It was ten in the morning and Rose entered into Black Ant Mental Care just then and went straight into Charles chamber. Charles was not there in his cabin and with little bit of irritation she slumped in the chair opposite to his chair putting her hand bang on the table which was in between the chairs and picked up a magazine on it. It was a magazine relating to psychological matters and she threw it on the table resignedly as she has already gone through that. She would have gone straight to her chamber and from there to her patients if she has not received a phone call from Charles to meet her in his chamber.
“Hello, Rose. Sorry, it seems I did put you in waiting here.”
Rose turned her head and looked at his side when Charles entered into that chamber and said that.
“Not very long. It is just ten minutes.” Once she has seen Charles her charming smile climbed onto her lips and she forgot her irritation.
“Alright, alright.” He said while reclining in his chair after slumping in that.
“I was little busy in sending my husband to the office and dropping Emily in baby care when you phoned to me to ask to meet you here. Is it is just to discuss about routine matters?” Rose also reclined in her chair and asked him.
“If it is just for routine matters, we can discuss them at any moment. I need not ask you to come a little early and straight into my chamber like this.” Charles sighed heavily. “There is something important and special.”
“Do you need to maintain suspense like this Charles? Cannot you come out with it straight?” Rose knitted her brows together.
Even after giving birth to a girl also and at her twenty eight or so years of age too, Rose was just wonderful to Charles. Her dense black hair, active eyes and every attractive feature in her body was as it was when she entered into BAMC at her twenty fifth year. Despite being her family converted to Christianity she always accustomed to wear that traditional saree and blouse and most of the time to keep her black dense hair free to fell on her front and back portions. Charles sensed stirring of his thing and its getting up when her cleavage under her neck came into his view. Her both breasts were absolutely matching with her body size but filled up the cups of her blouse and brassiere without leaving any room.
“Sahamooti is expected to be here just in half an hour or so.” Charles said. “He wanted to meet so desperately both of us.”
“For what?” frowns gathered on the forehead of Rose and she once again felt irritation. She has taken her psychiatry apprenticeship under Sahamooti, the famous and reputed psychiatrist, before blossomed herself into a full-fledged psychiatrist and she got respect also on him. But two things made her irritated on him all the time. One thing was despite being a famous and reputed psychiatrist he believed in paranormal and the next thing was he just would devour her beauty as much as possible when he was with her. “To ask our help in some paranormal issue? He knows our answer to such type of things very well.”
“We cannot do it every-time like that Rose, after all he is a teacher to me and to you also.” Charles once again sighed heavily. In fact this beautiful and skill-full psychiatrist Rose was a gift from Sahamooti. With the recommendation of that Sahamooti, Charles took Rose as a psychiatrist in his mental care. But he would not have denied her even she straight came to him without any recommendation from anyone. Even though Charles was not a beauty freak, he was attracted maximum to her at the first sight of her. “He phoned to me and said to me that he wants to meet us exactly by ten fifteen in the morning. But I am not sure whether he intends to ask our help with respect to some paranormal issue or something else.”
“I pray god that it should not be something paranormal” Rose said and looked at her wrist watch. “But it is already ten thirty why he is not here yet?”
“I am here now.” Hearing that voice both of them looked at that side and just then Sahamooti entered into that chamber. “I am sorry that I am late by fifteen minutes and put you both in waiting like this.”
“It is not at all so sir.” Rose got off from the chair and produced her charming smile with an effort as Sahamooti sight straight concentrated on her chest part even in that little time itself.
“Please come and be seated sir.” Charles also got off form the chair before saying that. “We both are just discussing about you.”
“I can say what you both are discussing about me.” Slumping himself in the chair opposite to Charles and beside Rose, Sahamooti said. “You are discussing what bloody hell of help with respect to what paranormal matter this old man is going to ask, is it is not?”
“Of course, yes sir.” Slumping in his chair again Charles said. “We have lot of respect on you as we learnt a lot regarding psychiatry from you. But we are just unable to believe in paranormal and cannot be helpful to you in matters relating to that.”
“But why you both are thinking I do ask you help relating to some paranormal issue?” Sahamooti knitted his brows together and then looked into the face of Rose before looking into the face of Charles again.
“It is just because sir you do remember us only when you come across some paranormal issue.” Rose said with her charming smile and gathered frowns in a beautiful way. “You asked our help on two occasions regarding some paranormal and we flatly denied.”
“And I really appreciate your doing so. You both were frank and I like frankness. ” Sahamooti laughed loudly. “But dear, it is not something related to paranormal this time. Entirely of your line. Knowing how best psychiatrists you both are, I came here to ask your help with respect to a psychiatric patient and is the wife of my dearest friend’s son.”
“But sir, you yourself are the best psychiatrist. What more help our BAMC can do?” Charles asked.
“Of course, I am a reputed and skilled psychiatrist. But I am not having the necessary equipment and especially not having the time to devote to it. Even you don’t like at present most of my time is occupied with my research on a paranormal issue. As you both are not interested in paranormal matters I don’t want to discuss about that with you.” He paused for a second and said “But you both sure would be interested in this psychiatrist patient and can help her. Don’t forget; it would a great help to me also as she is the wife of my friend’s son.”
“Hundred percent sir.” Charles said with enthusiasm. “BAMC is always ready to do help to the psychiatric patients. Tell us who is that patient, with what problem she is suffering from and how BAMC can be helpful to it?”
Sahamooti leaned back in the chair, sighed heavily and said. “Viswanadh, the managing director of Monotony Enterprises, you both sure would have heard his name. He is a very rich person and his business is very big.”
“Of course, we heard about him. Most of the people do.” Charles said. “Recently he married a girl who has less than half of his age. Barely twenty two years or so aged.”
“Young, beautiful and very much charming that girl is.” Sahamooti said. “And even she is not very famous, she acted in some movies also. Her name is Evalla, real name and movie name also is that.” Sahamooti paused for a second before saying again. “That Viswanadh’s father Kameswar was a good friend to me. He established that Monotony Enterprises but after sometime that business got huge losses and he became bankrupt. But after Kameswar, this Viswanadh also has become a good friend to me and I guided him and counselled him on many occasions. Even that Kameswar has other sons, only this Viswanadh cleared all the debts of Montotony Enterprises and take it onto the success track again. That Viswanadh is the managing director to that enterprises with lion’s share and if you people know how big that Monotony Enterprises now, I need not tell about him particularly.
“My husband has some business connections with that Monotony Enterprises and Viswanadh. He has mentioned on some occasions that Monotony Enterprises is a very big business organisation and Viswanadh is a very rich man.” Rose said.
“That’s nice indeed!” Sahamooti nodded his head with a relaxed expression in his face. “His wife, about whom I have described just now, needs your help now.”
“But on one thing I need clarification here!” Charles said. “So far that Viswanadh has not less than fifty years aged. How it has happened that he married a girl who has not even half of his age, that too a film actress?”
“That is indeed a surprising story!” Sahamooti laughed. “You may not have been known but that Viswanadh is a divorcee. Nearly twenty years or so back he took divorce and he has a daughter by name Prameela and both of they stay together. On one day he went to the studio of one of his director friends and there he has seen this girl. Both of them have been fallen in love with each other instantly and just in one week they were man and wife.”
“That girl must have been very beautiful!” Charles said. “Other than I don’t think a man like Viswanadh would have fallen in love with her.”
“You may better decide that seeing her yourself. I cannot comment anything on that.” With a smile on his lips Sahamooti said looking into the face of Charles.
“Alright, alright.” Rose nodded her head. “Now come to the business. May I know what type of problem she has been suffering from?”
“She went to somewhere in a car. She did not know driving and their family driver was with her. From the moment she returned, there began a change in her. Sometimes but not always she is saying her name is Okatho and behaving differently also. I am thinking that you both better hear the rest of the matter from that Viswanadh and his wife themselves.” Sahamooti resignedly said.
“Alright sir. When those both going to meet us then?” Charles asked Sahamooti.
“Here, there is a request from me. Of course they both come to BAMC later but can either of you attend them in their home itself for the present? It is my personal request.” With a pleading expression in his face Sahamooti said.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)