Then he came into the store the one person I hate with a bloody passion my brother. I forgot my brother went to college here in California. That means my father must be around here somewhere visiting. Then he saw me and started walking over here.
"Hey, Alex it's been a long time since I've seen you. You've grown so much", Mason said sounding like he cares about me.
"Yeah you too Macy"
"What have I told you about calling me that", Mason said
He was always calm even when he's angry and I know he hates that name cause mum used to always call him that all the time.
"Not to call you that"
"Well how you feel if dad knew you were here", Mason said with a smirk.
"That he would say your lying and plus that father of ours think that I'm kidnapped or something"
"What if I told him I saw you in a mall", Mason said leaning on of the leather belts rack.
"And what if I leave and walk away", I said walking out the store to the food court with Mason following behind me.
"You know dad is in the food court right", Mason said whispered in my ear.
I quickly turned and went into Foot Locker. I saw Jamie looking at shoes and walked over there towards her.
"Hey Jamie it's time to go now"
"Why there are still other stores to go to and cute jacket", Jamie said while I pulled her out the store by her wrist.
"So who's your friend he's very tall", Jamie said
"Just some stranger"
"Hey, how could you call me that after-", Mason was cut off by me. I stopped walking and turned around to face Mason.
"That's in the past stay in the present and that incident will never be spoken of in this country", I said and walked out the store. Mason stopped walking and stood there.
"Alex everyone will know the real you one day and you can't hide from it forever", Mason yelled. I kept walking until we reached the car.
"Get in", I said getting into the car and Jamie just got in she looked kind of frightened. Once we were on the road Jamie started asking questions.
"Who was that guy? Do you know him? How does he know your name? You look a like you two related? What is this real you he's talking about? Is this the real you? And what happened to your hand?", Jamie said without even stopping to breathe.
"Nun of your business just some bloody asshole", I said driving faster now I need to get us home and fast.
"What's that and slow down you're going 350 mph", Jamie said
"Just shut up and sit back I know what I'm doing", I said and pushed the gas harder and took a sharp turn. Jamie stayed quiet and sat back in her seat. I had got a call and picked it up.
"Alex keep your hands on the wheel we could get in an accident", Jamie yelled then started screaming trying to grab the steering wheel.
"Shut up I'm on the phone", I yelled and answered the phone.
"Who is this?", I said swatting Jamie's hands off the steering wheel and putting my hands back on the wheel.
"That's not a nice way to answer you favourite person in the world", Sam said
"Mason he's back I saw him in the mall"
"What are you doing I hear screaming", Sam said
"We're in the wrong lane", Jamie yelled
I guess she doesn't understand the meaning shut up. I swerved around the cars and got back into the right lane.
"Just Jamie screaming were fine"
"What was it about", Sam said
"Nothing, just Red Riding Hood saying and how to a big bad asshole of a wolf that broke into her house and ate her Nanna", I said sarcastically
"Alex cut out the jokes tell me what happened", Sam said
"Fine just not here while Jamie is screaming. I'll tell you at the party just meet me there", I said and hung up.
I drifted the curve and rode all the way to the house and stopped at the gate of the house. I started back driving again and drove into the driveway.
"There we did what we both wanted and now this shopping day thing is over", I said getting out the car. I went into the house leaving Jamie in the car. I knocked on the door and Xander opened the door.
"You're back early where's my mom school hasn't even started yet", Xander said
"In the car"
"No, not until she gets here so wait", Xander said not losing eye contact with me.
"You bloody cunt move out the fucking way", I said trying to move him.
"No, and wait fucking here until my mom gets here", Xander said not moving at all. Then Jamie came walking towards the front door and she looks very chunder.
"You're never driving again Alex", Jamie said pointing at me and wobbling from side to side.
Xander moved from the door to stop Jamie from falling. I went inside and went to my room. I changed my clothes into some workout gear and packed a bag of clothes just in case. I walked into the kitchen and made a sandwich. Then Matt and Max walked in the kitchen.
"Hey Alex", they said in sync. I wonder do they always do that or is it just sometimes.
"Hey Max and Matt"
"Where are you going dressed like that", Max said
"To go help Santa lose some weight I'm his personal trainer", I said taking a bite out the sandwich.
"Okay have fun and put a good note in for me. Me and Matt are going to go back to stay with our dad", Max said and walked out the kitchen and pulled Matt out with him. After I ate my sandwich I decided to watch telly while I waited it was now 9:20. That means I got 25 minutes to get to Club Eleven.
Xander's POV
After I helped mom into the house I saw Alex on the couch talking to someone. I'm the eavesdropping kind of person so I sat down next to her and acted like I was playing a candy crush on my phone.
"Tommy Salut comment êtes-vous ...... Eh bien .... je besoin d'un vélo rapide ..... tempête maison .... Le 2015 MV Agusta Brutale 800 vélo vert ... Ouais ..... Attendez au revoir et vous allez à la fête ... Ravi de te voir là-bas", Alex said into the phone. Well, I guess I won't know what shes talking about. ( In English-Tommy Hi how are you ...... Well .... I need a fast bike ..... storm home .... The 2015 MV Agusta Brutale 800 green bike ... Yeah .. Wait ... goodbye and you go to the party ... Great to see you there )
"Hey Xander", Alex said looking at me
"Yeah", I said turning off my phone.
"Next time you try to eavesdrop you just know that your phone turned off awhile ago", she said and got up. I looked at the phone and it was off. I guess next time I need to actually look at phone instead of her.
"I was not", I said standing up
"That's a load of bullshit", she said and picked up a bag.
"Where you going?", I said and grabbed her wrist. I know she was speaking french but I don't pay attention during class so I don't know what she said.
"Out somewhere you can if you want", she said and turned around. I had let go of her wrist.
"Where are we going then"
"A club than a party", she said and started back walking.
"Okay but what are you going to drive mom I mean Jamie said you can't drive any of the cars"
"My bike and come on it will be here in a few minutes", she said and closed the door behind us.
"There he is", she said running down the driveway.
I followed behind her and started running. When I got down there I saw this man he looked around 21 and had green eyes. Blond and brown hair a tattoo on his arm of the France flag and was very muscular and tall. I guess he's french. Why does everybody she knows have to be muscular? Why can they be short or skinny and not muscular?
"Ravi de vous voir Tommy", she said giving him a hug ( In English- Nice to see you Tommy )
"Bon de vous voir aussi vous avez grandi tellement depuis que je vous ai vu", he said ( In English- Good to see you too have grown so much since I saw you )
"Xander Ceci est un fils de la tempête , il arrive trop", she said back ( In English- Xander This is a son of the storm, it comes too )
"Eh bien avez-vous dit au sujet des choses que vous avez fait de retour à Londres", he said ( In English- Well did you tell them about the things you did back in London )
"Non jamais Hors de", she said looking kind of angry. ( In English- No never gonna happen)
"Vous devez leur dire parfois vous ne pouvez pas garder le secret à jamais", he said and Alex starting looking kind of mad at him. I guess he said something bad or insulted her. ( In English- You have to tell them sometimes you can't keep it a secret for ever )
"Oui , je peux et je vais", she said opening the door on the back of the truck. ( In English-Yes I can and I will )
"Hey Alex who am I riding with", I said following behind her.
"Ride with Tom were going to the same place and also he's kind of rude so don't mind him", she said rolling a motorcycle out of the back of the truck.
"Okay but you know how to ride one of does death traps on wheels"
"Stop being a duffer and ride with Tom I will be in front you guys if you look out your window you'll see me", Alex said and rode off. I climbed into the truck and Tom drove off.
"So your Xander right", Tom said in a thick french accent
"Yeah", I said and he started driving a little too fast for my liking.
"You think you could slow down a little"
"Stop being a salop", Tom said
"Stop being a what. You know what nevermind but can you slow down"
"Ta Gueule! or in other words shut up the hell up", Tom said in a french accent but he sounded kind of annoyed. I just stayed quiet the rest of the ride. But now he was just pissing me off now and he went faster up to 563 mph. Wait Alex is beside us that means she's going this fast too. But my science teacher said you have to be talented to ride at that speed and that its gets harder to control a car the faster you go.
"Umm Tom where are we going"
"Club Eleven", Tom said
At Club Eleven and I saw Alex parked next to us talking to Logan. I guess everybody hangs out here. I got out and walked over there towards her.
"Hey Xander you finally made it", Alex said
"How are we getting in"
"By walking you know right foot and left foot moving forwards", Alex said
"I'm not slow I know how to walk"
"Bloody dozy", Alex said
"Hey, Alex don't say that", Sam said getting out of the car Alex is sitting on.
"Fine but he is very gormless", Alex said and Sam punched her in the arm rather hard.
"Ow! What was that for", Alex said
"Don't say that about him even though he is one", Sam said closing the car door.
"Fine but let's go", Logan said through laughs and Sam hit him too but on the back of the head.
"So is this everybody because I'm about to go on in about 2 minutes", Alex said looking at her phone.
"Yeah let's go"
We all walked towards the front of the door and skipped the whole line and arrived at where the bouncer stood.
"Hey Drake Alex got a fight and this is a friend of hers", Tom said
"Alright come on in and Alex I see you with your boyfriend", Drake said
"He's not my fucking boyfriend", Alex said
"Not yet", Drake said and closed the door behind us before Alex could say anything else.
I guess we would make a good couple I was right then. It was so loud and drunk people everywhere some sitting on the floor. Then we walked over to the bar and we all sat down on a stool but Alex she sat on the counter.
"Aye Jackie can a get a shot", Alex yelled over to the man wiping down the counters.
"Alright vodka or a bottle of Jack Daniels", I guess Jackie yelled
"Vodka and make it 5 shots", Alex yelled
"Here you go", Jackie said walking over with 5 shots in his hands. Alex took each one and gulped it all down without even taking a break.
"Alex you know the rules you got a fight no more drinks until after the fight", Sam yelled
"Fine and see ya wish the other guy good luck", Alex said and walked off into the crowd.
"Hey Xander keep your eyes on that ring up there that's where Alex going to be", Logan yelled over the music. The music got turned down and some guy holding a microphone came out.
"You're about to witness the famous Alex from London and Dark Knight battle until the other drops cold", The man said through the microphone.
"Come on out Dark Knight", he announced
"And London girl", he announced again
Alex's POV
It's now time for the fight I'm up here waiting for him. When he finished talking, Dark Knight got into a fighting stance as I stood there. I remembered that you always let your opponent make the first move. Dark Knight lunged at me only to be met with an empty space. He turned around as I punched his nose.
He felt it and saw blood coming out. He glared at me and a made a fist, which I caught and I shoved him away from me. This time I got into a fighting stance, he ran to me and I ducked under him and got ready to roundhouse kick his head. But he was expecting that. He grabbed my foot and twisted it. I swung and punched his face, which effectively made him let go.
"Looks like you're not as dumb as your name", I said to him as I shook my foot trying to get it to stop it from tingling.
"Looks like you're not as weak as I thought you were", He replied mockingly.
"Who said I was weak. The only one weak is you", I replied back.
He tried to punch my face but I ducked and then knocked him down after. I kicked his stomach, his face and a did roundhouse kick to his jaw. I brought my foot up to kick him. Just as it was about to make contact with his face, his hand caught my foot and threw me down. He got up and kicked me in my stomach. I jumped up and smiled at him, even though my side hurt. He punched me, I kicked him.
I twisted his arm, he twisted my leg. He lunged at me and I punched his head, knocking him out. I walked off the stage. Into the crowd and stopped by the announcer desk and got my ticket to the party. I was walking until I saw the boy that I would never see twice in one day....