Chapter 24
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“ Oh you’re so gonna get it! Get back here Florence!”, Cayela laughed as she chased after her friend.
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“ Not a chance Cayela!”, Florence laughed as she ran into the bathroom and tried to hide in the bathtub behind the Periodic Table shower curtain.
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“ Come here! I’m gonna kick you!”, Cayela laughed as she jumped into the tub and threw the curtain back to get to her friend.
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“ Bet you won’t!”, Florence laughed as she quickly jumped out of the tub and sprinted out of the bathroom toward the living room.
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“ Oh yeah I will!”, Cayela laughed as she followed after Florence. The two girls were immediately scolded by Sheldon, Leo and Leonard when they began chasing each other around the couch and out of the apartment.
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“ Cut it out! Stop it!”, Leonard scolded.
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“ You girls need to settle down!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Hey hey hey hey! Cayela, Florence, that’s enough! Stop this nonsense before one of you gets hurt!”, Sheldon scolded as he chased after his daughter and her friend.
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“ What the hell is going on out here Sheldon?!”, Penny hissed as she opened her apartment door.
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“ Penny not now! I got enough chaos going on as it is! Cayela and her new friend are fooling around with each other and I got to go calm them down before they end up hurting themselves!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ You’re minced meat Florence! I’m going to get you!”
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“ In your dreams Cayela! Now you just sound insane!”
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“ I’m not insane, you are!”
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“ Oh good Lord! Cayela, Florence, get back up here! This is not a good idea to be testing my patience! Stop this fooling around! You’re going to hurt yourselves!”, Sheldon scolded as he ran down the stairs.
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“ Sheldon don’t do anything rash! Let’s approach this situation calmly like mature adults! I don’t want you hurting our daughter!”, Leo scolded as she ran after her husband.
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“ I’m not going to hurt her Leo! What kind of father do you think I am?!”, Sheldon shot back at his wife as he continued bounding down the stairs. The laughter continued but then stopped when Cayela suddenly smacked her head on the door to 2A. She started to cry as she sat on the floor with Florence next to her trying to comfort her.
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“ Oh son of a bitch!”, Sheldon hissed under his breath as he ran to his daughter.
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“ Oh Cayela are you ok?!”, Leo screamed as she saw her daughter and joined her husband at his side.
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“ Oh my god Cayela!”, Dakota exclaimed as she came out of her apartment.
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“ I hit my head! It hurts!”, Cayela cried.
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“ This is exactly what I told you was going to happen! Why didn’t you listen to us when we told you to stop?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Because I was just trying to have fun dad! I didn’t think this would happen!”, Cayela cried.
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“ This is why you don’t do things like this!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Ok I get it!”, Cayela cried.
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“ I’m going to call Amy.”, Leo said as she took out her phone.
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“ Why Leo?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Because I want to make sure that Cayela doesn’t have a brain injury! She smacked her head on Dakota’s door!”, Leo said as she dialed Amy’s cell.
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“ Yes, I’m aware of that, but, what makes you so sure that Amy’s going to be able to help?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his wife.
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“ She’s a neuroscientist, it makes sense! If anybody knows a thing or two about head injuries it’s her!”, Leo said as she put her phone to her ear and listened to the dial tone.
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“ Hello?”, Amy answered.
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“ Hi Amy, it’s Leo.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh hi Leo. What’s up?”, Amy asked.
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“ Could you maybe come over for a few minutes and take a look at Cayela? She smacked her head on Dakota’s door pretty hard and I’m not sure if it caused any brain damage or not.”, Leo said.
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“ My car is not working right now but you can come over to my place and I’ll look at her then.”, Amy said.
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“ Oh ok. We’ll be over in a few minutes.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright. Bye.”, Amy said as she hung up. Leo and Sheldon walked their daughter back upstairs with Florence and Dakota following them. Leo walked into hers and Sheldon’s bedroom and grabbed her purse as well as Cayela’s diaper bag that was sitting in the closet.
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“ Ok, let’s go.”, Leo said as she walked of the bedroom and into the living room.
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“ Is that really necessary Leo?”, Sheldon asked as he pointed at the diaper bag that was slung over Leo’s shoulder.
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“ Yes Sheldon because I don’t know how long we’re going to be over there.”, Leo said.
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“ Are you coming with us Florence?”, Cayela sniffled.
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“ Well I kind of have to since I’m still here. Hold on one second.”, Florence said as she walked back into Cayela’s room, turned the music off and grabbed her hoodie before shutting the light off and walked back out.
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“ Where are you guys going?”, Leonard asked.
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“ We’re going to Amy’s so she can take a look at Cayela.”, Leo said as she pulled out her car keys from her purse.
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“ Why? What happened now?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Cayela hit her head on your girlfriend’s apartment door. We want to make sure that no brain damage had occured.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Cayela hurt herself?! Why the hell would she do that?!”, Penny interjected as she walked in.
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“ Penny! Watch your language! Not in front of Cayela!”, Leo hissed at her friend.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny exclaimed as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Oook, let’s just get out of here!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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Amy’s apartment…
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Knock knock!
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“ Hi Leo. Come on in.”, Amy said as she opened the door to see her friends, Cayela, and Florence.
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“ Thank you Amy.”, Leo said as she walked in along with Sheldon, their daughter, Florence, and Dakota. She set her purse and the bag down on the floor next to the couch.
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“ So, Cayela hit her head?”, Amy asked as she got out her equipment and hooked it up to her laptop.
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“ Yes. She was fooling around with her friend here and her mother and I were trying to explain to her that this was going to happen if she didn’t stop but she completely ignored us so as a result she smacked her head on Dakota’s apartment door.”, Sheldon said pointing at Florence as he sat down next to Leo on the couch.
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“ Which still hurts!”, Cayela cried out.
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“ Ok well sit down and I’ll take a look at you.”, Amy said. Cayela sat down on the couch next to her parents and Florence stood next to her on the other side of the couch while Amy picked up a little flashlight.
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“ So you made a friend here Cayela? Who’s your friend?”, Amy asked as she shined the flashlight in Cayela’s tear glistening eyes.
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“ This is Florence. We met today at school Auntie Amy.”, Cayela sniffled as she pointed at her friend.
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“ Well hi Florence it’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Fowler.”, Amy said as she attached her electrodes to Cayela’s head before walking over to her laptop.
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“ Nice to meet you too.”, Florence said.
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“ This feels weird.”, Cayela sniffled as she sat there on the couch cross legged.
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“ I know but just sit still for a minute.”, Amy said as she began to monitor Cayela’s brain waves on her laptop. As Cayela sat there the corner of her lip began to twitch as she felt her bladder release itself. She was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable as she tried so hard to sit still.
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“ Well? Anything?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No, you have nothing to worry about. Everything looks normal.”, Amy said as she took the electrodes off of Cayela’s head. As Amy walked away to put her equipment away Cayela began to squirm a little on the couch.
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“ Cayela are you alright?”, Sheldon asked as he looked at her.
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“ I’m feeling uncomfortable!”, Cayela said as the bottom of her lip stuck out. Leo and Sheldon both knew what this meant.
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“ Amy may we use your bathroom for a moment?”, Leo asked as she stood up.
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“ Sure Leo. You know where it’s at.”, Amy said.
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“ Thank you. Come on Cayela, let’s go.”, Leo said as she picked up the diaper bag and headed to the bathroom. Cayela bolted from the couch and followed her mother to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Leo set the bag down on the floor and pulled out a waterproof pad laying it out on the floor. Cayela stood leaning against the door tapping her heel against it as she began to act out.
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“ Cayela stop doing that and just come sit down.”, Leo said as she rubbed hand sanitizer on her hands. Cayela walked over and sat down but she was having a hard time sitting still.
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“ Would you please sit still?!”, Leo said as she pulled on some latex gloves.
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“ I can’t help it mom! This feels uncomfortable!”, Cayela said as she waddled from side to side. Leo stood up for a moment, walked over to the bathroom door, cracked it open slightly and said, “ Sheldon could you come in here for a moment?”
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“ What’s the problem Leo?”, Sheldon asked as he walked in and shut the door behind him.
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“ Cayela won’t sit still. Could you help me out by holding her down for a moment?”, Leo said as she got back down on the floor.
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“ Alright.”, Sheldon said as he walked around his wife and over to his daughter. He got down on the floor next to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
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“ Dad don’t touch me!”, Cayela protested as her father pushed her shoulders down making her lie on the floor. She jerked underneath his grip as her mother removed her shorts.
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“ Hey hey hey, calm down! You need to relax! You’re going to hurt yourself!”, Sheldon said as he firmly held his daughter down.
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“ I don’t care! I want to get up!”, Cayela shot back.
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“ You can in a minute. I’m almost done.”, Leo said as she finished the necessary task in front of her. Sheldon then helped Cayela sit up and Leo said, “ There, I’m done. Does that feel better?”
Cayela just sighed in comfort and nodded her head as her mother discarded the used items and folded up the pad putting it back into the bag.
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“ Ok you can get up now.”, Leo said as she picked up the bag and walked out of the bathroom. Cayela stood up and walked out with her father following her.
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Ring ring ring ring!
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“ Hello? Yes this is Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris, what is it?”, Dakota answered on her cell phone. She spoke with this person on the phone for a few minutes before hanging up.
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“ Who was that Dakota?”, Leo asked.
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“ That was my agent. He told me that I have a fight tonight.”, Dakota said.
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“ Against who?”, Amy asked.
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“ Some chick named Janice ‘ Big Fisted’ Gomez.”, Dakota said.
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“ Nice. I hope you win.”, Leo said.
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“ Thanks Leo. Well I got to go. I’ll see you guys later and tell you all about how the fight went.”, Dakota said as she headed to the door.
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“ You got go to a fight Auntie Dakota?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes I do Cayela but I’ll be back later.”, Dakota said.
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“ Ok good luck. I hope you win. I love you.”, Cayela said.
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“ Aw thank you I love you too. Bye.”, Dakota said with a smile as she kissed Cayela’s forehead before walking out the door.
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“ Well thanks for everything Amy. We’re going to leave now.”, Leo said as she picked up her purse. The diaper bag hung over her other shoulder.
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“ No problem Leo. Bye.”, Amy said as Leo, Sheldon, Cayela, and Florence left.
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Later that evening back at Apartment 4A…
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“ Oh yeah! I still got it!”, Dakota exclaimed as she entered the apartment.
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“ Did you win?”, Leonard asked his girlfriend as he kissed her.
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“ Hell yeah I won Leonard! I creamed that chick!”, Dakota exclaimed as she kissed her boyfriend back.
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“ That’s great Dakota!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Thanks Leo. You guys got any wine?”, Dakota asked.
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“ Yeah of course. It’s in the fridge.”, Leo said.
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“ Great! I’m going to have a glass of wine to celebrate my win! Do you want one too Leo?”, Dakota exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a wine bottle out of the refrigerator.
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“ Sure Dakota.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Alright now we’re talkin’!”, Dakota exclaimed as she grabbed two wine glasses out of one of the cabinets and set them down on the counter along with the wine bottle. As she began to pour herself and Leo a glass, Cayela and Florence suddenly came out of Cayela’s bedroom.
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“ Hi Auntie Dakota! How was your fight?”, Cayela asked.
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“ It was great Cayela! Thanks for asking!”, Dakota exclaimed as she picked up her glass of wine and handed the other one to Leo not realizing that she left the bottle of wine sitting on the counter.
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“ Did you win?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes I did! I’m still the champion!”, Dakota exclaimed as she took a sip of her wine.
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“ Yay!”, Cayela exclaimed as she rapidly smacked her hands together.
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“ Cayela did you do your homework like your mother and I asked you to?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah dad, Florence and I just finished an hour ago.”, Cayela said.
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“ Good because we don’t want you falling behind.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh my god Leonard, I completely forgot to ask you if you wanted something to drink too! Do you?”, Dakota asked her boyfriend.
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“ Could you get me a beer can please?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Sure.”, Dakota said as she walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a beer can out of the fridge handing it to Leonard while once again forgetting that she left the wine bottle sitting on the counter. As the 4 adults talked to each other with their backs turned Cayela began to get curious about the wine bottle and walked over to it.
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“ Um… Cayela? I’m not so sure we’re supposed to have that.”, Florence quietly said as Cayela began pouring herself a glass of what she thought looked like grape juice.
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“ Relax Florence, it’s just grape juice.”, Cayela quietly said before taking a sip. She immediately scrunched up her face and said, “ This is some weird tasting grape juice!” which caught the attention of the 4 adults who turned around and gasped in horror when they realized what she was doing.
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“ Oh for God sakes!”, Leonard exclaimed in a panic as he looked at his goddaughter.
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“ Cayela!”, Dakota and Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Cayela what are you doing?! That’s not grape juice!”, Leo exclaimed in a panic as she set her wine glass down and ran over to her daughter gently taking the drinking glass from her before dumping it down the kitchen sink.
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“ My head feels fuzzy!”, Cayela said as she began to feel a little lightheaded.
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“ Well good Lord, sit down!”, Sheldon exclaimed as him and his wife walked their daughter over to Leonard’s chair and helped her sit down.
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“ Leo go get the Children’s Tylenol please!”, Sheldon exclaimed at his wife as he knelt down beside his daughter. Leo acknowledged what her husband told her to do and she immediately sprinted down the hallway to the bathroom frantically searching the cabinets for the Children’s Tylenol.
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“ Oh fracking fudge balls, I’m such an idiot! I should have known not to leave that out, especially around my 14 year old autistic goddaughter!”, Dakota exclaimed as she smacked her palm against her face.
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“ She’s our autistic goddaughter Dakota!”, Leonard exclaimed as he looked at his girlfriend.
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“ I know that Leonard but still, you get my point!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ What the hell is going on in here?! I can hear you guys from across the hall!”, Penny hissed as she suddenly barged in unannounced.
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“ Penny, please! Not in front of Cayela!”, Sheldon scolded his blonde headed friend.
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“ What is going on in here?! What are you lunatics doing?!”, Penny interjected as she placed her hands on her hips.
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“ I’ve got the Tylenol Sheldon!”
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“ Good! Bring it out here Leo!”, Sheldon interjected. Leo came running back out into the living room with a small bottle of Children’s Tylenol and handed it to Sheldon. As Sheldon took out two pills and handed them to Cayela, Leo ran into the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and ran it over to her daughter. Cayela popped the pills in her mouth that her father gave her and washed them down with the water that her mother gave her.
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“ Ok will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?!”, Penny interjected.
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“ Penny please watch your language! Sheldon and I don’t want Cayela hearing this stuff!”, Leo interjected.
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“ What is going on?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Cayela accidentally drank some wine thinking that it was grape juice!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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“ Oh son of a bi**h!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ What’s that?”, Cayela asked in confusion.
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“ Oh sweetie that’s nothing you need to know about. Your Auntie Penny here was just being very inappropriate.”, Penny said.
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“ Yes and if you do it again you shall receive a strike Penny.”, Sheldon said with a scowl on his face.
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“ Oh just shut up Dr. Whack-A-Doodle!”, Penny hissed at him. This caused the two girls to laugh at what she said.
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“ Oh that’s real nice Penny! Making me look like a stupid idiot in front of my daughter and her friend Florence!”, Sheldon shot back at her as he narrowed his eyes.
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“ Sheldon don’t start. We’re all mature adults here so we need to act like it.”, Leo said as she placed her hands on her husband’s shoulders.
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“ Uh guys, we’re forgetting the bigger picture here! Cayela just drank alcohol underage!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Oh come on Leonard, I’m sure she didn’t do it on purpose.”, Penny said.
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“ No, Penny, Leonard’s got a point here! What are we going to do about this?!”, Sheldon asked with a bit of concern and worry in his voice.
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“ I don’t know! Oh god if my mother finds out about this or someone else we could all end up in trouble or worse: Cayela could end up in trouble!”, Leo said in a panic.
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“ Leo calm down. I’m sure if we ever have to explain what happened I can almost garantee that nothing will happen.”, Dakota said.
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“ No, Dakota you don’t get it! We could actually all possibly go to jail for this!”, Leo interjected.
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“ What are you talking about Leo?!”, Dakota interjected at her friend.
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“ I mean that we could all end up arrested and Cayela could possibly end up in Juvenile Detention!”, Leo screamed.
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“ What?! I don’t want to go to jail! Mom I’m scared!”, Cayela shrieked as she started to cry.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny interjected as she shook her head.
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“ Oh no no no no sweetheart, don’t cry! I didn’t mean to scare you! It’s ok!”, Leo cooed softly as she embraced her daughter who just sobbed into her shoulder. Florence walked up behind Cayela and hugged her from behind.
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“ I’m really an idiot! I knew I shouldn’t have left that bottle out!”, Dakota hissed as she buried her face in her hands.
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“ Dakota calm down. We’ll figure something out.”, Leonard said as he placed a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulder. Dakota said nothing as she threw her arms around him burying her face into his shoulder. As Cayela continued to cry Leo began to feel guilty about scaring her the way she did. It began to make her think that she was becoming the worst mother ever in history which made her upset.
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“ Cayela please stop crying! I didn’t mean to scare you! I only said that because I was scared! No one’s going to jail ok!”, Leo cried as she rubbed soothing circles on her daughter’s back.
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“ But I did something illegal! I’m a criminal!”, Cayela cried.
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“ No you’re not honey! You didn’t know that was what you were doing! You’re just an innocent autistic 14 year old that made a mistake!”, Leo sadly said as she pulled away a little. Then she turned to Sheldon and said, “ Sheldon could you go get a juice box out of the fridge?” Sheldon acknowledged this and walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a Welch’s Apple juice box. He handed it to his wife who then gave it to Cayela. Cayela ceased her crying as she sucked on the juice through the bendy straw. It was at this time that a knock was heard on the door. Leonard looked through the peephole of the door and said, “ Oh god, it’s Danny!” This caused the adults to gasp in a panic.
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“ Oh hell! What do we do?!”, Dakota panically said.
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“ Alright alright let’s not panic! I’ll handle this!”, Leo exclaimed as she walked to the door and opened it slightly sticking her head out. Danny was standing out in the hallway in his policeman uniform which made Leo almost have a panic attack. Danny was one of the last people that she wanted to know about what happened.
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“ Uh hhi Danny. What are you doing here?”, Leo stuttered nervously as she stared at him.
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“ I came here because somebody called about noise coming from this apartment. Is everything ok here Leo?”, Danny asked.
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“ Yeah everything’s fine, we were just talking. Listen, Danny, I don’t think it’s a good time for you to be here. My daughter Cayela did something that I’m afraid to tell you because I’m afraid she’s going to get in trouble and she’s only 14, she’s autistic and I don’t know I just…!”, Leo said in a panic but was interrupted when Danny said, “ Ok hang on, slow down. What did she do?”
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“ She accidentally drank some wine thinking that it was grape juice.”, Leo said with a fearful sigh.
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“ Ok, I see. Well, could you let me in for a minute so we could all talk about this?”, Danny said.
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“ I don’t know Danny. We’re all really scared about this.”, Leo said in a panic.
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“ Leo I promise you that nobody’s in trouble here. Just let me in for a moment so we can talk.”, Danny said.
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as she slowly opened the door allowing Danny to walk in after her.
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“ You let him in here Leo?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his wife.
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“ He asked me to let him in Sheldon! What was I supposed to do?!”, Leo shot back at her husband.
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“ Listen, Danny, whatever this is about we can explain!”, Leonard shrieked.
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“ Yeah! It was my stupid fault in the first place so if anything I should be the one in trouble, not any of my friends or Cayela!”, Dakota shrieked.
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“ Dakota stop it!”, Leonard hissed at his girlfriend.
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“ Would you two idiots shut up?!”, Penny hissed at her friends.
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“ Penny you’re not helping the situation!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Shut the hell up Dr. C!”, Penny hissed.
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“ It’s Dr. Cooper and that’s strike one!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny shouted as she rolled her eyes.
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“ You guys! Calm down! Nobody’s in trouble!”, Leo shouted at her husband and her friends.
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“ What?!”, Sheldon, Leonard, Dakota, and Penny exclaimed in confusion.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAl1R8tFbjsO
“ Yeah, nobody’s being arrested. I just want to talk to you.”, Danny said. The adults let out sighs of relief and sat down. They explained what happened and Danny said, “ Ok, I understand now. Would you mind if I talked to Cayela for a moment.
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“ Um, sure. I guess.”, Leo said.
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“ Thank you Leo.”, Danny said. But as he started to approach Cayela she immediately set her juice box down on the coffee table and pressed her back into the chair, hugging her knees into her chest in fear. Florence gently placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder when she saw this.
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“ Cayela, calm down. You don’t need to be scared of me. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.”, Danny said with a soft smile as he knelt down in front of her.
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“ Am I in trouble? I don’t want to be arrested.”, Cayela frightenly asked as she started to cry again.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIdDi9WJ6dV
“ Sweetheart you’re not, no one is. I understand that you didn’t realize what it was you were doing. Your mom and dad explained to me that you’re autistic and certain things don’t process right in your brain.”, Danny said.
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“ What does that mean?”, Cayela sniffled.
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“ Well, that’s an example right there. You didn’t really understand what I was saying, but, the point is it was an accident and you didn’t mean to do it. Had you done it purposely knowing what it was in the first place that would have been a different story.”, Danny said.
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“ So I’m not in trouble for doing this?”, Cayela sniffled as she relaxed herself in the chair.
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“ No. You’re still just an innocent, young teenager. You can go back to drinking your juice box.”, Danny said with a smile.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she ceased her crying and picked her juice box back up. A smile of relief spread across her face as she went back to drinking her juice.
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“ You feel better now Cayela?”, Florence asked with a smile.
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“ Yeah.”, Cayela said as she nodded her head before she continued to drink her juice.
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“ Ok well I got to get going here. Have a good night you guys.”, Danny said as he headed to the door.
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“ Thanks Danny! Good night!”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, and Dakota exclaimed.
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“ Bye.”, Danny said before he left.
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“ Oh what a relief! I was about to have a panic attack!”, Leo exclaimed as she let out a sigh of relief.
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“ Yeah I’ll say! I think we all were!”, Dakota exclaimed.
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Knock knock!
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“ Who is it?!”, Leo asked as she walked to the door.
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“ It’s Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki, we’re here to pick up our daughter Florence! Is this Mrs. Fordyce-Cooper, Cayela’s mother?!”
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“ Uh it’s Dr. Fordyce-Cooper and yes it is! Come on in!”, Leo said with a smile as she opened the door.
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“ Hi I’m Patricia Crenshamezki and this is my husband Gary.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said with a smile as she introduced herself and her husband.
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“ Hi nice to meet you! I’m Gary!”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ It’s nice to meet you too. I’m Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper and this is my husband Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Leo said as she introduced herself and Sheldon.
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“ Yes hello.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Nice to meet you too. So who are all these people?”, Mrs. Crenshamezki asked.
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“ Oh these are some of our friends. This is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, Dakota ‘ Skullbreaker’ Harris, and Penny.”, Leo said.
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“ Why Skullbreaker?”, Mr. Crenshamezki asked as he stared at Dakota.
19Please respect copyright.PENANADqf1Vu5317
“ Oh that’s because I’m an MMA fighter. My middle name is actually Chantel but Skullbreaker is my fighter stage name.”, Dakota said with a smile.
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“ Oh ok I get it now.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Come on Florence, it’s time to go!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Aw do I have to?! Cayela and I were having so much fun mom!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ I know but it’s almost 9 o’clock. It’s bed time!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ You’ll see Cayela again tomorrow at school.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Oh, ok. I guess it’s time for me to go home Cayela.”, Florence said as she picked up her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.
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“ Ok. Bye Florence, I had a lot of fun today despite being bullied by Charlotte and her stupid friends.”, Cayela said with a smile as she finished her juice.
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“ I did too! See you tomorrow at school!”, Florence said as she smiled back.
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“ Ok!”, Cayela said.
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“ Thank you for allowing your daughter to come over to hang out with our daughter for a few hours. Cayela’s been really struggling with trying to make friends and we’re very greatful that your daughter was nice enough to befriend her.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh you’re very welcome Leo. That’s no problem at all, Florence is use to this. Our oldest daughter Julianne who’s 17 is severely autistic but she’s not able to speak. She also can’t walk so she has to use a wheelchair to get around.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Oh that’s terrible. I feel so sorry for you. It must be awful to have a child that can’t tell you anything.”, Leo sadly said.
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“ It is but we try to stay positive. She also can’t use the bathroom too so she has to wear adult sized disposable briefs.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Cayela’s the same way but she feels embarrassed about it. She keeps telling me and her father all the time that she wishes she was normal.”, Leo said.
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“ Well my husband and I think that Julianne feels the same way even though she can’t tell us.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Alright, Patricia I think it’s time to go. It’s getting late.”, Mr. Crenshamezki said.
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“ Alright Gary I’m coming. Well it was nice meeting you all but we really got to go. Feel free to allow Cayela over to our house sometime too.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she followed her husband and daughter out the door.
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“ Oh anytime Patricia! Same with Florence! The girls really did have a great time with each other!”, Leo said with a smile. Sheldon nodded his head in agreement.
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“ Alright, bye. Good night.”, Mrs. Crenshamezki said as she left with her husband and daughter.
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“ Well I’m going home too. Good night you guys.”, Penny said as she stood up and walked to the door.
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“ Good night Penny.”, Leonard said as he slung his arm around Dakota’s shoulder.
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“ Good night Auntie Penny! I love you!”, Cayela exclaimed as she hugged Penny.
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“ Aw good night sweetie! I love you too!”, Penny said as she hugged Cayela back and kissed the top of her head before she walked out.
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“ Well that was fun.”, Cayela said as she began to yawn.
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“ Ok I think it’s time for bed. It’s 5 minutes to 9.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Let’s go Cayela.”, Leo said as she headed to the bathroom.
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“ Ok. Coming mom.”, Cayela said as she followed her mother. Once Cayela was changed and all dressed for bed and after she brushed her teeth her parents tucked her into her bed. Leonard and Dakota entered the room moments later to say good night too.
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“ Good night Cayela. We love you.”, Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, and Dakota said as they stood next to her bed.
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“ Good night. I love you too.”, Cayela said with a yawn as her parents and godparents kissed her forehead before they walked out. Sheldon shut the light off which turned on Cayela’s nightlight before he shut the door. Cayela shifted in her bed before she fell asleep holding her stuffed 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael. She may have been a 14 year old but she did love that cartoon show especially the theme song just like her father. But in the middle of the night Cayela was suddenly woken up out of a dead sleep when something in her dream scared her and made her scream. This caught the attention of the 4 adults who ran in there and turned on the light to see Cayela sitting up in bed crying.
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“ Cayela what’s wrong?! Are you ok?!”, Leo asked with concern as she looked at her daughter.
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“ I had a bad dream mom! Something scared me and it woke me up!”, Cayela cried.
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“ What scared you?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ It’s not what scared me dad it’s someone that scared me!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Well who are you talking about Cayela?”, Dakota asked.
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“ I don’t know, it was weird! There was this guy who kidnapped me and made me kill all of you including Florence! He looked like a cyborg with a red mechanical laser eye!”, Cayela cried. All 4 adults just looked at each other and gasped. They immediately knew who Cayela was talking about even though she had never met him yet.
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“ Oh god, I was afraid it would come to this eventually!”, Leo exclaimed as she buried her face in her hands.
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“ Leo calm down.”, Sheldon said as he placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder.
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“ Sheldon don’t tell me to calm down! This is exactly what I didn’t want Cayela to find out about!”, Leo exclaimed as panic began to set in.
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“ What didn’t you want me know about mom?! Do you know that guy?!”, Cayela cried. Leo sat down on her daughter’s bed and with a defeated sigh she said, “ Yes, I do know him. In fact, your whole family here does. I was hoping that you would never find out about this, but, I guess I have no choice but to tell you. Honey, who you just described is my enemy.”
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“ He’s a villain?!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Yes. He’s an evil mad scientist and his name’s Dr. Devon Stormbender.”, Leo sadly said.
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“ Why does he look like cyborg mom?!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Oh sweetheart if I told you, you probably wouldn’t understand. It’s a very complicated story to tell.”, Leo sadly said as she gently placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder.
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“ Yeah you’re probably right!”, Cayela cried. After she was comforted, changed again and put back to bed the next day at school Cayela told Florence about the weird dream she had.
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“ Are you serious Cayela?”, Florence asked as she looked at her friend.
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“ Yeah, and what’s really weird about it is I’ve never met him before. My mom and dad just told me about him last night.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well one thing’s for sure that I got to tell you about that Cayela is that is the stupidest name I’ve ever heard! Seriously, what kind of a dumb name is Dr. Stormbender?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ I don’t know Florence but I agree with you! That really is a dumb name!”, Cayela laughed. As the two girls laughed about this they didn’t realize that Dr. Stormbender was watching them on his big computer screen in his underground lair through the middle school’s surveillance cameras. Fiery hot rage built up inside of him as he listened to Cayela and Florence make fun of his name.
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“ So those bratty teenage girls think they can make fun of my name and call it stupid, huh?! Well they got another thing coming, this will not stand with me! Those two shall pay for this!”, Dr. Stormbender shouted as he slammed a mechanical fist on his control panel. He continued listening until he heard something that caught his attention.
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“ Cayela Fordyce-Cooper and Florence Crenshamezki, pay attention!”, the teacher interjected as she smacked her ruler on the chalkboard.
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“ Sorry Ms. Simmons!”, Cayela and Florence said as they turned their attention back to the lesson.
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“ Wait, what?!”, Dr. Stormbender interjected as he switched the camera to another angle and zoomed in on Cayela’s face before freezeframing it. As he looked at her face he clearly see the facial features of his enemy Leo and Sheldon which made a sinister, evil smirk spread across his face.
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“ Of course, it all makes sense now! That’s Sheldon and Leo’s little girl! Oh this should be very interesting!”, Dr. Stormbender exclaimed as he let out an evil laugh.
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When school let out at 10:30 A.M. because of a half day and after her parents picked her up, Cayela asked them if Florence could come over again but Leo told her no because she had to run some errands and would not be home for a few hours. Cayela was upset about that but she reluctantly decided to let it go. When they pulled up in the parking lot of their apartment building with the car still running, Leo told Cayela to go inside and wait for her father because she needed to talk to him for a minute. Cayela acknowledged what her mother told her and went inside the building climbing up the 4 flights of stairs.
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“ Ok, I’m going to run some errands and I want Cayela to take a nap while I’m out. Could you make sure she does her homework and that you change her before doing so?”, Leo asked as she looked at her husband.
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“ I can.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thank you Sheldon. I’ll be back in a few.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright, hurry back safe Leo. I love you.”, Sheldon said as he kissed his wife.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said as she kissed him back before Sheldon stepped out of the car and she drove away. He walked up the 4 flights of stairs and when he walked in he saw his daughter sitting on the couch watching an episode from the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Sheldon stood there and shook his head slightly with a smirk on his face as he picked up the tv remote and shut the tv off.
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“ Aw what gives dad?! I was just at the part where The Shredder was calling Bebop and Rocksteady idiots!”, Cayela protested as she looked at her father.
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“ Your mother’s out running errands so she asked me to make sure you do your homework and that I change you before getting you settled down for a nap in your bed.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Why?! I’m not even tired and I’m too old for this! I’m 14 years old!”, Cayela whined.
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“ I don’t know but that’s what your mother said. Now please go do your homework Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Fine.”, Cayela said with a defeated sigh as she got off the couch and went to her room to do her homework. It took her a little over an hour to complete it but when she did she called out, “ Ok I’m done with my homework dad!”
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIPrYNdTyiF
“ Alright, follow me to the bathroom.”, Sheldon said as he headed to the bathroom. Cayela sprinted after her father and they entered the bathroom shutting the door behind them. A few minutes after this Cayela reentered her bedroom with Sheldon following her. The time was now 15 minutes past noon.
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“ I don’t want to take a nap! I’m really not even tired!”, Cayela protested as she laid down on her bed.
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“ Don’t argue against what your mother said. It’s nap time.”, Sheldon said as he gently covered her with her comforter. He then kissed his daughter’s head and before he walked out of the room Cayela said, “ Dad?”
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“ What is it Cayela?”, Sheldon asked as he turned around to face his daughter.
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“ Is mom really going to come back after she’s done with her errands?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Of course she is. Why would you ask a silly question like that?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at her in confusion.
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“ I don’t know. I just keep thinking about that cyborg man that I saw in my dream last night. I don’t want anything bad to happen to mom.”, Cayela said with concern in her voice. Sheldon let out a sigh, walked back over to Cayela’s bed and sat down.
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“ I know you’re worried about your mom and we all are, but, she’s going to be fine.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh, ok. And another question.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yes?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Where’s Uncle Leonard?”, Cayela asked.
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“ He’s still working. You’ll see him later this evening.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuAOATjdKmK
“ Oh, ok.”, Cayela said.
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“ Are those all the questions you have right now?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah that’s it.”, Cayela said.
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“ Alright, well take your 2 hour nap. Your mother will wake you up when she gets back.”, Sheldon said as he stood up and walked back to the door.
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“ Ok. I love you dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ I love you too Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he shut the light off and walked out. Cayela rolled over in her bed and fell asleep.
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2 hours later...
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“ Finally! I’m home!”, Leo exclaimed as she walked in the door carrying her arms full of bags.
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“ Well good Lord woman! What in the name of Einstein did you buy?!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at the amount of items his wife was carrying.
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“ Just groceries and other things. I had to literally go to 6 different stores just to get what I needed.”, Leo said as she was struggling to carry the bags. Some of them began to fall out of her arms to the floor making her a little frustrated.
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“ Oh son of a bitch! Sheldon can you please help me carry some of this stuff?!”, Leo exclaimed as she carried what she had in her arms to the kitchen and set them on the counter. Sheldon picked up the remaining items and did the same.
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“ Is Cayela still sleeping?”, Leo asked as she started putting items away.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAmYVX75zv1o
“ As far as I know, yes.”, Sheldon said as he opened the fridge.
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“ Alright well I’m going to go wake her up.”, Leo said as she headed to her daughter’s bedroom.
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“ Cayela, it’s time to get up.”, Leo said as she walked into the room.
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“ Oh, hi mom. How did your errands go?”, Cayela asked as she sat up her bed.
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“ Pretty good, except I had to go to 6 different stores which was not fun but I did get everything I needed.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that’s good.”, Cayela said.
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“ Did you sleep ok?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah, I slept like a rock.”, Cayela said.
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“ Good. Did you do your homework before your nap?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah my homework’s all done mom.”, Cayela said as she got up from her bed. She then picked up her cell phone that was sitting on the nightstand next to her bed and saw that she had a text message from Florence.
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F: Hey Cayela, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school tomorrow? :)
19Please respect copyright.PENANADSYFXXDrBQ
“ Text message?”, Leo asked her daughter.
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“ Yeah mom it’s Florence. She’s asking me if I want to go over to her house after school tomorrow.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh, well, I don’t have any problem with you going over there but I’ll go ask your father first. Go wait for me in the bathroom and I’ll be in there in a minute Cayela.”, Leo said with a smile before she walked out of the room.
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“ Ok mom.”, Cayela said as she left her room and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Moments after Leo talked to her husband in the kitchen and he said he was fine with Cayela going over to her friend’s house, Leo then picked up the two new boxes of adult sized disposeable briefs that she bought at the store and carried them into the bathroom. After that, Cayela went back to her room to play with her Barbie dolls. As she was playing with them she was laughing, making them talk to each other and singing the Barbie Girl song. She did these things in a repetitive fashion until she decided that a tornado was going to hit her Barbie house making them scream and try to seek shelter from the storm.
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“ Oh my god! This tornado is a disaster! There’s debris flying everywhere, shield your eyes!”, Cayela screamed in her best imitation of Barbie as she was shaking the house, sliding and smacking things around it as well as making howling wind sounds to simulate the tornado striking and destroying the house. Leo and Sheldon began to shake their heads and laughed as they listened to their daughter let her imagination run wild.
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“ Ah the sounds of a happy child. I love it.”, Leo said with a smile as she looked at her husband while they were sitting on the couch in the living room.
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“ As do I as well and I also love you Leo.”, Sheldon said as he smiled back at her.
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“ I love you too Sheldon.”, Leo said as she kissed him.
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“ Oh no, someone help me! I’ve been sucked up into the twister!”, Cayela’s Barbie voice screamed as she pretended that one of her barbies got sucked up into the tornado.
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“ I’ll save you Barbie! I’ll suck up the tornado with this vacuum cleaner!”, Cayela’s Ken voice exclaimed as she pretended that one of her Ken dolls grabbed a vacuum cleaner with a hose and began sucking the tornado into it. She made pretend sucking noises as she did so until she let go of her Barbie doll and let her fall to the floor with a big thunk.
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“ You’re safe Barbie! I defeated the evil tornado!”, Cayela’s Ken voice exclaimed as her Ken doll dropped the vacuum hose.
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“ Oh Ken you saved my life! You’re my hero! Kiss me my knight in shining armor!”, Cayela’s Barbie voice exclaimed as she picked up her doll from the floor.
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“ With pleasure. Come here lover!”, Cayela’s Ken voice said as she smushed her dolls’ faces together and made kissing noises.
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“ Yay! Dance party time!”, Cayela exclaimed as she set her dolls down and walked over to her stereo. She picked up her iPod, scrolled through her playlist and clicked on the song I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas. She started to sing the words as she danced around her room. As Leo and Sheldon listened to this going on in their daughter’s room Leo’s phone started ringing.
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“ Hello?”, Leo answered.
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“ Hey Leo, it’s Leonard.”, Leonard answered back.
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“ Oh hi Leonard, what’s up?”, Leo said.
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“ Not much I just got off of work. Could you come pick me up at Caltech?”, Leonard said.
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“ Sure, why?”, Leo asked.
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“ My car won’t start for some reason. I tried to start the engine but it wouldn’t turn over. I’m sitting in the parking lot right now with no way to get home because Howard, Raj, and Amy already left a few minutes ago, Penny and Bernadette are still working, Stuart is out on a date and Dakota didn’t answer when I called her which means she’s either training in a gym or she’s in the octagon fighting someone. My only option left was to call you.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh, ok. But wait a second, did you just say that Stuart’s on a date?!”, Leo asked in complete shock.
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“ Yeah, he told me that he’s out with this girl named Denise.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well that’s great! He needs someone special in his life. He always seems so lonely every time we see him at the comic book store.”, Leo said.
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“ Yeah you’re right. So could you please come pick me up Leo?”, Leonard said.
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“ Sure Leonard I’ll be right there. Do you want me to call a tow company to tow your car to a garage for you?”, Leo asked.
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“ Sure, that would be greatly appreciated Leo.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok, see you in a few minutes. Bye.”, Leo said.
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“ Bye.”, Leonard said as he hung up.
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“ I’ll be right back Sheldon.”, Leo said as she grabbed her keys and her purse.
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“ Where are you going now Leo?”, Sheldon asked as he looked at his wife.
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“ I’m going to Caltech to pick up Leonard. His car broke down for some strange reason and he asked me to come get him. Howard, Raj, and Amy already left a few minutes ago, Penny and Bernadette are still working, Stuart’s on a date and Dakota didn’t answer when Leonard tried to call her.”, Leo said as she pulled her keys out of her purse and swung her purse over her shoulder.
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“ Well alright, just be careful. Call me if anything happens.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her.
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“ I will and if Cayela comes out here asking where I went just tell her that I went to pick up her Uncle Leonard from work and that I’ll be right back.”, Leo said as she kissed him back before walking out the door. Sheldon nodded his head and turned on the tv. As he flipped through the channels Cayela suddenly came out of her room listening to her iPod through her headphones. She was also singing too as she grabbed a juice box out of the fridge. The song she was singing was Listen to your Heart by DHT. Sheldon’s eyes went back and forth from the tv to his daughter as she danced around the kitchen singing the song but stopping every few seconds to sip her juice box. This made him smile a little because he loved seeing his daughter so happy to be doing her own things that made her happy. His daughter Cayela and his wife Leo were the most precious things in the world to him and Sheldon didn’t know what he would do if something should happen to them. He loved them both very much and vowed to protect them with his life. Sheldon turned his attention back to the tv but the second he did so something unexpected happened that immediatedly concerned him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cayela suddenly collapse and hit the floor with a thud behind the kitchen counter.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Cayela!”, Sheldon screamed as he jumped off the couch and ran to Cayela. He knelt down beside her and gently lifted her head. Her eyes were closed but her eyelids and lower lip were tremoring slightly which really freaked Sheldon out. With panic setting in and with his daughter in his arms Sheldon pulled out his cell phone and called his wife.
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“ Sheldon?”, Leo answered her phone as she was driving her and Leonard back to the apartment.
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“ Leo! Get back here now! Something’s wrong with Cayela!”, Sheldon panically screamed into his phone as he tried to fight back the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes.
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“ Sheldon what’s going on?! What do you mean something’s wrong?!”, Leo asked with a bit of confusion and concern in her voice.
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“ I’m not sure! I was just sitting in the living room on the couch watching tv and then Cayela came out of her room listening to her IPod! She walked into the kitchen to grab herself a juice box and started dancing around the kitchen singing but then she suddenly collapsed onto the floor out of nowhere and now she’s laying in my arms unconscious! I don’t think she’s breathing!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Oh my god! Honey call 9.1.1 now! Leonard and I will be there as fast as we can!”, Leo screamed as she nearly dropped the phone upon hearing what her husband just said.
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“ Ok! Please be careful getting here! Bye!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ I will! Bye!”, Leo screamed as she hung up and frantically sped up her car.
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“ What the hell Leo?! What are you doing?!”, Leonard screamed as he pressed his back against the seat.
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“ Leonard we need to get home now!”, Leo screamed.
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“ Why?! What the hell is going on?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Sheldon called me in a panic and said that Cayela just collapsed and fell unconscious in the kitchen! He doesn’t think she’s breathing!”, Leo screamed.
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“ WHAT?! She was fine when I saw her this morning before we left for work! What do you think happened?!”, Leonard screamed as he stared at his friend with wide eyes.
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“ I don’t know but I’m freaking out now!”, Leo screamed.
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“ I’m freaking out too! Is Sheldon calling 9.1.1 now?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ I…!”, Leo started to say but was interrupted by the sound of an ambulance coming up behind them with the sirens blaring. Leo pulled over her car just enough for the ambulance to pass her and Leonard screamed, “ Follow that ambulance Leo! With any luck it should be heading to our apartment building!”
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“ Oh you don’t have to tell me twice Leonard! Hang in there Cayela, mama’s coming!”, Leo screamed as she sped after the ambulance and followed it all the way to 2311 North Los Robles Avenue. She parked her car in the closest parking spot and frantically jumped out with Leonard frantically sprinting after her toward the entrance of the building. Leo screamed her daughter’s name in a panic as the two physicists ran up the stairs almost tripping over their feet to get to their apartment.
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“ Cayela!”, Leo screamed as she threw the apartment door open to see Sheldon in complete hysterics while paramedics were administering CPR on Cayela. Leo tried to get closer but one EMT held her back.
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“ Ma’am you need to stay back! We’re working here!”, the EMT said as he stood in front of Leo, Sheldon and Leonard.
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“ That’s my daughter! I have to see if she’s ok!”, Leo screamed as she continued to push forward but was held back.
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“ Ma’am I understand you’re upset but you need to stay back!”, the EMT said.
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“ Is she going to be ok?!”, Sheldon asked as tears streamed down his face.
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“ We don’t know. We’re going to transport her to the hospital to find out what’s going on. Would you three prefer to ride with us in the ambulance or follow us?”, the EMT asked.
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“ We’ll ride in the ambulance! Thank you!”, Leo exclaimed as tears began to stream down her face. The three physicists then followed the EMTs out the door as they rolled the gurney with Cayela on it and carried it down the stairs out to the waiting ambulance sitting outside in front of the building. They all piled inside and sped out of the parking lot. On the way to the hospital Leo sent out a mass text to her friends as well as her family and her husband’s family letting them know what was going on.
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Pharmaceutical lab…
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Buzz buzz!
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L. F-C: Get to the hospital now! Cayela’s unconscious and unresponsive! Text me or call me when you get this message! :.(
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“ Holy crap on a cracker! Bernie did you get the same message I did from Leo?!”, Penny screamed as she dropped the container she was holding when she saw her text message from Leo.
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“ Yes! Something’s wrong with Cayela!”, Bernadette screamed as she dropped a petrie dish when she saw the same message that Penny got.
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“ Well what the hell are we standing here for?! We need to go now!”, Penny screamed as she grabbed her purse and ran out the door.
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“ Well wait, we need to tell our boss where we’re going! We can’t just leave!”, Bernadette screamed as she grabbed her purse and ran after her friend.
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“ Oh for God sakes we don’t have time for that Bernadette! We need to go now! Our niece could be dying for all we know and I don’t even want to think about that being a possibility! We may not be blood-related but I sure as hell love that girl and I know you do too as well as the rest of us! Cayela’s a blessing to us and there is no way in damn hell that we’re just going to lose her like that with no explanation as to why!”, Penny screamed as she continued running down the hallway with Bernadette following her running down flights of stairs to get to the first floor of the building. As they ran past the reception desk the woman behind it asked, “ Excuse me, but, where do you think you’re going?”
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“ Sorry, we need to leave like right now.”, Penny exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath.
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“ Is there a reason for this?”, the receptionist asked.
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“ Yes, there’s a serious family friend emergency going on. Our friends’ daughter fell unconscious for some reason and she’s being taken to the hospital.”, Bernadette said with every shaking breath that came out of her mouth.
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“ Oh wow, that sounds very serious!”, the receptionist exclaimed as she stared at them.
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“ Yeah so could you please let Dan know about this and tell him that we went to the hospital?”, Penny asked.
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“ Of course, I’ll let him know. Just go see your niece.”, the receptionist said.
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“ Thank you! Come on Bernie let’s go!”, Penny exclaimed as she grabbed her friend by the arm and ran to the door pulling her through it and out to the parking lot. When they got to Penny’s car and jumped in Penny called Leo as she sped out of the parking lot letting her know that they were on their way there.
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“ Howie! Did you hear from Leo?!”, Bernadette screamed into her phone at her husband.
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“ Yeah, she texted me Bernie! Something about Cayela being unconscious! Why?!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ Are you heading up to the hospital?! Penny and I just left the pharmaceutical lab and we’re already on our way!”, Bernadette screamed.
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“ Yes! I’m getting on my scooter now but I’m going to Raj’s first to pick him up before I head up there!”, Howard exclaimed as he strapped on his helmet and hopped on his scooter. After he hung up with his wife he kicked the kickstand up and started the engine. Howard then pulled out of the driveway of their house and sped down the street reviving up the engine. When he got to Raj’s apartment complex he was surprised to see that Raj was already standing outside waiting for him.
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“ Did you get Leo’s text?!”, Howard asked his best friend as he stopped right in front of him.
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“ Yeah dude I’ve been standing here waiting for you for the past 20 minutes!”, Raj exclaimed.
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“ Never mind that Raj! Let’s just go! Get on behind me!”, Howard hissed. Raj quickly got on Howard’s scooter and as the two of them sped out of the parking lot Raj exclaimed, “ Whatever’s going on with Cayela this can’t be good!” As the word about Cayela’s condition spread amongst the others they all found themselves crammed in the hospital waiting room waiting for answers. The Crenshamezkies showed up too after Leo called them and told them what was going on.
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“ Oh my god we have to go in there! I can’t stand not knowing what the hell is going on!”, Leo screamed as she paced the floor like a wild animal locked in a cage.
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“ Leo calm down!”, Sheldon screamed as he approached his wife from behind her.
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“ Don’t tell me to calm down Sheldon! For all we know our daughter could be dying in there and I don’t even want to think about that! We have been blessed with a sweet, beautiful little girl and there is no way that we are just going to lose her like that! She’s only 14 years old!”, Leo screamed in her husband’s face as tears were streaming down her face.
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“ I know but still we need to keep it together and not lose our sanity over this! Our daughter may be unconscious but she’s probably petrified wondering what the hell is going on!”, Sheldon screamed as he gently grabbed Leo’s shoulders and held her.
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“ Um in case you’ve forgotten, WE’RE WONDERING THAT TOO!”, Amanda shouted as she gestured to herself and everyone else.
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“ Amanda don’t start! This is not the time for you to act all bitchy! My autistic teenage daughter is in there unconscious and probably scared to death wondering where the hell her mom and dad are at!”, Leo screamed at her sister.
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“ Amanda! Use your inside voice! We’re going to solve this mystery one way or another but you need to calm down! I understand that your bipolar tendencies are starting to flair up but now is not the time for that! Cayela may be unconscious right now but she doesn’t want to hear her aunt and her mother scream at each other! So get your sh*t together and STOP IT!”, Mrs. Fordyce screamed at her two bickering daughters which caused them to shut up. Mrs. Cooper gasped in shock at what came out of their mouths.
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“ I’m so very sorry that you had to hear that Mary. My daughters don’t usually act like this to this extent.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she turned toward Mrs. Cooper.
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“ Oh that’s alright. We’re family so I just have to get used to it. The Lord created everyone differently from each other.”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ I suppose you’re right.”, Mrs. Fordyce said as she turned away slightly and let out a sad sigh.
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“ Everything will be fine. I’m woried about Cayela just as much as you. Here, take my hands and let’s pray for her.”, Mrs. Cooper said as she held out her hands which Mrs. Fordyce took in hers. The two of them then closed their eyes and silently prayed to God hoping that their granddaughter would be ok. The others were just sitting around freaking out and crying. After a few moments of not knowing anything the doctor finally came out to talk to them.
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“ Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fordyce-Cooper?”, the doctor asked as he stood there with a clipboard in his hand.
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“ Yes?! Is our daughter ok?!”, Sheldon and Leo exclaimed as tears continued to stream down their faces.
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“ She’s stable but in critical condition. We have her on a ventilator in a medically induced coma.”, the doctor said.
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“ What do you mean by that?! What’s wrong with her?!”, Leo cried out.
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“ We suspect that she may have been poisoned.”, the doctor said with concern in his voice.
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“ POISONED?! BY WHAT?!”, the others exclaimed simultaneously.
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“ We think it was cyanide but we won’t know for sure until the lab results come back.”, the doctor said.
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“ OH MY GOD! THIS IS HORRIBLE! CAYELA!”, Leo screamed as she fell to her knees sobbing her eyes out.
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“ OH GOD LORD! LEO!”, Sheldon screamed as he fell to the floor and held his very upset wife in his arms.
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“ BESTIE!”, Morgan screamed as she threw herself at her best friend sobbing as well.
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“ UNBELIEVABLE! CAN THESE FAMILY EMERGENCIES GET ANY WORSE?! THIS IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT!”, Junior shouted before he angrily kicked a trash can and stormed off letting out an angry scream.
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“ JUNIOR! GET BACK HERE!”, Leo screamed as she pulled away from her best friend and her husband to run after her brother.
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“ LEO!”, Amanda screamed as she chased after her sister. Kennedy followed her as well as Stephen and Garrett. The siblings eventually all caught up with each other.
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“ Junior what the hell was up with that?! You scared the living hell out of us?!”, Kennedy screamed at her brother.
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“ Don’t start Kennedy! This has nothing to do with you!”, Junior screamed at her.
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“ To hell it does Junior!”, Kennedy screamed.
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“ Yeah! What are you so angry about?!”, Leo screamed with tears still coming down her face.
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“ I’m angry that some lowlife d*ckhead out there poisoned your daughter! She’s on life support because of it!”, Junior screamed.
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“ We don’t know for sure yet if that’s what really happened! For all we know at the moment it’s just a speculation! Calm the fracking hell down! I’m just as upset about it as you and the rest of us! I’m Cayela’s mother for God’s sake!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Don’t tell me to calm down Leo Alejandra! I’m going to go find this son of a bi**h and kill ‘em!”, Junior shouted as he tried to storm away but was grabbed by the arm by his brother Garrett.
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“ Are you out of your mind Junior?! What good will that do?! It’s just going to make things worse!”, Garrett shouted in his face.
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“ Yo you dillholes! Isn’t obvious?! Who do we know that would do something like this?!”, Amanda shouted at her siblings.
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“ DR. DEVON STORMBENDER!”, the 6 siblings shouted at the same time.
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“ Exactly!”, Amanda shouted as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAVpEuFkDTxK
“ I’m gonna kill him!”, Junior shouted as he clenched his hand into a tight fist.
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“ Uh hello, Earth to Junior, in case you have forgotten HE’S A CYBORG! He’s gonna kill you if you try to go after him alone!”, Leo shouted.
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“ I don’t care Leo! He’s not gonna get away with trying to hurt Cayela or the rest of us! He deserves everything he’s gonna get and by that I mean my big, meaty fists right up his R2D2 tin can ass!”, Junior shouted.
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“ That didn’t even make sense!”, Stephen shouted at his younger brother.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAtp6C9Sljig
“ It was a customated Star Wars metaphor Stephen! It wasn’t supposed to make sense!”, Junior shouted.
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“ Will you all just stop it?! We’re family! Cayela wouldn’t want to see us fighting with each other!”, Leo shouted.
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“ You’re right Leo.”, Kennedy said as she sighed.
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“ Is everything ok here?”, a nurse asked as she walked by.
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“ Yes everything’s fine, just a family argument.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok well the doctor said you can go see your daughter.”, the nurse said as she walked away.
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“ Ok thank you.”, Leo said as she started walking down the hallway. Her siblings followed and when they got to the room everyone else was already in there. Leo walked up next to her husband who was standing next to the bed holding Cayela’s hand. Leo gently placed her hand on top of her husband’s hand and started to pray as tears still streamed down her face. Cayela looked so lifeless as she laid in the bed with all kinds of tubes and machines hooked up to her. Her skin felt cold as if she had been stored in a refridgerator for a long period of time and then taken out of it. Everyone remained silent as they gathered around the bed. The only sounds that were heard were the hiss of the ventilator and the slow beep of the heart monitor. As Leo and Sheldon stood by their daughter’s bedside Kemdan walked up next to them and said, “ Ella estará bien.”
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“ Thanks Kemdan.”, Leo sadly said as she looked at her friend before she looked back at her daughter. Florence stood at the other side of the bed holding Cayela’s other hand with tears streaming from her face. Her parents stood behind her with their hands gently placed on her shoulders with her older sister and younger brother on both sides of her. Florence was in absolute disbelief that this was happening to her new friend and thought that this was just some horrible dream that she had yet to wake up from but the reality of the situation was too much for her to handle at that moment. Everyone kept a constant vigil over Cayela for at least 2 days praying for a miracle and hoping that she would come out of it but just when they were beginning to lose hope something surprisingly wonderful happened. On the third day they were there Cayela came out of her coma and started coughing while trying to pull the ventilator tube out.
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“ Cayela? Cayela!”, Leo and Sheldon exclaimed as their faces lit up as well as everyone else in the room. When the doctors and nurses came in to remove the tube from Cayela’s airway Cayela coughed and sputtered a little bit before she started breathing on her own.
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“ What’s going on? Where am I?”, Cayela asked as she looked around the room and saw the faces of her family as well as her friend and her friend’s family.
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“ You’re in the hospital Cayela.”, the doctor said.
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“ Hospital? Why? What happened to me?!”, Cayela asked in confusion as her anxiety began to go up.
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“ Somebody poisoned you.”, Florence said.
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“ Poisoned me?! With what?! Mom, Dad, what’s going on?!”, Cayela exclaimed as she began to freak out.
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“ Cayela you were poisoned with cyanide and we think we already know who did it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Cyanide?! Oh my god who did this?!”, Cayela exclaimed in a panic.
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“ We think it’s the same person that we have talked about sweetheart, my enemy.”, Leo said as she gently placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder.
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“ The cyborg guy?! How long have I been unconscious?!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ 2 days.”, Dakota said.
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“ Oh my god! How am I going to make up 2 days worth of schoolwork?!”, Cayela exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ We’ll worry about that later. Right now all that matters is that you’re ok. Oh sweetheart, we were so worried about you.”, Leo said with a smile as she hugged her daughter and kissed the top of her head. Sheldon embraced both his wife and daughter as tears of happiness and relief streamed down his face. He was happy that his daughter was ok and didn’t appear to have any damaging effects from the cyanide.
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2 weeks later at school Charlotte and her friends continued to harass and bully Cayela as well as Florence until one day Cayela and Florence walked into the girls restroom talking to each other and suddenly stopped when they heard crying coming from one of the stalls.
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“ Wait shut up for a second, I hear someone crying.”, Florence said as she walked to one of the stalls and opened the door. The two girls gasped when they saw who it was.
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“ Charlotte?!”, Cayela and Florence gasped in shock.
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“ Go away! I want to be alone!”, Charlotte cried as she sat on the floor hugging her knees into her chest.
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“ Why? What’s wrong?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Why would you like to know?! You wouldn’t believe me anyway because I’m just a big stupid bully!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ No really what’s wrong?! You clearly look like you’re upset about something! What is it?!”, Cayela asked with concern on her face.
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“ Alright fine! Alicia betrayed me and turned all of our friends against me! She hacked my Facebook account, found an embarrassing picture of me and posted it to her page! Everyone is calling me a sissy because of it!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ What?! Why would she do that?!”, Florence asked in shock.
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“ Because she’s been jealous of me and my popularity! She’s always wanted to take the spotlight from me since the day she met me! She said that she was sick of being my wingwoman and wanted to be the top dog in school so she decided to hack into my Facebook to do some damage control on my life! When everyone saw that they laughed at me and started calling me a sissy! I was so upset that I didn’t know what to do so I ran in here to cry! I didn’t want to feed into the taunting and laughing by crying in front of everyone!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ How do we know you’re not pranking us?”, Florence asked as she narrowed her eyes at her. Charlotte said nothing and held up her phone in front of their faces as she continued to cry. Cayela and Florence looked at Alicia Cartman’s Facebook page and sure enough there was a picture of Charlotte sleeping in her bed cuddling with what a appeared to be a Rabbit webkinz. There was a caption with it too that said:
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Check this out everybody, Charlotte Catarina Tipton sleeps with a webkinz every night! What a sissy! Lol! 🤣😂
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“ Oh my god!”, both girls exclaimed.
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“ Hey look you guys, it’s Charlotte the sissy!”, Alicia laughed as she suddenly walked into the restroom with the other girls and saw Charlotte sitting on the floor in the stall.
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“ Go away Alicia! Leave me a alone!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ Oh what’s this?! The big, tough, scary Charlotte is actually crying?! Wow! This just proves how much of a sissy you really are!”, Alicia laughed as she tossed her hair back.
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“ That’s enough Alicia! Leave her alone!”, Cayela hissed.
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“ Oh shut up Cayela! You’re just as much of a sissy as her and Florence over here!”, Alicia laughed as she pointed at Charlotte and Florence.
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“ Excuse me?!”, Cayela hissed in anger.
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“ Hey that’s not nice! Go pick on somebody else!”, Florence hissed in anger as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
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“ No I don’t think I will! I think I’m enjoying this a lot!”, Alicia laughed.
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“ Hey sissy face! You gonna go running to your mommy and daddy?!”, Cassidy laughed as she fell over onto the floor causing all the other girls to laugh hysterically leaving Cayela and Florence to just stare at them with angry expressions on their faces.
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“ We were but not anymore, loser!”, Cassidy laughed.
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“ Loser! Loser! You are a loser!”, the other girls laughed and chanted as they pointed at her.
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“ Stop it! Leave me alone!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ GET OUT!”, Cayela shouted at them.
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“ Fine, whatever! Catch you on the flip side sissy Charlotte!”, Alicia laughed on her way out of the restroom with the other girls following her.
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“ Wow, you really are telling the truth.”, Florence said in concern.
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“ What am I gonna do?! Everyone has seen that picture and I can’t ever get that back! I lost all my friends! I won’t be able to show my face in school ever again!”, Charlotte cried.
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“ Charlotte don’t say that. You haven’t completely lost friends. You have us.”, Cayela said as she gestured to herself and Florence.
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“ You... you mean that?! Even after I was so mean to you?!”, Charlotte cried as she looked up at them with tears in her eyes.
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“ Yeah. No one deserves to be friendless, even if that person was mean to them. You clearly look like you could use a couple of friends that actually care about you.”, Florence said with a smile.
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“ So what do you say Charlotte? You want to come hang out with us and be friends with us?”, Cayela asked with a smile as she held out her hand.
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“ I would love to!”, Charlotte cried as she grabbed Cayela’s hand. A soft smile began spread across her face as she stared at her new friends with tears in her eyes.
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Later that day…
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Laughter and music filled the air as Cayela, Florence and Charlotte hung out together after school in Cayela’s bedroom. They were dancing around too and the song that was playing was Pocketful of Sunshine by the KIdz Bop Kids.
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“ Oh my god! This is so much fun! I’ve never had this much fun in my entire life before!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Really?! That’s a first!”, Florence exclaimed.
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“ Yeah, that reminds me, I’m really sorry for how I treated you. I let popularity get the better of me and it ruined my life. I never realized what a great friend I had until I lost her because of my behavior.”, Charlotte sympathetically said to Florence.
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“ It’s ok Charlotte, I’m just glad that you finally came to your senses. It’s not fun when someone’s being mean to you is it?”, Florence asked.
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“ No it’s not! It really hurt my feelings. I never realized what being mean to someone actually did to them until Alicia betrayed me like that. I never want to see her face again.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Well we could try to get her and the other girls kicked out.”, Cayela said.
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“ We could Cayela but then we would probably get in trouble too.”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah. Thanks for trying to help. You’re not as lame as I thought Cayela.”, Charlotte said with a smile.
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“ Thanks Charlotte. Hey, do you guys want to hear something funny?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Sure!”, Florence and Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ Ok, watch this!”, Cayela exclaimed with a smirk as she switched the song to Earth, Wind, Fire and Air by the Hex Girls on her ipod.
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“ CAYELA, TURN THAT OFF! DON’T BE ACTING LIKE YOUR AUNT AMANDA!”, Leo’s voice screamed from the living room.
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“ Was that your mom screaming at you?”, Charlotte asked as a smirk formed on her face. Florence sported one too.
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“ Yeah! My Aunt Amanda plays this song all the time which annoys my mom like crazy! She hates it!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Isn’t this a Scooby-Doo song?”, Florence asked.
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“ Yeah, which is why it’s funny!”, Cayela laughed. Florence and Charlotte started laughing too.
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“ Aw come on mom?! This is funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela your mother said she doesn’t want to hear it so turn it off! If you don’t you’re going to be in big trouble!”, Sheldon’s voice scolded his daughter from the living room.
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“ Ok fine dad! I’ll turn it off!”, Cayela laughed as she switched the song again to Baby Got Back by Sir Mix- A-Lot.
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“ What the hell?!”, Leonard’s voice exclaimed.
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“ Sheldon go in there and see what she’s doing please!”, Leo’s voice nagged her husband.
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“ Oh dear Lord!”, Sheldon’s voice irritatedly said as he got up from the couch and headed to his daughter’s bedroom. When he walked in he saw Cayela dancing like an idiot making Florence and Charlotte laugh like crazy.
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper, what are you doing in here?!”, Sheldon scolded at the top of his voice.
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“ Oh hi dad! We’re just listening to music!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela where in the name of Einstein did you get this song?! This is certainly not a song that you, Florence, and Charlotte should be listening to at 14 years old! In 4 years when you’re 18 then we’ll talk about it!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad calm down it’s just a song! I downloaded it from ITunes!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ What?! Oh I’m going to have a serious bone to pick with the Apple company about this!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad, what the…?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela do not say what the hell?! I don’t want you picking up any of that garbage from any of us, especially your Auntie Penny across the hall!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ What’s wrong with the way Auntie Penny talks?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ What’s wrong with the way she talks?! Most of the things she says are very inappropriate things that children really shouldn’t hear! That’s why you hear me scold her all the time when she comes over here! Even your mother scolds her about it too!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ I’ve never heard mom do that.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well she has! She doesn’t want you hearing that obnoxious junk either!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Ok I get it dad! Can I go now?!”, Cayela huffed under her breath as she rolled her eyes at her father.
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“ Ok, firstly, do not do that to me and secondly, yes! You may go delete that song off your ipod or I will take it away!”, Sheldon scolded as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, narrowing his eyes at his daughter.
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“ What?! That’s fracking ridiculous! Dad you’re insane!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ On the contrary it’s not Cayela and I’m not insane, your grandmother had me tested!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Oh yeah sure bring Grandma Mary into this conversation why don’tcha?!”, Cayela sarcastically pointed out.
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“ Cayela that is very disrespectful! Your mother and I didn’t raise you to talk like that!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ I was being sarcastic dad, or at least I think I was.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well whether that was sarcasm or not that was uncalled for! If you ever say something like that again you’ll be grounded for 2 weeks!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Ok sorry dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ Thank you! Now please delete that song or you know what will happen! Don’t make me come back in here!”, Sheldon scolded before he walked out.
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“ Wow, is your dad always like that?!”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yes but I’m used to it. He’s been that way for as long as I can remember.”, Cayela said.
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“ Who all lives here with you Cayela?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ My mom, my dad, and my dad’s best friend who I call Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela said.
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“ What do they do? I noticed a whole bunch of science stuff out in the living room.”, Charlotte asked.
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“ They’re physicists. They work at Caltech University.”, Cayela said.
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“ The California Institute of Technology?”, Charlotte asked as she raised an eyebrow.
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“ Yes. How did you know that Charlotte?”, Cayela asked in surprise.
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“ I don’t know, lucky guess.”, Charlotte said.
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“ You’re such a riot Charlotte!”, Cayela laughed as she playfully punched her new friend in the shoulder.
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“ Not as much of a riot as you Cayela!”, Charlotte laughed as she playfully punched Cayela back.
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“ Hey! Don’t leave me hanging!”, Florence exclaimed. Cayela and Charlotte simultaneously playfully punched Florence in both of her shoulders laughing like maniacs.
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“ Ow! Ok you two are so getting it!”, Florence exclaimed with a laugh.
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“ Oh my god! Run Charlotte!”, Cayela laughed as she quickly shoved past Charlotte and run out of her room.
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“ Wait up Cayela!”, Charlotte laughed as she ran after her.
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“ Cayela, Charlotte, get back here!”, Florence laughed as she ran after her two friends.
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“ Gangway!”, Cayela laughed as she came running out into the living room.
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“ Move it or lose it!”, Charlotte laughed as she followed behind Cayela.
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“ Hey! Calm down!”, Leonard scolded as he stood up from his computer chair at his desk.
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“ No running in here! Stop this fooling around!”, Sheldon scolded as he stood up from the couch.
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“ Girls?!”, Leo scolded as she stood up right next to her husband.
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“ I’ll show you and Cayela move it or lose it Charlotte! Come back here!”, Florence laughed as she bolted after them.
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“ Girls settle down before somebody gets hurt!”, Leo scolded as the girls ignored her and ran out of the apartment across the hallway.
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“ Cayela?!”, Amy and Bernadette exclaimed when they suddenly saw their niece running into Penny’s apartment with another girl they didn’t know.
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“ Oh my god shut the door Charlotte! Here comes Florence!”, Cayela laughed as she started pressing her body into the door.
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“ You got it Cayela!”, Charlotte laughed as she joined in with her. The two girls pressed the door shut just before Florence was able to come in which made her slam into the door.
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“ Hey what the hell?! Girls that’s very dangerous! Don’t be doing that, someone’s going to get hurt!”, Penny scolded as she tried to pry Cayela and Charlotte away from the door.
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“ Hey! What gives?! Cayela, Charlotte, open the door!”, Florence laughed as she kept bumping her shoulder into the door from the hallway outside Penny’s apartment.
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“ Nope! We’re locking you out Flo!”, Charlotte laughed as she continued pressing her body into the door along with Cayela.
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“ Do I look like that crazy lady from that Progressive commercial to you?!”, Florence laughed as she kept bumping against the door.
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“ No but it’s funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok that’s enough! Nobody’s locking anybody out! Girls get away from the door before you break it!”, Penny scolded as she pulled Cayela and Charlotte away from the door.
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“ Sorry Auntie Penny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ It’s not funny Cayela! Someone could really get hurt doing that and STOP BUMPING MY DOOR FLORENCE!”, Penny scolded Cayela and Charlotte before she yelled at Florence when she opened the door.
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“ Oh come on, I was just trying to get in!”, Florence laughed as she walked in.
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“ I know that but I don’t want you breaking it! I don’t want to be racking up property damage bills from my landlord just because my niece’s friend decided to be rambunctious by hitting my door!”, Penny scolded.
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“ Um technically I’m her best friend now!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny groaned as she rolled her eyes.
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To be continued…
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