN’T!”, Molly screamed.
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“ YES HE DID! You have no idea what it is he did to me!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ Oh yeah sure! Please explain what it is you think he did to you!”, Molly screamed.
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“ He told everyone at school that I was sleeping with him which was a big fat LIE! And EVERYBODY believed him because they all started calling me a whore and a slut!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ I don’t care what the hell he did to you! He was my twin brother and I loved him! You deserved whatever he allegedly said! I never liked you anyway!”, Molly screamed.
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“ Excuse me?! But that’s rude! Don’t insult me like that Molly Burkowitz!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ I’ll insult you all I want Ramona Nowitzki! You’re gonna pay for what you did to my twin brother Darren! So you better brace yourself for eternal torture because you’re going to meet the Devil today!”, Molly screamed.
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“ Firstly it’s Dr. Ramona Nowitzki and secondly I don’t think so! You and Leo are gonna meet him after I kill you two!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ What the bitchin’ hell does Leo have to do with this?! This is between me and you! Why are you going after her too?!”, Molly screamed.
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“ Because she stole my man and had a daughter with him!”, Ramona screamed.
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“ SHELDON IS NOT YOURS! He never was and he never will be! Let go of your stupid romantic fantasy! It will never happen! Leave me, my friends, my daughter and my husband alone!”, Leo shouted in anger.
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“ Shut up or I’m gonna...!”, Ramona screamed as she tried to lash out at Leo and Molly but as the others were screaming and shouting while trying hold her back Cayela suddenly got in the middle of it and shouted, “ Don’t you dare touch my Mom and my Auntie Molly you psycho!” before she landed a hard kick into Ramona’s groin area.
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“ Ow! Why you little...!”, Ramona screamed as she then tried to go after Cayela but Leo grabbed Cayela out of Ramona’s reach and Molly intercepted the attack turning the knife on Ramona stabbing her in the chest. Silence fell among everybody as Ramona fell to the ground lying dead in a pool of blood. Molly then dropped the knife after she realized what she had done. Several police officers showed up asking questions about what had happened which they all answered as Molly started to cry. As much as she hated Ramona she began to immediately regret killing her.
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“ I killed her! I’m gonna be in so much trouble and you’re gonna leave me because of it!”, Molly cried as she ranted on about the situation to Danny who was standing next to her.
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“ Molly, calm down! You’re not going to get in trouble and I’m not going anywhere, and I was thinking... forever.”, Danny firmly said as he gently held his girlfriend’s wrists in his hands staring into her tear glistening eyes.
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“ What?!”, the others exclaimed in complete shock including Molly.
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“ What do you mean by forever Danny?!”, Molly cried as she stared at him.
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“ I mean you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I love you so much and there’s no other woman I’d rather spend the rest of my life with than you. Which is why I want to ask you something.”, Danny said as he suddenly got down on one knee and pulled out a ring which made Molly gasp in shock as well as the others.
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“ Oh my god...”, Molly cried.
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“ Molly Burkowitz, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”, Danny asked with a smile on his face.
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“ Oh wow, are you serious?! I don’t know what to say!”, Molly cried.
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“ Just say yes d*mmit!”, Carmen exclaimed.
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“ Yeah what the hell are you waiting for?!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Will you?”, Danny asked still smiling at her holding the ring box.
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“ Yes!”, Molly happily cried as the others went nuts after Danny slipped the ring on her finger and they shared a kiss embracing each other.
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“ I can’t believe this! I’M GETTING MARRIED!”, Molly exclaimed as she looked at her beautiful engagement ring on her finger.
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“ Congratulations to the two of you.”, one officer said as the coroners were carting Ramona’s body away.
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“ Thank you!”, Molly and Danny said with smiles on their faces.
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“ Congratulations!”, Mr. and Mrs. Burkowitz exclaimed with smiles on their faces when they suddenly showed up to see their daughter.
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“ Mom, Dad!”, Molly exclaimed as she hugged her parents. Then Leo suggested that they all go inside to talk so they all went into the building and walked up the stairs to the apartment. 1 month later, after Molly and Danny said their I do’s everyone gathered at a venue for the wedding reception. Music filled the air while everyone was having a good time, talking, laughing, eating and dancing. Then at some point during the party the dj said into a microphone, “ Alright what’s up everybody?!” which immediately received a chorus of cheering and whistling.
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“ Are you all having a good time?!”, the dj asked which received the same result.
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“ Alright, good! At this time I’d like to say that it is now time for the bride and groom dance. Now our groom Mr. Metcalf here requested a very special song for his brand new wife that I think most of you are very familiar with if you have listened to the Shrek motion picture soundtrack before. It’s an upbeat song and I think it’s reggae but I’m not real sure. I’ll just let you guys decide what it is. Anyway, here’s Best Years Of Our Lives by the Baha Men.”, the dj said as he started to play the track. Everyone started going nuts while Molly just let out a laugh of enthusiasm as Danny took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. He then took off his tuxedo jacket and threw it aside showing off some hilarious dance moves causing everyone in the room to laugh hysterically as he then pulled Molly towards him sharing their first dance together as husband and wife. Then after photos and the cake cutting Molly threw her flower bouquet into the air and in the midst of the frenzy Yesenia caught the bouquet out of the air.
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“ Al-ass-eo! Naneun da-eum-ida! ( I got it! I’m next!)”, Yesenia shrieked with excitement as she danced around throwing her arms around her friends. The women screamed with excitement as the wedding party continued until Danny and Molly left for their honeymoon by the end of the day. Shortly after their plane landed on the US Virgin Islands and they were driven to the hotel they were going to be staying at by a cab driver, they checked in and carried their luggage up to their room. Danny then used their room key to open the door, took the luggage inside the room leaving Molly standing in the hallway, turned the radio on filling the room with the song Build Me Up Buttercup by the Foundations and put the doorstop out before he came back out into the hallway with a smile on his face and said, “Finally, we’re here! Now come here Mrs. Molly Metcalf! Our lives together as husband and wife start now!” before he swept Molly up into his arms.
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“ Oh Mr. Danny Metcalf you are so romantic! Kiss me you Five-O wonder!”, Molly shrieked with glee as Danny kicked the door open and carried her into the room on a bridal threshold before he set her down on her feet, pulled the doorstop back in and kicked the door shut with his foot. He then turned the lights on, gazed into his new wife’s eyes and said, “ Your wish is my command! Come here honey!” Danny grabbed Molly’s hand, spun her towards him and kissed her as they started waltzing around the room to the song that was still playing on the radio. But just as they were enjoying themselves they were suddenly interrupted by a familiar series of knocks and a familiar voice coming from the other side of the double doors leading to their hotel balcony.
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Knock knock knock! “ Danny and Molly!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Danny and Molly!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Danny and Molly!”
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“ Are you fudging kidding me right now?!”, Danny hissed as he stopped what he was doing and stormed over to the balcony doors with Molly following him. He opened the doors to see Sheldon standing there looking like he was about to pass out.
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“ Hello.”, Sheldon said as he stared at his newly wed friends.
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“ Hi...”, Molly said in confusion.
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“ Sheldon Cooper what the hell are you doing at mine and Molly’s hotel room?!”, Danny hissed as he narrowed his eyes at him.
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“ I came here because I believe I have something of yours and that you have something of mine that I would very much like to have back.”, Sheldon breathlessly said.
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“ What are you talking about? What could you possibly have that’s mine and what could I have of yours?”, Danny asked in confusion.
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“ Your phone and my phone.”, Sheldon said as he took out Danny’s phone from his pocket.
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“ That’s ridiculous! There’s no way I could possibly...”, Danny said but was interrupted by the sudden Casey Jones ringtone going off when Sheldon called his phone behind him and Molly inside his luggage bag.
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“ Oh butter nuggets.”, Danny said as he rolled his eyes and walked over to his suitcase. He took the phone out after Sheldon disconnected the call, walked back over to where he was standing and said, “ I have no idea how this happened. Here man, sorry about the mix up.” as he handed Sheldon his phone back.
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“ That’s alright Danny. Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he took his phone back and gave Danny his phone. As Danny put his phone away they were suddenly interrupted again this time by a familiar woman’s voice screaming up to the balcony at Sheldon.
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“ Sheldon Cooper would you get your brilliant mind back down here and let’s go! Leave Molly and Danny alone! They’re newlyweds and they’re on their honeymoon! Nobody bothered us when we had ours so why are you doing it to them?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Is that Leo down there screaming at you?”, Molly asked.
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“ Yes it is Molly, excuse me for a moment.”, Sheldon said before he turned around to face the railing of the balcony. Then he shouted, “That’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper to you Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper! I’m coming back down there in a second!”
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“ You dragged Leo here just to get your phone back from my husband?”, Molly asked.
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“ Yes I did.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Who’s watching Cayela?! You guys didn’t leave her alone at home did you?!”, Danny exclaimed.
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“ Oh good heavens no, of course not! Leonard and Dakota are watching her.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh thank god.”, Danny said with a sigh of relief.
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“ Sheldon!”, Leo shouted up at her husband.
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“ Alright woman I’m coming! Good Lord!”, Sheldon shouted back. Then he said, “ I believe that I need to leave. Goodbye.” but before he could climb back over the railing Danny interjected, “ Woah woah woah woah, wait a minute! Did you seriously scale the balconies to get up here?!”
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“ Indeed I did Danny.”, Sheldon said as he nodded his head.
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“ Why didn’t you just walk into the hotel and come up the stairs like any normal person would?!”, Danny hissed.
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“ Because I didn’t want to be stuck in an unnecessary conversation with the hotel concierge.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Dude you’re not Spider-Man! You can’t just scale balconies on any building like that without people knowing! People will think you’re trying to rob them which is illegal or you can get seriously hurt either by falling to the ground or somebody could shoot you with a gun and trust me you don’t want that to happen because it hurts! BAD!”, Danny hissed.
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“ Yes well we shall this later. Goodbye.”, Sheldon said as he tried to climb over the balcony railing again but Danny hissed, “ No Sheldon don’t scale the balconies again! Do you seriously want to freak your wife out?!”
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“ No I do not. I love my wife very much. She’s the mother of my child after all.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Exactly, just use the stairs! There’s a private stairwell that you can take where you don’t have to talk to anyone! You can just walk right outside to meet up with Leo and go home!”, Danny hissed.
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“ Well why didn’t you just say that?! I’ll take it! Goodbye.”, Sheldon said as he walked right through Danny and Molly’s hotel room and walked out the door into the hallway.
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“ I seriously can’t believe that guy is our friend.”, Molly said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Me neither. Now where were we?”, Danny asked as he continued to dance with Molly around the room.
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“ What the hell took you so long Sheldon? You said you were just getting your phone back.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes at her husband.
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“ I know I said that Leo but unfortunately I got roped into an unnecessary conversation.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well whatever the case is it doesn’t matter. Let’s just fly back home before it gets too late.”, Leo said.
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“ Very well then.”, Sheldon said as they left the island and flew back to California. By the time they got back Leonard and Dakota were surprisingly still awake watching tv in the living room and Cayela was sleeping soundly across Dakota’s lap wearing just one of her t-shirts and her diaper.
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“ You guys are still up?!”, Leo asked in complete shock.
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“ Yeah, Dakota wanted to watch a movie and it ran a little bit later than we thought. We’re thinking of going to bed now.”, Leonard said as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes before putting his glasses back on his face.
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“ Yeah cause our friends’ wedding really kicked our a**es today. Where were you guys?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Sheldon decided to drag me all the way to the Virgin Islands just to get his cell phone back from Danny. Apparently somehow their phones got swapped at the reception and they didn’t realize it.”, Leo said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Well that’s over now. How long was Cayela awake?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ She fell asleep in my lap right in the middle of the movie. The movie was too long for her to stay awake for the whole thing.”, Dakota said.
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“ Has she been changed before she fell asleep?”, Leo asked.
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“ We did that before we started the movie but she might need to be changed again before we put her to bed.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok well I’m going to check her first just to be sure.”, Leo said as she walked over to the couch and carefully flipped Cayela over on her back without waking her up.
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“ Ok yeah her diaper’s wet. Come here sweetheart.”, Leo said as she carefully picked up her sleeping autistic teenage daughter and carried her to her room with the other adults following. After Cayela was put to bed with a fresh diaper, Leo, Sheldon, Dakota and Leonard went to bed too. Then a few days later when Cayela was in drama class with her friends at school they were doing a commercial skit for a made up product when all of a sudden Cayela began to feel like she had been hit by a wall of heat out of nowhere. She started to sweat pretty bad to the point where it became difficult for her to continue the skit.
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“ You guys, I got to sit down. I suddenly don’t feel real well.”, Cayela said as she rubbed her head.
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“ Well, do you feel sick? Like you want to throw up?”, Florence asked.
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“ I feel very hot and nauseous but not enough to make me throw up.”, Cayela said.
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“ Do you want us to get the teacher?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yes. Get the teacher.”, Cayela said.
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“ Ok.”, Charlotte said as she walked over to the teacher’s desk with Summer and Robbie.
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“ Oh hi girls. Do you need something?”, Mrs. Dawson asked as she looked up from her desk.
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“ Um yeah, Cayela said that she’s suddenly not feeling real well.”, Summer said.
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“ Like what do you mean?”, Mrs. Dawson asked.
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“ Well she’s sweating like really bad and she said that she’s feeling a little nauseous but not enough to make her throw up.”, Robbie said.
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“ And she looks a little lethargic too.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Ok well let me go see.”, Mrs. Dawson said as she walked over to the classroom stage and asked, “ Cayela are you ok? Your friends are telling me you’re not feeling well.”
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“ That’s because I’m not. I feel like crap.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well you do look like you’re sweating a lot and your head does feel pretty warm. Did this all start just now?”, Mrs. Dawson said in concern as she placed the back of her hand to Cayela’s forehead.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela said as she looked like she was about to cry.
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“ Ok let me go see if I can get another teacher to take over the class for a few minutes so I can take you to the nurse’s office. I’ll be right back.”, Mrs. Dawson said as she left the classroom to search for another teacher. She ended up finding a home room teacher who was organizing things in his desk.
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“ Excuse me, James?”, Mrs. Dawson asked as she knocked on the open doorway.
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“ Oh hi Abrielle. What can I do for you?”, Mr. James Dorrman asked as he looked up from his desk smiling at her.
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“ I’m so sorry to bother you but could you please take over my class for a few minutes?One of my students is not feeling very well so I need to take her to the nurse’s office to see what’s going on with her.”, Mrs. Dawson said.
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“ Oh of course. Absolutely.”, Mr. Dorrman said as he followed her out the door into the hallway.
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“ Thank you. I very much appreciate that.”, Mrs. Dawson said.
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“ You’re very welcome.”, Mr. Dorrman said.
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“ Ok listen up class, Mr. Dorrman is going to take over for a few minutes because I need to take Cayela to the nurse’s office.”, Mrs. Dawson said when the two teachers entered the classroom. The students acknowledged that and Mrs. Dawson said, “ Ok Cayela, grab your things and let’s go.”
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she grabbed her backpack after she put her binder into it before she left the room with the teacher.
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Knock knock!
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“ Oh hi Abrielle, what brings you down to my office today?”, the school nurse asked when she opened the door to her office.
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“ Cayela Fordyce-Cooper I’m afraid, she’s not feeling very well. She’s sweating really bad, she’s feeling a little nauseous and she also looks a little lethargic too.”, Mrs. Dawson said as she stood next to Cayela who clearly had soaking wet clothes from the sweat she was producing.
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“ Oh, well that’s unusual. Did this just happen today?”, the nurse asked.
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“ Yes. She was in the middle of doing a commercial skit with her friends and this all just hit her out of nowhere.”, Mrs. Dawson said.
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“ Alright, well bring her inside and I’ll take a look at her.”, the nurse said as she opened the door wider and stepped aside.
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“ I think you’re just over exhausted. Were you doing a lot today?”, the nurse asked after she examined Cayela.
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“ No but I was up pretty late last night. I was doing some homework and the time just got away from me I guess.”, Cayela said as she rubbed her eyes.
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“ Oh ok I see. You just didn’t get enough sleep last night and sometimes with a lack of sleep it can make you feel sick because your body is trying to restore lost energy.”, the nurse said.
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“ So are you saying I should go home?”, Cayela asked.
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“ If I were you I would go home for the rest of the day and get some more rest. Because if you don’t you’re just going to keep feeling worse and worse as the day goes on and that won’t do you any good. So you just sit tight for a minute while I go call your parents at work and tell them to come get you.”, the nurse said as she walked away to go to her desk.
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“ Alright and I’m going to head back to my classroom. Don’t worry about the skit today, you and your friends can finish it up tomorrow when you’re feeling better ok.”, Mrs. Dawson said with a smile.
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“ Ok. Thank you Mrs. Dawson.”, Cayela said.
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“ Of course. Just go home and get some rest, I’ll see you tomorrow.”, Mrs. Dawson said before she left the nurse’s office to head back to her classroom.
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“ Hello?”, Leo asked when she answered her office phone at Caltech.
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“ Hi Dr. Fordyce-Cooper, this is Kendra the middle school nurse.”, the nurse said.
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“ Oh hi, what’s the nature of this call?”, Leo asked.
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“ I’m calling to inform you that I have your daughter Cayela here in my office who’s not feeling very well. She’s running a pretty high fever of 103 degrees, she’s feeling a little nauseous and she looks a little lethargic. I believe that she’s over exhausted because she did tell me that she was doing some homework last night and didn’t keep track of the time. Would you and your husband be willing to come pick her up and take her home for the rest of the day?”, the nurse asked.
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“ Oh, sure of course. Let me go get my husband so we can go discuss this with our boss and we shall be there shortly.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright thank you. See you shortly.”, the nurse said before she hung up the phone. Leo then grabbed her belongings and locked up her office before she headed to Sheldon’s office.
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Knock knock!
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“ Leo what are you doing here with your belongings?”, Sheldon asked in confusion when he opened his office door to see his wife standing there.
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“ The school nurse at Pasadena Middle just called and said that Cayela’s not feeling well. She wants us to pick Cayela up and take her home for the rest of the school day.”, Leo said.
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“ Well this concerns me a bit. What does she mean by our daughter not feeling well?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ She means that Cayela is running a pretty high fever, is feeling a little nauseous and looks a little bit lethargetic. She thinks that she’s over exhausted.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh that’s preposterous! How could she be over exhausted?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Well Cayela did say that she was working on some homework late last night and wasn’t really paying attention to the time.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh good Lord. Well, I guess we shall go tell Dr. Gablehauser and President Siebert that we will be taking the rest of the day off.”, Sheldon said as he began to collect his things. The two physicists went to their bosses and after they explained the situation they were both given permission to leave for the rest of the day. But before they left the building they stopped by Leonard’s and Howard’s lab to see Leonard working on a laser and Howard doing something involving quantum mechanics.
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“ Hey Howard, could you give Leonard a lift home later?”, Leo asked.
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“ Sure Leo. Why?”, Howard asked.
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“ Because Cayela fell ill at school today so we need to go pick her up.”, Sheldon said.
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“ That’s odd, what’s wrong with her?”, Leonard asked.
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“ She’s running a high fever, feeling nauseous and lethargetic.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that sucks. Hopefully she feels better soon.”, Howard said.
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“ I think she will after she takes a nap. The school nurse seems to think that this was all brought on because Cayela didn’t get enough sleep last night due to the fact that she was doing some homework and wasn’t really paying that much attention to the time.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that makes sense.”, Leonard said.
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“ Indeed it does. Very well, we shall see you later today and inform you on how she’s feeling.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thanks I appreciate that. See you later.”, Leonard said.
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“ Bye.”, Leo said before her and Sheldon left Caltech to go pick up Cayela from school. The moment they got there and walked into the nurse’s office they immediately began to see what the nurse was talking about.
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“ Hi sweetheart, are you ok?”, Leo asked as she knelt down in front of Cayela.
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“ Not really mom. I feel really hot, a little nauseous, tired and my eyes are starting to hurt a bit too.”, Cayela said.
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“ Who brought you down here?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ My drama teacher Mrs. Dawson. She stayed with me until the nurse called you and Mom.”, Cayela said.
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“ Actually the nurse just called your mother and then your mother told me about it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Honey your clothes are soaking wet!”, Leo said in concern.
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“ That’s because I’ve been sweating a lot since this started.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yes I can see that and it looks like it’s still coming! Oh you poor baby!”, Leo said in concern.
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“ Ok I think it’s time to sign you out and take you home.”, Sheldon said. The two of them signed their daughter out and drove back to their apartment. After they changed Cayela’s clothes and her diaper, Leo gave her some water to drink before Sheldon gave her a shot of Codeen and tucked her into her bed. Leo then placed a cold wash cloth across her forehead before her and Sheldon kissed their daughter’s head and walked out of the room shutting the door behind them. Sheldon then went to work on his laptop while Leo started to do some cleaning around the apartment. Then a couple hours later after Leonard and Dakota got home Cayela started waking up from her nap.
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“ Well hello my sweet baby girl. Are you feeling better?”, Leo said with a smile as she ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair the moment Cayela sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes.
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“ Yeah I’m feeling a lot better Mom. My nausea is gone, my eyes don’t hurt anymore and I’ve stopped sweating.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ That’s good. Sleep is the best kind of medicine. Are you ready to get up?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah I’m ready. I’m not going back to school today am I?”, Cayela asked.
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“ No sweetheart your school is just about to let out for the day. Florence’s mom said she’s going to pick up her daughter and all your friends and drop them off here to hang out with you for a bit.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Oh yay! I get to hang out with my friends for a while! Is dad ok with this?!”, Cayela exclaimed as she jumped out of her bed.
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“ Yes Cayela. Your father said that was fine.”, Leo said.
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“ Yay!”, Cayela exclaimed shortly before her friends walked in. Leo then stepped out of the room to let the girls hang out with each other.
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“ I’m so happy with the amount of friends that our daughter has gained.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ As am I as well. Cayela is most certainly a blessing to us Leo.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ She sure is Sheldon. I love both you and her very much.”, Leo said as she kissed him.
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“ Same to you. I’m so happy I married you.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back. Then as he swept her up into his arms and started carrying her to their bedroom Leo shrieked with glee, “ Oh Sheldon Cooper you genius brilliant mind!” before he shut the door behind them and they started making love to each other. Dakota then just looked at Leonard and the two smirked at each other before Dakota tackled her husband to the living room floor and the two of them started engaging in coitus as well. Cayela then went back to school the next day where she finished the skit with her friends in drama class. Then a few months later shortly after Molly and Danny got back from their honeymoon around Halloween, the whole gang decided to take a trip up to Salem, Massachusetts for the first time ever to visit Gia, Simon and their 1 year old son Brady since they had first moved up there over the summer. Cayela also brought her friends with her as well as her cat Oreo.
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“ Hi everyone! Welcome to our new home!”, Gia exclaimed when she opened the door hugging her cousin Leo and the others with Simon standing behind her with a smile on his face holding their infant son in his arms.
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“ Hi Gia, hi Simon and hi Brady! This is such a nice place you got here.”, Leo said with a smile as she stood in the foyer with her husband, their friends, her daughter and her daughter’s friends.
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“ Thanks Leo. Come on in you guys, make yourselves at home.”, Simon said with a smile.
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“ Thank you Simon.”, Sheldon said as they all walked into the living room. As they all sat down in various spots with Sheldon being the last one due to him testing each spot to pick the best one, he finally did after his friends and his wife shouted, “ Just sit down Sheldon!”
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“ Ok ok there’s no need to bark at me!”, Sheldon said with a defeated sigh as he sat down next to his wife Leo.
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“ So anyway, how have you guys been?”, Leo asked Gia and Simon who were sitting on the other couch across from them with the others gathered around. Gia was now holding baby Brady in her lap as he was sucking on his little fist that he put in his mouth.
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“ We’ve been good Leo except Simon’s been working a lot lately which kind of sucks. But I guess that’s what happens when you marry a lawyer who gets promoted to district attorney.”, Gia said with a smile.
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“ Yeah that makes sense.”, Leo said as she tossed her hair back.
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“ So when did you guys decide to move up here?”, Leonard asked.
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“ We actually didn’t have much of a choice Leonard. Simon’s district attorney job got transferred up here so we were kind of forced to move considering the fact that it was too far for Simon to be traveling from Savannah up to Salem and then back again. It stinks but I think it will be a great experience for us. It will give us a chance to enjoy some new scenery. Although, I’m kind of a little sketched out about the history of this town. I read that some pretty horrible things have happened up here in the past.”, Gia said.
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“ Yeah well Gia there’s nothing to worry about. That stuff happened a really long time ago before any of us were even born.”, Simon said.
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“ What exactly happened up here?”, Raj asked.
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“ Oh just some stuff about witches, witchcraft and the townspeople were accusing each other and there was something else but I can’t remember what it was.”, Simon said.
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“ Well that’s stupid?! Are these people nuts?!”, Howard snickered which earned him a smack in the chest from his wife.
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“ Howie!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ Ow! Don’t do that to me Bernadette! I was just asking a question!”, Howard shrieked in pain as he stared at his wife.
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“ I don’t care! Quit being a putz!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ I don’t know what these people are Wolowitz. I was just over reading this stuff from my wife’s laptop before we moved up here to Salem.”, Simon said as he shook his head.
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“ Well this is just complete nonsense. There’s no scientific evidence that suggest and prove that witches and witchcraft even exist. It is theoretically impossible.”, Sheldon said in a Know-it all voice.
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“ Oh come on, how would you even know that Sheldon?!”, Leonard interjected as he rolled his eyes at his roommate/best friend.
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“ Oh please, I have a working knowledge of the entire universe Leonard, AND, I have 2 Ph.Ds in the theoretical field of science with an IQ of 187! It’s not that hard to figure out!”, Sheldon pointed out.
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“ I agree with that. There’s no definitive way to actually define what a witch or witchcraft even is. It’s actually just all part of unexplained scientific phenomena known as superstition.”, Amy said.
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“ Thank you Amy.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Amy shut up. No one was even talking to you.”, Leonard said.
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“ No one had to Leonard. I was simply just interjecting a comment based off of logical facts. There’s really no proof of existence of things like curses, spell castings, evil magic or that women back in the day actually practiced these kind of acts and flew around on broomsticks like you would usually see in tv shows and movies.”, Amy said.
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“ That doesn’t make any sense though Amy. If there’s no evidence then how do you explain those ghost hunting shows you see on the Travel channel that do segments on places that actually exist in the world and they talk about the paranormal activity and supernatural phenomenon that goes on there?”, Howard asked.
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“ Simple Howard, those shows are only made for pure entertainment purposes. They don’t actually contain real scientific data and facts that suggest otherwise. They’re really just computer generations made to look real to the visible human eye. Something that you should probably be somewhat of an expert in considering the fact that you have a masters in engineering.”, Amy said.
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“ Oh come on! Just because I have a masters in engineering doesn’t mean that I know everything about how computer generation works!”, Howard interjected.
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“ You probably know more than we do.”, Amy said.
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“ Ok you know what…?!”, Howard interjected.
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“ Would you shut up you assholes?! We came here to spend Halloween with Gia, Simon and their baby not turn this into a stupid a** nerdy science fight talking about God knows what!”, Penny hissed at her friends.
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“ Penny, language! Not in front of the kids!”, Gia hissed as she placed her hands over her infant son’s ears as he was wiggling around in her lap and making babbling sounds.
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“ I’m sorry Gia but I didn’t know what else to do! This discussion between Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Amy was driving me nuts! It was like watching an episode of Game of Thrones!”, Penny said.
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“ Penny, Game of Thrones is completely unrelated to the subject matter. In what universe does that even remotely have to do with what we’re talking about?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I don’t know Dr. Whackadoodle I was just trying something.”, Penny said.
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“ Must you keep calling me that?!”. Sheldon asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Oh why the hell does it matter Sheldon?! I told you I’ve been calling you that for years since I met you!”, Penny hissed at her theoretical physicist friend.
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“ After! After you met me Penny!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Ok can we please talk about something else now? Again, we don’t need to argue about who said what. We’re all friends here, well except for Gia, Simon and their son Brady. They’re my cousins and well, Cayela is mine and Sheldon’s daughter but she’s got her own friends and a boyfriend.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah that’s true.”, everyone said while nodding their heads in agreement.
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“ Yeah Leo’s got a point you guys. We can either sit here and continue to argue about something so stupid or we can try to salvage this evening and just have a nice Halloween visit like we came here for in the first place.”, Leonard said as he took his glasses off his face for a brief second, wiped them clean and put them back on again.
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“ Yeah let’s just stop.”, everyone agreed.
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“ You know what would probably make this visit more enjoyable? Is if we had a nice fire going in here in the fireplace but I think we’re almost out of firewood.”, Gia said as she was starting to get a little cold.
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“ Well I guess somebody’s going to have to go chop up some more wood then.”, Simon said.
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“ I’ll do it. Where’s the wood at?”, Leonard said.
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“ It’s outside by the pole barn Leonard. I’ll go get the ax.”, Simon said as he got up from the couch and walked out the back door of the house. Penny just sat there rolling her eyes in complete disbelief about what was going on. Simon came back into the house moments later carrying the ax.
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“ Here Leonard, go nuts.”, Simon said as he handed Leonard the ax.
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“ Thanks Simon.”, Leonard said as he stood up with the ax in his grasp.
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“ You’re seriously going to trust him with an ax?!”, Penny asked as she shook her head.
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“ Penny don’t start with that.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Yeah Penny. Is there a problem with that?”, Simon asked in confusion.
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“ Yeah why are you so concerned about my husband using an ax?”, Dakota asked as she stared at her friend.
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“ Because Dakota the last time he used one was when he tried to chop down a Christmas tree and he ended up letting go of the whole goddamn thing!”, Penny interjected.
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“ Oh come on! For the umpteenth time already I told you my mittens were slippery!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ I BLISTER VERY EASILY!”, Leonard shouted but the moment he did Gia suddenly snapped, “ That’s enough! Dr. Leonard Hofstadter just go get the wood!”
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“ Alright I’ll go!”, Leonard shouted as he took the ax and stormed out the back door of the house slamming it shut behind him.
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“ Oh god not again. I’m so sorry you guys.”, Gia said with a horrified sigh. The others just stared at her in complete shock but Simon already knew what it was about.
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“ Gia, what up with the sudden moodswing like that? This is exactly how you acted when you were pregnant with Brady.”, Leo said but then she paused for a moment and said, “ Unless…” before it suddenly dawned on her when she saw her cousin start smiling.
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“ No way… you’re having another baby?!”, Leo exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ Yes.”, Gia said with a smile as the others congratulated her.
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“ Oh my God! This is so exciting!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ When did you find out that you were pregnant?!”, Dakota asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAPUOdPyuCpD
“ I found out shortly after we moved up here. I started feeling very fatigued and nauseated and I also discovered that I missed a menstrual cycle period so Simon suggested that I take a couple pregnancy tests and they came back positive. We just had a few ultrasound appointments so far and at our most recent one the OB/YN told us the gender of our baby.”, Gia said.
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“ Boy or girl?”, Howard asked.
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“ This time it’s actually a girl.”, Gia said as her friends and her cousin went nuts.
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“ Aww that’s so sweet! Brady’s going to have a little sister to play with!”, Morgan exclaimed.
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“ I know Morgan and I’m very happy about it!”, Gia exclaimed.
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“ Do you have a name for her yet?”, Cayela asked as she sat in between Florence, Charlotte and the other girls.
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“ Yes. Ariel Marie Waverly.”, Gia said with a smile as the others went nuts again.
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“ Oh that’s so beautiful. How did you come up with that?”, Leo asked with a smile on her face.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAa8mEcyDazJ
“ Well we decided on that name on a recent boat tour we took on a harbor that was about 20 miles away from here, would you say that’s accurate Gia?”, Simon asked.
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“ Yeah that’s about right Simon.”, Gia said.
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“ Yeah, so at some point during the tour after we recently found out we were having a daughter and we were watching these huge waves crash against these giant rocks in the water Gia looks at me and says, “ That is so pretty to me. You can almost picture a little mermaid sitting on those rocks just like in Disney’s Little Mermaid.” and so I said, “ Yeah I can see that happening Gia.” so then she said, “ I think… I know what I want to name our daughter.” so then I said, “ What did you have in mind?” she said, “ I was thinking Ariel.”, Simon said.
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“ And we picked the middle name Marie because we thought it sounded really pretty with the name Ariel so when you put it all together it becomes Ariel Marie Waverly because our last name is Waverly.”, Gia said.
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“ Yeah that makes sense.”, everybody agreed with each other but before anybody could say anything else a loud bang suddenly went off outside the house.
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“ Aw son of a bitch! I did it again! What the hell is wrong with me?!”
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“ Shouldn’t have trusted him with that ax.”, Penny said as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Penny your comments aren’t helping at the moment.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Shut it Sheldon!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Somebody go outside and check on Leonard to see if he’s ok.”, Simon said.
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“ I’ll do it. Come on Raj, let’s go see what C-3PO did to the Death Star outside.”, Howard said as he stood up making a Star Wars reference.
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“ Dude why do I have to go with you?”, Raj asked as he stood up too.
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“ Because we’re his friends, duh!”, Howard said as he headed to the back door.
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“ Well makes sense. What do you think Leonard did?”, Raj asked.
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“ I don’t know. With any luck he probably killed Chewbacca.”, Howard sarcastically said as he opened the door and the two stepped through the open doorway just as Oreo started trotting toward it meowing at the two mens’ heels.
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“ Howard watch out! Oreo’s right behind you!”, Leo called out.
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“ I see her Leo! Oreo get back, you’re not coming out!”, Howard interjected as he gently pushed the little black kitty back into the house before shutting the door.
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“ Hey speaking of outside do you guys want to go play some gagaball out there?”, Nim asked her friends.
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“ What’s gagaball Nim?”, Robbie asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAul7cJBn7aP
“ Oh it’s just a really fun game that my sister Alyssa and I used to play a lot when were younger with a group of her friends. You stand in this hexagonal shaped pit and you try to kick a ball at another person’s feet without getting your feet touched by it too if someone kicks it at you. It’s basically a game of elimination and whoever is the last person still standing in the pit wins the game.”, Nim said.
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“ So whoever gets hit is out for the rest of the game until there’s a winner?”, Charlotte asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAlaa2PUXxS8
“ Yeah pretty much Charlotte. Does that sound like fun you guys?”, Nim asked.
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“ Yes.”, Cayela, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista said simultaneously.
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“ Let’s go play!”, Cayela exclaimed as she ran to the front door with her friends following her.
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“ Be careful that you don’t hit each other in the face!”, Leo called out.
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“ We know what to do Mom!”, Cayela interjected before she shut the door behind her and her friends.
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“ Well I’m gonna get some wine. Anybody else want some?”, Penny asked as she got up.
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“ Me!”, Amy exclaimed as she got up too.
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“ Me!”, Bernadette exclaimed as she did the same thing.
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“ Me!”, Dakota exclaimed as she did the same thing as well.
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“ Me too!”, Carmen exclaimed as she started to get up from her seat.
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“ No you will not Carmen! You’re already alcohol crazy enough as it is! You’ve reached your limit a long time ago!”, Danny interjected at his friend making her sit back down.
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“ You’re no fun Danny!”, Carmen said with a defeated sigh.
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“ Leo you coming with?”, Penny asked as Amy, Bernadette and Dakota already made their way into the kitchen.
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“ Nah Penny you go ahead, I’m good.”, Leo said as she shook her head.
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“ Ok suit yourself.”, Penny said before she disappeared into the kitchen.
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“ I’m going to go help Leonard, Howard and Raj bring the wood in for the fire Gia.”, Simon said as he kissed his wife and headed to the back door.
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“ Ok Simon and I’m just going to go upstairs to change Brady’s diaper. He just peed in it.”, Gia said.
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“ Ok well have fun with that.”, Simon said before he walked out the door.
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“ Come on Brady let’s go upstairs.”, Gia cooed as she stood up from the couch holding her son in her arms and carried him out of the living room as he started to squirm and cry in his mother’s arms.
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“ And the rest of us are just going to sit here and talk.”, Morgan said.
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“ I like that idea.”, Melissa said.
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“ Us too.”, Megynn, Shelina, Carmen, Yesenia and Stuart said.
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“ Si, talking makes everything better.”, Kemdan said with a stupid smirk on his face.
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“ No it doesn’t Castle!”, Molly interjected as she smacked her Latino friend upside the head.
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“ Ay dios mio! That hurt Molly!”, Kemdan shrieked as he rubbed the back of his head.
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“ Well you asked for it Kemdan.”, Danny chuckled.
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“ Not cool Danny!”, Kemdan spat back.
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“ Well seeing as it may that everyone is distracted by other ridiculous pending nuptials, I think I’d like to go take a walk in the woods.”, Sheldon said to his wife as he stood up.
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“ Really? At night?”, Leo asked in complete shock and confusion as she stared at her husband.
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“ Yeah why not? Care to join me Leo?”, Sheldon asked with a smile.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as she stood up with a smile on her face. As they started heading out of the living room together she said, “ We’ll be right back you guys.”
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“ Where are you guys going bestie?”, Morgan asked as the rest of them looked their way.
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“ Sheldon wants to go take a walk in the woods with me.”, Leo said.
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“ Really? At night?”, Stuart asked in confusion.
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“ I know, right? Later.”, Leo said as she walked out the side door of the house with Sheldon. They were holding hands with each other even though Sheldon didn’t really like the thought of hand holding that much. Cheerful smiles spread across their faces as they listened to the distant voices of their middle school aged autistic daughter and her friends hooting, hollering and laughing with each other while they were playing gagaball with each other. As the sun was going down, the frigid October evening air began to swirl about high over the woodland trees making leaves start to fall everywhere around Leo and Sheldon as they were walking through the trees on an uneven dirt trail.
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“ It’s so pretty out here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful view than this, especially around this time of year.”, Leo said as her long golden blonde hair swished against the back side of her dark green colored parka jacket she was wearing over the same outfit she wore the day she first met Sheldon and Leonard in their apartment complex lobby. Sheldon was just wearing his dark blue windbreaker jacket over a black Flash shirt, tan colored khaki pants and the same brown colored shoes that he always wears on his feet. His wristwatch was on his wrist as usual too.
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“ I most certainly agree Leo, although, you did say that the view at Grand Cayman was very beautiful too when we were there for our honeymoon after we got married.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah that’s true, our honeymoon was very nice and it lead to us receiving our most precious gift from above that we could’ve ever asked for. A perfect start to our wonderful happy marriage together.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ And don’t you ever forget that kitten. Because the truth is my marriage to you is the best thing that could’ve ever happened in my life. That and the birth of our beautiful daughter.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed his wife.
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“ I won’t.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him back. Then she said, “ You know, I’m surprised you wanted to take a walk at this time of evening Sheldon. You don’t usually like to go out at night because you’re always afraid that someone’s going to attack you or kill you.”
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“ That’s correct, I don’t because of those reasons, but, I thought since we’re visiting a new environment why not enjoy it with the woman I love.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh Sheldon Cooper you can be so romantic sometimes! Especially on one of the scariest days of the year!”, Leo said as she continued smiling at her husband.
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“ Leo Fordyce-Cooper you are such a vixen! I love you!”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again.
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“ I love you too!”, Leo said as she kissed him back again. They continued walking until they suddenly discovered what appeared to be an abandoned vintage looking cottage that looked like it had been built in the 1600s in the middle of the woods. There was a small creek in front of it with a ricketty old bridge going across it leading to the cottage. There was also a ricketty old sign staked into the ground outside of that said: Welcome The Sandersons.
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“ Ok this doesn’t make any sense. Why does there appear to be a 16 century vintage looking cottage in the middle of the woods?”, Leo asked in confusion as her and Sheldon stood on the other side of the creek staring at the cottage with a black crow squawking it’s head off in the distance.
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“ I’m not sure, but, we can find out together.”, Sheldon said as he stared at his wife before he looked back at the cottage again.
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“ I love the way you think.”, Leo smirked as she kissed her husband again before the two theoretical physicists crossed the bridge and up the steps of the porch. The door made an eerie creaking sound as the married couple pushed the door open to see a bunch of vintage and unusual looking objects and furniture covered in dust. There were several books lined up on a book case as well as several other shelves on the walls with weird looking bottles sitting on them containing very unusual looking substances within them. There was also a huge black cauldron pot sitting in the fireplace that looked like it had been used very long ago and hadn’t been touched again since the cottage had become abandoned.
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“ Great Caesar’s Ghost look at this place!”, Sheldon interjected as him and Leo looked around their big 16 century discovery.
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“ Ok, this is… interesting. What do you think lived in this cottage? Witches?”, Leo asked.
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“ Oh that’s just a bunch of hooha Leo. We had this discussion before at Gia and Simon’s house. There’s no scientific evidence or proof that suggests that witches and witchcraft even exist. You and I should both know that considering the fact that we both work in the theoretical physics field of science and we have a combined genius IQ of 372 stemming from my 187 IQ and your 185 IQ.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok what the hell does theoretical physics and witchcraft have to do with each other Sheldon?”, Leo asked as she shook her head.
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“ They don’t have anything to do with each other. I’m just saying witches don’t exist, period. This stuff was probably left here by some troublemaking high school teenage punks who are just trying to get a high out of some stupid Halloween prank.”, Sheldon said as he shut the door behind them.
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“ That doesn’t make any sense. How do you explain this old cottage then that looks like it came from the 1600s?”, Leo asked as it suddenly started to get very dark in the cottage.
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“ I don’t know woman! There’s a lot of explanations for certain things that we’re unsure about and have yet to be explained!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Ok you know what, I’d thump you on the head right now but I can’t even see you! It’s getting so dark in here! There’s got to be a candle around here somewhere!”, Leo interjected as she began to search around the darkened cottage for a candle and some matches. Sheldon took out his cell phone and turned the flash light on shining it around the cottage until it rested on a little side table that had a candle and some matches sitting on it.
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“ There’s a candle.”, Sheldon said as he walked over to the side table with his cell phone flash light still shining on it.
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“ Where Sheldon?! I can’t see anything!”, Leo interjected as she was still searching in the dark.
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“ Right here Leo, on this side table next to this box of matches!”, Sheldon interjected as he turned his wife around and pointed at the side table.
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“ Ugh, I am so dumb! Thank God, let’s get some light in here!”, Leo said as she shook her head, picked up one of the matches, lit it and lit up the candle before putting the match out. The moment she did however was when she noticed that something was very unusual about the candle she just lit. Instead of it being a normal orangey glow the flame was pure midnight black which made the candle almost look as if she never lit it at all.
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“ Ok this is really strange. Why is this flame completely black?! It looks like I didn’t even light it at all!”, Leo asked in confusion as she stared at her husband.
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“ Why are you asking me this woman?! I don’t know! If anything it’s probably got something to do with the fact that this is a very old cottage and that this candle’s probably not very good anymore!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Ok well what the hell does an old cottage and a very weird looking candle have to do with each other Sheldon?!”, Leo shouted.
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“ I told you I don’t know Leo! Quit screaming at me!”, Sheldon shouted but the moment he did was when a sudden flash of lightning followed by a loud crack of thunder echoed in the air and a strong gust of wind started up making the two physicists hold onto each other as things began to fly around them as if a tornado was coming through it.
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“ What in the name of Sir Issac Newton’s Law did you do woman?!”, Sheldon shouted at his wife over the howling wind, lightning and thunder claps.
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“ I didn’t do anything! All I did was light a candle!”, Leo shouted at her husband.
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“ You started a tornado is what you did Leo!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ No I didn’t! You’re more of a theory genius than I am Sheldon! How the hell does lighting a candle associate with a sudden tornado?! That theoretically doesn’t make any sense!”, Leo shouted but before Sheldon could even say anything, 3 sudden loud shrieking cackles pierced the air which forced terrified expressions upon both of their faces.
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“ What was that?!”, Leo frighteningly shouted.
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“ It was the sound of ridiculous laughter! What in the name of Einstein do you think it was Dr. Leo Alejandra Fordyce-Cooper?!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ I don’t know Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper! I’ve never been in a crazy situation like this before!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Well neither have I!”, Sheldon shouted until a series of approaching footsteps stopped them dead in their tracks making them gasp in fear.
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“ Oh god shut up, somebody’s coming! We got to get out of here now!”, Leo shouted as she suddenly let go of her husband and picked up an old chair.
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“ Wait what are you…?! Leo!”, Sheldon shouted as he watched his wife smash a window out with the chair before she jumped through the gaping hole screaming in terror as she disappeared into the night.
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“ Oh yeah sure leave me here by myself! Thanks a lot honey!”, Sheldon sarcastically shouted out the broken glass window even though he still didn’t understand it. He gasped in fear again as he spun on his heels to face the door that had now suddenly swung open to reveal 3 women dressed in very unusual clothing. Two of them had somewhat normal looking broomsticks in their hands while the other had a vacuum cleaner style one in her hand.
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“ Sisters, we’re home!”, the lady with the red hair in a crazy looking hairdo interjected. She had a creepy smile on her face just like her sisters.
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“ Oh no!”, Sheldon frighteningly said as his eyes went wide.
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“ It’s exactly how we left it!”, the lady with the black hair exclaimed.
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“ Home sweet home!”, the lady with the blonde hair exclaimed.
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“ Yes it is! And what is this?! It appears we have what looks to be a nerd boy in our home!”, the lady with the red hair exclaimed when she suddenly noticed Sheldon standing there by the broken window that was caused by his wife Leo.
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“ Nerd boy! Nerd boy! Nerd boy! Nerd boy!”, the lady with the blonde hair exclaimed as she suddenly started jumping around like an idiot flapping her arms chanting Nerd boy over and over again.
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“ Oh stop it Sarah! Control yourself!”, the lady with the red hair shouted as she slapped her sister forcing the blonde woman to immediately stop what she was doing and compose herself.
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“ Well that was just completely obnoxious! Firstly, I’m a man and secondly I don’t even know who you are!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Well why don’t we just tell you?! I’m Winifred, this is Mary and Sarah! We are the Sanderson sisters!”, Winifred interjected with the same creepy smile on her face as another flash of lightning struck followed by another loud thunder clap.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Major physics error!”, Sheldon frighteningly said as he held his breath in fear wondering what was going to come next.
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Wow! Talk about creepy Halloween juju! It appears that Sheldon is now in some deep trouble! Please don’t bash me for this and think that I ruined the story by bringing in the Sanderson sisters into it now. I felt that this sort of scenario was appropriately funny considering the fact that a lot of weird and unusual things happen on The Big Bang Theory and on Halloween night anyway. What do you think will happen to Sheldon, Leo and the others? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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