I was on my way home until I was stopped by....Some blighter and I don't know him so I'm goin' to keep riding. But whoever he is isn't going to get what he wants back easily. So I started back driving but faster. I got a call from an unknown number so I ignored it. Then I got a text from that same number.
Pull over -Unknown
or what -Me
PULL OVER -Unknown
no -Me
And why not -Unknown
cuz ur a stranger -Me
I'm Alexander -Unknown
Alexander who? -Me
Alexander Frost -Alexander
Oh hey hows it going -Me
Stop nicking my cars -Alexander
fine I will give it back once I stop u can take it back -Me
I pulled over about three blocks away from the Storm's house. I got out the car and turned around. I closed the car door and put my hands up above my head.
"You might have caught me bruh but you can never take me alive", I yelled out to Alexander.
"Alex shut up and step away from my car", Alexander yelled back out.
I guess he got out of the car. I wonder who's driving since he just stepped out passengers side from the way his footsteps sound. I walked away from the car and stepped onto the sidewalk. I was about to keep walking until the guy who was driving drove up. He round down the window.
"Hey Alex come here", the guy said
He sounded familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I walked over to the car and bent down so I could see through the window. I saw Harry sitting there on his phone texting.
"Harry what do you want out of all the fucking people in the world"
"Maybe the people in the world want to here you yelled fuck me or fuck me in the asshole through the phone", Harry said and looked up from his phone.
"Cut the shite what you want"
"I just wanted to tell you that watch your back. I heard that someone sent some people after you to spy on you and that they paid about 1 million British pounds trying to dig up some dirt on you. But you didn't hear it from me", Harry said and rolled up his window.
After he said that I stepped back and he drove off. I wonder who would pay that much to get something on me. Well, I did hack into government websites and destroy all types of arrest papers, mug shots and details on me online. So I guess that person that who paid that much must be rich I guess I'll keep that in mind. I walked three blocks to get to the Storm's place and knocked on the door.
Jamie opened the door and let me in. I stepped in and mostly ran upstairs to my room. I closed my door and took out some shorts and a sleeveless shirt for me to where. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I had put my clothes on and when I walked out the bathroom I heard some whispering coming from my closet.
So I walked over to the closet ready to see who it is and saw most of the family in my closet. Arnold, Trent, Xander, Chris, Tyler and Leon were standing in my closet looking at each other then at me like I was crazy.
"Why are you in my closet"
"I was just looking for a ummm", Leon said walking out then out of my room.
"So why are you five in here then"
"We were looking for your laptop then you came in so we all ran in here", Tyler said
"Why do you need my laptop"
"Cause Xander was trying to look you up online but nothing came up so he paid us to help look for you laptop", Arnold said
"I said not to look me up and plus my laptop is where my other valuable things are"
"So where are your other valuable things at other than in your pants", Xander asked
"Somewhere you'll never find it"
"So just to ask cause it's on everybody's mind and don't get you know all British mad and use those words we don't know. But everybody wants to know why are you acting so private about everything. Also our mom and dad are bringing a cop over to talk to you but he's a undercover cop", Arnold said and I guess he ratted them out.
This made me so mad. This family was going to hire an undercover fed to talk to me. This is making me even madder and I guess forgave this twat family.
"This is just fucking dandy! This is complete cobblers. Are you taking a piss? This family is a dumb piece of shit and no its full of shit. Ugh! Bloody hell! I can't be arsed with this dumb arse family", I said and turned around.
I started pacing around the room and kept balling up my fist and unballing my fist. I really want to punch something so bad but I can't I need to keep it all in until they leave.
"Leave now", I yelled at all of them and they all ran out my closet.
Then closed it and I locked my door. I need to punch something cause I can't hold all my anger in long or I'll be aggro tomorrow. I walked into the bathroom and punched the first thing I saw which was the mirror. I kept punching it until I was just left with just punching the wall so I punched on last time.
The punched a hole in the wall and I stopped. There was nothing put glass over the sink and half of the floor. I was finally cooled off and finally let off some steam. I hope that undercover fed doesn't come into my bathroom.
I closed the bathroom door and walked towards the couch. I decided to sleep on the couch so I laid down. I picked up a blanket that I found on the floor that was beside the couch. I fell asleep and dreamt of that camp I went to every year.
-Alex's Dream-
I packed up a suitcase full of clothes and closed the door to my room. I ran downstairs and stood next to the door waiting for my father to come.
"Come on I'm ready to go", I yelled
"Coming Lexy", my father yelled out walking towards me.
He called me Lexy cause he wanted my name to be that. He opened the front door and I ran out to the car it was a 2009 Mustang GT. My favourite car that one day I will inherit and got into the back seat. He drove off and about 20 minutes of me singing songs that came on the radio.
He parked outside the camp and locked the car before I could get out. He turned off the car and rolled up the window.
"Don't sing ever again. It's annoying and you can't sing so stop", my father said them leant over and punched me in my left cheek.
"Okay I'll stop", I said looking out the window in front of me.
"You'll stop what", my father said
"I'll stop sir"
"Now get out my car", he said and unlocked the car.
I got out and ran towards the camp main door. Once inside I felt my face and hissed. I walked into the restroom nearby and locked the door. I had a purple bruise forming on the side of my face.
I unlocked the door and walked towards the camp directors room. I knocked on his door and he opened the door.
"Hello Alex, how's it been going", Mr Hart said
"Good sir", I said sitting down in the chair across from his desk.
"Have you been fighting? You have a bruise on your face", Mr Hart said
"No sir I haven't"
"Okay let me see", Mr Hart said
I stood up and walked over towards his desk. I dropped my suitcase next to the chair and sat down on top of his desk.
"This bruise is fresh are you sure", Mr Hart said
"Yes sir"
-End of Alex's Dream-