I had the worst dream ever... it was about my mum. The only person who loved me until she died and loved me all her life. This one day when my mum stayed a day at my father's house.
I was walking into the house after a day of primary school. When I got in my mum was standing in the kitchen and from the smells of it, she's making kedgeree. I walked into the kitchen and gave her a hug.
"Hey Alex how are you", mum said
"Good I learned how to divide fractions"
Even though I was thrown into the dirt today during recess. I was pushed into the door before my first class. During lunch, my sandwich was full of mud and my milk had worms in it. So I didn't eat at all today and on my walk home, someone pushed me in the dirt.
"Good job sweetie", mum said and started boiling the eggs. I went and sat on the counter. Then the door opened and my father came in loud and drunk. He walked into the kitchen holding a bottle.
"Love, How are you", my father slurred and I got up. I stood next to my mum and started to help cooking.
"Sweetheart, what have I told you stop drinking", mum said
"You don't let me what to do", my father said leaning against the counter for support.
"Sweetheart stop all the drinking please for your daughter", mum said and walked over to the counter.
"Fine for you, Love. That's no daughter of mine", my father said and then threw the bottle above my head. I ducked and the glass scratched my neck. I had put my hand on the back of my neck and looked at my hand it had blood all over it. I was about to leave the kitchen until my father grabbed my hair.
"Where do you think you're going", he slurred
"To wash off my neck" and tried to walk pass him but he was still holding my hair.
"Don't sass me little girl and sit your little ass down", he said and pulled my hair so hard that I fell. I started moaning in pain so loud and he began to kick me in my side.
-End of Dream-
I woke up to someone shaking and yelling at me. I started to scream. I just couldn't help it's like I can feel the pain from my dream.
"Alex get up before you start crying", someone yelled and I opened my eyes. An looked around to see Xander standing there in just shorts.
"Alex stop crying it was just a dream and you might wanna stop before mom and dad unlock the door", Xander said
"Alright", I said sitting up. I got up and walked over to my closet and was about to get dressed until Xander said,"Alex I'm still standing here." While pointing at himself.
"Oh yeah. I forgot you were here uh go to the bathroom while I change", I said and Xander walked into the bathroom.
"Hey Alex you okay", Xander said
"Yeah just had a bad dream and how did you get in here", I said and he closed the door. I changed into some clothes to lay around with. I was putting on my shoes while Xander came out the bathroom with some shorts on.
"Through the vents, I heard moaning come from your room", Xander said
"Well what made you come in here I could have been doing something else", I said tying my shoes and standing up.
"Well I guess I would I still came and joined you", Xander said and started walking towards me with lust in his eyes.
I backed up into the wall with every step he made. He came towards me and was standing in front of me. Xander put one hand beside my head and started leaning in onto me.
"Xander what are you doing" and my voice came out breathless.
There was a little smile on his lips as his eyes were looking down my body. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. His hand trailed up my back under my shirt into my hair. This is a bad idea I shouldn't be doing this just move him away. But my body won't let me it's like it's frozen like I'm under his control.
"I can't stop Alex..." Xander breathed against my neck before he placed a small kiss on my collarbone "I've been wanting to do this every since I saw you", Xander said
It's like we're both in a trance we both can't stop. Without meaning to, my hands wrapped around his neck and brought his face closer. One of my hands tangling itself into the back of his bed hair. His lips were on my neck again and placed slow kisses on my skin. His mouth trailed from my neck to my chest.
"You need to stop" It was meant to be demanding but came out as a moan.
Using the hand that was knotted in my hair, he pulled me towards him until his lips touched mine. As his lips were moving against mine I found myself kissing back. It was like being electrocuted and I know I should stop but I can't. Then someone opened the door and I heard footsteps coming closer towards us but It's like we can't move. Someone pulled us apart and I looked to see Sam there.
"What the hell are you two doing they've been calling your names for the past 15 minutes you're lucky I came up here instead of someone else", Sam said
"I uh"
"You were what over here making out with lover boy", Sam said
"We were just..", Xander said
"You were just what making out against the wall", Sam said
"But I"
"But nothing both of you get downstairs now", Sam said
We walked over to the door and went downstairs with Sam. I went and sat down on the floor and Xander sat down next to me. Then Sam sat down next to Arnold. Xander put his arm around my shoulder.
"Alex you're grounded", Jamie said sitting down in the armchair.
"Wait! What did I do", I sort of yelled at Jamie.
"Yeah you are", Leon said trying to take my phone out my hand.
"You broke our number one rule", Jamie said and the rest of the boys started filling in the couches.
Leon tried to take my phone.
"Hey Alex what's dad doing with your phone", Tyler said
"I don't know"
"Alex let go of the phone you're grounded", Leon said
"What did you do", Trent said
"She broke the rule number one: Boys and girls can't sleep in the same bed", Jamie said
"Who slept in her bed", Xander said
"I did", Sam said looking up from his phone.
"I can't do it. Me speak no English", I said faking a Spanish accent.
"Alex don't", Leon said
"No sé lo que estás hablando", I said moving Leon's hands away from my phone. ( In English- I don't know what you're talking about )
"Alex stop that and speak English", Leon said
"Alex realmente", Sam said ( In English- Alex really )
"De Verdad" ( In English- Really )
"Alex stop it now", Jamie said
"Say I'm not grounded", I said looking up the business card I got yesterday.
"Fine you're not but after school you have to ride with Xander", Jamie said
"But I one of his friend's has a thing for me and I don't want to ride in there"
"Yes you are and if you're not I'm telling the chefs not to cook tonight and you will make dinner for everybody", Leon said
"Fine I'm cool with that"
"Then its final Alex you're making dinner", Leon said
"But do I have to eat her food", Chris said
"Yes you all do but I don't", Leon said and got up.
"I got a meeting today and I can take someone to come with-", Leon said. I think he's reading a text from his phone.
"Can I come", Simon said cutting him off
"No, cause he's gonna chose me", Tyler said
"Actually it says Alex Jackson on here", Leon said
"What let me see", I said while he gave me his phone. The number is 213-458-5162 and it matches the number of the business card.
"Leon you're not going to that meeting", I said standing up. I deleted the text and number out the phone.
"And why not it's a business deal", Leon said
"You're just not. Do they know your address"
"No but I'm going to that meeting", Leon said
"No your not they don't want you they want me", I said handing Leon back his phone.
"Why would they want you", Leon said
"Because I...