It's great. Every day is full of events in our planned itinerary, and I had more energy than I had in a long time (uni sucks the life out of me). Also probably because I was walking more than I had for a long long time. Yeah, my legs were dying. I was dying. The heat's killing me, and I'm usually reasonably resistant to heat.
It got as bad as me wondering if I've damaged my legs permanently and if I was going to end up crippled for the rest of my life. I had to sit down, and my friends offered to ask for crutches at a nearby mall (but it wasn't possible). I was offered to be piggybacked, but my pride aint having any of that. Plus, I was a good half a head taller than both of my friends.
But yeah, food's great, and I sure as hell took a whole lot of pictures! We went to Macau and looked at the casinos... I aint gambling or I'll go back missing a kidney... (picture is the ruins of Saint Paul in Macau)
All my money was spent on food and transport so far, along with one pair of shoes and some white T-shirts I definitely need from uniqlo (bro uniqlo is my life). If y'all ever visit Hong Kong, curry fish balls and egg waffles are the best street food around. "Fairwood" and ... damn I forgot the English name... "大家乐" Are the cheap HK-style "fast food" places that are the staple for a cheap meal. Although I just eat McDonalds... man, I haven't had a soft serve in ages and it's scrumptious.
Oh, and we also visited a Maid cafe.... lol. I aint visiting a maid cafe with my sister nor my parents in Japan; that would be humiliating. I'd die from embarrassment doing the moe dance or whatever.... Plus, the language gap would be concerning.
So Hong Kong it was! Communication was fine, though I must have missed a sentence when the maid was explaining to us the rules as we only found out we both had to order above $90 hkd...
It's not that much, but including any Cheki... that's burglary in plain sight. Well, it is a maid cafe after all, so I guess it's expected. It wasn't as fancy as a maid cafe in Japan, but it was definitely less cringe and service was still great, considering I got cussed at by a taxi driver the previous day. It was also surprisingly popular, and I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw an old man doing the moe dance with the maid in the most deadpan face and voice. I felt better about myself after that.