在電影裡,我們常常聽到當下屬跟上司交談時,如果要提出異議,他們會先說一句 “Sir/Madam, with all due respect..."
With all due respect 的意思其實大概就是中文裡的「恕我直言」。這句話通常是用於正式場合禮貌地表示異議,例如要說一些對方可能覺得不順耳的意見。
例句(一):1538Please respect copyright.PENANAI6ji9UCAs7
With all due respect, Mr President, I disagree with your opinion.1538Please respect copyright.PENANAYoAj3ISknW
例句(二):1538Please respect copyright.PENANALuDL099RZI
With all due respect, Madam. I'm afraid that‘s not a good plan.1538Please respect copyright.PENANAvaGVA9Fck5
有時我們也會在 with all due respect 後面加上 to (someone),來表達我們對某人的尊重,但不同意他們的看法。
例句(三):1538Please respect copyright.PENANAYvHafUHJb1
With all due respect to him, I think that is nonsense.1538Please respect copyright.PENANAEfi14u7pML
例句(四):1538Please respect copyright.PENANAqDWiqzLjOH
With all due respect to your manager, he was rather rude.1538Please respect copyright.PENANAwlOq4MbNCd
With all due respect 雖然表面上客氣,實際上後面的話可能不留餘地,所以即使聽完你這句話,對方可能仍然會覺得被冒犯。
假如你認為你提出的意見不太客氣,或者會令對方不高興,那最好還是三思而行。With all due respect,你還是冒犯了對方。