Chapter 8
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Penny slammed her foot on the brakes and parked her car up against the curb when her and Bernadette pulled up in front of Stuart’s comic book store. They got out and ran in.
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“ Penny? Bernadette? What are you doing here?”, Stuart asked.
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“ No time for chit chat Stuart! We got to go!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ What are you talking about?”, Stuart asked.
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“ We’ll explain it on the way! Just come with us!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Go where? What’s going on? Where are you going and why are you taking Stuart with you?”, Sheldon asked as he walked up. He apparently overheard the tthree of them talking.
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“ Ah Sheldon!”, Bernadette screamed as she jumped back a little.
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“ What is he doing here?!”, Penny screamed at Stuart as she pointed at Sheldon.
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“ He came here to look for something to do on his day off.”, Stuart said.
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“ Yes and might I point out that I don’t appreciate this suspicious behavior of yours! Now what is going on and where are you two going with Stuart?!”, Sheldon demanded as he narrowed his eyes at the two women.
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“ Buzz off Sheldon! You don’t need to know! Come on Stuart, let’s go now!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ Yeah it’s none of your business so get your head out of your a** and leave it alone Sheldon! Let’s go Stuart!”, Penny hissed.
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“ I still don’t get why… oh sweet Chewbacca!”, Stuart exclaimed as the two women dragged him out the door toward Penny’s car.
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“ Hey where are you going?! Get back here!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he bolted out of the store chasing after Penny’s car down the street.
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“ Sh*t, Dr. Whack-a-doodle’s chasing us!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Well get him off our tail! He can’t know where we’re going!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ What is going on?!”, Stuart exclaimed.
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“ Leo fell ill! We’re going to the CDC!”, Penny hissed as she jerked the steering wheel hard to the left hoping to shake Sheldon off their tail but he was still following them.
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“ Oh butter balls, he’s still following us!”, Bernadette screamed.
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“ Get the hell away from my car Sheldon! Go home!”, Penny screamed out her window.
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“ No! I need to know where you, Bernadette, and Stuart are going! You guys are acting very suspicious and I want to know what’s up!”, Sheldon screamed as he continued to chase his blonde-headed neighbor’s car.
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“ I told you that you don’t need to know that Sheldon Cooper! Go away!”, Penny screamed.
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“ No! I’ll continue to follow you all the way to where you’re going! You can’t hide the truth from me Penny!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Oh great he’s on to us! What do we do now?!”, Bernadette screamed.
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“ We’re going to cut him off by Caltech! Surely he can’t follow us then if we cut through the bushes!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Are you insane?! We’ll get in huge trouble for destroying some of the university’s landscape!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Yeah well at this point I don’t care Bernie! We made a promise to our friend Leo and damn it we’re gonna keep it even if it means getting sued for everything we own by the university!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Do it! Sheldon’s gaining on us!”, Bernadette screamed.
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“ See ya crazy man!”, Penny exclaimed as she gunned her car through the bushes so fast that Sheldon didn’t even see which way she went. The front of her car tore off a few branches leaving them scattered on the pavement as she drove away.
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“ Hey! Where did you go Penny?! I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stood in front of the bush that Penny just drove through.
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“ Yes! We finally ditched Sheldon! Now let’s get to the CDC!”, Penny exclaimed.
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Meanwhile back at Caltech, Sheldon was becoming even more suspicious of his friends’ behaviors when he entered the building and found bio-hazard plastic on his girlfriend Leo’s office door. He immediately realized that the CDC had been there so he decided to walk there on foot to confront his so-called deceiving friends.
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CDC( Centers for Disease Control)
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Leonard was pacing the floor while he waited with Howard, Raj, and Amy for Penny, Bernadette, and Stuart to show up. The three of them showed up moments later.
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“ Where have you guys been?! You’re late!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ We know that Leonard! We got chased by Sheldon!”, Penny shot back.
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“ He was chasing you?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Yeah! Apparently he was at Stuart’s comic book store when we came to pick up Stuart and he overheard us saying that we were going somewhere!”, Bernadette shot at him.
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“ Well is he still following you?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ No, Penny cut him off by Caltech when she drove through the bushes!”, Bernadette screamed.
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“ He’s at Caltech?! Oh god he’s gonna see the plastic on Leo’s office and he’s gonna be so pissed off!”, Leonard screamed as he gripped the top of his head.
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“ You bet your ass I am!”, Sheldon shouted as he stormed through the doors of the CDC wearing a hazmat suit.
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“ Ah Sheldon!”, the others screamed as they jumped away from him.
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“ Look Sheldon, we can explain this!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Oh I’m sure you can because I would really like to know right now! Why didn’t any of you tell me that Leo was sick?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Look Sheldon we wanted to tell you but Leo told us not to say a word about it!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Well that’s preposterous! Why would she do that?!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Because she knew you would freak the hell out that’s why!”, Penny shot back.
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“ Oh I’m way past freaking out Penny, I’m in full-on panic mode right now! You guys are supposed to be my friends! Why would you keep a secret from me about MY GIRLFRIEND?!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ We told you that Leo didn’t want you finding out!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Well the cat’s out of the bag now! You all officially have a strike for with-holding information about my girlfriend! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go see if she’s ok!”, Sheldon shouted as he spun on his heel and headed toward the swinging doors to a restricted area.
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“ Hey, you can’t go back there! This area is for authorized personel only!”, a CDC crewman said as he stepped in front of Sheldon.
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“ Please step out of my way! I need to see my girlfriend Dr. Leo Fordyce!”, Sheldon demanded.
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“ Sir I told you can’t go back there! This is a restricted area!”, the crewman said.
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“ Restricted or not, I don’t care! I’m going anyway! Hell at this point and time I don’t even care if I get sick, all I want is to see my girlfriend! Now get out of my way!”, Sheldon shouted as he shoved past the crewman through the doors. His friends gasped.
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“ Holy crap on a cracker! Did he seriously just do that?!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Oh Jewish hell!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Security!”, the crewman shouted.
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Quarantine pod 2
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Leo felt like her internal organs were about to come up her throat as she was hurling into a bio-hazard bucket in the corner of the pod room she was in. She had never felt so sick in her entire life.
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“ Oh god this is horrible!”, Leo coughed as she continued to vomit.
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“ Leo are you alright?! What’s going on?!”, Sheldon screamed as he came in through the metal air-tight door.
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“ What do you think’s going on here I’m… oh god Sheldon! What are you doing here?! I thought I told the others not to tell you!”, Leo screamed when she turned around to see her boyfriend standing there in a hazmat suit. She was wearing blue jean shorts, white non-skid socks and a dark blue scrub like t-shirt with the CDC letters on it. Her hair was also up in a ponytail.
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“ Yeah well I found out on my own when I discovered the bio-hazard plastic on your office door, it scared the sh*t out of me! Why didn’t you want me to know about this?! We’re in a relationship Leo!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Because I knew you’d do this! Oh god my stomach!”, Leo screamed as she hurled into the bucket again. Then she screamed, “ Get out of here Sheldon! You can’t be back here!”
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“ No I’m not going anywhere!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Why the hell not?! You’re afraid of germs and can’t stand to be around them!”, Leo screamed.
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“ I may be a germophobe but I also care about you! There’s absolutely no way that I’m leaving my girlfriend here alone when she’s clearly sick as a dog right now!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ I’m as sick as 10 dogs, maybe even more!”, Leo screamed as she hurled again.
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“ Did they tell you anything about what you may have?!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ I have the H1N1 flu virus Sheldon!”, Leo screamed as she continued hurling into the bucket.
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“ What?! Oh that’s it, I’m going to murder our deceiving friends for this!”, Sheldon shrieked in anger.
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“ No don’t get mad at them, this is all Molly’s fault!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Why would it be that bully’s fault Leo?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Because she’s the one who pushed me into the mud and broke my nose in the first place! She caused this!”, Leo shot back.
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“ How is this even possible?! I bathed you with antibacterial chemicals!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ Yeah well I guess some of the bacteria still seeped into my body through my nose! Apparently Molly didn’t realize that hole she pushed me into was contaminated!”, Leo hissed. Then she hissed, “ Oh god I feel like I’m going to faint!”
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“ Well then lay down on the bed before you fall down!”, Sheldon screamed as he pointed to the bed that was in the room in another corner. Leo threw herself down on the bed and suddenly gasped.
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“ What?! What is it?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I need my blood pressure insulin! My blood pressure’s dropping!”, Leo coughed.
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“ Well good Lord woman here, take it!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he shoved the needle and syringe into her hand.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo coughed. But when she tried to inject it into her arm she didn’t have the strength to give it to herself.
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“ Oh god!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ What now?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ I don’t have the strength to inject it into my arm!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh for heaven sakes woman! Give it to me!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he took the syringe and injected the needle into his girlfriend’s arm. He slowly released the contents into her bloodstream and once the syringe was empty he asked, “Is that better?”
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“ Yeah but I still feel horrible! Oh god here it comes again!”, Leo exclaimed as she shot up from the bed and ran to the bucket again hurling into it.
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“ Good Lord you really look horrible Dr. Fordyce!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at his girlfriend.
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“ I know Dr. Cooper! I’m so gonna kick Molly’s a** for this!”, Leo exclaimed as she continued to vomit into the bucket.
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“ Hey! Sir, you can’t be in here! Get out!”, a security guard shouted when he came through the door.
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“ I’m not leaving my girlfriend’s side! You get out and leave me alone!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ Sir if you don’t leave right now we’re going to call the cops! Do you want to go to jail?!”, the security guard shouted.
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“ No and I don’t appreciate you threatening me! Now as I said get out and leave me alone! I’m not leaving my girlfriend!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Sir…!”, the security guard shouted but Sheldon shouted, “ It’s Dr. Cooper!”
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“ Ok, Dr. Cooper, this is your last warning! You either get out or you’re going to be arrested and taken to jail!”, the security guard shouted.
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“ No he’s not, leave him alone! If he wants to be in here with me then so be it!”, Leo shot at the security guard.
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“ We can’t have the virus leave this room ma’am!”, the security guard shouted at her.
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“ It’s Dr. Fordyce and I don’t care! Nobody is having my boyfriend arrested just because he refuses to leave my side! We’re in a relationship and you’re not going to interfere with that! Now get out!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Get out now Dr. Cooper! Don’t let this be done the hard way!”, the security guard shouted at Sheldon.
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“ Well I reckon I’ll give you the hard way in a minute if you don’t shut up, you low down punk!”, Sheldon shouted in his Southern accent.
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“ Just get out! I’m not going to tell you again Dr. Cooper!”, the security guard shouted as he roughly grabbed Sheldon’s arm and dragged him out the door.
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“ Unhand me, this is ridiculous!”, Sheldon shrieked as he tried to get away.
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“ Just get in there and shut up!”, the security guard shouted as he shoved Sheldon into a decontamination unit. Once he was decontaminated he was shoved back out through the swinging doors in his street clothes and the security guard shouted, “ Now get out of here!” before tossing the hazmat suit back at Sheldon.
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“ Alright, fine, I’ll leave! Aw the nerve of some people!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Everything ok buddy?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Do not speak to me! I’m still mad at you!”, Sheldon shot at his best friend as he stormed out the door. Leonard and the others just stared at each other before following Sheldon. After the others went home Penny and Leonard tried to talk to Sheldon but he was giving them the silent treatment.
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“ Sheldon this is ridiculous! Please talk to us!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Yeah, we really feel bad about the whole situation and we’re sorry that we didn’t tell you about Leo!”, Penny exclaimed but Sheldon continued to say nothing as he unlocked the apartment door and walked in. He angrily threw the keys into the bowl and tossed his hazmat suit onto the floor.
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“ Sheldon!”, Leonard shouted at his best friend but Sheldon just threw his hand up as he stormed off to his bedroom and slammed the door shut.
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“ What the hell is his problem?!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ His problem is with you Leonard! This is all your fault!”, Penny angrily shot back at him.
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“ How is this my fault Penny?!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ You’re the one who told us that Leo didn’t want us telling him in the first place bringing all of us into this ridiculous conspiracy!”, Penny hissed.
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“ It wasn’t a conspiracy Penny! We didn’t do anything!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Yeah well we broke our friend’s trust by doing that!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Sheldon or Leo?!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Sheldon you a**hole! This has nothing to do with Leo!”, Penny hissed as she punched Leonard in the shoulder.
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“ Ow, Penny! That hurt!”, Leonard shrieked as he rubbed his shoulder.
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“ You deserve that Leonard for pissing Sheldon off in the first place making him mad at all of us!”, Penny shot back before she walked out of the apartment slamming the door behind her. Leonard just stood there a moment before he walked over to his desk and sat down slamming his head down on his laptop.
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Sheldon’s bedroom
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As Sheldon laid there on his bed he thought about everything that had happened which made his heart hurt. He couldn’t believe that his friends kept him the dark about his girlfriend’s health and he also couldn’t believe that his girlfriend’s bully started all this in the first place.
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‘ Those asshats! Why would they do this to me?! Keeping a secret from me about the woman I love!’, Sheldon angrily thought as he sat up on his bed. He then turned his head to a picture sitting on the nightstand by his bed. As he sat there staring at the picture of him and Leo together the song Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift began playing in the background as flashbacks started flashing through Sheldon’s mind from the day him and Leonard first met Leo. As he saw the images of how him and Leo first fell in love his heart sunk like a rock. It was so hard for him to imagine that the love of his life was really sick at the moment quarantined at the CDC with a deadly flu virus and he wasn’t sure what the outcome was going to be.
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‘ Please get better soon Leo. I love you.’, Sheldon thought as a tear slid down his face. He then put the picture down, fell back on his bed and fell asleep. He decided he would try to take a nap to get his mind off the situation. When Sheldon woke up a few hours later he walked out into the kitchen and made himself some hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks before he walked over to the couch.
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“ There you are. You ok buddy?”, Leonard said as he lifted his head up from his desk.
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“ I’m a man who’s been deceived by his friends! What do you think Leonard Hofstadter!”, Sheldon snapped as he slumped into his spot on the couch.
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“ Sheldon how many times do we have to say we’re sorry?!”, Leonard asked.
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“ You can keep apologizing all you want but it’s not going to get Leo out of quarantine!”, Sheldon snapped as he drank his cider and bit into a cinnamon stick.
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“ This is all that other woman’s fault, not us! We didn’t cause your girlfriend to get sick!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ Yes but you didn’t me that she was sick in the first place!”, Sheldon snapped.
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“ Come on Sheldon, you can’t hold that against me and our friends! Plus, I already told you Leo didn’t want you finding out!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ You better shut your mouth right now Leonard before the authorities find me guilty of killing my best friend!”, Sheldon snapped.
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“ Ok that’s really going off the deep end Sheldon if you’re threatening to kill me!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Yeah well I don’t want to talk right now! Be quiet!”, Sheldon snapped.
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“ Fine, be like that! I’m going to my room!”, Leonard snapped as he got up from his desk and stormed down the hallway to his room.
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“ Why?!”, Sheldon snapped.
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“ To get away from you, you crazy bastard!”, Leonard snapped as he slammed his bedroom door shut.
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“ I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon shouted as he shot up from the couch.
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“ Sheldon Cooper if you don’t stop throwing your little tantrum I’m going to call her and tell her about this!”, Leonard shouted out the door before he slammed it shut again.
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“ Tantrum?! I do not throw tantrums! I’m a grown man Leonard!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ You’re doing it right now by yelling at me Sheldon! And anyway I thought you said you didn’t want to talk!”, Leonard shouted from his bedroom.
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“ I don’t but you keep bitching at me!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Ok that’s it Sheldon Lee Cooper, I’m calling your mother!”, Leonard shouted as he picked up his phone from his pocket.
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“ On what grounds Leonard?! The Roommate Agreement…!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Screw the Roommate Agreement!”, Leonard shouted as he dialed Mrs. Cooper’s phone number.
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“ No you don’t screw the Roommate Agreement! The Roommate Agreement screws you!”, Sheldon shouted. Leonard ignored Sheldon’s nagging and listened to the dial tone. When Mrs. Cooper answered the phone Leonard told her what the situation was and he also told her that Sheldon was throwing a tantrum over it. She told him to put her son on the phone so she could talk to him.
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“ Here, your mother wants to talk to you!”, Leonard hissed as he walked out of his room and handed the phone to his moody best friend. Sheldon snatched the phone away and put it to his ear.
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“ Hello mom!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Shelly you need to knock it off and calm down! This behavior with your friends right now is unacceptable!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded her son through the phone.
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“ But mom, they kept a dirty secret from me about my girlfriend’s health!”, Sheldon protested.
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“ Boy I don’t care what kind of tom foolery they did to you! They’re still your friends and this is not the way to behave with them! The Lord did not put you on this Earth to act like that Sheldon!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Mom I really don’t think this would be the kind of thing that Jesus concerns himself with!”, Sheldon shot back at his Christian mother.
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“ Well regardless you need to apologize to your friends or so help me Lord I will come up there to your apartment and thump you like a melon! Do I make myself clear Shelly?!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Aw alright!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ Oh and one more thing Shelly, you make any more death threats to people and I’m going to beat your a** before I make you pray to the Lord for forgiveness! I did not raise you to sin to the Lord!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded before she hung up the phone.
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“ What?!”, Sheldon snapped when Leonard was staring at him with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
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“ Don’t you have something to say to me?! You know, more along the lines that you’re sorry for being a douchebag?!”, Leonard demanded narrowing his eyes at his best friend.
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“ Yes, I’m sorry Leonard and I rescend your strike.”, Sheldon said with a sigh.
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“ Thank you R2Ddouchebag. Now go apologize to our friends.”, Leonard said.
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“ Alright!”, Sheldon hissed as he first walked across the hall to apologize to Penny.
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knock knock knock “ Penny.”
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knock knock knock “ Penny.”
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knock knock knock “ Penny.”
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“ What Sheldon?!”, Penny asked with a frown as she opened the door to see Sheldon standing there.
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“ Penny I would like to apologize for my behavior and I rescend your strike.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thank you.”, Penny said as she shut the door. Sheldon then went to find his other friends and apologized to them rescending their strikes as well. A few weeks later Leo came home from the CDC virus free.
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“ Hi guys.”, Leo said with a smile as she walked into the apartment.
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“ Leo!”, the others exclaimed.
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“ You look much better than you did a few weeks ago.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah and I feel much better too. I just got out of quarantine and they said I’m virus free.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that’s great Leo.”, Leonard said.
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“ Thanks. So did anything interesting happen while I was away?”, Leo asked.
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“ Um nothing in perticular, just the fact that Sheldon was being a douchebag to all of us because we didn’t tell him about you and his mother made him apologize. Also, Sheldon made a death threat to me.”, Leonard said.
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“ Are you kidding me?! Why would you do that Sheldon?! Leonard’s your best friend!”, Leo exclaimed as she stared at her boyfriend and laughed.
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“ Leo I wasn’t actually going to kill him! I just said that because I was upset!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared back at his girlfriend.
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“ You’re an odd peach to figure out sometimes, you know that Sheldon!”, Leo laughed as she kissed him.
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“ Well a lot of people would say I’m odd but I’m not sure what a peach has to do with it Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said.
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“ It’s just a figure of speech Dr. Cooper.”, Leo said.
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“ I hate you.”, Sheldon said with a smirk.
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“ No you don’t! You’re just saying that! Come here!”, Leo laughed as she kissed him again.
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“ I missed you.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he kissed her back.
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“ And I missed you.”, Leo said as she smiled back.
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“ So what do we do now?”, Penny asked.
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“ I know, let’s see how fast you, Bernadette and Amy can catch me running down the stairs?!”, Leo exclaimed as she threw the door open and ran down the stairs laughing her head off.
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“ Oh it’s so on you physicist! Come on let’s get her!”, Penny exclaimed as she ran after her friend.
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“ You heard her Bernie, let’s go!”, Amy exclaimed as she followed Penny.
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“ What the hell Penny and Amy?! Wait up!”, Bernadette exclaimed as she followed her friends.
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“ Now hold on wait a minute, come back here! You don’t run down the stairs, that’s dangerous!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he chased after the women.
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“ Don’t run down the stairs my ass Sheldon! Shut up!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ You better catch me before I make it to the lobby!”, Leo laughed.
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“ Oh you’re so gonna get it bi**h!”, Amy exclaimed as she shoved past Penny running after Leo. She reached out to grab her but Leo pulled away at the last minute laughing, “ Ha ha you missed me! Didn’t see that one coming!”
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“ Oh yeah well you’re not going see this one coming! Surprise attack!”, Amy exclaimed as she lunged at Leo.
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“ Oh hell!”, Leo exclaimed as the two women started rolling down the stairs.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Amy, Leo, stop this obnoxious behavior this instant!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he followed his current girlfriend and ex-girlfriend down the stairs.
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“ She started it!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ No I didn’t, you did!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ I don’t care who started it! Knock it off!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Alright fine! We’ll stop!”, Leo laughed as her and Amy got up off of each other.
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“ Not before I get some!”, Penny exclaimed as she suddenly speared her friend to the floor.
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“ Penny!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Oh shut the hell up Dr. Whack-a-doodle!”, Penny shot back.
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“ Yeah just chill out Sheldon! Let me at her Penny!”, Bernadette exclaimed as she joined her friend.
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“ Come here bitches!”, Amy exclaimed as she piled on top of her girl friends.
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“ Amy!”, Leo, Penny and Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Stop what you’re doing right now! This is obnoxious!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Sheldon Cooper, shut up!”, Penny, Bernadette, Amy and Leo exclaimed.
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To be continued…
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