"The same person that wanted dirt on you just put a hit on you", Alexander said
"That after school isn't going to happen. Send a car to pick me up in about 10 minutes but your have to drop me off at lunch time"
"Okay just sent the school an excuse for you car coming in 10", Alexander said
"Alright bye", I said and hung up the phone.
"What kind of problem do you have", Tyler said
"Gorblimey! Stop being so nosey and Xander drive faster I have somewhere to be"
"Why", Xander said
"Either you drive faster or I will climb over this seat and drive for you"
"You wouldn't", Xander said
"Wanna try me"
"Yeah I do you wouldn't dare climb over the seat", Xander said
I took off my seatbelt and climb over the second row of seats. I made it to the driver's side and sat on Xander's lap. Once I sat down I felt something hard on my butt. I placed my hands on the steering wheel and floor it. I felt someone nibbling at the bottom of my ear and I moaned. My face started heating up now this is a new level of embarrassing to me. I could feel everybody in the car staring at me. I took my elbow and hit Xander in his chest.
I swerved through the cars and the parked the car in the parking lot of the school. I rolled down the window to see a white jeep limo at the end of the parking lot and some geizer getting out of the car. He looked at me and started walking over here. He ran over here to the truck and stopped at the window.
"Why are you sitting on this boy and you look like a tomato", Scotty said poked my cheek.
"Scotty where did you get to L.A last time I called you were in Russia"
"Again why are you red you hot or something", Scotty said
"No, I'm something"
"Alex how old is this guy", Xander whispered in my ear
"Why did you nibble on my ear", I whispered back
"Found your soft spot ", Xander whispered and I just growled.
"Well Alex come on Alexander told me that it was important so come on", Scotty said
"Okay, Xander or any of you don't tell Jamie or Leon about this. I'll be back before lunchtime"
"Alright just get off of me before I do something you won't like. Also what if they come up to the school", Xander said
"I guess text me", I said and opened the truck door.
I climbed out and followed Scotty back to the limo. I got into the into the back and sat next to him. I saw Sam, Harry, and Alexander in there too. Once I got in the limo started moving.
"Alex do you remember the creed that we used to say", Harry said
"Umm I'm kind of foggy about that"
"She only says it when she gets really angry", Sam said
"What do you mean", Harry said
"Hey Alex come sit right here so I can sew up your wounds", Alexander said
"Alright", I said and sat next to Alexander.
I took off my plaid shirt and he lifted up my t-shirt in the back to see it. He touches it and I hissed. Alexander started sewing it up.
"Alex you can put your shirt back on I'm done", Alexander said
"Thanks", I said putting my plaid shirt back on and turning to look at Sam.
"So like I said early Sam what do you mean", Harry said
"Her eyes turn from grey to black and her face is emotionless", Sam said
"So what if she gets mad", Harry said
"If she gets mad then she will just be mad", Sam said
"So if I was to punch Alex right now what will she do", Alexander said
"I think Alex will kick your ass geezer"
"I think not. I may be old but I'm not weak", Alexander said
"Alex it's almost time for lunch and we still haven't talked about the hit on you", Harry said
"Alright then let's talk"
"If we talk now you will have to miss lunch", Harry said
"I'm fine with that"
"Okay well first we don't know if it's finally right now it's just a rumour", Scotty said
"We still don't know who put it out yet, though", Harry said
"Do you have any suspects or leads"
"No not yet but when we find out we'll let you know", Scotty said
"But for right now watch out for yourself and your foster family", Alexander said
"I'll visit her every day to just keep an eye on her", Sam said
"Okay but Harry why did you bring Ryder over my house"
"He was already at your door and I was going to talk about this", Harry said
Just then I looked at my phone and I have a message from Jamie. I looked at my phone and the text from Jamie
Where are you at -Jamie
"Wait hold on I got a text"
for wat -Me
The afterschool doctor appointment -Jamie
not going -Me
Come on she's coming to our house -Jamie
if she's there then I'm going 2 stay in my room -Me
Well that's fine with me and where are you we looked all over the place -Jamie
I'm not going 2 lie but I'm in a limo -Me
In a limo why are you in a limo -Jamie
talking but I'm on my way -Me
"Who is it from", Sam said
"Jamie she wanted to know where I'm at"
"I guess this talk is over and Alex since you missed lunch there's a fridge next to you", Harry said pointed at the fridge.
I opened the mini fridge and was looking for something to drink and saw a can of Coca-Cola. I opened it and drank all of it.
"That's all you getting", Harry said
"Hey driver stop", Alexander yelled and tapped on the glass behind us.
"Call or text me if you guys get any more information"
"See you Ally", Sam said and gave me a hug.
I opened the limo door and stepped out. Scotty came out too and when into the school. They drove off and I was on the other side of the street in front of the school. Really they couldn't have dropped me off in the parking lot. I walked across the street and walked through the main doors. I walked into the main office and Ms Johnson pointed at principal office. I opened the door and Jamie, Xander and some lady.
"Hey Jamie and Leon what's up"
"Alex sit", Mr Smith said
"Okay", I said and sat next to Jamie.
"So may I ask why did you skip school today", Mr Smith
"I had an excuse sent in"
"What this one from Alexander Frost I bet that's a fake name", Mr Smith said
"Actually he's a real person I was talking to him"
"In a limo, I bet you're lying", Jamie said
"Ask Xander there was a white jeep limo across the parking lot and a boy came"
"Xander was there a limo across the parking lot", Jamie said
"Yeah, a boy named Scotty came and got her. They both got into a jeep limo", Xander said
"May I ask how old this Scotty is", Jamie said
"Twenty-one why you ask"
"How come everybody you know is older than you. I bet this Alexander Frost is older than you", Jamie said
"Actually yeah"
"See I told", Jamie told the lady sitting next to her.
"Who's the ugly lady"
"This is Sandy the lady I wanted you to talk too", Jamie said
"Then I'm leaving", I said and walked towards the door.
Someone's hand was on the door blocking me from opening it. When I looked back it was....