很多人學英語時,會搞不清 will 和 be going to 的差別,因為它們都可以表示「未來」,但其實用法不同。記住這個簡單的規則:
- will → 突然決定 / 承諾 / 預測(無根據)
- be going to → 事先計劃 / 有跡象的未來
1. will(臨時決定 / 承諾 / 猜測)30Please respect copyright.PENANA2SlBCxtf4P
✔ A: Oh no, I forgot my wallet!30Please respect copyright.PENANAsufLGrAQj1
B: Don’t worry, I will pay for you.(別擔心,我來付。)30Please respect copyright.PENANAHq7cmChB3k
→ will 用於「臨時決定」,說話當下才決定要做這件事。
✔ I will call you later.(我待會打給你。)30Please respect copyright.PENANAf3DEYG91i2
→ will 也可用於「承諾」或「保證」。
✔ I think it will rain tomorrow.(我覺得明天會下雨。)30Please respect copyright.PENANAlfGrYDmGqt
→ will 用於「沒有根據的預測」,只是個人猜測。
2. be going to(事先計劃 / 有跡象的未來)30Please respect copyright.PENANAGbh4QWqQdl
✔ We are going to visit Japan next year.(我們明年要去日本。)30Please respect copyright.PENANAj47fMJCaqz
→ be going to 表示「已經計劃好」的事情。
✔ Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.(你看那烏雲!快要下雨了。)30Please respect copyright.PENANAMeMjq7SWtw
→ be going to 表示「有跡象的未來」,因為天空已經變暗了,所以很可能下雨。
✗ I will visit my grandma next weekend.(錯)30Please respect copyright.PENANADJDuRoGHF5
✓ I am going to visit my grandma next weekend.(對)30Please respect copyright.PENANAiEZ7lUEQOM
探望奶奶是提前計劃好的,不是臨時決定,所以要用 be going to。
✗ Watch out! The car will hit you!(錯)30Please respect copyright.PENANAs6qxOD7aQE
✓ Watch out! The car is going to hit you!(對)30Please respect copyright.PENANANEOUUQgc6V
車子已經衝過來了,是有「跡象」的未來,所以要用 be going to。
話雖如此,很多英國人在交談時,有時候自己也會搞混 will 和 be going to 的用法,所以即使說錯了也不要緊,對方仍然可以理解你的意思。30Please respect copyright.PENANAG4UmaauHQw