Alex's POV
I got up at 6 am and took a shower with the vanilla soap I had and washed my hair. I got out and it was 6:25. So I put on some red jeans, Elmo shirt, converse, and beanie. I dried my hair and let my natural curly hair down. Then brushed my teeth. After that I put on some vanilla perfume to top it off and got my backpack. I put some pencils and notebooks in my bag. By the time I got done it was 7:00 and someone knocked on my door I had put my bag down and answered the door. As I opened the door Xander was wearing a white v-neck, black pants and black vans.
"Come on before we are late Tyler and Arnold are waiting down stairs", Xander said
"Just let me get my bag", I ran over to the desk and grabbed my bag, skateboard and got my Samsung S6 edge along with my off the charger.
We walked down the hallway and stairs in silence. Once into the living room Jamie and Leon were on the couch. I grabbed an apple off the table sat down on the armchair next to Arnold.
"So since it's your first day in high school with these 3 you should get all there numbers just for emergency", Jamie said
"Okay", Then I took everybody's phone and put my number in there phone.
"Well have fun at school", Leon said and got up. He walked over to the door and closed it behind us.
We all got up and walked out the door. We got into a white 2015 Cadillac Escalade ESV and drove off. Xander drove and Tyler was in the front seat. So I had sat in the back with Arnold.
"Well since you're here now we pick up my friends before we go to school", Xander said looking into the rear view mirror at me.
"Okay but I'm getting ride from Sam home so you don't have to wait on me"
"Who is Sam?", Tyler said turning around looking at me.
"A friend"
"Why can't you just tell us who he is", Arnold said
"Cause you can wait until I get home"
We pulled up into a driveway of a house. Xander honked the horn and a boy came out the house.
He said, "Hey how it's go-" to Xander and Tyler.
Once he saw me he stopped talking and got in. The ride was silent and I saw the school coming up in view. I saw a crowd of people around the school as we pulled up. I got out and started walking into the school once the car was in park. I opened the school's main door and went into the office that was in front of the school. That's actually pretty nice and very easy to find. The secretary lady was nice.
"Hello I'm Ms. Johnson the school secretary How may I help you?", Ms Johnson said
"I'm new here and came to get my schedule"
"Right through that door Mr. Smith will see you", Ms Johnson said
I walked over to the door and saw a man that looked like he was in his early thirties. I sat down in the chair across from the desk and he turned around in his chair.
"Hello I never seen you here before", Mr Smith said
"I'm Alex, Alex Jackson I came for my schedule"
"Oh well then Welcome to Meadow High School", Mr Smith said
"Okay here you go but come back here tomorrow so we can talk about your record and also someone will come to show you around ", Mr Smith said
"Can Xander come to my office for a second", Mr Smith said over the intercom
Wait did he just said Xander. I gotta see him again ugh. Then the door opened in and Xander came in looking surprised.
"Yeah I didn't do it Hunter did it and I was just-", Xander started rambling
"I came to tell you about our new student and show her around school", Mr Smith said cutting off Xander's rambling.
"Okay come on new student", Xander said
I got up and we started to walk out the door. Once we were out of the office and in the hallway.
"Where were you we were looking for you?" Xander said
"I walked out the car and went inside so I could go to class"
"You couldn't have waited on us", Xander said
We stopped by my locker so I put my bag in there.
"Where's the Chemistry room I have that class right now"
"Room 332 and see you later my friends are over there", Xander said and ran off to where his friends were. Wait one of those boys rode with us here. I walked to the Chemistry room and sat down while the classroom filled with students.
Xander's POV
"So that's the girl you talking about", Hunter said
"Yeah that's her"
"She living with 8 boys it must be hard", Ted said
"That's Alex well she looks nice and smart", Conner said
"Smart she is but she's hiding something"
"She a 10. Did you already call dibs on her", James said
"She's a free bird"
"How is she hiding something", Conner said
"When Leon asked about her past she left and also she's meeting up with a guy named Sam who nobody heard of"
"You're paranoid", Hunter said
"Well let's get to class before the bell rings and were late"
We all ran to math class before coach finds us walking around the hallways. We ran into class I think a little too fast because we all fell on the floor on top of each other. I looked up and saw Ms Harris looking at us angry I guess we interrupted class. We all got up and sat down in the back of the classroom. Then she started back up teaching.
Alex's POV
Next I have AP Calculus in room 456 I wish Xander would have told me where this class was. Wait here it is right next to the Spanish room which I have next. This is going to be easy I can get used to this schedule. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back. I got bored so I just took out my phone and listened to music.
After class was done I walked to lunch. Since all I had was an apple I decided to eat outside where the picnic benches were. I sat down then someone or somebody sat next to me I looked up and saw Logan my brother. Well he's not my brother by blood but he treats me like I'm his sister. I got up and hugged him.
"How have you been doing sis?", Logan said
"Good what about you"
"Fine you still coming tonight", Logan said
"Yeah but could you tell me is Sam going to be there"
"Yeah that idiot always there and also you going to finish that", Logan said
I gave him the rest of my apple and while Logan talked about him and his life story. That's why he can't keep a girlfriend.
Xander's POV
I was looking for Alex when I stepped outside there she was and she was talking to some guy. All of a sudden I was angry and he had his arm around her side. I walked up over there to her.
"Hey Alex"
"Hi Xander this is my brother Logan", she said
"Well I'm not her real brother she acts like I'm brother", Logan said
"Well hi then Logan I never seen you around here"
"I don't go here", he said
He was very build how did Alex meet a guy like this no wait where did she meet a guy like this. Whatever lunch is almost over and so is school. Well I have P.E next so I might as well get going. I can't wait to see this Sam guy since I already seen this Logan character.
Alex's POV
I said bye to Logan since next I take P.E. I walked into the GYM and sat down in the beachlers next to this girl.
"Go get changed everybody go to the locker room", Coach Jones said
Everybody got up and walked in I guess is the locker room. I followed some girls into the locker room. I sat by bag inside a locker and a girl walked up to me.
"Hey I never seen you around here you new", the girl said
"Well that means your going to need a uniform", the girl said
"Okay", I said and the girl gave me a uniform.
I changed into the uniform and it looks like a cheerleader uniform. It was basically a way too small shirt and was some shorts that stopped right below my butt.
"Do you like the uniform", the girl said
"This isn't a uniform I'm changing back into what I was wearing"
"Okay but were running today and you're going to be running in skinny jeans", the girl said and I changed back into what I was wearing.
"Okay I guess I'll be running in jeans"
All the girls walked out the locker room into the the gym. I sat down and the coach came back out.
"Everybody get up we're going outside to run a lap then coming back in". Coach Jones said and we all went outside. I saw Xander over there with his friends and Xander saw me looking at him. They walked over and walked with me.
"Sup Xander"
"Where's your uniform", Xander said
"I'm not wearing that slutty uniform"
"You know the boys at this school designed those uniforms", Xander said
"Well I'm not wearing that"
"Oh! I forgot to introduce you to my friends", Xander said
"I'm James and single", James said
"I'm Conner", Conner said
"Hunter and your name is", Hunter said
"Alex, Alex Jackson"
"I see you have a british accent you from Britain", James said
"No shit Sherlock"
"Stop talking and start running you got 4 laps and if I see someone walking that's another lap", Coach Jones yelled
We started running and after 15 laps everybody started jogging. I still had a lot of energy I wanted to actually to run more.
"Everybody inside we have to started our self defence lessons", Coach Jones said and everybody started groaning.
I walked inside and sat next to Xander with James on my right. James put his arm over my shoulder and I moved it down but he had put it back there again. Then he put his arm around my side and started rubbing on my thigh. I swatted his hand but he started back again what's his problem.
"Stop before I break your arm"
"You know you like it", James said
I grabbed his hand and pressed down on the pressure points in the palm of his hand. James screamed and pulled his hand away. Everybody was looking at us even the coach.
"Is there a problem Mr Ruiz", Coach said and walked over here and stood in front of us.
"No sir Coach Jones", James said and straightened up.
"Are you new", Coach said looking at me.
"Around here you say yes si and no sir not yeah", Coach said
"Well I never learned that"
"Then you're going to learn it today British girl stand up", Coach said and I got up.
He towered me with his height. He looked 6 feet but I was only 5'6. I followed him onto a blue mat stood there.
"Where's your uniform", Coach said
"That slutty thing I'm not wearing it"
"Okay but it's the dress code in here", Coach said
"Well I have my own dress code"
"Ms Robinson get down here", Coach said
This tall girl I mean tall and strong girl came down here she looked like a bully and very strong. I look like a stick compared to me. She stood in front of me and I had to stand back just to see her face.
"Hey toothpick", the girl said
"Names Alex you can use it"
"I don't mind using toothpick", the girl said
"Well you two are going to fight I'm going to change this into wrestling lessons instead of self defence", Coach said
"You two can start when ever", Coach said and stepped away.
"So toothpick to just make this easy just lay down now", the girl said
"No thanks I'm good standing up"
"I guess you wanna do this the hard way toothpick", the girl said and charged at me.
I moved out the way and kicked her in the back. She fell and I ran over there to her grabbed her arm. I sat on her stood and pushed on the pressure points in her hand. The girl started screaming and yelling in pain.
"Let me go, let me go, let me go", the girl yelled out and I dropped her hand.
After gym I went to my locker and got my bag and skateboard that Sam brought me. I skated down the hallways out the door and down the rail. Then rode down the sidewalk I turned left and then keep going straight. Then went right and keep straight until I saw this big brick building and it had a 4 car garage.
Sam always gotta get a big place even though him and Logan are the only ones that stay there. I got off my board and walked up to the door. The door had a 3 digit pass code. I put in 46, 32 and 21. Once I got inside and locked the door I saw Sam on the couch playing Call of Duty Black Ops. So I rode over to him on my skateboard and stopped in front of him.
"Alex no skateboarding in my house", Sam said
"Shut up I'm playing the game", Sam said
"Wait, Alex, you finally made it", Sam said
Sam dropped the controller and pulled me into his famous bone crushing bear hug.
"Alex I missed you", Sam said
"Me too and Sam how you been"
"Good but now since you're here perfect", Sam said
He let go of me and I sat down on the coffee table in front of him. I kicked my board over to the front door. Just then Logan came in and fell over my board.
"Ow who did that", Logan said while on the floor. Sam started laughing and fell out on to the floor.
"Alex I'm going to kill you and how did you get here before me", Logan asked
"Maybe because I don't my school isn't far from here"
"Not my fault I got kicked out that school", Logan said
"Also I don't have to wait for a friend to pick me up"
"Meany", Logan said
"Bitch", Logan said
"Now you two stop it", Sam said. Sam handed me a bag I opened it and all my car keys were in there.
"Thanks Sam also one more thing does the Tom's number still work"
"Yeah call him anytime you need a car delivered or fixed", Sam said
"Last thing can you drop me off"
"Fine Logan go start the car", Sam said
"But why do I have to it's not fair", Logan whined
"Start the car or no food", Sam said
"Okay did you want me to turn on the air condition too. I'll warm up the seat too if you want", Logan said
I started laughing as he ran out the door so fast once he heard food.
"Alex I will pick up after school tomorrow so don't make plans", Sam said
We got up and walked into the garage. I got my board then we got into Sam's yellow 2016 Chevrolet Corvette. I got into the driver's seat and Sam sat next to me. And Logan had to sit in the back. I drove us all the way to the Storm's place. Once there I stopped the car and got out. I pressed the doorbell and Leon answered the door.
"Hey Mr Storm this is Sam and Logan"
"Hi Sam and Logan nice to meet you and you all an call me Leon", Leon said
"Hey Leon", Logan said
"Hey Mr Storm nice to meet you too", Sam said. Then Leon stepped aside so we could get in. When we go in I followed Leon into the dining room.
Xander's POV
I was on the couch playing on my iPod until Alex came in. There was one guy he had light blond hair, green eyes and had some tattoos.
"This is Logan my brother", Alex said
"Hey I'm Logan and Alex is like a annoying little sister I wished I never had", Logan said
"An I'm Sam this idiots brother and Alex is like a sister to me", the man said
"An just how old are you Sam"
"Oh I'm 24", Sam said
"How did you meet Alex Logan and Sam", Mom said
"Oh I befriended Alex in primary school cause she was bullied back then", Logan said
"I meet her through Logan cause one day she came to our home hurt and I helped her", Sam said. Just then I looked at Alex and she was looking at Sam.
"It's time for dinner and do you two boys want to join us", Mom said
"Thank you Mrs Storm we would love to join you", Sam said
"I will go put my board down upstairs", Alex said
Then once everybody left the room I walked over to the window and saw the most awesome car through the window it was a yellow corvette. Wait she said it was Sam's car I think. How could he afford a car like that he doesn't look rich. I got up and walked into the dining room I wonder why see was bullied for.