Ashton's POV
I parked outside Olive Garden and stepped out. I closed my door and Alex came out the car talking in a different language.
"Я прийму роботу", Alex said ( In English- I will accept the job )
What language is she talking? What is she saying?
"Hey Alex"
Alex closed the car door and turned towards me.
"Перепрошую сер. Хвилинку", Alex said ( In English- Excuse me sir. One moment )
Alex turned towards me and held the phone away from her ear.
"Wait a second. Sorry Stew but I have to take this call", Alex said
Alex out the phone back to her ear. We walked into Olive Garden and sat down in the waiting room.
"Одна тисяча . Нічого собі , спасибі , я не знаю , що сказати . Так , сер , ви можете по електронній -mail мені деталі , я буду працювати над цим , як тільки я отримую його", Alex said ( In English- One thousand . Wow, thanks, I do not know what to say. Yes, sir, you can e -mail me the details, I will work on this as soon as I get it )
Alex finally hung up her phone and she was smiling she was so happy. The waiter took us to a table and I sat down. Alex sat down and I was just staring at her. One moment she's sad then happy then mad and now back happy. What's wrong with her in the head?
"What", Alex said
"Oh nothing just staring"
"Excuse me are you ready to order", the waiter said
The waiter was just staring at Alex. That boy wasn't even looking at me or even asking me what I want.
"Yeah we're ready"
He didn't even look at me.
"Yeah can I get some sweet tea", Alex said
"Sure", the waiter said
He was writing it down. What the hell? I cleared my throat and he finally noticed me.
"Yes, and what do you want", the waiter said rudely.
"Some lemonade"
"Okay now what would you like to eat beautiful", the waiter said
Is he flirting with Alex. I'm sitting right here and Alex is just enjoying it.
"Chicken Alfredo please", Alex said
"Anything else", the waiter said
"Hey, Stew what would you like", Alex said looking at me finally.
I straighten up and looked at Alex.
"The same"
"Okay so 2 chicken alfredo, a lemonade and a sweet tea", the waiter said
"Yeah", Alex said
"Okay I'll be back with your order", the waiter said and walked away.
"You okay", Alex said
"No, I'm not okay our waiter was just flirting with you in my face"
"I didn't notice", Alex said
"Of course, you didn't", I said rolling my eyes.
"What do you mean", Alex said
"Nothing who were you talking to on the phone that got you so happy"
"Just a client", Alex said
"For what"
"My line of work. He'll pay me a thousand for a killing and make it seem like someone else did it", Alex said
"And you happy about that"
"Why wouldn't I? That was my second line of work before I went off the grid", Alex said
"So what was your first"
"Stealing", Alex said
"Since I know nothing about you how about we play a question game. We both get 10 questions and if you pass the other person gets another question"
"Sure", Alex said
"What's your full name"
"Alex Christy Jackson", Alex said
"Yeah Christy it's my mum's middle name", Alex said
"Your turn"
"Okay umm let me think...what sport do you do", Alex said
"And please don't say football", Alex said
"No, I just work out. Haven't really thought about joining any sports"
"Okay cool", Alex said
"Have you ever had a real job"
"No never", Alex said
"Why aren't you at school", Alex said
"Wanted to check on you"
"Is that all of it", Alex said
"No, I don't have to answer that question. You wanna know why because it's my turn to ask the questions"
"So childish", Alex said
Then 2 waiters appeared next to our table. One of them had our food and the other waiter that was flirting with Alex had our drinks. I promise you I saw him spit in my drink as he put it down. The other waiter gave us our food and they walked away. Alex started laughing once they were gone.
"What's so funny"
"Your drink he spit in it", Alex said and everybody was just staring at her.
I guess she realized it and stopped laughing.
"If you don't stare at me I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat", Alex said
Everybody looked away from her and started back talking to who was with them but this man wouldn't stop staring at us.
"Alex there is a man staring at us"
"I know act normal and don't look at him", Alex said
"Okay then what am supposed to do", I whispered
"Don't whisper talk normally", Alex said
"You must be experienced in this"
"You don't need to be experienced to know that", Alex said
I just had a slow moment.
"Now don't look at him just eat", Alex said
I started eating and looking at Alex but he was still staring at us.
"I'll fix this", Alex said and turned around.
She looked at him and waved over at him. He pointed at himself Alex nodded her head. He stood up and walked over here. He stood over our table and was just staring at me.
"Hello Mister...", Alex trailed off.
"Anton", Mr. Anton said
"Well Mr. Anton my friend over here said you were staring at us", Alex said
She didn't beat around the bush or anything. Now this is a straight forward girl she gets to the point.
"Oh you guys just reminded me of me and wife one our first date", Mr Anton said
"I best she was lovely", Alex said
Why did she make it sound like she passed away?
"Yes, she was actually. Oh am I intruding on your date", Mr. Anton said
"Kind of-SHIT", I yelled the last part because Alex kicked me.
I thought Dr. Keats said no straining or over using her muscles.
"Excuse my friend over here", Alex said giving me the 'Shut the hell up and let me talk' look.
I did just that and smiled at him and Alex.
"Is your boyfriend okay?" Mr. Anton said
"He's not my boyfriend but yes sir my friend is fine", Alex said
"I'll let you and your boyfriend get back to your date", Mr. Anton said and walked away.
"He's not my boyfriend", Alex growled out.
"Your sure everybody thinks it"
"You are not my boyfriend", Alex said
I'll finna go Spongebob on her.
"Well I am a boy and I am your friend"
"Don't go all fucking Spongebob on me motherfucker", Alex said eating her Alfredo.
"So much profanity in one sentence"
Alex has a sailor mouth she needs to wash her mouth out with soap. I grabbed Alex's drink and drank all of it. I looked back up and saw that she was done with her Alfredo.
"What the hell"
"What I was hungry I threw up my Frosted Flakes", Alex said
"That's not something you say when someone's about to eat"
"Opps", Alex said and shrugged her shoulders.
The flirty waiter came back to the table.
"Would you like dessert", the waiter said
"Just the check please", Alex said and he walked away.
"Stop flirting with him"
"Why you jealous", Alex said smirking
"No, not at all"
"Yeah you are", Alex said
"I'm not"
"Okay then", Alex said
I don't like that look in her eye. I finished my Alfredo and the flirty waiter came back and before he left Alex tugged on his shirt. He turned around and Alex whispered something in his ear and his face went dumb red.
"See you later", Alex said flirty waving at him.
"What the hell did you do"
"Nothing you jealous", Alex said and pushed the check over to me.
I put some 20s down to pay for the meal and made sure I put down the correct change. I looked back up at Alex and she was just staring at my face. I started feeling around my face for food.
"Is there something on my face"
"No just looking", Alex said it was like she was in a trance.
"What you looking at"
"Your li-Nothing nothing at all", Alex said shaking her head.
Was she about to say lips? She wants to kiss me. Yay, she wants to kiss me. Wait she wants to kiss me. When should I kiss her outside or later or when I drop her off? I'll know when it's time. This time, a different waiter came and took the check.
We stood up and walked out but Alex was a few steps ahead of me. I jogged up to her and put my arm around her waist. Alex looked up at m and pushed me away. She walked off and sped off to the car. I unlocked and she got in. What did I do?789Please respect copyright.PENANAZIXCvHVAqv
I ran towards the car and got in. I put my seatbelt on and started up the car. I looked over at Alex and she was looking out the window. I drove off and I think now is the time to ask what's wrong.
"What's wrong"
"Question game Alex. What's wrong with you?"
"My birthday is tomorrow", Alex said
"So what's wrong with that"
Who's sad that tomorrow's their birthday?
"Nothing", Alex said
"I got another question why don't you like your birthday"
"Pass", Alex said
Whatever happened on her birthday she sure doesn't like it.
I parked outside her building and got out. I locked the car and followed Alex into the building. We got into the elevator and Alex was just staring off into space. What happened on her birthday that's so bad? We got off on the 5th floor and Alex was just staring at me.
"Why aren't you going home", Alex said
"Because I want to make sure your going to be alright"
"I won't be here in the morning so just leave", Alex said and I followed her into her penthouse.
I laid down on the couch and Alex went upstairs. She's been quiet ever since we left Olive Garden. I closed my eyes and went to sleep hearing loud thuds coming from upstairs.