Chapter 38
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Dr. Stormbender’s underground lair…
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“ Oh wacko family, come out to play! Show your stupid faces you evil cowards!”, Arista shouted as she entered her father’s dark lair with the others following in behind her. She was banging the knife against the trash can top as she was saying this.
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“ Evil cowards?”, Sheldon whispered which earned him a smack from Leonard. The lights suddenly came on after Gavin turned them on and he shouted, “ Who are you calling evil cowards you little traitor?!”
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“ Yeah what gives you the right to just come in here and say that Arista?!”, Larry shouted.
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“ Oh shut it Larry! You slap happy idiots are done with whatever you’re doing!”, Arista shouted.
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“ I don’t think so! We’re just getting started!”, Skye shouted as she stood in front of Howard’s laptop with Cayela sitting right next to her tied to a chair.
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“ You guys do something! She’s crazy!”, Cayela screamed as she tried to free herself from the chair.
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“ Shut your mouth Cayela!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Get away from the laptop and my friend Aunt Skye before I kill you and the rest of our psycho family!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Don’t you yell at her Arista!”, Fred shouted.
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“ Oh shut up Uncle Fred! Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of!”, Arista shouted.
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“ You might as well just give up Arista because you’re not gonna win!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Shut your mouth Raven! No one was talking to you! Now I’m going to say this again, get away from the laptop and my friend before I kill all of you!”, Arista shouted.
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“ You’re too late! I’m already in the process of trying to crack the firewall!”, Skye shouted as she continued punching codes into the laptop.
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“ You’re not going to crack it! My system is very secure! Now give me my laptop back and my niece Cayela!”, Howard shouted.
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“ No! We’re done playing the mouses! Now you’re going to be them once and for all!”, Skye shouted.
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“ You better stop talking lady or you’re gonna have to answer to the Nebraskan Rodeo!”, Penny shouted.
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“ Oh please, you think you can hurt me Penny?! You’re a pathetic dumb blonde who can’t hurt a fly!”, Skye evilly laughed.
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“ Oh I know I can hurt you real good if I get close enough to you! And another thing I’ll show you who’s a dumb blonde with my Slugger bat!”, Penny shouted as she started swinging her bat around.
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“ You all are so pathetic! Did you really think I would just give up that easy! I told you this wasn’t over! Fools!”, Skye evilly laughed. Sheldon secretly slipped away to a different room where he found another computer station that suddenly gave him an idea.
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‘ Ok so you want to play mind games with us do ya?! Well two can play at that game! You mess with the bull you get the horns! I’m just about ready to show you how horny I can be!’, Sheldon thought in his head with a semi-evil smirk on his face as he started hitting keys on the keyboard. After the first few minutes he immediately gained access to the main motherboard controls of the entire lair’s computer system which he decided to use to take revenge against Skye, Fred, Gavin, Larry and Raven.
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“ Greetings you stupid Neanderthals!”
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‘ Dad?!’, Cayela thought in her head when she suddenly heard her father’s voice come over the loudspeaker.
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“ What the hell?!”, Fred shouted.
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“ Who said that?!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Yeah show yourself you pathetic morron!”, Gavin, Larry and Raven shouted.
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“ This comes to you from the malevolent mind of Dr. Sheldon Cooper! I am currently in an undisclosed location where I have surreptitiously hacked Devon’s entire computer system through the entire lair’s main motherboard circuits!”
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“ SHELDON?!”, Leo, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Stuart, Danny, Molly, Yesenia, Dakota, Morgan, Kemdan, Carmen, Shelina, Melissa and Megynn shrieked in surprise. They weren’t expecting something like this even though they have always joked about Sheldon being one lab accident away from becoming a supervillian.
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“ WHAT?! HOW DID YOU DO THAT YOU FOOL?!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Your stupid brother may have thought he was an evil genius but as you can see I am much more smarter than him! Did he really think that MadscienceDr. D.S. was a secure password?! Any genius could figure that out, including me!”
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“ You’re gonna pay for this Dr. Cooper! We’re gonna find out where you are in here and shut your little revenge plot down! Then we’re gonna murder you and the rest of your stupid family including Arista!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Oh I don’t think so Skye because you’re never going to find out where I am! I’m about to make you, your other brother, your twin boys and your other niece suffer through a series of torture, pain and misery! This is what you get for tangling with me, my wife, my friends and my daughter! So enjoy the action, bi**h!”, Sheldon shouted over the loudspeaker before he pressed a button on the keyboard which suddenly opened up a wall inside the main room and several knives started to shoot out of it.
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“ HIT THE DECK!”, Howard shouted as they all threw themselves on the floor to avoid the flying knives coming their way and every other direction. Screams erupted through the air as the 5 psychos also dodged the knives making them crash into another wall.
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“ Oh it’s on now you physicist! Is that all you got?!”, Skye shouted.
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“ Not enough close! I’m just getting started! Prepare yourself because things are about to get really rough! How about a little bit of electricity?!”, Sheldon shouted as he hit another button that sent a beam of electricity down from the ceiling at her, Fred, Gavin, Larry and Raven but they dodged again.
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“ Dr. Cooper stop it! This is insane! Have you lost your mind?!”, Fred shouted.
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“ No! I never lose my mind over anything Fred! You Stormbenders are the ones that have lost your minds which doesn’t include Arista! Prepare to meet your doom!”, Sheldon shouted as he hit the button again releasing more electricity.
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“ No prepare to meet your doom! Game over pal!”, Skye shouted as she grabbed an ax and swung it down on the control panel for the giant computer screen thinking that it would cut off the power to the computer system but it did absolutely nothing.
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“ Ah ah ah I don’t think so!”, Sheldon shouted as he hit the button again releasing the electricity but this time Skye couldn’t get away fast enough and she ended up getting shocked to death.
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“ MA!”, Gavin and Larry screamed.
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“ You maniac, I’m gonna kill you! You killed my sister!”, Fred shouted.
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“ I think not! You’re going to join her, Fred!”, Sheldon shouted as he shocked him to death too leaving just the three psycho 16 year olds left.
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“ UNCLE FRED!”, Gavin, Larry and Raven screamed.
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“ Ok buddy that’s it you’re gonna…!”, Gavin shouted.
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“ Checkmate Gavin!”, Sheldon shouted as he then shocked Gavin to death.
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“ GAVIN! OH YOU’RE GONNA GET IT FOR KILLING MY TWIN BROTHER!”, Larry shouted as he started running off trying to find out where Sheldon was.
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“ I don’t think so! Goodbye Larry!”, Sheldon shouted as he blasted Larry too just before he could get out of the room.
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“ LARRY! OK THAT’S IT DR. COOPER, YOUR REIGN OF TERROR IS OVER! TAKE THIS!”, Raven shouted as she finally managed to cut the power to the whole system.
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“ Hey I wasn’t done with that Raven!”, Sheldon shouted as he came back into the room.
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“ Yeah well I was! You’re gonna pay for destroying my family!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Don’t yell at my dad!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ Shut up Cayela or I’m gonna kill you!”, Raven shouted in her face.
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“ Get away from my friend Raven! You and the rest of our psycho family have done enough!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Stay out of this Arista! Why can’t you be like the rest of us?!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Because it’s stupid! There’s no reason why we should act like criminals in the first place!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Yes there is! To gain power and control over every weak-minded fool in the universe! You should really let that sink in and join me! Think about it! Two sisters against the world!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Are you nuts?! I would never join sides with you! You’ve treated me like crap my whole life and I’m sick of it! So I’m gonna take you down once and for all!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Oooh I’m so scared! What are you gonna do?!”, Raven sarcastically shouted.
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“ Oh believe me you’re not going to see what’s coming!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Oh yeah?! Well you’re not going to see this coming including your stupid little friend!”, Raven shouted as she walked out of the room for a second. She came back a few seconds later holding Oreo who was very frightened. She meowed in fear as her body was shaking causing the others to gasp.
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“ OREO!”, everybody shrieked.
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“ Meow!”
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“ Now, who’s ready for some real fun!”, Raven evilly laughed as her sharp pointy nails were running along Oreo’s back.
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“ That’s Cayela’s cat! How did you get her?!”, Arista shouted.
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“ That’s none of your business to know that you goody two shoes!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Um I think it is! It’s one thing if want to mess with my friend but when you mess with her pet too that’s when it becomes way out of line!”, Arista shouted. As she took a step toward her sister, Raven suddenly pulled out a knife and shouted, “ Ah ah ah you come anywhere near me Arista and I’m gonna skin this cat alive!”
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“ You wouldn’t dare!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Try me!”, Raven shouted as she slowly started sliding the knife back and forth all over Oreo’s body. Oreo just kept letting out frightened meows as her body continued to shake.
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“ You touch that cat and so help me God I’ll rip your head off Raven!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Yeah get your hands off my cat! She was just a sweet little stray kitten when me and my friends found her outside our school one day!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ And that’s what makes it fun to me because you care about her! I cared about my father but your stupid family took him away from me so why don’t I take away something you care about?! Your precious kitty!”, Raven shouted as she kept running the knife back and forth before placing the blade against Oreo’s neck.
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“ Don’t you dare do it Raven! Release the cat now or I’m gonna murder you!”, Arista shouted as she pointed her knife at her sister. She took another step forward causing Raven to tighten her grip on the knife handle.
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“ I’m warning you goody two shoes! One more step and this cat’s dead!”, Raven shouted.
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“ I don’t think so! Take this!”, Arista shouted as she threw her knife at her sister and the non-sharp edge of the blade hit Raven in the shoulder with such force that she let go of Oreo who then started sprinting away from her.
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“ Run Oreo run!”, Cayela screamed as she watched her beloved pet run across the floor.
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“ Oh that’s it you little bitch!”, Raven shouted but as she tried to lash out at her sister Arista something totally unexpected happened.
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“ Don’t you dare touch her Raven!”, Florence shouted as she suddenly ran up from behind the two Stormbender sisters.
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“ Florence no!”, Arista screamed as she watched her friend get in the path of the danger zone and tried to push Raven away only to get stabbed in the side of the chest. Blood started coming out of her wound as she fell to the floor with a scream.
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“ FLORENCE!”, everybody screamed.
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“ Oh you really crossed the line now! That’s it!”, Cayela shouted as she broke free from the chair she was sitting in. She was seething with rage.
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“ Oh so you want to go for round 2?! Is that it?!”, Raven shouted as she gripped her bloody knife.
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“ Yes! You stabbed my best friend! So you know what, it’s on like DONKEY KONG!”, Cayela shouted.
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“ Fine! Have it your way Cayela!”, Raven shouted. The second she lashed out at Cayela is when the Forensic Files extended theme song blasted out in the air from Robbie’s ipod.
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“ Yeah that’s what I’m talking about! Nice going with the Forensic Files theme Robbie!”, Cayela shouted as she was attacking Raven.
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“ No problem Cayela! Rip her head off!”, Robbie screamed.
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“ Go go go! Get the laptop!”, Arista shouted at the others as her and the other girls started to carefully drag Florence out of harms way. Charlotte put direct pressure on her friend’s chest wound as an attempt to stop the bleeding. Amy and Penny grabbed Howard’s laptop and started running it back to him.
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“ Hey where do you think you’re going with that?! Give it back or I’m gonna…!”, Raven shouted as she tried to run after them but Cayela knocked her to the ground shouting, “ Oh no you don’t! Stay away from my Auntie Penny and my Auntie Amy you crazy witch!”
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“ Get off of me Cayela! I’m gonna do whatever I want!”, Raven shouted as she shoved Cayela off her back knocking her down on her butt. Cayela’s bladder released itself into her diaper that was covered by her shorts but she didn’t care about that at the moment. All she cared about was going wacko on Raven.
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“ I think not! You’re going down you psycho!”, Cayela shouted as she got up from the floor.
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“ Not by a long shot!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Oh yeah?! That’s what you think!”, Cayela shouted as she grabbed a metal chain from the wall and got up on the table. She then imitated Michelangelo from the 2003 TMNT by shouting, “ Surf’s up dudette! Cowabunga!” as she jumped off the table swinging the chain which hit Raven in the head knocking her to the floor. The force of that knocked her out. Raven was then arrested and shortly after all of this Florence was rushed to the hospital. Her family as well as Mrs. Stormbender all showed up too. As everyone gathered around the bed the only sounds that were heard were the heart monitor and the sounds of crying from Mr. and Mrs. Crenshamezki as well as Cayela, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista.
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“ Florence wake up, don’t do this to us! We need you! I need you! I’m nothing without my best friend and partner in crime! You’ve been there for me through thick and thin and I don’t want you to leave!”, Cayela cried as she held her best friend’s hand. Leo and Sheldon were kneeling behind her with their arms gently wrapped around her shoulders. Sad expressions were dawned on their faces as well as everyone else in the room. They were all worried that Florence would never wake up again but just when they thought that, Florence slowly began to regain consciousness.
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“ Florence!”, Cayela, Charlotte, Summer, Julia, Robbie and Arista exclaimed as smiles of relief spread across their faces. Everyone else let out a sigh of relief too.
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“ Hey you guys, what did I miss?”, Florence softly said with a smile.
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“ Oh sweetheart! Thank God you’re alright!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki cried tears of joy as she hugged her daughter.
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“ I’m fine Mom, just a little sore. Ow!”, Florence softly said before she hissed in pain.
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“ You scared the hell out of us! Your mother and I were about ready to have a panic attack!”, Mr. Crenshamezki exclaimed.
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“ Yeah I know Dad. Ow!”, Florence softly said and hissed in pain again.
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“ Welcome back to the world of living sissy!”, Trevor exclaimed as he got up in her face.
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“ Shut it you dork.”, Florence softly said as she shoved her brother’s head away.
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“ Hey! Not cool!”, Trevor exclaimed. The second he said that however is when Julianne suddenly started making sounds as if she was trying to make out the F sound but then it came out clear not perfectly though as, “ For…ence.” Everyone in the room gasped as they stared at her. It was the sweetest sound that anyone had ever heard or could have imagined hearing.
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“ Did she just…?! Oh my god!”, Penny shrieked.
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“ Julianne?! Did you just say my name?!”, Florence asked in complete shock as she stared at her sister. Julianne made more sounds but then it happened again.
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“ Y…es. Y…ou ok?”, Julianne spoke again in the same broken up language. The song How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox 20 started to play in the background. Everyone just gasped again at this. They just couldn’t believe that the silent 17 year old autistic girl that they had come to know was now learning to speak for the very first time in her entire life since she had been born.
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“ Oh my god you guys, my sister’s speaking!”, Florence shrieked as she started to cry tears of joy.
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“ Oh honey, you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting to hear your voice!”, Mrs. Crenshamezki shrieked as she threw her arms around Julianne. Mr. Crenshamezki did the same thing. Trevor just started crying happy tears as well. Julianne shrieked with glee as everyone in the room started cheering. Meanwhile outside the hospital in the parking lot Raven broke free from her handcuffs and punched out one of the windows in the back seat of Danny’s police car before she jumped out of it and landed on the pavement. The celebration was short lived when Raven suddenly came bursting into the room and pulled out her knife.
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“ This is the beginning of the end, you animals!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Oh great! Here we go again!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Raven get out of here! No one wants you here!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Shut up Arista! I ain’t going anywhere!”, Raven shouted.
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“ How did you escape from my cop car?!”, Danny shouted.
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“ That’s none of your business to know Officer Metcalf! This is about to go down, permanently!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Raven stop this madness! This is ridiculous!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried.
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“ No! I’m not gonna stop until I’ve taken control of the entire world! I’m about to finish what Dad started starting with you and Arista!”, Raven shouted at her mother.
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“ Raven why would you want to hurt me and your sister, more importantly me?! I brought you into this world, I took care of you! Why would you want to sever that?!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried.
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“ Because my heart is stone cold and I don’t care about anything other than fullfilling Dad’s destiny!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Raven stop it, you’ve done enough! You already hurt one of my friends so what else do you want?!”, Arista shouted
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“ I told you what I want Arista and if you don’t shut up I’m gonna shut you up permanently!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Security! Code red!”, Danny shouted. The hospital security guards immediately rushed into the room with their guns drawn pointing them at Raven.
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“ Drop the knife and put your hands where we can see them!”, one guard shouted at her.
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“ Shut up! Get away from me you fools!”, Raven shouted as she spun around to face them pointing her knife at them.
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“ Raven please, stop! It doesn’t have to be this way!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried.
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“ Shut up mother and yes it does!”, Raven shouted as spun back toward her mother.
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“ Raven just drop the knife! It’s not worth it!”, the guard shouted.
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“ I’ll do whatever I want and yes it is! It’s worth doing everything that my father couldn’t finish!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Raven quit being a butthead and just give up already! We’re done with this!”, Arista shouted.
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“ Shut up Arista or I’m gonna end you!”, Raven shouted at her sister.
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“ Raven that’s enough! Drop the knife or we’re going to shoot you!”, the guard shouted.
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“ Oh god please! Anything but that!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried.
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“ Fine go ahead and shoot me! Because I’d rather die then to spend another minute on this god forsaken planet with idiots like you!”, Raven shouted.
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“ Raven please don’t do this! Let us help you! You’re sick and you need help!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried.
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“ I don’t need any help, from anyone! I’ve already made my decision so go ahead and shoot me!”, Raven shouted as she started running toward the security guards with her knife raised in the air.
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“ RAVEN!”, Mrs. Stormbender cried as bullets started firing causing everyone to duck their heads screaming like people in a horror film. The bullets hit Raven which made her scream and she fell to the floor in a pool of blood. When it was confirmed that she was dead Mrs. Stormbender lost it.
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“ OH GOD! MY DAUGHTER! WHY?!”, Mrs. Stormbender screamed as she let out a gut wrenching sob. She then embraced Arista and continued to cry. Arista just wrapped her arms around her mother unsure of what to say. The others didn’t know what to say either.
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Wow! What an unexpected turn of events. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think is going to happen next? Find out in the next chapter. * Fair warning, this is the only time that you’re going to get an evil Sheldon Cooper out of this story. I don’t typically like writing about this kind of stuff all that much, I only do it when I feel like it makes sense. It took a lot out of me just to even come up with this so make sure you get an eyeful of this because you won’t be getting it again. Please respect my wishes and do not ask me for more of that. Thank you.* To be continued…
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