Mason's POV
We busted through the door and saw Alex chained up to a wall. She had bruises all over her face her face was black, blue and purple. She had cuts and burn marks over her legs and arms. What did this motherfucker do to my sister? I looked at my sister hanging up on the wall and there was a small puddle of blood forming near her feet.
I stormed right over to Alex and unchained her while Alexander and Sam shot Drake and the other man. Alex had a fresh grazing on her ear and another to the chest lucky he missed her heart.
Harry and I carried Alex out into one of his medical vans with actual doctors. They took her and kicked me out. I ran back into the building where Alex was held for a week and saw that Drake and the other man was lifeless lying on the floor.
"Is Alex okay", Sam said and put his gun in his pocket.
"Yeah we took her to the van outside"
"I can't believe those assholes would do something like that to Alex", Sam said shaking his head.
"I can't believe Spencer actually followed her here", Alexander said
"Who's Spencer"
They just turned and looked at me.
"You're telling me that you don't know Spencer the man that wanted Alex dead since day one", Sam said
"Don't have a clue"
"Okay, these are the basics Spencer is a man that wants Alex dead but couldn't kill her because your father didn't want her dead just yet. Your father was going to kill her but died all of a sudden before he could", Alexander said
"Alex is half up come see", Harry said running in.
We all ran out and followed him to the nice white looking van. The doctors walked out but one stayed to keep an eye on her. Alex was laying in the bed with tubes and other stuff hooked up to her. I hate to see her like this she has an oxygen mask and everything. Then out of nowhere, Ashton came into the van. I immediately kicked him out because the doctors took off her shirt and pants.
I don't want some strange boy looking at my half naked sister. I stepped out the van so Sam could go and I guess I'll have a talk with Ashton over here. I closed the door and turned to look at Ashton or Stew as she calls him.
"Why can't I see Alex", Ashton said
"Because she's half naked", I said and his ears were starting to turn red.
Aww Alex has a boy who's crushing on her. Wait a second over protective brother mode now she had a crush.
"Oh sorry I didn't know", Ashton said looking everywhere but at me.
"You will be able to see her after she heals some and has clothes on"
"Okay thanks", Ashton said scratching the back of his neck.
"Also I'll tell you one more thing she's fine but bruised up"
"I just want to ask. Do you think they could you know cover her up so I can see her maybe", Ashton said
"Actually, they can't haves a shot wound to the chest"
"She what", Ashton yelled
"Has a shot wound to the chest but it missed her heart. She'll be fine she's been through this before getting shot is nothing to her"
"She's been shot before", Ashton said wide eyed
"Yeah you don't know she hasn't told you"
"No", Ashton said and then there was a moment of silence.
"So I was wondering when she's all healed and stuff. I was wondering if I could take her on a date you with you being the brother and all", Ashton said
No boy in my life asked me if he could take my sister on a date they used to just take her. I got respect for him.
"Sure but it's Alex's decision"
"Okay well um see ya", Ashton said and walked away.
I walked back up to the medical van. I climbed inside and I still can't believe someone would do something like this to her. I know she's had a bad past but hopefully, now this won't happen anymore. I'm going to try my best to get her an actual job so she won't end up like this anymore.
"Mason", I heard someone yelling.
I got out the van while the other doctors walked in. The doctors closed the door and locked it the van drove away. Where is Alex going? I got to find Harry.
"Harry", I yelled walking around.
"Over here", Harry yelled
I turned around and Harry, Sam and Alexander were standing by the car we all drove up in. I jogged over there towards them and they were getting inside the car. I got in the backseat with Sam and we drove off.
"I spoke to that boy Ashton", Harry said
"He said can he see Alex once she's home and well", Harry said
"Sure he can but he also asked me if he could take her out on a date once she's well"
"I see a protective brother", Alexander said and everybody started laughing but me.
I don't see what's so funny.
"Stop laughing", I yelled and everybody stopped.
"Okay but we'll meet Alex at my building", Harry said
"Alright", Sam said
"So do you think Alex will recover well"
"She should but she might be mental damaged or a little physically damaged", Harry said
Okay, I know physically damaged it's like a broken arm or broken leg or not being able to move a certain body part.
"What do you mean mental damaged"
"For awhile she might be you know...", Harry trailed off.
"Be what mentally disabled"
"No, no, no. Not like that, I don't mean it like that. I meant she might be timorous you know easily frighten", Harry said
"What do you mean"
"She might wake up with nightmares, stutter a lot, tense up some or daydream more", Harry said
I can deal with that.
"How long will it last"
"Depends", Alexander said
"What you mean", Sam said
"It depends on how it affected her you know her emotional and mental side", Alexander said
Harry parked the car right outside my building and I got out. Alexander rode down his window and I walked over to his window.
"Bye Mason see ya", Alexander said
"Bye", Harry said
"I'll keep an eye on Alex and call you once she's up and active", Sam said and they drove off.
"Asshole", I said and jumped back.
I heard Harry laughing and he stuck out the middle finger out his window. I hate that man he can act like 16-year-old at times. I had to jump back because Harry almost ran over toes. I walked into the building that held my penthouse on the top and got onto the elevator. I pushed the 5th-floor button and rode the elevator all the way and got off.
I walked up to my door and unlocked it. I really hope gets better soon I have some questions to ask her I walked in and locked my door. I walked straight upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door. I jumped straight on my bed and fell straight asleep once my head hit the pillow. I dreamt about how Alex is feeling right now.