"So does that mean I can leave now"
"Yes Alex it means you can leave now", Mr Smith said
"Well then he I won't need this anymore", I said and gave him his books back.
"Well then Mason here's her file and transcript give it to your new principal", Mr Smith said and my file is huge it's packed.
I wonder what's in it.
"Bye Mr Smith", Mason said
"Bye Timothy"
We walked out the Meadow High and now I got a new school no more Leon or his sons. We got into his car and he drove off.
"Time to eat", Mason said
"What are you talking about"
"At the food court in the mall remember", Mason said
I forgot about that and I got my wallet. I got a debit card that I got when I was living with Leon. I think I have some money one the card. I looked through my pockets and had a hundred dollar bill and a fifty dollar bill. That should be enough for food and the rest could go to my kitchen stuff.
"Alex what are you doing", Mason said
"Just checking how much I have", I said and put the $150 dollars in my wallet.
"We're at the mall you ready to go shopping", Mason said
"Sure but after this let's stop by a kitchen supply store"
"Okay but you going to need any help with carrying the clothes and supplies", Mason said and we got out the car.
"Yeah I'm not the hulk I can't carry all the stuff at the same time"
We walked into the mall and the first thing Mason wanted was a cookie.
"I want a cookie", Mason said staring at the glass like a 4-year-old.
"Okay choose some and I'll buy them"
"Okay I want the 3 sugar cookies, 4 snickerdoodles, 2 chocolate chips, 2 red velvet brownie and 1 peanut butter cookie", Mason said to the lady behind the counter.
She bagged them up and said it would cost $20 dollars so I gave her the fifty and she gave me my change. Mason was chewing on his cookies when I looked inside Journeys for some shoes. I bought some converse and vans. I also went into Foot Locker and bought some jordans.
"I'm hungry again", Mason said while I buying my last pair of shoes.
"You just ate 1o cookies and 2 brownies"
"I know but now I want some hot wings", Mason said
"Here take this and I'll meet you at the food court", I said and gave Mason 30 dollars.
He started smiling and took my shoes.
"I'll take the shoes go buy some clothes I'll be the guy in the food court with 30 dollars worth of food", Mason said and skipped down to the food court.
I just started laughing and went into Rue 21 and bought some shirts and pants. I went into Aeropostale and bought some shorts and jogging pants. I spend 250 dollars worth of clothes and 250 dollars on clothes. I guess I have lots of money on this card. I walked towards the food court and people were just staring at me I think it's because I have a lot around my arm.
"Hey Alex", I heard Mason yell out from in front of me.
Mason was eating hot wings, Chinese food, and some more cookies. He had about 3 large cups full of juice I think. I sat down across from him and he was still eating how could he eat this much.
"Alex you want some", Mason said
"Nah I'll just take this cup of juice and meet you by the car", I said and Mason gave me the keys.
I walked out to the car and put the bags in the trunk. I sat down in the car and called Alexander. After the third ring, Alexander finally picked up.
"Hi Alex", Alexander said
"Is Harry alright"
"Yeah he's fine you broke his jaw and nose. How's things with Leon", Alexander said
"He said I could talk to him or his sons ever again and I got accepted into Bark Ridge"
"Nice what you doing", Alexander said
"Shopping and Mason eating like a mad man that was just let out of prison"
"How much you give him", Alexander said and Mason was walking towards the yelling at someone.
"Fifty I'll call you back"
"Bye Alex", Alexander said and hung up.
I put my phone in my pocket and Mason comes to the car. He sat down in the drover's side and he was pouting. He drove off and I wonder why he's so gutted.
"What's wrong with you"
"I got kicked out the food court", Mason said
"They said I was eating too much and taking food away from other people", Mason said
"Well you were eating like you haven't eaten in months"
"Hey I'm a growing boy that needs food", Mason said stopped outside some kitchen supply store.
We went in and I brought some plates, bowls, cookware, kitchen tools, and silverware. We walked back out and we also stopped by Walmart and Best Buy. Mason drove to my garage and I got my white Mustang . Now this car is my favourite. I ran inside the garage and I picked up my keys. I closed the garage and got into my car. Mason followed me to my new place. I got out the car and looked up at my penthouse on the top floor.
Now this place looks better than the pictures. I made Mason carry all my clothes and other stuff into the penthouse. I hung up all my clothes in my closet and shoes lined up under my bed. Mason and I were putting up my kitchen supplies and now all I need to do is but some food. It's weird how I have a gym on the third floor and closet already sitting there. I guess I'll put my weapons in this closet since nobody going to be in this room but me.
Mason left an hour ago and I was putting up my blender and plugged it in. I was downstairs setting up my new Samsung 35in flat screen tv because the one the past owners left is too small. My doorbell rang it must be the neighbours welcoming me. I put the tv up on the stand. I walked over to the door and answered it. It was a man with a toolbox and a box beside him.
"I install the security programs here", the man said
"What kind of security program"
"A passcode one", the man and walked into my penthouse.
I closed the door behind him and he started putting something up on the wall. I walked back over to the tv and started setting up the Xbox one Mason bought me he also bought some games to go with it and 2 remotes for when he comes over. He said it was a housewarming gift.
"Hey can you put a code in", the man said
"Okay how many numbers"
"5", the man said
I typed in 08231. He drilled a small hole above my door and put something in the hole.
"What's that for"
"To see how many walk out people. If there are 3 people in here and only 1 of them leave then you will be notified on your phone that one person is still in your house. But remember when you come in always type in your code or the alarm will ring", the man said and gave me a business card.
"Okay thanks"
"Call the number on the card if you have any problems with the system", the man said and left.
I went back to setting up my Xbox and now I'm done my with everything and I haven't eaten yet. I'll order some pizza.
"Hello this is Pizza Hut", a girl said on the other end.
"Can I get 1 medium pizza with beef, extra cheese, and bell peppers"
"Where do you live", the girl said
"7523 Roseridge Rd. the room on the top floor"
"Okay your pizza is begin made", the girl said and hung up.
I walked over to my couch and started watching Teen Titans Go! My doorbell rand after 5 minutes it couldn't be the pizza delivery people. I walked over to the door and Leon and Xander were at the door.
"What do you want Leon"
Wait, a second how does he know where I live.
"Principal Smith said you still have to do the project Ms Williams gave you", Leon said
"Alright but how do you know where I live"
"I got a P.I to find out so you guys could do the project", Leon said
"Okay will then come in"
Leon and Xander came in and sat down on the couch. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out a notebook. I walked back into the living room and Xander wasn't there. I looked on the floor with my bed and Xander was sitting there looking at my shoes.
"When did you get this many shoes", Xander said
"After I left Meadow High now come on let's go and learn about each other history"
We walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch.
"So what happened in your past why did you want to leave London", Xander said holding up a notebook.
I don't like Leon and they don't need to know the truth. So I'll lie instead.
"I wanted to leave London to explore the world"
Actually, I left London because I wanted to get away from my father.
"Your nightmares how many times out a week do they happen", Xander said
"2 sometimes 4 if don't feel good why"
"Just asking, just asking", Xander said
"So what are your past jobs", Xander said
"I worked at bar, gambling, and cleaning"
Well, I never worked at a bar or cleaned but I do fighting and killing.
"When did you get your first job", Xander said
"4 or somewhere around that age"
"About your father how was he", Xander said
I don't have a lie for him. I'm shocked and my just ran blood cold. Ths has never happened to my before. I got cold all of a sudden.
"Hey, Alex you okay", Xander said and reached out towards me.
Then the memories I left at the back of my mind come back.
"You'll never be called my daughter", my father said and slapped me across my face.
My face was moved to the side because of the force he put in the slap. The side of my face started to sting and I spit on his shoe. I turned and looked up at him he was just staring at me.
"Just get out I don't care where you sleep tonight", my father said and pointed at the door.
I stood my ground and didn't move. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me out the door onto the concrete ground. I landed on the ground face first and the side of my face was scratched up. All I heard was him slamming the front door.
I felt someone shaking me and stood up looking around the room. Xander and Leon were just staring at me. My breathing got faster and faster. I think I was having a panic attack. This is why I don't like to sleep because of memories like this and the worst one is about my mum.
"Alex you alright", Xander said
I blinked a couple of times and slowed down my breathing.
"Yeah I'm fine just a little light headed"
"Is it because of your father", Leon spoke up.
"You are just a mistake", my father said
"You're just a slut you're no daughter of mine", my father said
All I hear is his hurtful words in my head.
"You're just a piece of shite you mother never loved you", my father said
"You're an ungrateful son of a bitch you don't deserve to live", my father said
"Shut up leave me alone", I muttered
"Alex you okay", Leon said and reached out for me.
I kept trying to cover my ears with my hands but I still hear it.740Please respect copyright.PENANAIM51ZTYgyv
"Leave now", I yelled at Xander and Leon.
"I'm calling Sam", Leon said and took out his phone.
"No", I yelled out
"Yes...I don't know what going on..please hurry", Leon said
"You filthy bastard you don't need to live I never loved you", my father said
"Your shouldn't even be living", my father said and then boom a gun went off and I was crying on the floor holding my arm.
"Get the fuck out Xander and Leon", I yelled and sat on the floor.
I pulled my knees up to my head and started crying. I couldn't stop them his words are still hurtful no matter how tough I become. His words haunt me every day even while I sleep. That's why I don't like to sleep anymore.