Alex's POV
"Wait she put it out on me that piece of shit I'm going to kill....Chloe Carter"
"Yes Chloe Carter from camp that couldn't get in", Alexander said
"Set me up to talk to her now I need see her"
"Okay I'll get on it Alex. But you're going to have to follow Leon to his meeting tomorrow to see her or find a way to get Leon to invite you", Alexander said
"Okay will do bye Alexander", I said and hung up the phone.
"Alex you okay", Leon said
"Yeah but can I go to your meeting with you tomorrow"
"Sorry but no", Leon said
"Is Mr Carter going to be there"
"Yes", Leon said
"Okay thanks for letting me know"
"Alright and let's get moving boys and Alex", Leon said and we got out.
I stepped out and in front of us is L'Ermitage Beverly Hills. I heard around school this place is popular. I got my Elmo bag out of the trunk and followed Leon into the hotel. This place is nice I stood behind Chris while Leon got a room. I opened my phone and tried to see if I could find Chloe's number. Leon turning around with keys in his hand.
"Okay everybody will have to share a room because they don't have a lot of rooms left", Leon said
"Me and Trent", Chris said
"I choose Alex", Xander said
"Simon and me", Tyler said
"What about you", Chris said
"I'm having my own room", Leon said and handed out keys to us.
"Night blighters I'll be in the room", I said
"Night wally we all love you", Arnold said
"Okay then night", I said and walked upstairs with Xander.
I was looking for the room and there it is room 110. I opened the room with the key. Surprisingly this place does have key cards but actually keys. How does Arnold know what a wally is? I closed and locked the door after Xander. I walked over to the work desk and sat down.
I placed my bag on the table and opened it. Some clothes and my laptop were in the bag. I placed my laptop on the table and opened it. I was about to go into the bathroom but Xander was blocking my path.
"Can I take one with you", Xander said smiling.
"No way"
"Come on you know you what some of this", Xander said
"I rather lick the bottom of my shoe and get some of that"
I pushed past him and locked the bathroom door. He started banging on the door.
"Come on let me in", Xander yelled
I got into the shower and as I was about to wash my hair I heard the door open. I got the towel and quickly dried off. I changed into an England shirt as I was about to put some jeans on someone opened the shower curtain. Xander was standing there with a smile on his face. I quickly covered my underwear with the towel.
"You look good", Xander said and it felt like he was eye raping me.
I kicked in his family jewels and he fell straight to the floor. I hurried up and put some jeans on. I walked back towards the desk and sat down. I pulled up skype and called Alexander.
"Alex it's 10 something at night", Alexander said
This geizer was wearing duck pyjamas and has a space themed room.
"I know what your thinking and I'm staying in Harry's spare room. Also, these are my pyjamas", Alexander said
"Okay thanks for clearing that up but I can't get in with Leon"
"We'll have to go to Plan B then I'll cut the security system for a while and that will give you enough time to get in", Alexander said Xander came out the bathroom.
He walked out the room and locked the door.
"What about the cameras inside"
"You'll just have to dodge them and I'll try to shut them now for you. But watch out for the security guar-", Alexander said
"Wait don't talk someone's knocking on the door", I said cutting him off.
"Well get your gun Sam put one in your bag with extra bullets just in case", Alexander yelled out from my laptop.
I looked around my bag and pulled it out. Nice a P18s with a suppressor I have to thank Sam for this later. I walked towards the bathroom slowly and stood next to the door. I waited 5 minutes and the door came flying open. Some blighter came into the room and locked the door behind him. He started walking towards the bathroom and I walked out the bathroom. I pointed the gun at him and he stepped back.
"So Alex how has it been going", the man said slowly walking towards me.
"What do you want"
"You to come with me or my buddies waiting outside will come in", the man said
"No", I said and he came running at me.
I threw the gun under the bed and fell onto the ground. I wrapped my legs around his neck and he picked me up. Then dropped me onto the floor on my back I flipped us over and started punching him in the stomach. He grabbed me by my throat and threw me into the wall. I got up and he did too. I came running at him and jumped and kicked me in the stomach. Sending him flying backwards into the wall and someone knocked on the door.
I ran towards the bed and slid next to the bed and picked up my gun. I ran towards the door and pointed the gun at him while he was still was on the floor. I cracked the door a little to see Leon with Chris behind him.
"Alex what's going on in there", Leon said
"Nothing", I said looking at the man half-conscious on the floor.
"You sure I heard a big thud and your face is red", Leon said
"Yeah I fell over my bag"
I looked back at the floor and he wasn't there anymore. I looked to my left and there he was standing next to me where Leon couldn't see him.
"Close the door", the man whispered into my ear.
"You sure I saw someone come into your room a while ago", Chris said
"Umm nobody came into my room you must be seeing things"
"Close the door", the man said and pulled my hair.
"One second", I said and locked the door.
I turned around and punched him in his temple sending him straight to the ground. I put the safety on and dropped the gun to the floor. I dragged him into the bathroom and took off my shirt. I ripped it and made into rope. I tied him against the shower tight enough and check him for any weapons.
I guess no weapons well that's he's a duffer. I closed the bathroom door and messed up the bed a little to make it seem like I was sleep. I had put on another shirt on and then walked back to the door. I cracked it again and Leon and Chris were still standing there.
"That was more than one second", Leon said
"Alex let us in", Chris said
"Umm not right now"
"Alex is someone in there with you", Leon said
"No, what makes you think that"
"Chris saw a man come into here and we keep hearing noises coming from your room", Leon said
"Alex let us in so we can see what's going on", Chris said
I looked at the floor and the gun was right there. I kicked it to the side and under the bed.
"Alright", I said and moved out of the way so they could come in.
Leon walked in first and walked straight over to the bed. Chris walked over to the wall near the bathroom shit I forgot to clean up that mess up.
"Why is there blood on the floor. Are you bleeding", Chris said
"Not that I know of probably"
"Let me see", Chris said walking over to me.
He looked all over me until he looked at my back. Leon came walking over and looked at my back too.
"Alex are you feeling fine", Leon said slowly
"Yeah I feel fine"
"You sure your back is bleeding", Chris said
"Hey Alex are you okay I've been sitting here for about 30 minutes", Alexander yelled out from my laptop.
"Who is that", Chris said walking over to the desk.
"I hear that you're with someone so bye talk to you tomorrow", Alexander yelled out from my laptop again.
"Bye Alexander hang up", I yelled out so he could hear me.
Chris walked over to my laptop and nothing was up on it. Leon touched my back.
"Fuck that hurts", I said and hissed when he touched my back.
"Need a bandage or something for your back", Leon said
"No thanks I'm okay"
"Who was on that laptop and what's this", Chris said picking up my gun from under my bed.
"Nobody", I said running over taking it from him and threw it under the bookcase instead.
"Was that a gun", Leon said
"No it was nothing but I'm feeling tired plus I got school in the morning so goodnight"
"What about your back", Leon said
"I'll just rinse it off it's a small scratch"
"Alright night", Leon said and Chris followed him out.
I locked the door behind them and I walked into the bathroom and the man was gone.