"Hey Alex you still there", Alexander said
"Come home", Alexander said and hung up.
I tossed my phone in my bag and closed it. I climbed down the tree and walked to the car. Who saved me? Who heard me crying and screaming out for help? Who shot me? Who was the man that I killed? What was I doing in an alley? Why did I kill that guy?
I unlocked the car door and got in. I started up the car and was on my way home. I stopped the car at a red light and I looked to my left to see Stew. I quickly turned to see the green light had come on. I sped off home and Stew was still riding on his motorcycle next to me.
I stopped at my house and put my bag on. I stepped out and locked the car. Stew parked his bike a few spaces away from me. He took off his helmet and looked towards me. He immediately turned off his bike and ran towards me.
"Hey wait Alex", Stew yelled while running towards me.
I just looked at him until he stopped running.
"What were you doing in the hallway earlier", Stew said
I walked into the building and got onto the elevator. Stew followed me and got in too. He pushed the button. I could feel him staring a whole in the side of my face.
"You're hiding something", Stew said and the elevator dinged.
"I'm not"
"You're wearing a mask", Stew said
"I don't feel one", I said rubbing my face.
"Not like that I mean figuratively", Stew said shaking his head.
I feel stupid I thought I was wearing a real mask on my face. I stopped rubbing my face and the elevator dinged. We got off and we got to my door. Scratch that we got to my doorway since my door is missing. I walked into the room to see my door on the floor broken in half.
"Harry Alexander come here right fucking now", I yelled
They came into the room talking into some headsets. Once they were in arms reach I grabbed both of their arms and pulled they closer.
"What the hell happened to my door"
"Getting you a new one it should be here right about now", Harry said
I turned to face the doorway and see 4 men carrying a new wood door.
"Here's your ironwood door", the first man said and put it on the floor.
I don't see any iron on the door. Then they picked the door on the floor now I see it. Straight down the middle is a thick slab of iron but covered in wood.
"Thank you, think you could wait around to help put the door up you can wait in the kitchen help yourself to whatever is in the fridge", Alexander said
"Okay", the second man said
I slapped Alexander across his face and he just brought his hand up to the handprint forming on his face.
"Okay I deserved that", Alexander said
"Why did you just slap him", Harry said laughing a little.
"He just offered my food to some strangers so now he's going to pay for whatever they eat and buy me more food"
"Okay well do but next time just say it instead or hitting me", Alexander said and walked away.
"Alex that's a grown man that's disrespectful", Stew whispered in my ear.
"It's also going to be disrespectful for me to do this too"
I slapped Harry in the face and brought his hand up to his face. Again another red handprint was forming on his face. He started staring at me.
"What did I do", Harry said
"Kicked me out my own home"
"Okay well then I deserved it", Harry said and walked over to my next door.
He attached something to it and another man drilling some thick black piece of plastic into the bottom of the door.
"Hey door guys come put the door up", Harry said and the same men from before came out the kitchen.
"You're cleaning up my home after all this is over Harry and Alexander", I yelled.
Then I got two text messages. I got my phone out my bag and looked at it.
Okay I'll pay for the floors and food -Frost
I'll pay for everything else -Harry
I put my phone back in my bag and walked upstairs to my bedroom and Stew followed me. I threw my bag next to my closet and walked into the bathroom. I turned around to close the door Stew was standing there.
"You can stop following me"
"You're hiding something and I want to know what", Stew and I closed the door in his face.
I locked the door and dropped the toilet seat top down and sat onto of it. I took my jeans off and unwrapped my leg. I took the alcohol out from under the cabinet started to wipe up the blood around the stitches. I forgot to get some shorts so I walked to the door and cracked it a little so no-one will see my underwear.
I looked through the crack and saw Stew sitting on my holding a teddy bear. My teddy bear I think that's the one I filled with money. I guess he saw me looking at him and stood up. He walked towards the door and I closed the door completely.
"Alex", Stew said knocking on the door.
"You think you could get me some shorts"
"Sure where are they", Stew said
I cracked the door again and he was walking around my room. He stopped at the dresser next to my bed.
"The third drawer not the not that one", I yelled out.
But he opened the first one anyway. The first drawer was full of weapons all types like snipers you got to put together, grenades , hand knives, many different guns, and ammo for each one. Stew picked one of the grenades and just stared at me.
"I told you not that drawer the third one"
He put the grenade back in the drawer and opened the second one.
"I said the third one"
"I heard you", Stew said
The second one was full of money the money I won from the last fight I had. He picked up a hand full of money and turned to looked at me.
"Where did you get this money you don't have a job", Stew said
How does everybody know that I don't have a job? It's really that noticeable that I don't work.
"Yeah I do"
"Where do you work at then", Stew said putting the money back in the drawer then closing it.
"I umm don't have to tell you now just give me my shorts"
Stew finally opened the third drawer and took out my blue fluffy shorts out.
"No, the basketball shorts"
"Okay then", Stew said
He took out some blue basketball shorts and walked over to the door. I closed it and he knocked on the door.
"My eyes are closed", Stew said
I opened the door and he had his eyes covered with his hands. I took the shorts and put them on quickly. I walked back into the bathroom and wrapped back up my leg and picked up the old wrapping with a little blood on it and my jeans. I threw the old wrapping into the mini trash can in the bathroom.
"Are you done yet", Stew said
"Nope not yet"
"How long does it take to put some shorts on", Stew said
I stuck out the bathroom passed him making sure that I didn't touch him. I threw my jeans in the hamper and Champ came running into my room. He jumped on me and I fell back landing on Stew. Stew fell onto the bathroom floor and I fell on his back. Stew groaned and I did too. Champ was sitting on my stomach and smiling at me. Then I guess he saw Stew and turned his head to the side.
"Alex get off of me", Stew said
"Champ move", I said trying to push him but he wouldn't move.
I may be strong but he's stronger and weights more than me. I know sad right.
"Alex move I'm serious", Stew said trying to push me.
"I'm trying Champ won't move"
"Wait stop let me try something", Stew said and his body around.
So now I was laying on his chest and Champ was still sitting on my stomach.
"You can't push your own dog", Stew said laughing.
While he was laughing I could feel his stomach moving up and down.
"Would you stop it and help me"
"Okay I'll help you move your dog", Stew said and Champ was just smiling at us.
Stew reached his arms up and tried to push Champ but he could do it either. I started laughing.
"I thought you said I couldn't push him and you can't either"
"Shut up try calling for help", Stew said
"Help", Stew yelled
"Someone come get Champ", I yelled
One of the men from downstairs and Alexander came into the room. Alexander was just staring at us.