Sam's POV
I saw... Alex on the couch asleep. This made me so angry and happy at the same time. At least she's safe and unharmed but she ran out for no reason. Well, she has always done this so it's not really anything new.
"Well looks like we found her"
I called Mr Storm and told him I found her. They came got to my place pretty fast. I unlocked the door and they walked in.
"What's in this room?", Xander asked. Then I noticed that he was next to the down that leads to the basement where I store all my guns.
"Okay but is this your place", Xander asked
"Nah, I broke into this house with this key and it's so convenient this house has my only baby picture on the wall", I said sarcastically
"Well you didn't have to say it like that", Xander said and walked over to the couch.
"Nice place what kind of job do you have to get a place like this", Leon asked
I couldn't tell him what I do for a living. Tell him oh well I street fight and street race for a living it pays well... um no.
"I work on cars" At least I didn't lie.
"Nice so when do you think she will wake up", Jamie said
"Ummm.....Wait first what time is it?"
"It's 12:27 am why?", Ted said
"She should be up in about 3 minutes"
"How do you know?", Xander said
"Because she's been like this since primary school"
"Get away from me", Alex said then started screaming.
"See I told you" I whispered to the boy said
"Stop screaming Alex it's just us"
"Why are you screaming", the boy said
"How did you find me Sam", Alex said while sitting up and ignoring the boy's question.
"This is the last place I know you will run to"
"Damn it I know I should have gone somewhere else", Alex said and I walked over there next to her.
I slapped her in the back of the head and she started rubbing the back of her head.
"What the hell was that for", Alex said
"Stop cussing in my place"
"But you do it all the time", Alex said
"Not in my house"
"Well are you going to tell us why you ran", Leon said
"Well I would but...", Alex started to trail off
I knew what she doing she doesn't like being the centre of attention. So I told everybody to leave but this one boy Xander wouldn't go.
"I'm not leaving until I get some answers on why are were you screaming and why you left you said that you were going to the bathroom then out of nowhere we have to come LOOKING FOR YOU CAUSE YOU RAN OFF!!", he said started to shout.
"Nun of your business", Alex said
The next thing I know Alex stood up and walked out. This fool got Alex mad and when she's mad you don't bother her. She picked up her board got some car keys off the table and walked into the garage.
I sat down on the couch and played where she left off in the game. Of course, that guy went after her but I learned my lesson not to follow her she can get you seriously lost. Like one time she got me lost to the point that there was no cell phone service and a gas station for miles around. Xander came back into the room all mad at who I don't know.
"Why are you just sitting here come find her so we get some answers", the boy said grinding his teeth.
"No, because when she's mad or upset she's goes off she have been doing this for a while now"
"Where does she go?", he said and sat down on the armchair next to me.
"I don't know but don't go looking for her she comes back when she feels like it"
"How do you know happened to you before", he said and I nodded keeping my eyes on the screen. I realised that as she left with Champ or he must have followed her out.
Picture of Champ ^^
"How long does she stay out", he asked
"As long as she needs to sometimes a week or a day but she does go to school sometimes"
"Will I be able to see her at school", he said
"Maybe I don't know"
"Okay well bye and can you drop me off at home then", he asked again
"Okay let's go" I put the game on pause.
As I was walking towards the garage I realised Alex took the 2016 Red Scion FR-S so that means she's going to be gone for awhile.
"Little boy I'll meet you outside lock the door behind you"
"My name is Xander but why can't I come into the garage", Xander asked another question
"Stop with the questions and just go wait outside"
"Okay", he said finally shutting up.
I walked into the garage and got into my 2013 Black Porsche Boxster. I opened the garage and drove out. He was sitting on the porch on his phone.
"Come on get in" He walked up to the car and got in.
I drove but he started with the questions again. What's with this dude and questions.
"Nice car if you fix cars how can you make money like this", he asked said
"I fix a lot of cars a day"
'What kind of sportscars or something and what kind of car is this"
"Yes sports cars and this is a Porsche Boxster"
"How much did it cost", he asked
"I don't know I won it"
"From where I want one", he asked
I pulled up into his driveway and stopped the car. I unlocked the car and Xander didn't get out.
"Answer my question first then I'll leave", he asked more like stated.
I got out of the car and walked over to his side. I opened the door and pulled him by his collar out of the car to the front porch. I knocked on the door for him.
"Bye like I said"
I walked back to my car and drove off while he walked into the house. I went home into my room and went to sleep.
Alex's POV
While I was driving around I saw this hotel that's named Hotel Shangri-La and it's near the Meadow High School. So I pulled up there and checked in.
"Can dogs stay in this hotel"
"Yes and would you like a room", the lady said
"Yes do you have one on the 5th floor"
"Ok here you are your keys and have a good night", the lady said and gave me my keys.
"You too bye"
I went back to the car to get Champ and my bag. As I got on the elevator and got off I noticed one of my old friends from back home.
"Alex is that you", the man said
"Yeah, it's me....