Alex's POV
I woke up in the morning and my head felt like it was just hit by a tonne of bricks. I looked to my side and saw some painkillers and a bottle of water. I sat up and took two of them. I looked at the time and it was around 6 in the morning. I stretched my legs and kicked something it made a growling noise. I looked at the bottom of my bed and Champ was laying there asleep.
"Get up you lazy dog"
Champ raised up his head and just looked at me. He laid back down and closed his eyes. I'm going to be late to school. I stood up and fell straight to the floor. I got up and sat down on the bed. Champ was just smiling at me.
"Yeah go ahead laugh it up Champ"
I looked at my leg and forgot that it was wrapped up. I looked at my right arm so was it. I got up slowly hopping to my shower and unwrapped my legs and arm. I looked at my leg and it has stitches I think these might be the ones that fall off. I took a shower washing off the blood all over my body and once I got out I dried off. I wrapped back up my arm and leg and put on some clothes.
I made sure that the bruises on my face weren't visible and my arm wasn't visible. I put on a beanie and tied up my shoes. I put the painkillers and 2 bottles of water in my bag. I put my bag on my back and my house keys in my hoodie.
I picked up my car keys, phone, and wallet. I just I have to stop hopping around so I started walking painful. Good thing I have this hoodie covering up my mouth. I rubbed Champ's head and took a bowl from the cabinet and filled it up with water.
"Champ come get your water", I yelled
He came down the stairs slowly and walked into the kitchen. He can't be that sleepy. I placed the bowl on the floor and Champ just stared at it.
"It's water I'll pick you up some food during lunch"
He flipped the bowl over with his nose and picked it up in his mouth. He put the bowl at my feet. I opened the fridge and was going to make him a sandwich. He sat there staring at me. He jumped up on the counter and took all the lunch meat and walked away.
"So no bye"
He walked back into the kitchen and I rubbed his head and he walked away with the whole bag of lunch meat in his mouth. I closed my penthouse door and locked it. I pulled the strings of the hoodie so that it covers my mouth and got onto the elevator with this boy he looked like he was 13 or 14.
"Hey if you're trying to cover your face pull your hat down some", he said
"Okay thanks", I said and pulled my beanie down some more.
"No problem", he said and I got off on the ground floor.
I walked to my car trying not to hop. I got into my car and started it up I drove off to school. I parked in the parking lot and people were staring around talking. I locked my car and put my wallet. phone, and keys in my bag.
I walked into the school and put changed out my books for a math, English, social studies, and biology books in my bag. I was walking to class and sat down in my AP Calculus room. Then Stew and DB walked in. They sat on both sides of me. The teacher handed me a paper and it had all the work I had to do today on.
"What happened to you last night", Stew whispered
"Stop", I whispered solving the problems on the worksheet Ms Elkmann gave me.
"What does it hurt", Stew said and kicked the desk.
When he kicked the desk my leg was sitting in between in the desk and the chair. My eyes started to water and I wiped my eyes. I stood up and almost fell over trying to stand on my right leg. I held onto my desk and put my bag on my back. I gave Ms Elkmann my paper.
"May I be excused", I said leaning on her desk.
"Yes you may take much time as you need", Ms Elkmann said and I walked out the classroom into the hallway near my locker. I sat down on the floor under my locker.
"Hey was it something I said", I heard someone say and I looked up and it was Stew.
"Ugh", I said and stood up.
I put my bag back on my back and was about to walk away but he grabbed my arm good thing it was my left.
"Let go of my arm"
"I want to know what happened to you yesterday night", Stew said
"Just leave me the fuck alone I need to get back to class"
"No, tell me what's wrong with you", Stew said
"You want to know what's wrong with me"
"Yes", Stew said
"What's wrong with me is that you won't leave me be"
"No, you're not you almost fell backwards when you stood up in class and what's up with the hat", Stew said and before I move he took the hat off my head.
"What happened to you", Stew said staring at my head.
I didn't know it looked that bad. I thought it was just a bump I guess it's not.
"This doesn't look like nothing", Stew said
"What happened", Stew said
"Answer my question", Stew said and I took the beanie out his hands.
I put it back on my head.
"Why do you even care"
Stew walked up closer to me and pulled down the hoodie part that was covering my mouth. His lips brushed mine and I was just staring at him.
"This is why", Stew said and he started kissing me.
Why? I don't know why but I found myself kissing back. His tongue licked my bottom lip I opened my mouth and to deepen the kiss. His tongue explored my mouth and I closed my eyes and my hands went up to his hair playing in it. He pushed me against the locker and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Can Alex Jackson com to the principal's office", a lady said over the intercom.
I opened my eyes and pushed him off of me. He was just staring at me and I walked away towards the principal's office. He kissed me and no lie I did like it. He was a good kisser better than Drake. My ex I hated his ass he cheated on me in high school with this stripper. He was the only one that didn't bother me or bully me. But back to Stew, that kiss was amazing I can't stop talking about it. I stopped a few inches away from the door and turned toward Stew.
"Never speak of that kiss to anyone", I said and walked into the principal's office.
Leon and Xander were sitting in there staring at me. I closed the door and sat down next to Leon and Mrs Ruiz was staring at me.
"What are you wearing and what happened to your lips", Mrs Ruiz said
I looked at my clothes and then back at her. I felt my lips and they are swollen because of the kiss. I took the part of my hooise and covered my mouth.
"Why are you wearing a hat and hoodie in the summer time", Mrs Ruiz said
Because I'm covering my wrapped up a bruised up face and head.
"Just felt like wearing this today"
"Okay well then take off that hat", Mrs Ruiz said
"No can do"
"And why not", Mrs Ruiz said
Because I'm covering the bump on my head.
"Because it completes my outfit"
"Okay well then Mr Storm here says he have been trying to get a hold of you", Mrs Ruiz said
Why last time I checked he said to stay away from him and his sons.
"Alex I know we aren't on good terms but I really need to talk to you privately", Leon said and Mrs Ruiz left the room.
"Alex what's wrong you haven't been yourself lately", Leon said
"You haven't been calling us or anything like you just threw us out of your life", Xander said
"Ask your son of a bitch father he knows the answer"
Xander just looked at his dad.
"I got mad and sort of told her to stay out of our lives but I quickly said I'm sorry", Leon said
"What the hell dad", Xander said
I stood up but this time slowly sort of hopped to Mrs Ruiz chair I've always wanted to sit in her chair. Her chair is comfy and soft.
"You okay", Xander said
"Alex can you stop this whole act and answer the damn question", Leon yelled
I didn't know that I was acting.
"I killed a man last night and flipped my bike on the way to the fight. Then I got stabbed in the fucking leg with a knife and to add on to that I'm being hunted down by someone that wants me dead so like I said before peachy"
"Oh", was all Leon said
I stood up and walked to the door trying not to fall over. I opened it and walked outside to see Stew staring at me. I walked past him and saw Mrs Ruiz looking at me.
"I wanted to tell you that for now, on school is ending early for now on school ends at 3pm instead of 6pm because of sports and our coach here asked if you'd like to join the girl's track team", Mrs Ruiz said
"I'll have to think about it"
Okay so from 6am to 3pm is 9 hours of school. Then 9 hours divided by 8 classes a day including lunch is 1.125 and that simplified is 1 hour and 13 minutes.
"Okay so 1 hour and 13 minutes in each class"
"I still don't know how you do that but yes now get to your second class and it's only one hour the 13 minutes is locker time", Mrs Ruiz said and I went to business class.
I sat down and took out my laptop. I started working on the project Mr Otten gave us. We have to make our own small business and mines is a cupcake place. I mean who doesn't like cupcakes.
"Students can I get your attention", Mr Otten said
"You have to bring in the product you're selling now you go back to your work", Mr Otten said
After business class was over it was time for lunch. I put my laptop in my bag and stood up slowly. I walked out the classroom to my car trying to put all my weight on my left leg. I unlocked my car door and threw my bag in the passenger's seat. I started up the car and drove to Walmart to get Champ some food. I got a dog bed, water and food bowl, some whole chickens, steak, rice and corn.
He doesn't trust dog food so whatever I eat he eats. I bought it and drove home. I saw a bunch of black vans and men carrying wooden crates in and out of the building. I got the bags and dog bed. Hopefully, he'll sleep on it instead of my bed.
I walked inside of the building and there were more men inside instead of outside. I got onto the elevator to the 7-floor button. I got off of the elevator and my penthouse door was open. The same men from downstairs were coming in and putting the same boxes in my house.
I walked to my house seeing Harry and Alexander directing the men where to put the boxes. Some of them were drilling holes in my walls I dropped my bags on the floor and hopped over to Harry. I leant on his shoulder and he just stared at me.
"What are you doing to my house"
"Protecting you sound proof walls, secret opens that hold weapons, and that closet in your bar lounge is now a weapon closet", Harry said
"What did you get my permission for any of this"
"We got Mason and Sam's permission", Harry said
"Hey don't put that crate right there that goes upstairs you fucking idiot", Alexander yelled at the man.
"When do you think you'll be done"
"When you come back home after school", Harry said
"I'm going to have to stay here until you're done and where did you get a key"
"Nope you got school and your security system is broken so we're going to put in a new one", Harry said
"Where's Champ"
"In the kitchen under the table sleep", Harry said
I picked back up my bags and took them to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and put the steak and chicken in the fridge. I put Champ's bowls and dog bed on the floor. I put the rice and corn in the mini pantry I had. I sat down on the floor and looked under the table and Champ was laying there with a quarter of a bag lunch meat under his paw.
Lazy ass dog. He's not even a guard dog you would think all pit bulls are protective of their owners but he's only protective of his food. I tried to take the bag of lunch meat and I heard him growl. I picked up the bag and Champ got up. He took the bag out my hand and turned over and laid down.
"Oh I see how it is no dinner then"
I stood up and sat down on top of the counter. Champ came running out from under the table and dropped the lunch meat near my feet. He jumped up on my left leg and laid his head on my lap. I looked away from him and he whined then barked at me. I looked at him and was giving me the puppy eyes.
"Aww I forgive you", I said and rubbed his head.
Champ jumped down smiling and I walked into the living room to see...