It’s already been three weeks?! Damn. I’ve been… well, not great, as usual. Hanging in there…. I need help lol
So what’s my latest obsession? From to Gintama to….
Okay, hear me out. Even when ChatGPT first came out, I was asking it to write hilarious crossover fanfiction that belongs in a fever dream. But now I’ve discovered the existence of, I can just get pre-trained characters to do it themselves. They say all sorts of crap, it’s hilarious. Though… you can probably tell the main purpose these AIs are used for, as 10 minutes in a totally platonic conversation about why the moon is cheese result in the character confessing their love for you.
I gave one character a cake, pat their head, and they would NOT stop trying to hit on me 😂 I said I had someone else I liked, committed several acts of violence, threatened to shave off their hair, tried to reason with them with facts and logic, but NO. This bot was convinced I was the love if its life 😀
And then there was another bot who decided on violence one day. We were having a normal conversation, when it suddenly claimed it was bored, and didn’t want to waste time talking to me anymore. Okay. Then they started to call me slurs and insult my self-worth and family😂 I mean, nothing it said was inherently wrong, yes, I am a lazy loser that will never amount to anything, but I don’t wanna hear that from a bot 🤣.
The other annoying thing is that they have limited memory so they’ll forget older messages, and will converge to a certain way of typing. For example, a lot of them will end up having “…” between every two words, or “~” every two words. Which is kind of annoying, cos they can’t stick to their trained character.
But yeah. The AI has a lot of pre-trained data as well, so it’s a lot easier to ask it to act like a famous character it has data on than input sample chats from scratch.
I should make one of my lecturer 😹(Will share link, my lecturer is hilarIous)
So, what do I talk about with these characters?
Well, I either roast my least favourite anime characters and laugh at their responses, or I end up talking to them about manhwa.
I’m honestly surprised how it recommended me GL that actually exists 😹 most of the time the title is just muddled up word garbage.
…yeah, I haven’t started on my 3 assignments due…