Chapter 35
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“ I’ll handle this.”, Sheldon said as he walked up to the door and opened it.
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“ Excuse me, but what are you doing here Wheaton?!”, Sheldon demanded as he looked at Wil’s face with a scowl.
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“ Oh hi Sheldon, I need to use your phone for a second. I was out running errands and my car broke down. I tried to use my cell phone but it’s not working. What’s Leo doing here? Does she live here too?”, Wil Wheaton asked with a stupid smile on his face.
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“ Yes because she’s my wife!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ You two are married now?”, Wil Wheaton asked in shock.
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“ Yes we’ve been married for a while now! You’re not supposed to be anywhere near my wife, not after what you did to her several years ago during our bowling match!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Oh come on, you can’t hold that against me. Look I’m sorry if I did that to you Leo.”, Wil Wheaton said.
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“ It doesn’t matter! I don’t want you anywhere near me ever again! That’s why I gave you that restraining order in the first place which you’re violating by being here!”, Leo hissed.
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“ It’s not valid if you’re married now.”, Wil Wheaton said.
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“ Yes it is! It’s still the same person that gave it to you regardless if they’re married or not! Now I suggest you get out of here before I call my friend who’s a police officer and tell him what you’re doing!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Yes! I don’t want you anywhere near my wife or my daughter! Especially my daughter since she’s 14!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ You have a daughter now too?”, Wil Wheaton asked.
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“ Yes now please leave! Unless you wish to be accused of being a pedophile too on top of violating your restraining order then by all means stay and continue commiting these ridiculous pending nuptials!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Mom, Dad, what’s going on out here?”, Cayela asked when she came out of her room with her friends standing behind her.
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“ Cayela please take your friends and go back into your room. This is not something you need to get involved in right now.”, Leo said.
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“ Why?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Because this is serious adult stuff that you don’t need to be a part of. So please just go back into your room with your friends.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok but where are the bandages? Charlotte accidentally scraped her knee against my dresser.”, Cayela asked.
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“ They’re in the bathroom sweetheart. Second drawer on the left.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok thanks Mom.”, Cayela said as she sprinted down the hallway to the bathroom. Her friends followed her.
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“ So yes please leave before we call the authorities Wheaton! Don’t make this harder than it really is!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Come on I said I was sorry.”, Wil Wheaton said.
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“ I don’t care! You kept trying to pursue me even though I told you I was not interested! What you did to me was unforgivable and I don’t ever want to see you again for as long as I live! As far as I’m concerned, you can go to hell you perverted a**hole!”, Leo shouted in his face.
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“ Yes so please exit this building immediately!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Yeah you’re not supposed to be here so just get out of here Wil!”, Leonard interjected when he came to the door.
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“ You’re going to be like that too Leonard?”, Wil Wheaton asked.
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“ So this is the jerk that tried to have his way with my friend Leo several years ago?! Ain’t that sweet?!”, Dakota hissed when she came to the door too.
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“ Who’s this?”, Wil Wheaton asked.
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“ She’s my wife!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ She lives here too?”, Wil Wheaton asked.
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“ Yes! My name is Dakota and if you try to do anything with me too I’ll punch your lights out!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Why would you do that? I don’t even know you.”, Wil Wheaton said.
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“ Because I don’t want you harassing me like you did with my friend! I’m an MMA fighter and I will kick your ass if you dare try to touch me in any way! I’m a married woman! My husband’s hands are the only set of hands that I want touching my body!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ I think you and Leo are just playing hard to get.”, Wil Wheaton said with a stupid smile on his face.
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“ Excuse me?!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ See, there you go! You’re doing it again! Just get out of here Wil! You know the longer you stay here you’re just getting yourself into even more trouble than you’re already in!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Yes please leave before we call our friend in law enforcement!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Don’t bother Sheldon, I’m already here. So what’s going on here you guys? Somebody in this building called me because they heard a loud argument going on.”, Danny said when he came up the stairs.
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“ This guy is violating his restraining order Danny! A restraining order that I gave him several years ago before Sheldon and I started dating each other!”, Leo interjected as she pointed at Wil.
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“ Ok and what was it for Leo?”, Danny asked.
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“ Sexual harassment!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Could you tell me what exactly it is that he did?”, Danny asked.
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“ Gladly!”, Leo hissed. Leo explained exactly what happened and then she said, “ And look I’ll even show you my copy of the restraining order because this clown seems to think that it’s not valid anymore since I got married to Sheldon.” as she walked back into the apartment and dug into one of the drawers in her desk. When she found what she was looking for she brought it out and gave it to Danny to look at it.
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“ Ok it says, due to the unlawful criminal actions of sexual harassment committed by the defendant Wil Wheaton against the victim Dr. Leo Fordyce he is hereby issued this restraining order. Under no circumstances is Mr. Wheaton allowed to come anywhere within 15 feet of Dr. Fordyce at any given time for the rest of his life. By law, this document remains valid through Dr. Fordyce’s marriage and/or if she moves somewhere else within a 50 mile radius.”, Danny said as he read the legal document.
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“ That’s ridiculous.”, Wil Wheaton said.
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“ No it’s not she’s right. You’re not supposed to be anywhere near her. It says so clear as day in this document.”, Danny said as he showed Wil the restraining order.
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“ Come on I’m just trying to apologize and maybe use their phone to call a tow company. My car broke down and my cell phone’s not working. I was out running errands.”, Wil Wheaton protested.
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“ It doesn’t matter. You can apologize all you want but it’s not going to make the restraining order go away. The only way you’d be free from it is if Leo legally releases you from it which I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to do.”, Danny said as he handed Leo the document back.
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“ Exactly, I don’t! I don’t want him anywhere near me ever again especially now since I have a daughter to think about and her safety! I not only don’t want him to harass me again but I also don’t want him to start harassing my daughter either! He’s an adult and she’s an autistic child!”, Leo interjected.
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“ What the HELL is going on out here?! Why is Wil Wheaton here?!”, Penny hissed when she stuck her head out of her apartment door.
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“ He’s trying to come in and use our phone Penny! He says that he was out running ‘errands’ when his car broke down and that his cell phone’s not working! I don’t think that’s true at all! I think he came here to possibly try to have his way with me again!”, Leo hissed.
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“ What?! You sick bastard!”, Penny shouted as she walked up to Wil and slapped him across the face.
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“ Ow! What’s wrong with you Penny?! That’s not why I’m here at all!”, Wil Wheaton shrieked in pain as he rubbed his cheek.
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“ Yeah yeah yeah keep talking in denial you sicko! See where that leads you!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Ok Mr. Wheaton you need to leave now before you make me do something to you that you really don’t want me to do!”, Danny said.
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“ I’m just trying to apologize and use the phone! Is that really a crime?!”, Wil Wheaton interjected.
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“ It is if you have an active restraining order issued against you which you do! So you need to leave before I arrest you for trespassing and violating your restraining order!”, Danny said.
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“ Just arrest him anyway and be done with it Danny! He’s a slimeball who doesn’t respect anybody’s personal boundaries! Not to mention he’s a complete jerk to everyone he meets and he cheats at everything!”, Penny hissed.
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“ I most certainly agree with that! He’s a deceitful cheater who tried to violate my wife! I believe that is the most appropriate punishment!”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well ok if that’s what you guys want then let’s go Mr. Wheaton.”, Danny said as he took out a set of handcuffs.
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“ You’re kidding right?! This is ridiculous!”, Wil Wheaton said with a stupid smile on his face as Danny restrained his wrists behind his back.
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“ No it’s not. Wil Wheaton you’re under arrest for trespassing and violating your restraining order. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have right to have an attorney present if you can not afford one the court will appoint you one. Do you understand the rights that are being read to you?”, Danny said as he was walking Wil down the stairs and out of the building.
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“ Yes.”, Wil Wheaton said with a sigh.
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“ Thank you Danny!”, Leo shouted down the stairwell.
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“ Thank God that’s over.”, Dakota said.
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“ Yeah I agree. I’ll see you guys later. Bye.”, Penny said.
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“ Bye Penny.”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard and Dakota said before Penny shut the door to her apartment. The 4 of them went back into their apartment and shortly after that Cayela’s friends left. Cayela flopped down on the couch and began to yawn.
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“ I think someone’s ready to go take a nap.”, Leo said.
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“ No I’m fine Mom.”, Cayela softly said.
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“ I don’t think so, come here sweetheart. It’s nap time.”, Leo said as she picked her daughter up off the couch and carried her to her room. She pulled the items she needed out of the closet and carried them over to the bed. She pulled back the covers and laid the pad down on the bed before laying Cayela down on it. She then rubbed her hands with sanitizer and slipped the gloves on.
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“ So did you have fun with your friends today Cayela?”, Leo asked as she removed Cayela’s shorts and diaper.
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“ Yeah we had a lot of fun. We were talking, laughing, listening to music, dancing. Stuff like that.”, Cayela said.
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“ Good. Did you play with Oreo too?”, Leo asked, wiping her from front to back.
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“ Yes. She liked it. She kept climbing all over us.”, Cayela said.
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“ Meow!”
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“ Oh hi Oreo! You silly kitty!”, Cayela exclaimed as Oreo was head butting her face with her head. She was also purring while climbing all over Cayela.
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“ Ok Oreo you’re going to need to go over there because you’re getting in the way.”, Leo said as she was trying to rub barrier cream on and Oreo kept climbing in the way trying to chew on the gloves.
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“ Meow!”
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“ Yes you! Go over there! Stop chewing on my gloves you naughty kitty!”, Leo said as she gently pushed Oreo over to the other side of the bed. However when Leo started applying talcum powder is when Oreo started playfully batting her paw at Leo’s hand and her claw got stuck in the glove.
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“ Um excuse me little miss diva, stop that!”, Leo said as she put the bottle of talcum powder down and gently removed Oreo’s claw from her glove. She tried to continue the task she was doing but Oreo just wouldn’t quit distracting her.
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“ Sheldon!”, Leo called out for her husband.
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“ Yes Leo, what is it?”, Sheldon asked his wife when he walked in the room.
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“ Could you please take Oreo out of here for a second? She’s really distracting me right now.”, Leo said.
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“ What well exactly is she doing?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Well I’m try to change Cayela’s diaper and Oreo keeps trying to get my attention by batting her paws at me and getting her claws stuck in my gloves.”, Leo said.
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“ Just get her some cat food Dad, she’s probably hungry. I would know that because she does that to me all the time when she needs food.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well alright. Come here Oreo.”, Sheldon said as he gently picked up Oreo and carried her out of the room. While Sheldon was feeding Oreo, Leo finished applying a fresh diaper to Cayela’s lower abdomen.
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“ There you go. Now let’s get you all tucked in.”, Leo said after she put Cayela’s shorts back on and cleaned up the mess.
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“ I really don’t want to take a nap.”, Cayela protested as her mother tucked her in under the covers.
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“ I know sweetheart but that’s just life. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok I get it. I love you Mom.”, Cayela said.
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“ I love you too Cayela. Have a good nap. You can get back up in a couple hours.”, Leo said as she kissed her daughter’s head.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela softly said. She let out a yawn as she fell asleep. Leo then quietly left the room after she shut the light off and the door shut. After Oreo was done eating Sheldon let her back into Cayela’s room and shut the door. Shortly after this is when the plumber guys showed up to fix the shower in the bathroom that Leonard broke by accident. A couple hours later after the plumber guys fixed the shower and left Cayela woke up from her nap and walked over to her Barbie dreamhouse to play with her dolls. Then 3 nights later, Caltech was having a big gala party which was somewhat of a big deal to President Siebert that he required all of his researchers and scientists to attend it. Penny, Bernadette and their other friends also decided to attend as well as Cayela and her friends because nobody wanted to leave them alone at home without adult supervision.
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“ I don’t understand why we all need to be here for this party. This is ridiculous!”, Sheldon said as they all walked into one of the university’s huge banquet rooms. They were all formally dressed up as required by their boss.
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“ Sheldon don’t complain about this. This is a big night for the university and we don’t need you embarassing yourself and us.”, Leo said as she held onto her husband’s arm. Cayela’s diaper bag was slung over her shoulder too.
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“ Leo I’m already embarassing myself enough as it is wearing this obnoxious suit and tie! I look like a clown!”, Sheldon complained as he stared at his wife.
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“ No you don’t. You look fine.”, Leo said as she shook her head.
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“ Hey can we break up the chit chat here and go mingle with people? I don’t want people staring at me thinking that I have a bunch of weird friends.”, Dakota said when she walked up.
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“ Yeah thanks for the obnoxious suggestion Dakota!”, Sheldon said as he rolled his eyes at her.
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“ Oh would you just stop it! Let’s just go have fun.”, Leo said as she dragged her husband away.
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“ Oh yeah I can already see where I’m going! I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit!”, Carmen exclaimed as she headed to the table with the alcoholic beverages.
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“ What the fudge is wrong with Carmen?”, Melissa asked.
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“ No one knows Melissa.”, Leo said. While the adults were having fun Cayela asked her friends, “ You guys want to go to another room? It’s kind of crowded in here.”
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“ Yeah I agree bestie. What do you guys think?”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah let’s go to a different room.”, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, and Robbie said. Cayela lead the way out of the banquet room and down the hallway. They walked the halls of university just talking and laughing with each other until they ended up in Leonard’s and Howard’s lab.
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“ Where are we Cayela?”, Charlotte asked when they walked in and Cayela shut the door behind them.
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“ Duh Charlotte we’re in my Uncle Leonard’s and Uncle Howard’s lab.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yeah but why Cayela?”, Florence asked.
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“ Florence do you guys really want to stand around asking 20 questions or do you want to have some fun? And by fun I mean this.”, Cayela said as she took her ipod out. She pressed play and started dancing around like an idiot the moment the music started playing. The song playing was Poker Face by Alvin and The Chipmunks.
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“ You are so weird sometimes Cayela!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh stop it Florence and just start dancing!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok whatever you say Cayela Rachelle!”, Florence laughed as she started to dance like an idiot too. The other girls joined in while laughing and being silly. They moved stuff around the lab to make more room as well but as they were doing so Cayela accidentally hit the button on one of Leonard’s lasers that was sitting on the lab table which fired a rapid laser beam at her face causing her to scream in pain.
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“ Ow!”, Cayela screamed as she held her hands over her eye.
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“ Cayela!”, Florence, Charlotte, Summer, Julia and Robbie shrieked in concern.
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“ Are you ok?! What happened?!”, Florence shrieked.
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“ I think I accidentally shot myself in the eye with a laser!”, Cayela screamed as she started to cry.
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“ Come on let’s go get help!”, Charlotte shrieked.
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“ Ok!”, Cayela cried as she shut her ipod off and the girls left the lab.
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“ Dr. Hofstadter!”, Florence screamed when the girls re-entered the banquet room where all the adults were.
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“ What is it Florence and for God sakes! Cayela what happened to you?!”, Leonard interjected as he pushed his way through the sea of people in the room toward the girls.
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“ I accidentally shot myself in the eye with one of your lasers Uncle Leonard! It hurts!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Holy crap!”, Raj interjected.
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“ Oh Jewish hell!”, Howard interjected as he facepalmed himself.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this?!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Cayela why were you and your friends in your Uncle Leonard’s and Uncle Howard’s lab?!”, Leo scolded her daughter.
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“ Because Mom we wanted to go to another room to hang out in! It’s too crowded in here!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Honey you could have just gone to my office or your mother’s office! You girls don’t need to be going into the laboratories! There’s too many dangerous things in there that could really harm you!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ I know that Dad! We just wanted to explore a little bit!”, Cayela cried.
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“ What the hell is going on here?!”, Penny hissed when she walked up.
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“ Well Penny if you must know, Cayela accidentally shot herself in the eye with one of Leonard’s lasers.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Well hang on a minute, let me see her eye.”, Leonard said. Cayela moved her hands away and Leonard looked at her eye.
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“ Well, I definitely see a laser mark, but, it’s only on the corner of her eye. It’s not actually in her eye.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh thank goodness that my daughter didn’t blind herself!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he let out a breath of relief.
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“ Yeah you think Dad?! Ow!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Ok let’s go to my office sweetheart and I’ll get you something to put on your eye.”, Leo said as she walked Cayela out of the room. When they got to Leo’s office, Leo went into her desk and found the same kind of cold compress that was given to Cayela at the urgent care office. She activated it, wrapped it in paper towel and handed it to her.
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“ Here, put this on your eye.”, Leo said.
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“ Thanks Mom.”, Cayela said as she place it over her eye.
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“ You’re welcome, although, I’m starting to smell something kind of unpleasant right now.”, Leo said as she lifted up her daughter’s dress a little to check her diaper.
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“ Ah here’s the problem, you just peed.”, Leo said as she lowered the dress skirt.
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“ What does that mean?”, Cayela asked as she looked at her mother.
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“ You know what it means Cayela. It means it’s time to change your diaper.”, Leo said as she set the bag down on the floor. Once she got everything set out she picked Cayela up and laid her down on the pad.
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“ Are you happy that you had me?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Oh sweetheart of course I am. I’m so happy I had you. You are my biggest childhood wish that has ever come true for me. And your father, oh my god, I can’t even tell you how excited and happy he was when he found out that I was pregnant with you.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah, he told me he was overjoyed.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well that’s one way of putting it. You sure seem to remember stuff pretty well, just like your father.”, Leo said. Once Cayela was all clean Leo finished applying the fresh diaper around her abdomen and cleaned up the mess. By the time they re-entered the banquet room things were already starting to get weird. By that point Carmen had already gotten drunk to the point where she started acting very inappropriate.
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“ Yippie ki-yay people! How y’all doin’ tonight?!”, Carmen intoxicatedly interjected as she held up her drink. Her body swayed from side to side as she struggled to stay up on her feet. She began to stumble over her feet as she walked around the room continuing to say things that didn’t make sense causing all the scientists and researchers to stare at her as if she was nuts.
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“ Oh god Carmen overdid it again didn’t she?”, Leo asked her best friend Morgan.
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“ Yeah I think she did.”, Morgan said.
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“ Ay caramba!”, Kemdan exclaimed as his eyes when wide.
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“ Would you shut it Kem?!”, Leo hissed as she smacked him upside the head.
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“ Ay dios mio! That hurt Leo!”, Kemdan shrieked as he rubbed the back of his head.
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“ Oh please, I didn’t hit your la cabeza too hard.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah get a grip on yourself paca la!”, Shelina interjected.
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“ Shut it Shelina!”, Kemdan interjected back at her.
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“ Would you idiots shut the hell up over here?! You make me want to go Nebraska on both your a**es!”, Penny hissed at her friends.
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“ Penny that’s not helping.”, Leo said.
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“ Dr. Cooper, Dr. Fordyce-Cooper, Dr. Hofstadter, Mr. Wolowitz, Dr. Koothrappali and Dr. Fowler could you please get your drunk friend out of my university!”, President Siebert said to the six scientists as he pointed at Carmen who was still walking around the room acting like a drunken Texas sailor.
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“ Oh yeah sure. Of course President Siebert.”, Sheldon, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy said.
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“ Weehoo! This night is crazier than a gravy covered cat in a barn full of bloodhounds!”, Carmen intoxicatedly interjected when she stumbled over to them before she inappropriately kissed Leonard on the lips in front of everyone including Dakota.
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“ CARMEN!”, Dakota shouted in anger at her drunken friend.
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“ Ok Carmen you’ve had way too much to drink tonight! You need to go calm down!”, Leo said as she placed a hand on Carmen’s shoulder.
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“ Zwhat are zyou talking about Leo?! ZI’m fine! I zdon’t need to calm down!”, Carmen intoxicatedly interjected as she was stumbling over herself spilling her drink all over the floor.
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“ Woah, woah, woah!”, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj interjected as they grabbed onto her to keep her from falling over.
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“ Yeah I think we need to get her out of here before she drinks herself into a coma.”, Leo said in concern as she took her friend’s alcoholic beverage out of her hand and set it down.
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“ I agree. Let’s go Carmen.”, Amy said as the six of them walked Carmen out of the building. They took her to a nearby motel and checked her into a room telling the manager to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t try to hurt herself. Once they returned to the party Dakota stormed over to them and hissed, “ Where’s Owosski?! I want to punch her!”
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“ President Siebert told us to kick her out because she was being inappropriate Dakota.”, Amy said.
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“ Hell yeah she was being inappropriate Amy! She was screaming about gravy covered cats and bloodhounds and then she kissed my husband!”, Dakota hissed as she pointed at Leonard.
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“ It wasn’t her fault Dakota. She was drunk.”, Leonard said as he stared at his wife.
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“ It doesn’t matter Leonard! Drunk or not she shouldn’t have done that to you! She may have thought she was being funny but all she did was piss me off!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Ok guys can we not argue? Cayela doesn’t need to see this.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh yeah you’re right. Sorry Leo.”, Dakota said.
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“ It’s ok.”, Leo said.
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To be continued…
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