She went to go get the door and at the door was... Ryder and Harry. I came up behind Jamie and stood there. How do they know where I stay.
"Hello sirs umm do you have the wrong house", Jamie said
"Actually no we're here for Alex", Harry said
"Hey Lexy", Ryder said and walked into the house.
"Don't fucking call me that", I said walking up to him.
"Okay Lexy", Ryder said
"Ryder you're going to get it if you don't fucking stop"
"Get what. You just don't like that name because every time your father would say that name right before he-", Ryder said and I tackled him onto the floor.
"What Lexy you did like it when your father says it he used to say it all the time", Ryder said
"Shut up", I yelled and punched him right in the stomach.
"Hitting me isn't going to stop him fro-", Ryder continued
I kept punching him over and over in the stomach then he flipped us over. He started punched me in the face while I tried to dodge it.
"What Lexy don't like it when your father-", Ryder continued talking
"Shut up now stop talking"
He started choking me and that's when I started scrambling around for something. I felt a glass cup on the table and grabbed it. I smashed it onto his head and the minute it hit his head. His hands left my throat and I took in a breathe. I picked up a piece of glass off the floor and was about to plunge it into his side.
"Stop this kerfuffle right now. Both of you stop it", Harry yelled out and pointed a gun at both of us.
I dropped the piece of glass on the floor. I backed away from Ryder and he backed away from me. Fuck, I forgot that the rest of the family was standing in the kitchen and looking at the fight. I looked at them and they all were just looking at Harry.
"Sir I might not know you but please put your gun away", Jamie said backing away slowly from him.
"This is the only way I can get them to stop fighting. There not like regular kids mostly Alex she comes from a different background story", Harry said
"Alex please not fight that young man again so this man can put his guns away", Leon said
"I'm done", I said and stood up and on my away walking towards Harry I kicked Ryder in the side of his head.
I stood in front of Harry and his gun was pointed at my head. I looked at Jamie and she looked scared for her life.
"Alex back away or I will fire at the both of you", Harry said
"Nope", I said and he took off the safety.
"Alex I will shoot you", Harry said
"No, you won't"
"I've done it before and I will do it again", Harry said
"Then go ahead and do it I'm ready it's not I haven't been shot before"
"Lexy did you like it when your father used to come home drunk", Ryder said and wiped the blood from his lip.
I turned around and looked pointed the gun at Ryder and all of a sudden I felt an arm around my throat. I felt a something cold and hard on the other side of my face. I think it was a gun.
"Alex calm down", Harry whispered into my ear.
"Let go of me"
"If I do then I want you to tell Ryder lets go", Harry whispered into my ear again and I nodded my head.
Harry had let me go and I bent down next to Ryder. I moved all the glass out of the way first with my foot.
"Harry said let's go", I whispered into his ear and stepped away from him.
Ryder got up and said," Do you remember when you were in the back of that ambulance and the blighter shot your mum right in front of you. I remember the blood of you mother hitting your face, don't you? The bullet went straight through her head and was dead on the spot. I know you remember you were the only witness but how come you don't tell people that story"
"That's it I'm done with this fucking bullshit", I said and got up too.
I pushed him into the glass table right behind him. He got off the table and tackled me to the floor. I flipped us over and started punching him in the face. He flipped us over and started rubbing his hand on my inner thigh. I couldn't help it I had let out a soft moan.
"You cheating motherfucking cunt", I said but it came out as a moan instead of a statement.
I was feeling around for a piece of glass while his hand was moving up and plunged it into his side. He hissed in pain and I jumped to feet. Harry shot a bullet at my back but I don't care I still going to kick his ass. I jumped on top of Ryder and kept punching him in his stomach until he started coughing up blood.
"Alex stop", Harry yelled
I heard footsteps coming towards but kept throwing punches after punches. I was pulled off Ryder by Harry.
"Alex stop it I know your hurt but you gotta stop before you kill him", Harry said
"I don't care now let go of me"
"Calm down. Breathe take deep breaths", Harry whispered into my ear
"He got no fucking right. He comes up to their house and starts stuff with me and then brings back memories that I keep trying to leave the back of my head"
"Alex I know it hurts and it is wrong of him to do this but you got to calm down. Look around you the family that taking care of you is now probably afraid of you", Harry whispered into my ear.
I looked around the room and saw that the glass table was broken. The glass cup was now stuck in Ryder's leg and the carpet was turning red because of our blood. I last looked at the Storms that all looked like that were frozen in shock.
I sighed and Harry had let me go. I walked into the backyard and climbed the highest tree I could find. I sat there and laid down on the branch.
Jamie's POV
After the young man said," Do you remember when you were in the back of that ambulance and the blighter shot your mum right in front of you. I remember the blood of you mother hitting your face, don't you? The bullet went straight through her head and was dead on the spot. I know you remember you were the only witness but you how come you don't tell people that story"
Wait a second Alex's mother is dead I though she just gave Alex up. First, I need to get Alex to English dictionary so I can know what an arsed-hole is. What did her father use to do every time the boy was about to say something Alex hit him.
"That's it I'm done with this fucking bullshit", Alex said and got up too.
She pushed him into the glass table right behind him. He got off the table and tackled her to the floor. She flipped them over and started punching him in the face. He flipped them over and started moving his finger on her inner thigh. Alex had let out a soft moan and I looked next to me to see Xander he was clenching and unclenching his jaw.
"You cheating motherfucking cunt", Alex moaned out.
I saw Alex's hand wander across the floor and got a piece of sharp glass and plunged it into his side. The boy hissed in pain and Alex jumped up. The older man standing by the door shot a bullet at Alex in her back but it was like she wasn't injured by it. Alex at jumped at the boy again jumped and kept punching him in his stomach until he started coughing up blood.
"Alex stop", the older man yelled
He started walking towards Alex but she kept punching him. The man pulled off her off of the boy.
"Alex stop it I know your hurt but you gotta stop before you kill him", Harry said
"I don't care now let go of me", Alex said
He whispered something into her ear and she said something back. It made her look around the room and I saw that the carpet was full of blood stains that will never come out.
Alex sighed and the man had let her go. She walked into the backyard and didn't say a word or even look back at us.
"Well, I'll just get him and leave. Sorry about the floor, table and cup. It wasn't meant to go down like this", the man said
"It's okay but what is your name"
He walked over to the boy threw him over his shoulder and walked up to the door.
He turned around and said,"You don't need to know that information"
With that, he left and closed the door. I heard an engine come on and the car sounded like it left. I walked over to the door and looked out the window. There was no car in sight so I locked the door. I walked back into the kitchen.
"Excuse me Gary and Sandy but you have to go", I said and let then keep the cups.
"Okay will see you at the party tonight", Gary said and Sandy followed him out.
I turned around and faced my family that still had shocked faces. I walked into the living room but didn't touch the carpet. I looked around my 2 thousand living room suite and then remembered something. Alex! I forgot she got shot but what did he mean by 'There not like regular kids mostly Alex she comes from a different background story'. I wonder what kind of background or history she has from her past. I think it was a bad one cause of the way she wouldn't let the boy finish his sentence and the mother thing just made her snap.
"Xander and Chris go get Alex from the backyard"
"I don't think I want to do that. She might do the same thing on that guy to me", Xander said
"That guy was saying something that made her upset. That older man said there not like regular kids so I guess she fights instead of using her words", I told Xander
"But you saw the way she took a bullet to the back and that boy rubbing his hands on Alex's inner thigh", Xander said and growled out the last part.
"Like that man said there not like regular kids mostly Alex"
"Well that does explain a lot", Simon said and walked out the kitchen.
He walked up the stairs and the rest of them I sent to their rooms. Trent helped Chris out with getting Alex and Xander went upstairs. I sat on one of the kitchen tools and sighed. I put my head in my hands. Someone had put their hands on my shoulder and I looked up.
"It's alright it wasn't your fault. It's Alex's fault", Leon said and I stood up
"It's not her fault it's our fault we didn't protect her", I shouted
"You sure I think it was her fault cause now our white carpet is full of blood. My thousand dollar glass table is now shattered and your thousand dollar cup you got from Egypt is now broken", Leon said
"That doesn't matter. All that matters is that we need to have security on her at all times"
"I don't think Alex will like that you know how she is", Leon said
"I know but it's for her own good"
"Don't put helpless people's lifes at sake so don't", Leon said
"Okay but what about her safety", Jamie said
Chris and Trent ran into the house and they looked out of breath.
"Alex is gone", they said in sync
Where could Alex have gone? She promised she wouldn't leave.