Someone kept knocking on my door so I got up. I walked over to the door and opened it. Jamie was standing there and just stared at what I was wearing.
"What are you wearing", Jamie said
"Change your clothes we have a guest downstairs and hurry up he wants to meet you", Jamie said and walked away.
That must be that undercover fed she hired to come over. I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth. I was about to walk out the door until I forgot to brush my hair. So I went back inside into my room and brushed my hair.
I closed my bedroom door and walked downstairs. I walked into the living room to see some geizer sitting on the couch.
"Hey Alex come meet Nate he's one of the neighbors", Leon said walking into the living room sitting down next to Jamie.
"Uh-huh hey", I said walking into the kitchen staring at Nate on the way.
He's a cop cause he has a gun tucked in his belt under his shirt behind him. This is another thing I learned from that camp my father sent me to. To tell the difference between a civilian and an undercover cop. I decided to make a drink that would wake me up.
I made Summer Caffé Shakerato a cocktail cause it has coffee in it. I need to wake up and walked back into the living room. I sat down far away from Nate, Jamie and Leon.
"I see your good with drinks", Nate said
"Yeah I am", I said took a sip the cocktail.
"So Alex tell me this why are you so rude to me. I don't know you yet and you're already making yourself look bad", Nate said
"Well I don't care about your opinion", I said and took another sip.
"Well that's good but you should at least care a little", Nate said
"Before I say anything else. Leon and Jamie leave the room", I said finishing off my caffé.
"Alex we brought him over here to talk to all of us", Jamie said
"Leave now", I said and placed the empty glass on the coffee table.
"Alex bu-", Jamie said
"Alex but nothing leave or I will"
"Okay but promise me you will stay here the whole day. Also, you're starting back school", Leon said
"Uh-huh yeah I won't leave"
"Okay see you later Nate", Jamie said and winked at him.
I know what she's talking about he's going to ask me questions about something. Leon and Jamie left the house and I walked up to the door a little to make sure they weren't going to listen in.
"Come sit back down", Nate said
"No", I said and took the glass back into the kitchen.
"Don't talk to me like that I'm older than you. I have the authority here", Nate said
"Don't care who the fuck who I'm talking to the president or the queen of fucking England I always have the authority", I said and walked back into the living room.
"Alex sit down so I can tell you something", Nate said
"If you're here to ask questions then no", I said and sitting down on the arm of the chair.
"Alex I'm here to talk to you about your life in London", Nate said
"I'm not answering any questions about bloody London"
"Please don't curse in front of me. I don't like when young people curse or anybody matter of fact", Nate said
Then I realised something about Nate he really was a op. The way he talked and he had his hand behind him when I had reached behind me to get a pillow. Nate had his hand next to his gun.
"First of all, I'm asking the questions first before you ask anything"
"Fine go on", Nate said
"Stand up"
"Why?", Nate said
"Stand up or no answers from me"
"Fine. I'm up", Nate said and stood up.
I walked there to him and motioned to him to walk up. I first bent down and checked his ankles for a weapon nothing so I stood back up.
"What are you looking for", Nate looking at me.
"Lift up your arms" and he did what I said.
I know I will regret this but I patted down his private area and butt. He moved my hand once it touched his dick. I patted down his side until I came across a gun in his belt behind him. I gently tucked it into my pocket. I acted like I found nothing.
"Found what you're looking for", Nate said
"Yeah and also that you're a cop"
"No I'm not Alex I'm a regular neighbour", Nate lied
I could tell cause when he lies his left eye twitches. I also saw a police badge tucked to the side of his pants.
"No, you're not. No neighbour says I'm a regular neighbour and plus I know when someone lies"
"You sure I live right down the street", Nate lied, again and again, his left eye twitches.
"You a cop and I know it you have a badge on your side. Just come out and fucking say it or I will do something you won't like"
"What could a young lady like yourself do to a 27-year-old man like myself", Nate said
"This and plus I know I have an effect on you I patted down your dick and you immediately moved my hands. If it was someone else they would have let it happen", I said and took the gun out of my pocket.
I pointed it at him and he laughed for about 10 minutes. I stood up and walked towards him. He started back laughing again for what reason I don't know.
"What are you going to do you can't shoot a gun", Nate said
"You sure. You might not know but I know how to shoot a gun", I said and took the safety off and pointed it at him again.
"No you don't but if you think you can then shoot me right here through my heart", Nate said and I pulled out a silencer and put it on the gun.
"I don't think so you have a vest on so I want to shoot here", I said and shot him in the arm.
I learned that you shoot in the arm cause one place in the arm is where it won't hit a vein or hit a bone. That's when he started yelling out in pain. I just sat back down and laughed at him.
"Like I said you're a cop one of the feds just say it", I said and sat the gun down next to him.
"Okay, I'm a cop an undercover cop. Also, how did you get my gun it was in my belt and how did you know I was", Nate said
"I've been in this situation before and I know a cop when I see one"
"Well where did you learn how to shoot a gun", Nate asked
"Leave now and take your gun with you, you can have the silencer for free", I said and walked over to the door.
I opened the blinds on the window and saw no cars in sight. So I opened the front door and looked behind me. Nate was standing there looking at me with his gun in his belt.
"Talk about this to anyone that shot won't hit you in the arm it will be through your head", I whispered in his ear and pushed him out the door.
"Bye Nate nice talk I hope we can talk again another day", I said and closed the door.
I walked upstairs and laid down on my bed. I barely got any sleep last night so I went back to sleep. It felt like I slept for about 5 minutes. Someone was knocking on my door again and I got up. I answered the door and Chris was at the door.
"Mom and dad want you to come on", Chris said
"Okay I'm coming down", I said and followed him down into the kitchen.
I saw the whole family but not the twins. I forgot that that were still at some camp.
"I saw that drink you made this morning and want you to cater our party tonight", Jamie said
"Alright but I ain't doing that party crap for free"
"I'll pay you... what about three hundred", Leon said
"How many people will be there"
"About three to five thousand people", Leon said
"Then I want three to five thousand pounds"
"Okay fine", Leon said
"I want half in advance by tonight or no cocktails"
"Alright but first I brought some friends over to try them out", Leon said
I saw 1 geizer and 1 woman standing next to Simon. I got look through the cabinets to make sure that had the right glasses and they do.
"Yeah now what do you want"
"First my name is Charlie and I want a Strawberry-Blood Orange Rum Punch", Charlie said
"I'm Chelsey and I would like a Blackberry Mojito", Chelsey said
"Coming up I can only make one at a time so y'all have to wait a while"
First the Strawberry-Blood Orange Rum Punch I finished it in about 4 and one-half minutes. Lastly, topped it off the Blackberry Mojito with some club soda and added a slice of lime. I pushed the drinks towards Charlie and Chelsey.
"There you go all done"
"Well nicely done it looks great", Charlie said
"Alex you know how to make these types of drinks", Jamie said and the doorbell rang.
She went to go get the door and at the door was....