“But you know sir, it is not our policy to go to the patients homes like that. Anyhow sooner or later they may have to come to the BAMC also.” With a little bit of irritation in his face and voice also, Charles said. “What is the problem to come now itself?”
“If it becomes inevitable they sure do come to BAMC. I talk with them then. But for the present, either of you does go to their home and talk with them. I already said to you, it is my personal request.” With the same pleading expression in his face Sahamooti said again.
“Alright sir, we do as you said.” Sighing heavily Rose said. “But may we know what is the problem to the couple to come to BAMC?”
“Both of them don’t want anyone knows that she has been suffering from a psychological problem and they are thinking that it is a simple problem and can be solved in home with the little help of a psychiatrist.”
“But you certainly can make them understand how much important it is to go to a mental care for a proper diagnosis to the problem.” Rose said again.
“I tried dear Rose but they did not understand. They are very much adamant that the psychiatrist has to attend on them. Unless I have got that much of help from the father of that Viswanadh, I would not have bothered about like this. You just please, one of you.....” Sahamooti tried to say something more.
“I myself go and see that girl sir, you don’t worry about it.” Rose cut him off and said. “She is going to receive the best treatment in my hands, you just be assured of that.”
“Thank you, thank you very much Rose” showing happiness in his face Sahamooti said “If you yourself attend on that girl I am sure that she can be cured hundred percent. I intimate the same to that Viswanadh and he would make all the arrangements for your attending on her. As he is one of the richest persons in the country you people can fix the fees in the way you want. ”
“Our BAMC always collects only reasonable fees from its patients.” Charles suddenly felt happy as they were going to treat a rich patient like her. On very few occasions rich patients available to BAMC and in such occasions BAMC would not hesitate to collect maximum fees from them. In fact from poor people also BAMC did try collect fees as much as possible and that was one black mark on that reputed and famous mental care.
“Now I shall go” after talking some more time with both of them and after giving other necessary details of Viswanadh, Sahamooti got off from the chair “I wish BAMC all the success in future also.”
Charles and Rose also got off from their chairs.
“I hope that you visit us again and stay with us some days.” Rose said.
Sahamooti nodded his head with a smile, making a last attempt to devour her beauty as much as possible with his eyes and then left that place. Rose indeed relieved and sighed heavily once that Shamooti left.
“It is appearing like split personality on the face of it” once they both sat again in their chairs Charles said. “And you know very well about these split personalities and multiple personalities.”
Her charming smile climbed onto her lips without her intention. “I think so.” She said.
“Sometimes you just don’t care how you are behaving!” while Williams was claiming her youth organs with savageness holding him gently Rose said without knowing how to stop or control him. Pain and pleasure were sweeping all over her body and she just did not know how to control him. What was still quite surprising to her; that her love on him was in the same measure as it was at the time of her marriage with him. She did not know how much of time has passed but by the time it has come to an end her whole body was a painful moss.
“I am sorry. I am really sorry.” When he finished with her and got his release, he put himself parallel to her and said in her left ear while hugging her strongly. “I know how much painful that was all to you. I just could not control myself.”
“Its alright dear. Don’t worry about it at all.” She turned on her left side, faced him and kissed on his lips gently. “If you feel relaxed and tension free by brutal fucking like that, that is enough for me.” Even though it was painful to her, she too enjoyed it to some extent.
“How you can love me in this way, even after facing torture like this every night.” He sat on the bed straight and said. “You are indeed a fool to love me and marry me.”
She laughed, also sat on the bed before putting her both hands around his shoulders. “I just don’t know whether I am a fool or intelligent. But my feeling on you has been the same from the first day I saw and till date.”
“But why and how it is so?” Williams knitted his brows together.
“I cannot say.” With an innocent expression in her face she said. “If one is with profound love it may be so.”
“How fortunate I am dear! Indeed how fortunate I am!” there was admiration and happiness in his face. “What would have happened to me without you?”
“What I am without you?” Rose once again kissed on his lips and said. “It is not just you got benefit from me and I also from you a lot. This vast wealth and your business have become mine also because I have become your wife. These luxuries, this huge mansion......” she tried to say something more.
“Just stop that Rose, I know very well that you don’t care about any of those even a little bit.” Williams got off from the bed and started dressing himself.
“Then you too better stop thinking that I did a great favour to you.” Without bothering to dress herself, lying on her back on the bed and dragging the blanket onto her body Rose said.
“Alright, alright.” Williams sat on the edge of the bed and said “Anything new in BAMC? Is everything alright?”
“Of course, everything is nice with BAMC.” Rose took the right hand of Williams into her hands and squeezed it gently. “In fact we have got a new case into our hands.” Then she explained to him about the issue of Viswanadh’s wife. It was quite usual between them to talk about their respective professions. “I am going to attend on her soon.”
“Viswanadh, managing director of that Monotony Enterprises, is a friend to me also. We have some business relations in between both of us.” Williams said “I have mentioned about him to you before.”
“You did and I remember” Rose nodded her head and sat on the bed “I already learnt something about him and his wife through Sahamooti. Can you say anything more about him?”
“Our friendship is mostly confined to our business needs. What all I know about is; he married recently, a young girl probably aged twenty two or so which is nearly quite less than half of his age. She is a film actress and I saw her neither in any movie nor in persona but heard she is very much glamorous. He has a daughter who is aged two or three years more than his second wife.”
“I heard he is a divorcee more than twenty years or so back.” Rose said. “All these days until he married this girl, he did not bother about a woman relationship?”
“I cannot say if there is any woman relationship or not to him but for a long time he did not prefer to marry. Why suddenly he has chosen to marry like this I just cannot understand!”
“May be it is because of the glamour of that girl! What makes men attract that much towards a woman?” Rose smiled.
“May be you are right” Williams nodded his head. “But that Viswanadh also is a very handsome and impressive personality.”
“I heard he is probably aged fifty four or so.”
“Nearly that” Williams nodded his head. “But still I can say that he has a handsome personality.”
Rose was about to say something more but then they heard the weeping of their daughter Emily.
“Our devil woke up. An end to our peaceful environment.” Rose quickly got off from the bed, wrapped the saree around her body, almost ran to the cradle there and took their six months aged daughter into her hands.
“I am going to that Viswanadh’s house tomorrow to see his wife and diagnose the problem.” Quickly filling the babe’s mouth with her right breast Rose said. Once her breast came into her mouth like that, Emily instantly became silent sucking on that vigorously.
“It is indeed time that you should wean her from that habit.” With little irritation in his face and voice Williams said. “You started giving her solids and she does not need your milk now.”
“Sometimes I just cannot find any other way except this to make this rowdy calm.” Rose smiled and said while remembering how sometimes Williams also would suck on her breasts.
“BAMC psychiatrists are now visiting the houses of patients also.” Williams laughed changing the topic.
“Sahamooti particularly requested us to do it like that. In fact Sahamooti took this case to us and if the patients are very wealthy Charles does have no problem to break some rules.”
“Okay. As you and your BAMC wish it to be.” Williams lied himself on his right side on the bed. “I have to go to the office a little early on tomorrow. So I am going to sleep now.”
“I have to go to that Viswanadh’s house also. So I also need to sleep early.” As Emily once again slipped into seep, Rose put her carefully into the cradle again and fell herself parallel to Williams. “May I mention about you while I am talking with that Viswanadh? You both are friends even it is only on business terms.”
“Happily do so. I have no objection.” After saying so Williams slipped into slope and started snoring little. Rose kissed on his lips lightly and followed the suit.
Williams did not exaggerate when he said Viswanadh was a handsome and impressive personality. Even probably at his fifty four years or so of age also, he was appearing quite handsome and did not appear like a personality to fell for beauty.
“Thank you very much Dr.Rose. When I requested that the doctor should visit my house to see my wife, Sahamooti said you people may not do so as it is against your policy. Anyhow I asked him to try and you obliged.” Viswanadh smiled.
“It is just because sir.............” her charming smile has automatically climbed onto Rose’s lips “..........we got all the necessary equipment and environment in our BAMC to diagnose patients. Anyhow as Sahamooti particularly wished us to do so, we could not gainsay. Sahamooti is a teacher to me and to my senior also and we both have lot of respect on him.”
“My father is a good friend to him and later on I also became his friend and helped him on some occasions. In fact I asked him to treat my wife himself but he strongly recommended BAMC for that purpose. Moreover he told me a lot about you Dr.Rose how capable you are in treating patients especially those who have been suffering from split personalities and multiple personalities.”
Rose’s cheeks were blushed on hearing that. Sahamooti did not say to her that he said about her at Viswanadh. “Sahamooti is indeed a very capable person Mr.Viswanadh. But presently he is occupied with something else and he does not have the equipment our BAMC has.” Once again Rose produced her charming smile. “I can assure you our best service. You just be assured of it.”
“Thank you very much Dr.Rose.” Suddenly there was a grateful expression in the face of Viswanadh.
“Anyhow I want to make something very clear to you now itself” Rose’s face suddenly became serious. “I did not see your wife yet and assessed her situation, so I cannot say what exactly the problem is and how serious it is. But..........” she paused for a moment before saying again “........ all our treatment may not be possible at your home itself. If necessary you may not only take your wife to our BAMC but admit her in it also if situation demands.”
Viswanadh’s face also has become serious. “If it has become inevitable, we do so Dr.Rose, I have no objection.” He paused for a second and said again. “May I call my wife now here? Do you talk with her?”
“Not yet sir.” Rose said. “First I want to talk with you everything about her. Then we call her here and talk with her.”
“As you wish it then.” Viswanadh nodded his head.
They both were in the reading room of Viswanadh then sitting in chairs facing each other.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)