The concept, plot, story, characters and everything in this novel are only fiction and emerged only out of the imagination of this author. If anything in this novel even a small part of it resembles, similar or identical to any living or dead or to any literature, anywhere in the world even remotely it is only coincidental and this author has no knowledge whatsoever of it and cannot take any responsibility for the same.
About Me
I am an Indian English writer write mostly fiction books and so far I have written thirty books out of which twenty eight books are romantic, psychological thrillers and the remaining two are non-fiction books, Body, Mind and You and English Grammar Simplifier. The word count of my books range from 15,000 to 3,50,000 and the total word count of all my books is more than 30,00,000 (Thirty Lakhs Words). I have a weakness, I don’t get the feeling that I wrote the book if someone else edits the same, so I am my own editor to all my books. As such there is a pretty chance that you may come across grammatical, verbal mistakes, incongruities and inconsistencies while going through my books, then please pardon me and go ahead. I am always open as much as possible when it comes to sexual narrations in my books as I think sex is very main and natural characteristic not just in human beings but in all other creatures also. So you can find sexual narrations in my books graphical, absolute and complete. My heart-felt thanks to all those who have been purchasing my books all along, encouraging me and supporting me.
Few Words from the Author
Dear reader,
Some time back, I wrote a small book with fifty five thousand words, a romantic psychological thriller ‘Rain Flower’ in which I have created the character psychiatrist Dr.Rose, Black Ant Mental Care (BAMC) along with some other characters. In Rain Flower, Dr.Rose was a young, beautiful and charming woman and I maintained the character of Dr.Rose substantially in my other psychological thrillers Enna, Amaswitha, Sasikala and rustle In The leaves. In rustle In The leaves, which is my another mega psychological thriller with a word count of 3,50,000 words, Dr.Rose not only became a fifty years aged woman but got her daughter Emily married and became grandmother also as her daughter gave birth to a son. I just don’t want to write another thriller either with Dr.Rose or the other characters in ‘Rain Flower’.
But you reader, did not agree with my wish at all! After enjoying my thrillers with Dr.Rose, Dr.Charles and BAMC, you so much wanted another thriller with them. In fact, Dr.Rose has become a darling and impressive character not only to me but to you also. Even I don’t want, as you are the support to me from the beginning to end, decided to write another thriller with my darling child Dr.Rose, BAMC and the rest. But if it is a continuation to my thriller, rustle In The leaves, I cannot create much romantic feeling with a fifty years aged Dr.Rose even though she was charming and beautiful always. So this thriller ‘Split Personality’ is the continuation of my psychological thriller ‘Rain Flower’ in which Dr.Rose was young, beautiful and charming woman. Even the main story of this thriller is Evalla’s split-personality, it is not confined to it. There are other people, their feelings, emotions and stories also. One thing reader! You need not read either ‘Rain Flower’ or other books with Dr.Rose to enjoy this book. Even this book has link with my thriller ‘Rain Flower’, it can be enjoyed itself without reading either ‘Rain Flower’ or any other book of Dr.Rose.
As the reader of my books so far, you very well know that I don’t leave anything to your imagination when it comes to sex. In this book also, whenever it comes to sex, it was full-fledged, complete, absolute and without giving an opportunity to you for imagination.
I don’t like my books being edited by any other person just because it does not give me the idea that I am the sole writer of the same. Due to that; sure there would be some grammatical mistakes, incongruities and some times littie inconsistencies in my books and the same sure would be so in this book also. If you come across them, dear reader, please pardon me and go ahead with the story.
I put myself into this enterprise, wrote this maga psychological and paranormal thriller with such large word count only to entertain you just because you have been such a great support to me always. What in return I want from you? Just the same support from now onwards also.
The mega question here! Do I write another psychological thriller with the character Dr.Rose? Decide yourself reader, if you want I sure would.
With warm regards,
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna,
They both were in that place, which was a room in that orphanage Alambana, along with a twelve years old girl and talking for more than one and half hour. It indeed took that much of time to Charakka Champarpole to explain everything in detail to the other person there who was mostly a friend to him. The other person Suhasan, who was the owner of that orphanage listened intently while observing his friend who was with a cleanly shaving head. He did not know the reason why his friend preferred to have his head cleanly shaved like that all the time so.
“I think that you can do this help to me.” Once finished saying with little interruptions from his friend whenever he has got doubts and needed explanation in between, Charakka said.
“Certainly I can and you need not doubt in me. In fact that is what I have been doing here for a long time. Giving shelter to the unfortunate children like her.” Looking at the twelve years aged girl who was also with them then, Suhasan, the proprietor of that orphanage, said. “I have dedicated myself only to that task all these days. You also know about it.”
“I know about it for sure. Even you can enjoy your life with the richness you have, you never did so. You dedicated your life to the service of the children and you did not even prefer to marry.” Charakka paused for a moment before saying again. “But you do know the difference of this girl with others. She has to be treated in a separate way.”
“I can understand the psychological condition of a girl whose parents were brutally murdered and the sister was gang-raped to death. She does get special care and I engage a skilled psychiatrist also for her. You don’t worry.” When he remembered what Charakka said about the ghastly things happened on her parents and sister Suhasan’s heart was burning with rage. “Those bastards must not be left like that. They must receive the severe punishment for what they did.”
“That shall be looked into and you need not worry about it.” Charakka sighed heavily before saying again. “And you need not worry about her psychological condition also. I have hypnotised and programmed her not to remember her past. At present she cannot remember even her name.”
“You already said that to me and I forgot.” Suhasan said. “But I just cannot agree with the things that Amsara and the rest. And this girl’s making promise to her sister before her death also need not be taken seriously. Once I don’t believe in any paranormal and in the existence of a snakehead god Amsara, I need not say that I don’t believe that her sister Okatho can get the grace of that Amsara by staying in her sister’s body and make her offer herself to Amsara while she is pregnant. This is all absolute foolishness.”
“You need not believe anything at all. It has nothing to do with your believing or non-believing it. You just do in the way I requested you if you really do believe I am your good friend.” Once again there came pleading expression into the face of Charakka.
“You not plead with me like this. Everything will be as you wish it to be.” Suhasan took Charakka’s right hand into his both hands and squeezed it gently and said again after leaving it. “This girl does stay here without any problem with my special care and protection.”
“She rather would lead by Amsara, that god of power! Don’t try to stop her from whatever she wants to do. That means just let her behave in the way she wants. She remembers things bit by bit and by the appropriate time she remembers everything. You just remember one thing here! She is not single, her sister Okatho also is in her body now. She has given the promise to her sister that she can stay in her body until she offers herself to Amsar while she is pregnant. She finds Michivako, who was her great great grandfather and born somewhere now also and marry him just because it is destined so by Amsara. It is destined so by Amsara just because they were man and wife in every life of them and she was Tarima, that Michivako’s mistress and half sister. That Trima and Mishivako were the great devotees of Amsara so Amsara takes special care of them. ”
“That Michivako made his half-sister as his mistress!” there was a shocking and disgusting expression in the face of Suhasan.
“There are so many things like that in the lives of this girl, her parents and posterity. You may better don’t know all about it.”
“But I just cannot believe any of that!” Suhasan could not get rid of the shock he just received by hearing what Charakka said.
“I do believe everything that I said to you. It happens in the way I explained.” With the firmness in his voice Charakka said.
“Alright, alright” Suhasan nodded his head trying to digest whatever he heard till then. “Everything will be as you asked. You just feel relaxed. But........” he knitted his brows together. “..........I ask you again. Stay here with us. It will be more advantageous now than before also as your girl is going to stay here.”
“I cannot leave my village Obbera like that. My connection and link with that village is even more now than at any time before.” Charakka sighed heavily.
There was painful silence there until Suhasan broke it by saying looking into the face of the girl there. “Girl do you want to stay here along with me and other children?”
“I cannot say. I don’t remember anything at all.” There was full confusion in the face of that girl.
“You cannot remember your name also.” Suhasan knitted his brows together.
“I cannot remember anything.” There was the same confusion in her face.
“Her name is Evalla. I want her to be called with the same name here also. Something related to her past should be with her I think.” Charakka said.
“I do have objection to that.” Suhasan said. “Here also her name is Evalla and I call her as Eva.”
“No, problem at all.” Charakka smiled. “That was the way we all used to call and address her.” Suddenly Charakka’s face became serious. “And you should remember the other important thing also. Whatever I have told you about this girl and her history must not be known to anyone else including herself. Until she remembers everything bit by bit herself, she too should not be known about it. Understood?”
“Yes, I understood. You made this point quite clear to me while detailing everything to me and I understood it then itself and it also shall be just as you asked.” The firmness in Suhasan’s voice and the genuine expression in his face indeed satisfied Charakka.
“Now I go. When I can come here again I cannot say.” The girl looked into the face of Charakka with the same confusion when Charakka hugged her and kissed on her forehead.
Suhasan hugged Charakka and said looking into his face. “You can go away from here with a light heart my friend! Every need of Evalla will be taken here with utmost care and everything will be just as you wish it to be.”
Charakka kissed on the right cheek of Suhasan and said “You need not tell me about it. I know that it would be just so.” Then he relieved from the hold of Suhasan
When Charakka was leaving her there and going away from that place also, there was the same confusing expression in the face of Evalla.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)