I'm... Really lazy. I know it's not just mez but something the middle class and up of the newer generation struggles with in general.
I'm too lazy to walk with my friends, or to even sit with them. Too lazy to get water, or go buy and make food.
Damn, at times, I just eat stale plain bread and ham directly from the fridge.
Too lazy to sometimes even put my airpods back in my case. Whoops, now I sound like an entitled spoilt brat. But unfortunately, it's true.
I have an important test tomorrow morning, and I've barely started studying. Argh.
Why am I like this? Was I never taught to work hard my entire life? Did I never go through hard times? I don't think that's the case for me, at least. I do think I grew up priviliged. I mean, I didn't have to worry about starving. We weren't dirt poor and living under terrible conditions. I had an education.
I was forced to do a lot of homework and extracurricular activities that I didn't especially enjoy, and the only reason I did it was because I was scared of my parents... and I genuinely believed I had to be the best. A power trip and superiority complex, I guess.
But the second I wasn't forced anymore, I slipped. Without my violent fear of failure, I wouldn't be studying or doing anything at all. Ah... Why...
I only work hard on useless things. I spent 4 hours yesterday attempting and failing to untangle and cut a $3 wig. it can still be salvageable, but not by me...
In this age full of worthless entertainment and distractions, I often wonder if humanity has evolved TOO far. Don't you think humans would be generally happier in simpler times? Of course, there's a lot of other things to consider like war, discrimination, slavery, the lack of concern for violence... But sometimes I can't help but wonder where I'd end up if I was born... even 20 years earlier.
I guess I'd better get to studying.
(Update: I didn’t really end up studying)