Ashton's POV
Alex ran off and I turned to look at the man in front of me. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar.
"What the fuck did you do to Alex", I said and he had a look of terror in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry",the man said
"Sorry it's going to make her feel better", I growled out
I hate when people say 'sorry' and know that isn't going to solve or help anything. I couldn't hold back I punched him square in his jaw. His nose started bleeding and he held his nose.
"Ashy no", I heard mom yell and I felt hands on my shoulder.
"What the fuck did you do to my Alex", I yelled
"I only asked a question", the man said
"Hey kid calm down", I heard Mr.Hart said
I had left go of the man and he ran inside his car. Mr.Hart sighed and his hands didn't leave my shoulders. He squeezed my shoulders and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"You got to calm down kid. Alex is fine she's probably drinking, listening to music or either playing a game", Mr. Hart said
"Alex she's drinking", I said shocked.
"Don't ask that's her way of coping her feelings or handling things", Mr. Hart said
"We have to make her talk if she doesn't then how will anyone know how she feels"
"Hey me and Alexander learned everything about Alex from her file if it isn't on that file we don't know", Mr. Hart said
"I'll go talk to her"
"Try and talk to her", Mr.Hart said
I walked away and ran into the building into Alex's place. I was standing at her door and I could feel the bass of the music she's playing from outside. I knocked on the door and man do I feel stupid. Why would I knock if I know she can't hear it.
Keys. I started looking through my pockets and got them. I unlocked the door and locked it behind me. Damn, it's loud in here. I walked up the steps and inside the bar lounge, I saw Alex sitting in a green bean bag chair playing some shooting game. The room was cloudy and full of grey smoke and smelt like weed. Wait a second. Weed where did Alex get that. No matter how drunk she is she can still shoot straight.
There were beer, vodka and many other bottles all over the floor. I walked over to Alex and took the joint out her hand. Alex stood up and picked up a remote turning down the music.
"What the fuck", Alex said
"Sit back down", I said pushing her down into the bean bag chair. I threw the joint on the ground and stepped on it and sat down beside her.
"Alex you know if something's bothering you, you can tell me"
"Yeah sure", Alex said sobering up a little.
"Then tell me what's bothering you", I begged and Alex sat up.
She picked up a controller and started playing the game.
"My father he may be dead but I can't forget the damage he's done to me", Alex said staring at the screen.
"Well the damage he's done to you I'm guessing is physical, emotional, and a little bit a mental"
"What do you mean mental", Alex said looking at me out the corner of her eye still playing the game.
"You know you've become tougher I'm assuming. Since what has happened what your father and that other man had done to you have upped your game, you know working out more, I don't know if drinking counts as upping your game but that, learning how to shoot a gun, and all the rest of that stuff"
Damn, I'm going to be the next Dr. Phil up in here.
"I been knew how to shoot a gun, I been worked out, I've been drinking, and all the rest of the stuff that I do. Do you think I like killing all those people that other people want dead? Do you think I like having to kill or fight for my money?", Alex said
"Well umm n-", I was cut off by Alex.
"After high school, I have to go back and work with Frost and Harry. I don't get to experience college like everybody else. I may be rich or whatever but with everything comes something bad. I have to move where ever the money is when the money gets dry here we pack up our things and move somewhere else", Alex said and stood up.
She walked away and I turned to see her walking towards the bar. She bent over it and pulled out a blue bottle with no label on it and started drinking it. After she finished the bottle she hiccupped and fell out on the floor. The bottle fell onto the ground shattering over her.
"What the hell"
I got up and ran over towards her and bent down. I started moving the small pieces of glass off of her and started slapping her face but not hard so that it will leave a print. She was mumbling some words but I could understand her. I pulled out my phone and called Mr. Hart.
"You got Alex under control", Mr, Hart said
"Actually, she drank this stuff out this blue bottle and passed out on the floor"
"She's probably drunk", Mr. Hart said
"Well she is tipsy but she was talking and playing some shooting game then drank some stuff out a blue bottle and passed out dropping the bottle making it shatter on the floor"
"Well is she bleeding", Mr. Hart said
"A little but she hit her head rather hard"
"I'm on my way just keep your eye on her and see if she comes back to reality", Mr. Hart said and hung it.
I put my phone in my back pocket and looked back at Alex. She was still mumbling but her eyes were closed. I tried to open her eyes and her pupils were dilated. I had let go of her eyelid and moved the hair out of her face. I looked down her body and she was covered in broken glass.
I started moving it off of her without cutting my fingers. Then I heard shouting and a door slamming coming from downstairs. Then Mr. Hart, Mr. Frost, Mason and some other guy came running up the steps. The guy came running towards Alex with some bag.
"Move back", the guy said and pushed me back.
I stood up while he took some stuff out the bag.
"What the hell did you do to my sister", I heard Mason yelling storming towards me.
I started backing up and hit the wall. Mason pushed me even though I was on the wall.
"What the hell did you do to my sister", Mason yelled
"Chill out", I heard Mr. Hart yell
"I didn't do anything she drank some stuff and passed out"
"You sure you didn't drug her to get in her pants", Mason said
"If I wanted to get in her pants then I would have already them", I said smirking and Mr. Hart started laughing.
Mason turned around and just looked at Mr. Hart and him and Mr. Frost busted out laughing.
"That's funny as hell", Mr. Frost said
"You walked right into that one", Mr. Hart said
"Hey guys Alex is waking up", the man yelled
I pushed Mason out the way and we all ran towards Alex. We stood over her and her eyes were still closed.
"Why you lie", Mason said pushing the man helping Alex.
"I wasn't I though she was", the man said
"Well she isn't", Mason said
"She was mumbling so I though she was", the man said
Alex started mumbling and everybody got silent.
"See I told you", the man said
"So Scotty when do you think she'll wake up she has school tomorrow", Mr. Hart said
"Tomorrow hopefully", I guess Scotty said
"Alright everybody let's check on her in the morning. Scotty take her to the bed", Mr. Hart said
"Can't, she might have a head injury", Scotty said
"Then give her a pillow or blanket at least"
"Well boyfriend of Alex I just said we can't move her so if we put a pillow under her head that counts as moving her and if I add a blanket f might affect her her current temperature and she may get sick", Scotty said
"So basically there's nothing we can do"
"Yeah all we can do is hope she wakes up tomorrow", Scotty said standing up picking up a bag.
"Is it alright if I stay the night until she wakes up"
"No", Mason said and I turned to look at Mr. Hart.
"It's a no I know you want to stay with Alex but you can see her at school tomorrow right but now we need to get out of here", Mr. Hart said walking down the steps fast.
Everybody followed behind him but Mason he kept looking at me.
"We're getting out of here now so let's go", Mason said
"Why is everybody leaving so fast"
"Because they don't want to hear it", Mason said
"Hear what"
"You can see my sister at school tomorrow", Mason said running down the steps.
"Wait what do you mean", I yelled out
Then Alex started screaming and I turned to look down at her. She had pain all over her face and tear rolled down her face.
"Ashton get down here", I heard Mason yell
I ran down the steps and out the door. Mason closed the door behind me and locked it. Mr. Hart had pain all over his face and looking down at the floor and so was Mr. Frost.
"What's going on"
"I'll see you at the office in the morning", Mr. Frost said walking towards the elevator.
"What is going on here", I yelled and everybody looked at me.
Mr. Hart sighed and looked up at me.
"Well umm", Mr. Hart said and scratched the back of his neck.
"Alex sort of goes through these things she sees things bad things and hears her step father's voice. When the she closes her eyes for a long time and isn't tired she remembers bad things happening to her like now", Mr. Hart said
"Take her to a therapist"
"She does like them and won't talk to anybody about the things see goes through she keeps them bottled up", Mr. Hart said
"Did she tell Sam or Logan her brothers"
"No she doesn't even trust them enough to tell them but hopefully she'll tell you", Mr. Hart said
"Does she had a therapist"
"Yeah but she doesn't see him she has appointments set up everybody weekday at 5 and the doctor just sits there every time thinking that she'll come", Mr. Hart said
"Has she met him yet"
"No never but if she doesn't start going by next week we're going to make her go. Not to say she has a mental problem or anything but she needs help", Mr. Hart said
"Where is her therapist at"
"On andrews avenue in that white building room 713 on the 7th floor", Mr. Hart said
"Okay I'll try to make her go"
"Thanks and well I'll see you around and bye Mason", Mr. Hart said
"Hey why you saying 'bye' to me and 'see you later' to Ashton do you not want to see me again", Mason said
"Because a brother would have convinced his sister to go and get help instead of letting her suffer", Mr. Hart said
"She doesn't trust me but she'll protect me so why try if I'm going to fail", Mason said and walked towards the stairwell.
"Bye Mr. Hart"
"Don't say that say see you later", Mr. Hart said
"And don't call me Mr. Hart your Alex's boyfriend you can call me Hart or Double H", Hart said
"Well then see you later", I said walking towards the stairwell.