Mason's POV
"Come again"
I'm just trying to make sure I heard him right poison. Nah I couldn't be right.
"It's a poison dart", Alexander said
"Okay do the sucking the poison out from the wound shit"
"It's not like that she needs a hospital", Alexander said
"What do you mean"
"She needs a professional", Alexander said
"But she hates hospitals", Leon said
"We know that", Alexander said
"Let's take her to a hospital then", Leon said
"I tried this when I was 14 she wasn't moving so I took her to a hospital. I guess a hospital has a smell cause once I stepped through the door she jumped out my arms and ran to the other side of the street"
"We can try that and see if she jumps up", Alexander said
"With what car", Leon said
"I have a friend on speed dial I can call him to come pick us up but he won't like it", Alexander said
"Try at least"
"Alright I'll see if he'll answer", Alexander said and pulled out his phone.
I sat down next to Alex and just looked at her emotionless face. Her face was turning pale and I checked her pulse again it was dropping.
"Hey her pulse is dropping get him over here fast"
"I'm trying", Alexander said
"Yes, pulse is dropping and she needs a doctor...posion dart but isn't mine.....thank you I'll pay you back", Alexander said and hung up his phone.
"He'll be on his way", Alexander said and I put the dart in my pocket
"I'll carry her out just make sure nobody calls the cops", I said and carried Alex bridal style.
Leon opened the door and Alexander walked out first he motioned me to come. I walked out the room while Leon picked up her bag. Leon closed the door and we walked down the stairs cause Alexander said when we get off the elevator everybody will see us. We down the stairs and out the back door. A hummer was sitting there and Alexander walked over to the hummer and opened the rear door.
"Come on let's get her in", Alexander said
I ran over to the truck as fast as I could but I wasn't moving that fast cause I had her in my arms. I laid her across the third row of seats and sat down on the floor next to her. Alexander and Leon got in and the truck drove off.
"So driver what's your name"
It doesn't hurt to know to know his name.
"Harry Hart and you can call me Mr Hart", Harry said
"Okay Harry I guess you know my sister"
"Wait you're her brother I didn't know she had one", Harry said
I checked on Alex's pulse again and is was dropping even more.
"Can you drive faster her pulse is dropping"
"Okay let me park", Harry said
"Truck's parked let's go", Alexander said
Harry opened my door and I carried Alex to the front door. I walked in and nothing she didn't move or anything.
"She needs a doctor"
"No she doesn't", Leon said
"Yeah she does she's not doing anything", I said and walked up to the desk.
The young girl behind the desk was checking me out. No lie but she looks like shit she's ugly not even ugly she's fugly. I shivered she was checking me out. Then her eyes stopped on something at first I thought it was Alex. But her eyes were on something else. I got it now she's staring at my dick.
"Wait in the waiting room the doctor will be right with you", the girl said still staring.
"My sister has been poisoned and her pulse she dropping I don't think waiting in a waiting room will remove the fucking poison"
"No Mason she'll kill us all when she wakes up", Leon said
"What she'll do when she wakes up is run out", I told Leon.
"Sir please take a sit in the waiting room", the girl said
"No I need a doctor it's an emergency"
"Sir please take a seat my shift ends in like 5 minutes so", the girl said
"Please take a seat my ass. Give me a doctor or I will make a scene"
"You wouldn't", the girl said staring at my ees this time.
I dropped to my knees and started crying.
"My sister help she's dying", I screamed out.
Everybody started looking at me. I learned how to fake cry when I was in school to get out of gym. I started banging my hands on the floor and shaking my head.
"Don't go into the light Alex don't go stay on earth with me. You're the only family I have left mum and dad are gone. It should have been me take me instead", I screamed out and started looking at the ceiling. Someone ran up behind me and pulled me off of Alex.
"I'll help your sister I'll take her back right now", a doctor said and I sniffed.
I stood up and hung onto him like my life depended on it. Someone put Alex on a hospital bed and rolled her out to somewhere.
"Thank you, thank you so much", I said and continued to cry harder.
I looked at the girl behind the desk and winked. I continued crying and sniffing.
"It's okay sir just in the waiting room I'll come back as fast as I can when we get some news", the doctor said and left.
I wiped my eyes when the doctor left. Then turned to Alexander, Harry, and Leon and all their mouths were hanging open. I turned towards the girl behind the desk and her mouth was hanging open as well.
"Close your mouths you'll all catch flies"
They all closed their mouths and I walked into the waiting room. I sat down and they all sat down around me.
"Does Alex know how to do that", Leon said
"Yeah maybe"
"What was all that about", Alexander said and I wiped my eyes.
"I know how to get my way and I always get my way"
"Really", I heard the girl from behind the desk yell.
I looked over at her and she was talking to another doctor.
"Yes and lower your voice until they boy over there leaves you can't leave", the man said
She looked at me and her eyes were full of hate. I just waved and smiled at her. She turned back towards the man and said something. I held my head in my lap.
"Hey give me pity they're finna look over here", I whispered to Leon.
I started back crying and Leon started rubbing my back.
"It's going to be alright she'll be fine", Leon said
She pointed at me and the man looked at me.
"Excuse me sir", a man said
I looked up and it was the doctor. I stood up and wiped my eyes. I stopped crying so he could speak.
"Your sister is...", the doctor said