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Case 4 Silence of Siren (4)

Aug 7, 2021 326 12 Mins Read
campaign Request update 0
Table of Contents
#0 Intro
#1 Case 1 Lust for Tranquility (1)
#2 Case 1 Lust for Tranquility (2)
#3 Case 1 Lust for tranquility (3)
#4 Case 1 Lust for Tranquility (4)
#5 Case 1 Lust for tranquility (5) (Case 1 Closed)
#6 Case 1 作者後記
#7 魔都妖探 On Air (1)
#8 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (1)
#9 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (2)
#10 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (3)
#11 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (4)
#12 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (5)
#13 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (6)
#14 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (7)
#15 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (8) (插圖)
#16 Case 2 The cat that beckons fortune (9) (Case 2 Closed) (插圖)
#17 Case 2 作者後記
#18 魔都妖探 On Air (2)
#19 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (1)
#20 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (2)
#21 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (3)
#22 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (4)
#23 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (5) (插圖)
#24 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (6)
#25 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (7)
#26 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (8)
#27 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (9)
#28 Case 3 Aesthetic of Detectives and Thieves (10) (Case 3 Closed)
#29 Case 3 作者後記
#30 Break 1 Christmas Miracle (上)
#31 Break 1 Christmas Miracle (下)
#32 設定集--世界觀 (1)
#33 設定集--主要人物 (1) (插圖)
#34 Break 2 The Worst First Meeting (上) (插圖)
#35 Break 2 The Worst First Meeting (中)
#36 Break 2 The Worst First Meeting (下)
#37 Case 4 Silence of Siren (1)
#38 Case 4 Silence of Siren (2)
#39 Case 4 Silence of Siren (3)
#40 Case 4 Silence of Siren (4)
#41 Case 4 Silence of Siren (5)
#42 Case 4 Silence of Siren (6)
#43 Case 4 Silence of Siren (7)
#44 Case 4 Silence of Siren (8)
#45 Case 4 Silence of Siren (9) (插圖)
#46 Case 4 Silence of Siren (10) (插圖)
#47 Case 4 Silence of Siren (11)
#48 Case 4 Silence of Siren (12) (Case 4 Closed)
#49 Case 4 作者後記
#50 魔都妖探 On Air (4)
#51 Break 3 Take Me Out to the Hot Spring (1)
#52 Break 3 Take Me Out to the Hot Spring (2)
#53 Break 3 Take Me Out to the Hot Spring (3)
#54 設定集--配角 (1)
#55 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (1)
#56 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (2)
#57 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (3)
#58 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (4)
#59 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (5)
#60 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (6)
#61 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (7)
#62 魔都妖探 On Air (虎)
#63 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (8)
#64 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (9)
#65 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (10)
#66 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (11) (插圖)
#67 Case 5 To Sir, with Mystery (12) (Case 5 Closed)
#68 Case 5 作者後記
#69 魔都妖探 On Air (5)
#70 Break 4 The Coolest Romance (1)
#71 Break 4 The Coolest Romance (2)
#72 Break 4 The Coolest Romance (3)
#73 Break 4 The Coolest Romance (4) (插圖)
#74 Break 4 The Coolest Romance (5) (Break 4 Ends)
#75 Case 6 預告
#76 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (1)
#77 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (2)
#78 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (3)
#79 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (4)
#80 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (5)
#81 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (6)
#82 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (7)
#83 Case 6 Detective in the MushROOM (8) (Case 6 Closed)
#84 Case 6 作者後記 + Case 7 預告
#85 魔都妖探 On Air (6)
#86 Break 5 Detective Intern (1)
#87 Break 5 Detective Intern (2)
#88 [偽預告] 魔都妖探 The Movie
#89 Break 5 Detective Intern (3) (Break 5 Ends)
#90 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (1)
#91 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (2)
#92 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (3)
#93 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (4)
#94 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (5)
#95 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (6)
#96 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (7)
#97 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (8)
#98 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (9)
#99 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (10)
#100 魔都妖探 On Air (兔)
#101 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (11) (插圖)
#102 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (12) (插圖)
#103 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (13)
#104 Case 7 Ordinary Days in Guobei City (14) (Case 7 Closed)
#105 Case 7 作者後記 + Break 6 預告
#106 Break 6 On My Way to an Exorcist (1) (插圖)
#107 Break 6 On My Way to an Exorcist (2)
#108 Break 6 On My Way to an Exorcist (3) (插圖)
#109 [偽預告] 魔都妖探新篇章《名偵探賀輔》+新Case預告
#110 Break 6 On My Way to an Exorcist (4) (Break 6 Ends) + 插圖
#111 Break 7 預告
#112 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (1)
#113 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (2)
#114 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (3)
#115 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (4)
#116 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (5)
#117 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (6)
#118 Break 7 Si, Donna Mia (7) (Break 7 Ends)
#119 魔都妖探 On Air (7)
#120 Case 8 預告
#121 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (1)
#122 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (2)
#123 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (3)
#124 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (4)
#125 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (5)
#126 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (6)
#127 魔都妖探 2023年10月新書封公開!
#128 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (7)
#129 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (8)
#130 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (9)
#131 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (10) (插圖)
#132 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (11)
#133 過去章節追加插圖 (20231216)
#134 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (12)
#135 Break 7.5 Christmas Miracle -- Again (上)
#136 Break 7.5 Christmas Miracle -- Again (下)
#137 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (13) (解謎篇一)
#138 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (14) (解謎篇二) (插圖)
#139 Case 8 Oracle of Vanishment (15) (Case 8 Closed)
#140 Case 8 作者後記 + Break 8 預告
#141 魔都妖探 On Air (龍)
#142 魔都妖探 On Air (8) (主要人物人設插圖)
#143 Break 8 Rhapsody in Porridge (1)
#144 Break 8 Rhapsody in Porridge (2) (Break 8 Ends)
#145 [偽預告]《魔都妖探》外傳計畫 (04/02追記)
#146 Case 9 預告
#147 Case 9 Malice on Parade (1) (插圖)
#148 Case 9 Malice on Parade (2)
#149 Case 9 Malice on Parade (3)
#150 Case 9 Malice on Parade (4)
#151 Case 9 Malice on Parade (5)
#152 Case 9 Malice on Parade (6) (插圖)
#153 Case 9 Malice on Parade (7)
#154 Case 9 Malice On Parade (8)
#155 Case 9 Malice on Parade (9)
#156 Case 9 Malice On Parade (10)
#157 Case 9 Malice on Parade (Interlude)
#158 Case 9 Malice on Parade (11) (插圖)
#159 設定集--配角 (2)
#160 Case 9 Malice on Parade (12)
#161 Break 9 The murder of a hot pot (事件篇)
#162 Break 9 The murder of a hot pot (議論篇)
#163 Break 9 The murder of a hot pot (解決篇)
#164 Case 9 Malice on Parade (13)
#165 Case 9 Malice on Parade (14)
#166 魔都妖探 On Air (蛇) (上)
#167 魔都妖探 On Air (蛇) (下)
#168 Case 9 Malice on Parade (15)
#169 Case 9 Malice on Parade (16)
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