Chapter 25
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“ What the hell is your problem you numbskull lunatics?! Have you completely lost your minds?!”, Penny screamed at her friends when she stomped across the hall and barged into their apartment.
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“ Penny to what do we owe the displeasure of this vulgur language and incesscent catterwauling?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Oh don’t be making this about you Dr. Whack-a-doodle! This is about safety issues!”, Penny hissed.
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“ What’s the issue Penny?”, Leo asked.
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“ Were you guys not aware that your daughter and her friends were fooling around with my apartment door a minute ago?! They could have gotten seriously hurt!”, Penny scolded.
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“ What?!”, Leonard exclaimed.
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“ Cayela, Florence, and Charlotte! Get back over here now!”, Leo and Sheldon shouted.
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“ What?! What is it?!”, Cayela interjected as she walked back into the apartment followed by Florence and Charlotte.
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“ Do you have a lack of common sense?! Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ No. What are you talking about dad?”, Cayela asked in confusion as she stared at her father.
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“ Don’t give me any of that! Answer this question: Were you, Florence, and Charlotte fooling around with your Auntie Penny’s apartment door a minute ago?!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Yeah we were just playing around. What’s the big deal?”, Cayela asked.
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“ The big deal is that doors are not meant to be played with period! You could have easily taken each other’s fingers off or gotten a head injury! I thought we told you that last time Cayela when you bumped your head on your Auntie Dakota’s apartment door?!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry mom.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well if you knew that from the last time then why did you do it again?!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Because we wanted to have a little fun! Charlotte was upset earlier today at school because she got her feelings hurt so Florence and I decided to cheer her up by fooling around a little bit!”, Cayela said.
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“ Ok you never told your father and I that part. What happened at school that made her upset?”, Leo asked.
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“ One of her friends betrayed her by posting an embarrassing picture of her on social media causing everyone to laugh at her and call her a sissy.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh that’s not very nice. Who did that?”, Leo asked.
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“ Alicia Cartman. Here, I’ll show you what she posted about Charlotte.”, Cayela said as she pulled out her phone and showed her mother Alicia’s Facebook profile. Leo gasped in shock when she saw the picture and the caption that was written underneath it.
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“ Why would Alicia do that?! This is a total violation of privacy!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Because she was apparently very jealous of Charlotte’s popularity and has wanted to take the spotlight from her since the two of them met. Charlotte told us that her brother actually took this picture of her with her phone without her knowledge of it which saved it in her camera roll. Alicia apparently found it eventually somehow when she hacked Charlotte’s Facebook profile and decided to use it to hurt her. Oh and not only that, Alicia also had the nerve to call me a sissy as well as Florence.”, Cayela said.
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“ What?! I don’t appreciate this at all!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ I agree! You know what, we’re going to go down to the school with this right now because this is getting way out of hand! It’s one thing to tease and be mean to someone but when you hack someone’s social media account and try to physically embarrass them that’s when it becomes ridiculous and way over the top! So go get in the car, we’re driving down to the school!”, Leo interjected as she grabbed her purse and Cayela’s diaper bag. Cayela acknowledged what her mother said and grabbed her two friends before rushing out of the apartment.
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“ What’s going on now?! Where the hell are you guys going?!”, Penny asked in confusion.
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“ We’re going up to Pasadena Middle School to talk to the principal about an issue that Cayela just brought to our attention. Apparently there’s another girl that’s not being very nice to Cayela and Florence and now she’s also not being very nice to Charlotte who was actually friends with her so we’re going to get this issue sorted out.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Why don’t you just kick this girl’s ass?! She sounds like she deserves it!”, Penny pointed out.
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“ Penny I’m a grown man! I’m not just going to kick some little preturd’s b!”, Sheldon stated with a frown.
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“ You won’t even say a?!”, Penny asked.
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“ You bet your sweet b I won’t!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Leonard are you coming with us?”, Leo asked as she stood in the open doorway.
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“ Yeah I’m coming Leo. Just hold on one second.”, Leonard said as he stood up from his chair, walked over to the bowl by the door and grabbed his keys as well as his wallet.
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“ Ok let’s go. Bye Penny, we’ll see you in a little while.”, Leo said as she walked out the door followed by her husband and her friend.
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“ Bye you guys.”, Penny said but after she saw Leonard take out his inhaler and use it as he was walking down the stairs behind Leo and Sheldon, she mumbled under her breath, “ Asthmatic dumba**!” before walking back across the hall to her apartment.
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Pasadena Middle School…
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“ Hello, welcome to the main office. How may I help you?”, Mrs. Charity Clemenson the secretary asked with a smile as she looked up from her computer behind the desk.
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“ Hi, I’m Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper, this is my husband Dr. Sheldon Cooper and our friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. We need to speak to Principal Rutherman about an issue that’s really important that was brought to our attention today from our daughter Cayela.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok, but, Principal Rutherman is in a meeting right now. Should I take a message?”, Mrs. Clemenson asked.
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“ I’m afraid not, this issue is very important and can not wait. Is there any chance that we can meet with him now?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Um, let me see what I can do. I’ll be right back.”, Mrs. Clemenson said as she got up from her desk and walked toward the principal’s office.
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Principal Rutherman’s office…
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“ Excuse me, Principal Rutherman?”, Mrs. Clemenson asked when she walked into the office.
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“ Yes. What is it Charity?”, Principal Rutherman asked his secretary.
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“ I’m very sorry to bother you but I have the Fordyce-Coopers out here and they would really like to speak to you about an issue that seems very important.”, Mrs. Clemenson said.
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“ Oh, ok. Tell them that I will be out in one second to talk to them. I’m just finishing up my meeting with the school board.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ Ok I’ll let them know.”, Mrs. Clemenson said.
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“ Thank you Charity.”, Principal Rutherman said as his secretary walked out.
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“ He said that he’ll be out in one second to talk to you. He’s just finishing up his meeting with members of the school board.”, Mrs. Clemenson said to the married couple as she sat back down at her desk.
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“ Ok thank you.”, Leo said.
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“ Is this going to resolve anything mom?”, Cayela asked as she looked up at her mother.
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“ It might help resolve something.”, Leo said as she rubbed the top of her daughter’s head.
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“ Good because I don’t think I can take anymore bullying.”, Cayela said.
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“ I agree! Alicia Cartman is just a snot-nosed little…!”, Florence interjected but was interrupted by Leo scolding, “Florence do not say what I think you’re going to say because this is not the appropriate place for it! In fact, you shouldn’t be saying it at all! Your mother and father would be horrified if my husband and I let you say that!”
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“ Oh yeah, oopsie!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Flo no one says that anymore.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Charlotte can you please stop calling me by that crazy lady’s name from the Progressive commercial? I look nothing like her.”, Florence said as she narrowed her eyes at Charlotte.
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“ Aw come on Florence why not?! I used to call you that all the time.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Yeah, back in elementary school when it sounded cute! We’re in middle school in the 7th grade now! It doesn’t even sound cute anymore!”, Florence said.
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“ Yeah I guess you’re right. Sorry.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Thank you.”, Florence said.
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“ Ok I’m done with my meeting and I’m ready for you. Let’s step into my office so you can explain to me what’s going on.”, Principal Rutherman said when he stepped out of his office a short time later.
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“ Thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.”, Sheldon said as he walked into the office after him followed by Leo, Leonard, Cayela, Florence and Charlotte.
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“ Oh it’s no problem. So what’s the issue?”, Principal Rutherman asked as he shut the door and sat down behind his desk. The others sat down as well.
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“ Well there’s an issue regarding Alicia Cartman. Apparently Alicia is still being mean not only to our daughter Cayela and Florence but also to Charlotte now as well. We’re a little concerned with the level that she’s taking this to now.”, Leo said in concern as she glanced at her husband and her friend before turning her head back to the school principal.
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“ How so?”, Principal Rutherman asked as he leaned forward and folded his hands on his desk.
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“ Well Cayela told us that Alicia hacked Charlotte’s Facebook profile, took an embarrassing picture of Charlotte and posted it to her page. Apparently everybody in school saw it and started making fun of her calling her a sissy. Alicia also called Cayela and Florence that as well.”, Leo said in concern.
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“ To which I’m not happy about.”, Sheldon said in concern.
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“ We’re all not happy about it Sheldon.”, Leo said in concern as she narrowed her eyes at her husband.
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“ Ok well I’ll tell you what Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fordyce-Cooper, I’ll contact the Cartmans right now and I’ll ask them to come down to the school with Alicia so we can get this problem sorted out. This, what you just told me, will not be tolerated among any of my students.”, Principal Rutherman said with a little bit of anger in his voice.
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“ Oh that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.”, Leo said. Principal Rutherman then opened a filing cabinet labeled Emergency Contact Cards, pulled out Alicia’s card, picked up his office phone and then dialed the landline number for the Cartmans’ residence. The phone rang a few times before Mrs. Cartman answered the phone.
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“ Hello?”, Mrs. Cartman answered.
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“ Hi, Mrs. Cartman?”, Principal Rutherman asked.
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“ Yes. Who is this?”, Mrs. Cartman asked.
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“ This is Principal Rutherman from Pasadena Middle School. Would you and your husband be willing to come down to the school for a moment with Alicia so we can discuss some problems regarding her behavior?”, Principal Rutherman asked.
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“ Oh, yes of course! We’ll be there as soon as possible Principal Rutherman!”, Mrs. Cartman said.
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“ Great, I’ll see you when you get here. Bye now.”, Principal Rutherman said as he hung up. Moments later the Cartmans walked in with Alicia stomping in behind her parents, arms crossed with a pout on her face.
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“ Alicia don’t do that!”, Mr. Cartman scolded as he smacked his daughter’s arm with the back of his wrist.
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“ Fine, whatever dad!”, Alicia snapped with a huff as she reluctantly uncrossed her arms and threw herself down a chair next to her parents. She crossed her leg up over the other one, continuing to pout.
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“ So, what’s this about?! Why the hell are we here?!”, Alicia snapped as she tossed her hair back.
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“ Excuse me?!”, Mr. and Mrs. Cartman interjected in complete shock as they stared at their 14 year old daughter.
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“ Ok firstly we don’t use language like that in this school and secondly you’re here because of your behavior!”, Principal Rutherman angrily said as he slammed his fist on his desk.
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“ What are you talking about?! I’ve done absolutely nothing!”, Alicia protested.
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“ That’s not what I heard! Do you recognize these people right here?!”, Principal Rutherman angrily asked as he pointed at Leo, Sheldon, and Leonard.
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“ Yeah, so?!”, Alicia snapped.
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“ These three came here with a complaint about you being mean to their daughter Cayela and her two friends!”, Principal Rutherman angrily said.
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“ Actually I’m Cayela’s uncle. These two are her parents.”, Leonard said as he pointed at his best friend and his best friend’s wife.
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“ Ah, sorry for the confusion Dr. Hofstadter.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ That’s ok.”, Leonard said as he leaned back in his chair and sucked on his inhaler.
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“ Anyway Alicia, you’ve been being mean to them and not to mention you hacked Charlotte’s Facebook account and completely embarrassed her!”, Principal Rutherman angrily said as he pointed at Charlotte.
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“ Yeah, so?! I’m the Queen Bee of the school now! I can do whatever I want!”, Alicia snapped as she tossed her hair back and applied lipgloss to her lips.
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“ That’s enough Alicia! Stop it!”, Mr. Cartman scolded his daughter.
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“ Shut up dad! I can do whatever I want!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ No you can’t! This is my school and I will not tolerate this kind of behavior! So as of right now I’m giving you two choices: stop this behavior and apologize or you leave me no choice but to expel you from this school and you will have to go to another district! And another thing, I might have to notify the Pasadena Police about this!”, Principal Rutherman angrily said as he got up in Alicia’s face.
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“ What?! Why would the police need to be involved?!”, Alicia hissed.
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“ Because I just told you! Internet hacking is against the law and I will not allow that within my school! This is supposed to be a safe, learning environment for all students! So you either stop what you’re doing, take that post down and apologize to everyone or get out of my school, go to another school district and/or possibly go to jail for what you did!”, Principal Rutherman angrily said.
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“ Yeah seriously Alicia! How would you like it if someone did that to you?!”, Cayela shot at her.
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“ Shut your mouth Fordyce-Cooper! I ain’t doing diddley squat! This is harrassment!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Alicia I said that’s enough!”, Mr. Cartman shouted.
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“ And I said shut up dad!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Alicia don’t talk to your father like that! This is not how we raised you to be!”, Mrs. Cartman shouted.
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“ Shut up mom! I don’t care! It’s always rules this, rules that and I’m sick of it! Well you know what, I’m calling the shots from now on! I want to be a free-range person who gets to do whatever the HELL she wants!”, Alicia shouted as she crossed her arms in front of her.
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“ Is that your final decision Alicia?!”, Principal Rutherman angrily asked.
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“ Yes it is, jerk!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Well then, goodbye Alicia Matilda Cartman you are officially expelled!”, Principal Rutherman shouted as he ripped her Emergency Contact card in half.
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“ Unbelievable!”, Mrs. Cartman shouted at her daughter.
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“ You are grounded! I can not believe you chose to do that!”, Mr. Cartman shouted at her as well.
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“ Whatever dad, I got what I wanted! Later suckers!”, Alicia shouted but as she tried to leave Principal Rutherman shouted, “ Oh no no no no, where do you think you’re going?! You’re not going anywhere until the police get here!”
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“ What?! You’re calling the police?!”, Alicia screamed.
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“ Yes! Since you chose to be expelled from this school and for doing something illegal, I am having you arrested and thrown in jail! These are the consequences that you have to deal with for the decision you made!”, Principal Rutherman shouted as he picked up his office phone and dialed 9.1.1.
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“ 9.1.1 what’s your emergency?”, a woman’s voice answered.
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“ Hello, this is Principal Rutherman from Pasadena Middle. Get me the Pasadena Police please.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ Ok, one moment please.”, the woman said as she handed the call over to the Pasadena Police.
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“ Pasadena Police, how may I help you?”, a male officer’s voice answered.
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“ Hello officer, I have a student here that I just expelled for unruly and illegal behavior. It’s come to my attention from a pair of concerned parents of another student that this girl has been bullying several other students in my school for quite some time and just earlier today during school hours she hacked one of their Facebook accounts and embarrassed them all over social media. As a result of this situation I fear that the safety of my students and staff are at risk so I would very much appreciate it if you could please send a few officers down to Pasadena Middle School and escort the young lady out of my building.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ We will most certainly do that for you sir. Who is this that I’m speaking to?”, the officer asked.
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“ Principal Rutherman.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ Ok and who’s the young lady in question?”, the officer asked.
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“ The defendant’s name is Alicia Matilda Cartman.”, Principal Rutherman said.
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“ Ok we have units in route and they should be there shortly Mr. Rutherman.”, the officer said.
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“ Thank you. Have a good day.”, Principal Rutherman said as he hung up.
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“ This is all your fault Cayela!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Me?! What did I do?!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ You tattletailed on me to your stupid parents and got me in trouble! That was none of your business to talk about!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Excuse me but I find that comment to be very offensive to my wife and I!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ So I don’t give a d*mn Dr. Cooper!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Excuse me but do not talk to my husband like that and I don’t appreciate the fact that you’re blaming our daughter for your problems!”, Leo scolded.
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“ So I don’t care Dr. Fordyce-Cooper I’ll do whatever I want! You’re not the boss of me!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Do not talk to my mom like that Alicia!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ I said shut up!”, Alicia shouted as she slapped Cayela across the face.
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“ Ow! That hurt!”, Cayela screamed as she started to cry.
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“ ALICIA!”, Mr. and Mrs. Cartman shouted as they gasped and stared at their daughter.
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“ Oh honey are you ok?!”, Leo screamed.
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“ No mom! She hit me in the eye!”, Cayela cried as she placed one hand over her eye and pointed at Alicia with the other.
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“ Oh please, quit your damn crying! I didn’t hit you that hard!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Yes you did!”, Cayela cried.
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“ Move your hand for a second, let me see!”, Sheldon interjected as he gently moved his daughter’s hand away from her eye. Leo, Sheldon, and Leonard gasped as they saw a black, purplish bruise around and on Cayela’s eye.
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“ You gave her a black eye! What the heck is your problem Alicia?! You just assualted my best friend!”, Florence shouted as she got up in Alicia’s face.
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“ Shut it Florence! She deserved it!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ No she didn’t!”, Florence shouted.
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“ Yeah knock off!”, Charlotte shouted.
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“ Why do you care about her all of a sudden Charlotte?! You hated her!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ Yeah I did but thanks to you I’m friends with her now! That’s what friends do!”, Charlotte shouted. As Florence, Charlotte, and Alicia fought with each other Principal Rutherman shouted at the top of his voice, “ GIRLS, THAT’S ENOUGH!”
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“ Excuse me Mr. Rutherman, you called about an expelled student?”, a male officer asked as he stepped into the office with a few other officers and tapped his baton against the door.
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“ Oh, yes, thank you officer!”, Principal Rutherman exclaimed.
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“ Alright who’s Alicia Cartman?”, the officer asked as he put his baton away.
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“ That young lady right there.”, Principal Rutherman as he pointed at Alicia.
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“ Get her out of here and away from me!”, Cayela cried as she continued to hold her hand against her eye.
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“ Excuse me I don’t mean to pry, but, why are you holding your eye?”, the officer asked as he looked at Cayela.
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“ Because Alicia slapped me before you got here!”, Cayela cried.
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“ I see, and are you this girl’s parents?”, the officer asked Leo and Sheldon as he pointed at Cayela.
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“ Yes we are!”, Leo and Sheldon said as they nodded their heads. They stood behind their daughter with their arms gently wrapped around her shoulders.
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“ Ok and who are the parents of the Cartman girl?”, the officer asked.
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“ We are!”, Mr. and Mrs. Cartman said as they each waved a hand in the air. The officer then turns to Alicia and asks, “Oh so we’re racking up an assualt and battery charge on top of the internet hacking now are we?”
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“ Get away from me! You are not going to touch me!”, Alicia shouted as she started backing away.
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“ Oh no no no no no! I don’t think so, turn around and put your hands behind your back! You’re under arrest!”, the officer said in a firm voice as he pulled out his handcuffs and approached her.
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“ Stay back!”, Alicia screamed as she swung her knapsack at the officer but he quickly disarmed her, slamming her into a wall and roughly pinned her arms behind her back with the help of another officer.
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“ Let go of me!”, Alicia screamed as she was slapped with handcuffs.
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“ Keep it up and you’ll be racking up more charges against you!”, the officer interjected.
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“ Like what?!”, Alicia screamed.
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“ Resisting arrest and assualting a police officer, plus the assualt and battery charge against a fellow student and the internet hacking charge!”, the officer interjected.
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“ Those charges are bogus!”, Alicia screamed as she kicked her heels.
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“ They’re not if you committed them, which you did! Let’s go!”, the officer interjected as him and his partner began dragging Alicia toward the door.
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“ Where the hell are you taking me?!”, Alicia shouted.
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“ To Juvenile Detention!”, the officer interjected as he opened the door.
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“ Yeah, bye Alicia!”, Cayela cried.
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“ This is all your fault Fordyce-Cooper! I oughta boil you in butter for this!”, Alicia screamed as she kicked her leg out at Cayela.
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“ You will not be doing anything to anybody because you’ll be locked up in the maxium security part of the jail!”, the officer interjected as him and his partner along with the other officers dragged her out of the building. Mr. and Mrs. Cartman followed them.
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“ Well, did that resolve your issue?”, Principal Rutherman asked.
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“ Yes very much so. Thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Happy to help. I think it’s now time for me to drive home and I would advise you to take Cayela to urgent care. Have a good day.”, Principal Rutherman said as he threw Alicia’s torn up Emergency Contact card in the trash and picked up his belongings.
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“ Thank you Principal Rutherman. Let’s go.”, Leo said as they walked out. Once they were at urgent care waiting in the waiting room Cayela had a hard time sitting still.
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“ You ok Cayela?”, Florence asked as she stared at her best friend who was bouncing in her seat.
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“ Not really Florence!”, Cayela cried as she continued to bounce in her seat.
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“ Do you need to go to the bathroom?”, Leo asked.
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“ I already went!”, Cayela cried as she suddenly started to act out, kicking up her feet like a 3 year old as she was twisting and turning in her seat. Other people began to stare at them giving them strange looks.
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“ Cayela stop it, we’re in public! You are embarrassing yourself and us! This is not how we behave!”, Sheldon scolded as he held his daughter down in the chair.
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“ Get off me dad!”, Cayela cried as she continued to squirm around in the seat.
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“ Sheldon, you and Leonard just wait here a minute. Let me take Cayela to the bathroom.”, Leo said as she picked up Cayela’s diaper bag and slung it over her shoulder.
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“ Well alright. Go with your mother Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he let go of his daughter. Cayela wasted no time jumping up from the chair and followed her mother to find a bathroom. Few minutes later Leo and Cayela came back from the bathroom and Cayela sat back down in her seat, sighing contently as she began to fidget with her hands.
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“ Feel better?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yeah. Much better, although my eye still hurts.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well we shall be seen very shortly here. Just sit still now.”, Sheldon said. Cayela acted like she acknowledged what her father said but ended up doing the complete opposite. She first started twitching the corner of her lip before starting to nod her head as if she was listening to music and then she started flapping her arms around causing people to start staring again including Florence and Charlotte who were starting to sport stupid smirks on their faces. The two of them then busted out laughing as Cayela continued to act like an idiot, swinging her arms around as she stood up from her chair chanting, “ And a hey! And a ho! And a hey and a ho! And a hey, ho, hey, ho, hee, ha, ho!”
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“ Cayela Rachelle Fordyce-Cooper, what in the name of Einstein are you doing?!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter when he saw what she was doing.
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“ Being silly dad and making my friends laugh!”, Cayela laughed as she continued swinging her arms around.
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“ This is not the place to be doing that! You’re going to end up with a possible additional injury to yourself or hurt somebody else!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Sheldon let it go, she’s just entertaining herself. She’s a kid.”, Leonard said.
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“ Yeah, I don’t have a problem with it. Just leave her be. This is normal autistic behavior and you know that.”, Leo said to her husband.
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“ I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said as she kissed him. When they were called into a room the doctor came in with a smile on her face.
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“ Hi I’m Dr. Mindie Mckessie. What brings you all here?”, Dr. Mckessie asked as she sat down on her stool holding a clipboard.
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“ We’re here for an eye injury. I’m Dr. Leo Fordyce-Cooper and this is my husband Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Leo said as she pointed at herself and Sheldon.
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“ Indeed and this is our daughter Cayela.”, Sheldon said as he pointed at Cayela who was sitting on the paper covered exam bed.
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“ Ok and you are?”, Dr. Mckessie asked Leonard.
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“ I’m Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, I’m her uncle. Not blood related but you get the point.”, Leonard said as he pointed at Cayela.
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“ Ah yes of course, you must be her godfather. Do you all know each other?”, Dr. Mckessie asked.
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“ Yes he’s my best friend and roommate. The 4 of us share a three bedroom apartment.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well it’s nice to meet you all. Hi Cayela. Wow, that is a nasty looking black eye you got there. How did you get that?”, Dr. Mckessie asked as she started examining Cayela’s eye.
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“ Another girl slapped me in the face.”, Cayela said.
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“ I see, and how old are you?”, Dr. Mckessie asked.
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“ 14.”, Cayela said.
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“ Ah so you’re in middle school. What grade?”, Dr. Mckessie asked.
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“ Seventh grade.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well I’m gonna see if I can get this black eye taken care of for you. Go ahead and lie down for a minute.”, Dr. Mckessie said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAv3ysvEOQOq
“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she swung her legs up onto the exam bed and laid down. Dr. Mckessie then rolled her stool towards the medical cabinets and drawers, opening one drawer and pulled out a compress that you have break the bubble inside to activate it. She hammered her fist down on it which broke the bubble allowing the crystals inside to cool. She wrapped up the compress in paper towel and wheeled herself back to Cayela.
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“ Here, put this cold compress on your eye.”, Dr. Mckessie said as she handed Cayela the compress. As Cayela placed it on her eye Dr. Mckessie asked, “ Is it ok if I check you over for any additional injuries?”
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“ Yes of course.”, Cayela said. Dr. Mckessie lifted Cayela’s shirt up a little and said, “ Ok I’m going to run my hands along your stomach and if you feel any pain anywhere just tell me.” Cayela nodded her head as the doctor began her assessment. While she was doing this Cayela tugged up on the waistband of her shorts with her free hand when she noticed that the waistband of her diaper was sticking out over the top.
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“ Cayela don’t do that. You’re going to stretch out your shorts.”, Leo said.
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“ I’m trying to pull them up mom to cover up the waistband of my diaper that’s sticking out.”, Cayela said.
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“ Oh I see. It’s ok sweetie, you don’t need to hide that from me.”, Dr. Mckessie said with a smile as she noticed what Cayela was talking about. Then she turned to Leo and asked, “ How long has she been wearing them?”
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“ Since she was a baby unfortunately. My husband and I were never able to potty train her since she was born with a form of Autism that not only effects her auditory processing sometimes but also seems to effect her ability to control her bladder and bowel movements.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok can we please not talk about that right now mom, especially with my friends standing right here?! They don’t need to know that!”, Cayela interjected at her mother.
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“ Dr. Mckessie asked your mother about that. What was she supposed to say?”, Sheldon asked as he stared at his daughter.
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“ I don’t know dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ That’s completely understandable. So who are your two friends here?”, Dr. Mckessie asked as she pointed at Florence and Charlotte.
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“ This is my best friend Florence Crenshamezki and our friend Charlotte Tipton.”, Cayela said.
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“ Hi.”, Florence and Charlotte said with smiles on their faces as they each waved a hand.
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“ Hi it’s nice to meet you.”, Dr. Mckessie said with a smile. Dakota suddenly barged into the room seconds after that.
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“ Oh thank God I found you guys! I was about ready to freak the hell out!”, Dakota exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath.
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“ Dakota watch your language! Not in front of the girls!”, Sheldon scolded her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAmDHzgGjhjj
“ Oh shut it Sheldon!”, Dakota shot back at him.
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“ Dakota what are you doing here?!”, Leonard asked his girlfriend.
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“ I was looking for you guys at the middle school because that’s where Penny said you went but when I didn’t see you there I started to panic thinking that Dr. Tin-Can Asshole did something to you!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ Again, Dakota watch your language!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ I said shut it Sheldon!”, Dakota hissed.
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“ That’s Dr. Devon Stormbender and no, he didn’t do anything to us Dakota. An entirely different incident happened at the school which brought us here to urgent care.”, Leo said as she narrowed her eyes at her friend.
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“ Oh my god! What happened to Cayela’s eye?! Did somebody hit her?!”, Dakota exclaimed with a gasp as she saw Cayela sitting on the bed holding the compress to her eye.
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“ Yeah one of my former friends slapped her in the face.”, Charlotte said.
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“ Excuse me, who is this?”, Dr. Mckessie asked.
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“ This is my girlfriend Dakota Harris.”, Leonard said.
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“ Hi are you this girl’s godmother?”, Dr. Mckessie asked with a smile as she pointed at Cayela.
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“ Yes, she’s my non-blood related niece.”, Dakota said.
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“ Well it’s nice to meet you.”, Dr. Mckessie said.
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“ Yeah, so anyway you guys I was literally freaking out and thought that I was going to have to kick that cyborg’s a**!”, Dakota interjected.
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“ Meaning that you were going to break his skull Auntie Dakota?!”, Cayela laughed as she stared at Dakota who was sitting next to her.
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“ You got it kid cause that’s what I do!”, Dakota laughed as she wrapped her arm around Cayela.
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“ I love you.”, Cayela said with a smile.
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“ I love you too.”, Dakota said as she smiled back and kissed Cayela on the top of her head.
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“ What is that you do that involves that?”, Dr. Mckessie asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAt4eElx94Ot
“ Oh I’m an MMA fighter. My stage name is Skullbreaker. I currently hold a world-class championship title.”, Dakota said with a smile.
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“ Wow, that’s impressive!”, Dr. Mckessie said.
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“ Thanks.”, Dakota said.
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“ And what do you three do?”, Dr. Mckessie asked Leo, Sheldon and Leonard.
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“ We’re physicists from Caltech. He’s an experimental and my wife and I are theoretical.”, Sheldon said as he pointed at Leonard and then Leo and himself.
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“ And you two are in a relationship together?”, Dr. Mckessie asked as she pointed back and forth at Leonard and Dakota.
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“ Yes, he’s my boyfriend even though to you it may seem like an odd combination that an MMA fighter like myself would be with a physicist but what can I say?! He stole my heart!”, Dakota interjected with a laugh as she pointed at Leonard.
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“ No that’s perfectly understandable Ms. Harris. Love takes on in all different forms and you two seem to look like you’re very happy together.”, Dr. Mckessie said with a smile. Leonard and Dakota nodded their heads in agreement.
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“ Yes, well I think we shall be going now. Thank you for seeing us Dr. Mckessie.”, Sheldon said as he stood up.
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“ Oh it was no problem Dr. Cooper.”, Dr. Mckessie said as she stood up as well. Then she turned to Cayela and said with a smile, “You take care of that eye now sweetie. Ok?”
19Please respect copyright.PENANARBbOhOJLby
“ I will. Thank you Dr. Mckessie.”, Cayela said as she got up off the exam bed. During the car ride home Cayela asked her parents if Florence and Charlotte could spend the night at the apartment since it was the weekend and they didn’t have school until Monday.
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“ I don’t have a problem with it, but, I’m going to leave that up to your father.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok! Please dad?! Can my friends spend the night?!”, Cayela asked.
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“ I suppose so if it’s ok with their parents.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Quick you guys, call your parents and ask them!”, Cayela said. Florence and Charlotte pulled out their phones and called their parents asking them if they could spend the night at their friend’s apartment. Their parents said yes and the girls exclaimed, “ Yes! Sleepover party!” Once Florence and Charlotte both got what they needed for the night and they were back at 4A in Cayela’s bedroom, Florence said, “ Hey Cayela, Charlotte, check out what I brought over from my house.” as she opened up a flat, medium-sized circular bag and pulled out the item that was inside of it.
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“ What is that thing Florence?”, Cayela asked as she stared at her best friend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA6DTqTMOsWD
“ It’s a swing Cayela. It’s like a tire swing but there’s no hole in the center of it so you sit on it cross-legged and hold on to this little circular wooden bar attached in the middle.”, Florence said as she grabbed the top of it and held it up.
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“ You had that at your house?”, Charlotte asked.
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“ Yeah, my dad had put it up in the basement so I asked him if I could bring it over here and he said yes as long as I remember to bring it back in the morning.”, Florence said as she grabbed Cayela’s computer chair and pushed it into the center of the room.
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“ You’re going to put that up in my room?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yeah Cayela we’re gonna swing around on it!”, Florence exclaimed as she stood up on the chair and attached the swing to one of the rafter rungs on the ceiling, being careful not to obstruct the ceiling fan.
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“ Oh my god, this is going to be insane!”, Charlotte exclaimed as Florence got down off the chair and pushed it aside.
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“ Are you sure that there’s even enough room in here for this Florence? I don’t want to be breaking things in here because then my dad will scream at me.”, Cayela said.
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“ Yes Cayela there’s plenty of room in here! Anyway let’s shut up and hop on this thing!”, Florence laughed as she hopped up on the swing.
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“ Ok if you insist!”, Cayela laughed as she jumped up on it as well as Charlotte. The three girls sat on the swing in a triangle, facing each with their legs crossed and gripped the circular bar in front of them.
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“ Ready you guys?”, Florence asked.
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“ Wait we need music! I got this!”, Cayela exclaimed as she pulled out her wireless remote for her speaker out of her pocket and pressed play. The song that began to play was Rock ’N’ Roll Damnation by AC/DC.
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“ Oh yeah! This is what I’m talking about! This is really gonna be insane!”, Charlotte exclaimed.
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“ You said it Charlotte!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Oh just shut up you idiots and start swinging! Move in the direction I go!”, Florence laughed as she began to move her body around.
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“ Aye aye Captain!”, Cayela laughed as her and Charlotte followed Florence’s direction and the swing began to move. It started out slow but then picked up a little speed.
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“ We’re not pirates Cayela! Why did you say that?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ I don’t know just trying to be funny!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Oh my god this is so much fun!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ I agree, what about you Cayela?!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh yeah! Crazy time! All bets are off!”, Cayela laughed as the three of them exclaimed, “ Yeah!” as they continued to swing around, laughing and giggling with each other. Cayela switched the song to Around The World by ATC.
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Dr. Stormbender’s lair…
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“ All bets are off indeed you little brat! This game is just getting started!”, Dr. Stormbender said from behind his computer screen with an evil smirk on his face.
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Apartment 4A…
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“ Excuse me but who just said all bets are off?!”, Sheldon scolded when he entered his daughter’s bedroom.
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“ I did dad!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela why did you say that?!”, Sheldon scolded as he narrowed his eyes at her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHLdCb8lyKR
“ Because it’s kind of true right now! We’re swinging around on a swing in here!”, Cayela laughed as she looked at her father who had a scowl on his face.
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“ Who put this up in here?!”, Sheldon scolded as he crossed his arms.
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“ I did Dr. Cooper! I brought it over here from my house! I thought it would make this sleepover more fun!”, Florence laughed.
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“ You better not break anything in here or I’m going to be very mad!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Chill out Dr. Cooper we’re not going to break anything!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Yeah seriously dad! Take a chill pill! Quit being such a buzzkill”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Hey! I was going to call your dad a buzzkill Cayela!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Too late Florence I already said it!”, Cayela laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALewsf9Mjld
“ Excuse me but what you just said to me was very rude Cayela and I do not appreciate it! You say anything like that again to me and I’ll spank you!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter.
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“ Oh, sorry dad.”, Cayela said.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he walked out. The girls continued to swing around, just laughing and giggling away.
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“ I’m the Queen of the Hill!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ This is a swing you dodo bird! Not a hill!”, Florence laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAk7Nn6jPk37
“ Fine, I’m the Queen of the Swing! Happy now Florence?!”, Cayela laughed as she switched the song to Message In a Bottle by The Police. As the girls continued to swing around on the swing Cayela felt her bladder release itself.
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“ Yes your highness!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh shut it Crenshamezki!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ You’re the one to talk Tipton!”, Florence laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALr3kOo4UWo
“ You guys shut up!”, Cayela laughed as she decided to switch the song again. This time she switched it to See You Again by Miley Cyrus.
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“ Oh my god! I love this song! Turn this up Fordyce-Cooper!”, Charlotte laughed. Cayela turned the song up a few notches and the girls started to sing along with the song.
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“ You want the song on repeat Charlotte?!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yes! Do it! Please!”, Charlotte laughed. Cayela hit the repeat button twice on her remote which made the Repeat indicator light flash repeatedly on her speaker.
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“ All hail Miley Cyrus!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Oh shut it you bucket of bolts!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You’re a bucket of bolts Cayela!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Actually you’re a ham and she’s a turkey!”, Charlotte laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyHeAPLKPNr
“ Hey, that’s an autistic turkey to you!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah an autistic turkey that wears a diaper!”, Charlotte laughed.
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“ Oh shut up!”, Cayela laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABF9LANM12X
“ What’s going on in here?! Are you three being mean to each other?!”, Leo scolded as she walked in and placed her hands on her hips.
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“ No we’re just screwing with each other mom!”, Cayela laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAld3VZnKx4w
“ You better have been or I would be really upset.”, Leo said as she approached the girls. As she grabbed the rope of the swing and made it come to a halt she said, “ Break time! Let’s go Cayela!”
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“ Aw come on mom!”, Cayela interjected as her mother picked her up and started carrying her out of the room.
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“ I don’t want to hear it Cayela!”, Leo said as she carried her daughter to the bathroom and shut the door behind them.
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“ I was having a lot of fun in there!”, Cayela interjected as Leo set her down on the waterproof pad on the floor.
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“ I could tell because I could hear the three of you laughing and giggling!”, Leo said as she grabbed the items she needed out of the cabinet under the sink.
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“ I know! I even said all bets are off! Isn’t that funny mom?!”, Cayela laughed as her mother rubbed her hands with hand sanitizer before slipping on latex gloves.
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“ Yes honey, that’s hilarious.”, Leo said with a smile as she unbuttoned and removed Cayela’s shorts before removing her soiled brief.
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“ Dad scolded me for saying that though which is weird because I thought it was appropriate to say at the time! Florence, Charlotte and I were swinging around on a swing!”, Cayela laughed as Leo cleansed her with disinfectant wipes.
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“ I saw that when I walked in on you. You three seemed like you were having a lot of fun together.”, Leo said as she applied barrier cream and talcum powder.
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“ We were mom! I at first said that I was the Queen of the Hill but then Florence called me a dodo bird so then I was like, “Fine, I’m the Queen of the Swing!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ You are the Queen of Everything Cayela but you’re still mine and your father’s princess.”, Leo said with a smile as she applied a new clean brief and put Cayela’s shorts back on her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHVHlSEeN1f
“ There, all clean. You can go back to playing around now.”, Leo said as she threw the used items in the trash along with the latex gloves.
19Please respect copyright.PENANABGW9WTW9py
“ Thanks mom.”, Cayela said as she stood up.
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“ You’re welcome sweetheart. I love you.”, Leo said as she kissed her daughter.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAXMwls7J2RN
“ I love you too.”, Cayela said.
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“ Don’t play too much longer because your father wants to give you a bath before you go to bed.”, Leo said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALCtw5sgNPP
“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she ran out of the bathroom. Leo cleaned up what she had pulled out and put the items back underneath the sink before she washed her hands and walked out of the bathroom. Few hours later as the girls began to settle down Sheldon walked into Cayela’s room and said, “ Bath time Cayela.”
19Please respect copyright.PENANAl3qSaWsixM
“ Coming dad. Sorry you guys, got to go take a bath.”, Cayela said to friends before she followed her father out of the room toward the bathroom. Once Cayela was all clean, dried off, put in a fresh diaper and dressed for bed she walked back into her room to see that Florence and Charlotte had gotten themselves ready for bed too. Once the girls were all tucked in Cayela tiredly asked, “ Can we fall asleep watching Spongebob?”
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“ Of course honey as long as you girls don’t get too loud.”, Leo said as she turned on Cayela’s tv and turned the channel to Nickelodeon. The Spongebob Squarepants theme song squawked out of the tv so Leo turned the volume down a little before handing Cayela the remote.
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“ Thanks mom. Good night.”, Cayela tiredly said.
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“ Good night baby. I love you.”, Leo said as she kissed Cayela’s forehead.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlzkwB4KeAA
“ I love you too.”, Cayela tiredly said.
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“ Don’t stay awake watching this all night or you will have to take a nap tomorrow after your friends leave.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAFQBJjnKGyc
“ Ok dad. Good night.”, Cayela tiredly said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAcwWsKWYjZY
“ Good night. I love you.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her forehead.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAxmSvgHnh1m
“ I love you too.”, Cayela tiredly said. As Leo and Sheldon walked out Leonard popped his head in the doorway and said, “ Good night girls.”
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“ Good night Dr. Hofstadter.”, Florence and Charlotte tiredly said.
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“ Good night Uncle Leonard.”, Cayela tiredly said. Leonard walked in for a moment and said, “ I love you Cayela.” as he kissed her forehead before heading back to the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAH6eTDz4vUv
“ I love you too.”, Cayela tiredly said. Leonard then walked out and shut the door behind him. A few episodes in and the girls were out after Cayela shut the tv off. In the middle of the night Leo quietly walked back into her daughter’s bedroom, pulled back the covers and whispered, “ Come here sweetheart, it’s break time again.” Cayela shifted her body a little bit as her mother gently picked her up and carried her out of the room. She carried Cayela to the bathroom and laid her down on the floor to change her. Then minutes later Leo carried her back to her room and tucked her back into her bed, kissing her forehead before she walked out. Cayela sighed in comfort as she rolled over on her side and continued sleeping. The next day Florence and Charlotte were dropped back off at their houses. They told Cayela that they had a great time and that they would so want to do it again sometime. Two weeks later Leo, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Amy were getting ready to go to an important work seminar. Leo and Sheldon knew that this event would last until around evening hours and that Dakota wasn’t going to be around either which made them worry about Cayela. They knew that they couldn’t just leave her by herself at the apartment so Sheldon thought of the only solution left and that was to ask Penny if she would be willing to babysit Cayela for a few hours.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAR1O825F3Xk
Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Penny!”
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“ Oh hi Sheldon, hi Leo. What are you guys doing here?”, Penny asked as she answered the door to see her two friends standing there.
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“ We came here to ask you if you would do us a favor.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAdgAoRofNZ6
“ Sure what is it?”, Penny asked.
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“ Would you mind watching Cayela for a few hours? We all have an important work seminar to go to at Caltech right now and none of us will be back until the evening.”, Leo asked.
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“ Oh, not at all. Is Dakota not around?”, Penny asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAdEMozU4Oa5
“ Afraid not, she had a fight to go to.”, Sheldon said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsj5e3WdLzp
“ Oh, ok. Sure, I’ll watch Cayela. I got nothing to do anyway.”, Penny said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAw8RgZweEpJ
“ Oh thank you so much Penny. Here’s Cayela’s diaper bag with everything she’ll need in it.”, Leo said as she slipped the diaper bag off her shoulder and handed it to her friend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANANTgVROBT0c
“ Ok.”, Penny said as she set the bag down on the floor next to the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAKU7YamiTkS
“ And here is a list I wrote for you with regards to taking care of her.”, Sheldon said as he handed Penny a handwritten note. His cursive handwriting made Penny take one look at it and ask, “ How the hell am I supposed to read what you wrote here Dr. Whack-a-doodle?!”
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“ Penny what are you talking about?! My handwriting is impeccable!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he stared at her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAoaSKpW5KeO
“ Yeah a little too impeccable! I can barely read this!”, Penny hissed at her friend.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3BJLBTdX0A
“ Well I’m sure you can figure it out despite being a community college dropout.”, Sheldon said with a smug look on his face.
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“ Sheldon!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Ok honey I think we should go now.”, Leo said as she tapped her husband on the arm.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAE4oRw0p7Oz
“ Well alright.”, Sheldon said to his wife as he gripped the strap of his messenger bag that was slung over his shoulder.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHFIQ8c1qN3
“ Cayela come across the hall to your Auntie Penny’s! Your father and I are going to be gone for a few hours and we don’t want you staying home by yourself!”, Leo called out.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAtpbKWHUqhF
“ Ok mom!”, Cayela hollered back as she sprinted out of the apartment and ran into Penny’s apartment.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAe4j1Nbt7BI
“ Come here give me a hug and a kiss.”, Leo said as Cayela ran back to the door. She embraced her daughter and kissed her on the head.
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“ Love you mom.”, Cayela said.
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“ Love you too baby.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed her head again.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALkKTaJGJWY
“ Behave yourself. Don’t be getting into any trouble while your mother and I are out.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter.
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“ Ok I won’t dad. Love you.”, Cayela said with a smile as she embraced her father.
19Please respect copyright.PENANATgM75MMdil
“ Good. Love you too.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her on the head.
19Please respect copyright.PENANALfvhofIjaQ
“ Bye Sheldon, bye Leo. See you guys later.”, Penny said as she waved to her friends as they left.
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“ Thank you Penny.”, Leo and Sheldon said before Penny shut the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAVdmyHX6K7I
“ Where are they going?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Your parents are going to a seminar at work so you’re stuck with me for a few hours.”, Penny said with a smile.
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“ Yay!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ So what do you want to do sweetie?”, Penny asked.
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“ I think I’m going to listen to my iPod.”, Cayela said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANArtHsxdXFKJ
“ Ok. I’m just going sit here on the couch and watch tv for a bit. Just let me know if you need anything.”, “ Penny said as she picked up the tv remote and flopped down on the couch.
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“ Ok Auntie Penny.”, Cayela said as she stuck her earbuds in her ears and turned on her iPod. She then began to dance around behind the couch as Penny was flipping through channels on the tv. Few minutes later the footsteps got silent causing Penny to turn her head around to check on Cayela. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Cayela doing a handstand.
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“ Oh Cayela please don’t do that! You’re going to hurt yourself!”, Penny exclaimed with a gasp.
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“ It’s ok Auntie Penny, I know what I’m doing. My best friend Florence and I done this together last week for 2 hours straight.”, Cayela said as she balanced upside down on her hands with her legs sticking up into the air.
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“ What?! Cayela that’s dangerous! I don’t want you to fall and hit your head!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ No really it’s ok. I have pretty good balance, some of the time.”, Cayela said as her arms began to get a bit wobbly.
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“ And that’s what I’m afraid of. Cayela please get up. I really don’t want you to get hurt.”, Penny said.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she slowly lowered one leg and then the other, standing herself back up.
19Please respect copyright.PENANACGmdrPBVW2
“ Do you want anything to eat sweetie? I’m getting a little hungry and I was gonna make myself a can of soup.”, Penny asked.
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“ Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with grape juice?”, Cayela asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAQu9Pt4g44r
“ Sure sweetie.”, Penny said as she walked over to the refrigerator and got out a jar of Smuckers strawberry jelly and a carton of Welch’s Grape Juice before opening the pantry and grabbed a loaf of Wonder bread and a jar of Skippy peanut butter. Penny then opened one of her kitchen drawers, grabbed a butter knife and started making Cayela’s sandwich. She then grabbed a drinking glass and poured some grape juice into it before setting the sandwich and juice down in front of Cayela who was sitting at the table. As Cayela munched away on her sandwich Penny began heating up a can of Progresso Potato, Broccoli & Chedder Cheese Chowder for herself. After Cayela was done eating, she yawned and said, “ I’m tired now.”
19Please respect copyright.PENANA2tgwBQF1Fb
“ Ok, well, do you want to lay down and take a nap on the couch?”, Penny asked. Cayela nodded her head as she walked away from the table towards the couch. Penny shut the tv off as Cayela laid down on the couch. Cayela curled up in a fetal position as Penny gently covered her with a soft blanket. When her soup was done Penny dumped it into a bowl and walked over to the table to eat it. After that she cleaned up the mess she made and sat down in a chair to read a book. A few pages into it Penny looked up over the top at Cayela who was starting to toss and turn a little, twitching and making faint sounds. She knew what this meant so she set her book down, got up, and gently moved her coffee table out of the way. She then walked over to the door, picked up the diaper bag that was sitting next to it and dragged over to the couch. Penny then reached inside of it, pulled out a waterproof pad and some latex gloves. She then laid the pad down on the floor and applied the gloves to her hands before turning toward Cayela’s sleeping form, pulled back the blanket and whispered, “ Ok come here sweetie. Let’s get you changed.” Cayela moaned and shifted position as Penny gently moved her from the couch to the floor. After Cayela was changed Penny laid her back up on the couch and recovered her with the blanket. She kissed Cayela’s head before cleaning up. But just a few minutes later after Penny sat back down to read her book, Cayela suddenly woke up crying.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAOef1UwquSY
“ Cayela what’s wrong? Are you ok?”, Penny asked as she walked over to her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAlFDx5dbgHC
“ I think I’m having separation anxiety! I want my mom and dad!”, Cayela cried as she sat up on the couch.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAmGOqxTzfrW
“ Oh come here sweetie. It’s ok. Your mom and dad will be back in a few hours.”, Penny softly said as she embraced Cayela.
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“ I know but why do I feel like they left me?!”, Cayela cried.
19Please respect copyright.PENANARhgldQWObx
“ I don’t know sweetie, but, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”, Penny softly said as she was rubbing soothing circles on Cayela’s back. As Cayela continued to cry Penny tried to think of a way to get her to stop crying and fall back asleep. She then suddenly remembered a song that Leo used to sing to Cayela when she was a baby so she sighed and began to softly sing, “ And the seasons, they go round and round. And the painted ponies go up and down. We’re captive on the carousel of time. We can’t return, we can only look. Behind from where we came, and go round and round and round in the circle game.” Cayela’s crying was reduced to sniffling and then silence as she fell back asleep. Penny laid her back down before going back to reading her book. She then got bored with it and went to go take a shower. Half an hour later as Penny got out of the shower and got herself redressed Cayela began waking up from her nap on the couch out in the living room.
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“ Hi Auntie Penny.”, Cayela said as she sat up on the couch.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwZMQcutxrr
“ Oh hi Cayela. Did you have a good nap?”, Penny asked with a smile.
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“ Yes. Much more well rested now.”, Cayela said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAYx6XxSmYsJ
“ Good. Are you still having some separation anxiety feelings?”, Penny asked.
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“ Not so much anymore at the moment.”, Cayela said as she shook her head.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAseegsW6cDF
“ Good.”, Penny said with a smile.
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“ I’m going play a game on my phone now.”, Cayela said as she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket.
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“ Ok but how about you do that in the car. I got to go make a quick run to the store to get some groceries.”, Penny said.
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“ Ok. Can I sit in the front seat next to you?”, Cayela asked with a smile.
19Please respect copyright.PENANADIzd5D1Go0
“ Of course you can sweetie.”, Penny said with a smile as she grabbed her purse, the diaper bag, and her keys.
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“ Yay!”, Cayela exclaimed as she ran out the door with Penny following her. After a short trip to the grocery store they came back to Penny’s apartment and Cayela helped Penny put away the groceries. Then later in the evening just a little before 9 o’clock Cayela had fallen asleep on the couch just as her parents were returning to pick her up.
19Please respect copyright.PENANApWi5bFWpJt
“ Hi Penny, we’re back from the seminar.”, Leo said with a smile when Penny answered the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA37OkRP86RC
“ Perfect timing, Cayela just fell asleep.”, Penny quietly said with a smile as she let her friends in.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA5tPvp4VyOt
“ Oh good. Was she good for you? She didn’t give you any trouble?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No not at all. She’s a good girl.”, Penny said with a smile as she looked in Cayela’s direction. Cayela shifted position a little before settling back down.
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“ Thank you for taking care of her tonight Penny.”, Leo said.
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“ Oh it was no problem Leo. If you guys ever need me to watch her again just let me know.”, Penny said.
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“ Oh we shall.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ Cayela, sweetheart, wake up. Your father and I are back.”, Leo softly said with a smile as she gently shook her daughter’s shoulder. Cayela slowly opened her eyes as she was gently picked up off the couch into her mother’s loving arms. A tired smile spread across her face as she laid her head against her mother’s shoulder.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAfYtg4dRMwO
“ Are you ready to go to bed?”, Leo asked as she nuzzled her cheek against the back of her daughter’s head.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAckxDyWFFQn
“ Yeah, I’m tired.”, Cayela tiredly said as she nodded her head.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAH5uxQXTyep
“ Ok, well say good night to Auntie Penny and let’s go get you ready for bed.”, Leo said.
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“ Good night Auntie Penny. I love you.”, Cayela tiredly said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAMVUYemBHXS
“ Aww good night sweetie. I love you too.”, Penny said with a smile as she kissed Cayela on the head.
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“ Ok Leo, let’s go put Cayela to bed.”, Sheldon said as he picked up Cayela’s diaper bag.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAMrYljzbmiV
“ Alright Sheldon. Let’s go Cayela.”, Leo said as she carried Cayela out the door.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAz8j5RdrZxW
“ Bed time?”, Cayela tiredly asked.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAb0PsvAKuVa
“ Yes but after we change your diaper first.”, Leo said as she carried Cayela across the hall back to their apartment. After Cayela was changed and dressed for bed her parents tucked her into bed. They said good night to her and kissed her before heading to bed themselves. 2 days later while out running errands in the late morning hours Cayela was getting very moody and basically complained the whole time that she didn’t want to be there.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyrs6gWPxce
“ Can we go now?! I don’t want to be here! This place is too boring!”, Cayela complained as she staring at her phone and rolling her eyes.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAIEzIR3T6Zc
“ Cayela don’t do that! That’s not how we behave in public! We will leave when we’re done in here!”, Leo scolded her daughter as she pushed a shopping cart around.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA1iHaZWVcGe
“ I don’t care mom! I want to go home!”, Cayela complained.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAcNkDo4L0r1
“ Cayela your mother said to stop it! We understand you don’t want to be here but that’s no excuse to act like that! Stop acting like a baby! You’re 14 years old!”, Sheldon scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAKtb8x4Fg7m
“ I’m not being a baby dad! I just want to go home!”, Cayela hissed as she crossed her arms in front of her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANARuXzAv3Awm
“ That is a completely misguided assumption! You are being a baby right now because you’re arguing with your mother and I and throwing an uncalled for tantrum!”, Sheldon scolded.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAEqsW9OrCP1
“ I’m not throwing a tantrum dad! Just leave me alone!”, Cayela angrily shot back at her father as she picked up a box of Colgate toothpaste off a shelf in the aisle they were in and threw it to the floor before she began to storm off.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAGaKm5YoP9t
“ Excuse me but come back here and pick that up right now!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter as he pointed at the box on the floor.
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“ I’m not doing anything dad!”, Cayela snapped as she turned around.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAWSuztRMGuT
“ Ok you know what, I think someone’s overtired!”, Leo interjected as she narrowed her eyes at Cayela.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA4LhfsxadPw
“ Yes I most certainly agree with that. I think it’s nap time.”, Sheldon said as he nodded his in agreement with what his wife said.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAB2Cay42wRN
“ I don’t need a nap I just want to go home!”, Cayela angrily shot back.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAwSptI3W2nY
“ Well you know what we are going to go home now because you obviously do need a nap. You’re obviously very overtired and your father and I don’t want to listen to you throw a hissy fit right now. So let’s go home so you can go lay down for an afternoon nap.”, Leo said as she began pushing the cart towards the front of the store.
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“ I don’t want to take a nap mom! I’m not even tired!”, Cayela protested as she stamped her foot.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAsXlQpFRSCo
“ I don’t want to hear it Cayela! Your actions and behavior are clearly showing us that you are tired and that you need to go lay down for a few hours.”, Leo said.
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“ Yes I completely agree.”, Sheldon said after they purchased their items and left the store. When they got back home Cayela was put down for a nap despite her protests about it. As she laid in her bed staring at the ceiling she couldn’t help getting a little agitated about the whole situation.
19Please respect copyright.PENANApIn2WwRzDG
‘ This is ridiculous! I’m not even tired and here my parents are forcing me to take a nap right now like I’m 2 years old! I may be autistic but I’m 14 years old! I don’t need this! What am I supposed to do?! Lay here for 2 hours, staring at the ceiling doing absolutely nothing?!’, Cayela thought as she laid perfectly still, blinking her eyes as she continued to stare upwards at the ceiling.
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“ Cayela go to sleep! Your mother and I said it’s nap time!”, Sheldon’s voice scolded his daughter from the living room.
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“ Fine! Whatever dad!”, Cayela groaned in agitation as she rolled over in her bed and fell asleep. She woke up 2 hours later in a much happier mood. 1 week later, Sheldon started talking about going down to Texas to visit his family.
19Please respect copyright.PENANACCMZb0NFeg
“ Do you want me to drive instead of us taking the train this time?”, Leo asked her husband as they were packing.
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“ Yes I believe that’s acceptable.”, Sheldon said as he smiled at his wife.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAyGrM3ZiYAo
“ I love you Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed him.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA3119WY3FHb
“ I love you too Leo.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her back.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAK7IS68PN7x
“ Cayela start packing! We’re going down to Galveston to visit!”, Leo called out.
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“ Ok mom! Can I invite Florence to come with us?! I would invite Charlotte too but she’s busy!”, Cayela interjected.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAjD7Ew6zoLM
“ Well I don’t have a problem with that but it’s up to your father.”, Leo said.
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“ I suppose so.”, Sheldon said after he thought for a minute.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAVmXwMKZj36
“ Yay! Thank you! I’ll go call her right now!”, Cayela exclaimed as she ran off to her room to pack and call Florence. Florence immediately asked her parents if she could go with Cayela and her parents said yes. Moments later the four of them were sitting in Leo’s car driving down the interstate.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAT7VWkjVQvl
“ This is going to be so fun! I can’t believe my parents actually let me come with you!”, Florence exclaimed as she leaned back in her seat twirling a strand of her hair around her finger as she sat in the backseat next to Cayela.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAK9KjOec3yq
“ I know, me too! I just wish Charlotte was able to come with us!”, Cayela exclaimed.
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“ Me too! We would have had so much fun together!”, Florence laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAHNdX7W8bhV
“ I hope she doesn’t think we’re excluding her!”, Cayela said.
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“ She won’t. I told her that you wanted to invite her but she still told me that she couldn’t come even though she really wanted to.”, Florence said.
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“ Well maybe she can come with us next time.”, Cayela said.
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“ Well I don’t know about that. We’ll have to wait and see.”, Leo said as she turned on the radio and music started playing from her ipod that was plugged into the auxiliary. The first song that came up was She’s a Rebel by Green Day. Cayela and Florence started laughing their heads off as they were bouncing around in their seats, singing along to the song.
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“ Hey let’s not get too crazy back there! You and your friend are going to give yourselves concussions if you’re not careful!”, Sheldon scolded his daughter as he turned his head to face her.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAuugv6nBEFY
“ Aw come on dad! We’re just trying to have a little fun!”, Cayela laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA7W4uUNslc2
“ Aw dang it, the song’s over!”, Florence laughed.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAx31ygvNjTN
“ Oh shut it you big ham!”, Cayela laughed as she playfully nudged Florence with her elbow.
19Please respect copyright.PENANA4tV63shOoe
“ Hey you’re the ham not me!”, Florence laughed as she nudged her back.
19Please respect copyright.PENANAKlU3iV9ors
“ Hey let’s not have any of that in this car please!”, Leo scolded as the song I’m the Only One by Melissa Etheridge started to play.
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“ Aw come on mom! We’re just messing with each other!”, Cayela laughed as she propped her feet up against the window next to her.
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“ I understand that Cayela but I don’t want to hear that.”, Leo said in a serious tone.
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“ Cayela get your feet off the window!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad we’ve been in this car for over an hour now and my legs are getting tired!”, Cayela protested.
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“ Well we’ll be making a stop at a rest area very shortly here so please listen to your father and get your feet off the window.”, Leo said.
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“ Ok.”, Cayela said as she put her feet down.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said as she got off on a Rest Area exit ramp. She then parked her car in the parking lot and they all got out of the car. They went inside to use the restrooms and then before they left Florence got a couple packages of Red Vines out of the vending machine.
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“ Red Vine? Got them out of the vending machine.”, Florence asked with a smile as she whipped out one red licorice whip.
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“ Ooh yeah, gimme! Thanks Florence!”, Cayela exclaimed as she snatched it out of her best friend’s hand when they got back in the car.
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“ No problem Cayela.”, Florence said as she pulled out another one for herself.
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“ Dad you want a Red Vine?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Your dad likes Red Vines?”, Florence asked as she stared at Cayela.
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“ Yeah he loves them! Gimme!”, Cayela exclaimed as she grabbed another Red Vine, another one for herself and one for her dad.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said as he took the licorice whip from her. From that point on not much was said. When they got to Sheldon’s mother’s house Cayela told her parents that her and Florence were going to hang out in the car just little bit longer listening to music.
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“ Ok sweetheart but don’t stay out here too much longer. It looks like there’s a storm coming.”, Leo said as she looked up at the Texas skyline and saw that dark clouds were starting to roll in. She could hear a slight rumble of thunder in the distance.
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“ Ok we won’t mom.”, Cayela said.
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“ Now wait a minute, hold on! I’m not really comfortable with this!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Dad calm down! Florence and I will only be out here in the car for just a little bit longer, listening to music on my ipod! That’s it!”, Cayela shot back at her father.
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“ Oh alright. But please be careful like your mother said. We don’t want you and your friend getting caught in a storm out here.”, Sheldon said as he sighed.
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“ Ok dad we get it!”, Cayela shot back. As Leo and Sheldon walked into the house leaving the two girls out in the car, Cayela unplugged her mother’s ipod from the auxiliary and plugged her ipod into it. She then turned the key in the ignition just enough for the battery in the car to start working before scrolling through her playlist on her ipod. The song she chose was Boom Boom Pow by Alvin and The Chipmunks. The girls bounced around in the front seats as the bass of the song thumped out of the car.
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“ Oh my god, this is insane Cayela! I’m so glad I came with you!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Yeah I’ll say Florence! This was the best idea I’ve ever had!”, Cayela laughed as she tapped her foot against the steering wheel of her mother’s car. She accidentally tapped the car horn which made it squawk like a banshee causing both girls to gasp and laugh their heads off. The sudden noise caught the attention of her parents, her aunt, her uncle and her grandmother as they all stormed out of the house to see what was going on. Mrs. Cooper tapped on the driver’s side window of her daughter in-law’s car as the rain started to come down which Cayela then proceeded to roll down.
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“ Lord in Heaven, Cayela what are you doing out here?!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded her granddaughter as she narrowed her eyes at her.
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“ Oh hi Grandma Mary I’m just sitting out here in my mom’s car listening to music with my best friend Florence! I accidentally hit the car horn with my foot!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Yeah, it was fracking hilarious!”, Florence laughed.
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“ Well what are y’all tryin’ to do out here?! Disturb the peace by being obnoxious?!”, Missy scolded her niece and her niece’s best friend.
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“ No we’re just trying to have a little fun Aunt Missy!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ How is making noise fun?!”, Missy scolded.
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“ Missy I got this!”, Leo said as she butted in and gently pushed her sister in-law aside. Then she turned to her daughter and her daughter’s best friend and scolded, “ Ok get out of the car and into the house now! We’re done out here!”
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“ Aw come on mom, why can’t we be out here?!”, Cayela protested.
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“ Because there’s a tornado watch in the area, that’s why!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Are you kidding me?! Is this a joke?!”, Cayela interjected.
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“ No this is most certainly not a joke Cayela, your mother is being serious! We just saw a National Weather Service alert on the tv so both you and your friend Florence need to come into the house right now! It’s not safe out here!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Dad nothing’s going to happen! It’s just a watch and it doesn’t necessarily mean that a tornado is going to hit!”, Cayela shot back at her father.
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“ Yeah so will you just chill out Dr. Cooper!”, Florence interjected.
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“ I will not ‘chill out’ Florence! A tornado could hit at any moment regardless whether it’s a watch or not! Now both of you get in the house Cayela!”, Sheldon scolded.
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“ Fine, we’ll get out.”, Cayela said with a defeated sigh as she shut the car off and grabbed both her ipod and her mother’s ipod before stepping out of the car with Florence. Both girls hightailed it into the house as rain continued pouring down and lightning and thunder split the sky. The adults came in after them followed by a thump on both their heads from Mrs. Cooper.
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“ Ow!”, Cayela and Florence shrieked as they rubbed the back of their heads.
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“ What was that for Grandma Mary?!”, Cayela shrieked as she stared at her grandmother.
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“ That was for scaring the bejesus out of me, your mother, your father, your Aunt Missy and Uncle Georgie! What would you go do a dang thing like that for Cayela?!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded as she got up in her granddaughter’s face.
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“ I didn’t mean to do that! I was just thumping my foot against the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing and it accidentally hit the car horn! I wasn’t trying to make any noise! If anything it startled us and made us laugh!”, Cayela smirked as she bursted into laughter making her best friend laugh as well.
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“ You two are very lucky that nobody called the sheriff because of that! Heavenly Father you two would have gotten into some serious trouble!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Just for hitting a car horn by accident?! That’s just ridiculous!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Cayela that’s not funny! You could have easily made the neighbors around us very angry when you did that! Just because you’re autistic doesn’t mean you can get away with everything you do! Your father and I didn’t raise you to act like that!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Ok I get it mom!”, Cayela laughed.
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“ Ok it’s time to calm down now. Why don’t you and I go take a nap. I’m feeling a little bit tired from the long drive down here.”, Leo said.
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“ I’m feeling uncomfortable!”, Cayela said as she started to waddle around on her chair she was sitting on.
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“ Well then I guess that means I should change you first. Come on let’s go to the bathroom.”, Leo said as she picked up the diaper bag. Cayela immediately sprinted out of her chair and down the hallway with her mother following her. Florence decided that she was a little tired too and decided to go wait in the bedroom.
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“ Cayela would you please sit still?! I can’t do anything if you’re moving around!”, Leo scolded as she applied latex gloves to her hands.
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“ I can’t mom! This feels uncomfortable!”, Cayela exclaimed as she continued to squirm around on the waterproof pad she was sitting on.
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“ Well if you can’t sit still then lay down!”, Leo scolded.
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“ Ok!”, Cayela exclaimed as she scooted her bottom forward and laid down.
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“ Thank you, now just lie still for a moment.”, Leo said as she removed Cayela’s shorts and removed her soiled brief.
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“ Mom, I got a question about something.”, Cayela asked.
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“ Sure what is it?”, Leo asked.
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“ Why can’t I be potty trained?”, Cayela asked as her mother wiped her with disinfectant wipes.
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“ Well, honey, I honestly don’t know how to answer that. For some reason there’s just something about you that makes it difficult for that to happen.”, Leo said as she rubbed barrier cream on her.
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“ That sucks but I guess I just have to accept it.”, Cayela said.
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“ Sweetheart I know this is difficult for you and that you want to be like any normal young teenager but you are who you are and who you are meant to be is just fine. Your father and I love you very much no matter what. Everybody is born differently and there’s just not much you can do about it.”, Leo said as she grabbed a new clean brief out of the bag.
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“ I guess so. And mom?”, Cayela asked.
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“ Yes Cayela?”, Leo asked as she opened up the brief and placed it underneath Cayela’s bottom.
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“ What brand are these diapers I wear?”, Cayela asked.
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“ It’s funny you should ask that, these are an adult brand called Pampers Premium. Why do you ask sweetheart?”, Leo asked as she finished applying the brief and put her daughter’s shorts back on.
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“ I don’t know, they just feel comfortable.”, Cayela said as she sat up.
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“ Well that’s good. Now then, let’s go take a nap.”, Leo said with a smile as she removed her gloves and threw them into the trash along with the other used items.
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“ Ok but can I take my shorts off and just sleep in my t-shirt and diaper? I’m really hot right now.”, Cayela asked as she got up off the bathroom floor.
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“ Sure honey if you want to.”, Leo said.
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“ Thank you.”, Cayela said as she slid her shorts off again. As they walked into the bedroom they saw Florence already there, curled up in a recliner chair in the corner of the room sleeping with a soft blanket draped over her.
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“ It looks like Florence decided to take a nap too.”, Leo said with a soft smile as she pulled back the covers on the bed.
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“ Yeah and ow!”, Cayela hissed in pain as she fell on her butt holding her foot.
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“ Oh Cayela are you ok?!”, Leo asked in concern as she walked around to the other side of the bed.
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“ I stubbed my toe on the nightstand! It hurts!”, Cayela whimpered as she tried to fight back tears that were forming in her eyes.
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“ What is going on in here?”, Sheldon asked when he walked in.
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“ Cayela accidentally hit her toe on the nightstand. Can you please hand me her pacifire stick or something Sheldon? Her friend is sleeping in here and I don’t want her to wake her friend up.”, Leo said as she picked Cayela up and set her on the bed.
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“ Oh yes, of course.”, Sheldon said as he pulled out a skinny pink, hard rubbery stick out of his pocket and handed it to his wife.
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“ Thank you.”, Leo said as she applied a few drops of Orange flavored essential oil to one end of the stick before gently sticking it into her daughter’s mouth. Cayela became silent as she started to suck on it. She fell back on the bed moments later, falling asleep with it in her mouth like a baby even though she’s 14 years old.
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“ Alright I’m going to try to get some rest. Wake us up if anything happens.”, Leo said still remembering that they were under a tornado watch.
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“ Alright. I love you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said as she kissed him. Sheldon left the room as Leo climbed into the bed next to their daughter and fell asleep.
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To be continued...
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