Someone busted through the door and Harry, Alexander, and Leon ran off somewhere. Cowards. Mason and I turned and looked at each other. He just shrugged and I started going through his drawers for a towel to stop the blood. I finally found them and took 2. The door closed and I looked around the room nobody is there. That's weird.
"Alex we are defenceless I have no extra weapons", Mason said looking at me.
"We have 2 knives, 2 guns, forks and some knives that should last us"
"About that my forks and knives are plastic I don't like to clean", Mason said
"Okay what about glass plates, cups or something"
"Nope the plates and cups are foam again I don't like to clean", Mason said
"You're fucking helpless", I muttered looking around the kitchen.
"Hey I'm a lazy kid that doesn't like to clean", Mason said and I tossed him a towel.
I started tying it around my upper arm and winced at little when I tied a knot. I looked over at Mason and he was struggling to tie it. I walked over to him and took it out his mouth. I started tying it around his left hand. I guess the intruder ran back out and started banging on the door.
"Thanks", Mason said and I tied a knot.
"Already but first", I said and slapped the back of his head.
"Shit that hurts", Mason said rubbing the back of his with his good hand.
"What was that for", Mason said
I know not the best thing to do doing a attacked but the person banging on the door. I see something on the back of Mason's head. It's a red light. I wave my hand across the back of his head.
"Stop trying to hit me again", Mason said swatting my hand away.
It's a sniper I pushed Mason onto the floor and landed on top of him. Mason pushed me off of him and just glared at me. The bullet flew past us and made a hole in the wall.
"What the hell was that for", Mason said not breaking contact with me.
"You're telling me you didn't see that bullet hit your wall it was aimed at you", I said standing up.
I held out my hand to help Mason up but he just slapped my hand away. Okay, then Mr Moody.
"Are you mad cause I just saved your sorry ass life"
"No, I'm mad cause you always save my life I'm the big brother and not once had I saved you from anything", Mason said
"Right now you can save my life by trying to any weapon because those cowards just left us here"
"Okay but truce over everything and starting new", Mason said
I don't have time for this we need to find a way out of here.
"Alex say something we need a truce if we're going to be working together", Mason said and I looked at him.
"Yeah okay truce"
"No Alex I need to know that you trust me and that we have a truce", Mason said
"There's banging at the door and I think your door is going to give out in a while"
"Say we have a truce and truly mean it", Mason said
"Okay I forgive you over what happened in the past I'll let bygones be bygones we have a truly genuine truce and a fresh you new start"
"As brother and sister", Mason said
"As brother and sister"
After a moment of silence, I had to say something.
"Now let's stop this sappy ass shit and find a way out this place"
"You sure do know how to ruin a moment", Mason said
I heard a door unlock and the man was standing by the door. We looked over there and a man was standing there with a ski mask on. Really this man looks like a bank robber but he's missing a money bag.
"Get down on the ground", the man said but this voice sounds familiar.
Mason dropped to the ground but I stayed standing up. I know that voice.
"I said get down on the ground", the man yelled.
Now I know who this is it's Sam I can tell Sam was never a good robber. He kept to the classics a ski mask and wearing all black.
"What do you mean no", Sam said sounding confused.
He always slips up when things don't go as plan.
"I mean come on you come in then leave and then wait 15 minutes and come back in", I said taking at step towards him.
Sam took a step backwards you're never supposed to back down you always stand your ground. Sam pulled out a gun and he could never point a gun a gun at me. I could never point a gun at him. He pointed the gun at the wall behind me.
"Come on cut the shitty act, Sam"
"Sam who's Sam", Mason said from behind me still on the floor.
"Shit I'm busted", Sam said and took off the mask.
"You could never be a thief you never give away your identity and a ski mask are you robbing a bank later"
"Fuck off Alex", Sam said
I walked over to him and he dropped the gun on the floor. He didn't even take the safety off.
"Mason you can stand up he isn't going to shoot anybody"
"Okay Steve-", Mason was cut off by me.
"Okay Sam how do you know my sister", Mason said and stood up.
"I'm a friend that helped her out when she was little when she used to get bullied", Sam said
"You used to get bullied and didn't even tell me really", Mason said
"Wait do you know who I am", Mason said
"Yeah her brother Mason right", Sam said
"Finally", Mason yelled and ran towards Sam giving him a hug.
"Really", Sam said just standing there.
"What can I say he's surprised that I told somebody that he's my brother", I said and Mason stepped away from him.
Logan walked in eating some skittles and just looked at Sam and started laughing.
"I went to the vending machine for 2 minutes to get a snack and you already got caught", Logan said and stopped laughing.
"Shut up", Sam said
"You didn't even last 5 minutes", Logan said and started back laughing.
Since we all talking about Sam's way of scaring people then I want to add my 2 cents.
"Sam you going to rob a bank cause you're missing your big money bag with the dollar sign on it",
"Good one", Logan said and gave me a high five.
"Shut the fuck up it both of you unless you're both going to get your asses beat", Sam said angrily.
I can never take him serious when he's mad he looks like one of those angry troll faces.
"Get what money because I think you left that bag at home", Logan said and stood next to me.
"Logan shut the hell", Sam growled out and I started laughing.
"Are you robbing a bank and then make a grand getaway on a snowplough cause you sure are dressed for it", I said and I and Logan started dying laughing.
"Logan and Alex", Sam growled out and we started laughing harder.
"Logan and Alex", Logan growled out copying Sam.
"I'm going to kill you two", Sam growled out and tackled us to the floor.
Logan still had his candy in his hand and wouldn't let it touch the floor. Even though Sam's hand is putting pressure on my arm where it got grazed by Mason. I couldn't stop laughing. From the corner of my eye, I see someone coming into the room.
"Really again Alex first Mason now Sam", Alexander said
"Come on get up", Alexander said and pulled Sam off of us.
We kept laughing until Alexander started kicking us in the sides. We both stood up and I punched Alexander straight in his face. I guess Alexander didn't see it coming and he stumbled backwards. Mason, Sam, and Logan looked at me surprised. If there's one thing I hate it's when someone takes a cheap shot at me. I would have acted differently but he kicked me hard like he was kicking a punching bag.
"Don't kick me"
"You're going to get it you piece of shit", Alexander said and tackled me over the couch onto the broken coffee table.
Shit not again the table and couch thing again. He started punched me back in the face and started punching me in the stomach. I head butted him and pushed him off of me. I pushed him off the table and jumped on top of him. I picked up a piece of glass and held it to his neck.
"Kick me again I want you to"
Alexander was just shocked he just stared at me. He had fear in his eyes and fear was written all over his face. I heard someone cock a gun and felt it touch my head.
"I knew you two were going to fight one day but not like this", Harry said
"Get your gun off my head"
"Not until you move that piece of glass away from my friend's fucking neck", Harry said
I dropped the glass next to his head and Harry hit me the back of the head with the back of the gun. It hurts but I'm not going to show weakness by crying or I making a noise. That's the one and only thing I learned from my father. I turned around and stood up. Harry still had his gun pointed at me.
"You're not going to shoot me"
"Give me one god damn reason", Harry said
"I'm drawing up blank"
"Alex don't mess with him", Alexander said
"Get out now", Harry said and pointed at the door.
"Alex he has a gun", Mason said
"I don't care I'm not going to let some man talk to me any kind of way"
I spit the blood in my mouth at his shoes.
"You disrespectful little-", Harry was cut off by Mason.
"Whoa there take that gun off my sister's head", Mason said taking slow steps towards him.
"Your sister is disrespectful I thought at least your mother taught you better than this", Harry said
"Don't talk about my mother"
"What you don't like when people talk about you and your low life mother", Harry said
I started walking towards him and he didn't take even one step backwards. I stopped right in front of him and kicked him in his shin. He fell to the floor on his knees and everything went red.
"A-Alex", I heard someone say and someone was shaking me.
Everything went back to normal. That's weird first everything is red then back to normal. That's a new colour I've never seen that one before I wonder what happened. I looked at my clothes and they were covered in blood.
I looked at my hands and my right hand was holding someone's head by their hair. My other one was in a fist and someone was holding my arm. I looked up to see who was holding my fist and it was Mason.
I dropped my fist and Mason had let go of my arm. Then I looked forward at the man I was holding by his hair. I was standing up and holding Harry by his hair while he was on his knees. His face was covered in blood and he was unconscious.
I had left go of his hair and he dropped to the floor towards me. I stepped back and looked at my hands. They were covered with blood and then I looked around the room. Sam, Logan, Alexander, and Mason were just staring at me. Logan's skittles were on the floor and his mouth was wide open.
"A-Alex you okay", Sam said taking slow steps towards me.
"What happened"
"Harry said something about your mother and you went on a rampage you were punching him", Sam said
"I stopped you before you could give him the final blow", Mason said and gave me a towel.
I started wiping off my hands and gave him back the towel. I looked at Harry on the floor and Harry was still breathing. Thank god Mason stopped me from killing Harry I don't know what I would do if Harry died.
"I d-didn't mean to everything just went red"
"Come here let me check out your eyes", Sam said and I walked over towards him.
He made me look left to right and keep staring at my eyes.
"You haven't been sleeping well have you", Sam said still staring at my eyes.
"Yeah how you know"
He had stopped staring in my eyes so I can blink.
"Your eyes have a red spot", Sam said
"So my eyes feel great"
My eyes don't feel different so how am I supposed to know.
"You haven't showered in a while too", Logan said
"Yeah into what clothes I don't have my bag"
"You could wear my clothes I have some joggers and a shirt. I had ordered some underwear but they were girls so you can wear those", Mason said scratching the back of his neck.
"Why do you have girl underwear"
"I saw a free gift ad and once I got the box I opened it was girl boxers", Mason said
I couldn't help but laugh. Logan and Sam started laughing too. Every time he sees a free gift ad he always takes it sometimes it's nothing.