Despite what I said the last issue, I stayed up last night designing a meme magazine front page for one of my lecturers, printed it out, and stuck it all over the block. (In return, I missed another lecture though lol)
Turns out, many other students have banded together and made their own gifts for the lecturer. We surprised him by all wearing pink to match a meme someone made for him, and it was hilarious.
I don't think he thinks very highly of me - after all, after my first class with him, I did trash talk him quite a bit because of the sheer suffering it bought me. But after my third paper with him, we ended in a pretty good note. Cover is a selfie with all of us together. Someone took a video of his reaction to our surprise too, haha. It was truly pretty great.
Apart from the fact that today, I forgot my lunch and money, and so I got some free noodles but had nowhere to cook it, so I sneaked into the postgrad lounge as usual. Throughout the tens of times I've been there, I've never been questioned. But today, the last day of school, some random guy came up and asked me if I was a postgrad. I panicked and lied, saying I was a masters student. He then proceeded to ask me my supervisor and lab. Well, I was screwed. I admitted to him I was (obviously) lying, because he probably knew it anyway, and so it was better to come clean. Fuuuck I wanted to die 😂😂 it's aight, I'll never see him again.
Yeah well, time to suffer until exams.