Chapter 17
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The next day Leo and Sheldon said goodbye to their friends before boarding a train to Texas.
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“ So what brought this sudden trip on all of a sudden?”, Leo asked when they sat down on their train cabin seats.
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“ Well I haven’t been down there to visit my family in a while so I thought this would be a good time. Plus, my Meemaw wants to meet you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well I look forward to meeting her. This is so nice I get to see where you grew up.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ Well seeing as I already saw your upbringing it made logical sense.”, Sheldon said.
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“ True.”, Leo said as she kissed him.
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“ I love you.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ I love you too.”, Leo said as she returned a smile back. 30 minutes into the train ride Leo fell asleep against Sheldon’s shoulder. Sheldon gently moved his girlfriend’s head to his lap after he placed a throw pillow across his knees. He then gently brushed his fingers through her golden blonde hair as she slept. As he was doing this, he leaned his head back into the seat and closed his eyes listening to the clickity clack of the train tracks as train rolled over them.
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Galveston, Texas
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“ Leo, wake up.”, Sheldon said as he gently shook Leo’s shoulder. Leo moaned as she began to stir.
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“ Well hello.”, Sheldon said with a smile when Leo began opening her eyes.
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“ Hi.”, Leo softly said with a smile.
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“ We’re here in Galveston.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh. Did I sleep the whole ride down here?”, Leo asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Sheldon nodded his head.
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“ You were out like a light.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well that explains why it felt like a short trip.”, Leo said.
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“ Yes. Let’s go.”, Sheldon said as they deboarded the train. They walked through the city of Galveston before they ended up at Sheldon’s mother’s house.
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Cooper home
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“ Shelly! I’m so glad you’re here! What a nice surprise! And you brought Leo!”, Mrs. Cooper exclaimed when she opened the door to see her son and his girlfriend.
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“ Yes, hi mom.”, Sheldon said as he entered the house with Leo.
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“ Hi Mrs. Cooper! It’s so nice to see you again!”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ It’s so nice to see you again too sweetheart! Missy, Georgie, come say hello to your brother and his girlfriend!”, Mrs. Cooper said before she hollered out for her other two children.
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“ Coming!”, Missy called out.
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“ I don’t give a sh*t!”, Georgie called out.
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“ Georgie! There is no cursing in this house! We have a guest here and that is not the way to behave! The Lord did not put you on this Earth to act like that!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded her eldest son.
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“ Hi Shelly.”, Missy said with a smile.
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“ Hello Missy.” Sheldon said.
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“ So is this the new girl that Mom’s been talking about?”, Missy asked as she looked at Leo.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Hi I’m Dr. Leo Fordyce, it’s nice to finally meet you Missy.”, Leo said.
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“ Georgie! Get out here!”, Mrs. Cooper shouted.
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“ Suck on my d*ck and leave me alone!”, Georgie shouted.
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“ Georgie you curse one more time and you’re gettin thumped with the Holy Bible!”, Meemaw shouted at her eldest grandson.
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“ Shut up Meemaw!”, Georgie shouted.
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“ Georgie we don’t say that in this family!”, Mrs. Cooper shouted.
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“ That’s just like my household. My mom and dad are always harping on me and my siblings to not say that to each other.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that’s good because that’s not a nice thing to say. How many siblings do you have?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ I have two sisters and three brothers. I also have a brother-in law because one of my sisters is married.”, Leo said.
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“ That’s wonderful. Who are they?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ My two sisters are Kennedy and Amanda. Amanda is the one that’s married and my three brothers are Stephen, Garrett, and Junior.”, Leo said.
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“ What’s Amanda’s husband’s name?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ His name is Donny Thomas Elspeth. So when my sister married him she decided to keep her maiden name but hyphenate it with his, so, her name is now Amanda Marlin Fordyce-Elspeth.”, Leo said.
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“ Was your brother Junior named after your father or is that his actual name?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ That’s his actual name. My dad’s name is Robert.”, Leo said.
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“ Georgie this is the last time I’m gonna say it, get out here! Now!”, Mrs. Cooper shouted.
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“ Fine Ma! Jesus Christ!”, Georgie shouted as he entered the room.
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“ Don’t you dare say the Lord’s name in vain! That’s a sin!”, Mrs. Cooper shouted.
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“ Whatever! What the?!”, Georgie hissed before he saw Leo. He then exclaimed, “ This is a joke, right?! How did Sheldon get THAT for a girlfriend?!” as he pointed at Leo who was just standing there smiling. He was very shocked that his smart, egotistical, socially-awkward younger brother had managed to get himself a very hot girlfriend, in fact, he was actually kind of jealous.
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“ The Lord’s prayer brought these two together! Now don’t you go getting any ideas Georgie!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Hi Meemaw!”, Sheldon said with a smile as his grandmother came into the room.
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“ Hello Moonpie! It’s a wonderful surprise that you’re here!”, Meemaw said with a smile. Then she looks at Leo and says, “ And this must be Leo! It’s so nice to finally meet you dear!”
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“ Hi it’s nice to finally meet you too!”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ I have heard so many wonderful things about you from my daughter and my grandson! You look like a Heaven-sent angel!”, Meemaw said.
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“ Oh thank you!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Oh no, thank you for coming into my grandson’s life and making him happy! He’s been struggling his whole life trying to make friends!”, Meemaw said.
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“ Well your grandson’s very special and I’m glad he came into my life!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Let’s go outside for a little bit Leo.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ I’m coming too!”, Georgie suddenly exclaimed as he tried to follow them but was stopped dead in his tracks when Mrs. Cooper scolded, “ Georgie you’re not going anywhere and Missy keep an eye on Georgie! Don’t let him do anything stupid!”
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“ Why don’t I just hogtie him to a tree and blindfold him so that he can’t see a thing?!”, Missy interjected with a Southern accent.
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“ Missy you’re not hog tying your brother to anything! Just keep an eye on him! I’m worried that he’s going to try something with Leo when he can clearly see that she’s Sheldon’s girlfriend!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Alright, fine!”, Missy said.
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“ Well I think that went pretty well don’t you think?”, Sheldon asked with a smile as him and Leo sat down on the back step of the back door.
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“ Yeah totally. Wow it’s really nice out here.”, Leo said. Sheldon nodded his head in agreement. They sat there for a moment until Leo took out her ipod and connected it to her little Bluetooth speaker that was hanging from her belt loop. She pressed play and the song that came on was You Get What You Give by New Radicals. Sheldon just looked at her when she suddenly stood up and pulled him toward her with a smile on her face. As she began to dance with him, Sheldon asked, “ What are you doing Dr. Fordyce?!”
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“ I’m dancing with you Dr. Cooper! What do you think I’m doing?!”, Leo asked.
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“ I told you I don’t…!”, Sheldon started to say but was interrupted by Leo kissing him.
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“ Damn you woman! You’re making my subatomic particles go everywhere!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he kissed her back.
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“ You’re doing the same for me! Oh god I love you!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ I love you too!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Who’s she Sheldon?!”, Billy Sparks asked as he suddenly popped his head up over the fence.
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“ Shut up Billy Sparks! You don’t need to know that!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Is she your girlfriend?!”, Billy Sparks asked.
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“ I told you that you don’t need to know that! Now go away!”, Sheldon interjected.
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“ Hi I’m Billy!”, Billy Sparks said to Leo.
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“ Billy! Go away! Quit being nosy!”, Sheldon interjected. Billy’s head then disappeared behind the fence and the sound of a door closing was heard. Leo let out a giddy laugh and Sheldon said, “ Sorry about that Leo. He’s nosy.”
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“ It’s ok Sheldon.”, Leo said with a smile as her and Sheldon continued kissing each other. They were then interrupted again, this time by Georgie.
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“ What the hell Sheldon?! I don’t believe this! How does a condescending dork like you end up with a woman like that?!”, Georgie hissed.
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“ I don’t have time for your constant put downs Georgie! You’re embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend!”, Sheldon shot back at his brother.
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“ I’m just saying how does that happen?! Unless she only likes you because you’re smart!”, Georgie exclaimed.
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“ For your information I’m just as smart as him. I’m a physicist in the same field and I like him for a lot of different reasons. One, because he’s smart, two, I think he’s very sweet and caring, and three, he saved my life twice.”, Leo said.
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“ Three if you count that tornado at your relatives house.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.”, Leo said with a smile as she kissed Sheldon again. Sheldon smiled back at her and said, “ I’ll be right back.”
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“ Ok.”, Leo said as Sheldon walked away but the second he disappeared into the house Georgie asked, “ What is it that you see in him?!”
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“ What do you mean?”, Leo asked as she looked at him.
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“ I mean, come on. Drop the act. How do you really feel about him?”, Georgie asked.
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“ There’s no act! I really do love him!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Really?! You went for my smart-aleck, egotistical little brother over any other guy you could have gone with?!”, Georgie exclaimed.
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“ Yes! No other guy could possibly make me as happy as your brother does! I’ve been hit on by several guys throughout my lifetime and I was never interested in any of them except for one other guy before your brother but he got killed overseas!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well I can fix that!”, Georgie exclaimed as he walked toward her. He didn’t notice Missy watching him from a few feet away.
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“ Woah freeze right there mister! You dare try to kiss me and I will tell your brother, I will see to that! In fact, maybe I’ll tell him what you’re trying to do when he comes out of the house!”, Leo shouted.
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“ So I don’t care! Go ahead, tell on me!”, Georgie said with a cockeyed smirk. Leo just rolled her eyes at him as Sheldon was coming back out of the house.
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“ Oh thank God you’re back Sheldon! Your brother was trying to put the moves on me!”, Leo exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
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“ What?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his brother.
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“ It’s true Shelly, I watched him do it! He was trying to kiss her!”, Missy said as she walked up.
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“ Ma put you up to this didn’t she?!”, Georgie shouted at his sister.
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“ I’m not pointing fingers!”, Missy exclaimed as she threw her hands up.
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“ What the hell is wrong with you Georgie?! You’re a dead man, come here!”, Sheldon shouted as he angrily chased his brother around the backyard.
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“ I’m going to tell Ma you said that!”, Georgie shot back.
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“ Oh shut up! How dare you try to kiss my girlfriend!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ Oh please! You know a woman like that is way out of your league Sheldon!”, Georgie shot back.
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“ Leo is MY girlfriend!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ What in the name of the Lord is going on out here?!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded as her and Meemaw walked out of the house.
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“ Georgie tried to kiss Leo!”, Missy blurted out.
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“ Missy!”, Georgie hissed at her.
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“ Georgie why would you do that?! I did not raise you to commit sins!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ I wasn’t sinning Ma! What the bejesus are you talking about?!”, Georgie exclaimed.
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“ Don’t you dare give me any of that! Mark my words Georgie, I catch you trying to fool around with Leo Fordyce again and I will thump you like a melon! Do you hear me?!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Yeah whatever Ma!”, Georgie hissed.
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“ Don’t you ‘ Yeah whatever!’ me in that tone of voice! That is disrespectful!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded as she walked back into the house.
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“ This is total bullsh*t!”, Georgie hissed under his breath.
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“ Ow! What was that for?!”, Georgie screamed as he stared at his grandmother who was standing there holding the Holy Bible in her hands.
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“ I warned you about that cursing Georgie!”, Meemaw hissed at her eldest grandson. Leo just stood there with a smirk spreading across her face.
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“ Georgie is as dumb as a board!”, Missy said.
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“ I totally agree!”, Leo said.
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“ Are you alright Leo?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Sheldon.”, Leo said.
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Later that evening Leo fell asleep on the floor in the living room after watching a movie with her boyfriend and his family.
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“ Leo? Hey Leo!”, Missy exclaimed as she gently kicked Leo’s foot.
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“ Missy don’t kick her! That’s very rude!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded at her daughter.
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“ Is she dead?”, Georgie asked.
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“ She’s not dead Georgie, she’s just sleeping! Knock it off!”, Meemaw hissed at him.
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“ Shelly you should probably carry Leo to bed. It’s getting very late.”, Mrs. Cooper said as she stood up from the couch. Sheldon acknowledged what his mother had told him, got up from the couch and carefully picked up his girlfriend. He carried her upstairs to one of the bedrooms, dressed her in her blue Batman t-shirt and grey cotton shorts before tucking her into the bed. Leo stirred a little when Sheldon got into bed next to her and kissed her. A smile spread across her face as she turned toward him and kissed him back. As they were kissing each other Mrs. Cooper’s voice screamed from the hallway outside the room, “ You two better not be sinning in there!” before the sound of a closing door was heard.
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“ Is your mother always like that?”, Leo asked with a silent laugh.
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“ Unfortunately she is.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you.”, Leo said with a smile.
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“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again. Then he said, “ Good night Leo.”
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“ Good night Sheldon.”, Leo said.
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The next day Sheldon woke up to the sound of running water and music coming from the bathroom down the hallway as well as his girlfriend’s singing voice. The song playing from her ipod was Beautiful Day by U2. He stood there in the hallway for a few minutes before walking downstairs but he could still hear his girlfriend’s beautiful voice.
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“ Good morning Mom.”, Sheldon said when he entered the kitchen to see his mother making breakfast for everybody.
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“ Oh, good morning Shelly. Leo in the shower?”, Mrs. Cooper asked.
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“ Yes.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I kind of figured that because I hear her voice. This is the first time I’m hearing her sing and I have to say, it’s beautiful!”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Good Heavens Mary! Do you hear that?!”, Meemaw asked as she walked into the kitchen.
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“ Yes Mom I hear it!”, Mrs. Cooper exclaimed.
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“ Who’s voice is that?!”, Meemaw asked.
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“ It’s Leo’s!”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ Really?! That woman’s got the voice of an angel!”, Meemaw said. Leo switched to another song on her ipod. The song that was now playing was Breathe by Faith Hill. Leo started singing the words to the song and once again her voice was heard throughout the entire house.
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“ Is that Shelly’s girlfriend?!”, Missy exclaimed.
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“ Yes it is!”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ Wow!”, Missy exclaimed.
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“ Ok I am seriously jealous of you Sheldon! How is it that you got a beautiful woman with a beautiful singing voice?! That makes no sense!”, Georgie exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen.
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“ That’s none of your concern!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ Sheldon! That’s very rude! You don’t talk like that to your brother!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded.
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“ Ow! Son of a biscuit, I did it again! Sheldon!”
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“ Oh good Lord! Leo!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he suddenly ran up the stairs when he heard a loud crashing sound and his girlfriend screaming. His mother, siblings and grandmother followed him.
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“ What in the name of the Lord happened up here?!”, Mrs. Cooper exclaimed.
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“ I fell Mrs. Cooper. I misjudged where the floor was getting out of the shower and twisted my ankle.”, Leo said as she sat on the bathroom floor with one leg spread out straight and the other twisted sideways. Her iPod was laying at her feet.
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“ Good Heavens, did you land on the floor like that Leo?!”, Sheldon exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I did Sheldon. Not only did I twist my ankle but I think I might have displaced my hip as well. I can’t get up.”, Leo said in a low serious tone.
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“ You mean you dislocated it?!”, Missy asked.
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“ Yeah let’s go with that Missy!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Well then you should probably go to the hospital Leo.”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ I guess I don’t really have that much of a choice now do I?”, Leo asked as Sheldon carefully picked her up off the floor. At the hospital Leo had her hip realigned and her foot wrapped up before she was sent back to the Cooper household sitting in a wheelchair. A few days later she was up and around again just in time to go back to Pasadena.
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“ Bye mom.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Bye Shelly. Please come back again soon. You too Leo.”, Mrs. Cooper said.
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“ Thank you! I will Mrs. Cooper!”, Leo exclaimed.
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“ Bye Leo, it was nice to meet you!”, Missy exclaimed. Georgie just stood there with a blank stare on his face looking at Leo. Missy elbowed him in the chest.
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“ Ow! What was that for Missy?!”, Georgie shrieked as he placed his hand on his chest.
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“ You’re staring at Leo again you dummy!”, Missy hissed.
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“ I can’t help it! I’m a ladies man!”, Georgie shot back.
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“ Barely!”, Missy hissed.
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“ Whatever!”, Georgie hissed.
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“ Bye Moonpie, I hope to see you again soon!”, Meemaw said with a smile.
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“ Bye Meemaw.”, Sheldon said.
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“ And it was very nice meeting you Leo! I hope to see you again soon as well!”, Meemaw said.
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“ You too!”, Leo exclaimed. Once they all said goodbye Sheldon and Leo walked out of the house. But little did they know that something was going to happen that would change Sheldon’s life forever.
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2 weeks later after they got home the phone rang.
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“ Who could that be?”, Penny asked as she sat around with the others. Leo wasn’t there at the moment because she was working.
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“ I don’t know. I’ll go answer it.”, Leonard said as he got up from the chair to answer the phone. It was Mrs. Cooper.
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“ Sheldon, your mother wants to talk to you.”, Leonard said in a serious voice.
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“ What is she calling for Leonard?”, Sheldon asked as he stood up from his spot on the couch.
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“ I don’t know but it sounds very serious and urgent.”, Leonard said as he held out the phone to his roommate/best friend.
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“ Well alright. Hi mom.”, Sheldon said as he took the phone from Leonard and put it to his ear. His mom sounded like she had been crying which made him suspect that something was wrong. She proceeds to tell him what nobody would ever want to hear.
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“ Alright, thank you for calling mom. Bye.”, Sheldon sadly said as he slowly hung up the phone and placed it on the counter. He stood there just staring at the phone not believing what his mother had just said.
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“ Everything ok buddy?”, Leonard asked as he stood on the other side of the counter. The others looked in their direction.
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“ No.”, Sheldon sadly said as his hand began to shake.
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“ Well what’s wrong sweetie?”, Penny asked in confusion.
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“ I just lost my Meemaw.”, Sheldon said in a shaky voice. He then smacked the phone off the counter which then slid across the floor landing at the front door.
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“ What?!”, his friends exclaimed as they stood up staring at him.
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“ For god sakes Sheldon! What do you mean you lost her?!”, Leonard asked in confusion.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAbL7s2akDrC
“ Yeah, what the hell happened?!”, Howard exclaimed.
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“ She... She suffered a heart attack and passed away!”, Sheldon shuddered. His voice cracked with every word he said.
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“ Oh Sheldon!”, Penny screamed as she began to tear up. The others just stared at each other in complete shock.
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“ Buddy.”, Leonard said in a low tone as he placed a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. He couldn’t imagine what he was feeling at the moment.
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“ I need to be alone!”, Sheldon shuddered as he ran to his room and slammed the door shut behind him. Tears streamed down Penny’s face as Sheldon completely broke down and cried in his room. To make matters worse, Leo suddenly walked into the door.
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“ Hi you guys.”, Leo said.
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“ Hi Leo.”, the others said in a low tone.
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“ What’s going on?”, Leo asked.
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“ Now’s not a good time to be here Leo. Sheldon’s really upset and so are we.”, Leonard said.
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“ Why?”, Leo asked.
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“ Sheldon’s grandmother passed away.”, Leonard sadly said.
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“ Are you freaking kidding me?! We just saw her two weeks ago! She was fine! What the hell happened?!”, Leo exclaimed in disbelief.
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“ She had a heart attack.”, Raj said.
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“ Oh god!”, Leo exclaimed as tears began streaming down her face. In an instant she shoved past her friends and headed to the hallway. She could hear Sheldon crying from his bedroom.
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“ Leo I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”, Leonard interjected.
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“ I don’t care Leonard! He’s my boyfriend!”, Leo cried as she disappeared around the corner of the hallway.
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Knock knock knock!
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“ Sheldon, I just heard what happened! Are you okay?!”, Leo cried.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAE1TC5rDrLC
“ Go away Leo! I want to be alone right now!”, Sheldon cried as he sat on the edge of his bed. Leo just rolled her eyes and walked in anyway.
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“ Leo didn’t you hear what I said?! I said I want to be alone!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I’m not leaving you here like this! You never left me alone when I was upset! You clearly need me right now!”, Leo cried as she slammed the door behind her and sat down on the bed next to him.
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“ I am so sorry you lost your grandmother!”, Leo cried as she wrapped her arms around Sheldon.
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“ I feel as if the world just crashed down on me!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I know that feeling! It’s the same way I felt when I lost Brady!”, Leo cried as she held him.
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“ I miss her!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I know! Your Meemaw was pretty special to you wasn’t she?!”, Leo cried.
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“ Yes! She was a big part of my life! I just can’t believe she’s gone and not there anymore!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I can’t believe it either! Just two weeks ago we saw her and now she’s just...gone!”, Leo cried.
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“ That’s one part of my life I’ll never see again! I can’t imagine what it would be like if I lost the other!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ What did you mean by that?!”, Leo cried.
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“ You and my mother!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Oh Sheldon I’m not going anywhere! I love you too damn much to even think about leaving you! If you weren’t in my life I wouldn’t be here! I’d be in the same place your Meemaw is now!”, Leo cried.
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“ Are you saying you would have committed suicide?!”, Sheldon cried as he stared at his girlfriend with tear glistening eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANADth8SlXEmY
“ Yes! I would have had no reason to live because I was so sick of being pushed around and treated like I was nothing by Molly! I would have tied a rope around my ankle and...!”, Leo cried.
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“ No! Don’t you ever think about doing that! Get those thoughts out of your head! Molly Burkowitz is nothing but a piece of germ-infested trash! Don’t listen to a word she says, she’s just trying to break your spirit! You’re the most beautiful woman in the world and I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Oh Sheldon! That’s a very nice thing to say! I love you so much!”, Leo cried.
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“ I love you too!”, Sheldon cried as he kissed her. Leo then gently began pulling on his arms trying to get him to lay down on the bed.
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“ What are you doing?!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Let’s take a nap. It will distract you for the time being.”, Leo sadly said.
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“ I’m not even tired!”, Sheldon sadly said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAtMGD98LFlT
“ I don’t care, this is going to help you. You’re my boyfriend, I love you and I hate seeing you upset.”, Leo sadly said as she pulled him down on the bed.
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“ Leo I’m not...!”, Sheldon protested.
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“ Shhh!”, Leo said as she gently began rubbing his stomach.
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Living room
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“ Leo and Sheldon have been in there for a while and haven’t come back out. I’m getting kind of worried.”, Amy said.
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“ Yeah I’ve noticed that too.”, Penny said.
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“ Sheldon really must be taking this very hard.”, Howard said.
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“ I wish there was something we could do.”, Bernadette said.
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“ I’m going to go check on them.”, Leonard said as he headed down the hallway. As he approached Sheldon’s room he could hear Leo singing in there.
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“ I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better! Lord, show me the way, to cut through all this worn out leather! I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away, but baby I just need one good one to stay!”
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When she stopped, Leonard walked in to see the two of them sound asleep on Sheldon’s bed. He could see Leo’s head leaning against Sheldon’s and Leo’s arm was gently wrapped around Sheldon’s waist. Satisfied that they were ok Leonard quietly walked out.
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“ Are they ok in there?”, Stuart asked.
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“ Yeah, they’re just sleeping now.”, Leonard said.
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4 hours later...
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Sheldon and Leo woke up emerging from Sheldon’s bedroom to see Leonard and Penny sitting in the living room sharing cups of coffee.
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“ Hey buddy, feeling any better after taking that nice long nap with Leo?”, Leonard asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAx88QBTevqH
“ Not really but I’ll be fine.”, Sheldon said as he rubbed his eyes.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAwWZEAP4MfO
“ Where are our friends?”, Leo asked.
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“ They left like 4 hours ago. You two were out like lights and we didn’t want to disturb you.”, Penny said.
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“ Penny, you’re in my spot!”, Sheldon said as he suddenly noticed where his friend was sitting on the couch. Penny rolled her eyes, scooted over and said, “ There. Happy?”
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“ I’m not unhappy.”, Sheldon said as he sat down where Penny had just vacated. Leo walked over to him and handed him a mug of hot chocolate before walking behind the couch.
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“ Thank you Dr. Fordyce.”, Sheldon said as he looked at his girlfriend.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAlCtvpPW11c
“ You’re welcome Dr. Cooper. I love you.”, Leo said as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.
18Please respect copyright.PENANApOaKmCebH9
“ I love you too.”, Sheldon said.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAKSY4VdtBZy
“ Why is the phone on the floor?”, Leo asked.
18Please respect copyright.PENANAyh3yRPHxm5
“ Sheldon smacked it off the counter.”, Leonard said.
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“ Did this all happen before I got off work?”, Leo asked.
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“ Yeah, we were just sitting around talking when the phone suddenly rang. I got up to answer it and it was Mrs. Cooper. She sounded upset and wanted to talk to Sheldon so I handed the phone to him. He talked to her for a few minutes before hanging up just staring at the phone with a blank stare on his face. We asked him what happened and he told us before he smacked the phone off the counter.”, Leonard said.
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“ Oh god that’s just horrible! I’m just in complete shock! Literally just two weeks ago she was alive and perfectly fine! I don’t understand this! I didn’t even know that was going to be the only time that I was ever going to see her!”, Leo said.
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“ I don’t think any of us knew that Leo.”, Penny said shaking her head.
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“ I don’t understand it either but what can you do?”, Leonard said.
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“ What can you do?! Is that all you can say Leonard?! What can you do?! This is all complete bullsh*t!”, Penny angrily said as she stood up from the couch staring at Leonard.
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“ Penny that’s not helping right now.”, Leonard said.
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“ I don’t freaking care Leonard! We just found out that our friend’s grandmother passed away and all you can say is what can you do?! You’re acting like a complete self-centered bastard!”, Penny shouted at him.
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“ Oh yeah?! Well you’re acting like a bi**h for yelling at me!”, Leonard shouted back as he got up in Penny’s face.
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“ I DIDN’T SAY THAT!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ WELL YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO!”, Penny shouted. As Penny and Leonard shouted back and forth at each other Sheldon silently stood up and walked out of the apartment with his hot chocolate mug. Leo followed him leaving Penny and Leonard to their own devices.
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“ Sheldon where are you going?”, Leo asked.
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“ I need to go somewhere else right now. I don’t want to listen to them fight.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok well let’s go to my apartment for a little while. Let’s just let them go at it with each other for a while to work it out themselves and then we’ll come back.”, Leo said.
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“ Well alright.”, Sheldon said as he walked down the stairs with Leo to her apartment. The two of them completely ignored Penny’s and Leonard’s shouting coming from inside the apartment.
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Apartment 2A
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“ There is this better?”, Leo asked her boyfriend as they sat down on her couch.
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“ Yes thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Do you want to watch tv or do you just want to sit here in silence?”, Leo asked.
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“ I just want to sit here in silence.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Sure, we can do that. Whatever you want.”, Leo said.
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“ Well that didn’t sound good.”, Leo said.
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“ I agree. Should we go check on them?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ In a minute. Let’s give them some time to cool down.”, Leo said.
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“ Alright.”, Sheldon said.
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To be continued...
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