Someone's hand was on the door blocking me from opening it. When I looked back it was... the principal.
"Remove your fucking hand"
"No come and sit back down so we can talk", Mr Smith said
"If I go sit back down I will not talk. I don't like doctors and I never will I don't trust them"
"Why not they could save your life", Jamie said
"Or kill a life"
I turned around from the door and faced Mr Smith. He moved out of the way and I sat back down next to Jamie.
"So why don't you hang around people your age", Sandy said
"Okay will another question. I heard that you came from London it's a nice place right", Sandy said
"So why don't you talk about your past something bad happened", Sandy said
"Okay then what about your family how was your father did he ever take care of you ever since your mother passed", Sandy said
"Well if you don't answer any questions how am I supposed to help you", Sandy said
"Alex answer a question or at least say something", Jamie said and reached over to touch my back.
I moved so her arm doesn't touch my back. I closed my eyes and ran my hand over my face.
"Well I read up on your police record from London and it said you witnessed many murders but didn't say anything in court why is that", Sandy said
"Are you remembering those murders or is it that maybe you killed all those people", Sandy said getting louder towards the end.
"Can you shut up about bloody London"
"No, maybe because you'll then understand that those innocent people didn't need to die maybe if you spoke in court maybe you would feel better", Sandy said
"I didn't kill those people", I yelled out.
Well like a hand full of them.
"You sure they said your fingerprints was on the body", Sandy said
"How about the case with your mom they said you were the one that called 999. But when the police arrived your mother was dead", Sandy said
"Don't bring my mother into this", I growled standing up turning towards Sandy.
"Why you're her killer", Sandy said
"I would never kill my mother she was the only one that took care of me. Maybe I didn't talk in court because the court day was the next day and I was still traumatised about her"
Then all of a sudden everything went black.
Jamie's POV
"Don't bring my mother into this", Alex growled out and stood up.
"Why you're her killer", Sandy said
I think Sandy went little too far on that subject but at least it got something out of her. I hope this helps her to change her ways. Maybe then she'll turn into the perfect daughter I want like Chastity.
"I would never kill my mother so was the only one that took care of me. Maybe I didn't talk in court because the court day was the next day and I was still traumatised about her deaf", Alex said walking up to Sandy.
That's when I saw something change her eyes. They weren't grey anymore they were black and her face expression didn't look mad anymore it was emotionless. She walked up and grabbed Sandy by her neck. Sandy started scratching at her hands put it wouldn't work Alex picked her up by her neck out of the chair.
Mr Smith stood up and tried to pull Sandy out of Alex's grasp but it didn't work. I decided to call Sam maybe he knows what to do. Then Xander stood up and tried helped Mr Smith out.
"Hey Sam", I said through the phone.
"Yes Mrs Storm", Sam said
"We need your help"
"Why what happened", Sam said
"I had sent her up to talk with a therapist-"
"I don't need to hear anymore and I'm on my way with some people to calm her down", Sam said
"Wait what do you mean calm down I can do that"
"Yeah she's angry and she hates therapist more than her father. Also, you can't we have something if we can't calm her down", Sam said and hung up.
I guess I messed up this time and got her this way. I hope she doesn't get mad at me. But her father she hates him why.
"Mom help us", Xander yelled
I ran over there and helped them get Sandy go. But then Alex got her on the floor and Sam and 3 other men came into the room. One of them I meet at the house when Alex fought the boy. We moved out the way and they pulled Alex off of her. They held her down on the floor by holding her arms and legs.
"Hey Ally remember me Sam", Sam said
"Alex you need to calm down remember what I told you your surrounding", the first man said
"Alex come on we know this isn't you. You know this isn't you", the second man said
"We all know your mother and that you're still sensitive about your mother", the third man said
"We know you didn't kill her and we're still looking for her killer", the second man said
"The cases you were witnessed to. You didn't kill them. You're not their killer", the third man said
"Alex please come back", Sam said
I walked over to them and looked at Alex. Her eyes were turning back grey but once her eyes landed on me they went black.
"Can you step back", the first man said sounding sort of rude.
"Well can you ask nicely"
"Move the fuck back", Sam said motioning it with his hand.
I stood back and my son started hugging me.
"Is Alex going to be okay", Xander whispered into my ear.
"Why you ask", I whispered
"I'm kind of worried about her", Xander said whispered
"Well she's going to be fine", I said
Sam stood up with the second man. The second one pulled out a gun and aimed it at Alex's neck.
"Hey move get off of her", the second man said
They moved and Alex stood up. He shot her in the neck and she fell to the ground. The third man bent down next to Alex and held a thumbs up.
"She's good to go", the third man said
"Alright well we'll be leaving see ya Sam", the second man said and they all left but Sam stayed.
"Is Alex dead", Xander said walking over to Alex.
"No just sleep she'll be fine. Jamie is it okay if I stay with you for a while until Alex wakes up", Sam said
"Yeah but why did you shoot her"
"Also please don't say a thing about this to her when she wakes up", Sam said
"Why not she needs to know"
"No in her mind she everything goes black and when she wakes up she thinks she fell asleep", Sam said
"Well to make sure this doesn't happen again what should I do"
"Never talk about her mother and don't question about her mother's case or the cases about how she witnessed the killings of people. If you want to know something about her then talk to her. She'll talk but don't go too deep into it", Sam said and threw Alex over his shoulder.
"I guess she has to lay down"
"Yeah and I'll stay with her until she wakes up", Sam said and we left the principal's office.
"Is it alright if I stay with her too until she wakes up", Xander said
"Yeah it'll be fine", Sam said
I walked to the car while Xander went to get Arnold and Tyler. I opened the car door and started up the car. I cracked the windows so some air could get inside the car. Sam laid Alex across the backseat and sat where her head was. I closed the car door and my sons came out.
"Hey mom why are we leaving", Arnold said
"Mom", Tyler said and hugged me.
"Can I ride with you", Arnold said
I looked back inside the car and looked at Sam. He shook his head and mouthed 'no'.
"Umm no you'll ride with Xander back to the house"
"What about Alex where is she", Tyler said
"She'll be riding with us"
I didn't know they cared this much about Alex. I guess I was wrong and they really care about her. But how I don't even like her like a mother yet.
"Alright but give her this. She said that she won't be going to her classes so I got her classwork", Arnold said and gave me her classwork.
"Okay I'll give it to her", I said and they got into the truck.
They drove off and I got into my car. I drove off and Sam stopped by a bookstore. He came back out with 2 bags full of books. I drove off again and got home. I parked the car and called Leon.
"Honey do you mind helping us get Alex", I said through the phone.
"What do you mean by help get her did she ran again", Leon said
"No she's umm sleep and Sam needs help getting her into the house"
"Why don't you ask one of the boys", Leon said
"Because she looks kind of lifeless and a blue shot in her neck"
"Is she okay I'll be right out", Leon said and hung up.
He ran out the house with only pyjama clothes on. He never would come out the house like that he said it's not business like so he always wearing a suit. He must really care about when did he start caring about her. I'm not even warmed up to her.
I don't even like I like Alex as a mother she's not lady like and is untrustable. Maybe we were raised differently I was born into a wealthy family and I guess she was born into a poor family. I don't really like Alex I don't hate her. She has trust issues, problems and doesn't like doctors of any kind.