“Before you start doing a job and trying for roles in movies, what you used to do?”
“I was in the orphanage. I used to study in the college.”
“Did you love that orphanage? Were you happy there?”
“Yes, I loved that. I used to be happy there also.”
“Then why did you leave that place and came out?”
The questions and answers both were straight. Viswanadh and Prameela were listening to them eagerly.
“I was asked to go out. Once I got my degree, I was asked to go out and live on my own.”
“Why it was so?”
“It is the practice there. Once the children there completed their education, they would be asked to go out and live on their own.”
“Did you feel bad to come out of that place? You have spent most of your time there.”
“No, I did not feel bad. After the death of Suhasan, there was nothing to me to loss there. There was no difference to me wherever I do live in.”
“Who was that Suhasan? What that much good he did to you there?”
“He was the previous proprietor of that orphanage. He was so good to me....so good...I loved him a lot.” Suddenly there was an expression in the face of Evalla which the other three could not understand at all.
“What that much good he did for you?”
There were suddenly frowns in the face of Evalla insinuating that she was struggling to answer that question.
“You are going to answer my question. You cannot remain without answering it.”
“He used to fuck me in the best way.” That answer was straight like a bullet. “No one fucked me that much better.”
Suddenly the environment there became silent and the three there exchanged shocking glances! It was something that they did not expect to hear at all.
“He took advantage of you, was not he? As you were an innocent girl he took advantage of you.” Still looking into the face of Evalla, Sadan said.
“He did not take advantage of me, I went to him for that particularly. I used to feel the urge so much, could not bear and I used to go to him for that particularly.”
“Why you used to feel the urge like that?” Sadan asked. After hearing her so, the shock was just so in the other three of them there.
“Whoever knows Amsara doesn’t ask this silly question.” Suddenly there was change in the facial expression of Evalla and her voice also. This time her voice was firm and loud. “I am the great devotee of Amsara is in her body and the main characteristic of Amsara is causing unnatural and usual sexual urge in people.”
“Okatho” Prameela’s voice shivered while saying that word. “You once again exposed in the body of our Eva.”
“I always in her and I can know everything she does and you people do.” Evalla laughed loudly. “Don’t forget that I am the great devotee of Amsara. Once I do have the full grace of Amsara, you just cannot guess what else I can do.”
“You are the blessed child of Amsara. You survived the fucking of Amsara and took birth.”
“Not just that. I survived the gang rape of my mom by those bastards also.” Tears were flowing down on the cheeks of Evalla. “Not just that, those bastards gang-raped and murdered me also on the same day they murdered my parents.”
The climate there was at once filled with stunned silence. The hearts of the other three were once again filled with shock and distress!
“I am very sorry for that. That is very much pathetic.” Sadan’s voice was full of sorry and his face also has the same expression. “But I am here to help you in fulfilling your mission.”
“You help me in getting the full grace of Amsara.” There was hope in the voice of Evalla.
“Not just that. I do help you in taking revenge on those bastards also.”
“You need not do that. Once I get the grace of Amsara, I can make them suffer in such a way that they feel bad why they took birth.” After saying that Evalla laughed once again and this time that laughter created tremors in the hearts of the people there.
“What should I do to make you to get the full grace of Amsara?” once Evalla was subsided, Sadan asked her.
“Just let me stay in this body. That is enough.” Suddenly there was a pleading expression in Evalla’s face which was expressed in her voice also.
“Why this body only, why?” looking straight into her face Sadan asked her. “Why should you be only in this body?”
Evalla closed her eyes, leaned back and the gathered frowns on her forehead were insinuating that there was struggle inside her.
“If you want our full cooperation, you need to tell me the reason. Why do you need only this body to get the grace of Amsara?” Sadan was stubborn.
“Evalla is my younger sister. The dearest one to me on the earth. She loves me a lot and likes me a lot. She is the only person who wants me to get the grace of Amsara. And she promised me to let me to stay in her body until I get the grace of Amsara.”
“What is the real name of Evalla. She has been named as Evalla after she entered into that orphanage.” Prameela said. “And she is your younger sister! It is surprising! Very much surprising!”
“Her real name is Evalla itself. She has not been named like that by anyone.” Evalla paused for a second before saying again. “My mom not only gave birth to me after the gang rape by those bastards but conceived again after two years. Evalla and I were not only just sisters but good friends also. I was just fourteen years or so old and Evalla was twelve years when those bastards butchered my parents like animals and gang raped me. Evalla.....” Evalla got off from the chair she sat as if she could not bear anymore. “I don’t leave those bastards! I don’t leave any of them. I make each one of them to suffer to the maximum.” Once again her laughter was ferocious and filled their hearts with fear and shock.
“Sure you can do that. With the help of Amsara it is certainly possible to you.” Sadan said. “But relax yourself for the present. Don’t get excitement like this.”
“No, I can’t relax. I can’t relax until I kill the last one of them also after torturing them to the maximum.” Okatho was yelling loudly.
Sadan did not know what to say and he looked into the faces of Prameela and Viswanadh there with a helpless expression. Their faces were with shock and surprise!
“Okatho, listen to me. Your feeling unnecessary anger like this does not help you. Calm yourself.” Sadan once again looked into the face of Evalla and said.
“What? What you are saying?” once again there was sudden change in the voice and facial expression of Evalla.
“She once again became Evalla.” Sighing heavily Sadan said.
“Our hypnotic session is not a complete failure or complete success. It has mixed results.” After settling themselves in the chairs there, Sadan said. “We could get some vital information but still there is a lot we need to know about.”
“I am inclined to agree with you.” Viswanadh smiled and said. “Anyhow Sadan your involvement in this matter giving us good result. You did something that Dr.Rose could not do. You not only could get the information she did not get and befriended with Okatho also.”
“But what’s the use? She disappeared before I get all the information we need.” Sadan said with disappointment.
“Next time we do get it.” Prameela said. “And there is no surprise in her getting enraged like that. What a dreadful past!” she exclaimed.
“I just don’t know how to take any of this. I just cannot believe that there are people who can do such type of things to other people. Horrible and terrific!” Viswanadh said.
“You people are keeping me in dark and talking in yourselves. First let me know what happened? What you people came to know from me after putting me under hypnosis?” Evalla suddenly intervened.
“We could get some vital information but not from you, that Okatho.” Looking into the face of Evalla, Prameela said.
“We have expected that, did not we?” Evalla sighed heavily. “That Okatho never does leave me. Anyhow what she told you people?”
The other three looked into each other’s faces. “That may be little disturbing to you.” Viswanadh said with an uneasy expression in his face.
“I have already disturbed a lot and getting disturbed a little more not going to kill me.” Evalla said with irritation. “Please let me know everything.”
“I am thinking it is better that she knows everything. I do tell her everything we came to know.” Looking into the faces of Viswanadh and Prameela, Sadan said.
“If you are thinking that it is right, we have no objection to that at all.” Viswanadh said.
The gathered frowns deepened even more and Evalla was with full of shock by the time Sadan finished to tell her what he came to know from Okatho.
“My god! Okatho is my sister! She was gang-raped and died because of that! My parents were murdered like that!” Evalla’s voice was shivered while saying that.
“How did you escape from that we don’t know. Before saying that Okatho has become too much enraged and suddenly disappeared from your body.” Sadan said.
“I still want to say something here Sadan. This all may be just because of the psychological disorder in Evalla. She concocted all that without her knowledge because of her disorder.” Prameela said.
“Then what do you say about her going to the previous patron of the orphanage for sex? Creating unusual sex in people is the main characteristic of Amsara. Okatho in her body was the devotee of it and because of it, she did so.” Viswanadh said.
“Did I say so under hypnosis?” with pathetic expression in her face Evalla asked. “Or that Okatho?”
There was painful silence ensued and the three of them looked into each other’s faces.
“Tell me now. Who said it like that? That Okatho?” tears were flowing down on the cheeks of Evalla.
“You, yourself said that. While I was trying to know about your life in that orphanage, you said it. Just because of Okatho’s sudden exposing in you, you would have forgotten whatever you said to me under hypnosis.”
“What type of woman I am? I went to a man who is like a father to me for sex?” Evalla closed her face in her hands and burst into weeping. “Yes, I remembered it recently in my dream.”
“You don’t worry yourself like that. Creating unnatural and unusual sexual urge in people is the main characteristic of Amsara. In fact.....” Sadan paused for a moment and said again. “...........it does not need to do anything to that. It’s very presence creates such unusual sexual urge in people.”
“Yes, dear!” Viswanadh put his right hand around her shoulders and kissed on her right cheek. “There is no mistake on your part. Only because of that Amsara you behaved like that.”
“And now I am behaving like that with you also, am not I?” there was a weak smile on the lips of Evalla. “Still you love me?” she asked with knitted brows.
“I always love you in the same measure.” Viswandh kissed on her lips straight before saying again. “I cannot remain without loving you.”
“That is what called as real love.” Prameela laughed and said. “You both just stop worrying and participate in our thinking what to do next.”
“You are absolutely right.” Viswanadh left Evalla and nodded his head. “Yes, Sadan.What’s the next step we have to take? When we can put Evalla under hypnosis again?”
“We may better give some gap. In the meanwhile if Okatho exposes again we try to know about Evalla from her also. In fact we can know about Evalla from Okatho also. In my opinion Okatho also knows about Evalla in full.”
“Still I have the doubt whether that Okatho is real or just fictitious.” Prameela said
“In my opinion Okatho is absolute reality. If you consider everything, you too get the same opinion.” With firmness in his voice Sadan said.
“Of course, I do get the same opinion. Whatever you may say you cannot change just one person’s opinion, that is Dr.Rose.” Prameela laughed and said.
“Dr.Rose agrees that there is Okatho and she is real. What she does not agree is her possessing our Evalla as a spirit. In her opinion Okatho in Evalla’s body is created by her own mind.” Viswanadh said.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)